Regular Meeting San Mateo Union HSD October 10, 2019 7:00PM San Mateo Union High School District Office
650 N. Delaware Street
District Office Conference Room 129
District Office Conference Room 204
Vice-President Friedman called the Closed Session to order at 6:00 p.m.
In attendance, Trustee Hanley, Trustee Dwyer, Clerk Griffin and Vice-President Friedman. President Land arrived at 6:10 p.m. |
President Land called the Open Session to order at 7:02 p.m.
President Land stated there was nothing to report from Closed Session. |
In attendance, Trustee Linda Lees Dwyer, Trustee Peter Hanley, Clerk Robert Griffin, Vice-President Marc Friedman and President Greg Land and Student Board Members Kaitlyn Duong and Shelby Cherkas. |
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Student Board Members Shelby Cherkas and Kaitlyn Duong. |
Trustee Dwyer reported she has tickets to every play and musical for the fall.
Trustee Hanley, nothing to report
Clerk Griffin, nothing to report
Vice-President Friedman requested to have the schedule for the musicals emailed to him.
President Land also requested to have the schedule for the musicals emailed to him. |
President Land acknowledge the receipt of the Letter from the San Mateo County Office Of Education for the Local Control Accountability Plan and Adopted Budget-Fiscal Year 2018-19. |
For Information |
Letter from the San Mateo County Office Of Education for the Local Control Accountability Plan and Adopted Budget-Fiscal Year 2019-20. |
Letter from the SMCOE for LCAP and Adopted Budget-19-20
The Board upon the motion of Trustee Dwyer, and seconded by Clerk Griffin, moved to approve the Consent Agenda with a vote of 5 to 0. |
Brian Simmons |
Approve the participation of 114 San Mateo High School students to attend the Instrumental Music Tour in Honolulu, Hawaii from April 5, 2020 to April 10, 2020. Students will be chaperoned by Attilio Tribuzi and 14 other adult supervisors. The estimated cost for the group is $262,200. No student will be excluded from participation because of a lack of sufficient funds. |
Approve the participation of 114 San Mateo High School students to attend the Instrumental Music Tour in Honolulu, Hawaii from April 5, 2020 to April 10, 2020. Students will be chaperoned by Attilio Tribuzi and 14 other adult supervisors. The estimated cost for the group is $262,200. No student will be excluded from participation because of a lack of sufficient funds.
Approximate Cost: $2,300.00 per student Total Estimate for Group: $262,200.00 |
San Mateo High School Field Trip to Honolulu, HI
Elizabeth McManus |
Approve the consulting agreements, contracts, invoices and purchase orders, as listed on the attached spreadsheet, in the amount of $831,900.14.
Consulting agreements, contracts, invoices and purchase orders have been processed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees and applicable legal requirements of the State of California. This agenda item presents for Board approval the attached list of consulting agreements, contracts, invoices and purchase orders. Agreements, contracts, invoices and purchase orders $25,000 and less do not need Board approval, but are listed in order to provide disclosure to the Board.
Contract Log for contracts over $25,000 Contract Log for contracts under $25,000
Kirk Black |
Accept the Quarterly Report on Williams Uniform Complaints for the quarter, July 1, 2019 through September 30, 2019, noting no complaints were received. |
The District is required to submit a quarterly report to the Board of Trustees on complaints that it has received in response to the Williams Settlement Case, Education Code §35186. The areas that are addressed in the Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures include sufficient textbooks and instructional materials, teacher vacancy or misassignment, facilities conditions and intensive instruction and services. For the quarter, July 1, 2019 through September 30, 2019, the District did not receive any such complaints. |
Kirk Black |
Review, discuss and approve the Grand Jury's recommendations regarding Concussions. |
The District requests the Board of Trustees review, discuss and approve the following recommendations from the Grand Jury regarding Concussions: R1. By September 2020, the San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE), with input from each high school district and unified school district, should establish a common “San Mateo County Concussion Protocol” that will: - Identify the specific responsibilities of those involved who carry out the steps of the concussion protocol as well as the timing of those actions.
- Establish a county-wide database of concussions by sport – to include number of students by gender participating in each sport, frequency of head injuries, circumstances of head injuries (e.g., whether incurred at a formal game or at practice), timing, and completion of RTL/RTP steps.
