
Scotts Valley USD
August 08, 2017 5:00PM
CLOSED SESSION: 5:00 pm PUBLIC SESSION: 6:00 pm SCOTTS VALLEY CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS One Civic Center Drive Scotts Valley, CA 95066

B.1. Deliberation to Consider Expulsion of Student #31562 (Cal Educ. Code Section 48918)
B.2. Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Superintendent (Government Code Section 54957)
C.3.a. Deliberation to Consider Expulsion of Student #31562 (Cal Educ. Code Section 48918)
C.3.b. Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Superintendent (Government Code Section 54957)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Members of the audience are welcome to address the Board at this time during the meeting regarding items NOT listed on this agenda. The Trustees may ask questions for clarity but cannot take action on those matters until such matters are appropriately placed on a future agenda, according to law.

The Governing Board may prohibit members of the public, who speak during the time permitted on the agenda for public expression, from commenting on matters that are not within the subject matter jurisdiction of the governing body. The Governing Board retains the discretion to adopt regulations at its meetings, which may limit the time for public discussion of items within its subject matter jurisdiction. Open Public Discussion at the beginning of the meeting is limited to 15 minutes. For the record, please state your name at the beginning of your statement.

J.1. Board Resolutions 18-001, 18-002, and 18-003 - Ed Code Assignments
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Board Resolutions; 18-001, 18-002, 18-003, which allow teachers to teach in a subject area according to Ed Code sections 44258.2 and 44263.

Ed Code Section 44258.2 allows, by resolution of the Governing Board, the holder of a single subject teaching credential to teach, with his/her consent, a partial assignment in Middle School if the teacher has completed 12 semester units in the subject to be taught.

 Ed Code Section 44263 allows the holder of a teaching credential to serve in a departmentalized class if the teacher has completed 18 semester units of course work in the subject area to be taught in Middle School or 7-12 assignment.

Financial Impact:
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Board Resolutions are required annually by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for teachers who hold a credential in one subject area but are teaching in another subject area.
Resolution #18-001, Culli, Lynn
Resolution #18-002, Erskine, Christine
Resolution #18-003, Sampson, Paul
K.1. Accept for First Reading Board Policies and Board Bylaws as Listed in the Rationale
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees accept for first reading the following Board Policies as listed in the Rationale.


BP/AR 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment

(BP/AR revised)

Policy and regulation updated to reflect NEW STATE REGULATIONS (Register 2015, No. 50), as renumbered, which specify certain requirements to be included in district policy or regulation and extend protections against discrimination to unpaid interns and volunteers.  Policy also adds requirement to post the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing publication on workplace discrimination and harassment, and reflects NEW LAW (SB 1063, 2016) which prohibits the payment of different wage rates based on race or ethnicity and prohibits the use of prior salary history by itself to justify any disparity in compensation. Regulation reflects provisions of new state regulations regarding training of supervisors and dissemination of the district's nondiscrimination policy to all employees.

BP/AR 4119.11/4219.11/4319.11 - Sexual Harassment

(BP/AR revised)

Policy and regulation updated to reflect NEW STATE REGULATIONS (Register 2015, No. 50), as renumbered, which extend protections against sexual harassment to unpaid interns and volunteers, require districts to instruct supervisors to report complaints, and revise requirements pertaining to the training of supervisory employees.

BP 5030 - Student Wellness

(BP revised)

Policy updated to reflect NEW FEDERAL REGULATIONS (81 Fed. Reg. 50151) which address the content of the wellness policy, assurance of stakeholder participation in the development and updates of the policy, and periodic assessment and disclosure of compliance. Policy also reflects NEW STATE LAW (SB 1169, 2016) which no longer requires posting of district policy on nutrition and physical activity within cafeterias/eating areas, but does require annually informing the public of the content and implementation of the policy.

