
Regular Meeting - SRCS Board of Education
San Rafael City Schools
April 17, 2017 6:00PM
District Office - Boardroom 310 Nova Albion Way San Rafael, CA 94903

Quick Summary / Abstract:

Board President Rachel Kertz, Vice President Greg Knell, Trustee Linda M. Jackson, Trustee Maika Llorens Gulati, Trustee Natu Tuatagaloa

II. PUBLIC COMMENT on Closed Session
The following individuals addressed the Board on a Closed Session item:

Melissa Millerick, TL teacher: deeply committed to education of all children and the community; support of SRFT's request to follow the contract to realign salaries with comparable districts; reviewed teacher and district expectations
Sue Herman, RSP teacher for all three high schools: thanked the Board for their service; reviewed history of mediated settlement in the early 2000's and comparable salaries to neighboring districts; quality and stable staff resulted in innovative programs in the HSD; with teacher shortage need to keep pace with other districts' salaries
Erik Stenberg, TL teacher: need to prioritize recruitment and retention of best teachers to remain competitive; read a quote from the Center for Public Education regarding teacher quality and student learning; district budget reflection of district values; district has funds to attract and retain quality teachers; the impacts of teacher shortage and costs of housing in Marin; salary comparisons to Tamalpais District; must value teachers and pay them more
President Kertz adjourned the meeting to Closed Session at 5:11 PM.
III.1. GOV. CODE 54957.6: (ESD/HSD) Conference with Labor Negotiator: Name of Agency Negotiator: Michael Watenpaugh, Amy Baer Employee Organization/Title: SRFT, SRTA, CSEAConfidential agenda item.
III.2. GOV. CODE 48900 (C): Consideration of Student Expulsion Case # 16/17-10 (ESD)Confidential agenda item.
III.3. GOV. CODE 54957: Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release and/or Reassignment (ESD-1 certificated)Confidential agenda item.
III.4. GOV CODE 54956.9: (ESD) Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (1 case )Confidential agenda item.
President Kertz reconvened the meeting to Open Session at 6:10 PM
Elizabeth Foehr led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bini Gelini, TLHS reported:
- The 'Jitters Talent Show' was held on April 5
- Beginning Drama will hold a performance this Thursday
- She is part of a private commission student focus group with County Superintendent Mary Jane Burke and Senator Mike McGuire to look at later start times for high schools, ESL student support, and physical fitness practices - PE program reprimanding students who have limited capabilities, such as students with asthma
VII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS (Public comment on items that appear on the agenda will be taken at the time the item is addressed by the Board.)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives updates from district labor leaders: 1) CSEA 2) SRTA 3) SRFT
Vice President Ann Marie Sachetti announced an upcoming PBS series "Inside California Education," that emphasizes classified employees and public education; 13 episodes, beginning this Sunday - check local programming for days and times

No comment at this time.

Steve Coleman, TL teacher: thanked the Board for their service and for listening to the respectful and informative voices of their membership; labor action now because teachers are not being paid fairly; district in violation of contract; 5-9% behind comparable districts; what if teachers stopped following their contractual obligations? The District can afford to pay fairly; concerns about fiscal solvency of district; revenues are up $6.1M in 3 years; cut back other budgets to more reasonable amounts; no one gatekeeping budgets that get approved in June; put personnel first in the July budgeting and then look at other priorities in the budget; district is not contractually obligated to spend money on these other priorities; fair compensation and reform budgeting practices.
VIII.2. PRESENTATION: (ESD/HSD) Update on State Imposed Increases to Employer Contribution Rates for State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) and Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) and Impacts on Future Budget
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Staff will share the future impact on the District budget as a result of state imposed increases to the employer contribution rates for the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) and Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS). 

President Kertz noted changes on the agenda: item VIII.3 Homework Modification Report will be moved to the next meeting, the LCAP presentation will be pulled for this evening, and Consent Agenda item X.9 will be tabled for now.

Superintendent Watenpaugh introduced the presentation on state imposed increases in STRS and PERS and their impacts on the budget. This will be one of several updates on the 16.17 school budget, specifically on increased pension costs, short term and long term views. At recent sessions with Joel Montero from FCMAT and MCSBA information was shared regarding districts around the county and throughout California that are struggling to meet pension costs. For the first time, the May Revise may bring less money for districts than the Governor's January proposed budget.

Assistant Superintendent Marquand provided an overview of the impacts on the budget from increases in STRS and PERS:
- return on investments or discount rate that have been forecast are dropping, raising employer and employee contribution rates
- a defined benefit plan sets how much an employee will receive in the future; challenge is to control contributions and return on investment
- a contribution plan such as a 401K, is based on how much is deposited into the account
- in 2013 STRS and PERS were recalculated based on the Pension Reform Act which locked in classic members and established a different scale for newer members
- PERS increased the rates paid by employers over several years; they can change rates rapidly as needed
- STRS rates are locked and can only change through legislation; it is anticipated that STRS rates will have to go up significantly once they are unlocked, to catch up
- increased rates that the district will be paying in 2023 were reviewed; STRS projected increase shows rates more than doubling in ten years
- budget adoption projections have to include the STRS and PERS increases in current and two years out. These costs are not negotiable as they are charged by the state
- by 2024 PERS rates will increase by 16.8%, tripling from where they are currently
- information was shared that demonstrated the number of employees who are paying for increased costs of pensions is growing smaller

Mr. Marquand responded to Trustee Jackson's questions regarding ARC unfunded liability. Dr. Watenpaugh noted as rates increase it limits the amount of funds the Board has to work with. Projection of increased pension costs show that in out years 50 cents of every dollar will be spent on pension contributions. STRS and PERS are one of the last defined benefit systems. Trustee Jackson noted in the professions of police and fire, the amount of funds going toward pensions is leaving agencies with less money to hire staff.

President Kertz expressed the need to hold a countywide town hall for parents and the community, to share information about rising pension costs and their impact on the budget.

There was further staff discussion about potential changes after Governor Brown leaves office, and the number of districts statewide that are going into qualified or negative status as a result of rising pension costs.

Mr. Marquand noted that even with the historical 5% annual increase in property tax revenue, 2% gets taken up with pension increase and 1.5% with step and column; not much left.

Dr. Watenpaugh noted that the Governor's May Revise will bring more information about what the increases will mean for SRCS.

The following individuals addressed the Board on this topic:
- Matt Moore, TL: regarding increases in revenue and the need to reprioritize the budget; follow the language in the contract to keep salary at pace with comparable districts; make teacher compensation a priority
- Steve Coleman, TL: questioned the timing of this presentation while teachers are seeking higher compensation and the increases in contract services and books/supplies budget.

President Kertz noted this is not the first time information on rising pension costs has been presented to the public. There have been discussions at many board meetings in the last several years. It was important to share the new information recently learned at the Joel Montero and MCSBA sessions. She asked that Mr. Coleman hold his negotiations related comments at this time, given the district is currently still in negotiations with SRFT

- Ann Marie Sachetti, TL: could pension increases be attributed to the population of baby boomers that are nearing retirement age? Trustee Jackson noted the state has been underfunding the pension program for years, bringing the large increases to districts to catch up.

Dr. Watenpaugh noted that the pending increases in pension have been shared for years during budget adoption conversations at board meetings, in negotiations and budget advisory committee meetings. In the past it was easier to cover these costs.

- Steve Temple, SRHS: regarding other districts that have given salary increases and their awareness of the pension increases. Mr. Marquand noted that rates did not go up during the election for political reasons; real numbers are now being released, impacting districts statewide. Other districts may make different decisions based on their reserves and property tax base. SRCS has different demographics and is a growing basic aid district.
- Chris Simenstad, SRHS: being basic aid is a positive because property taxes historically go up
- Katina Pantazes, CSEA: is there potential to merge ESD and HSD to absorb costs? Dr. Watenpaugh noted that a merge would mean losing basic aid property tax funding and moving to LCFF funding, and that Dixie District would have to join as well.
- Molly O'Donoghue, SRTA: it is not just employers who are paying more in pension costs; employees are also paying more and seeing less in their paychecks
Statutory Benefit Costs
STRS PERS Presentation
VIII.3. PRESENTATION: Update on Homework Modification Pilot at San Pedro Elementary School
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Principal Mimi Melodia will present findings from the modified homework pilot at San Pedro Elementary School. 

