
Regular Meeting - SRCS Board of Education
San Rafael City Schools
April 18, 2016 6:00PM
District Office - Boardroom 310 Nova Albion Way San Rafael, CA 94903

Quick Summary / Abstract:

Board President Rachel Kertz, Vice President Greg Knell, Trustee Linda M. Jackson, Trustee Maika Llorens Gulati, Trustee Natu Tuatagaloa

President Kertz convened the meeting to Open Session at 5:05 PM.
II. PUBLIC COMMENT on Closed Session
President Kertz adjourned the meeting to Closed Session at 5:06 PM, pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6.
III.1. GOV. CODE 54957.6: (ESD/HSD) Conference with Labor Negotiator: Name of Agency Negotiator: Michael Watenpaugh, Robert Pasley, Chris Thomas Employee Organization/Title: SRFT, SRTA, CSEAConfidential agenda item.
President Kertz reconvened the meeting to Open Session at 6:03 PM.
The HeadsUp Education Foundation team of Alicia Malet Klein, Amy Jonak, and Amy Pedersen, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Jesseca Chung, Terra Linda HS reported:
- On April 1 the Courtyard Dance was held to raise funds for Junior Prom.
- An April 8 rally was held in recognition of spring sports.
- Junior Prom will be held on April 30 at the Bay Club.
- Mr. Lubamersky will be the new ASB class teacher.
- She reported on ASB election results, noting that she will continue as student board member representing Terra Linda HS for 2016-17.
- Multi-cultural Week is May 2-5.
- The drama production "The Merry Wives of Windsor," will be May 12-14.
- Special Olympics for track and field will be held at the school on April 27.
- TL held the first ever Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) dance with participation from other GSA clubs around the district; a great event.

Lorrie Narcisse, San Rafael HS reported:
- Spirit Week was held before Spring Break and had the most participation of any she has experienced.
- An all school rally was held that included a good-bye skit by seniors and recognition of spring sports.
- Teachers and students are happy with the conversations that are happening at facility planning meetings.
- The Spring Musical held March 31 - April 3 was a success.
- The SRHS Jazz Band received a Superior rating at a musical competition in Santa Cruz.
- Boys soccer went to the NCS playoffs.
- SRHS Off the Leash event on April 22.
- April 22 Red and White Cavalcade
- Senior prom will be on May 21 at the Metreon in SF; a "Bowtie and Stilettos" theme.
- SRHS Lip Dub will be on May 26
- ASB elections are coming up
- Underclassmen have expressed concern about what construction on the site will mean for students. Staff will be sending out a communication to parents and students to address the concerns.
VII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS (Public comment on items that appear on the agenda will be taken at the time the item is addressed by the Board.)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives updates from district labor leaders: 1) CSEA 2) SRTA 3) SRFT
Matt Winton, SRFT: Regarding the opportunity to provide feedback to the job descriptions that have been recently taken to the Board. Superintendent Watenpaugh noted there will be union representation on the selection teams for positions.
VIII.2. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) San Rafael City Schools Education Foundation - HeadsUp
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will be presented with an update from HeadsUp Foundation executive board members. 

Alicia Malet Klein, President of HeadsUp Education Foundation and Executive Board members Laurie Pedersen and Amy Jonak, provided a status update of the Foundation's activities for the year.

- The Foundation has raised $347,200 this year.
- Funds are distributed to schools with a balanced, diversified approach.
- SchoolsRule, the Marin County School Foundation supporting all school districts in Marin, awarded $91,763 to HeadsUp, based on enrollment of SRCS.
- Business sponsorship is growing each year.
- Maika Llorens Gulati has played a critical role in SchoolsRule leadership, and expansion of the business community partnerships.
- Summerfest raised $82K this year.
- 3700 ESD students ran in the Rockn' Run week activities.

Ms. Malet Klein reviewed changes for next year:
- There will be an increase in the Foundation's budget next year, which they will use to expand the music program to the 2nd grade, with a goal to move toward providing music instruction for all students K-5.
- Funding for the middle school level funding for next year will be $55K to be used for after and/or before school enrichment outside of the school day.
- The HeadsUp Board is in support of problem solving with the district to provide a second elective at the middle schools. In the interim, Ms. Malet Klein noted that the HeadsUp Board is willing to provide temporary support so students can expand enrichment. They have worked out a plan with Venetia Valley and Davidson Middle School to provide stipends based on enrollment for credentialed teachers already working at the school sites. Ms. Pedersen noted that middle school parents want a second elective for students; it creates equity with other schools in the county.
- Executive Director Maika Llorens Gulati is stepping down from her position. Recruitment for a qualified candidate to replace Ms. Llorens Gulati is underway.
-Important events coming up are the HeadsUp Appreciation Event at Falkirk on May 3, Consistent Achievers luncheon on May 24, and Summerfest 2016 in September.

Trustees and Superintendent Watenpaugh expressed their thanks for all the work and support HeadsUp brings to district students.

HeadsUp Foundation Presentation
VIII.3. UPDATE: Capital Facilities Program
Quick Summary / Abstract:

An update related to bonds and Capital Facilities Program and the San Rafael High School Stadium project will be provided.


Superintendent Watenpaugh reviewed: the development of a Master Facilities Plan that identified $273M in facilities needs in the ESD and $181 in the HSD; the passage of Measures A and B, which unfortunately does not provide as much funding as there are needs, and the current process to establish program maps for both districts to identify the projects, timeline and budget. Community feedback on the several scenarios that were presented at 3 Capital Facilities Program workshops was used to develop the recommendations for program maps that are being brought to the Board for approval. After approval the next step is the establishment of internal and external project teams.

Ms. Schoening noted the development of a Capital Facilities Program (CFP) team is a top priority. Senior Director applicants are being paper screened with the goal to onboard a candidate in May. This person will be a new District staff position. She reviewed that RFQs (Request for Qualifications) are out for program management and architectural services. The applications are due in May, with the goal to onboard in May. She reviewed upcoming positions, testing labs and accounting and bond tracking software that will be needed. She reviewed program steps: an annual review and update of the Master Facilities Plan which is a living document; end of year closings; financial and performance annual audits; the Citizens' Oversight Committee meeting at minimum once a year; biannual reports to the Board in the fall and spring; a quarterly 'budget scrub' to examine every project; monthly project budget updates; reconciling to the district accounting system; and weekly CFP team meetings.

Ms. Schoening reviewed other project components that will be needed: project descriptions when a project nears start time; design check points; compliance with bond ballot language; contract documents; and fund demand reports to make sure there are liquid funds to complete a project.

Trustee Jackson noted the need for consistent and frequent communication to the school community, and the need to provide the Board with information about what stakeholder engagement happens for each project.
CFP Update 4.18.16
VIII.4. PRESENTATION/ACTION: (ESD) Approval of SRCS ESD Measure A: Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan for the San Rafael City Elementary School District
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Facilities (ESD) Measure A: Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan is presented to the Board for review and approval.

Recommended Motion: Approval of SRCS ESD Measure A; Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan for the Elementary School District



The San Rafael City Schools Board of Education approved a District-wide Master Facilities Plan (MFP) in July 2015. The MFP was developed collaboratively over more than 18 months with school community engagement and included identification of needs and envisioning of capital improvements at all schools within the Elementary and High School Districts. The MFP identified approximately $273 million in need for the ESD. In November 2015, the San Rafael community overwhelmingly supported Measures A & B to improve our school facilities. Measure A provides approximately $108 million to fund updates in the ESD.

An initial, illustrative implementation plan was presented to the Board in January 2016. Since then, staff and consultants have further calibrated a program budget based on the Master Plan Architect’s conceptual costs and the Chief Business Official’s funding estimates. The program master budget now also includes allowances for a program reserve, project contingencies and escalation. The program has been scheduled over approximately eight years, and program management costs, both District staff and consultants, have been projected and included in the program budget calibrations.

At the direction of the Board, a series of community workshops was conducted throughout March 2016 with the school community, Board of Education and District leadership. Three workshops were hosted at schools across the District, with more than 200 people attending. The workshops provided opportunities for the District to solicit input and feedback to inform the development of the implementation plans, with the goal of developing plans that reflected the project priorities identified by the community. In addition to the workshops, online feedback surveys, hard copy feedback forms and further meetings at sites provided additional community-generated information on priorities and needs. The workshops were publicized and summaries of each workshop, along with materials and video recordings, were posted on the District website and emailed to the community.

Using the input generated in the workshops, meetings and submittals, staff and consultants were guided by the community priorities in creating several program scenarios showing project scope, schedule and budgets. These test scenarios were then presented as Program Maps for feedback and comments. The majority of school community participants indicated preference for one scenario, with comments. Staff and consultants then made further revisions to the preferred Program Map, according to those comments.

The process of input from the school community and District leadership has resulted in a Program Map for the Capital Facilities Program work in the Elementary School District. This Program Map establishes and illustrates a general outline of prioritized projects, budgets and schedule, while balancing estimated revenue and expenditures, projecting cash flow and projecting management costs, escalation and contingencies. The resulting work represents a set of conceptual program estimates; much work remains to be done to develop detailed cost estimates, plan and schedule the design and construction, monitor market conditions, and adjust scopes to fit within a more detailed program budget.  It must be assumed that estimates such as revenue, costs and escalation will change over the life of the program. Therefore, it is vital that the District leadership and Board revisit the Program Map scope, schedule and budget at regular intervals to update and reflect those and other cost factors.

The Program Map establishes a context for the whole capital facilities program based on currently available and anticipated funding.  It is now appropriate to begin detailed project design and planning for implementation of the next two years of the program.  Planning for subsequent work and phases will be done as the program progresses. Staff will update the Board at regular intervals and as future work shown on the Program Map near starting points for design.

This first phase of implementation will include procurement and assignment of project teams to sites and to projects identified in years two (2) and three (3) of the Program Map. Project teams will be led by the new Senior Director, Capital Facilities Program, and will include design professionals (architects, engineers, landscape architects and others as appropriate), CEQA consultants; project and/or construction managers, and other assistance as necessary.  Activities for each site will include Schematic Design consultation and Design Development, alignment with the Program Map and incorporation of CEQA studies and plans, value engineering and constructability reviews and many other project activities. The foundation of the activities of the project teams will be collaboration with school site representatives, including students, teachers, staff, parents and community members. The Senior Director will bring design, budget and schedule updates to the Board at appropriate intervals during Design Development, Contract Documents and Contract Administration phases.  Board action requests will be presented as required, generally prior to general contractor prequalification, bidding and contract award(s).

