
Regular Meeting - SRCS Board of Education
San Rafael City Schools
May 12, 2015 5:00PM
District Office - Boardroom 310 Nova Albion Way San Rafael, CA 94903

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Natu Tuatagaloa, Board President Rachel Kertz, Vice President Linda M. Jackson, Trustee Greg Knell, Trustee Maika Llorens Gulati
President Tuatagaloa convened the meeting to Open Session at 5:14 PM.

Trustees present were:
Natu Tuatagaloa
Rachel Kertz
Linda M. Jackson
Greg Knell
Maika Llorens Gulati
II. PUBLIC COMMENT on Closed Session
Pursuant to Government Code sections 54957.6, 54956.9 and 54957 the Board adjourned to Closed Session at 5:15 PM.
III.1. GOV. CODE 54957.6: (ESD/HSD) Conference with Labor Negotiator: Name of Agency Negotiator: Michael Watenpaugh, Rebecca Rosales, Chris Thomas Employee Organization/Title: SRFT, SRTA, CSEA, UNREPRESENTED: Certificated and Classified Management, ConfidentialConfidential agenda item.
III.3. CLOSED SESSION: Gov. Code 54957 Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release (ESD-1 certificated; 1 classified) Confidential agenda item.
III.4. GOV. CODE 54957 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Superintendent (ESD/HSD); Interim Assistant Superintendent (ESD/HSD)Confidential agenda item.
President Tuatagaloa reconvened the meeting to Open Session at 6:35 PM.

Administrators present in the audience were Christina Perrino and Amy Goodwin.
Sun Valley principal Julie Harris led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Lorrie Narcisse, San Rafael HS reported:
-Prom is coming up this weekend at the Mark Hopkins in San Francisco.
-Last Friday was the Red and White Cavalcade Talent Show.
-She reported on Dawg Pride Day over the weekend to clean the school and work on the garden.
-A student recognition ceremony is this Thursday, 6:30 to 7:30 pm.
-She reported on a student assembly with Joshua Davis, author of "Spare Parts," as the speaker.
-AP testing is this week.
-CASHEE makeup testing this week for sophomores.
-SBAC testing starts this Thursday for juniors.
-This Friday is the Big Band dance fundraiser at the San Rafael Community Center.
-Banyan and Media Academy Program exhibitions are coming up in the next two weeks.
-She reported on the Marin Athletic Foundation recognition for outstanding student athletes and scholarship athletes.
VII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS (Public comment on items that appear on the agenda will be taken at the time the item is addressed by the Board.)
The following individual addressed the Board on non-agendaized item(s):

Chistina Farhang - regarding the FBI Teen Academy she attended during Spring Break.
M/S/C (Kertz, Jackson) the Board voted 5-0 to reorder the agenda to move the CSEA, SRTA, SRFT Labor reports to be first under Special Reports, by the following vote:

Natu Tuatagaloa - yes
Rachel Kertz - yes
Linda M. Jackson- yes
Greg Knell - yes
Maika Llorens Gulati - yes
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives updates from district labor leaders: 1) CSEA 2) SRTA 3) SRFT
Carmen Puga, CSEA:
She thanked Dr. Watenpaugh and Trustee Kertz for attending the Labor Management Symposium with union leadership from CSEA, SRTA and SRFT. All had a positive experience and will work on next steps to with small goals to keep the momentum moving forward, beginning with improved communications.

Final arrangements are being made for the upcoming Appreciating Classified Employees (ACE) program. Classified staff are excited to have administrators shadowing them that day. Principal Kim Goodhope asked to shadow on 2 days. Some principals from smaller schools will be scheduled to shadow classified employees at larger schools.

There was no report from SRTA or SRFT at this time.
VIII.2. REQUESTED ITEM PER BB 9322: (ESD/HSD) Community Member Jes Richardson Will Present His Case for an Increase in Teacher Substitute Pay Rate
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Per Board Bylaw 9322, community member Jes Richardson has requested this item for Board consideration of a pay increase for teacher substitutes. 
Community member and substitute teacher Jes Richardson read a letter to the Board requesting raising substitute teacher rates in the district.