- Make neurocognitive testing (NCT) an option, not a requirement. If a school or district does use NCT at baseline or after injury, it should be made clear which test is used, who administers the test, how the results are reported, and who interprets the results.
- Specify that at a minimum, football games and full-contact practices should be attended by certified athletic trainers (CATs).
- Establish a process for tracking compliance with the San Mateo County Concussion Protocol.
R2. Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year, each high school district and unified school district should supply its statistics for the data base to the SMCOE annually. R3. By September 2021, the SMCOE should publish an annual summary of the database on its website (excluding personally identifiable information), so that parents, students, and educators can be better informed on concussion risks for high school students’ sports of choice.
Grand Jury Advanced Concussion Report
Carolyn Schwartzbord |
Approve the Agreement of Roles and Responsibilities for Project SEARCH Project SEARCH between the San Mateo Union High School District, the San Mateo Medical Center and the Department of Rehabilitation, as contained in the attachment.
Project SEARCH established a partnership between the San Mateo Medical Center, the San Mateo Union High School District and the Department of Rehabilitation. These partners work together to create an internal training and employment program that meets the needs of the students, in their last year of high school (usually age 21), with significant disabilities. Students work as non-paid interns through three-to-six 10-week job rotations during their last academic school year. The program provides ongoing support to help the interns learn to successfully perform specific jobs which in turn give them very marketable skills. Nationwide, students graduating from this program go on to well-paying jobs with pensions, benefits and retirement plans at a high rate (65-100%).
Project SEARCH Agreement
Elizabeth McManus |
Accept the Report of Investments as presented. |
SB 564 requires that the chief financial officer of each school agency provide regular reports to the superintendent, internal auditor, and the governing board for the two types of disclosure identified by Government Code Section 53646. Type One: This statute requires that, if a local agency has placed all its investments in the Local Agency Investment Fund or in Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation-insured accounts in a bank or savings and loan association, in a county investment pool, or any combination of these, the chief financial officer need only supply the most recent statement or statements received by the local agency from these institutions. Type Two: If the local agency has investments other than those identified in Type One above, the report must include: The type of investment; issuer; date of maturity; par and dollar amount invested in all securities, investments and monies held by the local agency; and shall additionally include a description of any local agency's funds, investments, or programs that are under the management of contracted parties, including lending programs. A current market value and the source of this valuation as of the date of the report must also be included if the local agency has securities under the management of an outside party that is not also a local agency or the California Local Agency Investment Fund. As of June 30, 2019, all investments owned by the San Mateo Union High School District and shown in the attachment are "Type One" as defined by Government Code Section 53646. |
San Mateo County Investment Pool Fund Report June 2019 Summary of Investment Accounts and Liabilities
Elizabeth McManus |
Declare the books as surplus and authorize the staff to dispose of them per Education Code Section 17546 (c). |
Aragon High School Textbook Surplus Title: Biotechnology: Science for the New Millennium (Textbook) Author: Ellyn Daugherty ISBN:9780763833794 Copyright:2007 Reason: outdated and replaced by the 2017 edition Number of Copies: 174 Title: Biotechnology: Science for the New Millennium (Manuals in very bad condition)
Author: Ellyn Daugherty ISBN:9780763833794 Copyright:2007 Reason: outdated and replaced by the 2017 edition Number of Copies: 206 Pertinent Education Code Sections
Per the Education Code Section 17546, (c) if the Board, by a unanimous vote of those members present, finds that the property is of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging a sale, the property may be donated to a charitable organization deemed appropriate by the board, or it may be disposed of in the local public dump on order of any employee of the district empowered for that purpose by the Board. |
Aragon High School Textbook Surplus
Elizabeth McManus |
Accept the listed donations with thanks.
