09-26-19 Regular Session Board Meeting San José USD September 26, 2019 6:00PM Board Room
855 Lenzen Avenue
(District Administration Building)
Uniting as one community, we elevate opportunities for all. Vision Statement:
Preparing today’s students to be the thinkers, leaders, and creators of tomorrow. |
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With Board Vice President Teresa Castellanos and Trustees Carla Collins, José Magaña, and Brian Wheatley present at the dais, Board President Kimberly Meek called the meeting to order in open session at 5:00 PM. |
To adopt the closed session agenda as amended. Passed with a motion by Teresa Castellanos and a second by Brian Wheatley. |
Yes Teresa Castellanos. Yes Carla Collins. Yes Jose Magana. Yes Kimberly Meek. Yes Brian Wheatley.
Deputy Superintendent Stephen McMahon announced one change to the closed session agenda: Pull Item E.2.
The closed session agenda was adopted as amended. |
Members of the public who wish to speak prior to the Board's consideration of items on the posted closed session agenda must complete the appropriate REQUEST TO SPEAK card and indicate the item number to be addressed. For comments in favor of an agenda item, speakers must complete the green REQUEST TO SPEAK card. For comments in opposition to an agenda item, speakers must complete the red REQUEST TO SPEAK card. Each speaker is allocated a total of two (2) minutes to address the Board for a maximum of ten (10) minutes on each subject matter at the discretion of the Board President.
There were no public comments regarding closed session items E.1 through E.4. |
The Board adjourned to closed session at 5:01 PM. |
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the following Personnel Items:
A. Public Employee Appointment
Director, Student Nutrition B. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment C. Layoffs/Leaves of Absence/Resignation D. Public Employee Contracts
Claimant: Ashorina Hormoz Nazlon Agency claimed against: San José Unified School District
Agency designated representatives: Stephen McMahon and J. Dominic Bejarano Employee Organizations: SJAA, SJTA, CSEA, AFSCME, AFT, Trades
With Board Vice President Teresa Castellanos and Trustees Carla Collins, José Magaña, and Brian Wheatley present at the dais, Board President Kimberly Meek reconvened the meeting in open session at 6:02 PM.
Student Board Member Luiza Albuquerque led the Pledge of Allegiance. |
To adopt the open session agenda. Passed with a motion by Brian Wheatley and a second by Jose Magana. |
Yes Teresa Castellanos. Yes Carla Collins. Yes Jose Magana. Yes Kimberly Meek. Yes Brian Wheatley.
Board Vice President Teresa Castellanos announced that equipment is available for Spanish translation. |
Current Board Policy provides members of the public the opportunity to bring before the Board, at a regular meeting, matters that are not listed on the agenda. The Board may refer such matters to the Superintendent or designee or take it under advisement, but shall not take action at that time as provisions of the Brown Act (Government Code 54954.2(a)(3) and 54954.3) preclude any action being taken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda for action.
Members of the public who wish to directly address the Board on any item of interest to the public must complete the appropriate REQUEST TO SPEAK card and bring it to the Board's Assistant prior to the conclusion of Public Comments. Speakers must clearly identify whether they are speaking to an agenda item or to a matter not on the agenda. For comments in favor of an agenda item, speakers must complete the green REQUEST TO SPEAK card. For comments in opposition to an agenda item, speakers must complete the red REQUEST TO SPEAK card. For comments on matters not on the posted agenda, the yellow REQUEST TO SPEAK card must be completed.
Time limits are two minutes at the discretion of the Board President. As permitted by current policy, the Board President will limit the total time for public comments on each agenda item to 20 minutes. The Board President may take a poll of speakers in support of or opposed to a particular issue if there are more speakers than time allows. (BB 9323)
Each SJUSD bargaining group president is given five minutes to address the Board of Education. The appropriate REQUEST TO SPEAK card must be completed and given to the Board's Assistant prior to the conclusion of public comments. Bargaining group presidents who wish to speak during the discussion of an item on the posted agenda must complete the appropriate REQUEST TO SPEAK card and clearly identify the agenda item number.
Public comments opened at 6:03 PM.
Board President Kimberly Meek invited the group of speakers representing Silicon Valley STEM 4 Youth to approach the podium. She explained that the group had emailed in advance regarding their presentation.
