According to Board Resolution, the Board and the Superintendent will convene, by no later than September 31, 2020, an inclusive, community-driven process—involving parents, students, teachers, school administrators, student support staff, and other community members—for completing the following by December 31, 2020 in preparation for full implementation during the 2021-2022 school year: (a) drafting new SMFCSD response to discipline policy that prioritizes restorative practices, specifies when law enforcement is involved in on-campus disciplinary action, ensuring that students will no longer be ticketed, arrested, or referred to law enforcement while on school grounds, in a school vehicle, or at a school activity or sanctioned event unless there are no other available alternatives for addressing imminent threats of serious harm to members of the school community or school officials are otherwise obligated by law;
(d) ensuring that all Board approved policies and Administrative Regulations related to student discipline are aligned with this resolution in fact and in spirit. Add language to multiple policies: |