This update was pulled from this agenda to be brought to a future meeting
VIII.4. PRESENTATION: (ESD) Update on Instructional Coaches
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Balanced Literacy Coach Elizabeth Foehr will present an update to the Board on the instructional coaches in the ESD.

Director of K-5 Teaching and Learning, Amy Goodwin, introduced Coordinator of Coaching and Professional Development Elizabeth Foehr and noted that Ms. Foehr has done a fantastic job with the instructional coaches program this year.

Ms. Foehr provided a brief overview of the ESD instructional coaching program and professional development:
- Why coaching? traditional PD does not work; reviewed the need to do coaching to see current district initiatives implemented
- The cornerstone of coaching builds teacher efficacy so teachers can see a path forward
- She reviewed what works best in education; teacher effects with a traditional program and the zone of desired effects that has a high impact to move kids ahead faster
- With coaching, teachers work to keep revisiting what works and put best practices into place
- To measure impact and follow initiative implementation a 6 week cycle is used to review the process and build teacher efficacy. Surveys are also used with teachers to measure growth, needs assessment and implementation
- The number of teachers who are using Fountas and Pinell assessments has increased over the last 2 years
- Teachers are evaluating the coaching program; comments from teachers were shared
- Professional Learning Communities (PLC) time and coaching are allowing movement forward
- Modifications and improvements to the coaching program are needed: coaches on site need to be cross-trained; continue with SEAL and balanced literacy; regular articulation is needed; a 3 year professional development plan is needed; build collaboration with the Marin Coaching Consortium; next year instructional rounds will be added; much like medical rounds in hospitals to find what is working.

Ms. Foehr responded to trustee questions regarding length of time before the impact of Fountas and Pinnell can been seen, coaching work with parents, working with ESL parents and cross support with the SR library program; high percentages of teachers using coaching, and the best way for the Board to help the program stay successful next year.

An audience member inquired about math coaching.

VIII.5. PRESENTATION: (ESD/HSD) Overview of Newcomers Program Enhancements
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Director of English Learner Programs Kathy Frye will present an update on enchancements to the Newcomers program

Deputy Superintendent Mayra Perez introduced Director of English Learner Programs Kathy Frye who provided an update on the newcomer program.

Mr. Frye reviewed the state definition of newcomer students, newcomers with consistent schooling, and newcomers with limited or interrupted schooling.
- Newcomers are a concern within the community not just for the District. MCOE, COM, MCF, Adult Education, Canal Alliance, PSP, Marin Health Clinics and FORWARDS, are some of the community agencies that have been looking at ways to support newcomers
- Demographics by language status, grade span, EL, IFEP, Re-designated, TBD and EO were reviewed for both ESD and HSD. TBD is the process of registration and placement of an EL learner student who has to be tested with CELDT
- Newcomer and long-term EL data was reviewed for K-5, 6-8, and 9-12.

Enhancements added:
- Pilot newcomer teachers have been used at BV and SP this year
- SEAL prepares teachers to work with EL and newcomers
- All sites looking at resources to support these students
- Using language assessment teams
- Community liaisons networking with families for bilingual outreach
- Summer school support for incoming grades 1-5
Middle School:
- Working with enrollment on placement of limited /interrupted schooling students
- Piloting the textbook curriculum "INSIDE" for DMS next year
- Using Community Liaisons for networking
- Marin Community Theater offers oral language opportunties
- Capturing Kids Hearts program
- Newcomer summer school program
High School:
- Communication with enrollment for program and grade placement considerations
- A Newcomer Pathway program has been added for older students with limited/interrupted education; working with College of Marin
- April 20th meeting with the Marin Community Foundation to brainstorm how to identify resources in the community
- Student focus groups have begun at SRHS
- MCOE Newcomer Taskforce has been meeting for support
- Las Links is now compatible with Chromebooks and is being used this year for student assessments
- Working on curriculum development to support newcomers
-Community liaisons for outreach
- Language Assessment Team

Future Priorities for Newcomers:
- A Welcoming Center for streamlined enrollment
- Streamlining programs
- Developing model curriculum
- Plan alternative pathways
- Strenghten community resources
- Community Schools Initiative needs to be brought to teachers and students

Staff responded to trustee questions regarding the number of students in the summer school program, any loss of ADA since the the November election, any changes in demographics of newcomers, newcomer programming for HSD students, and what are the goals and success factors for the significant percentage of our student population who are newcomers.
Newcomer Program Enhancements Presentation - REV
VIII.6. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Capital Facilities Program
Quick Summary / Abstract:

An update related to bonds and Capital Facilities Program will be provided.

Senior Director Dr. Dan Zaich provided a brief overview of the checklists of work completed and work underway:
- Bond Accountant has been onboarded
- Stadium project moving forward with a recommendation on this agenda to begin negotiations with Bothman Construction
- Collecting bids for air conditioning projects in the HSD
- Reviewing qualifications for solar procurement
- Reviewing state funding eligibility
- High schools working through process of validating Master Plan
- Bringing ESD schematic designs for approval on May 9
- Projects over the summer will include HVAC and repairing the 10 Wing at DMS, and community meetings for outreach
- Safe Routes to Schools meeting this Thursday; transportation consultant Parisi is helping with these meetings since it involves work around our schools
- The SRHS EIR mitigation response plan is being prepared to be ready to go after the period for Notice of Determination is over on the 27th
- A joint meeting with DMS and LD is scheduled for next Wednesday; Safe Routes to Schools meeting information will be shared
- The multi-use path at SRHS needs to be researched

In response to Trustee Llorens Gulati's question about a community meeting for the HSD to explain funding, Dr. Zaich noted that the ESD is further along with community meetings because the nature of the HSD projects is more complex. Trustee Jackson reviewed discussion that took place at the recent SRHS site design committee meeting.
CFP update 4.17.17
VIII.7. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will recieve any updates since the last Board meeting regarding Common Core State Standards implementation and Marin Promise data analytics. 

There was no update.
VIII.8. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Facilities Report
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives any updates since the last Board meeting. 1) Master Facilities Planning
Director of Maintenance and Operations Dave Pedroli reported:
- Staff are currently working on approximately 375 work orders and catching up on issues with roof leaks
- Last Tuesday staff attended a countywide MSIA meeting
- Staff continue to take care of trees that need to be cut down at SRHS
- SRHS Gym 1 and 2 repairs are closing out and will be covered by insurance
- A quote is being submitted to PG&E to replace a pump that was destroyed by an underground electrical event at BV
- The car that ran into the Corp Yard gate caused $6800 worth of damage
- Parking lots at TL and SR were restriped over spring break
- Signage is to be placed at BV, TL and SR regarding potential towing of vehicles, with the vehicle code section cited to alleviate issues with cars that are left for extended periods; cars cannot be booted. Trustee Jackson expressed her concern with posting the signs without notifying the community about impacts, and suggested communicating with the Canal Alliance and discussing with the BV neighborhood before posting. Mr. Pedroli clarified that towing would only occur at the request of an administrator in response to an abandoned vehicle or one that has not moved for 3 days.

Trustee Llorens Gulati expressed the need to reinforce the no parking red zone at SRHS near the gym
IX. CAPITAL FACILITIES PROGRAM CONSENT AGENDA: (ESD/HSD) (All items appearing on the Capital Facilities Program Consent Agenda are approved in one action by the Board. Trustees, staff or members of the public may request that an item be pulled for discussion prior to Capital Facilities Program Consent Agenda approval)
IX.1. CAPITAL FACILITIES PROGRAM: (ESD) Approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to Master Agreement for Architectural Services for SVA Architects, Inc.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

To seek authorization from the Board of Education for the issuance of Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the District’s Master Agreement for Architectural Services with SVA Architects, Inc. (“SVA”), which is for all architectural services associated with a 30’ x 40’ shade structure at Bahia Vista Elementary School.