BP 5116.2 - Involuntary Student Transfers

(BP added)

New policy reflects NEW LAW (SB 1343, 2016) which authorizes districts to involuntarily transfer a student who has been convicted of a specified violent felony or a misdemeanor associated with possession of a firearm, whenever the student is enrolled at the same school as the victim of the crime for which he/she was convicted. In order to exercise this authority, the district is mandated to adopt policy with specified components and provide notice of the policy to parents/guardians as part of the annual parental notification.

BP/AR 5141.21 - Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions

(BP/AR revised)

Policy and regulation updated to delete requirements related to the administration of medication in cases of epileptic seizures, as Education Code 49414.7 repeals by its own terms on January 1, 2017, and to clarify that districts may continue to administer such medication under the general authority in state law. Policy and regulation also reflect NEW LAW (AB 1748, 2016) which authorizes districts to stock and administer medication in cases of opioid overdose. Regulation also revises definition of epinephrine auto-injector pursuant to NEW LAW (AB 1386, 2016).

BP 6142.94 - History-Social Science Instruction

(BP revised)

Policy updated to reflect key concepts in the History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools adopted by the State Board of Education in July 2016, including, but not limited to, a new emphasis on developing student's literacy skills within the context of history-social science instruction. Policy also reflects law that encourages the use of personal testimony through oral history, videos, or other multimedia formats and establishes requirements for personal testimony provided through oral histories.

BP 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements

(BP revised)

Policy updated to reflect NEW LAW (AB 2306, 2016) which generally exempts from district-established graduation requirements any student who transfers into a district school from a juvenile court school after the second year of high school, unless it is determined that the student is reasonably able to complete the requirements in time to graduate by the end of his/her fourth year of high school.

BP/AR 6164.6 - Identification and Education Under Section 504

(BP/AR revised)

Policy updated to add requirement to address the needs of students with disabilities in the district's local control and accountability plan. Regulation updated to reflect NEW FEDERAL REGULATIONS (81 Fed. Reg. 53203) which primarily revise definitions used in the Americans with Disabilities Act.

 BP/AR/E 6173 - Education for Homeless Children

(BP/AR/E revised)

Policy, regulation, and exhibits updated to reflect the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (P.L. 114-95), as well as updated U.S. Department of Education non-regulatory guidance. Policy includes new material on the designation of a district liaison for homeless children and youth, identification of homeless students, confidentiality of student records containing information about a homeless student's living situation, and coordination of services with other entities. Policy also reflects new mandate to adopt policy to ensure participation by district liaisons and other appropriate staff in professional development and other technical assistance activities, and NEW LAW (SB 1068, 2016) which requires the California Department of Education (CDE) to provide specified informational and training materials to district liaisons. Regulation revises the definitions of "homeless student" and "school of origin," revises the duties of the district liaison, reflects requirement to provide the district liaison's contact information to the CDE and other specified persons, provides that a homeless student will be immediately enrolled even if he/she misses application or enrollment deadlines, and revises the content of the written explanation of the district's decision related to eligibility, school selection, or enrollment. Exhibits updated to revise the content of the district's explanation of its decision(s) related to eligibility, school selection, or enrollment and to revise the dispute form for use by parents/guardians who choose to appeal the district's decision.

 BB 9240 - Board Training

(BB revised)

Bylaw retitled and updated to address the purposes and importance of board training, recommended topics of training for new and first-term board members, and the district's process for selecting board training activities. The bylaw also reinforces the prohibition against a majority of the board members discussing district business of a specific nature while attending a conference or similar public gathering.

