
08-23-18 Regular Session Board Meeting
San José USD
August 23, 2018 6:00PM
Board Room 855 Lenzen Avenue (District Administration Building)

Mission Statement:
Uniting as one community, we elevate opportunities for all. Vision Statement: Preparing today’s students to be the thinkers, leaders, and creators of tomorrow.
A. Call to Order in Open Session - 5:00 PM
With Trustees Meek and Melillo present at the dais, Board President Ellenberg called the meeting to order in open session at 5:00 PM.
B. Adoption of Closed Session Agenda
To adopt the closed session agenda. Passed with a motion by Michael Melillo and a second by Kimberly Meek.
Absent Teresa Castellanos.
Yes Susan Ellenberg.
Absent Pamela Foley.
Yes Kimberly Meek.
Yes Michael Melillo.
C. Public Comments Regarding Closed Session Agenda Items
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Members of the public who wish to speak prior to the Board's consideration of items on the posted closed session agenda must complete the appropriate CITIZEN'S REQUEST TO SPEAK card and indicate the item number to be addressed. For comments in favor of an agenda item, speakers must complete the green CITIZEN'S REQUEST TO SPEAK card. For comments in opposition to an agenda item, speakers must complete the red CITIZEN'S REQUEST TO SPEAK card. Each speaker is allocated a total of two (2) minutes to address the Board for a maximum of ten (10) minutes on each subject matter at the discretion of the Board President.

There were no public comments on closed session items.
D. Adjourn to Closed Session
The Board adjourned to closed session at 5:01 PM.
E. Closed Session Agenda
E.1. Personnel [Pursuant to Government Codes 54954.5 and 54957.1]Confidential agenda item.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the following Personnel Items:

A. Public Employee Appointment
B. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment
C. Layoffs/Leaves of Absence/Resignation
D. Public Employee Contracts

E.2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation [Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)]Confidential agenda item.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

OAH Case Number 2018031172
OAH Case Number 2018050860
OAH Case Number 2018060140

E.3. Liability Claims [Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.95]Confidential agenda item.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Claimant:  Ozmar Ramos Garcia (minor)
Agency claimed against:  San José Unified School District

Claimant:  Jorge Trejo
Agency claimed against:  San José Unified School District

E.4. Conference with Labor Negotiator [Pursuant to Government Code Sections 3549.1 and 54957.6]Confidential agenda item.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Agency designated representatives:  Stephen McMahon and J. Dominic Bejarano
Employee Organizations:  SJAA, SJTA, CSEA, AFSCME, AFT, Trades

E.5. Public Employee Performance EvaluationConfidential agenda item.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Title: Superintendent
F. Reconvene in Open Session - 6:00 PM
With Trustees Castellanos, Meek and Melillo present at the dais, Board President Ellenberg reconvened the meeting in open session at 6:02 PM.
G. Pledge of Allegiance
Student Board Member Robert Gamble led the Pledge of Allegiance.
H. Adoption of Open Session Agenda
To adopt the open session agenda. Passed with a motion by Teresa Castellanos and a second by Kimberly Meek.
Yes Teresa Castellanos.
Yes Susan Ellenberg.
Absent Pamela Foley.
Yes Kimberly Meek.
Yes Michael Melillo.
The open session agenda was adopted.

Trustee Castellanos announced that equipment is available for simultaneous Spanish translation.
I. Public Comments
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Current Board Policy provides members of the public the opportunity to bring before the Board, at a regular meeting, matters that are not listed on the agenda. The Board may refer such matters to the Superintendent or designee or take it under advisement, but shall not take action at that time as provisions of the Brown Act (Government Code 54954.2(a)(3) and 54954.3) preclude any action being taken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda for action.

Members of the public who wish to directly address the Board on any item of interest to the public must complete the appropriate CITIZEN'S REQUEST TO SPEAK card and bring it to the Executive Assistant to the Board prior to the conclusion of Public Comments. Speakers must clearly identify whether they are speaking to an agenda item or to a matter not on the agenda. For comments in favor of an agenda item, speakers must complete the green CITIZEN'S REQUEST TO SPEAK card. For comments in opposition to an agenda item, speakers must complete the red CITIZEN'S REQUEST TO SPEAK card. For comments on matters not on the posted agenda, the yellow CITIZEN'S REQUEST TO SPEAK card must be completed.