Effective August 22, 2016, SRCS entered into a Master Agreement for Architectural Services with SVA Architects, Inc. (“Master Agreement”) for the provision of architectural services to SRCS for projects under the District’s Measure A bond program (“Program”).  Under the Master Agreement, specific Program projects are assigned by executing a Supplemental Agreement for each specific project.  Each Supplemental Agreement identifies the specific project scope, architect fee, schedule, number of required meetings, and other details unique to that project.  The terms and conditions of each Supplemental Agreement complement the existing Master Agreement, which is still in effect. 

For SVA, to date, SRCS has issued Supplemental Agreement No. 1 for assistance in developing District Design Standards and Supplemental Agreement No. 2 for all design and engineering services relating to a replacement two-story classroom building at Venetia Valley Elementary School.

SVA Supplemental Agreement No. 3 is for all services related to a 30’ x 40’ Shade Structure at Bahia Vista Elementary School, including coordination with the SRCS selected prefabricated structure manufacturer, construction administration and closeout services. SVA’s fee for this project is a fixed fee of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000).  

Financial Impact:

Supplemental Agreement No. 3 will be funded from the District’s Bond Program, under Measure A.  

Recommended Motion:

Authorization of the Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to Master Agreement for Architectural Services – SVA Architects, Inc.


Authorization of the Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to Master Agreement for Architectural Services – SVA Architects, Inc.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Supplemental Agreement Exhibit A
Supplemental Agreement Exhibit C
Supplemental Agreement No. 3
IX.2. CAPITAL FACILITIES PROGRAM: (HSD/ESD) Authorization to Commence Negotiations with General Contractor for Construction of the San Rafael High School Stadium Project
Quick Summary / Abstract:

To seek authorization from the Board of Education to begin negotiations with General Contractor, Robert A. Bothman Construction, to provide competitive pricing for the construction of the San Rafael High School Stadium Project, using the Lease-Leaseback delivery method.



SRCS advertised the Lease-Leaseback Request for Qualifications and Proposals on February 3, 2017.  The original proposal due date was Friday March 17 but an addendum (No. 1) was issued extending the date to March 31, 2017 in order to allow all qualified contractors sufficient time for clarification and compliance. Four (4) proposals were received:

  1. Alten Construction, San Rafael, CA
  2. Ghilotti Bros. Contractors, San Rafael, CA
  3. Robert A. Bothman Construction, Santa Clara, CA
  4. Wright Contracting, Santa Rosa, CA

A Paper screening process was completed by the Capital Facilities Team on Monday, April 3rd which resulted in a short list of two firms: Robert A. Bothman Construction (“Bothman Construction”) and Ghilotti Bros. Contractors (“Ghilotti Bros.”) who were both interviewed on Wednesday, April 5th.

The interview panel consisted of: Linda M. Jackson, Trustee; SRCS, Dr. Daniel Zaich; Senior Director, SRCS; Tim Galli, Athletic Director, San Rafael High School; Mark Van Pelt, President, Van Pelt Construction Services; Peter Norgaard, Vice President, Van Pelt Construction Services; and David Carey, Project Manager, Van Pelt Construction Services.

The interviews and subsequent panel discussion resulted in a unanimous consensus. The selection panel is recommending to move forward with negotiations with Bothman Construction. If after SRCS staff is unable to come to acceptable terms with Bothman Construction, SRCS requests that the Board authorize SRCS to enter into further negotiations with Ghilotti Bros. 

Financial Impact:

No financial impact.

Recommended Motion:

Authorization to begin negotiations with Bothman Construction to provide a GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price) for the construction of the San Rafael High School Stadium Project utilizing the Lease Lease-back delivery methodology. 


Authorization to begin negotiations with Bothman Construction to provide a GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price) for the construction of the San Rafael High School Stadium Project utilizing the Lease Lease-back delivery methodology. 

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
X. CONSENT AGENDA: (All items appearing on the Consent Agenda are approved in one action by the Board. Trustees, staff or members of the public may request that an item be pulled for discussion prior to Consent Agenda approval.)
President Kertz noted that item X.9 was removed from this agenda and a revision to item # X.1 was received.

Trustee Llorens Gulati requested items 17 and 24 be pulled for discussion.

M/S/C (Knell, Llorens Gulati) the Board approved the Consent Agenda with the exception of #17 and #24, by the following vote:
Rachel Kertz - YES
Greg Knell - YES
Linda M. Jackson - YES
Maika Llorens Gulati - YES
Natu Tuatagaloa - ABSENT
X.1. BOARD BUSINESS: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of March 27, 2017
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Board meeting minutes are presented for approval.

Minutes are taken of all Board meetings as record of all actions taken by the Board. The attached minutes are being recommended for approval. 

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of March 13, 2017.


Approval of the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of March 13, 2017, as revised.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Minutes March 27 2017 Regular Meeting REV
X.2. FINANCE: (ESD) Approval of AB 1200 Public Disclosure of Collective Bargaining between San Rafael Elementary School District and the California Schools Employee Association (CSEA) for the 2016-17 Fiscal Year
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review the AB 1200 Disclosure of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2016-17.


To provide the required Public Disclosure of the proposed settlement between San Rafael City Elementary School District and the California Schools Employees Association (CSEA) in order to be in compliance with AB 1200, Government Code 35547.5, CCR, Title V, Section 15449 for the 2016-17 fiscal years.

In addition, the disclosure document must be signed by the District Superintendent and Chief Business Officer at the time of public disclosure, who must certify that the District can meet the costs incurred under the Collective Bargaining Agreement for the current year and two (2) subsequent years.

The information provided in the Disclosure of Collective Bargaining Agreement document summarizes the financial implications of the proposed agreement and is submitted to the Board of Education for "Public Disclosure" of the major provisions of the agreement. This is in accordance with the requirements of AB 1200 (Statutes of 1991, Chapter 1213, Government Code 3547.5, and CCR, Title V, Section 15449.

Once it has been reviewed and approved by the Board of Education, it will be submitted to the Marin County Office of Education for review and comment.

Financial Impact:

The total annual (ongoing) cost of the 2016-17 Tentative Agreement between the San Rafael City Elementary School District and the CSEA for increasing the Salary Schedule by 4.5% retroactive to July 1, 2016 (See AB 1200-Disclosure Documents attached):

These increases will be funded by the General Fund 01 and the Cafeteria Fund 13.

The total cost for 2016-17 is $312,591

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the AB 1200 Disclosure of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2016-17.


Approval of the AB 1200 Disclosure of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2016-17.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
CSEA 2016-2017 Tentative Agreement
ESD CSEA AB 1200 16-17
X.3. FINANCE: (HSD) Approval of AB 1200 Public Disclosure of Collective Bargaining between the San Rafael High School District and the California Schools Employee Association (CSEA) for the 2016-17 Fiscal Year
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review the AB 1200 Disclosure of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2016-17.


To provide the required Public Disclosure of the proposed settlement between San Rafael City Elementary School District and the California Schools Employees Association (CSEA) in order to be in compliance with AB 1200, Government Code 35547.5, CCR, Title V, Section 15449 for the 2016-17 fiscal year.

In addition, the disclosure document must be signed by the District Superintendent and Chief Business Officer at the time of public disclosure, who must certify that the District can meet the costs incurred under the Collective Bargaining Agreement for the current year and two (2) subsequent years.

The information provided in the Disclosure of Collective Bargaining Agreement document summarizes the financial implications of the proposed agreement and is submitted to the Board of Education for "Public Disclosure" of the major provisions of the agreement. This is in accordance with the requirements of AB 1200 (Statutes of 1991, Chapter 1213, Government Code 3547.5, and CCR, Title V, Section 15449.

Once it has been reviewed and approved by the Board of Education, it will be submitted to the Marin County Office of Education for review and comment.


