

Welcome to Agenda Online



Meeting Information


The Board meetings are held the first and third Thursday of the month in the District Office Board Room followed by Closed Session.  
Student/Employee Recognitions and Open Session begin at 6:00 p.m. All meetings are open to the public.  The District Office is located at 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA, 92879.

*We are following the current guidance of state and county health and safety officials. Masks are strongly suggested for all participants. 

Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes

To access the meeting agendas and items click on the meeting date listed on the right side of this page. Agendas are typically posted the Friday prior to a Thursday meeting. Once the board adopts the minutes they will be embedded within the agendas listed on this page. If minutes have not yet been posted, only the agenda without minutes will be accessible. 


Schedule of Board Meetings

Board Meeting Dates 2022

Student, Certificated, Classified & Volunteer of the Month Recognitions

January 20, 2022

*TBD - Recognitions will be rescheduled

February 10, 2022


March 3, 2022


March 17, 2022


April 21, 2022

Terrace Elementary School Recognitions
Classified and Employee of the Year Recognitions

May 5, 2022

Twinhill Elementary School Recognitions

May 19, 2022

*TBD Certificated Recognitions

June 9, 2022

June 23, 2022

Budget Adoption

July 14, 2022

August 18, 2022


September 1, 2022


September 15, 2022


October 6, 2022


October 20, 2022

November 3, 2022


November 17, 2022

December 15, 2022



Alvord USD Meetings

6/23/2022 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
6/16/2022 12:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Budget and LCAP WorkshopDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
6/9/2022 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
6/1/2022 9:00 AMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879; Teleconference: Trustee Lizeth Vega, Calle Darilera #109, Norte Colonia Insurgentes, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, 32140 Mexico
5/19/2022 2:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
5/12/2022 2:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Board of Education WorkshopDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
5/5/2022 2:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
4/28/2022 2:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Board of Education WorkshopDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
4/21/2022 3:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
3/30/2022 3:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
3/17/2022 3:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
3/3/2022 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
3/3/2022 2:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Board of Education WorkshopDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
2/10/2022 3:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
2/7/2022 3:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879; Teleconference: Trustee Dr. Joanna Dorado, 175 East Nuevo Road, RM #1212, Perris, CA 92571; Teleconference: Trustee Robert Schwandt, 2911 Everwood Drive, Riverside, CA 92503
1/27/2022 3:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Board of Education WorkshopDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
1/20/2022 3:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
1/6/2022 4:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - CANCELEDVia Teleconference
12/16/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
12/9/2021 3:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
11/29/2021 9:00 AMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
11/18/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
11/4/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
10/28/2021 4:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Board of Education WorkshopDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
10/21/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
10/14/2021 4:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Board of Education WorkshopDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
10/7/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
9/30/2021 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
9/16/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
9/2/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
8/26/2021 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
8/19/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 *For This Meeting Masks Are Required For All Participants
8/12/2021 4:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Board of Education WorkshopDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway Corona, CA 92879
8/10/2021 3:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
8/5/2021 4:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Board of Education- CANCELEDDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
7/27/2021 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
7/19/2021 4:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Board of Education RetreatDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
7/15/2021 2:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
7/8/2021 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
6/25/2021 12:30 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
6/18/2021 10:00 AMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
6/17/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference Meeting has been edited.
6/16/2021 9:30 AMSpecial Board Meeting - Budget & LCAP WorkshopDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
6/3/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference Meeting has been edited.
5/20/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
5/13/2021 2:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
5/10/2021 2:30 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
5/6/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
5/4/2021 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
4/15/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference
3/18/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference Meeting has been edited.
3/4/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference
3/3/2021 5:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
3/2/2021 3:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
2/25/2021 5:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
2/18/2021 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
2/4/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference
1/21/2021 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference
12/17/2020 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference
11/19/2020 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia TeleconferenceMeeting has been edited.
11/5/2020 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference
10/22/2020 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference
10/13/2020 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
10/8/2020 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference Meeting has been edited.
9/24/2020 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference
9/10/2020 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference
8/20/2020 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia TeleconferenceMeeting has been edited.
7/16/2020 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference
7/9/2020 4:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Study Session - Reopening of District SchoolsVia Teleconference
6/25/2020 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference Meeting has been edited.
6/24/2020 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
6/18/2020 4:40 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
6/11/2020 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingVia Teleconference