Time limits are two minutes at the discretion of the Board President. As permitted by current policy, the Board President will limit the total time for public comments on each agenda item to 20 minutes. The Board President may take a poll of speakers in support of or opposed to a particular issue if there are more speakers than time allows. (BB 9323)

Each SJUSD bargaining group president is given five minutes to address the Board of Education. The appropriate CITIZEN’S REQUEST TO SPEAK card must be completed and given to the Executive Assistant to the Board prior to the conclusion of public comments. Bargaining group presidents who wish to speak during the discussion of an item on the posted agenda must complete the appropriate CITIZEN’S REQUEST TO SPEAK card and clearly identify the agenda item number.

Public comments opened at 6:03 PM.

Speaker: Sharon Calhoun, President, CSEA Chapter 4
Topic: Thank you to the Board for attending the CSEA event last May.

As the CSEA bargaining group President, Sharon Calhoun was allotted five (5) minutes to speak.

Public comments closed at 6:04 PM.
J. Special Order of Business
J.1. Presentation: Enrollment Update, Overview of Properties, and Options Going Forward (INFORMATIONAL)
On October 19, 2017, the Board of Education discussed the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Current Enrollment, Enrollment Projections, and Utilization of District Facilities and the Board of Education adopted Resolution 2018-10-19-01 on the Affordable Housing Crisis.  This presentation will provide an update on enrollment, an overview of the District's properties, and possible options going forward.

Deputy Superintendent Stephen McMahon gave an update on enrollment and an overview of properties that are owned by San José Unified. The presentation also included three options for going forward:
1) Maintain status quo
2) Continue to monitor and update
3) Prepare plan and return to Board for action

Public comments on Item J.1 opened at 6:22 PM. The speaker, Mr. Brian Wheatley was allotted two (2) minutes to address the Board.

Speaker: Brian Wheatley
Topic: Enrollment

Mr. Wheatley's comments are located at 17:42 - 19:42 on the 08.23.18 Board Meeting Recording.

Following the presentation and discussion by the Board, Deputy Superintendent Stephen McMahon sought the Board's direction going forward. The Board's consensus was to direct staff to return with a plan to make a master plan.

Deputy Superintendent McMahon's presentation and discussion by the Board is located at 4:47 - 52:53 on the 08.23.18 Board Meeting Recording.
K. Announcements and Reports
K.1. Board of Education and Student Board Member
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Board members may report on visits to schools, conferences and meetings attended and items of interest to the public.

Susan Ellenberg, President
Kimberly Meek, Vice President
Teresa Castellanos, Member
Pamela Foley, Member
Michael Melillo, Member

Robert Gamble, Student Board Member

Board Members reported on the back to school events they attended in their respective trustee areas.

Student Board Member Robert Gamble announced that he and Alternate Student Board Member Farhiya Ali are currently working on agendas and dates for the ILC Meetings. He announced that the first ILC Meeting for the school year would be held in October at Pioneer High School.

Board President Ellenberg reported on a conversation she had with a group from the Behavioral Health Contractors Association regarding mental and behavioral health services and how school linked services are provided to students. Acknowledging District Office Receptionist Rosie Garcia's impending retirement, she thanked Rosie for her service to the District and wished the very best to her.

Complete announcements and reports by the Board of Education are located at 53:00 - 59:11 on the 08.23.18 Board Meeting Recording.
K.2. Superintendent and Executive Staff
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Superintendent and Executive Staff may provide reports and updates to the Board on schools, programs, departments and various key areas of significance.

Nancy Albarrán, Superintendent
Stephen McMahon, Deputy Superintendent
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent, Instruction
J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent, Administrative Services

Associate Superintendent Jodi Lax reported on the new instructional materials that were recently purchased for elementary RSP teachers and the training they received on August 9th.

Assistant Superintendent J. Dominic Bejarano commented on the changes that have been made at the District Office to better support employees and the community and announced that the changes have been well received. Recognizing both Joan Albers and Rosie Garcia for the customer service they provide, he acknowledged Rosie's upcoming retirement expressing appreciation for all of the work she has done for San José Unified.

Deputy Superintendent Stephen McMahon gave an update on hiring, recognizing Jacqueline Murphy and the entire Human Resources team for the work they have done to get teacher positions filled. He also recognized Associate Superintendent J. Dominic Bejarano for the work he has done hiring administrators.