While the Silicon Valley STEM 4 Youth speakers approached the podium, Board President Kimberly Meek announced that Deputy Superintendent Stephen McMahon is filling in for Superintendent Nancy Albarrán this evening as she is with her family attending her son's back to school night.
Lynbrook High School students Michael Zhao, Angela Jiao and Andrew Yuan presented a donation from Silicon Valley STEM 4 Youth to the robotics programs at three San José Unified High Schools; Gunderson, Lincoln and San José High School. They were allocated five (5) minutes for their presentation.
Present to accept the donation on behalf of their schools were Gunderson High School Principal Kevin Wan, Lincoln High School Principal Matt Hewitson and teacher Nancy Reid, and San José High School Principal Sarah Field along with San José High School students and staff representing the robotics team.
Speakers for San José Unified; Kevin Wan, principal, Gunderson High School, Nancy Reid, teacher, Lincoln High School and Leonardo Plazola, student, San José High School commented in regard to the generous donation to their robotics programs and extended thanks to Silicon Valley STEM 4 Youth.
The next two individuals addressed the Board in regard to housing. Each speaker was allocated two (2) minutes to address the Board.
Speaker: Michael Woodard Topic: Employee Housing
Speaker: Joseph Price Topic: Affordable housing for teachers
Public comments closed at 6:21 PM.
Public comments are located at 1:34 - 19:08 on the 09.26.19 Regular Session Board Meeting Recording. https://sjusd.app.box.com/v/boardmeetingaudio |
Veronica Lara |
INFORMATIONAL: Presentation will provide information on 2018-19 implementation of outreach and supports for immigrant families.
Manager of Family Engagement Veronica Lara presented an update on the implementation of Board Resolution 2017-02-09-01 including outreach and supports for immigrant families.
The presentation and discussion are located at 19:11 - 33:50 on the 09.26.19 Regular Session Board Meeting Recording. https://sjusd.app.box.com/v/boardmeetingaudio |
Jodi Lax |
INFORMATIONAL: The Board of Education will receive information on key social emotional supports to students at the elementary and middle school level as well as instructional coaching for teachers at all levels. Instructional coaching directly impacts retention of teachers and quality of instruction. These initiatives are aligned to our focus on improving outcomes for all students, including Hispanic males and special education students.
Associate Superintendent Jodi Lax gave a presentation on the key social emotional supports for students at the elementary and middle school levels as well as instructional coaching for teachers at all levels.
The presentation and discussion are located at 33:53 - 51:33 on the 09.26.19 Regular Session Board Meeting Recording. https://sjusd.app.box.com/v/boardmeetingaudio |
The Board of Education will hold a Public Hearing to receive comments regarding the Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials for grades TK-12.
The District, pursuant to Education code Sections 60119 (1) must provide the following assurances:
Make a determination through Resolution 2020-09-26-01 as to whether each pupil in the school district has or will have, prior to the end of the fiscal year, sufficient textbooks or instructional materials, or both, that are aligned to the content standards adopted by the state board in each of the following subjects, as appropriate, that are consistent with the content and cycles of curriculum frameworks adopted by the State Board:
- Mathematics.
- Science.
- History-social science.
- English language arts, including the English language development component of an adopted program
- Each pupil enrolled in a world language or health course has sufficient textbooks or instructional materials that are consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum frameworks adopted by the state board for those subjects.
- Laboratory science equipment as applicable to science laboratory courses offered in grades 9 to 12, inclusive.
The public hearing opened at 6:53 PM. There were no public comments on Pupil Textbooks and Instructional Materials. The public hearing closed at 6:53 PM.
The public hearing and Board action on Resolution 2020-09-26-01 are located at 51:35 - 52:30 on the 09.26.19 Regular Session Board Meeting Recording. https://sjusd.app.box.com/v/boardmeetingaudio |
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve and adopt Resolution 2020-09-26-01 Pupil Textbooks and Instructional Materials, Williams Settlement, Education Code Section 60119 during the 2019-20 school year.