In order to proceed with detailed design and planning, as described above, for years two and three of the Program Map, staff asks that the Board approves ESD Measure A: Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan.

Current Considerations:

Sites:  Under the Measure A: Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan, project planning and design would begin at:

Bahia Vista Elementary School

Davidson Middle School

Glenwood Elementary School

Laurel Dell Elementary School

San Pedro Elementary School

Venetia Valley K-8 School

Sequencing:   As the District acquires its program team, the workload of onboarding design and other professionals will be sequenced according to activity duration and efficient use of services.

Scopes:   Project scopes at each site are generally identified in the Program Map, and are based on prioritized MFP projects. As design and CEQA studies progress, these scopes will be developed in more detail and adjusted to fit budgets. The Senior Director will update the Board regarding design development, budget congruence and MFP alignment at each site.

Budgets:   Program budgets, especially at the outset of a capital program, are conceptual estimates and include assumed values and factors. These values and factors will change. Staff recommends that the budgets illustrated in each year form project budget targets, so that expenditures in future years are preserved. This preserves budget allocations, not project scopes.

Other Summer Projects: The District Maintenance Team will continue to work on developing Routine Maintenance projects each summer.  These projects will be funded by Routine Restricted Maintenance funds and are separate from the overall Bond Program. 

Financial Impact:

Work under this Implementation Plan will be funded by various funding sources, including Measure A General Obligation Bonds, state funding, when available, other State sources such as Proposition 39 and local funds from contributions to Deferred Maintenance.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of SRCS ESD Measure A; Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan for the Elementary School District. 


Approval of SRCS ESD Measure A; Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan for the Elementary School District, with trustee Jackson's amendments to delete traffic and drop off from the list of priorities and add instead to the givens as: safe routes and parking and drop off. 

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
CBO Chris Thomas acknowledged the team effort that made the development of program maps recommendations a community process.

Ms. Schoening and architect Marcus Hibser, provided background on the recommended program map for the ESD. An open process with 3 community workshops and follow-up meetings was used to gather input on the prioritization of projects. Workshop 1 was a review of the constraints and compliance issues that need to be taken into consideration with the program as well as discussion on District-wide priorities. Workshop 2 engaged community members in discussions to provide feedback on test scenarios that were reviewed. Workshop 3 used consensus from the feedback from the Workshop 2 and survey input to develop refined scenarios.

Ms. Schoening reviewed baseline of the program map is for an 8-year program, recognizing cash flow constraints, a lean /conservative budget which includes contingencies and escalations, swing space and sequencing.

Mr. Hibser acknowledged the difficult conversations in the ESD to establish a list of priorities and schedule. Parity rose to the top in discussions, as an umbrella over the entire district. The map recommendation is an attempt to push forward the work of as many sites as possible in the front end of the program, with some of the larger projects such as Venetia Valley and Davidson MS towards the end of the program. He noted the district's eligibility for state bond funding should it be passed.

Mr. Hibser highlighted recommended program map /Scenario B4:
- Year 2: BV lunch shelter was moved forward
- Year 2: VV lunch structure was moved up
- Year 2: DMS air conditioning in the administration building
- Year 3: DMS and VV get STEAM expansion
- In the center of the program is Short with 4 permanent classrooms,a MPR and a library. If done in modular, all the program elements can be done on campus.

In response to President Kertz's request for an update on what has happened in meetings with the Short community since the last workshop, CBO Thomas provided a brief summary of discussions with the Short community about: immediate needs including a library, which is planned to be put in this summer; play areas that can be created in the space; looking for a field product to provide better use of the field; and extension of the Hibser Yamauchi Architect contract to conduct revisioning meetings with the Short community.

Mr. Hibser continued his review of the recommended map:
- DMS expansion of the gym in Year 5, along with additional classrooms and locker rooms
- Year 5: VV phase the larger of the buildings
- Year 7: will be the larger project at DMS for MPR, music and CTE classrooms
- Year 7: VV 2-story classroom building at the center of campus
- Year 3: Parking and drop off to relieve congestion at VV and on the roadway will be done earlier in the program

Trustee Jackson requested that traffic and drop off be taken off the list of priorities, recalling that it was not on the list at the workshops, and noting it should be referred to as 'safe routes' instead. After trustee discussion, Superintendent Watenpaugh suggested parking and drop off be taken off the list of priorities and added to the list of givens as 'safe routes to schools and parking and drop off.'

In response to questions from Trustee Jackson regarding library/ media centers, Mr. Hibser noted that it is not a priority at VV or DMS libraries; at the K-5 level, Laurel Dell and Short will be getting libraries to bring parity with other K-5 sites.

Public Comment was recognized:
- A neighbor of Gerstle Park noted her views and concerns about parity with the drop in budget for Short School from the first workshop to the second.
- In response to a question from a Laurel Dell parent, staff noted that bathrooms are required to be included in the Kindergarten portables that will be installed.

Trustee Tuatagaloa expressed thanks to Ms. Schoening, Mr. Hibser and the district team that worked on the spreadsheet scenarios. He noted that logistically some projects were shifted after community input, but in the end the goal was to serve as many students and sites as possible. He reminded the public that although it appears Short School is not receiving as much in this program, Short has received quite a lot of modernization in the last several years as the site has been built out to accommodate growth with the addition of grade levels. He noted the long-term vision of the Master Facilities Plan is to update all school sites, but there is not enough money from Measures A and B; however, immediate needs can be addressed. Mr. Hibser will work with the Short community on a new vision, noting because the size of the campus is small, there are related issues that will need to be considered. Logistically, Laurel Dell and Short cannot be done at the same time. He noted the possibility that the District may seek a future bond measure to complete projects that could not be addressed in this program.
SRCS ESD Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan
VIII.5. PRESENTATION/ACTION: (HSD) Approval of SRCS HSD Measure B: Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan for the San Rafael City High School District
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Facilities (HSD) Measure B: Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan is presented to the Board for review and approval.

Recommended Motion: Approval of the SRCS HSD Measure B: Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan for the High School District.



The San Rafael City Schools Board of Education approved a District-wide Master Facilities Plan (MFP) in July 2015. The MFP was developed collaboratively over more than 18 months with school community engagement and included identification of needs and envisioning of capital improvements at all schools within the Elementary and High School Districts.  The MFP identified approximately $181 million in need for the HSD. In November 2015, the San Rafael community overwhelmingly supported Measures A & B to improve our school facilities. Measure B provides approximately $161 million to fund updates in the HSD.

An initial, illustrative implementation plan was presented to the Board in January 2016. Since then, staff and consultants have further calibrated a program budget based on the Master Plan Architect’s conceptual costs and the Chief Business Official’s funding estimates. The program master budget now also includes allowances for a program reserve, project contingencies and escalation. The program has been scheduled over approximately eight years, and program management costs, both District staff and consultants, have been projected and included in the program budget calibrations.

At the direction of the Board, a series of community workshops was conducted throughout March 2016 with the school community, Board of Education and District leadership. Three workshops were hosted at schools across the District, with more than 200 people attending. The workshops provided opportunities for the District to solicit input and feedback to inform the development of the implementation plans, with the goal of developing plans that reflected the project priorities identified by the community. In addition to the workshops, online feedback surveys, hard copy feedback forms and further meetings at sites provided additional community-generated information on priorities and needs. The workshops were publicized and summaries of each workshop, along with materials and video recordings, were posted on the District website and emailed to the community.

Using the input generated in the workshops, meetings and submittals, staff and consultants were guided by the community priorities in creating several program scenarios showing project scope, schedule and budgets. These test scenarios were then presented as Program Maps for feedback and comments. The majority of school community participants indicated preference for one scenario, with comments. Staff and consultants then made further revisions to the preferred Program Map, according to those comments.

The process of input from the school community and District leadership has resulted in a Program Map for the Capital Facilities Program work in the High School District. This Program Map establishes and illustrates a general outline of prioritized projects, budgets and schedule, while balancing estimated revenue and expenditures, projecting cash flow and projecting management costs, escalation and contingencies. The resulting work represents a set of conceptual program estimates; much work remains to be done to develop detailed cost estimates, plan and schedule the design and construction, monitor market conditions, and adjust scopes to fit within a more detailed program budget.  It must be assumed that estimates such as revenue, costs and escalation will change over the life of the program. Therefore, it is vital that the District leadership and Board revisit the Program Map scope, schedule and budget at regular intervals to update and reflect those and other cost factors.

The Program Map establishes a context for the whole capital facilities program based on currently available and anticipated funding.  It is now appropriate to begin detailed project design and planning for implementation of the next two years of the program.  Planning for subsequent work and phases will be done as the program progresses. Staff will update the Board at regular intervals and as future work shown on the Program Map near starting points for design.

This first phase of implementation will include procurement and assignment of project teams to sites and to projects identified in years two (2) and three (3) of the Program Map. Project teams will be led by the new Senior Director, Capital Facilities Program, and will include design professionals (architects, engineers, landscape architects and others as appropriate), CEQA consultants; project and/or construction managers, and other assistance as necessary.  Activities for each site will include Schematic Design consultation and Design Development, alignment with the Program Map and incorporation of CEQA studies and plans, value engineering and constructability reviews and many other project activities. The foundation of the activities of the project teams will be collaboration with school site representatives, including students, teachers, staff, parents and community members. The Senior Director will bring design, budget and schedule updates to the Board at appropriate intervals during Design Development, Contract Documents and Contract Administration phases.  Board action requests will be presented as required, generally prior to general contractor prequalification, bidding and contract award(s).

In order to proceed with detailed design and planning, as described above, for years two and three of the Program Map, staff asks that the Board approves HSD Measure B: Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan.

