Regular Meeting San Mateo Union HSD May 05, 2022 5:30PM In accordance with AB 361, the Board has adopted findings that meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees of in-person meetings. Consistent with those findings, this board meeting will be held remotely.
San Mateo Union High School District
The zoom link is below to join the webinar:
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Passcode: 995656
Closed Session 5:00 pm
Julia Kempkey |
Study Session - Board Discussion with Students- Expected at 5:30 PM The purpose of this study session is to hear from student representatives from each of our high schools, about what is going well and what are students thoughts on areas needing improvement |
The Board of Trustees and staff reserve this section of the agenda to recognize students and staff accomplishments. This is also a place on the agenda to adopt and/ or proclaim other recognitions. |
Kevin Skelly |
Approve the PROCLAMATION Recognizing June as LGBTQIA+ Pride Month in the San Mateo Union High School District
The San Mateo Union High School District is committed to supporting dignity, equity, and visibility for all people in the community including our diverse Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and/or Questioning (LGBTQIA+) community. June has historically become a symbolic month in America in which LGBTQIA+ persons and allies come together in various celebrations of pride to support the community’s right to live their lives openly and without fear or hate. Staff bring the attached proclamation to the Board for consideration. As part of LGBTQIA+ Pride Month the District flies the Rainbow Flag.
Proclamation LBGTQ Month
Kirk Black |
Adopt the attached resolution acknowledging the week of May 15-21, 2022, as "Classified School Employee Week" thereby officially recognizing the contributions of the classified staff of the San Mateo Union High School District. |
May 15-21, 2022, has been designated "Classified School Employee Week" by the State Board of Education. The District wishes to take this opportunity to express its appreciation for the continual and critical contributions of the classified staff to the fundamental goals of the San Mateo Union High School District and the student body and the faculty of the San Mateo Union High School District. The attached resolution acknowledges "Classified School Employee Week". |
Resolution Acknowledging Classified School Employee Week
Kirk Black |
Adopt the attached resolution acknowledging May 11, 2022, as "Day of the Teacher" thereby officially recognizing the contributions of the certificated staff of the San Mateo Union High School District. |
May 11, 2022 has been designated "Day of the Teacher" by the State Board of Education. The District wishes to take this opportunity to express its appreciation for the continual and critical contributions of the certificated staff to the fundamental goals of the San Mateo Union High School District. The attached resolution acknowledges "Day of the Teacher". |
Resolution Acknowledging Day of the Teacher
Yancy Hawkins |
Approve the consulting agreements, contracts, invoices and purchase orders, as listed on the attached spreadsheet: Special Education under $25,000 in the amount of $ 19,000 Special Education over $25,000 in the amount of $265,572.03 Other consulting agreements, contracts, invoices and purchase orders in the amount of $42,058.68 Attached are Agreements, contracts, invoices and purchase orders $25,000 and less do not need Board approval, but are listed in order to provide disclosure to the Board.
Consulting agreements, contracts, invoices and purchase orders have been processed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees and applicable legal requirements of the State of California. This agenda item presents for Board approval the attached list of consulting agreements, contracts, invoices and purchase orders. Agreements, contracts, invoices and purchase orders $25,000 and less do not need Board approval, but are listed in order to provide disclosure to the Board.