The district received the following donations. Aragon High School Aragon School Climate (Stock Donation)
Total $1,079.83 Burlingame High School Parents Group 1st Semester Donation for 8 Class Sections, PAWS/Explore Salaries, Tutoring, Webmaster PAWS/ Explore expenses, Robotics, Science Consumables, Student Planners, Panther Pal Program and Principal's Discretionary Totals $192,000.00 Capuchino High School Drama Class $100.00 Art Class $130.00 Video Production $140.00 Ceramics Class $185.00 Scholarship $2,000.00 Principal Grant & Focus Grant $4,500.00
Total $7,055.00 Mills High School Mills Annual Fund Totals $693.90
Total Donations $200,828.73 |
Gifts to the District
Elizabeth McManus |
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees award the proposal identified on the attachment, in the total amount of $51,872.00, with all costs to be charged to Fund 21- District Deferred Maintenance. |
Three proposals were received to install a canopy above the elevator. The proposals have been reviewed by the construction manager for validity and reasonableness. They have determined that Coulter Construction is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, meeting all requirements. |
The awarded bid for this project will be charged to Fund 21 District Deferred Maintenance. The impact to the individual project budget is the amount listed on the detailed list for that project; the costs have been included in the project budget. |
AHL Born Structural Steel, Inc. Coulter Construction, Inc. Rodan Builders, Inc.
Elizabeth McManus |
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the DSA Inspection Services Proposal with DFE & Associates, Inc. for the New Peninsula High School (Alternative High School, Project #0063). |
The Peninsula High School project requires the services of a qualified DSA inspector. Staff is bringing forth a contract with DFE & Associates, Inc. for consideration. |
The fee for DSA Inspection services would not exceed $240,000.00. The DSA Inspection services fee is built into the project budget for the project. There is no overall change to the project budget.
DFE & Associates, Inc.
Elizabeth McManus |
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees award the proposal identified on the attachment, in the total amount of $226,050.00, with all costs to be charged to Fund 21- District Deferred Maintenance. |
On September 10, 2019 one proposal was received. The proposal has been reviewed by the construction manager for validity and reasonableness and have determined Southern Bleacher to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, meeting all requirements. |
The awarded bid for this project will be charged to Fund 21 District Deferred Maintenance. The impact to the individual project budget is the amount listed on the detailed list for that project; the costs have been included in the project budget. |
Southern Bleacher Company
Elizabeth McManus |
Approve the change orders identified on the attachment, in the amount of $12,116.92 with all costs to be credited to Fund 21 and authorize the Superintendent to sign said change orders. |
The attached detailed list of project change orders is recommended for the Board’s approval. They have been reviewed by the District’s construction manager and architect for validity and reasonableness. |
Change orders for District Projects are charged to Fund 21. There is no impact to the individual project budget. |
Change Order Approval Consolidated Partitions, Inc. - AHS Change Order 001 Consolidated Partitions, Inc. -HHS Change Order 001
Elizabeth McManus |
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Geotechnical Consulting Services proposal with Cleary Consultants for the Capuchino and Mills High Schools Artificial Turf Replacement and Sports Field Complexes Projects. |
The Capuchino High School and Mills High School Athletic Complex projects require the services of a qualified geotechnical and geohazard consultant. We are bringing forward a contract with Cleary Consultants, Inc. for consideration. |
The fee for Geotechnical Consulting services are to be initial lump-sum services not to exceed $15,000.00 for Mills High School and $15,000.00 for Capuchino High School. Staff is asking board approval to issue the purchase orders to be amended later in order to get consulting services underway. The Geotechnical Consulting service fees are included in the project budgets. There is no financial impact. |
Cleary Consultants Inc.- Mills High School Athletic Field Cleary Consultants Inc.-Capuchino High School Athletic Field
Elizabeth McManus |
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the In-Plant Inspection Services Proposal with Joseph Renda Construction Services, Inc. for the New Peninsula High School (Construction/Alternative High School, Project #0063). |
DSA requires required an on-site inspector supervise the construction of the modular buildings for the New Peninsula High School. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the proposal for In-Plant Inspection Services with Joseph Renda Construction Services, Inc. for the New Peninsula High School (Construction/Alternative High School). |
The In-Plant Inspection services fee is a component of the project budget and there is no impact to the project budget. The consulting fee for In-Plant Inspection services will not exceed $38,750.00.
Joseph Renda Construction Services, Inc.