Current Considerations:

Sites:  Under the Measure B: Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan, project planning and design would begin at:

Madrone High School

San Rafael High School

Terra Linda High School

Sequencing:   As the District acquires its program team, the workload of onboarding design and other professionals will be sequenced according to activity duration and efficient use of services.

Scopes:   Project scopes at each site are generally identified in the Program Map, and are based on prioritized MFP projects. As design and CEQA studies progress, these scopes will be developed in more detail and adjusted to fit budgets. The Senior Director will update the Board regarding design development, budget congruence and MFP alignment at each site.

Budgets:   Program budgets, especially at the outset of a capital program, are conceptual estimates and include assumed values and factors. These values and factors will change. Staff recommends that the budgets illustrated in each year form project budget targets, so that expenditures in future years are preserved. This preserves budget allocations, not project scopes.

Other Summer Projects: The District Maintenance Team will continue to work on developing Routine Maintenance projects each summer.  These projects will be funded by Routine Restricted Maintenance funds and are separate from the overall Bond Program. 

Financial Impact:
Work under this Implementation Plan will be funded by various funding sources, including Measure B General Obligation Bonds, state funding, when available, other State sources such as Proposition 39 and local funds from contributions to Deferred Maintenance

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the SRCS HSD Measure B: Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan for the High School District. 


Approval of the SRCS HSD Measure B: Phase One Master Facilities Implementation Plan for the High School District. 

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Mr. Hibser provided highlights of the recommended HSD program map, noting discussions in the HSD were easier because the funding level available is closer to the overall need. The program map did not change much throughout the course of the workshops. He noted that the District Office and Madrone HS were identified as separate line items.
-Swing space will be added to SRHS.
- Big projects will begin in Year 3 with the science building and Madrone HS being built, STEAM at TLHS and expansion to the CTE building.
- Year 4: SRHS will get a new administration building, which will create additional space for classrooms.
- Year 4: TLHS will get a new 2nd gym to bring parity with SRHS.
- Year 6: SRHS will receive renovation of admininstration space to classrooms and replacement of the CTE building
- Year 7: TLHS will be coming to a close.
- Parking and traffic upgrades at SRHS are built into different projects; a traffic engineer will be consulted
- District Office expansion/renovation will come at the end of the program, which gives flexibility for prioritization of other projects.

Trustee Jackson noted that clear, consistent communication to the community will be important throughout the program. She was pleased to see total expenditures are down to $172M, a decrease from the scenario brought in January. Ms. Thomas noted that other resources such as developer fees, facility use fees, state eligibility for bond funds if they become available, and Prop 39 funds can provide other resources to close the $11M gap that will be needed.

Ms. Hibser and staff responded to Trustee Llorens Gulati's questions regarding the shared use of the science and Madrone HS building.

President Kertz summarized approval of the program maps as the end of a lengthy process in March to gather community input. She noted the engagement process that SRCS has used to allow the community to provide input on program priorities is not an effort that other districts typically go through, but it was this Board's priority to give the community the opportunity to be part of the decision- making process.
SRCS Phase One HSD Master Facilities Implementation Plan
VIII.6. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Facilities Report
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives any updates since the last Board meeting.
Director of Maintenance and Operations Dave Pedroli reported:
- Bid packages are being put together for summer projects at Glenwood, San Pedro, San Rafael HS, and Davidson MS.
- Sun Valley's rusted sprinkler pipes will be addressed.
- Venetia Valley portables and fire hydrant issues are being worked out.
- Finishing up work on heating units.
- Working with CTO Sandy Maynard to set up transfer switch for the main MDF at TLHS.
- Work to create a library space in the Short School chalet will be done this summer; also looking at play structures, play area improvements, and field turf options at Short.

President Kertz asked that items that will be addressed at Short be shared with their site council so parents are notified. Mr. Pedroli noted communications will be sent.

Mr. Pedroli will be meeting with all site principals to identify site needs.
VIII.7. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will recieve any updates since the last Board meeting regarding Common Core State Standards implementation and Marin Promise data analytics. 

1) Scope and Sequence

There was no update.
IX. CAPITAL FACILITIES PROGRAM CONSENT AGENDA: (ESD/HSD) (All items appearing on the Capital Facilities Program Consent Agenda are approved in one action by the Board. Trustees, staff or members of the public may request that an item be pulled for discussion prior to Capital Facilities Program Consent Agenda approval.)
Trustee Tuatagaloa requested CFP item # 1 be pulled for discussion.

Trustee Llorens Gulati requested CFP consent item # 2 be pulled for her recusal from voting.
IX.1. CAPITAL FACILITIES PROGRAM: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Amendment #01 to the Agreement for Architectural Services for Master Facilities Planning Services Between San Rafael City Schools and Hibser Yamauchi Architects, Inc.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review Amendment #01 to the Agreement for Master Facilities Planning Services with Hibser Yamauchi Architects, Inc.

Recommended Motion: 

Approval of the Amendment #01 to the Agreement with Hibser Yamaucci Architects, Inc.

In January 2013, the District completed an RFQ/P process to identify an experienced, qualified architectural firm to work with the District to develop a Master Facilities Plan.  Upon completion of that process, the Board approved an Agreement with Hibser Yamauchi Architects, Inc. for Master Facilities Planning Services on March 3, 2014.  Over the past two years, the District has been working with Marcus Hibser, Architect, to lead a process that included thorough site assessments and numerous site and district level meetings to gather information and input on a comprehensive needs assessment of every campus in the District.  In addition, further site meetings were held to develop and refine a “vision” for facilities at each campus. 

On July 27, 2015, the Board approved the Master Facilities Plan for both Districts that included a cost estimate per school.  The overall cost for both Districts exceeded the overall bonding capacity and other State and local revenue estimates by approximately $10 million in the High School District (HSD) and $150 million in the Elementary School District (ESD). 

In November 2015, the community overwhelmingly supported Measures A & B authorizing $108,225,000 in General Obligation Bonds for the ESD and $160,500,000 in General Obligation Bonds for the HSD.  Once these measures were passed by the voters, the District began a process to prepare program maps and develop an implementation plan through a collaborative process of school community input.  This process developed conceptual program budget scenarios, which included  program reserves, project contingencies and escalation assumptions over an eight year implementation timeline.

Continued guidance on the context, intent and cost and revenue assumptions included in the Master Facilities Plan (MFP) and in the Program Maps will be important as the District enters the implementation of the Measures A and B programs.  As the author of those data, Hibser Yamauchi is well positioned to provide that information and guidance. Staff recommends extending the services of Hibser Yamauchi through June of 2017, on an as needed basis according to the attached amendment.  

In addition, based on the feedback from the community and funding constraints, staff recommends extension of HY Architects services to work with Short Elementary School to create a new “vision” for the campus based on the budget allocated in the program maps. These services would begin immediately, and are proposed as a lump sum fee, per the attached amendment.


This amendment to the contract with Hibser Yamauchi Architects, Inc is to provide additional services related to the following:

Continue Engagement and Consultation related to the Master Facilities Plan:

  • Continue to refine needs and priorities and projects related to community feedback, including attending seven (7) meetings with District staff and committees;
  • Transition the master facilities plan to future architects performing design work, including attending twelve (12) meetings;
  • Prepare for and attend, and present at community and Board presentations, including six (6) meetings and/or presentations.

Re-vision Short Elementary School Site Plan

Based on specific budgets, Consultant will work to develop an alternative to the approved master plan for the Short Elementary School Site, which will include the following tasks and services:

  • Conduct two (2) Site Committee meetings to guide the Short Elementary School Committee through the re-visioning process;
  • Develop various scenarios for the development of an updated master plan that best utilizes the currently established construction budget for Short Elementary School of $3.9 million;
  • Develop cost estimates associated with the updated master plan vision of the Short Elementary School campus;
  • Prepare and make a final presentation of recommendations to the District Board.

Financial Impact:

The cost of this proposal is not to exceed $50,000 for the Engagement and Consultation related to the Master Facilities Plan, which will be split between the ESD and the HSD; and $12,000 fixed fee for the re-visioning of the Short Elementary School Site Plan, which will be funded by the ESD.

SACS Code: 25-0000-0-6210.00-0000-8500-700-000 NTE $50,000 (50/50)

                    40-0000-0-6210.00-0000-8500-097-000-000  $12,000

Recommended Motion:
Approval of the Amendment #01 to the Agreement with Hibser Yamaucci Architects, Inc.

Approval of the Amendment #01 to the Agreement with Hibser Yamaucci Architects, Inc.

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Tuatagaloa expressed thanks to Mr. Hibser for his continuing work to develop a revisioning for Short School.
Amendment #1 - Agreement for MFP w/ HY Architects
IX.2. CAPITAL FACILITIES PROGRAM: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Appointment of a Member to the San Rafael City Schools District Citizens Bond Oversight Committee
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board is presented with a recommended appointment to the San Rafael City Schools Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee for approval.

Recommended Motion: 

Appoint Carol Farrer as a  member to the San Rafael City Schools District Citizens Parcel Tax Oversight Committee.



On November 3, 2015, elections were held for the issuance and sale of general bonds for the San Rafael Elementary and High School Districts under Proposition 39. Bond Measure A for the elementary district ($108,225,000) and Bond Measure B for the high school district ($160,500,000) were approved by voters. The bond funds will be used for capital facilities improvements in both in the elementary and high school districts. 

In accordance with Proposition 39, the ballot language specified that an independent Citizens Bond Oversight Committee be appointed by the Board of Education to ensure that bond proceeds are spent for their authorized purposes, and to report annually to the Board of Education and the public regarding the expenditure of such funds.

On January 11, 2016 the Board approved Resolution 1668 establishing one Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for the elementary and high school district bond funds. The Board also approved Bylaws which set forth the power and responsibilities of the Bond Oversight Committee and authorized the Superintendent to take other actions which will result in a recommendation to the Board of 10 persons to serve on the Committee. 

The opportunity and process for the public to be considered to participate and be appointed to the Bond Oversight Committee was publicized twice (2/3/16 and 2/10/16) in the local paper (The Marin IJ) with an application due date of 2/18/16 at 4pm. The application deadline was then extended to 3/2/16 at 4 pm and advertised again on 2/23/16.  In addition, information on the process and applications for the Bond Oversight Committee were made available to the public on the District's website.  

