
Regular Meeting - SRCS Board of Education
San Rafael City Schools
August 24, 2015 6:00PM
District Office - Boardroom 310 Nova Albion Way San Rafael, CA 94903

Quick Summary / Abstract:

Board President Natu Tuatagaloa, Vice President Rachel Kertz, Trustee Linda M. Jackson, Trustee Greg Knell, Trustee Maika Llorens Gulati

President Tuatagaloa convened the meeting to Open Session at 5:04 PM.
II. PUBLIC COMMENT on Closed Session
Pursuant to Government Code sections 54957.6 and 35146 the Board adjourned to Closed Session at 5:05 PM.
III.1. GOV. CODE 54957.6: (ESD/HSD) Conference with Labor Negotiator: Name of Agency Negotiator: Michael Watenpaugh, Robert Pasley, Chris Thomas Employee Organization/Title: SRFT, SRTA, CSEAConfidential agenda item.
III.2. GOV. CODE 35146:(HSD) Consideration of Student Matter - Confidential Information InvolvedConfidential agenda item.
President Tuatagaloa reconvened the meeting to Open Session at 6:02 PM.
Lars Christensen led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Oath of Office will be administered to new 2015-2016 student board member Jesseca Chung.

Ms. Chung was not present. She will be sworn in at the September 8th meeting.
Lorrie Narcisse, San Rafael HS:
- She reported on ASB’s preparations for the start of school.
- The first day of school was great; ASB and Link Crew were available to assist new students on campus.
- The Back-to-School rally was held on Friday, a welcome back for all. Spirit points were introduced this year; competitive fun for all.
- SRHS is starting a Student Senate with 2 student representatives from every advisory class; approximately 120 students. The first meeting will be held next week during an advisory period.
- The parking lot was restriped over the summer with 42 more spaces added for teachers. Student parking passes are being issued.
VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS (Public comment on items that appear on the agenda will be taken at the time the item is addressed by the Board.)
-Lars Christensen expressed his thanks to the board, superintendent, and superintendent’s cabinet for their support of him as principal of Terra Linda HS for the past 10 years, noting all he has learned about the importance of systems to address student learning needs to prepare all students for the outside world.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives updates from district labor leaders: 1) CSEA 2) SRTA 3) SRFT
President Carmen Puga:
- SRCS’s participation in the CSEA Appreciate Classified Employees (ACE) program was featured in the CSEA Focus magazine. She expressed thanks to district administration and board for their support in allowing the program to happen in San Rafael City Schools. Dr. Watenpaugh noted that his cabinet is discussing doing the program again in the near future.
- She thanked Dr. Watenpaugh and staff for a great Welcome Back Kick-off to the new school year last week, noting the alumni video was appreciated by staff.
- Everyone is happy Aeries is back! She expressed that this was the best opening of school at Terra Linda HS in years.
- She looks forward to a good year and working collaboratively with all.

Molly O’Donoghue shared her personal view that the school year is off to a good start. She is looking forward to Fountas and Pinnell and Aeries implementation and seeing how it all helps students. Her site is excited about the school year.

There was no update at this time.
IX.2. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Common Core State Standards
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives any updates since the last Board meeting regarding implementation of the Common Core State Standards.
Dr. Harriet MacLean distributed the 2015-16 Professional Development Plan Instructional Leadership Learning Team (ILLT) Syllabus for the year. She reviewed slides the of collaborative work of teachers on their early back day, pointing out how their work is all connected to board/district goals. She noted principals’ collaborative planning of the teacher workday agendas, planning how the goals and 3 year implementation plan would be presented. She highlighted graphic organizers developed by Venetia Valley teachers for each of the 5 goals. Two vertically aligned ILLTs will continue meeting each month. Team 1 begins meeting tomorrow. She noted that the culture shift with collaborative work can be felt everywhere in the district. Learning was happening on the first day of school, connected to the board’s 5 goals. In response to questions from Trustee Kertz she noted that the two ILLT teams will try to meet at the end of the school year.
IX.3. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives any updates since the last Board meeting regarding development of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
IX.3.1. Marin Promise Data Analytics (ESD/HSD)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will receive an update on the status of data collection for the LCAP.

Dr. Zaich reported on data and collaboration meetings with Marin Promise. He provided a sample of how the work and priorities of the district will be monitored, what the data analytics are, and how they will align with district goals. In response to questions from Trustee Llorens Gulati he noted that the work of Marin Promise is in alignment with overlapping district goals. Dr. Watenpaugh noted that the data collected is provided by the district. Dr. Zaich noted that the implementation of iResults will show progress toward district goals on a dashboard basis. Dr. Watenpaugh reviewed the district will also use templates for baseline data and growth measurement from Data First, a data tool used by the California and National School Boards Associations. In response to questions from Trustee Jackson, Dr. Zaich reviewed that the data work will be used with the LCAP Parent Advisory Committee. He also noted that this year’s process will include more active student participation. Trustee Jackson recognized George Pegelow of the ACLU who was in the audience, as someone who can assist to maximize student input this year.
IX.4. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Student Information System Implementation
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will receive an update since the last meeting.

