
Scotts Valley USD
June 13, 2017 5:30PM
CLOSED SESSION: 5:30 pm PUBLIC SESSION: 6:00 pm SCOTTS VALLEY CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS One Civic Center Drive Scotts Valley, CA 95066

B.1. Update on Collective Bargaining Proceedings, Pursuant to Government Code Section 3549.1(d). Executive session between the public school employer and it's designated representative, Tanya Krause, for the purpose of giving direction regarding negotiations with Scotts Valley Education Association and other employee groups.
B.2. New Non Public School and Residential Treatment Center Placement (See Items O.9 and O.10) Ed. Codes 56365 and 56366
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This meeting is being conducted by teleconference at the following locations: 

Homewood Suites by Hilton Raleigh-Durham AP/Research Triangle
4603 Central Park Drive, Durham, NC 27703

This teleconference location is open to the public and any member of the public has an opportunity to address the School Board from the teleconference location in the same manner as if that person attended the regular meeting location.  The School Board will control the conduct of the meeting and determine the appropriate order and time limitations on public comments from the teleconference location.  

C.1.a. This meeting is being conducted by teleconference at the following location: Homewood Suites by Hilton Raleigh-Durham AP/Research Triangle, 4603 Central Park Drive, Durham, NC 27703. This teleconference location is open to the public and any member of the public has an opportunity to address the School Board from the teleconference location in the same manner as if that person attended the regular meeting location. The School Board will control the conduct of the meeting and determine the appropriate order and time limitations on public comments from the teleconference location.
C.4.a. Update on Collective Bargaining Proceedings, Pursuant to Government Code Section 3549.1(d). Executive session between the public school employer and it's designated representative, Tanya Krause, for the purpose of giving direction regarding negotiations with Scotts Valley Education Association and other employee groups.
C.4.b. New Non Public School and Residential Treatment Center Placement (See Items O.9 and O.10) Ed. Codes 56365 and 56366
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Members of the audience are welcome to address the Board at this time during the meeting regarding items NOT listed on this agenda. The Trustees may ask questions for clarity but cannot take action on those matters until such matters are appropriately placed on a future agenda, according to law.

The Governing Board may prohibit members of the public, who speak during the time permitted on the agenda for public expression, from commenting on matters that are not within the subject matter jurisdiction of the governing body. The Governing Board retains the discretion to adopt regulations at its meetings, which may limit the time for public discussion of items within its subject matter jurisdiction. Open Public Discussion at the beginning of the meeting is limited to 15 minutes. For the record, please state your name at the beginning of your statement.

K.1. Illuminate Program and Transition Plan
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees receive information about Scotts Valley Unified School District's Illuminate program and transition plan.


SVUSD is in process of transitioning to a new Student Information System.  Illuminate will replace Power School.  This new system is more robust and allows for greater data analysis and is an upgrade to the current system we are utilizing.  

Financial Impact:

SVUSD completed a cost analysis and based on the additional costs necessary to keep the current system in place, it was cost-effective for the district to upgrade to a system that included the "add-on's" that would have to be purchased to maintain Power School.  The Board has already approved the contract with Illuminate.  

Illuminate Program and Transition Plan
L.1. Adjourn Regular Board Meeting and Open Public Hearing - Public Hearing to Review and Consider the Draft Local Control Accountability Plan for Scotts Valley Unified School District
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees conduct an annual public hearing and receive comments on the draft Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for Scotts Valley Unified School District. 


A public hearing will be opened to receive comments regarding the District’s draft LCAP preceding the public hearing for the 2017-2018 proposed District budget.  Adoption of both documents is expected at the June 27, 2017 Board of Trustees Meeting.  

Financial Impact:

Included in LCAP goals and summary.

Quick Summary / Abstract:

Through the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), districts are required to provide a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) that is written from state priorities and stakeholder feedback.  Stakeholders include parents, students, staff, and community members.  The goal is to create funding as an input to support students to a resource that is linked to performance expectations.