To date, the Board has appointed six (6) members based on the applications previously received.

The following applicant to the Committee was received after the March 7th meeting: 



Carol Farrer

Previous Bond Oversight Committee Member, Schools Rule Executive Committee, Heads Up Executive Committee, Marin County Public Defender’s Office


In accordance with Proposition 39, the ballot language and Resolution 1668, the San Rafael City Schools Board of Education hereby considers the appointment of the following individual  to serve on the San Rafael City Schools District Citizens Bond Oversight Committee: 



Carol Farrer

Member at Large

The application is attached. 

Further, during the CBOC training that was held on April 7th for the six members previously appointed, it was made clear that any member of the CBOC cannot be employed in any capacity by the District.  Based on this information, Kathy O’Keefe has resigned her position as she continues to be interested in working as a substitute principal as opportunities arise.

The minimum number of participates required under Proposition 39 is seven members appointed for various categories clearly outlined in Prop. 39.  In addition, the Board has indicated an interest in appointing up to 10 as the Bond Oversight Committee will be reviewing the information for both Districts under Measures A & B.

Staff will continue to actively recruit for the additional 4 members over the next few weeks. Additionally, staff will work with Bond Counsel to schedule a training on the purpose of this important committee for all of the new members.

As additional applications are received and reviewed, staff will bring forward a recommendation for additional Board appointments to the Bond Oversight Committee. 

Recommended Motion:

Appoint Carol Farrer as a  member to the San Rafael City Schools District Citizens Parcel Tax Oversight Committee.


Appoint Carol Farrer as a  member to the San Rafael City Schools District Citizens Parcel Tax Oversight Committee.

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Recuse Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Llorens Gulati recused herself from voting on this item.
Application from Carol Farrer for Bond Oversight Committee
IX.3. FINANCE: (ESD) Approval of Agreement for Independent Measure A Performance Audit Services between San Rafael City Elementary School District and Nigro & Nigro, PC for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will consider the agreement for Independent Measure A Performance Audit Services between San Rafael City Elementary School District and Nigro & Nigro, PC for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, for recommended approval. 

Recommended Motion: 

Approval of this agreement for services


In November of 2015, the District passed Measure A, authorizing $108,225,000 in general obligation “school facilities” bonds under Proposition 39.  As part of the requirements under proposition39, the District is required to engage the services of an independent financial auditor to complete both a financial and performance audit. 

The objective of the financial audit is the expression of an opinion about whether the financial statements of the Measure “A” Building Fund are fairly presented, in all material respects, and in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

The objective of the performance audit is the expression of an opinion about whether the expenditures charged to the Building Fund have been made in accordance with the bond project list approved by the voters through the approval of Measure “A”.

Nigro & Nigro, PC is a professional accountancy corporation.  Their services have been used over the past 13 years for completing an independent audit of the District's financial statements of the governmental activities for the past several years.  In addition, they completed the financial and performance audits for the 2002 Bonds for both the San Rafael City Elementary and San Rafael City High School Districts.

Nigro & Nigro, PC has been performing the Independent Financial Audit Service for San Rafael City Schools for 13 years.  Jeff Nigro has been the lead audit partner for each of the last six consecutive years, however, audit partner, Kevin Breznak will be assigned for the 4 audit years included in this agreement.

They will complete the Measure “A” Financial and Performance Audits for the ESD in conjunction with the annual financial audit.  This will provide for greater efficiency, a more in-depth understanding of the fiscal background and internal controls of the District, as well as a more cost effective audit. 

This agenda item presents for Board approval, the letters of engagement and fee schedule from Nigro & Nigro, PC for Measure “A” Financial and Performance auditing services for the fiscal years of 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19.
Financial Impact:

These fees will be funded by the General Fund as they cannot be charged to the Measure A Bond funds.  The maximum annual audit fee for the Measure A financial and performance audits for San Rafael City Elementary District are as follows:

Annual Rates:

2015-16     $7,500

2016-17     $7,500

2017-18     $7,500

2018-19     $7,500

SACS Code:  01-0000-0-5809.00-0000-8200-700-000-000

Recommended Motion:

Approval of this agreement for services.


Approval of this agreement for services.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Nigro and Nigro Services - ESD Measure A
IX.4. FINANCE: (HSD) Approval of Agreement for Independent Measure B Performance Audit Services between San Rafael City High School District and Nigro & Nigro, PC for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will consider the agreement for Independent Measure A Performance Audit Services between San Rafael City High School District and Nigro & Nigro, PC for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, for recommended approval.

Recommended Motion: 

Approval of this agreement for services.


In November of 2015, the District passed Measure B, authorizing $160,500,000 in general obligation “school facilities” bonds under Proposition 39.  As part of the requirements under proposition39, the District is required to engage the services of an independent financial auditor to complete both a financial and performance audit.

The objective of the financial audit is the expression of an opinion about whether the financial statements of the Measure “B” Building Fund are fairly presented, in all material respects, and in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

The objective of the performance audit is the expression of an opinion about whether the expenditures charged to the Building Fund have been made in accordance with the bond project list approved by the voters through the approval of Measure “B”.

Nigro & Nigro, PC is a professional accountancy corporation.  Their services have been used over the past 13 years for completing an independent audit of the District's financial statements of the governmental activities for the past several years.  In addition, they completed the financial and performance audits for the 2002 Bonds for both the San Rafael City Elementary and San Rafael City High School Districts.


Nigro & Nigro, PC has been performing the Independent Financial Audit Service for San Rafael City Schools for 13 years.  Jeff Nigro has been the lead audit partner for each of the last six consecutive years, however, audit partner, Kevin Breznak will be assigned for the 4 audit years included in this agreement.

They will complete the Measure “B” Financial and Performance Audits for the HSD in conjunction with the annual financial audit.  This will provide for greater efficiency, a more in-depth understanding of the fiscal background and internal controls of the District, as well as a more cost effective audit.

This agenda item presents for Board approval, the letters of engagement and fee schedule from Nigro & Nigro, PC for Measure “B” Financial and Performance auditing services for the fiscal years of 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19.

Financial Impact:

These fees will be funded by the General Fund as they cannot be charged to the Measure B Bond funds.  The maximum annual audit fee for the Measure A financial and performance audits for San Rafael City High District are as follows:

Annual Rates:

2015-16     $7,500

2016-17     $7,500

2017-18     $7,500

2018-19     $7,500

SACS Code:  01-0000-0-5809.00-0000-8200-700-000-000

Recommended Motion:

Approval of this agreement for services. 


Approval of this agreement for services. 

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Nigro and Nigro Services - HSD Measure B
X. CONSENT AGENDA: (All items appearing on the Consent Agenda are approved in one action by the Board. Trustees, staff or members of the public may request that an item be pulled for discussion prior to Consent Agenda approval.)
President Kertz noted a revised personnel action report for the HSD was received.

Trustee Jackson requested Consent items #3, 4 and 19 be pulled for discussion.

Trustee Tuatagaloa requested Consent items #5, 10, 12 and 13 be pulled for discussion.
X.1. PERSONNEL (ESD): Approval of Elementary School District Personnel, Certificated/Classified
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Elementary School District.

Recommended Motion: 

Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Elementary School District.

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Elementary School District, as shown on Exhibit A (Certificated) and Exhibit B (Classified).

All changes to personnel since the previous board meeting including resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, reassignments, new hires, changes of contract, returns from leave, releases and short term assignments are included for Board approval.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Elementary School District.


Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Elementary School District.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Personnel Action ESD 4.18.2016
X.2. PERSONNEL (HSD): Approval of High School District Personnel, Certificated/Classified
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the High School District.

Recommended Motion: 
Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the High School District.


This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the High School district, as shown on Exhibit A (Certificated) and Exhibit B (Classified).

All changes to personnel since the previous board meeting including resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, reassignments, new hires, changes of contract, returns from leave, releases and short term assignments are included for Board approval.  

Recommended Motion:

Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the High School District.


Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the High School District, as amended.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
A revised HSD personnel action report was provided.
HSD Personnel Actions - REV
X.3. PERSONNEL: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Student Internship Program Agreement Between Dominican University of California, School of Health and Natural Sciences, Department of Public Health and Health Science (DUC) and San Rafael City Schools.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommendation to enter into a Student Internship Program Agreement Between Dominican University of California, School of Health and Natural Sciences, Department of Public Health and Health Science (DUC) and San Rafael City Schools.

Recommended Motion: 
Approval of the agreement.


Providing high quality learning environments for intern teachers both assists the professional in teaching and enables the District to have a first look at up-and-coming talented professionals.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the agreement.


Approval of the agreement.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
CHRO Pasley provided additional information in response to trustee Jackson's questions about the internship program. He noted that the District has had an MOU with Dominican for teachers in the past, but this is a newer component connected to the athletic program and work with athletic trainers.
Dominican University Student Internship Program Agreement 2016
X.4. PERSONNEL: (HSD) Personnel Recommendations (9-12) for Appointment of Extra Hire of Specific Categories, Coaches, Special Ed, and Extra Pay for Outside Work for the 2015-2016 School Year.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel actions for the High School District.

Recommended Motion: Approval of these Personnel actions.

Financial Impact:

Cost/Funding Source: Circumstances require extra hire for specific projects or services for the listed positions. They are funded from various categorical and site funds.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of these Personnel actions.


Approval of these Personnel actions.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Jackson raised awareness of Title Ix and potential issues with the lack of the girls sport program compared to the boys; i.e. lacrosse for boys but not girls. She also expressed concerns with the lack of female coaches and recommended it is time to review the hiring process. Trustee Tuatagaloa noted two components to Title IX: coaches being hired at the local level to find the best fit, which may need some professional development to make it the best process it can be; and challenges with providing an equal opportunity sports program for boys and girls and balancing the development of teams with the number of athletes.

Superintendent Watenpaugh noted that the coaches manual is being updated. These issues can be addressed in the update. He noted that Title IX compliance is overseen by the Human Resources office.
SRHS Spring Coach List 2015-2016
TLHS Spring Coach List 2015-2016
X.5. PERSONNEL: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Chief Financial Officer Job Description
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board is presented with the revised job description for a Chief Financial Officer, for recommended approval. 