Budget Source: |
Restricted Lottery [Fund 061] |
Instructional Materials [Fund 032] |
That the Board of Education approve and adopt Resolution 2020-09-26-01 Pupil Textbooks and Instructional Materials, Williams Settlement, Education Code Section 60119 during the 2019-20 school year. Passed with a motion by Brian Wheatley and a second by Teresa Castellanos. |
Yes Teresa Castellanos. Yes Carla Collins. Yes Jose Magana. Yes Kimberly Meek. Yes Brian Wheatley.
The Board shall hold a public hearing or hearings at which time the Board shall encourage participation by parents, teachers, bargaining unit leaders and members of the community interested in affairs of the school district. A determination through a resolution will be made as to whether each pupil in SJUSD has sufficient textbooks or instructional materials or both in each subject that are consistent with the content and cycles of curriculum framework adopted by the state board. This resolution includes health, foreign language grades 6-12 and science lab equipment grades 9-12. This Board item is in compliance with CA Education Code Section 60119 and 5 CCR 9531 and in alignment with Williams Settlement guidelines.
Prepared by
Deepa Mukherjee, Director
Secondary Curriculum, Instruction & EL Services
Approved by
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent
Restricted Lottery [Fund 061] Instructional Materials [Fund 032]
Resolution 2020-09-26-01
Board members may report on visits to schools, conferences and meetings attended and items of interest to the public.
Kimberly Meek, President Teresa Castellanos, Vice President Carla Collins, Member José Magaña, Member Brian Wheatley, Member
Luiza Albuquerque, Student Board Member
Board President Kimberly Meek reported on the instructional walk she took part in this week at John Muir Middle School. She announced that 165 eighth graders and 130 seventh graders at Castillero Middle School were recognized for academic excellence this week. She extended thanks to all of the staff who worked an extra evening this week for the Special Session Meeting that was held on Monday.
Board Vice President Teresa Castellanos announced that she attended the Special Session on Monday. She commented in regard to the gift that was presented during public comments this evening. She reported on her recent tours of San José High School and Anne Darling and Empire Gardens Elementary Schools.
Trustee José Magaña reported on the committee meetings and school events that he has attended and participated in since the last meeting as well as his recent opportunities to advocate for employee housing. He announced his plans to attend the LGBTQ pride celebration at Hoover Middle School on October 11th.
Trustee Carla Collins reported on the school events and community meetings she attended and participated in since the last meeting. She announced that Alliance for Girls, an organization that does youth participatory research, has been reaching out to girls in Santa Clara County and specifically some girls from San José Unified in regard to developing a policy agenda that would address harassment and safety issues. She commented in regard to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors' declaration of September 2019 as attendance awareness month in Santa Clara County. She announced that the Willow Glen Education Foundation would hold their annual tasting and auction on November 3rd at the Willow Glen Branch Library.
Trustee Brian Wheatley reported on the school and community events that he attended and participated in since the last meeting. He commented in regard to the Special Session Meeting noting the work of San José Unified to move forward on the issue of teacher housing.
Student Board Member Luiza Albuquerque reported on the collaborative work that is being done by the activities directors and ASB at the high schools to decide on the issues to be addressed by the leadership students this year. She provided an update on the Wellness Center at Pioneer including the positive coverage of it by the news media. She announced that the First ILC Meeting would be held on October 14th at Pioneer High School.
Announcements and reports by Board Members and Student Board Member are located at 52:33 - 1:08:24 on the 09.26.19 Regular Session Board Meeting Recording. https://sjusd.app.box.com/v/boardmeetingaudio |
The Superintendent and Executive Staff may provide reports and updates to the Board on schools, programs, departments and various key areas of significance. Nancy Albarrán, Superintendent Stephen McMahon, Deputy Superintendent Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent, Instruction J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent, Administrative Services
Associate Superintendent Jodi Lax gave an update on the process that is followed when dealing with issues and concerns from parents. She explained the process that was followed with the concerns that came from Washington Elementary and extended thanks to the family engagement department for their work and support of the Washington community.
Assistant Superintendent J. Dominic Bejarano recognized the Risk Management Team of Maelin Bishop, Marisol Robles and Jennifer Thomas, for the work they have done over the past year and continuing into this year to decrease claim duration and pending claims. He said, "Their approach to case management and vendor accountability has yielded excellent results."