 LCFF emphasizes equity and provides funding for English learners, low income students, and foster youth referred to as supplemental and concentration grants.  Scotts Valley Unified School District does not meet the minimum percentage requirement to receive concentration grant funds.  The State budget projects the timeframe for full implementation of LCFF to be eight years beginning in 2013-2014.

The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) provides an opportunity for districts to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected and provided to support positive student outcomes across a broad spectrum of areas. SVUSD’s Draft LCAP was developed through feedback at multiple meetings and from on-line responses from our stakeholders.  

The LCAP must include annual goals in each of the eight areas of state priority.  These areas include:

  • Student Achievement
  • Student Engagement
  • Other Student Outcomes
  • School Climate
  • Parental Involvement
  • Basic Services
  • Implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
  • Course Access


Specific measures as to how the District identifies success in each of the eight areas with associated data are to be included in the LCAP. The plan must include both District-wide goals and goals for each numerically significant student subgroup in the District. (To be numerically significant, a district must have at least 30 students in a subgroup, with the exception of foster youth, for which districts must have at least 15 students.)

The student subgroups to be addressed in the SVUSD LCAP include:

Race/Ethnic Subgroups

English Learners

Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Students

Students with Disabilities

Foster Youth

L.2. Adjourn Public Hearing and Reconvene to Regular Board Meeting
L.3. Consider the Scotts Valley Unified School District 2017-2018 Draft Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees receive information regarding the Scotts Valley Unified School District 2017-2018 draft LCAP.

LCAP Board Hearing Presentation
LCAP Draft 2017
M.1. Approve Resolution Number 17-024 to Authorize Employees to Sign Payroll and Vendor Warrant Orders and Other District Documents for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve Resolution Number 17-024 to authorize employees to sign payroll and vendor warrant orders and other district documents for fiscal year 2016-2017.

Resolution 17-024 Authorization to Sign Payroll and Vendor Warrant Orders
M.2. Adjourn Regular Board Meeting and Open Public Hearing - Public Hearing to Review and Consider the Scotts Valley Unified School District 2017-2018 Preliminary Budget
M.3. Adjourn Public Hearing and Reconvene Regular Board Meeting
M.4. Consider the Scotts Valley Unified School District 2017-2018 Preliminary Budget
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees consider the Scotts Valley Unified School District 2017-2018 preliminary budget.


In accordance with the guidelines set forth in law by the State of California and further guidance provided by the County Office of Education, the 2017-2018 budget has been prepared. This proposed budget is aligned with the proposed Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), but also contains elements that are not a part of that plan, including the District’s core instructional programs and operational departments.

The budget has been developed using information provided in the State of California January Governor’s Budget Proposal and the subsequent May Revision to the Governor’s proposal. This is a zero-based budget, reflecting the best current information. The District is now required to hold a budget adoption hearing and a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) hearing before the budget and LCAP are adopted at a subsequent meeting. The proposed budget will be returned to the board for adoption, after any board-requested changes, at the June 27, 2017 meeting. At board meetings throughout the ensuing year, the Board of Trustees will be provided with information regarding any necessary revisions.

Financial Impact:

All funds of the District will be in a positive financial position for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

2017-18 Adopted Budget Board Presentation
FY 2017-18 Adopted Budget
N.1. Approve the AB 1200 Report Disclosing the Fiscal Impact of the Scotts Valley Education Association (SVEA) Agreement for 2016-2017
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the AB 1200 report disclosing the fiscal impact of the Scotts Valley Education Association (SVEA) agreement for 2016-2017


On June 5, 2017, representatives from SVEA and the District reached a tentative agreement signed on June 5, 2017 concluding negotiations for the 2016-2017 school year.

For the 2016-17 school year only, the District shall provide a one-time, off-salary schedule bonus equal to three percent (3%) of each employee's annual salary using each employee's base annual salary on the 2016-17 salary schedule, less all applicable taxes and deductions. This bonus will only be paid one time to all existing employees in active employment status as of May 1, 2017. Payments will be made on or before July 10, 2017. Effective July 1, 2017 the stipend for the Master’s Degree will be $1200.

Pursuant to the State of California Education Code, the County Office of Education is required to review and analyze the tentative agreement for its financial impact on the district.  