Superintendent Albarrán also recognized District Office Receptionist Rosie Garcia for the customer service that she provides. She expressed thanks to her for bringing a smile to so many faces and wished her the best. She also expressed thanks to staff including teachers and leaders, and to the operations team for having everything ready to go on the first day of school. She reported that she has visited a lot of schools and classrooms and has seen teachers implementing of a lot of the things that they have received training in. She announced that she and Deputy Superintendent Stephen McMahon have been spending time in Sacramento voicing support for assembly bill 1951, the Pathways to College Act that provides an opportunity for school districts to use a high quality assessment such as the SAT in lieu of the SBAC for students in 11th grade.

Reports and updates by the Superintendent and Executive Staff are located at 59:13 - 1:10:35 on the 08.23.18 Board Meeting Recording.
L. Minutes
L.1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Session Meeting held August 9, 2018.
To approve the minutes of the Regular Session Meeting held August 9, 2018. Passed with a motion by Teresa Castellanos and a second by Kimberly Meek.
Yes Teresa Castellanos.
Yes Susan Ellenberg.
Absent Pamela Foley.
Yes Kimberly Meek.
Yes Michael Melillo.
The minutes of the Regular Session Meeting held August 9, 2018 were approved as submitted.
Minutes of August 9, 2018 Regular Session Meeting
M. Approval of Consent Calendar
Quick Summary / Abstract:
All Agenda items listed under the Consent Calendar will be enacted in one motion. There will be no discussion of these items prior to consideration of the motion, unless a member of the Board of Education or the Superintendent request that an item be removed from the Consent Calendar.
To approve consent calendar items M.1 through M.22. Passed with a motion by Kimberly Meek and a second by Teresa Castellanos.
Yes Teresa Castellanos.
Yes Susan Ellenberg.
Absent Pamela Foley.
Yes Kimberly Meek.
Yes Michael Melillo.
Consent calendar items M.1 through M.22 were approved.
M.1. Certificated Personnel Actions (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve the Certificated Personnel Actions as specified.


Approved by
Jacqueline Murphy, Director
Human Resources

Approved by
J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent
Administrative Services

HR Certificated 08.23.18
M.2. Classified Personnel Actions (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve the Classified Personnel Actions as specified.


Approved by
Jacqueline Murphy, Director
Human Resources

Approved by
J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent
Administrative Services

HR Classified 08.23.18
M.3. Short-term Limited Services Agreements (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the Short-term Limited Services Agreements for $25,000 or less as specified.

Prepared by
Jacqueline Murphy, Director
Human Resources

Approved by
J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent
Administrative Services

Short-term Limited Services 2018-19 Agreements - 08.23.18
M.4. Monthly Reports for the Month of June 2018 (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education, based upon review of the monthly reports for June 2018, accept the following reports:

Approved Purchase Order Report
Accounts Payable Commercial Warrant Report
Payroll Warrant Report
Cash Flow

In accordance with District Disbursement Officer duties under the authority of Fiscal Accountability a review, acceptance and certification must be performed to:

Forecast and determine the availability of funds to cover the payment of claims;

Determine that adequate documentation exists to substantiate the appropriateness and authenticity of financial transactions;

Determine that there has been compliance with budgetary, legal, procedural and specifically funded program requirements.

The above items support internal controls maintained by the District in accordance with Fiscal Accountability requirements.

Prepared by
Arthur Cuffy, Director of Finance
Fiscal Services

Approved by
J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent
Administrative Services

1) June 2018 Approved Purchase Order Report
2) June 2018 AP Commercial Warrant Report
3) June 2018 Payroll Warrant Report
4) June 2018 General Fund Cash Flow
M.5. Agreement between National University and San José Unified School District (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve the Agreement between National University and San José Unified School District to provide an Intern Credential Program for university students effective May 14, 2018 through June 30, 2021.

The District participates and partners with neighboring institutes of higher education to recruit and select the most promising teacher candidates.

Approved by
Jacqueline Murphy, Director
Human Resources

Approved by 
J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent
Administrative Services

Agreement - National University
M.6. Service Agreement with Fleet BodyWorx, Inc. (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve a Service Agreement with Fleet BodyWorx, Inc. in the amount of $50,000 to provide repairs resulting from accident damage for SJUSD's district vehicles during the 2018-19 school year.

Budget source:  Fleet Services [Fund 061]


Fleet BodyWorx, Inc. will provide repair for all district vehicles resulting from accident damage.