Financial Impact:


The total annual (ongoing) cost of the 2016-17 Tentative Agreement between the San Rafael City High School District and the CSEA for increasing the Salary Schedule by 2% retroactive to July 1, 2016 (See AB 1200-Disclosure Documents attached):

These increases will be funded by the General Fund 01 and the Cafeteria Fund 13.

The total cost for 2016-17 is $50,641.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the AB 1200 Disclosure of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2016-17.


Approval of the AB 1200 Disclosure of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2016-17.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
CSEA 2016-2017 Tentative Agreement
HSD CSEA AB 1200 16-17
X.4. PERSONNEL (ESD): Approval of Elementary School District Personnel, Certificated/Classified
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Elementary School District.


This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Elementary School District, as shown on Exhibit A (Certificated) and Exhibit B (Classified).

All changes to personnel since the previous board meeting including resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, reassignments, new hires, changes of contract, returns from leave, releases and short term assignments are included for Board approval.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Elementary School District.


Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Elementary School District.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
X.5. PERSONNEL (HSD): Approval of High School District Personnel, Certificated/Classified
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the High School District.


This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the High School district, as shown on Exhibit A (Certificated) and Exhibit B (Classified).

All changes to personnel since the previous board meeting including resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, reassignments, new hires, changes of contract, returns from leave, releases and short term assignments are included for Board approval.  

Recommended Motion:

Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the High School District.


Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the High School District.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
X.6. PERSONNEL (JOINT): Approval of Joint School District Personnel, Certificated/Classified
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Joint School District.


This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Joint School District, as shown on Exhibit A (Certificated) and Exhibit B (Classified).

All changes to personnel since the previous board meeting including resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, reassignments, new hires, changes of contract, returns from leave, releases and short term assignments are included for Board approval.  

Recommended Motion:

Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Joint School District.


Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Joint School District.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
X.7. PERSONNEL (ESD/HSD): Approval of Revised Job Description – Assistant Director, Student Services (Certificated)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Presentation of the revised job description for Assistant Director, Student Services (Certificated).


The Assistant Director of Student Services- HSD position is being modified to include oversight of middle school special education programs.  The change will more proportionately split responsibilities between our ESD and HSD Assistant Directors. 

This position is placed at Range E on the Elementary Certificated Administrators Salary Schedule and Range F on the High School Certificated Administrators Salary Schedule. This Position is split between both the Elementary and High School Districts.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the revised job description for Assistant Director, Student Services (Certificated).


Approval of the revised job description for Assistant Director, Student Services (Certificated).

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Assistant Director Student Services Job Description
X.8. PERSONNEL (ESD/HSD): Approval of New Job Description – Director of Fiscal Services (Classified)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Presentation of the new job description for Director of Fiscal Services (Classified).


The reorganization of the Central Services Office was approved by the Board at the 2nd Interim Budget Presentation and supported by the ESD & HSD Budget Advisory Committee in March. As a component of this re-organization, the District shall re-hire an established Director of Fiscal Service position to create a traditional structure aligned with most California School Districts. Prior to hiring this position, staff recommend a revision of the current job description to include essential functions, knowledge and abilities, requirement working environment and physical demands of the position. The entire CSO reorganization will be a net zero cost to the District.

This position is recommended for placement at Range 11 on the Classified Management Salary Schedule, split between both the Elementary and High School Districts.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the new job description for Director of Fiscal Services (Classified).


Approval of the new job description for Director of Fiscal Services (Classified).

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Director of Fiscal Services Job Description
X.9. PERSONNEL: (ESD) Approval of New Job Description – Teacher on Special Assignment, Pre K-3 Initiatives (Certificated)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Presentation of the new job description for Teacher on Special Assignment, Pre K-3 Initiatives (Certificated)


The P3 TOSA job description outlines the expectations for the work being done at our three school sites. The job description defines how the P3 TOSA will support the schools working with the Marin Community Foundation.

This position is recommended for placement on the Elementary Certificated Salary Schedule.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the new job description for Teacher on Special Assignment, Pre K-3 Initiatives (Certificated).

This item was pulled from this agenda. No action was taken.
TOSA-PK-3 Job Description
X.10. PERSONNEL (ESD): Approval of Revised Job Description – Director of Elementary Education (Certificated)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Presentation of the revised job description for Director of Elementary Education (Certificated).


The Director of Elementary Education job description has been revised to facilitate with the reorganization of the Educational Services Department. The changes will allow for improved services to our school sites and students.

This position is recommended for placement at Range F on the Elementary Certificated Management Salary Schedule.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the revised job description for Director of Elementary Education (Certificated).


Approval of the revised job description for Director of Elementary Education (Certificated).

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Director of Elementary Education Job Description
X.11. PERSONNEL: (HSD) Approval of Revised Job Description – Director of Secondary Education (Certificated)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Presentation of the revised job description for Director of Secondary Education (Certificated).


The Director of Secondary Education job description has been revised to facilitate with the reorganization of the Educational Services Department. The changes will allow for improved services to our school sites and students.

This position is recommended for placement at Range G on the High School Certificated Management Salary Schedule.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the revised job description for Director of Secondary Education (Certificated).


Approval of the revised job description for Director of Secondary Education (Certificated).

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Director of Secondary Education Job Description
X.12. PERSONNEL: (HSD) Personnel Recommendations (9-12) for Appointment of Extra Hire of Specific Categories, Coaches, Special Ed, and Extra Pay for Outside Work for the 2016-2017 School Year
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel actions for the High School District.

Financial Impact:

Cost/Funding Source: Circumstances require extra hire for specific projects or services for the listed positions. They are funded from various categorical and site funds.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of these Personnel actions.


Approval of these Personnel actions.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
2016-2017 Spring Coach List SRHS
2016-2017 Spring Coach List TLHS
X.13. PERSONNEL: (ESD/HSD) Approval of the Tentative Agreement Between San Rafael City Schools (SRCS) and California School Employees Association (CSEA) and Revised Salary Schedules for 2016-2017.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Presentation and approval of the Tentative Agreement between SRCS and CSEA and revised 2016-2017 salary schedules


BACKGROUND: This agenda item presents for approval the Tentative Agreement between San Rafael City Schools (SRCS) and the California School Employees Association (CSEA). The agreement addresses compensation, benefits, safety, and other issues. 

On Tuesday, March 7, 2017, the SRCS and CSEA negotiation teams successfully reached agreement to settle negotiations for the 2016-2017 school year.

The agreement between SRCS and CSEA for compensation increases of 4.5% on the Elementary District salary schedule represents an annual cost of $312,591 and 2.0% on the High School District salary schedule represents an annual cost of $50,641.

The total estimated annual cost of the Tentative Agreement is $312,591 for the HSD and is $50,641 for the ESD. The Tentative Agreement and revised 2016-2017 classified salary schedules are attached.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the Tentative Agreement between SRCS and CSEA with revised 2016-2017 salary schedules


Approval of the Tentative Agreement between SRCS and CSEA with revised 2016-2017 salary schedules

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
2016-2017 ESD CSEA Salary Schedule
2016-2017 HSD CSEA Salary Schedule
2016-2017 JOINT CSEA Salary Schedule
CSEA Tentative Agreement 3.7.2017
X.14. FINANCE:(ESD) Ratification of Warrant Register for Warrants Issued March 1,2017 through March 31,2017 by the San Rafael Elementary School District
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review the warrants for March 2017 for ratification.



The warrant register reflects the vendor name, date paid, amount of warrant, and budgetary account charged.


A copy of the summary of the warrant register of all funds for warrants issued from March 1, 2017 through March 31, 2017 is attached. 

Financial Impact:


Warrants are paid in accordance with the Board-adopted budget and generally accepted accounting methods.

A detailed listing of the monthly warrants is available for viewing in the Business Office, Room 505.

Recommended Motion:

Ratification of the warrants for March 2017.


Ratification of the warrants for March 2017.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
ESD March 2017 Warrant Report
X.15. FINANCE: (HSD) Ratification of Warrant Register for Warrants Issued March 1, 2017 through March 31, 2017 by the San Rafael High School District
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review the warrants for March 2017 for ratification.



