
Regular Meeting - SRCS Board of Education
San Rafael City Schools
March 27, 2017 6:00PM
District Office - Boardroom 310 Nova Albion Way San Rafael, CA 94903

Quick Summary / Abstract:

Board President Rachel Kertz, Vice President Greg Knell, Trustee Linda M. Jackson, Trustee Maika Llorens Gulati, Trustee Natu Tuatagaloa

President Kertz convened the meeting at 5:01 PM.
II. PUBLIC COMMENT on Closed Session
President Kertz reviewed that public comment would be limited to two minutes per speaker, for a total of 20 minutes of public comment on Closed Session agenda.

The following individuals addressed the Board:

-Amy Fix, TLHS teacher: thanks to the Board for all they do; no extra pay for extra time she gives to students, parents and colleagues; does not feel valued by employer; salaries falling behind other districts; teachers need a raise

-Eric Thompson, TL counselor: regarding proposed teacher layoffs and budgetary issues, is it a monetary or management crisis? Why wasn't it seen earlier and a hiring freeze done? Why not look at residency verification like other districts? Why is HSD subsidizing ESD by paying 50%? Why is the district not trying to attract teachers and offering only 1%; thanks to Board for all they do

-Kevin McSorley, SRHS teacher: salary not enough to support this family; hard for teachers to give 100% when they are struggling with finances

-Marla Myles, TLHS parent: encouraged district to go back to the table for a fair pay increase; don't want to lose our good teachers to another district; will go where the good teachers are; trim the budget somewhere else

-Maya Bartolf, TLHS parent: teachers are the #1 asset; acknowledged budget complexities but can't get students college and career ready without great teachers; teachers need to make a fair wage to attract talent; look at creative funding; students feel low morale of teachers in the classroom

-Andrew Simmons, SRHS teacher: long commute to SRHS is worth it; came here three years ago and was inspired by pay scale at the time; wants to stay but salary must be competitive with other districts

-Alex Robins, TL teacher: living in Marin is not an option because of cost of living; teaching will be harder with inventive strategies needed; consider union wage request

Kent Morales, SRHS teacher: grew up in this community and is living here to be in contact with school community; pay increase makes it possible to live in Marin

There being no further comment, the Board adjourned to Closed Session at 5:17 PM.
III.1. GOV. CODE 54957.6: (ESD/HSD) Conference with Labor Negotiator: Name of Agency Negotiator: Michael Watenpaugh, Amy Baer Employee Organization/Title: SRFT, SRTA, CSEAConfidential agenda item.
III.2. GOV. CODE 54957: Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release and/or Reassignment (ESD-1 certificated)Confidential agenda item.
III.3. GOV CODE 54956.9: (ESD) Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (1 case )Confidential agenda item.
President Kertz reconvened the meeting to Public Session at 6:20 PM.
Senior Tim Bartolf led the Pledge of Allegiance
Keilani Burak, San Rafael High School reported:
- Graduation will be held at the Marin Civic Center because stadium construction will be in progress
- A Career Tech fair and Media Tech fair were held on site
- SRHS Cheer Team just took first place a the Nationals competition held at Disneyland
VII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS (Public comment on items that appear on the agenda will be taken at the time the item is addressed by the Board.)
President Kertz noted for speakers that public comment would be limited to two minutes per speaker; 20 minutes total and that the Board could not comment on non-agendized items.

-Keith Fleming: thanks to the Board for what they do; urge a fair salary increase for teachers who often don't feel respected; value teachers; contract says salary needs to stay competitive with neighboring districts; if teachers receive minimum salary, they will give minimum

-Justine Kuehle, SRHS teacher: wants to be a homeowner in this community with her students; wants to be respected and valued as a teacher

-Shaun Bond, SRHS teacher: the value of teachers as professionals and as a community resource and indispensible in the lives of their student; supports union's proposal for salary increase

-Marcos Cortez, SRHS teacher: proud to be a SR teacher, but the district is losing its competitive edge with salary scale; teachers deserve a fair salary agreement

-Mark Lubamersky, TLHS teacher: thanked the Board for their service; District falling far below comparable districts in the Bay Area; look at the 13% reserve and spending in Central Services; 50/50 split now needs to be more reasonable by looking at the number of students served which is more like 2/3 to 1/3; value what teachers do; helped district pass two parcel taxes and bond measures

-Amy Reid, TLHS teacher: thanks to Board for serving the district; can't afford to live in Marin, but loves the kids and would like to live in the community; has to start considering opportunities outside of this community which is a blow to morale

-Cristina Gonzalez Mohn, TLHS teacher and parent: growing concerns about the priortization of spending at CSO; teachers not valued and respected as professionals; need quality teachers; she provided a description of her day, giving 100% each day; as a teacher she is not a district priority after 25 years of service

-Morgan Agnew, TLHS teacher: risk of losing teachers to other districts; math applicant pool is dwindling and the District has trouble attracting and maintaining employees; District spending at central level; high costs of Bay Area living; solution is increasing salaries

-Noel Olsen, TLHS parent and classified employee in Dixie: personal look long hours teachers put in and how personal it is to them; retain great talent at TLHS

-Steve Coleman, TLHS teacher and on negotiations team: has never come to the Board before, but where District is currently going is wrong; revenues up $6.1M from three years ago and projected to go up 5% every year; teachers on a fixed income and take home less pay than last year because of STRS and health care increases;
District can afford to value teachers

-Tim Bartolf, student: consider being competitive with private schools; comparisons to Carl Jung archetype of the young hero and coming of age; mentor is the key component to prevent system collapse

-Molly Blauvett, parent: has seen loss of teachers over time to districts that pay more; support young teachers to stay here; teachers work hard and are important mentors to students; support them with the current budget

-Julie Kritzberger, TLHS parent: supports giving teachers a reasonable increase to stay competitive; dedicated teachers here; need great teachers to have great students

-Anne Pia, SRHS parent: struggling athletic program; low school spirit; low pay for coaches; need essentials to play sports; need a full-time AD at both sites; need to build sports at SR so students are not lost to other schools; Boosters raise money to fill the gap but it is not enough, not sustainable; need to partner with District to provide more support to the program
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives updates from district labor leaders: 1) CSEA 2) SRTA 3) SRFT
Katina Pantazes, CSEA President: regarding a survey on compensation and positions for classified employees that will be out this week; District will get an online report back to see comparisons to other districts; District has until beginning of July to complete the survey; a CalPERS seminar is being hosted in SRCS for classified employees. Superintendent Watenpaugh thanked Ms. Pantazes for the reminder regarding the survey and noted that the District is committed to completing the survey.

Nothing to report at this time.