Prepared by
Jill Case, Director
Student Operational Services

Approved by
J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent
Administrative Services

Financial Impact:
Fleet Services [Fund 061]

Service Agreement - Fleet BodyWorx, Inc.
M.7. Purchase of Fuel from Spartan Tank Lines, Inc. (Western States Oil Co.) (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve the purchase of fuel from Spartan Tank Lines, Inc. (Western States Oil Co.) in the amount of $574,000 by piggybacking on the City of Santa Cruz contract #M11-4/10/12 during the 2018-19 school year.

Budget Source:  Fleet [Fund 061]

On April 10, 2012 the City of Santa Cruz awarded a contract to Western States Oil Company for the purchase of fuel, oil and lubricants through March 31, 2019. San José Unified will be able to piggyback on this contract for fuel needed to operate district school buses and vehicles.

Prepared by
Corrin Reynolds, Manager
Transportation and Fleet

Approved by 
Jill Case, Director
Student Operational Services

Approved by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent

Financial Impact:
Fleet [Fund 061]

Piggyback Agreement - City of Santa Cruz
M.8. Approval of Field Trips (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the field trips for elementary and secondary students as specified.
Approved by
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent

08.23.18 Field Trips
M.9. Service Agreement with Education Solutions (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve a Service Agreement with Education Solutions in the amount of $48,400 to provide professional development for school administrators during the 2018-19 school year.

Budget Source:  Title II [Fund 061]

Equity Leadership Coaches from Education Solutions (ES) will provide coaching to seven SJUSD school administrators at a cost of $5,500 in areas of supervision, evaluation, administrative leadership standards, and communication all aligned to SJUSD Strategic Plan. ES will provide up to 10 half day professional development sessions at a cost of $550 per session. ES will provide the equivalent of 3 half day cohort support sessions at a cost of $550 per session. ES will create topic specific professional development for school administrators at a cost of $550 per session (not to exceed 5 half days). Coaches will meet with each principal 4-6 hours per month at the school site.

Prepared by
Shannon McGee, Director
Educational Equity and Leadership Development

Approved by
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent

Financial Impact:
Title II [Fund 061]

Service Agreement - Education Solutions
M.10. Service Agreement with Research for Better Teaching (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve a Service Agreement with Research for Better Teaching (RBT) in an amount not to exceed $93,750 to provide professional development services during the 2018-19 school year.

Budget Source:  Title II [Fund 061]

Research for Better Teaching will provide the course "Analyzing Teaching for Students Results" to Administrators, which will be taught in two phases with 25 participants per phase. The cost is $33,875 per phase and includes the following: Course Fee ($950 per participant) = $23,750; Materials fee ($165 per participant) = $4,125; IDI Candidate 1 = $4,000 and IDI Candidate 2 = $2,000. Travel expenses not to exceed $26,000.

Prepared by
Shannon McGee, Director
Educational Equity and Leadership Development

Approved by
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent



Financial Impact:
Title II [Fund 061]

Service Agreement - Research for Better Teaching, Inc.
M.11. Service Agreement with Kriss Sunday Cummins (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve a Service Agreement with Kriss Sunday Cummins in an amount not to exceed $94,400 to provide professional development in early literacy instruction to SJUSD staff from August 6, 2018 through June 14, 2019.

Budget Source:  TIIG [Fund 032]

Services provided by Kriss Sunday Cummins include professional development sessions for selected teams of elementary teachers, coaches, and administrators in San José Unified School District. The focus of the professional development is to provide a deeper understanding of early literacy. As a result, targeted schools will have a solid reading foundation in primary grades, which will improve early literacy in our youngest students.

Coaches and administrators will support and monitor the progress of the implementation of new learning at the sites.

Prepared by
Rachel Powell, Manager
Curriculum, Instruction, and EL Services PK-5

Approved by
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent

Financial Impact:

TIIG [Fund 032]

Service Agreement - Kriss Sunday Cummins
M.12. Master Contract with Beacon School - Therapeutic Special Education Program [NPA] (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve a Master Contract with Beacon School  – Therapeutic NPA in an amount not to exceed $295,000 for educational services provided to special education students during the 2018-19 school year.

