Regular Meeting of the Board of Education Milpitas USD August 13, 2019 4:00PM 4 p.m. Closed Session
5 p.m. Open Session
Board Room, Building 500
1331 East Calaveras Boulevard,
Milpitas, CA
_____ Chris Norwood _____ Hon Lien _____ Kelly Yip-Chuan _____ Michael Tsai _____ Kush Brahmbhatt
The Board may delete items from its posted agenda and may also add items to its posted agenda, pursuant to Govt. Code 54954.2, if such items to be added arise out of “emergency situations”, as defined under Govt. Code Sec. 54956.5.
Motion:_____ Second: _____ Action:______
Members of the public may address the Board on any subject not on tonight's agenda; however, provisions of the Brown Act (Government Code 54954.2(a) and .3) preclude any action. As an unagendized item, no response is required from the Board or District staff and no action can be taken; however, the Board may instruct the Superintendent to agendize the item for a future meeting.
If you would like to address the Board on any item on this agenda, please complete the green Request of Visitors form located near the entrance of the meeting room and hand it to the Communications Specialist. On the form, please list the agenda item(s) you would like to speak to. When your name is called, please come to the podium, state your name and address for the record, and limit your remarks to two minutes for individuals or five minutes for a group.
4:00 PM |
The meeting will adjourn to closed session to discuss and/or to take action on the following items. This part of the agenda is closed to the public. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL Existing Litigation - Student vs. Milpitas USD, Office of Administrative Hearings Case No. 2019050580
Report on action(s) taken in Closed Session, if required, pursuant to CA Govt. Code Section 54957.1, including abstentions, if any by Board members present.
Motion:_____ Second: _____ Action:______
Members of the public may address the Board on any subject not on tonight's agenda; however, provisions of the Brown Act (Government Code 54954.2(a) and .3) preclude any action. As an unagendized item, no response is required from the Board or District staff and no action can be taken; however, the Board may instruct the Superintendent to agendize the item for a future meeting.
If you would like to address the Board on any item on this agenda, please complete the green Request of Visitors form located near the entrance of the meeting room and hand it to the Communications Specialist. On the form, please list the agenda item(s) you would like to speak to. When your name is called, please come to the podium, state your name and address for the record, and limit your remarks to two minutes for individuals or five minutes for a group.
- Build a Culture of We that engages parents, staff, and community partners in supporting student success.
- Improve communication systems for better outreach to parents, students, and staff.
- Develop educational pathways that allow students to apply their passion in learning for their future careers.
- Focus services and support systems to ensure that all students are engaged in their learning and are making social, emotional, and academic gains.
- Identify creative, student-focused strategies to accommodate enrollment growth and ensure healthy learning environments.
Members of the Executive Cabinet will have recent significant information to present to the Governing Board on topics that are not on the agenda. Reports are limited to 3 minutes each.
-Business Services -Learning and Development -Human Relations -Principal
The Board Group Agreements are provided for the Board's ready reference as a reminder of our conduct as elected officials.
Per Board Bylaw 9001, amended on April 10, 2018, Board members and the Superintendent agree to
1. Keep learning and achievement for all students as the primary focus.
2. Ask questions for our own understanding.
3. Be open and honest with each other.
4. No surprises.
5. Be aware that our behavior in the Milpitas community reflects on us as a team.
6. Communicate proactively with each other about topics, questions, and challenges in open session and in advance of public Board meetings in compliance with the Brown Act. 7. Participate in professional development and commit the time and energy necessary to be an informed and effective leader. 8. Actively support the Culture of We in action, deed, and opportunity to serve the students and parents of the Milpitas Unified School District.
BACKGROUND: Board Group Agreements are provided for the Board's ready reference as a reminder of Board Member's conduct as elected officials. |
This part of the agenda provides School Board members the opportunity to report on their activities as elected representatives. School Board members may request the placement of items in future Board agenda, relay information from the community, or request information from staff. The student Board representative reports on school and student activities.