Chris Simenstad, SRFT President: thanked the Board for the opportunity for members to speak to them; SRFT contract campaign over the next few months will focus on teachers being respected and valued. He reviewed activities and extra time teachers put in to go above and beyond as professionals. He stated a 1% raise after four years of no raises, after declining COLA, indicates the district does not value employees; falling behind comparative basic aid districts; $6M more in revenue in just three years. The District points out contract language of COLA + 1% but ignores the language 'at or above' comparative districts. Morale will plummet and the District will not hire the best educators; quality correlates with price and education to students will be compromised; teachers will go where they are valued and respected; essential that District revisits priorities; shared his perspective of what a 1% raise would mean for him
VIII.2. PRESENTATION: HeadsUp Education Foundation Update
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Michelene Moayedi, Executive Director of HeadsUp, will provide an update on HeadsUp activities to the Board. 

HeadsUp Foundation Executive Director Michelene Moayedi introduced other HeadsUp Board members in the audience. She provided an overview of what is new, what the Foundation funds, funding sources and fundraising activities, and press and accolades received.

Ms. Moayedi shared what is new: new website, new promotional video, new partnership with San Rafael Elks Lodge, expanded ESD music program to 2nd grade; developing roadmap to K-5 music for consistency; afternoon enrichment program at middle school to bridge the gap of elective offerings; expanding music to 1st grade next year; increasing music teacher stipends; continuing to offer after school enrichment and Challenge Day for DMS.

She shared what HeadsUp funds: music, after school enrichment at middle school, web and leadership, college consultants and Link Crew, teacher mini grants, Consistent Achievers luncheon, and reserve funds to support operations for Summerfest and Rockin' Run.

She reviewed the biggest funding sources for the Foundation: Summerfest, Rockin' Run, business partnership and grants, community and parent support and SchoolsRule.

SchoolsRule is a growing source of funding for HeadsUp each year, providing 30% of HeadsUp's funding this year. SchoolsRule has also provided the opportunity to approach large corporations such as the Marin Community Foundation, Wells Fargo, Restoration Hardware and the Marin Realtors Association. A new employee contribution campaign to support SchoolsRule through pre-tax payroll deductions is underway. The SchoolsRule Marin County Fair Gala is scheduled for June 28.

Ms. Moayedi also reported: HeadsUp has 25 direct business partner supporters for 2017, press coverage in the Marin IJ and Northbay Business Magazine; the Rockin' Run kick off was today; new fundraising events for the summer - San Rafael Colorstride 5K Run and Elks Tins on the Terrace; Summerfest is on October 7, and Book Passage event on Dec. 8.

Trustee Tuatagaloa requested that item XI.3 regarding the Capital Facilities Program Environmental Impact Report, be moved to this point on the agenda. Trustee Llorens Gulati seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0 to reorder the agenda, by the following vote:

Rachel Kertz - YES
Greg Knell - YES
Linda M. Jackson - YES
Maika Llorens Gulati - YES
Natu Tuatagaloa - YES

The Discussion/Action related to this item can be found under Item X1.3.
HeadsUp Foundation Presentation
VIII.3. PRESENTATION: (ESD/HSD) Report on Transportation
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Staff will present information on transportation ridership and schedule. 

Assistant Superintendent Business Services Doug Marquand provided a brief overview of ridership participation from each elementary site, and the number of First Student buses used for 29 AM routes and 36 PM routes. Bell schedules are staggered to run a smooth, efficient bus route. Problems have been related to reliability of buses and drivers. The addition of a 12th bus this year seems to be causing issues; working with First Student to resolve this.

The cost for the current year for 12 buses is $1.10M. Passes generate $250K in annual fees. Next year bus rates will go up based on Bay Area Consumer Price Index. The District receives some LCFF funding tied to transportation. The current contribution from the general fund for transportation is $528K.

There is a bell schedule challenge for next year with extended TK-5th grade with additional instructional minutes. Bell schedules will need to be adjusted to avoid adding an additional bus. Staff will be sharing this information and working in depth with principals.

Trustee Jackson noted the importance of getting information from, and partnering with, Marin Transit. Mr. Marquand will follow up with Robert Betts of Marin Transit. In response to Trustee Jackson's question about the impacts of extended K, he shared that management of K students on the bus with other students will need to be coordinated. Trustee Jackson expressed her concern that an 8:00 AM start time may make traffic congestion worse with the confluence of county employees and JCC staff who would be starting at 8:00 AM as well.

Trustee Llorens Gulati noted that transportation provides equity for SRCS, but costs $1M. She encouraged partnering with the City, and/or Transportation Authority of Marin. Dr. Watenpaugh noted more time would be needed to talk with all stakeholders to explore any hidden impacts. He noted that home-to-school transportation is not required by law, but the District continues it as a safe way for students to get to school. Special education transportation is separate. Mr. Marquand will follow up on Trustee Llorens Gulati's suggestion to see if Marin Transit can make stops in the SRHS and DMS parking lots.
Transportation Update Presentation
VIII.4. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Capital Facilities Program
Quick Summary / Abstract:

An update related to bonds and Capital Facilities Program will be provided.

Dr. Zaich reviewed the Education Specifications (Ed Specs) project to connect curriculum needs to the 21st century. He introduced Kathleen Moore who has worked with the California Department of Education (CDE) to improve the Ed Specs process for the state. A SRCS Executive Steering Committee with representation from Education Services has been meeting with Ms. Moore and is putting together a survey for all teachers.

Ms. Moore explained what Ed Specs are and the process. Ed Specs is a text document that describes program and needs - a means of effective communication between educators and design professionals for a better outcome for 21st century schools that puts students at the focus of the program. Ed Specs is a requirement for the CDE.

Ms. Moore reviewed major components of Ed Specs as philosophy, vision, educational goals and requirements for instructional areas, i.e. math near science. The Executive Committee drafts guiding principles and a teacher survey that will go out in April. April - June will be meetings with Ed Specs committees involving teachers, and other professionals at site level, the end users, parents and students. In July, the Ed Specs document will be vetted by the Executive Committee and the Board. The teacher survey will inform the Committee; all teachers will have a say.

Four areas will be looked at in the Ed Specs: the learning environment for 21st century learning; safety/security with secure schools that are welcoming and aesthetically pleasing; community focus- schools as community centers that are accessible, but can be closed down to prevent vandalism; and architectural quality - a stimulating and robust area for students.

Ms. Moore provided a sample of the survey being developed for teachers which will have approximately 20 questions. Ms. Moore and staff responded to trustee questions regarding the survey.

Trustee Jackson was pleased to hear creating school environments that are welcoming and aesthetically pleasing is a priority when it comes to creating safe/secure campuses.
CFP Presentation 3.27.17
VIII.5. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will recieve any updates since the last Board meeting regarding Common Core State Standards implementation and Marin Promise data analytics. 