Deputy Superintendent Stephen McMahon provided follow up on the previous Board Meeting discussion of home values related to a variety of topics. He provided a chart depicting the distribution of single family assessed valuations. He explained how the caps on assessed values and the 2 percent maximum limitation on increases to property taxes that were established by Proposition 13 have affected the amount of taxes contributed to the school district.
Announcements and reports by the Superintendent's Executive Staff are located at 1:08:28 - 1:14:43 on the 09.26.19 Regular Session Board Meeting Recording. https://sjusd.app.box.com/v/boardmeetingaudio |
To approve the minutes of the Regular Session Meeting held September 12, 2019. Passed with a motion by Teresa Castellanos and a second by Brian Wheatley. |
Yes Teresa Castellanos. Yes Carla Collins. Yes Jose Magana. Yes Kimberly Meek. Yes Brian Wheatley.
The minutes of the Regular Session Meeting held September 12, 2019 were approved as submitted. |
Minutes of September 12, 2019 Regular Session Meeting
All Agenda items listed under the Consent Calendar will be enacted in one motion. There will be no discussion of these items prior to consideration of the motion, unless a member of the Board of Education or the Superintendent request that an item be removed from the Consent Calendar. |
To approve the consent calendar. Passed with a motion by Carla Collins and a second by Teresa Castellanos. |
Yes Teresa Castellanos. Yes Carla Collins. Yes Jose Magana. Yes Kimberly Meek. Yes Brian Wheatley.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education accept, with thanks, the gifts to the District as specified. |
Prepared by Nancy Albarrán Superintendent
Gifts to SJUSD 09.26.19
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the Management Personnel Actions as specified.
Approved by
J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent
Administrative Services
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the Certificated Personnel Actions as specified.
Approved by
J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent
Administrative Services
HR Certificated 09.26.19
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the Classified Personnel Actions as specified.
Approved by
J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent
Administrative Services
HR Classified 09.26.19
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the Short-term Limited Services Agreements for $25,000 or less as specified. |
Approved by
J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent
Administrative Services
Short-term Limited Services Agreements 09.26.19
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education authorize the updated list of specified school personnel to make expenditures of student body funds within the policies and regulations established by the Education Code 42632 and the San José Unified School District during the fiscal year 2019-20.
As Education Code 42632 places the responsibility for the expenditures of all funds, including student body funds, on the Board of Education; it is necessary that the Board of Education designate persons who are authorized to make these expenditures. The schools listed below have updated authorized signers.
Bret Harte Middle School, Hoover Middle School, John Muir Middle School and Pioneer High School.
Prepared by
Arthur Cuffy, Director
Fiscal Services
Approved by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent
Original Approved List of 2019-20 Student Body Signers Updated List of 2019-20 Student Body Signers
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education, based upon review of the monthly reports for August 2019, accept the following reports:
Approved Purchase Order Report
Accounts Payable Commercial Warrant Report
Payroll Warrant Report
Cash Flow
In accordance with District Disbursement Officer duties under the authority of Fiscal Accountability a review, acceptance and certification must be performed to: Forecast and determine the availability of funds to cover the payment of claims; Determine that adequate documentation exists to substantiate the appropriateness and authenticity of financial transactions; Determine that there has been compliance with budgetary, legal, procedural and specifically funded program requirements. The above items support internal controls maintained by the District in accordance with Fiscal Accountability requirements. Prepared by Arthur Cuffy, Director of Finance Fiscal Services Approved by J. Dominic Bejarano, Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services
1) August 2019 Approved Purchase Order Report 2) August 2019 Accounts Payable Commercial Warrant Report 3) August 2019 Payroll Warrant Report 4) August 2019 General Fund Cash Flow
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the field trips for elementary and secondary students as specified. |
Approved by Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent Instruction
Field Trips 09.26.19
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education ratify the one year Service Agreement with Gardner Family Care Corporation in the amount of $90,000 to provide behavioral interventions, assessment, problem-solving, referral services, and individual and group counseling to students District wide from August 14, 2019 through June 30, 2020.