Board President, Christopher Norwood |
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Action: _____
BACKGROUND: The employment contract for Superintendent Cheryl Jordan is presented to the Board for its approval and public ratification. The contract term is extended by one (1) year from June 30, 2021 to June 30, 2022. The Board shall review the Superintendent’s performance by June 30 of each year, and the term of the contract may be extended by one (1) year each year thereafter providing the Superintendent earns a satisfactory evaluation by the Board. The Superintendent shall receive the same compensation increases that were approved on May 28, 2019 for the Milpitas Management Association, as well as the Milpitas Teachers Association, and Classified Employees Association, Chapter 281: - Increase by three percent (3%), retroactive to July 1, 2018.
- Increase by two and one-half percent (2.5%) for 2019-20 effective July 1, 2019.
- Life insurance and disability insurance will end as of January 1, 2020.
With the 3% increase, the Superintendent’s salary becomes $232,526.00 effective July 1, 2018, and the 2.5% increase for 2019-20 the salary totals $238,339.00 is effective July 1, 2019. It may be increased at the same rate as that of other managers in future years. |
Approve amendment to Superintendent Cheryl Jordan's contract.
2018-19: 3% = $6,772.62 2019-20: 2.5% = $5,813.15
8.13.19 Third Amendment to Contract for Superintendent Cheryl Jordan
Superintendent, Cheryl Jordan |
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Action: _____
Milpitas Unified School District received a total of 17 applications from community members wishing to fill the current vacancy on the School Board. A subcommittee of the Board identified the top seven candidates to be interviewed by the Board. The Board will interview and rank the seven candidates. The top finisher will be the Board's provisional appointee and will serve the remainder of Daniel Bobay’s term through November 2020. At that time any candidate who wishes to serve the new four-year term for that seat will need to follow the requirements for election. The candidates will be interviewed in the following order: - Patricia Boehm 5:25 p.m.
- Mauricio Gavidia 5:50 p.m.
- Chia Ling Kong 6:15 p.m.
- Hai Minh Ngo 6:40 p.m.
- William Lam 7:05 p.m.
- Sharatkumar Joshi 7:30 p.m.
- Silvia Dias 7:55 p.m.
- Elena Sherbakov 8.20 p.m.
President Chris Norwood will lead the interviews and time each candidate's responses.
Superintendent, Cheryl Jordan |
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Action: _____
In accordance with Education Code 5092, within 10 days of the provisional appointment of a person to fill a vacancy on the Board, notices of the vacancy and the provisional appointment will be posted in three public places in the District and published in a newspaper of general circulation in the District. The appointment will remain unless a petition calling for a special election is received by the Superintendent of the Santa Clara County Office of Education within 30 days with valid signatures of 1.5% of registered voters in the district at the time of the last general election. The appointee will be sworn in by Superintendent Jordan and will be formally introduced to the public at the August 27, 2019 board meeting. |
Name the Board's provisional appointee.
Superintendent, Cheryl Jordan |
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Action: _____
Oath of Office I, (appointed Board Member), do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
Consent items are considered routine and will be acted upon by the Board in one motion. There is no discussion on these items prior to the motion unless members of the Board, staff, or public request that specific items be tabled, or removed for discussion or correction.
Motion:______ Second:_____ Action:_____
August 27, 2019 - Closed Session: 6 p.m. Open Session: 7 p.m. 1331 East Calaveras Blvd. Board Room, Bldg. 500
September 10, 2019 - Closed Session: 6 p.m. Open Session: 7 p.m. 1331 East Calaveras Blvd. Board Room, Bldg. 500
September 24, 2019 - Closed Session: 6 p.m. Open Session: 7 p.m. 1331 East Calaveras Blvd. Board Room, Bldg. 500 October 8, 2019 - Closed Session: 6 p.m. Open Session: 7 p.m. 1331 East Calaveras Blvd. Board Room, Bldg. 500 |
Individuals who require special accommodation should contact the Superintendent’s Office at (408) 635-2600 ext 6013 at least two business days before the meeting date.
All disclosable public records related to an agenda item for discussion in open session of a regular meeting of the Board of Education and distributed to all or majority of the Board members less than 72 hours prior to that meeting, shall be made available for public inspection at the same time the writing is distributed to all or majority of the Board members. Any such writings will be made available for public inspection during business hours in the Superintendent’s Office Bldg. 100, 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Barring technical difficulties, such writings will also be posted on the District’s web site at |
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