Dr. Perez shared that the LCAP is being transferred to the new template with the new document being updated with what we are learning during this year's process. Staff are working on new actions and services to be brought forward to the Board.
VIII.6. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Facilities Report
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives any updates since the last Board meeting. 1) Master Facilities Planning
Director of Maintenance and Operations Dave Pedroli repported:
- There was a single phase underground electrical problem at BV last week that PG&E repaired after shutting off power to the school. A sewage pump and smaller pump were lost as a result; putting in a claim to PG&E
-Trimming of trees along Embarcadero continues; the neighbors are good with the trimming
- SRCS gyms are in final days of floor refinishing
- Hazmat clean-up at the Corp Yard with flourescent lightbulbs
- Roof repairs continue around the district
- An Eagle Scout built a shed at Sun Valley for his project
- Staff trapped and released an possum that was in the Auto Shop at SRHS
IX. CAPITAL FACILITIES PROGRAM CONSENT AGENDA: (ESD/HSD) (All items appearing on the Capital Facilities Program Consent Agenda are approved in one action by the Board. Trustees, staff or members of the public may request that an item be pulled for discussion prior to Capital Facilities Program Consent Agenda approval)
IX.1. CAPITAL FACILITIES PROGRAM: (ESD) Approval of Independent Consultant Agreement with Interactive Resources for Roofing and Waterproofing Design and Construction Phase Services at Davidson Middle School 10 Wing Classrooms
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board is presented with a contract from Interactive Resources for review and approval.  This Contract Proposal is for waterproofing and roofing design through construction phase services at Davidson Middle School. 


BACKGROUND: At Davidson Middle School the 10 Wing Classroom Building has serious roofing and waterproofing issues, including leaks and interior finishes damage, which are impacting instruction.  Building repairs on this older wing are urgently required.  The Capital Facilities Program has begun the process by circulating Requests for Qualifications and Proposals (RFQ/P) for Roofing and Waterproofing Design and Construction Phase Services.  In the procurement process, five firms submitted statements of qualifications and proposals.  Proposals were evaluated in accordance with the criteria contained in the RFQ/P.  Interactive Resources, from Point Richmond, was the highest ranked firm.  Their proposal includes defect investigation and structural analysis, which were not included in other proposals, but are appropriate given the age, condition, and unique construction of the “sawtooth” roof system.  The project is proposed to be funded from the original Davidson Ph. 1 Project to install air conditioning in the Administration Building.  District and site staff believe this a more critical project to be completed.  It is staff’s intent to make repairs to the roof system as quickly as possible prior to the beginning of school in August.  There may be additional repairs and remediation required once Interactive completes their investigations of the building. 

Financial Impact:

$55,250, Fund 21.  Funded by the Measure A Bond.

Recommended Motion:

Approve Independent Consultant Agreement with Interactive Resources for Davidson Middle School 10 Wing Classrooms Roofing and Waterproofing design and construction phase services. 


Approve Independent Consultant Agreement with Interactive Resources for Davidson Middle School 10 Wing Classrooms Roofing and Waterproofing design and construction phase services. 

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Natu Tuatagaloa.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Contract Proposal
IX.2. CAPITAL FACILITIES PROGRAM: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Modification No. 1 to Independent Consultant Agreement with BKF Engineers for Surveying Services to Include Title Reports for Seven School Sites
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The  Board is presented with this item to authorize BKF Engineers to provide Title Reports and background summary documents for seven school sites. 


BACKGROUND: As a part of the Capital Facilities Program, SRCS has initiated the preparation of Boundary and Topographic Surveys for eight school sites.

After completing a Request for Proposal (RFP) Process, the Board approved BKF Engineers to provide Land Surveying and Associated Services.  The Board approved BKF’s Independent Consultant Agreement at the regular meeting on January 9, 2017. 

Subsequently, SRCS is required to have current Title Reports to ensure the accuracy of survey work at the sites. The proposed Modification No. 1 is for BKF Engineers to provide Title Reports and background summary documents for:  Terra Linda High, Davidson Middle School, Venetia Valley K-8, Glenwood Elementary, Laurel Dell Elementary, San Pedro Elementary and Short Elementary.  Background summary documents include:

  • Easements
  • Recorded liens
  • Property Boundaries
  • Encroachments
  • Restrictions

Financial Impact:

Financial Impact:

$10,250 for Modification No. 1 to provide Title Reports for seven schools.   

Recommended Motion:

Approval of Modification No. 1 to Independent Consultant Agreement with BKF Engineers. 


Approval of Modification No. 1 to Independent Consultant Agreement with BKF Engineers. 

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Natu Tuatagaloa.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
IX.3. CAPITAL FACILITIES PROGRAM: (ESD) Approval of a Supplemental Service Fee for Additional Consulting Services for Laurel Dell Elementary School Project
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board is presented with this item for approval to pay a Supplemental Service Fee for additional consulting Services for Laurel Dell Elementary School Project, provided by Quattrocchi Kwok Architects (QKA). 


BACKGROUND: On December 12, 2016, the San Rafael City Schools (SRCS) Board was presented with and approved Supplemental Agreement No. 2 for Architectural Services for Quattrocchi Kwok Architects (QKA) for design and engineering services at Laurel Dell Elementary School. 

In order to assess the structural viability of keeping the multipurpose room and southern classroom wing, the District requested a structural analysis from QKA.  These Supplemental Service Fees of $2,200.00 are in addition to the total fee outlined in the Master Agreement.  

Financial Impact:

$2,200.00 charged to the Bond Measure A Program (Laurel Dell Elementary School)

Recommended Motion:

Approval to pay Supplemental Service Fee for additional Consulting Services. 


Approval to pay Supplemental Service Fee for additional Consulting Services. 

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Natu Tuatagaloa.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
QKA Letter of Request for Supplemental Fee
IX.4. CAPITAL FACILITIES PROGRAM: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Resolution No. 1726 in Support of Confirming Prequalified Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Contractors Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20111.6
Quick Summary / Abstract:

To seek authorization from the Board for the approval of Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Contractors to be considered prequalified for upcoming District projects, utilizing project delivery methods other than Lease-Leaseback.  



On February 13, 2017, the San Rafael City Schools (SRCS) Board approved Resolution No. 1713 adopting a Pre-qualification Process for Direct Contractors and Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Subcontractors. Following approval, the Capital Facilities Program completed a comprehensive pre-qualification process including receiving standardized pre-qualification questionnaires and financial statements from 35 contractors and conducting thorough financial and reference verifications for each as part of the procurement process. 

The Capital Facilities team would like to confirm the list of pre-qualified MEP subcontractors be considered pre-qualified for all types of project delivery methods for upcoming projects involved in the San Rafael City Schools Bond Measures A and B Programs.

Financial Impact:

No financial impact.   

Recommended Motion:

Approval of Resolution No. 1726 in support of deeming previously pre-qualified MEP Contractors as qualified for upcoming District projects utilizing project delivery methods other than solely Lease-Leaseback.  


Approval of Resolution No. 1726 in support of deeming previously pre-qualified MEP Contractors as qualified for upcoming District projects utilizing project delivery methods other than solely Lease-Leaseback.  

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Natu Tuatagaloa.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Resolution No. 1726
X. CONSENT AGENDA: (All items appearing on the Consent Agenda are approved in one action by the Board. Trustees, staff or members of the public may request that an item be pulled for discussion prior to Consent Agenda approval.)
Trustee Jackson requested Consent item #1 be pulled for discussion. Trustee Llorens Gulati pulled item #7 for discussion.