Contract Log for Contracts Over $25,000 Contract Log for Contracts Under $25,000 Contract Log for Special Education Contracts Over $25,000 Contract Log for Special Education Contracts Under $25,000
Yancy Hawkins |
For the first 10 years of our solar project, our construction contract included 10 years of maintenance, which is coming to the end. We engaged Sage Renewables, our environmental consultant, to perform a RFP to find the best value for these services. Sage presented three vendors and Borrego was our choice. Borrego Energy, Inc will provide Solar PV Operation and Maintenance services to all of the Districts photovoltaic and solar electric power systems. The scope of services will include monitoring, reporting and inventory, site property inspections and maintenance and DC/AC/DDAS/SCADA inspections annually. After the annual service visit, Borrego will provide a report of all PM activities and results that need to be addressed. Contract has been reviewed and approved by legal counsel. |
Borrego Energy
Yancy Hawkins |
Hillsdale High School has textbooks that are surplus and no longer needed by the district. The District requests that these books be discarded. All items and ISBN numbers are listed on the attachment. |
Hillsdale High School has textbooks that are surplus and no longer needed by the district. The District requests that these books be discarded. All items and ISBN numbers are listed on the attachment. Pertinent Education Code Sections Per Education Code Section 17546, ( c ) if the Board, by a unanimous vote of those members present, finds that the property is of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging a sale, the property may be donated to a charitable organization deemed appropriate by the board, or it may be disposed of in the local public dump on order of any employee of the district empowered for that purpose by the Board. Declare the books as surplus sand authorize the staff to dispose of them per Education Code Section 17546 (c) . |
Curriculum Surplus
Yancy Hawkins |
Declaration of and Authorization to E-Waste Surplus Property District Office has devices that are surplus and no longer needed by the district. The District requests that these devices be discarded. All items and serial numbers are listed on the attachment.
Declaration of and Authorization to E-Waste Surplus Property District Office has devices that are surplus and no longer needed by the district. The District requests that these devices be discarded. All items and serial numbers are listed on the attachment.
Pertinent Education Code Sections
Per Education Code Section 17546, (c) if the Board, by a unanimous vote of those members present, finds that the property is of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging a sale, the property may be donated to a charitable organization deemed appropriate by the board, or it may be disposed of in the local public dump on order of any employee of the district empowered for that purpose by the Board.
Declare the devices as surplus and authorize the staff to dispose of them per Education Code Section 17546 (c).
BHS E-Waste List
Kirk Black |
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the San Mateo Union High School District and the San Mateo County Office of Education/Alder Graduate School of Education's Teacher Residency Program, as contained in the attachment. |
The District requests the Board of Trustees approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the San Mateo Union High School District (SMUHSD) and the San Mateo County Office of Education/Alder Graduate School of Education's teacher Residency Program for one resident for SMUHSD for the 2022-2023 school year. This program allows residents to earn their mild/moderate teaching credential and Masters in just one year, while getting hands on experience with students in San Mateo County Office of Education schools, working closely with a mentor teacher, and learning alongside other residents through seminars. The cost of the program for the 2022-2023 school year is $20,000 per resident ($17,000 living stipend for the resident and $3,000 for the mentor stipend). Thus, the total cost for SMUHSD is $20,000 for the 2022-2023 school year. |
$20,000 per resident ($17,000 living stipend for the resident and $3,000 for the mentor stipend) for a total cost of $20,000 to SMUHSD for the 2022-2023 school year. |
SMCOE-SMUHSD Teacher Residence Agreement 22-23
Kirk Black |
Approve the agreement between the San Mateo Adult & Career Education and the Foster City Recreation Center for the period of 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023, as contained in the attachment. |
The District requests the Board of Trustees approve the agreement between the San Mateo Adult & Career Education and the Foster City Recreation Center for the period of 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023. The agreement provides the following: - San Mateo Adult & Career Education will pay Foster City Recreation Center a $5,000 Administrative Fee for each student enrolled in a class provided by the San Mateo Adult & Career Education and held at the Foster City Recreation & Community Center.
- San Mateo Adult & Career Education will provide the aforementioned student count to Foster City Recreation Center at the end of each semester.
San Mateo Adult & Career Education will pay Foster City Recreation Center a $5,000 Administrative Fee for each student enrolled in a class provided by the San Mateo Adult & Career Education and held at the Foster City Recreation & Community Center. San Mateo Adult & Career Education will provide the aforementioned student count to Foster City Recreation Center at the end of each semester. |
MOU with Adult School and Foster City Recreation Center
Brian Simmons, Julia Kempkey |
Approve the participation of eighty-three (83) Hillsdale High School students to attend the Anaheim Band Field Trip in Orange, California from February 3 to February 6, 2023. The estimated cost for the group is $83,000. No student will be excluded from participation because of a lack of sufficient funds. |
The district requests approval of the participation of eighty-three (83) Hillsdale High School students to attend the Anaheim Band Field Trip in Orange, California from February 3 to February 6, 2023. The estimated cost for the group is $83,000. No student will be excluded from participation because of a lack of sufficient funds.