Recommended Motion: 
Approval of the job description


San Rafael City Schools is comprised of two distinct and separate school districts, the San Rafael Elementary City School District and the San Rafael City High School District. SRCS is governed by a common Board of Education and common central support services. Over the past nine years, SRCS has continued to grow, evolve and change. The Districts’ enrollment has increased by over 2,000 students in the past eight years. Certificated, classified support and management staff has grown as we welcome new students and families. These combined shifts and changes require the organization to be agile, flexible, innovative and creative, able to respond to these and future shifts. The traditional “district office” must dramatically shift from that of monitoring compliance to ensuring schools have the support and expertise available to support student learning in every classroom at every school in the District.


As San Rafael City Schools’ District leadership transitions, the Superintendent is making a recommendation to bring forward a revised job description for the Chief Business Official position, changing the title to Chief Financial Officer with some revised duties to reflect the changing requirements of the position and the District’s vision. 

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the job description. 


Approval of the job description. 

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Tuatagaloa noted Ms. Thomas will leave big shoes to fill in the CFO position. He confirmed that staff are in contact with the unions regarding job descriptions, as they expressed an interest in providing input.
Chief Financial Officer Job Description
X.6. FINANCE: (ESD) Ratification of Warrant Register for Warrants Issued March 1, 2016 through March 31, 2016 by the San Rafael Elementary School District
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review the ESD warrants for March 2016 to ratify.

Recommended Motion: 
Ratify the Elementary District warrants for March 2016.



The warrant register reflects the vendor name, date paid, amount of warrant, and budgetary account charged.


A copy of the summary of the warrant register of all funds for warrants issued from March 1, 2016 – March 31, 2016, is attached.


Financial Impact:


Warrants are paid in accordance with the Board-adopted budget and generally accepted accounting methods.

A detailed listing of the monthly warrants are available for viewing in the Business Office, Room 505.

Recommended Motion:

Ratify the Elementary District warrants for March 2016.


Ratify the Elementary District warrants for March 2016.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
ESD Monthly Batch Reconciliation
X.7. FINANCE: (HSD) Ratification of Warrant Register for Warrants Issued March 1, 2016 through March 31, 2016 by the San Rafael High School District
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review the HSD warrants for March 2016 to ratify.

Recommended Motion: 
Ratify the High School District warrants for March 2016

Ratify the High School District warrants for March 2016



The warrant register reflects the vendor name, date paid, amount of warrant, and budgetary account charged.


A copy of the summary of the warrant register of all funds for warrants issued from March 1, 2016 – March 31, 2016, is attached.



Financial Impact:


Warrants are paid in accordance with the Board-adopted budget and generally accepted accounting methods.

A detailed listing of the monthly warrants are available for viewing in the Business Office, Room 505.


Recommended Motion:

Ratify the High School District warrants for March 2016.


Ratify the High School District warrants for March 2016.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.

Ratify the High School District warrants for March 2016.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
HSD Monthly Batch Reconciliation
X.8. FINANCE: (ESD) Approval of Agreement for Independent Financial Audit Services between San Rafael City Elementary School District and Nigro & Nigro, PC for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will consider the Agreement for Independent Financial Audi Services between San Rafael City Elementary School District and Nigro & Nigro, PC for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, for recommended approval. 

Recommended Motion: Approval of this agreement for services.



Nigro & Nigro, PC is a professional accountancy corporation.  Their services have been used over the past 13 years for completing an independent audit of the District's financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information, which collectively comprise the entity's basic financial statements of San Rafael City Elementary School District as of and for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.


Nigro & Nigro, PC has been performing the Independent Financial Audit Service for San Rafael City Schools for 13 years.  Pursuant to Education Code Section 41020(f)(2), " is unlawful for a public accounting firm to provide audit services to a local educational agency if the lead audit partner, or coordinating audit partner, having primary responsibility for the audit, or the audit partner responsible for reviewing the audit, has performed audit services for that local educational agency in each of the six previous fiscal years."  Jeff Nigro has been the lead audit partner for each of the last six consecutive years, so under the provisions of law, a different audit partner, Kevin Breznak will be assigned for the 4 audit years included in this agreement.

Given the transition in several key positions in the organization, including the CBO, it is essential that the audit team has institutional knowledge for the next two to four years.

This agenda item presents for Board approval, the letters of engagement and fee schedule from Nigro & Nigro, PC for auditing services for the fiscal years of 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19.

Financial Impact:

The maximum audit fee rates for San Rafael City Elementary District are as follows on an annual basis that shall not exceed the following:

Annual Rates:

2015-16     $25,500

2016-17     $26,000

2017-18     $26,500

2018-19     $27,500

Other costs such as airfare, travel, mileage, lodging, meals, rental and other incidental costs will be charged on an actual and necessary basis.

SACS Code:  01-0000-0-5809.00-0000-7110-700-000-000

Recommended Motion:

Approval of this agreement for services.


Approval of this agreement for services.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Nigro & Nigro ESD Audit Agreement
X.9. FINANCE: (HSD) Approval of Agreement for Independent Financial Audit Services between San Rafael City High School District and Nigro & Nigro, PC for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will consider the Agreement for Independent Financial Audi Services between San Rafael City High School District and Nigro & Nigro, PC for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, for recommended approval. 

Recommended Motion: 

Approval of this agreement for services.



Nigro & Nigro, PC is a professional accountancy corporation.  Their services have been used over the past 10 years for completing an independent audit of the District's financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information, which collectively comprise the entity's basic financial statements of San Rafael City High School District as of and for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.


Nigro & Nigro, PC has been performing the Independent Financial Audit Service for San Rafael City Schools for 13 years.  Pursuant to Education Code Section 41020(f)(2), " is unlawful for a public accounting firm to provide audit services to a local educational agency if the lead audit partner, or coordinating audit partner, having primary responsibility for the audit, or the audit partner responsible for reviewing the audit, has performed audit services for that local educational agency in each of the six previous fiscal years."  Jeff Nigro has been the lead audit partner for each of the last six consecutive years, so under the provisions of law, a different audit partner, Kevin Breznak will be assigned for the 4 audit years included in this agreement.

Given the transition in several key positions in the organization, including the CBO, it is essential that the audit team has institutional knowledge for the next two to four years.

This agenda item presents for Board approval, the letters of engagement and fee schedule from Nigro & Nigro, PC for auditing services for the fiscal years of 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19.

Financial Impact:

The maximum audit fee rates for San Rafael City High District are as follows on an annual basis that shall not exceed the following:

Annual Rates:

2015-16     $25,500

2016-17     $26,000

2017-18     $26,500

2018-19     $27,500

Other costs such as airfare, travel, mileage, lodging, meals, rental and other incidental costs will be charged on an actual and necessary basis.

SACS Code:  01-0000-0-5809.00-0000-7110-700-000-000

Recommended Motion:

Approval of this agreement for services.


Approval of this agreement for services.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Nigro & Nigro HSD Audit Agreement
X.10. FINANCE: (ESD) Approval of Purchase of a New Replacement Discovery Office Systems Kyocera 6501i B/W Copier and one new Kyocera 3501ci Color Copier for Laurel Dell Elementary School
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will consider the purchase of one replacement B/W copier and one new color copier for Laurel Dell Elementary School.

Recommended Motion: 

Approval of the purchase of new copiers



It has been determined by the district that the purchase of a new replacement black and white (B/W) copier is necessary in order to provide a greater level of support for both the instructional and office staff at Laurel Dell Elementary School.  The school currently has a Kyocera 620 copier, which is seven (7) years old and needs to be replaced. It will be replaced with a Kyocera 6501i copier.  The purchase of the new Discovery copier is necessary in order to increase efficiency, provide better support for both instructional and office staff at Laurel Dell Elementary School.

In addition, the school has requested a smaller color copier that will replace the majority of use on the numerous color printers that the teachers have been using to print many of the units that have been developed in alignment with Common Core State Standards.  The cost of toner and maintenance on the color printers is far greater than the cost of maintenance and toner on the color copier.  In addition, the color copier will provide much faster printing and a longer useful life than the color printers.  The school site will “pilot” this option to see if it is viable to consider for other school campuses.

The District will purchase a Discovery Kyocera 6501i B/W copier.  The new digital copier is significantly faster and has considerably more options for staff.  It will increase productivity and efficiency for our instructional staff.

The District will purchase a Discovery Kyocera 305ci color copier with docu feeder and cabinet.  The new color copier is significantly faster and more cost effective than the traditional color printers that staff have been using for their CCSS aligned materials/units.  It will increase productivity and efficiency for our instructional staff.

Financial Impact:

The purchase cost for the new Discovery Kyocera 6501i copier is $15,185.75 and the new Kyocera 3051i color copier is $5025.50. The annual maintenance cost for both copiers combined is estimated at $2,580.00, which is less than the cost of maintenance on the current B/W copier of approximately $3,149 annually.

SACS Code: 01-0000-0-6420.00-1110-1000-094-000-000 $20,211.25

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the purchase of new copiers


Approval of the purchase of new copiers.

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
In response to questions from trustee Tuatagaloa regarding buying versus leasing, CBO Thomas provided clarification of a cost benefit analysis that is used, providing a balanced approach of doing a combination of buying and leasing.
X.11. FINANCE: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Disposal of Obsolete Equipment/Textbooks for the San Rafael City School District
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will consider the disposal of obsolete equipment from Terra Linda High School.

Recommended Motion: 

 Approval of the disposal of obsolete equipment for Terra Linda High School.



Board Policy 3270 states:
“Sale and Disposal of Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Supplies, if the value of the property is insufficient to defray the costs of arranging a public sale, the property may be donated or disposed of in an appropriate manner."  


Terra Linda High School has determined that the following equipment is obsolete:





Zenith Tube T.V. – 17 Inch

001720 SRHSD

Poor condition - obsolete


Sentry Safe

007976 SRHSD

Poor condition - not repairable


Opascope Projector

03795 SRHSD

Poor condition - not repairable - obsolete


Magnavox TV

001576 SRHSD

Poor condition - not repairable


Magnavox VCR

001577 SRHSD

Obsolete – not repairable


Financial Impact:
COST/FUNDING SOURCE: The equipment will be disposed of or recycled at no cost to the district

Recommended Motion:

 Approval of the disposal of obsolete equipment for Terra Linda High School.