The County Office of Education will issue a letter of approval by June 13, 2016.

Financial Impact:

Attached are the financial projections required as part of the public disclosure of the process as outlined by AB 1200.  This document states the annual cost of the settlement as well as certifying that the District can meet the costs incurred under this agreement for the current and subsequent fiscal years as required by Government Code Section 3547.5(b).

AB 1200 Public Disclosure of Collective Bargaining Agreement
N.2. Approve the Tentative Agreement(s) Between the Scotts Valley Unified School District and the Scotts Valley Education Association
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the tentative agreements between the Scotts Valley Unified School District and the Scotts Valley Education Association.


Since February 2017, representatives from SVEA and SVUSD have met, held discussions, and reached tentative agreements on Articles 8,9,12,13, and 19.  On June 5, 2017, the representatives reached the final tentative agreement concluding the negotiations for the 2016-2017 school year.

Regarding Article 19, Compensation, for the 2016-17 school year only, the District shall provide a one-time, off-salary schedule bonus equal to three percent (3%) of each employee's annual salary using each employee's base annual salary on the 2016-17 salary schedule, less all applicable taxes and deductions. This bonus will only be paid one time to all existing employees in active employment status as of May 1, 2017. Payments will be made on or before July 10, 2017. Effective July 1, 2017, the stipend for the Master’s Degree will be $1200.

SVEA has ratified these Tentative Agreements.

Financial Impact:

The 3% one-time bonus for 2016-17 is being paid for out of one time monies.  This will not be an ongoing expense.  The increased cost in the certificated hourly rate will be determined by approval and utilization. Effective July 1, 2017, the $100 increase to the Master's degree stipend is currently estimated to be a $7,200 increase to the general fund for all employees holding a Masters.  That cost will be determined by the number of Master's Degrees on an annual basis.

Quick Summary / Abstract:

Tentative agreements attached.

Tentative Agreement Aides 2-2-2017
Tentative Agreement Cal & Flex Sched Days 2-2-2017
Tentative Agreement Comp and Ins 6-5-2017
Tentative Agreement Leaves 6-5-2017
Tentative Agreement Pers Bus 3-13-2017
Tentative Master Agreement 6-5-2017
N.3. Approve Agreement with the Administrative/Management, Licensed Professional, Confidential and Support Personnel Classified Staff and the District to Implement a One Time Bonus to be paid on or before July 10, 2017
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve Meet and Confer agreements with the administrative/management, licensed professional, confidential and support personnel classified staff, to implement the one-time bonus to be paid on our before July 10, 2017.


Meet and confer sessions have been completed with all other unrepresented employee groups and staff will bring forward agreements to implement a one time bonus to be paid on or before July 10, 2017.  

For the 2016-17 school year only, the District shall provide a one-time, off-salary schedule bonus equal to three percent (3%) of each employee's annual salary using each employee's base annual salary on the 2016-17 salary schedule, less all applicable taxes and deductions. This bonus will only be paid one time to all existing employees in active employment status as of May 1, 2017. Payments will be made on or before July 10, 2017. Effective July 1, 2017, the stipend for the Master’s Degree is $1200.

Financial Impact:

Considered in the 2017-18 Adopted Budget.

The 3% one-time bonus for 2016-17 is being paid for out of one time monies.  This will not be an ongoing expense.  Effective July 1, 2017, the $100 increase to the Master's degree stipend cost will be determined by the number of Master's Degrees on an annual basis.

Administrative/Management Agreement
Support Personnel Agreement
N.4. Cornerstone Earth Group's Proposal for Removal Action Workplan (RAW) Implementation Environmental Services
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve Cornerstone Earth Group's Removal Action Workplan (RAW).  This RAW has been reviewed and approved by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC).

Cornerstone SVMS RAW Agreement
N.5. Contract with Moore Twining Associates, Inc. for Special Inspection and Materials Testing
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the contract with Moore Twining Associates, Inc. for special inspection and materials testing.   


The scope of materials testing and inspection services for the project was based on the requirements of the project plans, specifications, draft construction construction schedule, DSA-103 form, and e-mail correspondence with Mike Smith, Project Manager.