M/S/C (Tuatagaloa, Jackson) the Board voted 4-0 to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of items #1 and 7, by the following vote:

Rachel Kertz - YES
Linda M. Jackson - YES
Maika Llorens Gulati - YES
Natu Tuatagaloa - YES
Greg Knell - ABSENT
X.1. BOARD BUSINESS: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of March 13, 2017
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Board meeting minutes are presented for approval.

Minutes are taken of all Board meetings as record of all actions taken by the Board. The attached minutes are being recommended for approval. 

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of March 13, 2017.


Approval of the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of March 13, 2017, as revised.
Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.

Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Jackson noted a previous revision to the minutes and included an additional revision for item VIII.3 to add a sentence "Trustee Jackson thanked Trustee Gulati for her persistence and the district for not give up on this effort last year."
X.2. PERSONNEL: (ESD) Approval of Elementary School District Personnel, Certificated/Classified
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Elementary School District.


This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Elementary School District, as shown on Exhibit A (Certificated) and Exhibit B (Classified).

All changes to personnel since the previous board meeting including resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, reassignments, new hires, changes of contract, returns from leave, releases and short term assignments are included for Board approval.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Elementary School District.


Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Elementary School District.

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
ESD Personnel Actions
X.3. PERSONNEL (HSD): Approval of High School District Personnel, Certificated/Classified
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the High School District.


This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the High School district, as shown on Exhibit A (Certificated) and Exhibit B (Classified).

All changes to personnel since the previous board meeting including resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, reassignments, new hires, changes of contract, returns from leave, releases and short term assignments are included for Board approval.  

Recommended Motion:

Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the High School District.


Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the High School District.

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
X.4. PERSONNEL (JOINT): Approval of Joint School District Personnel, Certificated/Classified
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Joint School District.


This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Joint School District, as shown on Exhibit A (Certificated) and Exhibit B (Classified).

All changes to personnel since the previous board meeting including resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, reassignments, new hires, changes of contract, returns from leave, releases and short term assignments are included for Board approval.  

Recommended Motion:

Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Joint School District.


Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Joint School District.

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
X.5. PERSONNEL: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Student Mentorship Agreement between San Rafael City Schools and the University of Phoenix For the Period of February 15, 2017- February 15, 2022
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommendation to enter into a Student Mentorship Agreement with the University of Phoenix.


Providing high quality learning environments for students in search of a mentorship in teaching both assists the professional in teaching and enables the District to have a first look at up-and-coming talented professionals.

Recommended Motion:

That the Board approves this agreement.


That the Board approves this agreement.

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
University of Phoenix Mentorship Agreement
X.6. PERSONNEL: (HSD) Personnel Recommendations (9-12) for Appointment of Extra Hire of Specific Categories, Coaches, Special Ed, and Extra Pay for Outside Work for the 2016-2017 School Year
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel actions for the High School District.

Financial Impact:

Cost/Funding Source: Circumstances require extra hire for specific projects or services for the listed positions. They are funded from various categorical and site funds.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of these Personnel actions.


Approval of these Personnel actions.

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Winter Coach List Addition TLHS 2016-2017
X.7. EDUCATION SERVICES:(ESD/HSD) Approval of the 2016-2017 Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) for Bahia Vista, Coleman, Glenwood, Laurel Dell, San Pedro, Short, Sun Valley, Venetia Valley, Davidson, San Rafael High School, Terra Linda High School and Madrone Continuation High School
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This item presents the 2016-2017 Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) for Bahia Vista, Coleman, Glenwood, Laurel Dell, San Pedro, Short, Sun Valley, Venetia Valley, Davidson, Madrone Continuation High School, San Rafael High School, Terra Linda High School, for recommended approval.  


BACKGROUND: The California Legislature enacted the School Based Coordinated Programs (SBCP) Act, AB 777, in 1981 to provide school site flexibility in the use of certain categorical resources. The act gives school districts and schools the opportunity to use this flexibility to ensure that all students, including students with special needs, are supported in their pursuit of the knowledge, understanding and skills identified in state curriculum frameworks reflected in the core curriculum of the district. 

California Education Code sections 41507, 41572, and 64001 and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) require each school receiving federal categorical funding to consolidate all school plans for programs funded through the Consolidated Application and ESEA Program Improvement into the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).

The California Department of Education developed a sample template to meet the content requirements for these programs. SRCS modified this template to incorporate elements of the District's annual strategic initiatives outlined in the proposed Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). These SPSAs are based on strategies for a continuous development, implementation, and monitoring cycle and include analysis of student performance data, setting priorities for program improvement, effective improvement strategies, and ongoing monitoring of results. The SPSA is developed, reviewed, and approved by each School Site Council (Site Leadership Team) for approval before final consideration by the Board of Trustees.

The ESEA requires all states to implement statewide accountability systems based on challenging state standards in reading and mathematics, annual testing for all students in grades three through eight, and annual statewide progress objectives ensuring that all groups of students reach proficiency within 12 years. Assessment results are disaggregated by socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, disability, and limited English proficiency to ensure that all students are academically successful.

CURRENT CONSIDERATIONS:  After review of student achievement data and school survey data, each school site and SLT/SSC have identified needs and priorities for students. The Single Plans for Student Achievement identify expenditure planning to address these needs.

Each school's SPSA identifies the date of the SLT/SSC meeting and signatures of the principal and SLT/SSC chair and staff representative. 

Financial Impact:

Approval of the Single Plans for Student Achievement by the Board of Trustees allows schools to appropriately spend categorical funding, amounting to approximately $912,054 for the elementary district and $308,754 for the high school district, or an overall total of $1,220,808.00.





Title I-Basic Grant








Title III - Immigrant




Recommended Motion:
Approval of the 2016-2017 Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) for Bahia Vista, Coleman, Glenwood, Laurel Dell, San Pedro, Short, Sun Valley, Venetia Valley, Davidson, Madrone Continuation High School, San Rafael High School, Terra Linda High School. 

Approval of the 2016-2017 Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) for Bahia Vista, Coleman, Glenwood, Laurel Dell, San Pedro, Short, Sun Valley, Venetia Valley, Davidson, Madrone Continuation High School, San Rafael High School, Terra Linda High School. 

Passed with a motion by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Llorens Gulati noted the site plans recognize all programs in each school; she would like to see all the programs that are being offered to students in our district on a friendly short document easy to share. She encouraged some of the schools to have DELAC and parent leadership representation on the site teams to make sure all demographics are represented.

Trustee Jackson also noted her desire to have a study session presentation for the site plans.
Exhibit A - BV
Exhibit A, signature
Exhibit B - CO
Exhibit C - GL
Exhibit D - LD
Exhibit D, signature
Exhibit E - SP
Exhibit E, signature
Exhibit F - SH
Exhibit F, signature
Exhibit G - SV
Exhibit G, signature
Exhibit H - VV
Exhibit H, signature
Exhibit I - DMS
Exhibit I, signature
Exhibit J - SRHS
Exhibit K - TLHS
Exhibit K, signature
Exhibit L - MD
X.8. EDUCATION SERVICES:(ESD) Approval of Amended School Instructional Minutes and Bell Schedule for 2016-2017
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This item presents for Board approval an adjustment to School Instructional Minutes and Bell Schedule for 2016-17 school year for Short School.