Budget Source: Supplemental [Fund 032]
With parent permission, intern counselors will provide behavioral interventions, assessment, problem-solving, referral services and individual and group counseling to students District wide.
On June 27, 2019 the Board of Education approved a Delegation of Power to Contract, Item M.63, to execute contracts as necessary per the strategic plan. The term of this agreement shall be for one (1) year, commencing August 14, 2019 and expiring on June 30, 2020.
Prepared by
Dane Caldwell-Holden, Director
Student Support Services
Approved by
Jodi Lax,Associate Superintendent
Supplemental [Fund 032]
Service Agreement - Gardner Family Care Corporation
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve a Service Agreement with Levi's Stadium in an amount not to exceed $40,000 for the use of their facility and catering service for the Lincoln High School Junior/Senior Prom to be held on May 16, 2020.
Budget Source: Associated Student Body [Fund 061]
Levi's Stadium will provide their facility and catering service to Lincoln High School on Saturday, May 16, 2020 for the school prom.
Prepared by
Matthew Hewitson, Principal
Lincoln High School
Approved by
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent
Associated Student Body [Fund 061]
Service Agreement - Levi's Stadium
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education ratify the Master Service Agreement with Little Heroes, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $30,000 per school to provide recess and physical activity enrichment programs to participating elementary schools during the 2019-20 school year.
Budget Source: Principal Discretionary
Little Heroes, Inc. provides each participating school site a coach to provide various enrichment programs before school, during recess, after school, and during weekend tournaments. All programs are designed to promote a positive school climate and consist of organized recess play, a peer mentorship/big buddy program, structured outdoor classroom games, and weekend tournaments. Delegation of power to contract was provided on August 8, 2019, item M.26.
Prepared by
Amy Ruffo, Manager
Facilities, Construction and Purchasing
Reviewed by
Steve Adamo, Director
Operations, Facilities and Construction
Approved by
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent
Principal Discretionary
Master Service Agreement - Little Heroes, Inc.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education ratify the Master Service Agreement with Rhythm and Moves, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $85,000 per school to provide a music enrichment program to participating elementary schools during the 2019-20 school year.
Budget Source: Principal Discretionary
Rhythm and Moves, Inc. provides a music education enrichment program that includes the equipment, teacher, curriculum, and supervision of the program. Delegation of power to contract was provided on August 8, 2019, item M.26.
Prepared by
Amy Ruffo, Manager
Facilities, Construction and Purchasing
Reviewed by
Steve Adamo, Director
Operations, Facilities and Construction
Approved by
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent
Principal Discretionary
Master Service Agreement - Rhythm and Moves, Inc.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education ratify the Master Service Agreement with Starting Arts, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $50,000 per school to provide enrichment programs to participating elementary and middle schools during the 2019-20 school year.
Budget Source: Principal Discretionary
Starting Arts, Inc. provides enrichment programs such as interactive music assemblies, dance, theater, and visual arts programs before, during, and after school. Delegation of power to contract was provided on August 8, 2019, item M.26.
Prepared by
Amy Ruffo, Manager
Facilities, Construction and Purchasing
Reviewed by
Steve Adamo, Director
Operations, Facilities and Construction
Approved by
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent
Principal Discretionary
Master Service Agreement - Starting Arts, Inc.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education ratify the one year Service Agreement with YWCA of Silicon Valley in the amount of $180,000 to provide behavioral interventions, assessment, problem-solving, referral services, and individual and group counseling to students districtwide from August 14, 2019 through June 30, 2020.
Budget Source: Supplemental [Fund 032]
With parent permission, intern counselors will provide behavioral interventions, assessment, problem-solving, referral services and individual and group counseling to students district-wide.
On June 27, 2019 the Board of Education approved a Delegation of Power to Contract, Item M.63, to execute contracts as necessary per the strategic plan. The term of this agreement shall be for one (1) year, commencing August 14, 2019 and expiring on June 30, 2020.
Prepared by
Dane Caldwell-Holden, Director
Student Support Services
Approved by Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent Instruction
Supplemental [Fund 032]
Service Agreement - YWCA of Silicon Valley
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the proposed amendment to Board Policy 6162.5 - Instruction - Student Assessment.
