REGULAR SESSION Ravenswood City ESD March 25, 2021 6:30PM This Meeting will be held via Zoom Video. Link to the webinar:
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Note: The Board will convene at 6:30 p.m., approve the Agenda and immediately go into Closed Session. They are expected to resume Open Session at approximately 7:15 p.m. |
Anyone wishing to address the Board on closed session matters may do so at this time.
The Board sits as a hearing body. All matters are referred to the Superintendent for follow-up. Legally, the Board of Trustees cannot take action on items that are not properly agendized. |
Board action to approve the following items is taken simultaneously with one motion to “approve the consent agenda,” which is not debatable and which requires a unanimous vote for passage. If any member of the Board, the Superintendent, or the Public so requests, any item shall be removed from this section and placed in the regular order of business. The action indicated on each item is deemed to have been considered in full, and action taken by the Board as worded therein. |
Consideration to approve the Special Educators referenced above to support the needs of our students who have IEPs. |
There is a need to provide Special Education services to our students with special education needs. Since there are not enough candidates applying internally we need to contract out in order to fill these positions. |
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the contract with the Special Education teacher through The Stepping Stone. |
The contractor will work 35 hours per week at $95 an hour. |
The Stepping Stone Addendum -GErhardt
As Ravenswood seeks opportunities to better ready our middle school students for high school and beyond, we are incorporating AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), a nationally acclaimed program whose mission is to prepare students with college readiness skills by weaving WICOR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading) strategies throughout the curriculum. Ravenswood City School District would like to reenter into contract with the AVID Center during the 2020-2021 school year. The College Readiness System will provide students from Cesar Chavez Ravenswood Middle School the opportunity to participate in an AVID Elective class, in addition to supporting in implementing AVID strategies. |
It is recommended that the board approve the AVID membership contract. |
The cost of the contract is $4,679, funded by Title I Part A. |
2021-2022 AVID Agreement
This proposal provides for all materials, labor and equipment to dismantle three (3) portables and temporarily relocate them to another location on campus. |
The district is planning to begin the Cesar Chavez-Ravenswood Middle School Phase 2 Construction this summer 2021. These three portables need to be removed and temporarily relocated to facilitate the start of construction of a new two-story building in that same location. Anaya Construction has satisfactorily performed similar work for the district in the past. They are listed on the District’s approved Registry of CUPCCAA licensed contractors. Because the cost of this proposal falls well below the $ 60K threshold, the district was not required to invite competitive bids. |
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve a contract with Anaya Construction. |
The total cost of this proposal is $36,650.00 |
Anaya RMS Proposal 2021-059
The board authorized district staff to apply for a grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC) to support the installation of solar panels. The grant comes in the form of a 0% interest loan where the energy savings from the solar panel installation would cover the cost of the loan. The district partnered with Engie to facilitate the application and the management of this program. Due to delays with CEC we should have been approved several months ago, but are currently expected to be approved this at the May CEC meeting. While nothing is official, we have received strong signals that our application will be approved. If the application is approved, Staff is recommending that the Board authorize the district to accept the loan and install solar panels at Los Robles-Ronald McNair and Belle Haven this summer and Costano and CCRMS next summer (we are still finalizing the specific locations for Costano and CCRMS pending other construction projects at the sites). If Staff is authorized to accept this loan, Engie will need to begin some drilling and testing before the CEC meeting. Engie is prepared to begin this work and taking all of the risk if the loan is not approved. If Engie waits until the district is officially awarded the loan, the panels will be installed during the school year instead of during the summer. In addition to the change order authorizing Engie to begin this work which also includes the draft layout, we are providing some additional information: - A slide outlining several ways of paying for solar panels besides taking the loan - all of which would lower the districts emissions by three million pounds of CO2 annually.
- A sample contract of the loan terms we anticipate the district accepting. Additionally, Engie guarantees the production of the panels making this essentially a no-risk proposition for the district (i.e. the district will either break-even or have significant savings over the life of the solar panel)
It is recommended that the board approve this change order, thereby authorizing Engie to begin work and District Staff to accept the CEC loan should we be accepted. |
Per the terms of the loan, the district will not pay any interest on the loan but will need to repay the principal of the loan over a 17 or 18 year term. However, we expect that the energy savings from will offset the cost of the principal repayments. While we estimate that this will save the district ~$100,000 annually, more importantly we are highly confident that this will not lead to any additional net-cost to the district. |
CEC Sample Loan Agreement Engie Change Order Authorizing Solar Panel Installation Preperation RCSD ENGIE Solar Panel Backup Solar Panel Funding Options and Tradeoffs
Similar to past years, we are planning on operating a summer program in conjunction with BGCP. As part of this effort, we are hoping to share student directory information to support with recruitment. We have worked with County Counsel to develop this limited data sharing agreement. At a later point, we will present a full MOU to the board with broader terms. |
It is recommended that the board approve this agreement. |
There is no financial implications from this data sharing agreement. However, at a later point, there will likely be a cost associated with the summer school partnership. |
BGCP Summer Program Data Sharing MOU
Because the current conditions show a low positivity rate in the area as compared to the county, the district is preparing to restore in-person instruction and reopen all of our schools this spring pending the school board’s approval. This means that every student has the chance to come to their school for at least 6-10 weeks of in-person instruction before the end of the school year.
Our school district, in partnership with our learning hubs, administration, classified and certificated staff, have proven that we can bring back our students on campus safely. Hundreds of students have been on our school campuses since September in learning hubs, teachers have already begun to pilot in-person instruction models with their students, and we have provided in-person one-one assessments for special education and group assessments like the ELPAC throughout the year. Over 60% of our staff have received the vaccine and will continue to take a weekly COVID test. The district is also prepared to scale up our weekly rapid COVID testing for students if a waiver is signed by the guardian. And of course, we are prepared to implement the most current guidance from our county and state health department. |
Approve the reopening school district-wide for all students and approve proposals to bring additional classes back to campus as part of the phase in process. |
Updated summary, rationale and recommendation. |
Classified employees shall be subject to layoff for lack of work or lack of funds. If a classified employee is laid off, the order of layoff within the class shall be determined by length of service. The employee who has been employed the shortest time in the class, plus higher classes, shall be laid off first. Reemployment shall be in order of seniority. (Education Code Section 45308(a)). When, as a result of a bona fide reduction or elimination of the service being performed by any department, classified employees shall be subject to layoff for lack of work, affected employees shall be given notice of layoff not less than 60 days prior to the effective date of layoff, and informed of their displacement rights, if any, and reemployment rights (Education Code Section 45117(b)). |
Due to enrollment decline, there is a bona fide reduction of the classified services which necessitates the reduction of classified services and necessitates the layoff of classified employees for lack of work.
Approve Resolution 2020/2021 - 20: Reduction of Classified Services. |
The District will save an estimated $775,000 on salaries and benefits for these classified reductions. |
Resolution - Classified Layoff
This packet of Board Policies is presented to the Board for First Reading. The packet includes a guide sheet that identifies revisions made in the sample Board Policies. |
BP/AR Updates 3-21-21 Guide Sheet 3-21-21
BOARD MEETING ARE RECORDED. NOTE: Board Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to participate in this meeting; or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agenda, meeting notice, agenda packet or other writings that may be distributed at the meeting, should contact Nelly Maldonado at least five working days before the meeting at 329-2800 ext. 60109. Notification in advance of the meeting will enable the district to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it. |
Published: March 22, 2021, 6:02 PM