 BB 9323 - Meeting Conduct

(BB revised)

Bylaw updated to reflect NEW LAW (AB 1787, 2016) which requires the board to provide a member of the public who uses a translator at least twice the allotted time to address the board during board meetings, unless simultaneous translation equipment is used. Bylaw also clarifies that the board may refer a member of the public to an appropriate complaint procedure, but cannot prohibit criticism of district employees, programs, or policies during a board meeting

BP/AR 3230 - Federal Grant Funds

(BP/AR added)

New mandated policy and mandated regulation reflect major requirements for the management of federal grant funds contained in the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (commonly called the "Uniform Guidance"), including the mandate to adopt written procedures related to procurement, conflict of interest, cash management, and allowable costs. Policy addresses the board's desire to maintain fiscal integrity and transparency in the use of federal grant funds, key components of the district's financial management system, and the submission of performance reports in accordance with law and the requirements of the awarding agency. Regulation includes material related to allowable costs, procurement, cash management, audits, and records, including requirements for employees to document "time and effort" spent on grant activities. Regulation also reflects the option to delay implementation of the procurement standards in the Uniform Guidance up to July 1, 2017, provided that the decision is documented in the district's procurement policy.

BP/AR 3311 - Bids

(BP/AR revised)

Policy and regulation updated to move some material into new BP/AR 3311.1 - Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Procedures, AR 3311.2 - Lease-Leaseback Contracts, AR 3311.3 - Design-Build Contracts, and AR 3311.4 - Procurement of Technological Equipment. Regulation also revises section on "Award of Contract" to expand the exceptions to awarding contracts based on lowest responsible bidder to include lease-leaseback contracts, which are based on "best value" as defined.

a. BP 4030 CURRENT Nondiscrimination in Employment
a. BP 4030 REDLINE Nondiscrimination in Employment
b. BP 4119.11 CURRENT Sexual Harassment
b. BP 4119.11 REDLINE Sexual Harassment
c. BP 5030 CURRENT Student Wellness
c. BP 5030 REDLINE Student Wellness
d. BP 5116.2 NEW Involuntary Student Transfers
e. BP 5141.21 CURRENT Adminstering Medication
e. BP 5141.21 REDLINE Adminstering Medication
f. BP 6142.94 CURRENT History Social Science Instruction
f. BP 6142.94 REDLINE History Social Science Instruction
g. BP 6146.1 CURRENT High School Graduation Requirements
g. BP 6146.1 REDLINE High School Graduation Requirements
h. BP 6164.6 CURRENT Identification and Education Under Section 504
h. BP 6164.6 REDLINE Identification and Education Under Section 504
i. BP 6173 CURRENT Education for Homeless Children
i. BP 6173 REDLINE Education for Homeless Children
j. BB 9240 CURRENT Board Development
j. BB 9240 REDLINE Board Development
k. BB 9323 CURRENT Meeting Conduct
k. BB 9323 REDLINE Meeting Conduct
l. BP 3230 NEW Federal Grant Funds
m. BP 3311 CURRENT Bids
m. BP 3311 REDLINE Bids
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
L.1. Approve the Minutes from the June 27, 2017 Board Meetings
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes from the June 27, 2017 board meetings.

Minutes of the June 27, 2017 Meeting
Minutes of the June 27, 2017 Special Board Meeting
L.2. Approve the Warrant Register for August 8, 2017
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the warrant register for the August 8, 2017 meeting.

Warrant Register for 08-08-17
L.3. Accept for Information the Quarterly Williams Uniform Complaint Form for the Second Quarter of 2017
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees accept for information the quarterly uniform complaint report under the Williams legislation.


Under legislation enacted as a result of the Williams lawsuit settlement, all school districts are required to produce quarterly reports concerning complaints filed related to the issues pertinent to the Williams lawsuit. EC35186 requires each district to address issues regarding sufficiency of instructional materials, urgent threats to health and safety regarding facility conditions, and teacher vacancy and misassignments. EC35I86(d) requires each district to prepare a quarterly report summarizing data on the nature and resolution of complaints and report that information to the local district governing board and the County Superintendent of Schools.

The attached report for the quarter ending June 30, 2017 reflects that the district has no Williams-related complaints to report. 

Williams Complaint Report 2nd Quarter 2017
L.4. Approve the Santa Cruz County Outdoor Science School Contract
Recommended Motion:

 It is recommended that the Board Of Trustees approve the agreement between Santa Cruz Outdoor Science School and Scotts Valley Unified School District.