BACKGROUND:  The California Education Code requires that school districts comply with the following annual instructional minute time requirements or the number of instructional minutes offered by the districts in 1982-83, whichever is greater, as well as the number of school days each year. 

Grade Level




Annual Minutes




Minimum Day Minutes




Absolute Minimum Day Minutes and Method of Averaging


Minimum Schooldays of Year



Minimum Longer year Incentive Funding Schooldays




180 (240 max)

60 (10-day)


180 days




170 (10-day)

180 days

180 days




180 (10-day)

180 days

180 days




180 (2-day)

180 days

180 days

Education Code

46201 (a) (3)

46111, 46112, 46113, 46115, 46117, 46141

46,114, 46142



CURRENT CONSIDERATIONS:   Before the start of each fiscal year, the governing board is asked to approve both the school calendar and the bell (class) schedules that include instructional minute calculations performed by District staff.  Once approved, any modifications to the instructional minutes are presented for governing board approval.

In recent Site Testing performed by the District’s audit firm, it was determined that Short School’s bell schedule did not provide enough instructional minutes as required by the education code in fourth and fifth grade. Therefore, Short School has requested modification to their bell schedule and instructional minutes for the remainder of the school year in order to provide adequate annual instructional minutes. This request shortens lunch to 30 minutes and recess to 15 minutes; in addition, start time is changed from 8:40 to 8:30.  These changes result in an additional 1,700 minutes of instructional time created between March 17 and June 9.


District staff has re-calculated the instructional days and minutes for Short School, to ensure compliance with the statutory instructional time and school day requirements. The Instructional minutes and bell schedule for Short School are attached:

Elementary School District

Short School (Exhibit A)

Financial Impact:
The district expects no negative impact to the budget as the Short School bell schedule is compliant with instructional minutes time requirements.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of amended School Instructional Minutes and Bell Schedule for 2016-17 school year for Short School.


Approval of amended School Instructional Minutes and Bell Schedule for 2016-17 school year for Short School.

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Exhibit A
X.9. EDUCATION SERVICES: (HSD) Approval of AB104 Marin County Adult Education Block Grant Consortium Agreement for Services, Distribution of Funds and Required Services for Information for State Reporting
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This item presents for recommended approval, the AB104 Marin County Adult Education Block Grant Consortium Agreement for Services, Distribution of Funds and Required Services for Information for State Reporting.


BACKGROUND: The State legislators recently passed Assembly Bill 104, which is the Education Finance Bill for 2015-16. Article 9 in the bill establishes the Adult Education Block Grant (AEBG) that will replace the AB86 Adult Education Planning Grant funding with a more permanent source of funding to provide academic and support services for non-credit adult education programs.

This legislation establishes initial guidelines for consortiums developed under AB86 to receive and distribute AEBG funding and further delineates governance structure and participation responsibilities for the participating educational agencies. All agencies that continue in the consortium as members shall commit to reporting all funds available for the purpose of educating and preparing adults for the workforce and how the funds are spent. 

San Rafael City Schools is a member of the Marin Adult Education Consortium and is receiving $123,016 for 2016-17 to support the Program Outreach & Support Coordinator Position and expenses for the evening, non-credit adult ESL class at Madrone High School. The State has provided additional funding of $18,046 for items needed to meet required data and accountability reporting of adult education programs funded by the Adult Education Block Grant. The first required report is due April 30, 2017.

CURRENT CONSIDERATION: In order to meet the required reporting for the AEBG funded programs, TOPSpro Enterprise, the product mandated by the State for reporting of students enrolled in AEBG funded programs is needed. For San Rafael City Schools, this equates to the students currently enrolled in the non-credit, adult, evening ESL class at Madrone High School on Mondays and Wednesdays.The order form prepared by the state, and an Agreement for Services from College of Marin which contains the additional funds of $18,046 provided by the State for purchasing items to meet the reporting requirements. As a strategic alignment, data reported for AEBG students is the same as clients of Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act (WIOA).  

Exhibit A - AB104 Marin County Adult Education Block Grant Consortium Agreement for Services, Distribution of Funds, and Required Services for Information for State Reporting

Financial Impact:

Marin Community College District will distribute AB104 funds to San Rafael High School District in the amount of $18,046.00. Total allocation to SRCS is compensation for required services and equipment for reporting requirements. All costs for AEBG programs are covered by the grant; there are no district funds used.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the AB104 Marin County Adult Education Block Grant Consortium Agreement for Services, Distribution of Funds and Required Services for Information for State Reporting.


Approval of the AB104 Marin County Adult Education Block Grant Consortium Agreement for Services, Distribution of Funds and Required Services for Information for State Reporting.

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Exhibit A
X.10. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Aeries Services Proposal for Training and Support for the 2016-17 CalPads Fall 1 and Fall 2 Submissions
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board is presented with a Services Proposal from Aeries for training and consultancy to complete the submission Fall 1 and 2 for Calpads reporting, for recommended approval. 


BACKGROUND: Support is needed from Aeries to complete CalPads Fall and Fall 2 reporting, and for training and support in the management of Aeries products to conclude transition. These tasks will be completed by staff that have been put into place to manage and support Aeries and the California reporting requirements with CalPads. This IT position has been filled but assistance is needed during this transition from Aeries for the period January through June 2017 to complete CalPads submissions. 

Financial Impact:

ESD - $16,200.00
HSD - $23,400.00

SACS: 01-0000-0-5849-00-0000-7700-700-000

Recommended Motion:

Approval of proposal. 


Approval of proposal. 

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Aeries Proposal
X.11. BOARD BUSINESS: (ESD/HSD) Approval of MOU with LeapFrog Consulting for Support to Community Schools Partnership Council Meetings for 2016-17
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board is presented with a MOU from Leapfrog Consulting for visual facilitation and support for the three Community Schools Initiative Partnership meetings and the Leadership Council Meeting scheduled for 2016-17, for recommended approval. 


BACKGROUND: Leapfrog Consulting was founded in 2001 to support public, nonprofit, and private sector organizations working collaboratively to reach their goals and fulfill their dreams.  Their expert graphic facilitators assist organizations in leading high stakes meetings, developing a long-term vision and/or strategic plan, and creating an inclusive process for diverse stakeholders. Leapfrog Consulting’s facilitation services help people see the big picture (e.g. past, present situation, future) and understand their roles amidst dynamic change. Leapfrog’s expertise is in getting teams on the same page about a project or initiative.  Leapfrog consulting models best practices of visual facilitation, organization development, and transformative learning in working with a variety of coalitions, networks, and regions that seek to improve larger systems for collective impact.  

The San Rafael Community Schools Initiative engaged Leapfrog as graphic facilitators in this first year of development of our city-wide project.  They have facilitated the Leaders for Community meeting on September 29, 2016 and the Partnership Council meetings of November 14, 2016 and January 30, 2017 and will facilitate the Partnership Council meeting on March 27, 2017 and the Leaders for Community meeting on May 25, 2017.  