Superintendent Skelly reported there have been power outages in the Bay Area but there was not a power outage that affected any of the schools in the district of families. On Monday was PD day, this was a school based PD. Some of the classified staff attended the National Equity training while other staff attended CPR or other workshops. |
Student Board Member Kaitlyn Duong reported on the shoe drive at Aragon High School. It is in collaboration with the Key Club, one of the largest student led service organizations. The Key Club, along with Aragon Students, are collaborating with the local organization called "My New Red Shoes." The students will be collecting clothing and shoes for the adolescence within the community to help support the students who are in need.
Student Board Member Shelby Cherkas reported schools are having pride week celebrations. Aragon had a few events, tie dye, rainbow dress and a pride rally and pride game. She reported all the schools are getting ready for Homecoming. |
District Teachers' Association Representative, nothing to report |
San Mateo Adult School Teachers Association reported the union is planning to present the AFT proposal to open contract negotiations with the district. The Green Team led some of the Adult School students to help clean up the Bay front. The Adult School is working with the San Mateo County Office of Sustainability to certify some of the classrooms as a Green Star Classroom. Currently being offered to expand the path ways are four classes, the Professional Communication for Business and Beyond Certification course, Pharmacy Technician Certificate Program and the Modern Office Technology class. The Adult School has an articulation agreement with CSM where students are able to take six week courses and upon their completion and satisfactory grade they can earn 3 units toward college. Spanish Smart Business classes are being offered to help Spanish speaking students learn the fundamentals of starting a business. |
Kevin Skelly/Elizabeth McManus |
Deputy Superintendent of Business Elizabeth McManus, Todd Lee, Greystone Construction Management Firm and Gin Kim, Keygent, presented the Prop 39 Capital Facilities General Obligation Bond presentation.
The Board of Trustees directed the Administration to move forward with $385 or $388 million for the bond. The board has asked for information on the assumption on the first year based upon a high AV growth and going forward. This information will be provided at a later board meeting. |
For Information
The Board of Trustees has been considering a Prop 39 bond measure to address facility needs for over a year. Staff will present an information item regarding a future bond. The capital projects have been categorized into four distinct areas: safety and security, academic improvement, technology and sustainability. The attached draft presentation materials incorporate a list of capital projects requested, project costs, bond sizes, and issuance timelines. At the end of the presentation, staff will answer any questions and seek board direction on next steps. |
Bond Information Presentation
Kevin Skelly/Elizabeth McManus |
The Board of Trustees moved to approve the selection of consultants, as presented by the Superintendent, with the motion by Vice-President Friedman, and seconded by Trustee Dwyer with a vote of 5 to 0. The contracts for the consultants will be brought back for approval at the next board meeting. |
Staff is requesting the Board of Trustees approve the recommended consultants for Legal Services, Public Relations and Real Estate Brokerage Services and the contracts for D & A Communications and DCG Strategies. The District has an approved contract with Lozano Smith. |
A main goal for the 2019-20 fiscal year is the promotion of careful stewardship of the District’s assets. The Board of Trustees has requested staff to transparently and responsibly manage the disposition of the Crestmoor property for its best use. To accomplish this, the District issued Requests for Qualifications/Proposals for legal services, real estate brokerage services and public relation and communication services. Responses were evaluated and qualified firms were interviewed. Several exemplary firms participated in the process and today we bring forward the committee’s recommendation. Legal Services-Harold Freiman, Lozano Smith Public Relations-D & A Communications Real Estate Brokerage Services-DCG Strategies |
Kevin Skelly/Elizabeth McManus |
The Board has agreed to move forward with the Education Workforce Housing and to explore all the opportunities and pursue more than one location for staff housing. The Board directed the Administration to look into Bridge Financing for staff housing and if it would be worth putting language in the bond for Bridge Financing. The Board stated the need for an outside communication consultant, as well as, a real estate broker to help with staff housing. Trustee Dwyer stated she does not want housing built on the Mills High School campus. |
For Discussion |
On August 22, 2019 the Board approved the 2019-2020 District Goals. In that document the Board directed staff to: "Pursue feedback and direction from the Board of Trustees regarding ...building workforce (staff) housing. If approved, develop a process to receive community input and deploy a comprehensive communications campaign to ensure that stakeholders are informed of the District’s progress.