Updated policy to reflect updated Education Code removing exit exam language, updating language describing the appropriate use of assessments, and high school individual student records.
Prepared by
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent
BP 6162.5 - Student Assessment
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the proposed new Board Policy 6170.1 - Instruction - Transitional Kindergarten.
New Policy to reflect SB 876, 2014 which establishes certain qualifications for teachers assigned to a TK program after July 1, 2015 and SB 858, 2014 which states curriculum and immunization requirements and adds the requirement to obtain a signed Kindergarten Continuance Form when a child who is age-eligible for kindergarten is enrolled in TK and then continues to kindergarten the following year. Prepared by Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent Instruction
BP 6170.1 - Transitional Kindergarten
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the proposed new Board Policy 6179 - Instruction - Supplemental Instruction.
New mandated policy to reflect current law requiring the provision of remedial instruction to students who are recommended for retention or are identified as being at risk for retention. Policy also clarifies that schools identified for comprehensive or targeted school improvement may, but are not required to, offer supplemental instruction.
Prepared by
Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent
BP 6179 - Supplemental Instruction
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve a contract to Carroll Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $29,600 to provide Engineering Services as required for the 2020 Playground Modernization Project at multiple sites (Project 80054).
Budget Source: Measure H [Fund 215]
In keeping with District policy and applicable law, this contract shall be let pursuant to a fair, competitive selection process. Government Code Section 4529.12 requires a “competitive selection process” in the selection of all professional services. The District solicited Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) for professional services. Responses were received and independently paper screened. Individual firms were interviewed, scored and ranked and an eligibility pool was approved by the Board. Prepared by Amy Ruffo, Manager Facilities, Construction and Purchasing Reviewed by Steve Adamo, Director Facilities and Operations Recommended for approval by Stephen McMahon Deputy Superintendent
Measure H [Fund 215]
Agreement - Carroll Engineering - Project 80054
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve a contract to Treva Minks in the amount of $31,200 to provide Professional Services as required for 2019-2020 Construction Project Closeout.
Budget Source: Long Term Maintenance [Fund 211]
Treva Minks was selected to perform this work due to her expertise working with the Division of the State Architect in the closeout of legacy projects. In keeping with District policy and applicable law, the District may contract for specialty services, per California Government Code section 53060. Term of this agreement is from September 9, 2019 - June 30, 2020.
Prepared by
Amy Ruffo, Manager
Facilities and Construction
Reviewed by
Steve Adamo, Director
Operations, Facilities and Construction
Approved by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent
Long Term Maintenance [Fund 211]
Agreement - Treva Minks - Professional Services
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education ratify District staff’s approval of Contracts, Change Orders, and Amendments referenced in the attached list.
The approval of the Contracts, Change Orders, and Amendments was delegated by the Board to District staff pursuant to Educ. Code §17604 and §17605. District staff requests that the Board ratify the approval of these Contracts, Change Orders, and Amendments.
See Attached Ratification List
Prepared by
Amy Ruffo, Manager
Facilities, Construction and Purchasing
Reviewed by
Steve Adamo, Director
Operations, Facilities and Construction
Approved by
Stephen McMahon,
Deputy Superintendent
See Attached Ratification list
Ratification List - September 26, 2019
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education ratify a contract with West Coast Coating Consultants, LLC in the amount of $34,560 to provide inspection services for the Painting Maintenance and Improvements Project at the Allen Site (Project 80037).
Budget Source: Measure H [Fund 215]
In keeping with District policy and applicable law, this contract shall be let pursuant to a fair, competitive selection process. Government Code Section 4529.12 requires a “competitive selection process” in the selection of all professional services. The District solicited Requests for Proposals (RFP) for professional services. Responses were received and reviewed.
The District will be completing a Painting Maintenance & Improvements Project at Allen Site. A Delegation of Power to Contract was approved by the Board of Education on June 27, 2019, Item M.63.
Prepared by
Amy Ruffo, Manager
Facilities, Construction and Purchasing
Reviewed by
Steve Adamo, Director
Facilities and Operations
Recommended for approval by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent
Measure H [Fund 215]
Agreement - WCCC Project 80037
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education appoint the following members to a two-year term on the Parcel Tax Oversight Committee, with the two-year term commencing on October 1, 2019 and ending on June 30, 2021.