Financial Impact:


Community Schools grant carryover:

Community Relations:

Recommended Motion:

Approval of MOU. 


Approval of MOU. 

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
LeapFrog Consulting MOU
X.12. SECOND READING: BOARD BUSINESS (ESD/HSD) Approval of Revisions to Board Policy 2121 Superintendent's Contract
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board and public are presented with the opportunity for a second reading  and review of revisions to Board Policy 2121 Superintendent's Contract, for recommended approval. 


This policy was recommended for updating by CSBA to clarify the conditions under which the Governing Board may meet in closed session under the "labor exception" (Government Code 54957.6) of the Ralph M. Brown Act to discuss superintendent contact, salary, or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits.

Financial Impact:


Recommended Motion:
Approval of Revisions to Board Policy 2121 Superintendent's Contract
Approval of Revisions to Board Policy 2121 Superintendent's Contract
Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
BP 2121 Superintendent's Contract - second reading
X.13. SECOND READING: BOARD BUSINESS (ESD/HSD) Approval of Revisions to Board Bylaw 9321 Closed Session Purposes and Agendas
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board and public are presented with an opportunity for a second reading and review of Board Bylaw 9321 Closed Session Purposes and Agendas, for recommended approval. 



CSBA has recommended changes to this bylaw to clarify that the Board may not meet in closed session under the "personnel exception" (Government Code 54957) of the Ralph M. Brown Act to discuss or act upon any proposed change in compensation other than a reduction of compensation that results from the imposition of discipline. The "Negotiations/Collective Bargaining" section has been revised to reflect that the Board may meet with the district's designated representatives in closed session under the "labor exception" (Government Code 54957.6) of the Ralph M. Brown Act to discuss salaries, salary schedules, or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits to its represented and unrepresented employees, including the Superintendent.

Financial Impact:


Recommended Motion:
Approval of Revisions to Board Bylaw 9321 Closed Session Purposes and Agendas.
Approval of Revisions to Board Bylaw 9321 Closed Session Purposes and Agendas.
Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
9321 BB Closed Session - second reading
XI.1. PERSONNEL (ESD): Approval of Resolution #1727 – Resolution Releasing Temporary Certificated Employees
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Approval of Resolution #1727- Resolution Releasing Temporary Certificated Employees


California Education Code Section 44954(b) allows the Governing Board of a school district to release temporary employees.

Background: California Education Code section 44954(b) states that the Board may release a temporary certificated employee if the employee is notified before the end of the school year.

Current Considerations: Each year, the District hires temporary employees to backfill certain certificated employees who are on leave to serve in those positions and to backfill employees on leave for illness. Using temporary employees in these cases, allows the District to have flexibility in staffing and also serves as a preventive measure to overstaffing.


Financial Impact:

None. – Positions will be filled

Recommended Motion:

Approval of Resolution #1727


Approval of Resolution #1727, as revised

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Assistant Superintendent Baer reviewed that this resolution was revised with the addition of a teacher. She noted that temps are notified on an annual basis as they sign a one year contract.

The following individual addressed the Board on this topic:

Molly O'Donoghue, Teacher/Coach, SRTA Vice President: suggested that HR practice due diligence in making sure temps understand what they are signing when they are hired; there are some great teachers who are getting confused at this time of year. Make sure they are understanding the process when they are first hired.
ESD Certificated Temporary Release Resolution 1727 - REV
XI.2. PERSONNEL (HSD): Approval of Resolution #1728 – Resolution Releasing Temporary Certificated Employees
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Approval of Resolution #1728- Resolution Releasing Temporary Certificated Employees


California Education Code Section 44954(b) allows the Governing Board of a school district to release temporary employees.

Background: California Education Code section 44954(b) states that the Board may release a temporary certificated employee if the employee is notified before the end of the school year.

Current Considerations: Each year, the District hires temporary employees to backfill certain certificated employees who are on leave to serve in those positions and to backfill employees on leave for illness. Using temporary employees in these cases, allows the District to have flexibility in staffing and also serves as a preventive measure to overstaffing.

Financial Impact:

None. – Positions will be filled

Recommended Motion:

Approval of Resolution #1728


Approval of Resolution #1728

Passed with a motion by Natu Tuatagaloa and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
HSD Certificated Temporary Release Resolution #1728
XI.3. CAPITAL FACILITIES PROGRAM: (HSD) Approval of Resolution 1729 Regarding Adoption and Certification of San Rafael High School Master Facilities Long-Range Plan and Stadium Project Final Environmental Impact Report; Approval of Project
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Board discussion and possible adoption and certification of Final Environmental Impact Report (“FEIR”) for the San Rafael High School Master Facilities Long-Range Plan and Stadium Project (“Project”), including adoption and approval of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project, and environmental Facts, Findings, and Statement of Overriding Considerations pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”).  If the Board adopts and certifies the FEIR, then Board discussion and possible approval of the Project. 


Summary of Purpose/What and Why Topic is Requested

Board adoption and certification of the FEIR, adoption and approval of the MMRP, and adoption of the environmental Facts, Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations are the final steps of the CEQA process for the Project. Board approval of the Project is required for San Rafael City Schools to proceed with the Project.  

Background / Information

The need to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (“EIR”) for the Project was established by San Rafael City Schools (“District”) as a result of a preliminary review of the likely effects of the Project under the California Environmental Quality Act. The District prepared a Notice of Preparation (“NOP”), which was circulated for public review between August 5, 2016, and September 6, 2016. On December 15, 2016, a Draft Environmental Impact Report (“DEIR”) was made available to the public and reviewing public agencies for review and comment for 45-days until January 30, 2017.  The DEIR identifies the likely environmental consequences of the Project and recommends mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate significant impacts. The District prepared written responses to comments received from the public and reviewing public agencies during the comment period concerning environmental impacts of the Project.  These comments, along with the District’s responses, are included in the Final Environmental Impact Report (“FEIR”).  Furthermore, the FEIR clarifies and corrects DEIR text as required, however no new significant information has been added. The FEIR also includes a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project, which sets forth measures to mitigate the projects potentially significant impacts.  The FEIR is presented herein for adoption and certification as part of Resolution No. 1729.  The CEQA Facts, Findings, and Statement of Overriding Considerations identifies potentially significant impacts of the Project that will be reduced to a less than significant level with incorporation of the mitigation measures.  The CEQA Facts, Findings, and Statement of Overriding Considerations also balances the significant and unavoidable impacts of the Project with the benefits of the Project. 

If the FEIR is adopted and certified, Board approval of the Project is required for San Rafael City Schools to proceed with the Project, and is included as part of Resolution No. 1729.    

Where This Item is in the Process

Ready for Board discussion and action.

Intended Outcomes/Next Steps

Board approval and certification of the FEIR, adoption of the environmental Facts, Findings, and Statement of Overriding Considerations, and adoption and approval of the Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program for the Project. If the Board approves and certifies the FEIR, Board approval of the Project. Next steps would include the filing of a Notice of Determination with the Marin County Clerk and the State Clearinghouse, which starts a 30-day statute of limitations period for any legal challenge to the EIR.  