Staff requests direction from the board on this topic. |
Brian Simmons |
Director of Curriculum and Assessment Brian Simmons, gave the Annual Update on Outcomes Measured in the District Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). |
For Information |
The District will present the first of three annual updates on outcomes measured in the District Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). This presentation will involve key academic results (from Goal 2 of the District's LCAP) for all student subgroups across all school sites from the 2018-19 School Year. - Algebra 1 (9th Grade) - spring 2019
- English 1 (9th Grade) - spring 2019
- 10th Graders on Track (post-Summer School 2019) - 110+ Credits earned and a 2.0+ Grade Point Average
- A-G completion among class of 2019 - The numbers and percentages of students who met the course requirements for eligibility for a UC/CSU
- 11th Grade CA Assessment of Student Performance & Progress (CAASPP) scores in English and Mathematics - spring 2019
- AP/IB Course Enrollment among student groups
Draft presentation materials are attached. |
LCAP Goal 2 - Academic Achievement Update - DRAFT
Elizabeth McManus |
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve Amendment 1 to the Pre-Construction Services contract for the Project. |
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve Amendment 1 to the Pre-Construction Services contract for the Project. Passed with a motion by Marc Friedman and a second by Robert Griffin. |
Yes Linda Lees Dwyer. Yes Marc Friedman. Yes Robert Griffin. Yes Peter Hanley. Yes Greg Land.
On March 7, 2019, the Board of Trustees authorized issuance of a Request for Qualification/Request for Proposals for Lease-Leaseback Construction Services for the Project. The Project includes pre-construction Increment 1 Site Development work, which consists of (i) the existing building and pavement will be removed; (ii) the Site will be cleared and grubbed; (iii) the soil will be processed per the advisement of the geotechnical engineer; (iv) site utilities, including storm drain, sanitary sewer, domestic water, fire suppression water and natural gas piping, will be installed; (v) site electrical and telecommunications infrastructure will be installed in underground conduits; and (vi) final grades will be established for building pads and site paving. On May 9, 2019, the Board awarded the Project to Rodan Builders as the “best-value” lease-leaseback contractor. The demolition and abatement work are anticipated to start on October 14, 2019. Rodan has selected subcontractors, performed pre-construction services, and has provided the District with objectively verifiable information of its costs to perform the demolition and abatement services for the Project. It is anticipated that the California Department of General Services’ Division of the State Architect will approve the plans and specifications for the Project before December 31, 2019. In the interest of time, staff is requesting the Board of Trustees approve the Amendment 1 authorizing the addition of demolition and abatement services to the Pre-Construction Services contract. |
The funding source for the Project will be Fund 21 – Building Fund – Measure O. Once the Board of Trustees approves the final GMP and issues a notice to proceed, there will not be any material changes to the budget. Amendment 1 will reallocate funds from the construction phase to the pre-construction phase in the amount of $219,694.57.
Amendment No. 1 Rodan Builders, Inc. C-2- Alternative Ed High School-Abatement & Demolition
Kirk Black |
Approve the attached personnel actions, including the addendum. |
Approve the attached personnel actions, including the addendum. Passed with a motion by Linda Lees Dwyer and a second by Robert Griffin. |
Yes Linda Lees Dwyer. Yes Marc Friedman. Yes Robert Griffin. Yes Peter Hanley. Yes Greg Land.