The warrant register reflects the vendor name, date paid, amount of warrant, and budgetary account charged.


A copy of the summary of the warrant register of all funds for warrants issued from March 1, 2017 to March 31, 2017 is attached. 

Financial Impact:

Warrants are paid in accordance with the Board-adopted budget and generally accepted accounting methods.

A detailed listing of the monthly warrants are available for viewing in the Business Office, Room 505.

Recommended Motion:

Ratification of the warrants for March 2017.


Ratification of the warrants for March 2017.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
HSD March 2017 Warrant Report
X.16. FINANCE: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Agreement for Facility Use between San Rafael City Schools and the American Red Cross
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board is presented with an agreement from the American Red Cross for facility use as needed for disaster response, for recommended approval. 


Since October 2003, the Department of Health and Human Resources in conjunction with the American Red Cross in the event of a disaster, has partnered to use schools to serve as potentially critical resources in the County’s disaster response.  The Red Cross would like to enter into an agreement with all of Marin County school districts to utilize appropriate school facilities as needed in a disaster response.

The proposed Agreement covers multiple potential uses such as a field treatment site, mass vaccination site or a shelter for the medically fragile.

Schools would be used for these functions only in the event of a disaster resulting in: 

  • Large number of sick or injured patients that overwhelm hospital capacities (e.g. large earthquake or a bioterrorism event)
  • A requirement for medications or vaccinations to large number of people (e.g. disease outbreak or a bioterrorism event), and
  • A necessity for a shelter for persons with medical needs (e.g. large earthquake or other event that displaces large numbers of people)
The Agreement with the district will specify the individual high schools, middle and elementary schools along with specific site plans for the facilities to be used at those schools.

Staff recommends approval of the agreement. 

Financial Impact:


Recommended Motion:

Approval of the agreement with the American Red Cross


Approval of the agreement with the American Red Cross

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Agreement with American Red Cross
Marin Emergency Shelter Information
Red Cross Opening Closing Form
X.17. FINANCE: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Subscription Agreement between San Rafael City Schools and School Loop for District-wide Web Site from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board is presented with a School Loop, Inc. Master Subscription Agreement for recommended approval.  SRCS has reduced it services with School Loop, therefore seeing a reduction in cost of $7647.50.

Financial Impact:

The annual amount of the agreement for 2017-18 is $11,256.80 

SACS Code: 01-0000-0-4307.00-1110-1000-700-290-000

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the proposal from School Loop, Inc. Master Subscription Agreement.


Approval of the proposal from School Loop, Inc. Master Subscription Agreement.

Passed with a motion by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
In response to Trustee Llorens Gulati's request for additional information, CTO Sandy Maynard explained that this agreement with School Loop is for web site and middle school grading support. It provide middle school the use of it for one more year. The HSD is moving away from School Loop and using Canvas. If the middle school also moves away from using using it, the District will need to decide whether to continue using it for support of our district web site or explore alternatives.
School Loop Order Form 17-18
X.18. SECOND READING: FINANCE (ESD/HSD) Approval of Revisions to Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3260 Fees and Charges
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board and public have the opportunity to review the second reading of revisions to Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3260 Fees and Charges. Staff recommends approval of these revisions.




The policy has been reorganized and updated to reflect a California Department of Education (CDE) management advisory regarding the prohibition against requiring parent/guardian volunteer hours or payment as a condition of the student's enrollment or participation in educational activities.

The regulation was also updated to reflect new law (AB 2615, 2016) which permits districts to charge a fee for participation in After School Education and Safety (ASES) programs, 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs, and 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) program, as long as the fee is waived or reduced for low-income families and, effective July 1, 2017, the fee is not charged for a homeless or foster youth. The regulation also clarifies the permissibility of charging a fee for in-state field trips in accordance with CDE's interpretation of law, provided that no student is prevented from participating based on a lack of funds.

The proposed revisions were based on recommendations from the California School Boards Association (CSBA). 

Financial Impact:

There is no fiscal impact to the District

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the revisions to Board Policy 3260 Fees and Charges


Approval of the revisions to Board Policy 3260 Fees and Charges

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Administrative Regulation 3260 Fees and Charges
Board Policy 3260 Fees and Charges
X.19. SECOND READING: STUDENT SERVICES (ESD/HSD) Approval of Revised Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment
Mike Gardner
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board and public have the opportunity to review the second reading of revisions to Board Policy and Administrative Regulation  and 5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment.  Staff recommends approval of the revisions.


BACKGROUND: To ensure that our policies are consistent with California Ed Code, the Nondiscrimination/Harassment policy and regulation are being updated with recommended revisions from the California School Boards Association (CSBA) based on changes in the law. 

The mandated policy is being revised to clarify (1) that the policy is applicable to off-campus conduct that may have a continuing impact on a student at school, and (2) that the district must investigate all allegations of discrimination of which it has notice, regardless of whether a formal written complaint is filed, and must take action to address any effect of discrimination found. 

The mandated administrative regulation is being updated to ensure consistency of reporting procedure with formal complaint process in the UCP and to clarify various provisions in the section on "Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Students."

Recommended Motion:
Approval of Revised Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment 
Approval of Revised Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment 
Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
AR 5145.3 Nondiscrimination Harassment 2nd Reading
BP 5145.3 Nondiscrimination Harassment 2nd Reading
X.20. STUDENT SERVICES: (HSD) Approval of the MOU Between San Rafael High School and North Bay Security Group
Mike Gardner
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board is presented with a MOU between San Rafael High School and the North Bay Security Group (NBSG) for a partnership to address chronic student absenteeism, for recommended approval. 


BACKGROUND: San Rafael High School and the North Bay Security Group (NBSG) are proposing to enter a partnership to address chronic student absenteeism.  In collaboration with the site, NBSG will analyze attendance data, and focus on students who are at risk of academic failure due to chronic absenteeism.  NBSG will support the site in the development of interventions to address attendance related concerns.  Such interventions will include holding Pre-School Attendance Review Team (SART) meetings, SART meetings, attendance at School Attendance Review Board (SARB) meetings, and home visits.  

NBSG can provide a level of student and family outreach that is not currently in place.  The potential exists to make a significant, positive impact on student attendance which should lead to positive academic outcomes for many of our students.

Staff recommends approval of this MOU. 

Financial Impact:

$7,200.00 in SRHS Title I Funds 

SACS: 01-3010-0-5840.00-1514-2495-410-120-000

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the MOU.


Approval of the MOU.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Description of Services
North Bay Security Group Contract
X.21. EDUCATION SERVICES: (ESD) Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between San Rafael City Schools and the Sobrato Family Foundation for the SEAL Program for Glenwood and Short Elementary Schools
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This item presents for Board approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between San Rafael City Schools and the Sobrato Family Foundation for the SEAL Program for Glenwood and Short Elementary Schools.


BACKGROUND: Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) is a preschool through third grade program of the Sobrato Family Foundation.  Designed by Dr. Laurie Olsen, national expert in English language learner education.  The SEAL program pulls together the most current research on effective practices and implements the new Standards while addressing the needs of English Learners, their parents, and their teachers.
In 2013-2014, Venetia Valley piloted The SEAL program in Grades K-1. In 2014-2015, added the K-1 staff of Coleman and Sun Valley to expand this balanced literacy program design. SEAL was initially designed to build the capacity of preschools and elementary schools to successfully support biliteracy in both English and Spanish for second language learners. Staff believes that this balanced literacy approach, by supporting language and literacy skills of Spanish-speaking English learner students, provides both language and instructional support, with the goal of literacy by 4th grade. These are goals identified in our Local Control Accountability Plan. These high impact strategies promote the mastery of literacy for all students, not just English Learners. Student performance results for English learners, as well as with all students accelerated at unprecedented rates. The SEAL program has been expanded to all grade K-3 students.  SEAL is aligned with the Common Core and the California English Language Arts Development standards. The Sobrato model is one that is supporting the acquisition of English by English learners, while building the literacy skills of all students. 