Approximate Cost: $1,000 per student Total Estimate for Group: $83,000.00 |
HHS Field Trip - Anaheim Band - 2-3-23 to 2-6-23
Brian Simmons, Julia Kempkey |
The district requests approval of the participation of forty (40) Burlingame High School students to attend the Italian Exchange Trip from March 18 to April 1, 2023. The estimated cost for the group is $164,030. No student will be excluded from participation because of a lack of sufficient funds.
Approximate Cost: $4,100.75 per student Total Estimate for Group: $164,030 |
BHS Field Trip - Italian Exchange Program
Brian Simmons, Julia Kempkey |
Approval of the plan for the 2021-2026 A-G completion grant that was discussed at the April 21, 2022 board meeting. |
The district solicited input and discussion from the board on the plan for the 2021-2026 A-G completion grant at the April 21, 2022 board meeting. The district is requesting the approval of the plan. |
SMUHSD A-G Improvement Grant Plan-Revised (May 5, 2022)
Yancy Hawkins |
It is recommended that the Board approve award of the Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract to Coulter Construction, Inc. in the amount of $11,075,476. |
On November 18, 2021, the Board of Trustees authorized issuance of a Request for Qualifications/Request for Proposals for Lease-Leaseback Construction Services for the Project (“RFQ/P”) further to the requirements in Education Code Section 17406. On January 20, 2022, the Board of Trustees Awarded the RFQ/P for “Best-Value” Lease-Leaseback Delivery to Coulter Construction, Inc. for the Mills High School Transite Encapsulation Project (“Project”). The Project consists of the following: Mills High School: Encapsulation of exposed transite panels with cement plaster on the exterior and drywall on the interior. Replacement of existing single pane plate glass with insulated safety glass. Exterior façade improvements including signage. Exterior paint and an allowance for landscape improvements and new window coverings. Work is anticipated to start on or about May 30, 2022. Coulter Constriction, Inc. has selected subcontractors, has performed preconstruction services, and has provided the district with objectively verifiable information of its costs to perform the work. |
The funding source for the Project will be Fund 21 – Building Fund – Measure L in the amount of $11,075,476. The contract amount includes a 10% construction contingency in the amount of $1,006,961. The Board approved budget for this project, inclusive of contingency is $12,966,000. The recommended contract award amount is $1,890,524 under the board approved budget. |
MHS Transite Coulter First Amendment to Construction Contract
Yancy Hawkins |
Accept the listed donations with thanks. |
The district received the following donations, see attachment. |
Donations to the District
Yancy Hawkins |
Declaration of and Authorization to E-Waste Surplus Property District Office has devices that are surplus and no longer needed by the district. The District requests that these devices be discarded. All items and serial numbers are listed on the attachment.
Declaration of and Authorization to E-Waste Surplus Property District Office has devices that are surplus and no longer needed by the district. The District requests that these devices be discarded. All items and serial numbers are listed on the attachment.
Pertinent Education Code Sections
Per Education Code Section 17546, (c) if the Board, by a unanimous vote of those members present, finds that the property is of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging a sale, the property may be donated to a charitable organization deemed appropriate by the board, or it may be disposed of in the local public dump on order of any employee of the district empowered for that purpose by the Board.
Declare the devices as surplus and authorize the staff to dispose of them per Education Code Section 17546 (c).