 Approval of the disposal of obsolete equipment for Terra Linda High School.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
TLHS Obsolete Equipment List
X.12. FINANCE:(ESD) Approval of the Facility Use Agreement between San Rafael City School and ANOVA Center for Education (ACE School) for Classroom Space at Davidson Annex from August 1, 2016 through July 31, 2017
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review the Facility Use Agreement for ANOVA Center for Education (ACE School), 150 Lovell Avenue, San Rafael, CA

Recommended Motion: 
Approval of the Facility Use Agreement for classroom space at 150 Lovell Avenue, San Rafael, CA



ANOVA Center for Education (ACE School) has an existing lease agreement through July 31, 2016.  The original Facilities Use Agreement, approved by the Board on December 10, 2007, an was amended on March 28, 2011, in order to add two (2) full size portables and one (1) half size portable effective May 1, 2011.  This modification increased the square footage in the lease from 8,650 square feet to 11.050 square feet.

As specified in the agreement, the district continues to lease space at the Davidson Annex (150 Lovell Avenue) to ACE to enable them to provide behavior support services, which may include functional analysis assessments, positive behavior intervention plan, and 1:1 behavior support services for an additional year.  This agreement may be extended for one additional year at that time depending on the swing space needs of the District due to construction at various schools.


This Facilities Use Agreement will continue to provide space for ANOVA to use the administrative offices and classrooms until July 31, 2017, which will enable them to provide behavior support services for one year at 150 Lovell Avenue, using a total of 11,050 square feet at a rate of $1.1033 per square fool of leased space for the 2016-17 fiscal year. 

ANOVA will continue to use the office, restroom, library, staff room and classroom space located within the main building.  They understand that they will continue to share the student/staff restroom space with the Boys and Girls Club of Marin and Southern Sonoma counties, who will continue to occupy the 4 exterior classrooms.

Financial Impact:
Effective August 1, 2016, the lease rate for the premises and fixtures will be twelve thousand one hundred ninety one dollars ($12,191.00) per month based upon a rate of $1.1033 per square foot.
Recommended Motion:

Approval of the Facility Use Agreement for classroom space at 150 Lovell Avenue, San Rafael, CA


Approval of the Facility Use Agreement for classroom space at 150 Lovell Avenue, San Rafael, CA

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Tuatagaloa noted the importance of this program to the District and the need for ongoing communication to keep Anova aware of the status of any possible need to move the program because of the need for swing space as they district begins construction projects.
ANOVA Facility Use Agreement
X.13. FACILITIES: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Addenda 39, 40, 41, and 42 to the Agreement for Architectural Services for Various Projects Between San Rafael City Schools and Marshall/Lee Architects, Inc.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review Addendums 39-42 to the Agreement for Architectural Services for various projects Between San Rafael City Schools and Marshall/Lee Architects, Inc.

Recommended Motion: 
Approval of the Addenda 39, 40, 41 and 42 to the Agreement with Marshall/Lee Architects, Inc.



Each summer, staff works on developing various summer projects to be completed at schools throughout the District (K-12).  This summer, Director of Maintenance and Operations Dave Pedroli has been working with Marshall/Lee Architects on developing the design, and plans and specifications in order to have a competitive bidding process on the following projects:

  1. Addendum 39: Exterior Painting at Glenwood and San Pedro School

    Glenwood Elementary School is in need of exterior paint and dry rot repairs to the overhangs, fascia boards and wood trim.  This school has not had exterior paint since 2003, and after 13 years is overdue.  Exterior paint and repair will protect the siding and roofing and extend the useful life of the existing buildings as well as improve the “curb” appeal for the school.

    San Pedro was painted in 2005, however, the stucco and hardi-panels on the new library building as well as the green hardi-panels and trim on the new Multi that have been damaged by students and other outside users throwing hard balls against the surface of the back side of the building are in need of paint and repairs.  This project will help to protect the new buildings, extend the useful life and improve the appearance for the school and community.  This will be an additive alternate to the Glenwood project so costs can be tracked separately, but hopefully achieve a more cost effective bid since the schools are in close proximity.

  2. Addendum 40: Exterior Painting at Davidson Middle School and Sun Valley Elementary

    At Davidson Middle School, exterior paint and repair of the 30's and 40's wing buildings which have not been painted since 2005 and are in need of paint, especially the wood trim.  Exterior paint and repair will protect the siding and roofing and extend the useful life of the existing buildings as well as improve the “curb” appeal for the school.

    Sun Valley was painted in 2004, however, the exterior paint is generally in good condition.  However, the elevator tower has damaged wood trim and is in need of exterior paint.  In addition, the fire sprinkler lines at the first and second floor covered walkway need to be painted for both protection and to greatly improve the appearance for the school and community. This will be an additive alternate to the Davidson project so costs can be tracked separately, but hopefully achieve a more cost effective bid since the schools are in fairly close proximity.

  3. Addendum 41: Exterior Painting at San Rafael High School

    The LA Building at San Rafael High School is in need of exterior paint and repairs to the exterior of the building.  This school has not had exterior paint since 2003, and after 13 years is overdue.  Exterior paint and repair will protect the exterior building “envelop” and extend the useful life of the existing buildings as well as improve the “curb” appeal for the school community.

  4. Addendum 42: Relocation of Modular Buildings at Venetia Valley

    Venetia Valley is one of three schools participating in a “pilot” program under the “Dreamers” grant (College Access Initiative) from the Marin Community Foundation (MCF) being led by the Marin County Office of Education.  In order to provide space for this important program that will support a cohort of 40 students and their families, this classroom space will be used for additional meetings with parents who will receive college awareness information and support.  It will also be used to provide additional tutoring and other academic support for the 40 students during and after school. 

    These two additional classroom portables will not be used to increase capacity for enrollment growth.


    The four (4) Addendums to the contract with Marshall/Lee Architects, Inc are to provide additional services related to the following:

  5. Addendum 39: Exterior Painting at Glenwood and San Pedro School

    Glenwood Elementary School is in need of exterior paint and dry rot repairs to the overhangs, fascia boards and wood trim. 

    San Pedro School is in need of exterior paint and repair of the stucco and hardi-panels on the new library building as well as the green hardi-panels and trim on the new Multi.  This will be an additive alternate to the Glenwood project so costs can be tracked separately, but hopefully achieve a more cost effective bid since the schools are in close proximity.

  6. Addendum 40: Exterior Painting at Davidson Middle School and Sun Valley Elementary

    At Davidson Middle School, exterior paint and repair of the 30's and 40's wing buildings.

    At Sun Valley exterior paint and repair of the elevator tower that has damaged wood trim. In addition, painting of the fire sprinkler lines at the first and second floor covered walkway. This will be an additive alternate to the Davidson project so costs can be tracked separately, but hopefully achieve a more cost effective bid since the schools are in fairly close proximity.

  7. Addendum 41: Exterior Painting at San Rafael High School

    The LA Building at San Rafael High School is in need of exterior paint and repairs to the exterior of the building. 

  8. Addendum 42: Relocation of Modular Buildings at Venetia Valley

Venetia Valley is one of three schools participating in a “pilot” program under the “Dreamers” grant (College Access Initiative) from the Marin Community Foundation (MCF) being led by the Marin County Office of Education.  In order to provide space for this important program that will support a cohort of 40 students and their families, this classroom space will be used for additional meetings with parents who will receive college awareness information and support.  It will also be used to provide additional tutoring and other academic support for the 40 students during and after school. 

Financial Impact:

The cost of the Addenda are as follows:

  • Addendum 39: 10% of the actual hard construction cost of the project at Glenwood and 8% of the Additive Alternate for San Pedro ($12,000 est.) ESD
  • Addendum 40:  10% of the actual hard construction cost of the project at Davidson and 8% of the Additive Alternate for Sun Valley ($4,500 est.) ESD
  • Addendum 41: 10% of the actual hard construction cost of the project at SRHS ($7,500 est.) HSD
  • Addendum 42: 12% of the hard construction costs of the project plus a flat fee of $7000 per portable (Leased)  ($27,800 est.)

SACS Code: 01-8150-0-6210.00-0000-8500-XXX-000-XXX (39, 40, & 41)

                      40-0000-0-6210.00-0000-8500-092-000-XXX (42)

Recommended Motion:
Approval of the Addenda 39, 40, 41 and 42 to the Agreement with Marshall/Lee Architects, Inc.

Approval of the Addenda 39, 40, 41 and 42 to the Agreement with Marshall/Lee Architects, Inc.

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
CBO Thomas provided background information regarding the leasing of portables and summer work, in response to trustee Tuatagaloa's questions regarding addendum #42.
Addendum 39
Addendum 40
Addendum 41
Addendum 42
X.14. FINANCE:(ESD)Approval of Facility Use Agreement between San Rafael City Schools and the Bernard Osher Martin Jewish Community Center for Use of Parking at Venetia Valley K-8 School
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review the Facility Use Agreement for Bernard Osher Marin Jewish Community Center.

Recommended Motion: Approval of the Facilities Use Agreement for parking facilities at Venetia Valley K-8 School.



The Bernard Osher Marin Jewish Community Center has leased parking facilities from the San Rafael Elementary School District at Venetia Valley K-8 School since 1999 to accommodate their overflow parking needs during special events.


This 3-year renewal of the Facilities Use Agreement (lease) will allow the Bernard Osher Marin Jewish Community Center to continue to use the parking facilities at Venetia Valley K-8 School from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019.

Financial Impact:

The lease rate included in this agreement for 2016-17 is $659.92 per month for 12 months, for a  total of $7,919.04 per year.  The agreement includes an annual 3% inflation on the monthly/annual rate each year.