Budget Source:  Special Education [Fund 062]


The District contracts with Beacon School to provide support staff, four (4) behavior coaches @ 32 hours per week and one (1) program supervisor at 24 hours per week, for a therapeutic special education program in a classroom as well as consulting services, which include weekly observations of the classroom activities and meetings with the teacher and support staff. The Program supervisor, administrative and consulting personnel will provide behavior modification techniques and implement behavioral interventions. This will cover costs for the 2018-2019 school year and ESY July 2018.

Prepared by
Seth Reddy, Director
Special Education

Approved by
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent


Financial Impact:

Special Education [Fund 062]

Master Contract - Beacon School [NPA]
M.13. Master Contract with Beacon School [NPS] (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve a Master Contract with Beacon School in an amount not to exceed $450,000 for educational services provided to special education students during the 2018-19 school year.

Budget Source:  Special Education [Fund 062]


The District contracts with Beacon School to provide educational services to special education students according to their IEPs. The IEP team agreed that these students require the highly structured environment with therapeutic component in order to meet their academic and emotional needs. This contract will cover costs for multiple students during the 2018-19 school year and includes ESY (June 2019).

Prepared by
Seth Reddy, Director
Special Education

Approved by
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent

Financial Impact:
Special Education [Fund 062]
Master Contract - Beacon School [NPS]
M.14. Service Agreement with CollegeBoard (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve a Service Agreement with CollegeBoard in the amount of $143,026 to provide 2,420 PSAT exams for all 10th graders and 2,452 SAT exams for all 11th graders during the 2018-19 school year.

Budget Source:  Restricted General [Fund 061]

CollegeBoard provides PSAT and SAT exams to students to prepare them for a successful transition to college. SJUSD will pay for all 10th graders to take the PSAT and for all 11th graders to take a SAT exam during the 2018-19 school year.

The EPP supports students in the college-going process at an earlier age while there is still time to inform instruction and learning, and increases students' readiness for college expectations. The PSAT/NMSQT program exposes students to college planning and preparation tools to get and keep them actively involved in the process. CollegeBoard supports this initiative by providing districts with access to additional savings and associated deliverables when districts pay to engage at least one entire grade of sophomore students. Shifting this financial obligation from the student to the district provides greater access for pre-junior students to the PSAT/NMSQT and initiates students' earlier entry on the road to college.

This fee includes: test materials, score reports for students, school and district reports (including AP potential), and data disks for use with SJUSD's data warehouse. Unused test fees will be waived.  

Prepared by
Emalie McGinnis, Director
Technology and Data Services

Approved by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent


Financial Impact:
Restricted General [Fund 061]

Service Agreement - CollegeBoard
M.15. Service Agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve a Service Agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $30,000 to provide operating system database administrative support for the Munis software from August 1, 2018 through July 31, 2019.

Budget Source:  Unrestricted General [Fund 031]

Operating System Database Administrative Support enables Tyler Technologies, Inc. to provide on-line support and upgrades on all Munis software modules. 

Prepared by
Emalie McGinnis, Director
Technology & Data Services

Approved by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent

Financial Impact:
Unrestricted General [Fund 031]

Service Agreement - Tyler Technologies, Inc.
M.16. Service Agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the Disaster Recovery Service Agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $45,000 to ensure access to Tyler Data in the event of a natural or man-made disaster during the 2018-19 School year. 

Budget Source:  Unrestricted General [Fund 031]


TDRS is a disaster recovery (DR) service provided by Tyler Technologies that ensures continued access to Tyler product data in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.  In the event of disaster declaration, TDRS will work in conjunction with Tyler Hosting Services to create a temporary hosted environment that can be accessed remotely throughout the disaster event thereby minimizing lost operating time for SJUSD.

Prepared by
Emalie McGinnis
Director, Technology & Data Services

Approved by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent

Financial Impact:
Unrestricted General [Fund 031]

Service Agreement - Tyler Technologies, Inc.
M.17. Amendment 2 to Professional Services Agreement with TB&N Consultants (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve Amendment 2 to the Agreement for Professional Services with TB&N Consultants revising the contract amount to $41,362.75 rather than $24,800 for DSA Close Out of Legacy Projects across the District.

Budget Source:  Long Term Maintenance  [Fund 211]

The original contract was approved by District Staff on August 9, 2017, in the amount of $24,800 and was amended on March 28, 2018. Amendment 2 includes additional staffing due to increased scope and additional projects requiring DSA close out services, bringing current contract amount to $41,362.75.