Contract - Moore Twining Associates, Inc.
N.6. Accept for First Reading Board Policy 3470 Debt Issuance and Management
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees accept for first reading Board Policy 3470 Debt Issuance and Management.


BP 3470 - Debt Issuance and Management (BP added)

New policy reflects NEW LAW (SB 1029, 2016) which mandates that boards adopt a debt management policy prior to issuing any debt, including, but not limited to, general obligation bonds, tax and revenue anticipation notes, and certificates of participation. Policy addresses the components mandated by law, including (1) the purposes for which the debt proceeds may be used; (2) the types of debt that may be issued; (3) the relationship of the debt to, and integration with, the district's capital improvement program or budget, if applicable; (4) policy goals related to the district's planning goals and objectives; and (5) internal control procedures to ensure that the proceeds of the proposed debt issuance will be directed to the intended use.

BP 3470 NEW Debt Issuance and Management
N.7. Accept for First Reading Board Policies, Administrative Regulations and Board Bylaws as Listed in the Rationale
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees accept for first reading the following Board Policies, Administrative Regulations and Board Bylaws as listed in the Rationale.


1. BP 3553 Free and Reduced Price Meals  (BP/AR revised)

Minor revisions made in policy and regulation to delete references to sharing free and reduced-price meal records for the purpose of determining the eligibility of students in Title I program improvement schools for school choice and supplemental educational services, as those requirements were eliminated in the Every Student Succeeds Act (P.L. 114-95), and instead authorize the use of those records to determine eligibility for alternative supports offered in accordance with the CDE's transition plan. 

2. AR 4112.22 Staff Teaching English Learners (AR revised)

Regulation updated to revise definition of "English learner" pursuant to Proposition 58 (2016). Regulation also deletes material regarding the Certificate of Staff Development issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and provides a general paragraph applicable to multiple types of authorizations to teach English learners. Title of regulation updated to reflect current terminology.

3. BP 4151, 4251, 4351 Employee Compensation (BP revised)

Policy updated to add new section on "Overtime Compensation" and to reflect NEW FEDERAL REGULATIONS (81 Fed. Reg. 32391) which adjust the salary level at which employees become eligible to receive overtime pay. Policy also revised to reflect the requirement to classify nonadministrative, nonsupervisory certificated employees on the salary schedule based on years of training and experience, the prohibition against paying certificated employees different salaries solely on the basis of the grade levels they teach, the board's authority to determine the frequency and schedule of salary payments for employees who work less than 12 months per year, and the requirement to post a notice of federal minimum wage provisions. 

4. AR 4157.1, 4257.1, 4357.1  Work Related Injuries (BP deleted; AR added)

Policy moved to administrative regulation and updated to clarify notification requirements, including requirements related to (1) the method and timeline for notifications; (2) availability of notifications in both English and Spanish; (3) notice to an employee who is a victim of crime at the workplace that he/she may be potentially eligible for workers' compensation benefits; (4) the filing of a report of work-related injury or illness with the district's insurer or, if the district is self-insured, with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR); (5) notice to the DIR's Division of Occupational Safety and Health of any work-related death or serious injury/illness; and (6) the posting of workers' compensation information in a conspicuous location frequented by employees.

5. BP 5123 Promotion/Acceleration/Retention (BP revised)

Revisions made in policy to reflect the District's current practice regarding promotion and retention.

6. AR 6158 Independent Study (AR revised)

Minor revision made in regulation to reflect NEW LAW (SB 828, 2016) which expands the types of documents that may be maintained electronically to include supplemental agreements, assignment records, work samples, and attendance records as well as the master agreement. Related material moved to "Records" section and expanded.

7. BB 9012 Board Member Electronic Communication (BB revised)

Bylaw updated to reflect NEW COURT DECISION (City of San Jose v. Superior Court) which held that using a personal account or device to send or receive communications regarding public business does not categorically exclude those records from disclosure in response to a request under the California Public Records Act and that public agencies are obliged to disclose applicable records that they can locate with reasonable effort.

