
Special Board Meeting
Los Gatos Un. ESD
February 12, 2015 8:30AM
Los Gatos Lodge - El Gato Room 50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road Los Gatos, CA 95032

A. Call to Order (8:30 a.m.)
A.1. Roll Call
(408) 335-2000 Dr. Diana G. Abbati Board Members
  Kathleen Bays (2014)
  Scott Broomfield (2014)
  Emi Eto (2016)
  Leigh-Anne Marcellin (2016)
  Tina Orsi-Hartigan (2014)

Our Community, Our Students, Our Future

The mission of the Los Gatos Union School District is to educate all children to their unique potential by teaching, modeling, and supporting the skills and attitudes that contribute to their development as globally and socially responsible citizens.

Vision Statement

All students know their individual learning styles and talents, think creatively and critically, act responsibly, communicate effectively, and apply knowledge in a diverse and ever-changing world.

Strategic Plan

  • Strategic Initiative #1 - Improving Student Achievement
  • Strategic Initiative #2 - Developing the Whole Child with at Well-Rounded Curriculum
  • Strategic Initiative #3 - Teaching 21st Century Skills
  • Strategic Initiative #4 - Collaborating in the Professional Community
  • Strategic Initiative #5 - Improving District Operations

Members of the public are always welcome at meetings of the Board of Trustees except for closed sessions. Individuals wishing to address the Board regarding agenda items may do so when the item is under consideration, assuming the item falls within the Board's jurisdiction. Individuals may address the Board on non-agenda items during public comment at regular Board meetings only. At special board meetings, individuals may comment only on agenda items. Individuals requiring special accommodations, including but not limited to an American sign-language interpreter, accessible seating or documentation in accessible formats, should contact the Superintendent's office at least two working days before the meeting date.

A.2. Approval/Amendment of Agenda
B. Regular Session – LGUSD Summit5 - 2015Was edited within 0 hours of the Meeting
The spirit of the Los Gatos Union School District Summit is to convene leaders from around the District to discuss and share strategies to strengthen the quality of education for Los Gatos students. Participants will be immersed in briefings, discussions, and debates on current academic practices, facilities, and fundraising opportunities.
1-LGUSD 2015 Summit Overview)02_12_15
2-LGUSD State of District 2014_2015_02_12_15
3-LGUSD Summit Breakout 02_12_15
LGUSD Citizen's Guide 02_12_15
LGUSD Imagine PT1_02_12_15
LGUSD Imagine PT2_02_12_15
C. Board Items
C.1. Future Board Meetings
Quick Summary / Abstract:
• Regular Board Meeting – February 24, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. • Special Board Meeting – March 3, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. (Special Joint Study Session with the Town of Los Gatos at Town Hall) • Regular Board Meeting – March 10, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
D. Adjournment (2:00 p.m.)

The resubmit was successful.