Prepared by
Amy Ruffo, Manager
Facilities and Construction

Reviewed by
Steve Adamo, Director
Operations, Facilities and Construction

Approved by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent

Financial Impact:

Long Term Maintenance  [Fund 211]

Amendment 2 - TB&N Consultants
M.18. Contract to IBI Group – Architectural Services (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education award a contract to IBI Group in the amount of $60,155 to provide Architectural Services as required for the Entrance Reconfiguration at Horace Mann Elementary School (Project Z0502).

Budget Source:  Developer Fees [Fund 251]

In keeping with District policy and applicable law, this contract shall be let pursuant to a fair, competitive selection process. Government Code Section 4529.12 requires a “competitive selection process” in the selection of all professional services. The District solicited Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) for professional services. Responses were received and independently paper screened. Individual firms were interviewed, scored and ranked and an eligibility pool was approved by the Board. 

Staff considered the scope, and historical knowledge of the property, selected IBI Group from the above mentioned pool, and negotiated this contract with IBI Group to provide the resources necessary.

Prepared by
Amy Ruffo, Manager
Facilities and Construction

Reviewed by
Steve Adamo, Director
Operations, Facilities and Construction

Approved by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent

Financial Impact:

Developer Fees  [Fund 251]

Agreement - IBI Project Z0502
M.19. Change Order 2 to Contract 3041C/B.T. Mancini, Inc. (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve the following Change Order, amending the contract amount to $616,902.99 rather than $588,318.42 for Contract 3041C – B.T. Mancini, Inc. (Project 80038).

Budget Source:  Measure H  [Fund 215]


The Change Order listed above is for an additional scope of General Construction work for the completion of the 2018 Flooring Replacements Project. The referenced Change Order exceeds the 8% contingency allowed for approval by the Director of Operations, Facilities and Construction.  In accordance with Board Policy 3312.3, the referenced Change Order must be brought to the Board of Education for approval.  

Prepared by
Amy Ruffo, Manager
Facilities and Construction                                      

Reviewed by
Steve Adamo, Director
Operations, Facilities and Construction

Approved by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent

Financial Impact:
Measure H  [Fund 215]

Change Order 2 - BT Mancini Project 80038
M.20. Change Order 6 to Contract 3009C Rodan Builders, Inc. (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve the following Change Order, amending the contract amount to $6,725,210 rather than $6,620,002 for Contract 3009C - Rodan Builders, Inc. (Project Z0483).

Budget Source:  Developer Fees [Fund 251]


The Change Order listed above is for an additional scope of general construction work, for the completion of the Athletics Facility Project at San José High School. The referenced Change Order exceeds the 8% contingency allowed for approval by the Director of Operations, Facilities and Construction. In accordance with Board Policy 3312.3, the referenced Change Order must be brought to the Board of Education for approval.  

Prepared by
Amy Ruffo, Manager
Facilities and Construction                                      

Reviewed by
Steve Adamo, Director
Operations, Facilities and Construction

Approved by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent

Financial Impact:
Developer Fees [Fund 251]

Change Order 6 - Rodan Project Z0483
M.21. Review of Construction Related Notices of Completion (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education review and accept the report of Notices of Completion referenced in the attached list.

The authority to execute, file, and record the following Notices of Completion was delegated by the Board to District staff pursuant to Educ. Code §35601. District staff requests that the Board review District staff’s actions related to these Notices of Completion.

Prepared by
Amy Ruffo, Manager
Facilities and Construction

Reviewed by
Steve Adamo, Director
Operations, Facilities and Construction

Approved by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent

Financial Impact:

See Attached List

NOC Ratification List for August 2018
M.22. Ratification of Construction Related Contracts and Items (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education ratify District staff’s approval of Contracts, Change Orders, and Amendments referenced in the attached list.

The approval of the Contracts, Change Orders, and Amendments was delegated by the Board to District staff pursuant to Educ. Code §§17604 and 17605. District staff requests that the Board ratify the approval of these Contracts, Change Orders, and Amendments.