Final SRCS Environmental Impact Report can be found at:

Financial Impact:

No Additional expenses beyond the CEQA high school budget allocation.

Recommended Motion:

Adoption of Resolution No. 1729 to: (1) adopt and certify the FEIR for the Project; (2) adopt the environmental Facts, Findings, and Statement of Overriding Considerations pursuant to CEQA for the Project; (3) adopt and approve the Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Project; and (4) approve the Project.   


Adoption of Resolution No. 1729 to: (1) adopt and certify the FEIR for the Project; (2) adopt the environmental Facts, Findings, and Statement of Overriding Considerations pursuant to CEQA for the Project; (3) adopt and approve the Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Project; and (4) approve the Project.   

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Natu Tuatagaloa.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
This item was moved up on the agenda to directly follow the HeadsUp presentation.

Senior Director Dan Zaich highlighted the collaborative work that has been done with the City throughout
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) process. He introduced the team of DWK Attorney Mark Kelley, Environmental Planner Amy Skewes-Cox, DWK Attorney Jessika Johnson, and David Parisi and Penelope Amuyunzu from Parisi Transportation Consulting.

Mr. Kelley provided an overview of the process and legal requirements for the EIR which was done for the SRHS stadium project and program-wide for the SRHS site. The focus of the EIR was on traffic. He noted the number of intersections the city required to be studied made it a complicated project. Mr. Kelley noted the Board can approve the EIR now and look at other ideas later. This is the best recommendation for the district with the resources available. Mitgation monitoring program binds the District to these ideas.

Amy Skewes-Cox reviewed the steps taken in the EIR process, Notice of Preparation, a public draft EIR and Notice of Completion, and a 45 day review period for comments and responses as part of the final EIR. Changes were made based on some of the comments as appropriate. Once approved the EIR will be certified and then a Notice of Termination is filed with the county clerk. The EIR was for the overall campus modernization which includes the relocation of MHS and accommodation of projected 200 additional students, new building, demolition of some buildings and modernization of others. The EIR also included the new stadium project. Impacts were mitigated to less than significant except for certain traffic impacts.

Mr. Parisi provided an overview of the traffic analysis for existing conditions with users and flow, traffic patterns with students getting to and from school and a projection out with 200 more students. All transportation impacts were related to the long range plan for SRHS. He reviewed each of the seven transportation impact areas identified and proposed mitigation measures for each.

Jessika Johnson reviewed the Board's responsibilities with the Final EIR, noting a statement of overriding considerations that the project is being approved despite significant unavoidable impacts. The EIR is adequate and compliant. She reviewed less than significant and significant impacts 2,3,4, and 5 which are outweighed by the benefits of the projects to bring increased safety, accommodation of anticipated enrollment growth, and improved facilities with environmental considerations.

The following individuals addressed the Board regarding this item:
- Molly Blauvett, a parent: regarding problem streets in the City and impacts 2,3,4, and 5; working with other SRHS parents for student safety; suggestion of a safe pedestrian/bike path on west side of SRHS from Union to 4th Street as a safe way for students to get to school, moving the soccer field

- Montecito Area Residents Association (MARA) resident: expressed thanks and appreciation to the Board and study team for the EIR work; expressed concerns about safety and traffic along Mission Avenue curb; questioned whose responsibility it is - the District or City

- Peter Gebbie, SRHS parent: regarding bus/public transport; possibility of a specific bus transport from the Transit Center for students?

Trustee Llorens Gulati expressed thanks to Trustees Jackson and Tuatagaloa for their work with the Capital Facilities Program. She expressed her support of a multi-use path for students to be designed with the modernization of the school, looking for another seating area for students other than along the curb on Mission, and working with parents about not parking along the curb area. She inquired as to where the district is with conversations with the City regarding a safe crosswalk from the school to Montecito, and whether tennis courts would be impacted during construction. Dr. Zaich provided information about a District/City Committee that will be formed to engage stakeholders about the project; additional factors to be considered for impacts on traffic with work on the Whole Foods parking lot, and construction of the new fire station; the Site Design Committee can make recommendations on the seating area at Mission; the tennis courts will not be impacted, a multi-use path would need to be looked out with the City, noting flood zone regulations that have to be followed, and that the cost of moving the soccer field has never been in the bond fund planning.

Trustee Jackson thanked all for completing the EIR within such a tight timeline. She noted a section in the response to comments on page 110 of the EIR where the arrows are off. She noted that 10 intersections turned up to be critical. There may be a change in traffic patterns with the SRHS address change. She endorsed a committee to work with the City to look for funding and study various ideas, and expressed her desire to be on the committee. She noted that Madrone has not finished the discussion about being on campus, and that the school scenic view would be reinforced with a multi-use path going up 4th street. Dr. Zaich reviewed initial steps with MHS discussions and the Ed Specs process.

President Kertz recessed the meeting at 8:12PM for a short break and reconvened to Public Session at 8:23 PM.
1. EIR Presentation
CEQA Findings SOC SRHS Long Range Plan Stadium EIR
Resolution No 1729
XI.4. FINANCE: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Receipt of Donations to San Rafael City Schools District
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will review the donations for approval.


Board Policy 3290 Section 1.1 states:

“The Board of Education may accept on behalf of, and in the name of the District, such gifts, donations, bequests and devices as are offered. Such gifts, cash contributions, donations, bequests and devices may be made subject to conditions or restrictions as the Board of Education may prescribe and/or accept.” (Education Code 41030-41032)

The following donations were received for the San Rafael City Schools District, as follows:

Donor Item/Purpose Site Amount
Gift of Cooper Education Foundation For supplies San Pedro $ 25.00
Marin Symphony Association Field Trip Bus San Pedro $ 150.00
Mchal S. Sims Library Short $ 100.00
Total $ 275.00


This agenda item presents the donations from the sources listed above, for recommended Board acceptance.

Financial Impact:

COST/FUNDING SOURCE: Total of donation: $275.00      

Recommended Motion:

Acceptance of the donations.


Acceptance of the donations.

Passed with a motion by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Absent Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
XI.5. INITIAL CONSIDERATION: FINANCE (ESD/HSD) First Reading to Review Revisions to Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3260 Fees and Charges
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board and public have the opportunity to review a first reading of revisions to Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3260 Fees and Charges. The second reading and recommended approval will be brought to a subsequent meeting.




The policy has been reorganized and updated to reflect a California Department of Education (CDE) management advisory regarding the prohibition against requiring parent/guardian volunteer hours or payment as a condition of the student's enrollment or participation in educational activities.

The regulation was also updated to reflect new law (AB 2615, 2016) which permits districts to charge a fee for participation in After School Education and Safety (ASES) programs, 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs, and 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) program, as long as the fee is waived or reduced for low-income families and, effective July 1, 2017, the fee is not charged for a homeless or foster youth. The regulation also clarifies the permissibility of charging a fee for in-state field trips in accordance with CDE's interpretation of law, provided that no student is prevented from participating based on a lack of funds.