Print Shop E-Waste List
Kirk Black |
Approve the Memorandums of Understanding between the California School Employees Association, Chapter 519 to update the Summer Schedule: 2022 Calendar Year for Summer 2022 and the Work From Home for up to 45 days for the 2022-2023 school year, both as contained in the attachment. |
The District requests the Board of Trustees approve the Memorandums of Understanding between the California School Employees Association, Chapter 519 to update the Summer Schedule: 2022 Calendar Year for Summer 2022 allowing 12-month unit members the option to work a temporary schedule of three 9.5 hour days and one 9.0 hour day per week beginning June 13, 2022 and ending on July 22, 2022 and continuing the Work From Home for up to 45 days for the 2022-2023 school year contingent on CSEA ratification. |
MOU 45 Work From Home Days for 2022-2023 MOU for Classified Summer Schedule 2022
Kirk Black |
Approve the specific Board Policies and Administrative Regulations - March 2022 Updates - Part One: -BP 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment -E(1) 4112.9/4212.9/4312.9 - Employee Notifications -BP/AR 4141.6/4241.6 - Concerted Action/Work Stoppage as contained in the attachment. |
The District requests the Board of Trustees approve the specific Board Policies and Administrative Regulations - March 2022 Updates - Part One: -BP 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment - Makes unlawful for a district the use of a non-disparagement agreement or other document that would deny an employee the right to disclose information about unlawful acts in the workplace, in exchange for a raise or bonus. Makes unlawful to fail to maintain certain records, particularly those involving workplace discrimination or harassment complaints filed with DFEH.
-E(1) 41112.9/4212.9/4312.9 - Employee Notifications - Adds employee notifications related to (1) minor student specified offenses; (2) duties of the district liaison for homeless students; (3) termination of services; (4) transfer student records; and (5) disclosure of document identifying an employee who is a victim of domestic violence. Also updated to reflect new classified layoff procedures.
-BP 4141.6/4241.6 - Concerted Action/Work Stoppage - Policy prohibits public employers from discontinuing employer contributions for health care or other medical coverage for employees who are participating in an authorized strike.
-AR 4141.6/4241.6 - Concerted Action/Work Stoppage - Prohibits public employers from discontinuing employer contributions for health care or other medical coverage for employees who are participating in an authorized strike.
as contained in the attachment. |
March 2022 Updates - Part One Changes Accepted March 2022 Updates - Part One Changes Showing March 2022 Updates - Part One Checklist March 2022 Updates - Part One Guidesheet
Yancy Hawkins |
Approve the Total Compensation Systems, Inc. proposal in the amount of $10,800, with all costs to be charged to the General Fund and authorize the Superintendent to sign said proposal. |
The Government Account Standards Board (GASB) Statement Number 45 requires that any government entity providing other post-employment benefits (OPEB) must value these liabilities and disclose them on its balance sheet. This includes all retiree health care benefits and any other types of benefits such as life insurance or long term care insurance. There is additional required work due to the compliance implications of GASB 74/75 as follows: - GASB 74/75 requires a “roll-forward” calculation for every valuation cycle to determine second year accounting entries
- There are greatly expanded Note Disclosure requirements that require rerunning the valuation four additional times
- There will be deferred inflows and outflows that need to be calculated and tracked.
The cost for the actuarial analysis is $10,800 ($7,200 for Full Valuation and $3,600 for the Roll-Forward Valuation). This contract will be charged to the General Fund. |
Total Compensation Total Compensation
Yancy Hawkins |
It is recommended that the Board approve the contract for the purchase of fifty network switches, accessories and licenses to Presidio Networked Solution LLC in the amount of $512,334.11 |
On March 10, 2022, the Board awarded a design-build construction agreement to Brayer Electric Company for the construction of a new public address system. The specified system operates over the sites data backbone. Upon further investigation, the added load used up and, in some cases, exceeded the capacity of the existing network switches These new switches provide the required capacity for the PA System and includes room for future expansion. |
The funding source for the Project will be Fund 21 – Technology Fund – Measure O in the amount of $512,334.11 (Five Hundred Twelve Thousand, Three Hundred Thirty-Four Dollars, and Eleven Cents). |
DW PA Project Switches Quote
Yancy Hawkins |
Declare the projector asset tag #002486 as surplus and authorize the staff to dispose of it per Education Code Section 17546 (c). |
Pertinent Education Code Sections Districtwide shipping containers will be replaced with Tuff Sheds. The District requests that these shipping containers be discarded, per the Education Code Section 17546, (c). Attached are the number of containers to be surplused. Per the Education Code Section 17546, (c) if the Board, by a unanimous vote of those members present, finds that the property is of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging a sale, the property may be donated to a charitable organization deemed appropriate by the board, or it may be disposed of in the local public dump on order of any employee of the district empowered for that purpose by the Board. |
MO&F E-Waste Surplus Items
Kirk Black |