CURRENT CONSIDERATION: That the Board approve the MOU with the Sobrato Foundation for expansion/replication of the Sobrato Early Academic Language program for Glenwood and Short Elementary Schools. (Exhibit A)

Financial Impact:

The estimated costs as follows will be LCFF funded:

$100,000    (Year 1)         September 1, 2017

$80,000     (Year 2)          September 1, 2018

$70,000     (Year 3)          September 1, 2019

SACS Code: 01-0000-0-5849.32-1511-2140-700-000-000  

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between San Rafael City Schools and the Sobrato Family Foundation for the SEAL Program for Glenwood and Short Elementary Schools.


Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between San Rafael City Schools and the Sobrato Family Foundation for the SEAL Program for Glenwood and Short Elementary Schools.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Exhibit A
X.22. EDUCATION SERVICES: (ESD) Approval of Independent Contractor Agreement for Special Services with Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) for the Addition of Bay Area SCORES Soccer Programming at Davidson Middle School and Training to Other Sites to Participate in the Recreation Program, January 1 through June 30, 2017
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This item presents an Independent Contractor Agreement for Special Services with Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) for the Addition of Bay Area SCORES Soccer Programming at Davidson Middle School and training to other sites to participate in the recreation program, January 1 through June 30, 2017, for recommended Board approval.


Background: Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) is a regional 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency headquartered in San Rafael, California that provides a range of services in seven counties around the San Francisco Bay Area. Founded in 1976, BACR’s mission is to promote the healthy development of individuals and families, encourage service and volunteerism, and help build community.Toward these ends, BACR delivers services at more than 100 school- and community-based sites in the following program areas: After school, alcohol and drug, healthy communities, mental health, national service, tobacco, youth leadership and workforce development, and fiscal intermediary services.

Last year, BACR delivered intensive direct services to approximately 33,000 children, youth, and adults annually. Our outreach and informational programs reached another 370,000 through events, workshops, and the internet. Annual evaluations of BACR programs have consistently shown positive impacts, including improved family functioning, youth development skills, and school performance.

BACR delivers the above services with an annual budget of more than $28 million and a professional staff of 500 (276 FTE) and 360 AmeriCorps members, 25 graduate-level mental health interns, and more than 9,000 volunteers a year. This cadre of professional staff, AmeriCorps members, interns, and volunteers helps make it possible for BACR to leverage support and deliver services in communities that otherwise would not have the capacity to provide adequate resources.

Current Consideration:  This MOU between SRCS and BACR and will fund BACR to sub-contract with Bay Area SCORES to provide soccer programming at Davidson and train other sites to participate in the recreation program. 

Exhibit A

Financial Impact:

Funding source for the Bay Area SCORES Soccer Programming to be provided from ASES funds not to exceed $15,000.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the Independent Contractor Agreement for Special Services with Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) for the Addition of Bay Area SCORES Soccer Programming at Davidson Middle School and training to other sites to participate in the recreation program, January 1 through June 30, 2017.


Approval of the Independent Contractor Agreement for Special Services with Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) for the Addition of Bay Area SCORES Soccer Programming at Davidson Middle School and training to other sites to participate in the recreation program, January 1 through June 30, 2017.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Exhibit A
X.23. EDUCATION SERVICES: (HSD) Approval of Agreement between College and Career Academy Support Network (CCASN) and San Rafael City Schools, Terra Linda High School for Master Scheduling Building Technical Support for 2017-2018 School Year
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This item presents an Agreement between College and Career Academy Support Network (CCASN) and San Rafael City Schools, Terra Linda High School for Master Scheduling Building Technical Support for 2017-2018 school year, for recommended approval. 


Background:  The College & Career Academy Support Network (CCASN, previously called CASN), was founded in 1998 in the Graduate School of Education at UC Berkeley by a group of practitioners and researchers interested in career academies and their potential for improving high school education. In response to requests from schools and districts in several states, the group has supported development and improvement of career academies, while assembling information and resources to help schools and districts plan, implement, or enhance academies. This work resulted in a series of guides now available on the CCASN website, along with other tools, templates, a curriculum database, videos, and more.

The team has worked in some twenty different states, across a broad range of efforts that join research findings with practical strategies to help educators and other stakeholders improve high schools.

Phil Saroyan, Technical Support Specialist, is a former high school principal with expertise in school data analysis and master scheduling. One of his primary responsibilities with CCASN is to help schools build the capacity to construct master schedules that support Partnership Academies and Linked Learning pathways. He has made presentations on master scheduling for several school districts and at conventions including the Association of California School Administrators and The California League of Middle Schools. His work also includes providing direct technical assistance to school site master scheduling teams.

Current Consideration: Phil Saroyan will provide the following services to San Rafael City Schools, Terra Linda High School.

  1. Provide a minimum of 2 days of master schedule, site-specific consultancies for Terra Linda High School.
  2. Provide individualized coaching for master scheduling APs/administrators and the Master Scheduling Team at selected high schools.
  3. Meet, either virtually or in-person, to provide follow-up technical assistance and resources to both the district and sites based on identified master schedule needs.
  4. Provide suggestions for changes in structure, policy, and practice that need to occur to support successful master scheduling for College and Career Academies/Linked Learning cohorts at the high school level.

Provide access to CCASN master schedule tools and resources designed to support a successful master schedule process.

Exhibit A - CCASN Scope of Work

Financial Impact:

Cost of services not to exceed $3,000 to be paid from general funds.


Recommended Motion:

Approval of the Agreement between College and Career Academy Support Network (CCASN) and San Rafael City Schools, Terra Linda High School for Master Scheduling Building Technical Support for 2017-2018 school year.


Approval of the Agreement between College and Career Academy Support Network (CCASN) and San Rafael City Schools, Terra Linda High School for Master Scheduling Building Technical Support for 2017-2018 school year.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Exhibit A
X.24. EDUCATION SERVICES: (HSD) Approval for San Rafael High School Senior AVID Class of 2017 to Participate in Overnight Field Trip to Point Reyes Hostel on May 25-26, 2017
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This item presents an item for the San Rafael High School Senior AVID Class of 2017 to Participate in Overnight Field Trip to Point Reyes Hostel on May 25-26, 2017, for recommended approval.


Background: The Board of Education recognizes that school-sponsored trips are an important component of a student's development and supplement and enrich the classroom learning experience.  School-sponsored trips may be conducted in connection with the district's course of study or school-related social, educational, cultural, athletic, school band activities, or other extracurricular or co-curricular activities. 

Requests for school-sponsored trips involving out-of-state, out-of-country, or overnight travel shall be submitted to the Superintendent or designee.  The Superintendent or designee shall review the request and make a recommendation to the Board as to whether the request should be approved by the Board. All other school-sponsored trips shall be approved in advance first by the principal and then by the Deputy Superintendent or designee. 

  • No student will be excluded from participation because of lack of sufficient funds.
  • School-sponsored trips for the purpose of swimming or surfing shall not be approved; this includes private or public swimming pools/hot tubs or spas, water parks, beaches, or any other venue where the sole purpose of the trip is for students to swim, surf, or enter the body of water
  • Each student will need their own bed and have evening supervision. (Hotel roll-away beds and inflatable air mattress is acceptable.)

Current Consideration: This is the final community building/send-off trip for the San Rafael High School AVID class of 2017. This is a celebration of four-years of hard work toward college enrollment for these 20 first-generation students. On May 25, 2017, approximately 20 San Rafael High School Avid Seniors and five adult chaperones will travel by personal car to Point Reyes Hostel. Accommodations will be dormitory-style rooms with each student and chaperone having their own bed. No water activities will be allowed. Students will participate in a guided hike, Avid awards, time capsules, and final reflections.This trip has been planned so that students will not miss any core academic class time. AVID is a course that promotes academic rigor and success, and this field trip has been planned to allow for a well-deserved fun and enriching experience while also avoiding any academic conflicts. Students will return to San Rafael High School on the morning of May 26, 2017.

Financial Impact:

The cost of this overnight field trip is to be covered by site fundraising. 