Recommended Motion:
Approval of the Facilities Use Agreement for parking facilities at Venetia Valley K-8 School.
Approval of the Facilities Use Agreement for parking facilities at Venetia Valley K-8 School. Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
JC Facility Use Agreement - REV
X.15. FINANCE:(ESD) Approval of Extended Facility Use Agreement between San Rafael City Schools and Community Action Marin (CAM) for Classroom Space at Old Gallinas School from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review the Facility Use Agreement for Community Action Marin (CAM) at Old Gallinas.

Recommended Motion: 
Approval of the Facility Use Agreement for Community Action Marin (CAM) at Old Gallinas



For the past several years, the San Rafael City School District has partnered with Community Action Marin (CAM) to provide space at Old Gallinas for their pre-school and school-age childcare program.  Since then, the District has amended and extended their Facility Use Agreement with Community Action Marin for the same use.  The term of the current agreement ended  on June 30, 2015.

In 2009 staff installed a portable classroom that was relocated from storage in the Corporation Yard at Old Gallinas.  This portable classroom was donated to SRCS by the city of San Rafael and is not an approved Division of State Architect (DSA) portable, so it cannot be used by the school district for student programs.

In 2014, the District took back an additional space for the Early Intervention Program operated by SRCS at Old Gallinas.  This increased the number of classrooms the District is using from 2 to 3.  In order to continue to provide the same level of space and square footage for CAM, the District installed a second portable classroom next to the one installed in 2009. Although this changes the actual spaces used by CAM, the overall square footage and rent did not change.


The current Facility Use Agreement expired June 30, 2015.  This Board item extends the agreement by another 3 years to provide space for CAM to continue to operate their child care and after school program at Old Gallinas.  The current space is for a total of eight classrooms, a restroom, an office, 2 portable classrooms and other auxiliary spaces and has been updated to reflect the changes in the classrooms/buildings being occupied.

Financial Impact:
The lease rate included in the agreement form 2016-2017 is $9,653 per month for a total of $115,836 annually.  The rent shall be increased by 3% each year.
Recommended Motion:
Approval of the Facility Use Agreement for Community Action Marin (CAM) at Old Gallinas.
Approval of the Facility Use Agreement for Community Action Marin (CAM) at Old Gallinas. Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Facility Use Agreement, Old Gallinas
X.16. EDUCATION SERVICES: (ESD) Approval of Outdoor Education Dates: Venetia Valley and Short - November 1-4, 2016, Bahia Vista, Laurel Dell, and Sun Valley - November 7-10, 2016, Coleman, Glenwood, and San Pedro - November 15-18, 2016
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board is presented with the following Outdoor Education Dates for recommended approval: Venetia Valley and Short - November 1-4, 2016, Bahia Vista, Laurel Dell, and Sun Valley - November 7-10, 2016, Coleman, Glenwood, and San Pedro - November 15-18, 2016. 

Recommended Motion: Approval of Outdoor Education Dates: Venetia Valley and Short - November 1-4, 2016, Bahia Vista, Laurel Dell, and Sun Valley - November 7-10, 2016, Coleman, Glenwood, and San Pedro - November 15-18, 2016.

CURRENT CONSIDERATIONS: During the weeks of November 1-4, November 7-10 and November 15-18, 2016, the fifth grade students in San Rafael City Schools will have the opportunity to attend the Marin County Office of Education's resident outdoor school. The school is located at Walker Creek Ranch in Marshall, California. A trained staff, including a site principal and naturalists, is provided by the Marin County Office of Education to work with the students. The fifth grade teachers accompany their students to Outdoor School. High School students serve as "Cabin Leaders" during the week, participating in activities with students from their cabin and sleeping in the cabin with students each night. The students will be transported to and from Walker Creek by bus or private automobile.

Financial Impact:

Depending on the number of days students attend and the time of year, the cost of the program will be approximately $350 per student for a four-day program. The cost of the program for each teacher is approximately $200 and teacher stipends are being funded by the district. We have scheduled our attendance around the fall and winter rates, which are lower than spring rates. Families are asked to contribute to the cost to the extent possible. The balance of the cost is being covered by PTA funds, fifth grade fundraisers, scholarships, and grants. No student is turned away due to lack of funds.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of Outdoor Education Dates: Venetia Valley and Short - November 1-4, 2016, Bahia Vista, Laurel Dell, and Sun Valley - November 7-10, 2016, Coleman, Glenwood, and San Pedro - November 15-18, 2016.


Approval of Outdoor Education Dates: Venetia Valley and Short - November 1-4, 2016, Bahia Vista, Laurel Dell, and Sun Valley - November 7-10, 2016, Coleman, Glenwood, and San Pedro - November 15-18, 2016.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
X.17. EDUCATION SERVICES: (ESD) Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding Between San Rafael City Schools and Marin Head Start for the 2016 Summer Bridge Program at Bahia Vista and Venetia Valley
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This item presents for Board approval, a Memorandum of Understanding between San Rafael City Schools and Marin Head Start for the 2016 Summer Bridge Program at Bahia Vista and Venetia Valley.

Recommended Motion: 

Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding Between San Rafael City Schools and Marin Head Start for the 2016 Summer Bridge Program at Bahia Vista and Venetia Valley.


Background: The purpose of the Summer Bridge Pre-Kindergarten is to increase school readiness for children who are enrolling in Kindergarten at Bahia Vista, San Pedro, Coleman, Laurel Dell and Venetia Valley, Short, Sun Valley, and Glenwood Elementary schools in August 2016, by providing a 4 week part-day preschool program for children, including opportunities for parents and children to work and learn together. The program will take place at Bahia Vista School and Venetia Valley.

The daily schedule is 8:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M., Monday through Thursday with Parent Engagement activities on Fridays from June 28 –July 22, including a staff work day on June 27. This is the fourteenth year for the Summer Bridge Program.

Current Consideration: Classes will be held at Bahia Vista and Venetia Valley. There will be three classrooms at Bahia Vista and two classrooms at Venetia Valley. The program will run from June 28 – July 22.  The curriculum is provided by Marin Head Start.  Pre and post data will be collected to measure student growth.

That the Board approves the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Marin Head Start (MHS) and the San Rafael City Schools for the 2016 Summer Bridge program at Bahia Vista and Venetia Valley Elementary Schools.

(Exhibit A)

Financial Impact:

Grant funding from First 5 will cover teaching staff salaries, teaching assistants salaries, summer bridge coordinator salary, materials and supplies for program. In-Kind from Marin Head Start and the School District will cover facilities, hiring process costs, janitorial and incidental staff time in implementation of project.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding Between San Rafael City Schools and Marin Head Start for the 2016 Summer Bridge Program at Bahia Vista and Venetia Valley.


Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding Between San Rafael City Schools and Marin Head Start for the 2016 Summer Bridge Program at Bahia Vista and Venetia Valley.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Exhibit A - Marin Head Start Summer Bridge
X.18. EDUCATION SERVICES: (ESD) Approval of Second Addendum to the Original Contract for the After School Education and Safety Program (ASES) for San Pedro with Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) for the 2015 - 2016 School Year
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This item presents for Board approval the second addendum to the original contract for the After School Education and Safety Program (ASES) for San Pedro with Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) for the 2015 - 2016 School Year.

Recommended Motion: Approval of the second addendum to the original contract for the After School Education and Safety Program (ASES) for San Pedro with Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) for the 2015 - 2016 School Year.


BACKGROUND:  Each year, since 2000, SRCS has received After School Education and Safety Program (ASES) grant state funding to operate after-school programs at six schools:  Bahia Vista, Coleman, Laurel Dell, San Pedro, Venetia Valley and Davidson. ASES was recertified in 2006 as part of the larger Proposition 49 funding initiative granted by the state. San Rafael applied for ASES funds to Short School in 2011 and the application was approved. 

The SRCS Learning and Enrichment Afterschool Program (LEAP) after-school programs are coordinated and monitored by Jennifer Lynch. Each participating school has a site coordinator who is either an employee of BACR or SRCS, program leaders, tutors and community volunteers. The site coordinator's responsibility is to coordinate all aspects of the program. The coordinators are responsible for recruiting, training and supervising after-school tutors, program leaders and volunteers, and to schedule them to work with specific groups of students, to maintain an accurate budget, to develop enrichment programs partly by finding community members to provide services. These coordinators work closely with site administrators.

Current Consideration: Original Contract Board approved September 21, 2015, for After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program at San Pedro for $120,047. First addendum Board approved February 8, 2016 for After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program at San Pedro for $13,818.

Exhibit A: This second addendum to the origianl contract will add half the cost of an Americorp member working specially with newcomers during the after school program for the second half of the 2015-16 school year. The total additional amount is $3,000.

Financial Impact:

Cost of additional services is $3,000 to be paid from Title III funds.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the second addendum to the original contract for the After School Education and Safety Program (ASES) for San Pedro with Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) for the 2015 - 2016 School Year.


Approval of the second addendum to the original contract for the After School Education and Safety Program (ASES) for San Pedro with Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) for the 2015 - 2016 School Year.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Exhibit A
X.19. FACILITIES: (ESD) Approval of Proposal from Mobile Modular for the Installation and Lease (Rental) of 2 Modular Classroom Buildings at Venetia Valley Elementary School
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review the Mobile Modular Lease (Rental) Agreement for recommended approval. 

Recommended Motion: 
Approval of the Lease (Rental) Agreement for the two modular buildings at San Rafael High School



The District has been experiencing significant growth over the past 10 years and in order to ensure there is adequate instructional classroom space has used the majority of auxiliary space schools historically have had access to in order to provide various programs. 

Venetia Valley is one of three schools participating in a “pilot” program under the “Dreamers” grant (College Access Initiative) from the Marin Community Foundation (MCF) being led by the Marin County Office of Education.  In order to provide space for this important program that will support a cohort of 40 students and their families.  This classroom space will be used for additional meetings with parents who will receive college awareness information and support.  It will also be used to provide additional tutoring and other academic support for the 40 students during and after school. 

These two additional classroom portables will not be used to increase capacity for enrollment growth.

In order to start the design process, staff has been working with mobile Modular and Marshall-Lee Architects to identify two (2) refurbished buildings that meet specific space requirements at Venetia Valley Elementary School and has found two (2) for lease (rental) through Mobile Modular. Once the buildings are no longer needed, they can be returned to Mobile Modular.


