FIRST INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORT Background The District must file two interim financial reports with the state each year. Attached is the draft general fund summary of the First Interim report for 2020-21. This report includes actual revenue and expenditure information from July 1, 2020 through October 31, 2020, and projected expenditures through June 30, 2021. The District is submitting the First Interim Report with a positive certification, meaning it can meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year and the two subsequent years. Revenue Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)/Revenue Limit Sources includes: LCFF Base funding (primarily local property taxes), LCFF Supplemental funding, State Special Education funding, and Education Protection Account (EPA) from Proposition 30. Federal Revenue includes: Special Education funding for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Title I, Title II, Title III, Title IV allocations, CARES Act, and reimbursement for Medi-Cal billing. All Federal Revenue is legally restricted and subject to specific federal documentation and reporting requirements. State Revenue includes: Lottery revenue, Mandated Block Grant reimbursement, After School Education and Safety (ASES), Tobacco Use Prevention and Education (TUPE), One-time discretionary funds for 2020-21, and the STRS On Behalf State Contribution (this is a paper only entry as STRS expenditures are increased by the same amount). Local Revenue includes, but is not limited to: Parcel Tax revenue, Rental Income (includes leased site, field use and facility use fees), PTA donations, Safe Routes to School grant, and interest. Carryover Balances The changes presented at First Interim include adding expenditure carryover for district restricted programs. When the books are closed for the prior year, balances remaining in certain programs are eligible to be designated as restricted or deferred, and are carried over into the following year when they are reintroduced into the new budget at First Interim. Expenditure accounts are increased with the addition of the carryover funds. The addition of these expenditures to the budget creates additional deficit spending at First Interim and throughout the year. The amount of the deficit will lessen when the books are closed and as actual expenditures are known. Salaries Certificated salaries vary from the original budget due to vacancies, leaves of absence, and staffing adjustments. Staffing changes were made between projected salaries and actual placement on the salary schedule for each new hire. The First Interim includes costs for salary schedule movement for years of experience and educational units (step and column) for certificated employees. Classified and Management salaries are also adjusted to reflect actual costs of step and column increases for 2020-21. Benefits: STRS and PERS Rate Increases Health and welfare changes include the STRS On Behalf contribution. This expenditure is offset by a corresponding increase to state revenue. STRS retirement rates are budgeted at 16.15% for the current year and 15.92% in 2021-22. PERS rates are budgeted at 20.70% for 2020-2021 and 22.84% the following year. STRS and PERS rates are increasing over the next few years to address the unfunded pension liabilities of each retirement system. For STRS, the rate increases are set in statute and distributed amongst the state, employee contributions, and employer contributions. PERS rates are set by the PERS Board and are adjusted annually. Employee contribution rates (for “classic” members) will remain at 7%. Basic Aid Fair Share Reduction The Basic Aid Fair Share began as a reduction to state categorical funding for districts that were Basic Aid funded in 2013-14. While the District was Basic Aid for a brief period, including 2013-14, the “Fair Share Reduction” is an ongoing annual reduction of revenue to the District in the amount of $1.74 million. The District is Basic Aid, or Community Funded, for the 2020-21 school year and is projected to remain Community Funded through each of the years in the Multi Year Projection. Upon Board approval of the First Interim Report, it is submitted to the County Office of Education for review and approval. Final submission is to the State. |