The following individuals addressed the Board on this item:
- Alan Barksy, regarding criteria used to pay sub teachers, suggested using the State of Oregon’s formula.
- Nancy Segale, regarding difficulties getting and keeping substitutes who are cancelling at the last minute to go to districts that pay more, and the use of emergency subs that are paid at a higher rate. She shared a log of last year versus this year’s unfilled positions, with this year’s numbers much higher.
- Carmen Puga, suggestion to look at a roving substitute position as a pilot program.

Staff responded to questions and trustee discussion regarding union contracts setting the constraints for emergency subs, the issues with district business being scheduled on Mondays and Fridays, the pay scale of subs throughout Marin, the inconsistency in the classroom for students when subs are used, a process for evaluating subs, the desire to not compete with other districts, but to look at a countywide model for a shared services partnership for substitutes, the lack of affordable housing in Marin, and an upgrade of Subfinder to Aesop that could be much better for scheduling subs.

Superintendent Watenpaugh thanked Mr. Richardson for sharing his concerns and suggestions. He noted the district is interested in more than just compensation for substitutes, but also wanting to improve working conditions for subs by looking into the behaviors of students, consistent preparations of lesson plans, respectfulness from staff, and the availability of resources on site. The district wants to be a good partner with substitutes, with clear expectations of what substitutes should be providing for district students.
VIII.3. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Common Core State Standards
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives any updates since the last Board meeting regarding implementation of the Common Core State Standards.
Director of Teaching and Learning Amy Goodwin provided an overview of the design for two weeks of professional development for teachers this summer beginning June 15. Week 1 for grades 6-12 (open to K-5) will offer 3 pathways including project-based learning with a Buck Institute trainer, the UC Berkeley History Social Studies Project (UCBHSSP) and Bridgeworks, and a teacher choice day. Week 2: for grades K-5 will offer UCBHSSP, a teacher choice day with the additional choice of Next Generation Science Standards, and GLAD training.

Dr. MacLean discussed managing community expectations when the SBAC test scores come back. She provided handouts to the Board: an authored article by Libby Nelson regarding test scores and the Common Core, and an article regarding Mike Kirst, president of the State Board of Education, predicting a drop in Common Core test scores. She responded to questions and trustee discussion regarding what we can learn from states such as NY, Kentucky and Massachusetts, the importance of communications about scores to parents, 17 other states using SBAC, and this being a new test with the baseline still being established.

The following indivdiuals addressed the Board regarding the SBAC:
-Molly O’Donoghue, SRTA regarding the need for clear information for teachers and families about students getting individual test scores this year.
- Julie Harris, regarding the need to get parents ready for the likelihood that their student's test scores will be dipping this year.
- Brad Wong, regarding the importance of messaging to parents not to stress about the scores, interpret them for parents.
VIII.4. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives any updates since the last Board meeting regarding development of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Communications Coordinator Christina Perrino reviewed the LCAP most recent phase of the district's extensive engagement process to date and what is ahead as we move toward Board approval of the LCAPs. The May 4 Community Workshop had approximately 75 participants. Feedback from this meeting will be analyzed by the leadership team for integration to the draft LCAPs. Union leadership are also providing feedback. At the May 26 Board meeting a draft to-date of the LCAPs will be presented to the Board. The preliminary LCAP will be brought to the Board on June 8, after the Governor’s May Revise. The final LCAP ELPAC/PAC meeting will be held on June 1. Trustee Llorens Gulati requested that the feedback from the May 4 meeting be shared with the Board.
VIII.5. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Facilities Report
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives any updates since the last Board meeting. 1) Master Facilities Planning
CBO Thomas provided an update on facilities:
- She provided an update of the master facilities planning with a number of site visioning meetings and site committee meetings being held, each providing good feedback on needs assessments. Outreach with community partners is also being done. The second phase is to share out results of the master facilities plans for solutions that could be addressed with successful bond measures. Trustees will carry the weight of sharing out facilities information at meetings with the greater community. Neighbors appear to be happy with the outreach and feedback opportunities they have had. Next steps are to bring back the master plan with prioritization to the Board. In response to questions from Trustee Llorens Gulati, Ms. Thomas noted that swing space will be addressed in the master plan.
IX. CONSENT AGENDA: (All items appearing on the Consent Agenda are approved in one action by the Board. Trustees, staff or members of the public may request that an item be pulled for discussion prior to Consent Agenda approval.)
President Tuatagaloa requested consent items # 4 and 7 be moved from the Consent Agenda for discussion.