In order to address the instructional space challenges the District is currently facing at Venetia Valley K-8 school due to the impact of ongoing growth, it has become necessary for the District to consider adding two temporary portable classrooms (2- 24' x 40') in order to continue to provide adequate space for important instructional programs.  Specifically, this will provide critical space necessary to support the requirements at Venetia Valley for the new program under the “Dreamers” (College Access Initiative) grant funded by the Marin Community Foundation (MCF).  These two classroom sized portables will provide space for this program that will support a cohort of 40 students and their families.  This classroom space will be used for additional meetings with parents who will receive college awareness information and support.  It will also be used to provide additional tutoring and other academic support for the 40 students during and after school.  

Financial Impact:

The proposal and contract agreement from Mobile Modular is to lease two 24' x 40' Division of the State Architect approved portable classrooms at a one-time cost of $6,134 per building including delivery, block and leveling of each portable classroom building; the monthly lease for 36 months of $390/mo per building; one-time return charges of $4,869 per building.  The annual ongoing costs will be $4,680 per classroom and will be funded by the General Fund.

Total initial one-time cost $12,268 FD 40

Total final one-time cost of removal $9,738 FD 40

SACS Code: 40-0000-0-5840.00-0000-8200-092-000-000

Ongoing annual rental $9,360 GF FD 01

SACS Code:   01-0000-0-5625.00-0000-8700-092-000-000 $9,360

Recommended Motion:
Approval of the Lease (Rental) Agreement for the two modular buildings at San Rafael High School.

Approval of the Lease (Rental) Agreement for the two modular buildings at San Rafael High School.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Jackson expressed her concern with the agenda item statement that suggests these modular buildings will not be used as classrooms. CBO Thomas clarified that at this time these buildings are planned to be used for the new Dreamers' program that will be funded through the Marin Community Foundation (MCF), but this should not preclude them from being used as classrooms in the future.

Ms.Thomas clarified it is important to note that these portables are to be distinguished from any portables added for enrollment growth.

Dr. Watenpaugh noted that once the District has complete information about funding for the Dreamers' program, staff will work with principals to send out a communication to parents with information.
Mobile Modular Agreement for Portable Classrooms
XI.1. FINANCE: (ESD) Approval of Receipt of Donations to San Rafael City Schools District
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review the donations for approval.

Recommended Motion: 
Acceptance of the donations



Board Policy 3290 Section 1.1 states:

“The Board of Education may accept on behalf of, and in the name of the District, such gifts, donations, bequests and devices as are offered.  Such gifts, cash contributions, donations, bequests and devices may be made subject to conditions or restrictions as the Board of Education may prescribe and/or accept.”  (Education Code 41030-41032)

The following donations were received for the San Rafael City Schools District, as follows:





Davidson Middle School PTA

All Students – Funds for New Stage

Davidson Middle School


Amy Cramer

Pre-K classroom #501

Expenses Paid for Field Trip to California Academy of Sciences 03/24/16

San Pedro Elementary

$ 477

Arizmendi Bakery

Pastries for 60 teachers - ITEAMS/CAMSP grant (professional development)


$ 150

Marin Produce

Fresh fruit for 30 teachers – ITEAMS/CAMSP grant (professional development)


$ 50


Field Trip Expenses (bus fees) for 4th Grade Class

San Pedro Elementary

$ 704.08



This agenda item presents the donations from the sources listed above, for Board acceptance. 

Financial Impact:

COST/FUNDING SOURCE: Total of donations: $12,881.08

Recommended Motion:

Acceptance of the donations.


Acceptance of the donations.

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
XI.2. INITIAL CONSIDERATION: EDUCATION SERVICES (ESD/HSD) First Reading to Review Administrative Regulation 6173.1 Education for Foster Youth
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This item presents to the Board and the public the opportunity to review the first reading of Administrative Regulation 6173.1 Education for Foster Youth. The second reading and recommended board adoption will be brought to the next meeting.


Background: Regulation updated to reflect NEW LAW (AB 854) establishing the Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program to facilitate ongoing collaboration among local educational agencies, county child welfare agencies, and county probation departments. Section on "Applicability of Graduation Requirements" revised to reflect NEW LAW (SB 172) which suspends through the 2017-18 school year the requirement to pass the high school exit exam and NEW LAW (AB 1166) which provides that a foster youth who transfers between schools or into the district after the second year of high school must be exempted from local graduation requirements under certain conditions even after he/she ceases to be a foster youth and even if the district fails to provide the required notification.  New section on "Notification and Complaints" reflects NEW LAW (AB 379) which provides that complaints of noncompliance with specified laws regarding the education of foster youth may be filed using uniform complaint procedures.

Exhibit A - Administrative Regulation 6173.1 Education for Foster Youth

Financial Impact:

There is no financial impact to the district.

Recommended Motion:

Dr. Harriet MacLean introduced the revisions to this administrative regulation to comply with 4 new laws regarding foster youth. This regulation will be brought to a subsequent meeting for a second reading and recommended approval.
Exhibit A - Administrative Regulation 6173.1
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will have an opportunity, as needed, to review the status of trustee goals as they relate to operational items that may require a study session. 

President Kertz noted a District update will be presented at the June 6 San Rafael City Council meeting. Dr. MacLean recently presented an update to the Council on the community schools initiative.

President Kertz suggested a status update on board/trustee goals be done at one of the May meetings.
XIII.1. Report Out Action from Closed Session
There was no reportable action taken in Closed Session.
XIII.2. Agenda Items for Future Meetings
Trustee Llorens Gulati requested a report on the status of a second elective.

Trustee Jackson requested a report on textbooks/learning materials with schools moving away from texts all together.
XIII.3. Board Member Reports
Natu Tuatagaloa:
- He attended the Venetia Valley Open House.
- He has been attending bond/Capital Facilities Program team meetings.
- He attended the MCSBA CIF meeting.
- He joined staff at a meeting with the Short community regarding facilities.

Maika Llorens Gulati:
- She attended the CABE conference in San Francisco about bilingual education - . She particularly enjoyed a presentation by Kathryn Lindholm-Leary, Ph.D. Professor Emerita San Jose State University, which included: Evidence for importance of Bilingualism: English proficiency by proficiency in Spanish
-For Spanish language proficiency: Dual language students score significantly higher than English mainstream. Evidence of primary academic language loss for students instructed only in English
- Higher Spanish/bilingual proficiency, higher English proficiency
- Even among highly English proficient students, higher Spanish reading shows higher English reading
- Bilingualism promotes language and literacy development
- Bilingualism enhances cognition and academic achievement
- Bilingualism encourages social development and family relationships
- Bilingualism offers advantages finding careers/jobs.

- On March 28 she attended the Buck Institute, chaperoning Davidson 8th graders for the 2016 Job Shadow Day
- On March 29 she joined a San Quentin tour with the SR Chamber Leadership Institute class
- On March 30 she attended a Marin Latino leaders luncheon
- On March 30 she attended a SRCS Facilities meeting at SRHS
- She attended the April 2 SRHS Spring play “Once Upon a Mattress”
- She attended the April 3 Beyond Differences Spring Garden Party
- She attended the April 4 Parent leadership group meeting with Linda Jackson
- She attended the April 5 Davidson Marching band performance at the Oakland’s As
- She attended an April 6 DELAC meeting. Summary of the conversation: a need for parent leadership training for parent engagement and leadership that is not just about how to teach kids; example PSP; making sure all schools have ELAC and they are meaningful; setting up DELAC meetings in different schools; transfers for homeless kids topic
- She attended the April 7 Special SRCS Board meeting
- She attended the April 7 facilities meeting for Short school with Natu Tuatagaloa. It was a full house with caring parents, staff and leadership. Principal Flynn and Chris Thomas presented on immediate plans to update the school (ie. school library, backyard, play structure, etc.) and we were able to have time to answer many questions and listen to the community. Great meeting and great community!
- She attended the April 14 SR Chamber of Commerce Leadership Institute class learning about the arts and culture in Marin County
- Last week Davidson 8th graders went to Washington DC and Boston

Linda M. Jackson:
- She attended the April 4 Parent Leadership meeting where there was discussion about the 'parent divide' and an idea for an annual gathering for newcomer parents.
- She reported her participation in 3 recruitment fairs in Southern California and one in Sacramento, tomorrow.
- She has attended LCAP Stakeholder Taskforce meetings and facility planning workshops.

Greg Knell:
- He attended the City Council meeting where Dr. MacLean presented on community schools; the same meeting where the Council voted to ban vaping in the downtown area of San Rafael.
- He is working on the library renewal of parcel tax Measure D; Superintendent Watenpaugh signed on as a supporter.
- He joined job fairs at Sonoma State University and Chico State

Rachel Kertz:
- She attended Capital Facilities Program meetings.
- She attended the Venetia Valley parent meeting regarding facilites; nicely attended by teachers.
- She attended ESD and HSD budget committee meetings and the LCAP Stakeholder workshops; a lot is happening that will feed into the LCAP.
- She has one more CSBA Masters in Governance (MIG) class to go.
- She attended the April 4 City Council meeting where Dr. MacLean presented an update on community schools.
XIII.4. Superintendent's Activity Report
Dr. Watenpaugh reported:
- He introduced and welcomed new Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Sandy Maynard to the audience.
- He introduced and welcomed new Director of English Learner programs Kathy Frye to the audience.
- He reported on recruitment for a Chief Financial Officer, Deputy Superintendent, Coleman principal and a Senior Director for the Capital Facilities Program.
- Tomorrow's meeting will mark the fourth to be held with SRTA building representatives, site principals and the district office administrative team, continuing a positive trend for communication.
XIV. READJOURNMENT to Closed Session (if necessary)
XVI. ADJOURNMENT (and Closed Session Report Out, if necessary): 9:00 P.M. (approximate time)
There being no further business, President Kertz adjourned the meeting at 8:47 PM.
4/18/2016 5:05:00 PM ( Original )
PresentLinda Jackson
PresentRachel Kertz
PresentGreg Knell
PresentMs. Maika Llorens Gulati
PresentNatu Tuatagaloa

The resubmit was successful.