The Santa Cruz County Outdoor Science School experience is available to fifth and/or sixth grade students accompanied by their classroom teacher who spend four days and three days living on site.

Classes are conducted in the forest, at the edge of the creek, in the chaparral, and in the meadow conducted by licensed teachers and leaders. Students learn respect, responsibility, and reliability. Sharing cabin living encourages making new friends and dealing with problems as they occur. The students are also encouraged to understand the importance of a positive attitude and the value of being willing to adapt to new settings and situations.

Another value of the program is the opportunity for supervised leadership training and community service offered to high school students who serve as cabin leaders.

Financial Impact:


Santa Cruz County Outdoor Science School Agreement
L.5. Approve the University-District Agreement for Placement of Candidates With CSUMB
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the University-District Agreement for Placement of Candidates between Scotts Valley Unified School District and California State University, Monterey Bay.


The District agrees to provide teaching and field work experience through student teaching placements in SVUSD classrooms for selected students enrolled in the teacher training program through California State University, Monterey Bay

This agreement will be valid for five years, with a term of August 1, 2017 through July 31, 2022.

CSUMB Candidate Placement Agreement
L.6. Textbook Adoption for Foreign Language and 7th Grade Health
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees receive information regarding the approval of the adoption of the foreign language textbooks and health curriculum.

Following the textbook pilot adoption process cycle, there are new adoptions recommended in Foreign Language and 7th grade Health.

Quick Summary / Abstract:

The following textbooks have been been recommended for adoption for SVUSD from participating teachers and administrators:

* 7th Grade Teen Talk Health Connected

* Spanish Levels 1, 2, 3  Pearson Autentico

* French Levels 1, 2, 3  Vista Daccord

* IB French and French 4  Vista Themes

* IB Spanish SL and Honors Spanish 3 Vista Imagina

* IB Spanish SL and Spanish 4  Vista Temas

Professional Development will be provided for all adoptions.

L.7. Accept Donations for the Period of December 15, 2106 through June 30, 2017
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees gratefully accept the donations for the period of December 15, 2016 through June 30, 2017

Donations for the Period of December 15, 2016 - June 30, 2017
L.8. Classified Personnel Action Report
Recommended Motion:
Staff recommends that the Board of Trustees Approve the Classified Action Report.


As per Board Policy 4117.2 the Board authorizes the Superintendent or designee to accept the written resignation of an employee and to set its effective date.

As per Board Policy 4211 the Superintendent or designee shall determine the personnel needs of the district and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for employment.

Financial Impact:
Included in 2017-18 budget.

Classified Action Report
L.9. Certificated Personnel Action Report
Recommended Motion:

Staff recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the Certificated Action Report.




As per Board Policy 4211 the Superintendent or designee shall determine the personnel needs of the district and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for employment.

Employees eligible for CFRA (California Family Rights Act) leave may choose to take up to twelve (12) workweeks of parental leave under the CFRA. 

As per the agreement between Scotts Valley Education Association and the District, “an applicant for a paid or unpaid Maternity Leave of Absence shall submit to the District Personnel Office a written statement from her physician indicating the last day the employee is able to work and the expected date of return to duty.”

Financial Impact:
Included in 2017-18 budget.

Certificated Action Report
L.10. Memorandum of Understanding Between Loma Prieta Joint Union School District and Scotts Valley Unified School District for the 2017-18 School Year
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Loma Prieta Joint Union School District and Scotts Valley Unified School District for the 2017-18 school year. 


Memorandum of Understanding with Loma Prieta Joint Union School District for payment by Loma Prieta Joint Union School District to Scotts Valley Unified School District for costs associated with the education of a Loma Prieta student withing Scotts Valley Unified School District.

Loma Prieta MOU
Upcoming Activities in the District
Future Board Meeting Dates for 2017

The resubmit was successful.