M/S/C (Jackson, Knell) the Board voted 5-0 to approve all Consent Agenda items with the exception of #4 and 7, by the following vote:

Natu Tuatagaloa - yes
Rachel Kertz - yes
Linda M. Jackson - yes
Greg Knell - yes
Maika Llorens Gulati - yes
IX.1. FINANCE: (ESD) Ratification of Warrant Register for Warrants Issued April 1, 2015 through April 30, 2015 by the San Rafael Elementary School District
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will review the ESD warrants for April 2015 to ratify.

The warrant register reflects the vendor name, date paid, amount of warrant, and budgetary account charged.


A copy of the summary of the warrant register of all funds for warrants issued from April 1, 2015 - April 30, 2015, is attached.
Financial Impact:

Warrants are paid in accordance with the Board-adopted budget and generally accepted accounting methods.

A detailed listing of the monthly warrants are available for viewing in the Business Office, Room 505.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the Elementary District warrants for April 2015.
Ratify the Elementary District warrants for April 2015. Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
ESD Monthly Batch Reconciliation
IX.2. FINANCE: (HSD: Ratification of Warrant Register for Warrants Issued April 1, 2015 through April 30, 2015 by the San Rafael High School District
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will review the HSD warrants for April 2015 to ratify.

The warrant register reflects the vendor name, date paid, amount of warrant, and budgetary account charged.


A copy of the summary of the warrant register of all funds for warrants issued from April 1, 2015 - April 30, 2015, is attached.
Financial Impact:

Warrants are paid in accordance with the Board-adopted budget and generally accepted accounting methods.

A detailed listing of the monthly warrants are available for viewing in the Business Office, Room 505.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the High School District warrants for April 2015.
Ratify the High School District warrants for April 2015. Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
HSD Monthly Batch Reconciliation
IX.3. PERSONNEL (ESD): Approval of Elementary School District Personnel, Certificated/Classified
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Elementary School District.
This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Elementary School District, as shown on Exhibit A (Certificated).

All changes to personnel since the previous board meeting including resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, reassignments, new hires, changes of contract, returns from leave, releases and short term assignments are included for Board approval.  
Recommended Motion:
Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Elementary School District.
Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Elementary School District. Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Elementary Personnel Actions
IX.4. PERSONNEL (HSD): Approval of High School District Personnel, Certificated/Classified
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the High School District.  
This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the High School District, as shown on Exhibit A (Certificated) and Exhibit B (Classified).  

All changes to personnel since the previous board meeting including resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, reassignments, new hires, changes of contract, returns from leave, releases and short term assignments are included for Board approval.  
Recommended Motion:
Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the High School District.
Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the High School District, as amended. Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
President Tuatagaloa noted there was an error in the spelling of the SRHS varsity football coach's name; should be Cosgriff.
Personnel Actions HSD
IX.5. PERSONNEL (ESD/HSD): Approval of Joint School District Personnel, Classified
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Joint School District.
This agenda items presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Joint School District, as shown on Exhibit A (Classified).

All changes to personnel since the previous board meeting including resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, reassignments, new hires, changes of contract, returns from leave, releases and short term assignments are included for Board approval.
Recommended Motion:
Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements in the Joint School District.
Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements in the Joint School District. Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Joint Personnel Actions
IX.6. PERSONNEL: (HSD) Approval of Revision to Job Description: Director of Teaching and Learning, 9-12
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This items presents for Board approval of revision to job description for Director of Teaching and Learning, 9-12.


In spring 2014, the district initiated a restructuring of district central services positions. The plan included the reinstatement of some positions eliminated during the 2008-2012 budget crisis.  In addition, some positions were restructured to better support site and district needs given the addition of more than 1,000 students. Job descriptions for each of the reinstated/new positions were developed and approved by the Board. Positions were posted and filled.