Prepared by
Amy Ruffo, Manager
Facilities and Construction

Reviewed by
Steve Adamo, Director
Operations, Facilities and Construction

Approved by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent

Financial Impact:
See Attached Ratification List

Ratification List for August 23, 2018
N. Action, Information, and Discussion Items
N.1. Resolution 2019-08-23-01 Classified Personnel Layoff (ACTION)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
RECOMMENDATION:  That the Board of Education approve and adopt Resolution 2019-08-23-01 authorizing the Superintendent or her designee to eliminate effective October 24, 2018 for lack of work and/or lack of funds the following:

Library Media Center Technician, 0.50 FTE (vacant)
Clerical Office Assistant II, 0.25 FTE (vacant)
Parent Liaison, 0.50 FTE (vacant)


That the Board of Education approve and adopt Resolution 2019-08-23-01 authorizing the Superintendent or her designee to eliminate effective October 24, 2018 for lack of work and/or lack of funds the following:

Library Media Center Technician, 0.50 FTE (vacant)
Clerical Office Assistant II, 0.25 FTE (vacant)
Parent Liaison, 0.50 FTE (vacant) 

Passed with a motion by Kimberly Meek and a second by Michael Melillo.
Yes Teresa Castellanos.
Yes Susan Ellenberg.
Absent Pamela Foley.
Yes Kimberly Meek.
Yes Michael Melillo.

The Education Code 45117 authorizes layoff of classified personnel for lack of work and/or lack of funds. San José Unified School District's combination of reductions and reorganization in restricted and unrestricted programs necessitates the reduction in force for lack of work and lack of funds in order to meet the District's budgetary goals.

Approved by
Jacqueline Murphy
Director, Human Resources 

Approved by
J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent 
Human Resources 

Financial Impact:

Unrestricted General [Fund 031]

There was no discussion.
Resolution 2019-08-23-01
O. Closed Session Report
Superintendent Nancy Albarrán gave the closed session report: During closed session the Board discussed and authorized moving forward with personnel items by a vote of 4:0 with Trustee Foley absent.
Yes Teresa Castellanos
Yes Susan Ellenberg
Absent Pamela Foley
Yes Kimberly Meek
Yes Michael Melillo

The Board held a conference with legal counsel on existing litigation case number 2018031172, case number 2018050860 and case number 2018060140. The Board also accepted advice from legal counsel regarding a liability claim by Ozmar Ramos Garcia (minor). The Board denied a liability claim by Jorge Trejo by a vote of 4:0 with Trustee Foley absent.
Yes Teresa Castellanos
Yes Susan Ellenberg
Absent Pamela Foley
Yes Kimberly Meek
Yes Michael Melillo

The Board held a conference with labor negotiators and the Board discussed the Superintendent's evaluation.

The closed session report is located at 1:11:23 - 1:12:20 on the 08.23.18 Board Meeting Recording.

P. Adjourn
To adjourn the meeting. Passed with a motion by Teresa Castellanos and a second by Kimberly Meek.
Yes Teresa Castellanos.
Yes Susan Ellenberg.
Absent Pamela Foley.
Yes Kimberly Meek.
Yes Michael Melillo.
The meeting adjourned at 7:13 PM.
P.1. Next Board Meeting - September 13, 2018
Disability Information:
All meetings of the Governing Board are open to the general public with the exception of Closed Sessions, which are held to consider those items specifically exempt under the Ralph M. Brown Act. Anyone planning to attend a meeting who has a disability and needs special assistance should call the Superintendent’s Office, 408-535-6078, at least three (3) days in advance to make special arrangements. ----- Todas las juntas de la Mesa Directiva están abiertas al público en general con la excepción de las sesiones privadas, las cuales se llevan a cabo para considerar los asuntos específicamente exentos por la Ley Ralph M. Brown. Cualquier persona con una discapacidad para la cual necesita ayuda especial y planea asistir a una junta, debe llamar a la Oficina de la Superintendente al 408-535-6078, por lo menos con tres (3) días de anticipacion para hacer los preparativos necesarios. ----- Spanish interpretation is available at Board Meetings. To arrange for interpretation services or to request a translated version of the printed agenda outline, please call the Superintendent’s Office, 408-535-6078, at least three (3) days in advance. [Se ofrece interpretación simultánea al español en las juntas de la Mesa Directiva. Si desea solicitar interpretación al español o si desea solicitar una copia impresa en español del orden del dia, por favor llame a la Oficina de la Superintendente, al 408-535-6078, por lo menos con tres (3) días de anticipación.]
8/23/2018 6:02:00 PM ( Original )
PresentTeresa Castellanos
PresentSusan Ellenberg
AbsentPamela Foley
PresentKimberly Meek
PresentMichael Melillo

The resubmit was successful.