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the San Rafael High School Senior AVID Class of 2017 to Participate in Overnight Field Trip to Point Reyes Hostel on May 25-26, 2017.


Approval of the San Rafael High School Senior AVID Class of 2017 to Participate in Overnight Field Trip to Point Reyes Hostel on May 25-26, 2017.

Passed with a motion by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Llorens Gulati shared she was happy to see this trip for AVID; a great program.
X.25. SECOND READING: BOARD BUSINESS (ESD/HSD) Approval of Revisions to Board Bylaw 9323 Meeting Conduct
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board and public are provided the opportunity for a second reading of revisions to Board Bylaw 9323 Meeting Conduct. Staff recommends approval of the revisions.


The revisions presented are based on CSBA's recommendations to reflect new law passed in 2016. Under Assembly Bill (AB) 1787 the Board is required to provide a member of the  public who uses an interpreter at least twice the allotted time to address the Board during meetings, unless simultaneous interpreting equipment is used. The Bylaw also clarifies that the Board may refer a member of the public to an appropriate complaint procedure, but cannot prohibit criticism of district employees, programs, or policies during a board meeting. 

Financial Impact:


Recommended Motion:
 Approval of Revisions to Board Bylaw 9323 Meeting Conduct
 Approval of Revisions to Board Bylaw 9323 Meeting Conduct
Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
BB 9323 Meeting Conduct
XI.1. EXPULSION HEARING: (ESD) An Administrative Panel Hears Recommended Expulsion Cases and Then Makes Recommendations to the Board to Expel or Not to Expel. The Following Cases Have Been Heard
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will consider whether to expel or not expel student Case #16/17-10 (ESD).

Recommended Motion:

Uphold the panel's recommendation to expel (ESD) student case #16/17-10 for the remainder of the 2016-17 school year. 


Uphold the panel's recommendation to expel (ESD) student case #16/17-10 for the remainder of the 2016-17 school year. 

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
XI.2. FINANCE: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Receipt of Donations to San Rafael City Schools District
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will review the donations for approval.


Board Policy 3290 Section 1.1 states:

“The Board of Education may accept on behalf of, and in the name of the District, such gifts, donations, bequests and devices as are offered. Such gifts, cash contributions, donations, bequests and devices may be made subject to conditions or restrictions as the Board of Education may prescribe and/or accept.” (Education Code 41030-41032)

The following donations were received for the San Rafael City Schools District, as follows:

Donor Item/Purpose Site Amount
Beverly McNear High School Golf Athletic items;cart,clubs,bags etc SRHS $ 800.00
Ryan Paulger Guitar, 2 Amps, Easel, Art Supplies SRHS $ 600.00
Marin Athletic Foundation Concusion Testing, Athletic Trainer TLHS $2,000
Total $ 3,400.00


This agenda item presents the donations from the sources listed above, for recommended Board acceptance.

Financial Impact:

COST/FUNDING SOURCE: Total of donations: $3,400.00       

Recommended Motion:

Acceptance of the donations.


Acceptance of the donations.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
XI.3. PERSONNEL: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Resolution #1730 - Resolution to Designate May 21-27, 2017 as Classified Employee Appreciation Week
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board is presented with Resolution # 1730 for approval, in recognition of Classified School Employees Week May (21st – 27th).


The third full week of May (21st – 27th) has been designated as Classified School Employee Week in California by the California School Employees Association and the California State Legislature.

To recognize the event locally and to celebrate and honor the contributions of Classified school support staff in the San Rafael City Schools Elementary and High School Districts, this week is celebrated annually in San Rafael to recognize the consistently high level of work performed by Classified employees in our Districts. Our classified employees continue to display unswerving commitment to our students, schools and communities, and the Board and District Administration are pleased to recognize all of our highly professional classified personnel this week.

District staff and CSEA Local Chapter 341 requests the adoption of the attached Resolution #1730.

Financial Impact:

Small tokens of appreciation will be purchased from the Human Resources Department budget.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of Resolution #1730


Approval of Resolution #1730

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Llorens Gulati expressed her interest in seeing another Shadow Day this year.
Resolution #1730 Classified Employee Appreciation Week
XI.4. PERSONNEL: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Resolution #1731 - Resolution to Declare the Week of May 7 - 13, 2017 as "Teacher Appreciation Week"
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board is presented with Resolution 1731 for approval, in recognition of May 7 - 13, 2017 as "Teacher Appreciation Week"


To celebrate and honor the contributions of teachers in the San Rafael City Schools Elementary and High School Districts in conjunction with the State of California and United States National Teacher Day.

This week is celebrated annually in San Rafael to recognize the consistently high level of work performed by teachers in our Districts. SRCS teachers continue to provide our students with the knowledge and skills essential for life-long learning, responsible citizenship, and fulfillment of their greatest potential, and the Board and District Administration values and recognizes their commitment and excellence.

Financial Impact:

Small tokens of appreciation will be purchased from the Human Resources Department budget.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of Resolution #1731


Approval of Resolution #1731

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Absent Natu Tuatagaloa.
Resolution #1731 Teacher Appreciation Week
XI.5. INITIAL CONSIDERATION: FINANCE (ESD/HSD) First Reading to Review Revisions to: Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3311 Bids; New Board Policy, Administrative Regulation and Exhibit 3311.1 Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting; New Administrative Regulation 3311.3 Design-Build Contracts; and New Administrative Regulation 3311.4 Procurement of Technological Equipment
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board and the public have the opportunity to review the first reading of revisions to Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3311,  new Board Policy and Administrative Regulation and Exhibit 3311.1, new Administrative Regulation 3311.3, and new Administrative Regulation 3311.4.

The second reading and recommended approval will be brought to a subsequent meeting


Policy and regulation 3311 has been updated to move some material into new BP/AR 3311.1 - Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Procedures, AR 3311.2 - Lease-Leaseback Contracts (previously approved 2.21.17), AR 3311.3 - Design-Build Contracts, and AR 3311.4 - Procurement of Technological Equipment. Regulation also revises section on "Award of Contract" to expand the exceptions to awarding contracts based on the lowest responsible bidder to include lease-leaseback contracts, which are based on "best value" as defined.

New policy and administrative regulation 3311.1 include material formerly in BP/AR 3311 - Bids pertaining to requirements of the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (UPCCAA). Policy also adds prohibition against splitting a project or purchase into smaller work orders in order to evade requirements for competitive bidding, and legal authority to suspend the UPCCAA bidding process for the replacement or repair of a school facility in cases of emergency. Regulation also clarifies the requirement to disseminate the bid notice to the district's list of contractors. An exhibit with a sample resolution is also being added.

New administrative regulation 3311.3 includes material formerly in BP/AR 3311 - Bids pertaining to requirements for awarding design-build contracts. Minor editorial changes made to clarify the process and more directly reflect law.

New administrative regulation 3311.4 includes material formerly in BP/AR 3311 - Bids pertaining to requirements for the "competitive negotiation" process authorized for procurement of computers, software, telecommunications equipment, microwave equipment, or other related electronic equipment and apparatus.

The revisions and new policy and administrative regulations are based on recommended language from the California School Boards Association (CSBA). 

Financial Impact:

There is no financial impact to the school.

The second reading of these policies will be brought to the next meeting.
A. BP 3311 Bids
B. AR 3311 Bids
C. BP 3311.1 Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting
D. AR 3311.1 Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting
D1. FAQ Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act
E. 3311.1 Exhibit (1)- Sample Resolution Uniform Public Construction
F. AR 3311.3 Design-Build Contracts
G. AR 3311.4 Procurement of Technological Equipment
XI.6. INITIAL CONSIDERATION: BOARD BUSINESS (ESD/HSD) First Reading of Revisions to Administrative Regulation 1312.4 Williams Complaint Procedures and Exhibit (1) Notice to Parents/Guardians, Pupils, and Teachers: Complaint Rights, and Exhibit (2) Complaint Form
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board and public are provided the opportunity for a first reading and review of revisions to Administrative Regulation 1312.4 Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures, and accompanying Exhibits (1) and (2). A second reading with recommended approval will be brought to a subsequent meeting. 