CURRENT CONSIDERATIONS:  During the 2014-2015 school year, some of the anticipated roles and responsibilities of these positions were not reflected in the job descriptions approved last year.  Staff is in the process of reviewing several of the approved job descriptions, and making revisions and deletions to accurately reflect the job duties for particular positions.  

The job description for the position, Director, Teaching & Learning, 9-12 has been reviewed and updated.  It is presented for approval. 

Exhibit A - Revised Job Description, Director of Teaching and Learning, 9-12

Financial Impact:
There will be no financial impact to the district.
Recommended Motion:
Approval of  the revision to the job description, Director of Teaching and Learning, 9-12.
Approval of  the revision to the job description, Director of Teaching and Learning, 9-12.
Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
job description REV
IX.7. EDUCATION SERVICES: (ESD) Approval of the Acuity Assessment System for Grades K-8, Starting May 2015 Through June 2016
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This item presents for Board approval of the Acuity Assessment System for grades K-8, starting May 2015 through June 2016.

Background: Acuity is a subdivision of CTB McGraw-Hill which specializes in a variety of assessment products.  The College and Career Readiness Interim Assessment System will measure student progress toward mastery of Common Core State Standards in grades three through eight.  In addition to the interim assessments which mirror SBAC, teachers will be able to use the other resources available to instantly create instructional remediation and enrichment plans based on each student’s specific assessment results.  In addition, the item bank provides teachers with the ability to create their own assessments which is useful when a student needs to be reassessed on standards that have been retaught.   After considering a variety of interim assessment systems, the K-8 LCAP Curriculum Advisory Council decided that Acuity was the best product for providing reliable data that measures progress and informs instruction.

Acuity Assessment Systems to be purchased with Common Core funding.
Grades K-2            $9,480.12   
Grades 3-8        $59,4400.00

Consideration: That the Board approve the Acuity Assessment System for grades K-8, starting May 2015 through June 2016.

Financial Impact:
Acuity Assessment Systems to be purchased with Common Core funding.

Grades K-2        $9,480.12   

Grades 3-8         $59,4400.00
Recommended Motion:
Approval of the Acuity Assessment System for grades K-8, starting May 2015 through June 2016.
Approval of the Acuity Assessment System for grades K-8, starting May 2015 through June 2016, with the dollar amount corrected. Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Rachel Kertz.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
President Tuatagaloa noted a correction to the dollar amount listed; should read $59,440, not $594,400.
X.1. FINANCE: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Receipt of Donation to San Rafael City Schools District
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will review the donation for acceptance.

Board Policy 3290 Section 1.1 states:

"The Board of Education may accept on behalf of, and in the name of the District, such gifts, donations, bequests and devices as are offered.  Such gifts, cash contributions, donations, bequests and devices may be made subject to conditions or restrictions as the Board of Education may prescribe and/or accept."  (Education Code 41030-41032).

The following donation(s) was received for the San Rafael City Schools District, as follows:





Bruce Grant

Track Equipment



Financial Impact:

Total of donation(s) is:  $500.00
Recommended Motion:
Acceptance of donation.
Acceptance of donation. Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Rachel Kertz.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
X.2. FINANCE: (ESD/HSD) Proposal to Conduct a Bond Measure Tracking Survey of Voters
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board is presented with a proposal from Godbe Reseach to conduct a bond measure tracking study of San Rafael City Schools voters, for recommended approval. 

BACKGROUND: The District is considering bond measures for the Elementary and High School districts in the November 2015 General Election. In preparation for a potential bond election, it is necessary to conduct an updated opinion poll. Godbe Research successfully completed a public opinion poll for San Rafael City Schools in 2012 for the  parcel tax renewal that was successfully passed by voters.

Godbe Research was founded in January of 1990 and is a recognized State leader in public opinion research.  They have vast experience in conducting public opinion research and voter polling for hundreds of school districts, cities, counties and other public agencies. 

