
Special Meeting of the Board of Education
Irvine USD
October 26, 2016 3:00PM
IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Administrative Center 5050 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92604 3:00 p.m. Special Meeting

President Bokota called the meeting to order at 3:02 pm

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Member Brooks.

Members Present:
Paul Bokota
Lauren Brooks
Ira Glasky
Michael Parham
Sharon Wallin

Terry L. Walker, Superintendent of Schools
John Fogarty, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Eamonn O'Donovan, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Brianne Ford, Chief Technology Officer
Wendy Bennett, Confidential Secretary, Superintendent's Office
Recommended Motion:
Adopt the agenda, as presented.
Adopt the agenda, as presented. Passed with a motion by Lauren Brooks and a second by Sharon Wallin.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Adopt the agenda, as presented.
Executive Director of Facilities, Planning & Construction, Kelvin Okino, introduced District staff and provided an overview of key agenda topics.

Enrollment Update
Director of Facilities and Planning, Lorrie Ruiz, provided an overview of enrollment vs. projections, and discussed the impacts of new residential development and occupancy rates, noting a current enrollment of 33,205. Ruiz reviewed next steps in determining 2017 enrollment projections.

Board members expressed a desire to see enrollment data for grades nine through twelve and more information on developer projections related to projected enrollment.

Columbus Grove
Facilities Consultant, Tony Ferruzzo, gave a thorough history related to the Columbus Grove/Stone Creek, Woodbridge High boundary adjustment and matriculation matter, including the role and criteria of the High School Boundary Advisory Committee.

The projected capacity impact of boundary modifications on Woodbridge High School was reviewed. The Board and staff discussed several possibilities regarding parent requests to allow modifications to the current high school boundaries for the Columbus Grove community. Staff communicated additional research is needed to fully evaluate the impact to various middle schools and Woodbridge High school. It was suggested that the item continue to be thoroughly researched and agendized for a future meeting.

Speaking to the topic: Marcy Garrett

Measure E
Members of the Facilities staff outlined the minor adjustments to the Measure E Series 1 scope, budget, and funding including advancing the construction of music classrooms from Series 3 to Series 1 for Brywood, Meadow Park, and Springbrook elementary schools, as well as the evaluation of re-opening the El Camino Real and Westwood Basics campuses for interim school housing.

Staff provided Measure E updates regarding:
• Architect Selection
• Site Analysis/Design
• Scoping/Proposals
• Project Schedules
• Architectural Services Upcoming RFPs
• Consultant Request for Qualification “Pools”
• Citizens Oversight
• Communications
• Staff Augmentation

Project Updates
Director of Construction Ryan Zajda provided an update on recently completed projects, and projects in progress including Eastwood Elementary School and the second Heritage Fields K-8 school site.

Kelvin Okino outlined the future second Portola Spring’s development Elementary school including ingress, overall site plan design and space use and adjacencies.
Passed with a motion by Lauren Brooks and a second by Sharon Wallin.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:19 p.m.
5. Board Meeting Information
Quick Summary / Abstract:

November 15, 2016
December 13, 2016

The District will make every attempt to accommodate any attendee or participant at this meeting who needs special assistance, when notice is given to the Superintendent's Office 949.936.5000 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Regular Board Meetings are broadcast live on Cox channel 39 and AT&T U-verse channel 99.

The board meeting agenda and support materials are accessible from the District's web site ( prior to the close of business on the Friday preceding the meeting. Any written materials distributed to the Board after the 72 hour posting period will also be made available for public review at the time of distribution. Copies may also be obtained at the District Administration Center or at the meeting.

* Opportunities for public input occur at the beginning of each agenda item.  Persons wishing to address the Board should complete a blue request form, available on the information table, and submit it to the Board Secretary.  Each topic or item is limited to 30 minutes; each speaker is limited to 3 minutes.

Disability Information:
The District will make every attempt to accommodate any attendee or participant at this meeting who needs special assistance, when notice is given to the Superintendent's Office 949.936.5000 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
10/26/2016 3:02:00 PM ( Original )
PresentPaul Bokota
PresentLauren Brooks
PresentIra Glasky
PresentMichael Parham
PresentSharon Wallin

The resubmit was successful.