In an effort to update our policy manual we are bringing forward revisions to the Administrative Regulation and accompanying Exhibit for the Williams Complaint Procedures. Th regulation and exhibits are being updated to delete the reference to the use of Williams uniform complaint procedures for complaints regarding deficiencies in intensive instruction for students who fail to pass the high school exit examination by the end of grade 12, which is no longer applicable due to changes in the law. The revisions are based on recommended language from the California School Boards Association (CSBA). 

Financial Impact:


The second reading of this regulation and exhibits will be brought to the next meeting.
1312.4 AR Williams UCP - 1st reading
1312.4 E(1) Notice - 1st reading
1312.4 E(2) Complaint Form - 1st reading
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will have an opportunity, as needed, to review the status of trustee goals as they relate to operational items that may require a study session. 

President Kertz reviewed the ongoing updates that are agendized at each regular meeting, noting her recommendation to add an ongoing budget update. As long as things are status quo and there is nothing major to report to the Board, she also recommending removing the ongoing LCAP update since other related presentations are often reflected in the LCAP, and removing the Facilities Report.

Trustee Knell agreed with the recommendations, noting if there is anything regarding facilities that is statutory, such as the posting of signage regarding towing that was discussed this evening, he would still like the Board to receive that information. Trustee Jackson concurred, asking that staff just be strategic in bringing forward any pertinent facilities updates. She also noted she likes to hear the updates on curriculum but noted her support to remove the LCAP standing item. Dr. Watenpaugh noted that LCAP related presentations can be pointed out at future meetings.
XIII.1. Report Out Action from Closed Session
President Kertz reported out the following action taken in Closed Session:

On a motion by Trustee Jackson and a second by Trustee Knell, the Board voted 4 to 0 to approve a confidential settlement agreement, by the following vote:
Rachel Kertz - YES
Greg Knell - YES
Linda M. Jackson - YES
Maika Llorens Gulati - YES
Natu Tuatagaloa - ABSENT

On a motion by Trustee Gulati and a second by Trustee Knell, the Board voted 4 to 0 to approve a confidential settlement agreement, by the following vote:
Rachel Kertz - YES
Greg Knell - YES
Linda M. Jackson - YES
Maika Llorens Gulati - YES
Natu Tuatagaloa - ABSENT

On a motion by Trustee Knell and a second by Trustee Jackson the Board voted 4-0 to rescind an employee's resignation and place the employee on a leave of absence through the end of the 2016-2017 school year, by the following vote:
Rachel Kertz - YES
Greg Knell - YES
Linda M. Jackson - YES
Maika Llorens Gulati - YES
Natu Tuatagaloa - ABSENT .

On a motion by Trustee Jackson and a second by Trustee Knell the Board voted 4 to 0 to release a temporary certificated employee at the end of the 2016-2017 school year, by the following vote:
Rachel Kertz - YES
Greg Knell - YES
Linda M. Jackson - YES
Maika Llorens Gulati - YES
Natu Tuatagaloa - ABSENT
XIII.2. Agenda Items for Future Meetings
Trustee Jackson did not request an item, but noted she would like to receive information about how to purchase tickets to the May 8 Marin Athletics Foundation banquet. President Kertz noted her appreciation that Trustee Jackson brought up purchasing her ticket, in light of budget considerations.
XIII.3. Board Member Reports
Maika Llorens Gulati:
- She attended the Annual “Mujer Latina” luncheon sponsored by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
- She attended the quarterly meeting with the City of San Rafael and Dixie, with Trustee Knell and Dr. Watenpaugh
- She attended State budget anticipated May revision sponsored by the Marin School Board Association, followed by a discussion with other trustees in Marin county about challenges of long-term pension liabilities and the impacts on school districts
- She attended the MSEL annual business leaders mixer, showcasing impressive student projects. Each project included a business and marketing plan
- She attended the Town Hall on immigration at the Al Boro Center where Dr. Watenpaugh was on the panel of speakers
- She attended the annual Hack4Health: Design, Code, Build event sponsored by MCOE and Marin Health and Human Services with 80 students brainstorming and working on projects to support that department. Brilliant idea!
- She attended the DELAC meeting and it was a full house with representation form most schools! The district has done an excellent job at encouraging parents to attend. Let’s keep it up and have representation from each school.
- She attended the “Become a trained immigrants know your rights advocate” training sponsored by Canal Alliance, with about 200 other members of our community including Trustee Jackson and some of our staff members
- She attended MarinKids Data and action guide presentation. Here is the link to the report:
- San Rafael HS Boys tennis keeps rocking at No. 4 in the county, defeating other high schools including Redwood HS and Marin Catholic. Two more matches before MCALs including Wednesday against Branson

Linda M. Jackson:
- On March 29 she attended a budget meeting with Joel Montero at MCOE and a follow-up MCSBA meeting with trustees
- She attended a meeting on immigration at Pickleweed; thanks to Dr. Watenpaugh who spoke to the group on the District's values; also thanks to Trustee Llorens Gulati and other SRCS staff who attended
- on March 30 she attended a focus group discussion at Dixie regarding their search for a new superintendent; they hope to have a candidate for the Board to vote on at their June 27 meeting
- She sat on the interview panel to select the SRHS stadium contractor
- She attended the SRHS Design Committee meeting which was very productive
- On April 7 she attended the Community Schools Initiative Steering Committee meeting with Trustee Knell and Dixie Trustee Glickman to plan for the big leadership meeting in May
- She attended the April 8 "Know Your Right" training for students, parents and employees. She suggested holding a similar training for SRCS employees
- She recently visited family in Oklahoma where she heard about the local district's budget issues

Greg Knell:
- He attended the Joel Montero and MCSBA budget meetings
- He attended the MSEL appreciation event and spoke with Cyane Dandridge and team about submitting a 2018 CSBA workshop on how to do a magnet school and not a charter
- CalFresh recently sent out 935 letters to parents inviting them to apply at a Earth Day event at BV where social workers will be present to assist with signups
- He attended the city/schools liaison meeting
- He spoke of addressing the Dixie School Board with Trustee Jackson

Rachel Kertz:
- She has been attending budget meetings
- She attended the MCSBA roundtable meeting on pensions
- She attended the Marin Kids event
- She attended a TLHS Site Design Committee meeting
- She has been attending Capital Facilities Program meetings
- She met 1:1 with the superintendent over spring break to discuss district business
XIII.4. Superintendent's Activity Report
Superintendent Watenpaugh reported:
- In today's Cabinet meeting staff discussed the approaching end of the school year and the various events that are coming
- Ms. Baer is preparing for the first set of teacher interviews for next school year with a puzzle theme "looking for the right fit"
- He attended the FCMAT presentation on budget with Joel Montero
- He attended the MSCBA roundatable meeting regarding impacts of pension increases
- He attended the Marin meeting on immigration
- During spring break, he, Doug Marquand and Dave Pedroli met with the City of San Rafael regarding the new fire station which will be built 6" away from the Maintenance building. Notification of the hearing for the discussion of the building was sent to a very old district address and never reached our offices. The City informed the District that they are working on remediation of a diesel spill that they have discovered on the site which has put the fire station on hold for now. In response to a question from Katina Pantazes, it was noted that the District is not aware of any issues for employees with the diesel spill on the fire station site
- He has held meet/confer meetings with all three unions
- He attended the funeral of a former SRCS teacher Laurene Waldron
- The District is working with a grant writing group to submit an application for Prop 47 Community Schools grant funding that could bring in $1.1M over 3 years
XIV. READJOURNMENT to Closed Session (if necessary)
XVI. ADJOURNMENT (and Closed Session Report Out, if necessary): 9:00 P.M. (approximate time)
There being no further business President Kertz adjourned the meeting at 8:49 PM.
4/17/2017 5:00:00 PM ( Original )
PresentLinda Jackson
PresentRachel Kertz
PresentGreg Knell
PresentMs. Maika Llorens Gulati
AbsentNatu Tuatagaloa

The resubmit was successful.