Godbe Research's scope of work will include:

  • Developing a project work plan 
  • Reviewing background materials
  • Developing a stratified and clustered sample of voters in each District
  • Developing and refining a survey instrument to achieve research objectives
  • Conducting telephone interviews with voters
  • Processing and analyzing the data collected
  • Producing a report of findings
  • Developing a presentation of findings
  • Post-survey consulting, as needed 

Staff recommends approval of this proposal. 

Financial Impact:
12-minute survey $23,650
15-minute survey $24,760

Cost will be split between both districts

SACS: 01-0000-0-5849.00-0000-7110-700-280-000
Recommended Motion:
Approval of the proposal from Godbe Research.
Approval of the proposal from Godbe Research. Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Rachel Kertz.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Charles Hester of Godbe Research presented information regarding the proposed bond measure tracking survey, providing background information from the 2014 survey and differences in what is being proposed now for 2015. He reviewed the proposed strategy for a hybrid approach, using email addresses, internet survey and cell phone interviews to get the overall response rate up and increase the number of 18-49 year old voters; estimated voters at HSD is 16,500, at the ESD is 10,000. The proposed survey would be 12- 15 minutes long; five hundred interviews are proposed districtwide. Mr. Hester provided information about other districts where this hybrid method has been used successfully. He addressed questions and comments from trustees regarding the length of the online survey, this year being a different voting year than last, and how housing turnover to newer families may affect the election.
Godbe SRCS Proposal
X.3. INITIAL CONSIDERATION: EDUCATION SERVICES (ESD/HSD) First Reading to Review New Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5142.2 Safe Routes to School
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This item presents to the Board and the public the opportunity to review the first reading of new Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5142.2 Safe Routes to School. The second reading and recommended board adoption will be brought to the next meeting.


Background: The Safe Routes to School Program is designed to promote walking and bicycling to school and increase the health and safety of children and the community. For several years our school sites and district office have collaborated on Safe Routes to School projects and grant proposals that have been funded. In partnership with the City of San Rafael and County of Marin, the Safe Routes to School program focuses on grades K-12 and provides guidance in developing plans to create safer streets and grant funding opportunities. The Safe Routes to School program is both a federal (STRS) and state (SR2S) program that supports both infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects and local efforts.

San Rafael City Schools supports the Safe Routes to Schools Marin County programs.

The strategies listed in the Administrative Regulation are organized around the “five E’s” (education, encouragement, enforcement, engineering, and evaluation) recommended for inclusion in all local programs by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration and the National Center for Safe Routes to School’s online resource guide, the Safe Routes to School Guide.

Current Consideration: SMART is a voter-approved passenger rail and bicycle-pedestrian pathway project located in Marin and Sonoma counties. It will serve a 70-mile corridor from Larkspur to Cloverdale, with a first phase from San Rafael to Santa Rosa. The SMART Train is currently under construction and scheduled for completion in 2016.

That the Board and the public have the opportunity to review the first reading of  Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5142.2 Safe Routes to School. The second reading and recommended board adoption will be brought to the next meeting.

Exhibit A: Board Policy 5142.2
Exhibit B: Administrative Regulation 5142.2

Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact to the district.
Recommended Motion:

Dr. MacLean noted that Business Services and Education Services worked on the development of this new policy that is based on a sample from CSBA. Trustee Knell noted that the feedback from the Transit Authority of Marin about this proposed policy has been positive. The addition of language about the SMART train is something other districts have not included. Trustee Jackson noted San Rafael City Schools was one of the first districts to support Safe Routes to Schools when it was introduced years ago. She suggested a change to the second paragraph of the board policy reading “… superintendent may identify a program coordinator…,” change the word ‘may’ to shall.' Also, under the regulation add language about distracted drivers under item #3.

Trustee Kertz requested that a communication plan be developed around the SMART train, being deliberate and intentional about documenting communication. She suggested information be sent home in the Back to School packets. Ms. Thomas stated staff can partner with the city and county for consistent messaging. Staff responded to additional trustee questions and comments about SMART train.