8. BB 9321 Closed Session Purposes and Agendas (BB revised)

Bylaw updated to clarify that the Board may not meet in closed session under the "personnel exception" (Government Code 54957) of the Ralph M. Brown Act to discuss or act upon any proposed change in compensation other than a reduction of compensation that results from the imposition of discipline. "Negotiations/Collective Bargaining" section revised to reflect that the Board may meet with the district's designated representatives in closed session under the "labor exception" (Government Code 54957.6) of the Ralph M. Brown Act to discuss salaries, salary schedules, or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits to its represented and unrepresented employees, including the Superintendent.

1. AR 3553 CURRENT Free and Reduced Price Meals
1. AR 3553 REDLINE Free and Reduced Price Meals
1. BP 3553 CURRENT Free and Reduced Price Meals
1. BP 3553 REDLINE Free and Reduced Price Meals
2. 4112.22 CURRENT Staff Teaching English Language Learners
2. 4112.22 REDLINE Staff Teaching English Language Learners
3. BP 4151 CURRENT Employee Compensation
3. BP 4151 REDLINE Employee Compensation
4. AR 4157.1 4257.1 4357.1 PROPOSED Work Related Injuries
4. BP 4157 DELETE Work Related Injuries
5. BP 5123 CURRENT Promotion Acceleration Retention
5. BP 5123 REDLINE Promotion Acceleration Retention
6. AR 6158 CURRENT Independent Study
6. AR 6158 REDLINE Independent Study
7. BB 9012 CURRENT Board Electronic Communications
7. BB 9012 REDLINE Board Electronic Communications
8. BB 9321 CURRENT Closed Session
8. BB 9321 REDLINE Closed Session
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
O.1. Approve the Minutes from the May 23, 2017 Board Meeting.
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes from the May 23, 2017 board meeting.

Minutes of the May 23, 2017 Board Meeting
O.2. Approve the Minutes from the May 31, 2017 Special Board Meeting
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the meeting minutes from the May 31, 2017 Special Board Meeting.

Minutes of the May 31, 2017 Special Board Meeting
O.3. Approve the Warrant Register for May 23, 2017
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the warrant register for May 23, 2017.

Warrant Register for 06-13-17
O.4. Accept Donations for the Period of November 16, 2106 through March 31, 2017.
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees gratefully accept the donations for the period of November 16, 2016 through March 31, 2017.

Donations for the Period of November 16, 2016 - March 31, 2017
O.5. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with California State University Monterey Bay to Provide Intern Placements for University Students.
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the intern agreement between California State University at Monterey Bay and Scotts Valley Unified School District.


Due to newly adopted California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Program Standards and state guidelines regarding the support and supervision of interns, the CSU Monterey Bay Internship Programs have revised their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with districts regarding Intern hires.  The new information is identified in bold print.

MOU California State University Monterey Bay - Interns
O.6. Approve Memorandum of Understanding with University of California, Santa Cruz to Provide Student Teacher Placements for University Students.
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the student teaching agreement between the University of California, Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley Unified School District.

MOU University of California, Santa Cruz
O.7. Certificated Personnel Action Report
Recommended Motion:

Staff recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the Certificated Action Report.


As per Board Policy 4211 the Superintendent or designee shall determine the personnel needs of the district and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for employment.       

Financial Impact:
Included in 2017-18 budget.

Certificated Action Report
O.8. Classified Personnel Action Report
Recommended Motion:
Staff recommends that the Board of Trustees Approve the Classified Action Report.


As per Board Policy 4117.2 the Board authorizes the Superintendent or designee to accept the written resignation of an employee and to set its effective date.

Financial Impact:
Included in 2017-18 budget.

Classified Action Report
O.9. 2017-2018 Non Public School Placement: OASIS Autism School, Watsonville, CA, 1 student, approximately $75k
ISA Oasis Outdoor School
Oasis Outdoor School for Autism and Special Issues Master Contract
O.10. 2017-2018 Residential Treatment Center Placement: Alpine Academy, Erda, UT, 1 student, approximately $157k
Alpine Academy Master Contract
ISA Alpine Academy
Upcoming Activities in the District
Future Board Meeting Dates for 2017

The resubmit was successful.