Name Category Trustee Area
Catherine Graham Community Organization 3 Darlene Marshall Parent of former SJUSD students 3 Chazzerina Pono At Large 2 Christopher Russell Parent Active in PTA 2 Jiangfeng Wu Parent Active in PTA 5
That the Board of Education appoint the following members to a two-year term on the Parcel Tax Oversight Committee, with the two-year term commencing on October 1, 2019 and ending on June 30, 2021.
Name Category Trustee Area Catherine Graham Community Organization 3 Darlene Marshall Parent of former SJUSD students 3 Chazzerina Pono At Large 2 Christopher Russell Parent Active in PTA 2 Jiangfeng Wu Parent Active in PTA 5
Passed with a motion by Jose Magana and a second by Teresa Castellanos. |
Yes Teresa Castellanos. Yes Carla Collins. Yes Jose Magana. Yes Kimberly Meek. Yes Brian Wheatley.
Measure Y was placed on the ballot by the Board of Education and approved by voters in November 2016. This qualified special tax authorizes the District to annually levy a special tax of $72 per Parcel of Taxable Real Property beginning July 1, 2017, and continuing for a period of eight (8) years.
In accordance with Measure Y, the District is required to have a Parcel Tax Oversight Committee. This independent citizens' oversight committee shall oversee the funds collected pursuant to the Measure to ensure that moneys raised under this Measure are spent only for the purposes described in this Measure. Previously appointed members served a two-year term expiring on June 30, 2019.
Prepared by
Katie Chang
Administrator, Strategic Projects
Approved by
Stephen McMahon
Deputy Superintendent
Discussion of item N.1. Appointment of Members to Parcel Tax Oversight Committee is located at 1:15:32 - 1:16:42 on the 09.26.19 Regular Session Board Meeting Recording. https://sjusd.app.box.com/v/boardmeetingaudio |
Deputy Superintendent Stephen McMahon gave the closed session report. In closed session the Board of Education discussed and approved personnel items by a unanimous vote with all Board Members present. Yes Teresa Castellanos Yes Carla Collinas Yes José Magaña Yes Kimberly Meek Yes Brian Wheatley
The Board held a conference with designated labor negotiators and discussed the performance evaluation of the Superintendent.
The closed session report is located at 1:16:43 - 1:16:59 on the 09.26.19 Regular Session Board Meeting Recording. https://sjusd.app.box.com/v/boardmeetingaudio
To adjourn. Passed with a motion by Teresa Castellanos and a second by Jose Magana. |
Yes Teresa Castellanos. Yes Carla Collins. Yes Jose Magana. Yes Kimberly Meek. Yes Brian Wheatley.
The meeting adjourned at 7:19 PM. |
All meetings of the Governing Board are open to the general public with the exception of Closed Sessions, which are held to consider those items specifically exempt under the Ralph M. Brown Act. Anyone planning to attend a meeting who has a disability and needs special assistance should call the Superintendent’s Office, 408-535-6078, at least three (3) days in advance to make special arrangements. ----- Todas las juntas de la Mesa Directiva están abiertas al público en general con la excepción de las sesiones privadas, las cuales se llevan a cabo para considerar los asuntos específicamente exentos por la Ley Ralph M. Brown. Cualquier persona con una discapacidad para la cual necesita ayuda especial y planea asistir a una junta, debe llamar a la Oficina de la Superintendente al 408-535-6078, por lo menos con tres (3) días de anticipacion para hacer los preparativos necesarios. ----- Spanish interpretation is available at Board Meetings. To arrange for interpretation services or to request a translated version of the printed agenda outline, please call the Superintendent’s Office, 408-535-6078, at least three (3) days in advance. [Se ofrece interpretación simultánea al español en las juntas de la Mesa Directiva. Si desea solicitar interpretación al español o si desea solicitar una copia impresa en español del orden del dia, por favor llame a la Oficina de la Superintendente, al 408-535-6078, por lo menos con tres (3) días de anticipación.] |
| |
Present | Teresa Castellanos |
Present | Carla Collins |
Present | Jose Magana |
Present | Kimberly Meek |
Present | Brian Wheatley |