5/28/2020 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
5/11/2020 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
4/27/2020 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
4/23/2020 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia TeleconferenceMeeting has been edited.
4/9/2020 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingVia Teleconference
3/19/2020 3:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
3/13/2020 12:50 PMEmergency Special Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
3/12/2020 4:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Coronavirus - District ResponseDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
3/5/2020 3:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
2/27/2020 4:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Study Session - EERADistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879; Teleconference Location: 500 East First Street RM# 805, Long Beach, CA 90802Meeting has been edited.
2/20/2020 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
1/28/2020 4:30 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
1/23/2020 3:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Teleconference: Via-Phone, Lizeth Vega (Closed Session ONLY)
1/15/2020 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
1/9/2020 3:30 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
12/17/2019 6:00 PMBoard of Trustees-Special Joint Board Meeting with Riverside Community College District Riverside Community College District Office, Board Room 3801 Market Street, Conf. Room 309 Riverside, CA 92501
12/12/2019 2:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Teleconference: Via-Phone, Lizeth Vega (Closed Session ONLY) Meeting has been edited.
11/21/2019 3:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
11/14/2019 2:30 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Study Session - Bond RefinancingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Teleconference: Via-Phone, Dr. Joanna Dorado (Closed Session ONLY)
11/7/2019 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
10/24/2019 3:30 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Study Session - ClimatecDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
10/17/2019 3:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
10/10/2019 3:30 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Study Session - CenergisticDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
10/3/2019 3:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
9/26/2019 4:30 PMSpecial Board Meeting - Study Session - FAFSADistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
9/19/2019 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
9/5/2019 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
8/22/2019 4:30 PMSpecial Board Meeting / Study SessionDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
8/15/2019 4:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
7/18/2019 4:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
6/27/2019 3:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
6/13/2019 2:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
6/7/2019 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
5/23/2019 4:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
5/16/2019 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
5/13/2019 5:30 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
5/10/2019 1:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
5/9/2019 3:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Teleconference: Via-Phone, Dr. Joanna Dorado (Closed Session ONLY) Meeting has been edited.
5/6/2019 5:30 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
5/2/2019 4:30 PMSpecial Board Meeting-FCMATDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
4/30/2019 4:30 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
4/25/2019 3:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Teleconference: Via-Phone, Dr. Joanna Dorado (Closed Session ONLY) Meeting has been edited.
4/18/2019 3:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting-Study Session/Special Ed.District Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
4/11/2019 3:30 PMSpecial Board Meeting-LCAP Study SessionDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Teleconference Via Phone- Dr. Joanna Dorado (Closed Session ONLY)
4/4/2019 2:00 PMRegular Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Teleconference: Via Phone: Dr. Joanna Dorado and Lizeth Vega (Closed Session ONLY)Meeting has been edited.
3/14/2019 2:00 PMBoard of Education Regular Meeting-AMENDEDDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
3/7/2019 3:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Teleconference: Via-Phone, Dr. Joanna Dorado (Closed Session ONLY) Meeting has been edited.
3/5/2019 4:30 PMSpecial Board Meeting-Study Session A2ADistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
2/28/2019 3:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Teleconference: Via Phone, Dr. Joanna Dorado (Closed Session ONLY) Meeting has been edited.
2/21/2019 4:30 PMSpecial Board Meeting-Study SessionDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
2/7/2019 4:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
1/22/2019 3:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
1/17/2019 4:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
1/10/2019 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
12/13/2018 2:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
12/10/2018 9:00 AMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
12/6/2018 3:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting-Study SessionDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
11/16/2018 10:00 AMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
11/15/2018 2:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
11/8/2018 2:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting-Study SessionDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
11/1/2018 3:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
10/25/2018 3:30 PMSpecial Board Meeting-Study SessionDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
10/18/2018 3:30 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
10/4/2018 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
9/25/2018 5:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting-WorkshopDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
9/20/2018 3:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
9/6/2018 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
8/16/2018 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
8/2/2018 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
7/25/2018 10:00 AMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
7/19/2018 2:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
7/17/2018 2:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting-WorkshopDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
7/12/2018 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
7/10/2018 2:00 PMSpecial Board Meeting-Study SessionDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
7/2/2018 3:30 PMSpecial Board Meeting-Study SessionDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
6/28/2018 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879 Meeting has been edited.
6/20/2018 2:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
6/14/2018 4:00 PMREGULAR MEETINGDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
5/30/2018 3:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
5/22/2018 4:00 PMSpecial Board MeetingDistrict Office-Board Room- 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879
5/17/2018 4:00 PMBoard of Education Regular MeetingDistrict Office Board Room, 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.
5/3/2018 4:00 PMREGULAR MEETINGDistrict Office Board Room 9 KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879Meeting has been edited.