Appoint the following individuals as school representatives to the CIF athletic leagues for the 2022-2023 school year: Valerie Arbizu, Principal, Aragon High School; TBD, Principal, Burlingame High School; Jose Gomez, Principal, Capuchino High School; Jeff Gilbert, Principal, Hillsdale High School; Pamela Duszynski, Principal, Mills High School; Yvonne Shiu, Principal, San Mateo High School and Ron Campana, Peninsula High School and authorize the Superintendent to submit the appropriate ratification by July 1, 2022. |
The Commissioner of the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), Central Coasts Section, has notified the District that the CIF Federated Council approved an amendment to its Constitution, Article 2, Section 26, which requires the governing board of each school district to appoint the individuals by name and title for the school representatives to the athletic leagues each year. The recommended representatives are: Valerie Arbizu, Principal, Aragon High School; TBD, Principal, Burlingame High School; Jose Gomez, Principal, Capuchino High School; Jeff Gilbert, Hillsdale High School; Pamela Duszynski, Principal, Mills High school; Yvonne Shiu, Principal, San Mateo High School and Ron Campana, Principal, Peninsula High School. |
CIF Ratification for 2022-2023
Yancy Hawkins |
Approve Second Amendment to Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions for Sale of Crestmoor School Site to SummerHill Homes, LLC. |
At its meeting on December 9, 2021, the Board approved an agreement between the District and SummerHill Homes, LLC, (“SummerHill”) for the purchase of the Crestmoor school site property for a minimum purchase price of $85 million, which is subject to increase based on the number of units ultimately approved for the development of the property. On January 20, 2022, the Board approved a First Amendment to the agreement to clarify the agreement’s effective date and deposit structure. The parties now wish to enter into a Second Amendment to extend SummerHill’s feasibility period under the agreement by 30 days, and correspondingly to increase the amount of SummerHill’s deposit to the District by $100,000. It is recommended that the Board approve the Second Amendment. |
Second Amendment Summerhill
Yancy Hawkins |
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve Change Order #1 to the contract for the Capuchino High School Sport Complex Project with FieldTurf USA, Inc. in the amount of $15,225. |
The Board is being asked to approve Change Order #1 to the construction contract for the Capuchino High School Sport Complex Project. |
If approved, the current contract value will be increased from $1,717,276 to $1,732,501. This project is funded by Measure L Funds. |
Capuchino HS Fields CO #1 Field Turf Detail
Kirk Black |
Approve the Grand Jury follow-up response to Grand Jury Report findings and recommendations regarding "Ransomware: It Is Not Enough To Think You Are Protected" as presented. |
The District's Board of Trustees approved the Grand Jury Response to Grand Jury Report findings and recommendation for "Ransomware: It Is Not Enough To Think You Are Protected" at their December 17, 2020 Board Meeting. The Grand Jury issued a request for a follow-up response from the District. The District's follow-up response is attached. |
Grand Jury Response 5-5-2022
Brian Simmons, Julia Kempkey |
Approve the request for teachers to attend the AVID Summer Institute 2022. |
The district has a robust AVID program and included in the program is for school site teams to attend the annual conference convened by the organization. The summer institute will be held in San Francisco this summer, and there are over 30 staff members interested in attending either in-person or virtually. |
$875/person for Early Bird Pricing |
AVID SI 2022 - staff list Summer Institute Flyer 2022
Kevin Skelly |
At its March 10 and April 21 Board meeting, the Board voted to direct staff to maintain the mandate that all students and staff continue to wear masks inside buildings in the district. The Board also directed staff to bring this item back for consideration at the May 5 Board meeting. Staff will present information related to the presence of COVID in our community and the Board will provide direction to the superintendent on this matter. |
Covid Update Mask Mandate Recommendation Spanish Version Covid Mask Update
Yancy Hawkins |
On December 17, 2020, the Board of Trustees approved the Measure L project list. The projects centered on imminent maintenance needs, academic needs, safety, sustainability, technology and parity. Three projects were fast-tracked (Capuchino High School Athletic Complex, Mills High School Athletic Complex and District-wide Surveillance System) with the remaining 51 projects approved at the December 17, 2020, board meeting. The update will present the completed projects, projects in construction, projects slated to for Summer 2022 construction and the projects still in design. Material will be updated when available. |
There is no financial impact with the presentation of the Measure L Update. |
Measure L Update
Yancy Hawkins |
It is recommended that the Board review the Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Feasibility Update in order to determine the next steps for the project. |
On November 18, 2021, the Board of Trustees was presented with the Feasibility Study conducted by the District. The purpose of the study was to determine the feasibility of installing PV systems at nine campuses to expand the District’s solar deployment. The update to the study presented at the November 18, 2021, board meeting will show the progress since the last update and explain the cost and savings recognized since the last presentation. A site-by-site financial analysis and layouts will also be presented for discussion. |
There is no financial impact with the presentation of the Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Feasibility Update. |
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Feasibility Update
Kirk Black |
Approve the revised 2022-2023 Miscellaneous Salary Schedule showing an increase in the San Mateo Union High School District's substitute teachers pay rate, as contained in the attachment.