The proposed revisions were based on recommendations from the California School Boards Association (CSBA). 

Financial Impact:

There is no fiscal impact to the District

Recommended Motion:

Mr. Marquand introduced the first reading of this policy and regulation regarding fees as an update for compliance with new law. It will be brought back for a second reading and recommended approval at the next meeting.
Administrative Regulation 3260 Fees and Charges
Board Policy 3260 Fees and Charges
XI.6. INITIAL CONSIDERATION: STUDENT SERVICES (ESD/HSD) First Reading of Revised Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment
Mike Gardner
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board and public have the opportunity to review the first reading of revisions to Board Policy and Administrative Regulation  and 5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment.  The second reading and recommended approval will be brought to a subsequent meeting. 


BACKGROUND: To ensure that our policies are consistent with California Ed Code, the Nondiscrimination/Harassment policy and regulation are being updated with recommended revisions from the California School Boards Association (CSBA) based on changes in the law. 

The mandated policy is being revised to clarify (1) that the policy is applicable to off-campus conduct that may have a continuing impact on a student at school, and (2) that the district must investigate all allegations of discrimination of which it has notice, regardless of whether a formal written complaint is filed, and must take action to address any effect of discrimination found. 

The mandated administrative regulation is being updated to ensure consistency of reporting procedure with formal complaint process in the UCP and to clarify various provisions in the section on "Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Students."

Student Services Director Mike Gardner introduced mandated changes to the Non-Discrimination policy and regulation. The policy revision more clearly defines the District's obligation to thoroughly investigate a formal complaint even if it allegedly occurs off campus. Revisions to the regulation bring consistency with UCP procedures and adds language regarding protections for transgender and gender non-conforming students.
AR 5145.3 Nondiscrimination Harassment 1st Reading
BP 5145.3 Nondiscrimination Harassment 1st Reading
XI.7. INITIAL CONSIDERATION: BOARD BUSINESS (ESD/HSD) First Reading of Revisions to Board Bylaw 9323 Meeting Conduct
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board and public are provided the opportunity for a first reading and review of revisions to Board Bylaw 9323 Meeting Conduct. A second reading with recommended approval will be brought to a subsequent meeting. 


The revisions presented are based on CSBA's recommendations to reflect new law passed in 2016. Under Assembly Bill (AB) 1787 the Board is required to provide a member of the  public who uses an interpreter at least twice the allotted time to address the Board during meetings, unless simultaneous interpreting equipment is used. The Bylaw also clarifies that the Board may refer a member of the public to an appropriate complaint procedure, but cannot prohibit criticism of district employees, programs, or policies during a board meeting. 

Financial Impact:


Staff introduced this first reading to bring the Board Policy into compliance with new law passed in 2016 related to additional time allotted to a speaker if they require an interpreter, and clarification about complaint procedures. A second reading with recommended approval will be brought to the next meeting.
BB 9323 Meeting Conduct
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will have an opportunity, as needed, to review the status of trustee goals as they relate to operational items that may require a study session. 

XIII.1. Report Out Action from Closed Session
There was no reportable action taken in Closed Session.
XIII.2. Agenda Items for Future Meetings
Trustee Tuatagaloa requested a programmatic discussion about Madrone HS.

Trustee Jackson requested information about a student privacy bill that is pending.
XIII.3. Board Member Reports
Natu Tuatagaloa:
- He attended a Q & A event for the SRHS Boosters
- He visited Mary E. Silveira Elementary School and read to a 5th grade class

Maika Llorens Gulati:
- She joined the Parent Leaders Group meeting
- She had a 1:1 meeting with the superintendent
- She attended a SchoolsRule meeting
- She attended the Chamber's State of the City dinner
- She joined the JLAC Action Day in Sacramento
- She joined the first sustainability meeting with students, staff and parents at San Rafael HS
- She attended the Marin Latino Leaders Luncheon with Canal Alliance's Executive Director as the speaker
- SRHS Boys Tennis is doing great; win against Redwood HS

Linda M. Jackson:
- She attended Coleman's Parents night on March 14. There was a large Spanish speaking parent community that attended to hear information from the Canal Alliance on immigration
- She attended the March 15 SRHS Site Design Committee meeting
- On March 16 she attended the Chamber's State of the City dinner. Thanks to SRCS staff for nominating SRCS for Chamber recognition
- She joined Deputy Superintendent Mayra Perez on March 17 for a Poverty Simulation at Dominican University; an insightful event on the challenges facing low income students and families
- She went to the San Pedro Spring Dance held on Saturday March 18; great turnout, great music
- On the 20th she attended the Parent Leaders meeting at Coleman; good sharing about what is happening in our schools
- She joined Trustees Knell and Gulati at the March 21 JLAC Day of Action held in Sacramento
- She attended the first meeting of the SRCS Sustainability Team - a collaborative of students, teachers, parents, and community members
- She attended an excellent First 5 meeting about ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
- She attended the March 23 TLHS PIQE graduation
- She attended the 3rd meeting of the Community Schools Initiative Partnership Council with 60 potential partners and all SRCS schools represented; shared asset maps from each of our schools showing resources already available and what is needed; looking for matches for community initiatives in our schools next year

Rachel Kertz:
- She has been attending Capital Facilities Program meetings
- She has attended SRHS meetings regarding athletics
- She attended the State of the City dinner
- She has been attending both ESD and HSD Budget Advisory Committee meetings
- She met with Superintendent Watenpaugh recently regarding district business
- She attended a TL Varsity baseball game
- She joined a Town Hall meeting on the homeless
XIII.4. Superintendent's Activity Report
Superintendent Watenpaugh reported:
- He attended the Parent Leaders Group meeting held at Coleman
- He has been participating in Ed Specs meetings
- He attended the State of the City dinner
- He has held meet/confer meetings with all three union leaderships
- He held an all CSO staff meeting to explain recent budget reductions to staff
- He recently had 1:1 meetings with Trustees Kertz and Gulati
- He met with a group of SRHS parents who are interested in a capital campaign specific to high school; the school connected policy that the Board recently adopted will be encouraged with this group
- He addressed the Community Schools Initiative Partnership Council today; much interest and great momentum in working together and expanding partnerships
- He received notice from IPSO Charter School co-founders that they are abandoning an appeal at the state level and will instead be working with MCOE with the goal of opening a program for the County Community School in August
XIV. READJOURNMENT to Closed Session (if necessary)
XVI. ADJOURNMENT (and Closed Session Report Out, if necessary): 9:00 P.M. (approximate time)
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:23 PM.
3/27/2017 5:01:00 PM ( Original )
PresentLinda Jackson
PresentRachel Kertz
AbsentGreg Knell
PresentMs. Maika Llorens Gulati
AbsentNatu Tuatagaloa
3/27/2017 5:07:00 PM
PresentNatu Tuatagaloa
3/27/2017 5:04:00 PM
PresentGreg Knell

The resubmit was successful.