The policy and regulation will be brought back for a second reading and recommended approval at the next meeting.
Exhibit A - BP 5142.2
Exhibit B - AR 5142.2
X.4. BOARD BUSINESS: (ESD/HSD) Selection of Board Members to Participate in 2015 Graduation Ceremonies and 8th Grade Promotions
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will discuss and select participants for 2015 graduations and 8th grade promotions. 
CURRENT CONSIDERATIONS: This agenda item presents a request to confirm participation in the 2015 graduation and 8th grade promotion ceremonies for Madrone, San Rafael and Terra Linda high schools, Davidson Middle and Venetia Valley schools. The schedule of these ceremonies is attached. 

Financial Impact:
Trustees discussed their planned participation for the upcoming high school graduation and 8th grade promotion ceremonies.
Schedule of 2015 Graduations/8th grade promotions
X.5. BOARD BUSINESS: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Master Board Meeting Calendar 2015-2016, Board Bylaw Exhibit (E) 9320
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board is presented with a Master Board Meeting Calendar for the 2015-2016 school year for review and recommended approval. 
BACKGROUND: The San Rafael Board of Education's regularly scheduled Business Meetings are the second Monday of each month. Second meetings, when occurring, are also scheduled as Business Meetings and are scheduled as needed on the fourth Monday, with some exceptions. If a meeting date falls on a federal or other holiday, that meeting date is changed. Special Meetings of the Board are called as necessary. 

Meeting dates can be adjusted by Board majority as the need arises. Board meeting dates are published as Board Bylaw Exhibit (E) 9320.

Exhibit A - Revision of BB (E) 9320.
Financial Impact:
Recommended Motion:
Approval of the 2015-16 Master Board Meeting Calendar, Board Bylaw E 9320. 
Approval of the 2015-16 Master Board Meeting Calendar, Board Bylaw E 9320, with the amendment to change the May 9 date to May 10. Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
President Tuatagaloa requested the May 9 date be moved to May 10.
Master Calendar of Board Meetings 15.16
XI.1. Report Out Action from Closed Session
President Tuatagaloa reported the Board took action to accept a settlement with a classified employee to be paid to the end of the school year, by the following vote:

Natu Tuatagaloa - yes
Rachel Kertz - yes
Linda M. Jackson - yes
Greg Knell - yes
Maika Llorens Gulati - abstain
XI.2. Agenda Items for Future Meetings
Trustee Kertz requested a report on a communications plan for the SMART train.
XI.3. Board Member Reports
Maika Llorens Gulati:
- She attended LCAP meetings at BV and SRHS; both went well.
- She attended the Marinovators event on May 2, where there was participation from San Rafael HS, Terra Linda MSEL, and Davidson.
- She attended the AVID meeting at Davidson on Tuesday.
- She attended Laurel Dell’s PTO meeting on May 7 for a facilities presentation.
- She requested consideration of a task force to study the possibility of a second elective at the middle school level. Dr. Watenpaugh noted that this is a negotiable item with unions, as well as a funding issue. Trustee Jackson inquired about having a report to the Board on how it worked before when it was offered.

Greg Knell:
- Together with Trustee Jackson, he participated in an Online Predators training with the FBI on April 29. He and trustee Jackson will be organizing a similar training for the Spanish speaking community through the outreach project with First 5.
- He attended the MCSBA dinner with Senator Mike McGuire, held at the College of Marin where the topic was problems with medical marijuana.
- On April 30th he and Trustee Jackson attended an environmental housing collaborative meeting on workforce housing in Marin. He commended the Rodolf Sholom community for their work on this issue.
- He has met with Oscar Medina, Director of English Learner programs regarding what can be done to reduce the number of EL classes and regarding long term English learners and electives.
- He attended a recent meeting related to substance abuse planning.
- He attended a Marin coalition meeting where the topic was indigenous speakers. The Mayan population in Marin is the largest in the state, second to LA. David Escobar Aide to County Board of Supervisors, is a spokesman for the Mayan community.
- He attended a Rotary celebration held in his honor as a Marin Trustee of the Year for 2015.
- He asked that staff be sure to notify trustees about change of facilities meeting dates, such as the one he missed for Laurel Dell. He attended the Venetia Valley facilities presentation where it was suggested to have information posted on the district website. Superintendent Watenpaugh noted customized email lists for different topics can be developed to move out information.