The District requests the Board of Trustees approve the revised 2022-2023 Miscellaneous Salary Schedule showing an increase in the San Mateo Union High School District's substitute teachers pay rates. The recommendation for an increase to our substitute teacher pay rates. Currently SMUHSD substitute pay rates are competitive, but lower than our neighboring union high school district by $5.00. Many of our substitute teachers work in both union high school districts. The recommended pay rate brings the two union high school districts into alignment. The recommendation also continues our practice of having one full-time floating substitute teacher at each comprehensive high school into next school year. |
Current Miscellaneous Salary Schedule Miscellaneous Salary Schedule with new changes Salary Comparison
Kirk Black |
Review, discuss and approve the job description for the new position of English Learner & Academic Support Program Assistant, as contained in the attachment. |
The District requests the Board of Trustees review, discuss and approve the job description for the new position of English Learner & Academic Support Program Assistant. As the number of EL students in San Mateo Union High School District continues to rise, particularly in our ELD student population, and our EL/ELD programs continue to grow and develop, there is a need for a program assistant who can support and focus on the administrative and logistical needs of the program, and its staff. |
Job Description for English Learner and Academic Support Program Assistant
Julia Kempkey |
Approve the proposed learning schedule for the 2022-2023 school year. |
District staff will present the proposed learning schedule for the 2022-2023 school year. A committee with representatives from each of the comprehensive schools reviewed survey data about the current model and discussed potential modifications to the schedule based on that insight. Overall, the schedule will stay fairly consistent with the current learning schedule. The overview of the components include: Four days of Block periods (90 minutes) and 1 day of all 7 periods (50 minutes) Flex/Tutorial time will be increased from 40 to 45 minutes Block days will flip to allow for a shorter student day on Wednesday & Friday Embedded collaboration and meeting time will be 50 minutes (Wednesday & Friday) Seven minute passing periods for all days
Generic Learning Schedule SMUHSD- 2022-23 Instructional Learning Schedule 2022-2023 Learning Schedule Presentation
Michael Zozos, Brian Simmons, Julia Kempkey |
Conduct a public hearing on the adoption of the new Modern World History textbooks. |
The district is conducting a public hearing to recommend the adoption of a new textbook for the Modern World History courses in the district: World History: Voyages of Exploration - Cengage/ National Geographic Learning (2021). This will be brought back for board approval at the May 19th board meeting. |
MWH Textbook Recommendation Social Science Board Presentation_May 5, 2022
List of Suggested Board Items with suggested Board meeting dates as presently planned: - Update Logo - simple changes - Look at our Brand Update the image - inside of the circle-TBD
- Student Board Member Representative
Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to participate in this meeting, or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agenda, meeting notice, agenda packet or other writings that may be distributed at the meeting, should contact Charlene Aquino, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, at least three working days before the meeting at (650) 558-2201. Notification in advance of the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it. |
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Published: April 29, 2022, 3:27 PM