A list of personnel actions is contained in the attachment for the Board's consideration. |
Personnel Actions Personnel Actions Addendum
Kirk Black |
The Presentation and Public Hearing Regarding the Contract Proposals for the 2019-2022 Successor Contract Negotiations Between the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the San Mateo Union High School District was pulled from the agenda. |
Conduct a public hearing on the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the San Mateo Union High School District's contract proposals regarding the 2019-2022 successor contract negotiations. |
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the San Mateo Union High School District contract proposals regarding the 2019-2022 successor contract negotiations will be presented at the Board of Trustees meeting on October 10, 2019. This hearing is provided for the public to become informed and express itself regarding the proposals. |
District AFT Contract Reopeners 2019-2022
Kirk Black |
The Review, Discuss and Approve the Contract Proposals for the 2019-2022 Successor Contract Negotiations Between the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the San Mateo Union High School District was pulled from the agenda. |
Review, discuss and approve the contract proposals for the 2019-2022 successor contract negotiations between the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the San Mateo Union High School District, as contained in the attachment. |
The District requests the Board of Trustees review, discuss and approve the contract proposals for the 2019-2022 successor contract negotiations between the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the San Mateo Union High School District, as contained in the attachment. |
District AFT Contract Reopeners 2019-2022
Julia Kempkey/Brian Simmons |
Approve the five credit Ethnic Studies Course as a high school graduation requirement for all SMUHSD students. This course will replace the current five-credit Contemporary World Studies (CWS) graduation requirement the Class of 2024. The board approved the pilot of the Ethnic Studies course in the spring of 2018. This recommendation is a result of that pilot. |
Approve the five credit Ethnic Studies Course as a high school graduation requirement for all SMUHSD students. This course will replace the current five-credit Contemporary World Studies (CWS) graduation requirement the Class of 2024. The board approved the pilot of the Ethnic Studies course in the spring of 2018. This recommendation is a result of that pilot. Passed with a motion by Marc Friedman and a second by Linda Lees Dwyer. |
Yes Linda Lees Dwyer. Yes Marc Friedman. Yes Robert Griffin. No Peter Hanley. Yes Greg Land.
The District requests the Board of Trustees to approve the five credit Ethnic Studies Course as a high school graduation requirement for all SMUHSD students. This course will replace the current five-credit Contemporary World Studies (CWS) graduation requirement with the Class of 2024. The board approved the pilot of the Ethnic Studies course in the spring of 2018. This recommendation is a result of that pilot. |
BP 6146.1 (a) High School Graduation Requirement
Elizabeth McManus |
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve using $11,330 to purchase equipment for its athletic and physical education programs. |
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve using $11,330 to purchase equipment for its athletic and physical education programs. Passed with a motion by Marc Friedman and a second by Robert Griffin. |
Yes Linda Lees Dwyer. Yes Marc Friedman. Yes Robert Griffin. Yes Peter Hanley. Yes Greg Land.
Peter and his wife Dolores T. Umland displayed their strong financial commitment to the District and Burlingame High School by making the District a residual beneficiary in the Peter S. Umland and Dolores T. Umland Trust. The Trust bequeathed $740,000 of the residual estate to the District “for use by the Burlingame High School Athletic in its athletic endeavors.” The Burlingame High School administration has requested to use up to $11,330 of the remaining Umland funds to purchase a timing system that will be used by the BHS track and cross country team and during physical education classes. They have also requested purchasing equipment for the weight room. The new equipment will be used by both the athletic program and physical education classes. These purchases will benefit all students at Burlingame High School. |
Kevin Skelly/Laura Chalkley |
For Discussion |
The Administration has been considering a new District Logo for quite some time. The staff is asking the Board for input on the process and how the board wants to be involved in the design of a new District Logo. |
Kevin Skelly |
Recommendation for the Board to approve changing the April 23, 2020 board meeting date to Thursday, April 16, 2020 due to a scheduling conflict. |
Recommendation for the Board to approve changing the April 23, 2020 board meeting date to Thursday, April 16, 2020 due to a scheduling conflict. Passed with a motion by Linda Lees Dwyer and a second by Robert Griffin. |
Yes Linda Lees Dwyer. Yes Marc Friedman. Yes Robert Griffin. Yes Peter Hanley. Yes Greg Land.
At the February 27, 2019 board meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the 2019-2020 Board Meeting Calendar. The staff is requesting to change the April 23, 2020 board meeting date to Thursday, April 16, 2020 due to a scheduling conflict. |
For Discussion |
List of requested Board items: - Expulsion Program Process-(Scheduled for October 24, 2019)
- Academic Integrity Policy process across the district
- Attendance Process and Review Policy
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:47 p.m. |
Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to participate in this meeting, or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agenda, meeting notice, agenda packet or other writings that may be distributed at the meeting, should contact Charlene Aquino, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, at least three working days before the meeting at (650) 558-2201. Notification in advance of the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it. |
| |
Present | Linda Lees Dwyer |
Present | Marc Friedman |
Present | Robert Griffin |
Present | Peter Hanley |
Present | Greg Land |