Linda M. Jackson:
- She attended an MCOE human trafficking talk about how to keep children safe.
- She attended the MCSBA dinner with Senator Mike McGuire.
- She congratulated trustee Greg Knell as a Co-Trustee of the Year for Marin County. He will be honored at the Golden Bell event on May 21.
- She attended the April 30 Laurel Dell Charla Cafe where the topic was bullying and internet safety.
- She attended the April 30th 10,000 Degrees gala.
- She reported on a May 6 Marin Promise College Readiness group meeting she attended.
- She attended a meeting of the Marin Kids where a report about families was presented; highlighted was the minimum wages that are being raised in other communities.
- She attended the May 4 LCAP Community workshop where parents shared concerns about sports and how the district can improve its participation and engagement.
- She attended a bond campaign meeting.
- She attended a North Bay Leadership Council Housing Summit where Steve Herrington, Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools spoke about the increasing difficulty to recruit teachers.
- She reported on a recent visit to Alaska, commenting on how they build schools in their climate; everything is contained inside.

Rachel Kertz:
- She attended a SR Chamber Education meeting.
- She has been attending master facilities planning meetings.
- She attended a One TL meeting.
- She attended the California Labor Management Symposium in San Diego with Dr. Watenpaugh and district union leadership.
- She participated in the Welcome to the High School District Social at Terra Linda, hosted by the District. It was a very nice event with the theme “Don’t let the first day of school be your first day in the District.” She thanked all staff who were there and Christina Perrino for her coordination of the event.
- She attended a meeting with HeadsUp leadership today.

Natu Tuatagaloa:
- He attended the LCAP Community workshop on May 4 at San Rafael HS. He noted the references to athletics included in the LCAP in response to parents in the audience who expressed their concerns.
- He attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting, bringing more awareness about district facilities.
- He attended the Venetia Valley PTA meeting for a presentation on facilities.
- He attended the MCSBA dinner with guest speaker Senator Mike McGuire.
- He attended the SRHS Hall of Honor ceremony where 3 long time teachers at San Rafael were inducted.
- He attended the Marin Athletics Foundation Eva and Mario Ghilotti Awards where district and county students were honored as among the best and brightest of the community, on and off the field.
- He congratulated trustee Greg Knell as a Marin County Trustee of the Year.
XI.4. Superintendent(s) Activity Report
Superintendent Watenpaugh reported:
- He met with SRFT in meaningful consultation regarding LCAP.
- He attended the MCSBA dinner with speaker Mike McGuire.
- He attended the Davidson MS PTA meeting to provide a facilities presentation.
- He reported that the impact that LCAP development is making on district staff time and resources, was a topic at the recent Northern/Southern California Superintendent’s meeting he attended.
- He attended a Beyond Differences Teen Board meeting. He has been nominated to become chair of the organization beginning in August.
- He reported on the Future Ready Schools conference he attended to learn about federal resources and connections to address the digital divide. A self-assessment survey to identify where districts are with integrating digital technology resulted in a district score of 3 out of 10. He was able to network with other superintendents about what other school districts are doing. As it was a requirement of the team’s attendance at this conference to have the district superintendent present, he was unable to attend the May 4 LCAP Community workshop.
- Together with trustee Kertz, and district union presidents, he attended the CA Labor Management Symposium to learn about resources available to labor and management as they work together on behalf of students. Conversations focused on collaboration and communication. ABC Unified and San Juan districts were showcased for their model of collaboration. A follow-up meeting with union leaders to work on the first goal of communication will be scheduled.
- The Welcome to the HSD event for incoming families was very positive.
- He reported on a meaningful consultation meeting specific to the LCAP with SRTA where the entire superintendent’s cabinet was present.
XII. READJOURNMENT to Closed Session (if necessary)
XIV. ADJOURNMENT (and Closed Session Report Out, if necessary): 9:00 P.M. (approximate time)
There being no further business President Tuatagaloa adjourned the meeting at 8:48 PM.

The resubmit was successful.