CTO Carrie Pedraza provided an overview of the number of work order tickets with high satisfaction rate that the Information Technology staff solved in the last 30 days and on the first day of school. She is following up personally with 2 individuals who gave an unsatisfactory rating to their tickets. She reviewed the Aeries integration progress made, and Parent Portal information. One IT staff member will be working one night a week to respond to Parent Portal questions once it is opened for parents and students. IT will also have a Parent Portal table at Back to School nights for families. Trustee Kertz asked that the letter communication about the Parent Portal be shared with sites before it is released to parents/guardians. Ms. Pedraza also reported on Aeries training, roundtable forums, Tech Jedi support and development progress. A staff survey will be done in mid-October to gather feedback on Aeries and the implementation.

Trustees discussed Dr. Zaich’s request for board direction regarding whether the SIS updates should continue on every regular board meeting agenda from this point forward. At Trustee Llorens Gulati’s request, one more update will be brought to the board as the Parent Portal is being launched. President Tuatagaloa suggested quarterly updates after that. Student member Lorrie Narcisse shared her perspective of the Aeries implementation as a student, noting it has been a smooth transition.
Aeries update
IX.5. UPDATE: (ESD/HSD) Facilities Report
Quick Summary / Abstract:
That the Board receives any updates since the last Board meeting. 1) Master Facilities Planning
CBO Thomas reported:
- Although the district anticipated the need for additional furniture, the biggest challenge with the opening of school has been having enough desks and other furniture needed for growth and replacement of unusable inventory.
- Staff are already planning in anticipation of a busy summer in 2016. They are beginning to work on a swing space plan to prepare for potential master facility planning implementation.
- Staff are beginning to check weather sealing on portables around the district for a potential El Nino winter.
- She noted for the board as they visit sites on Back to School nights that fields around the district will not look as good as in the past due to the drastic water conservation measures that have been taken during the drought.
- The tree at San Rafael HS that posed a potential safety threat has been taken down. The stump has been ground down to allow for another tree to be planted in its place.
X. CONSENT AGENDA: (All items appearing on the Consent Agenda are approved in one action by the Board. Trustees, staff or members of the public may request that an item be pulled for discussion prior to Consent Agenda approval.)
Trustee Jackson requested Consent Agenda items #1-4, and #10 be pulled for discussion. Trustee Kertz requested item #9 be pulled, and Trustee Llorens Gulati requested items #2,7 and 8 be pulled for discussion. Given the number of items being pulled, President Tuatagaloa noted that all Consent Agenda items would be taken individually.
X.1. BOARD BUSINESS: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of June 24, 2015, Special Study Session of July 27, 2015, Regular Meeting of July 27, 2015, Regular Meeting of August 10, 2015, the Special Meeting of August 13, 2015, and the Special Closed Session Meeting of August 19, 2015
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Board meeting minutes are presented for approval.
Minutes are taken of all Board meetings as record of all actions taken by the Board. The attached minutes are being recommended by approval. 
Recommended Motion:

Approval of the minutes for: Regular Meeting of June 24, 2015, Special Study Session of July 27, 2015, Regular Meeting of July 27, 2015, Regular Meeting of August 10, 2015, the Special Meeting of August 13, 2015, and the Special Closed Session Meeting of August 19, 2015


Approval of the minutes for: Regular Meeting of June 24, 2015, Special Study Session of July 27, 2015, Regular Meeting of July 27, 2015, Regular Meeting of August 10, 2015, the Special Meeting of August 13, 2015, and the Special Closed Session Meeting of August 19, 2015, as amended, and with Trustee Jackson abstaining from the Minutes of August 19.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Jackson noted her corrections to minutes of the regular meetings of July 27 and August 10, which were highlighted with the item. In addition, Trustee Llorens Gulati made corrections to the August 10th regular meeting, requested that her name be mentioned as the trustee who asked for additional information in item # VIII.5, and that her comments in item VIII.3 be changed to reflect her suggestion that “…drought resistant plants and succulent be used at Davidson MS and in the Zen Garden.”
Minutes - August 10, 2015 Regular Meeting REV
Minutes - August 13, 2015 Special Meeting
Minutes - August 19, 2015 Special Closed Session Meeting
Minutes - July 27, 2015 Regular Board Meeting REV
Minutes - July 27, 2015 Special Study Session
Minutes - June 24, 2015 Regular Meeting
X.2. PERSONNEL (ESD): Approval of Elementary School District Personnel, Certificated/Classified
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Elementary School District.


This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the Elementary School District, as shown on Exhibit A (Certificated) and Exhibit B (Classified).

All changes to personnel since the previous board meeting including resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, reassignments, new hires, changes of contract, returns from leave, releases and short term assignments are included for Board approval.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Elementary School District.


Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the Elementary School District, as amended.

Passed with a motion by Rachel Kertz and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
President Tuatagaloa noted the ESD Personnel Action report was revised after the agenda was posted. In addition, Trustee Llorens Gulati pointed out a correction that needed to be made to the contract of Venetia Valley music teacher Mateo Dillaway to reflect the addition of .2FTE paid through support from the HeadsUp Foundation.
Personnel Actions - ESD REV
X.3. PERSONNEL (HSD): Approval of High School District Personnel, Certificated/Classified
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the High School District.


This agenda item presents for Board approval the Administration's recommended personnel transactions for the High School district, as shown on Exhibit A (Certificated) and Exhibit B (Classified).

All changes to personnel since the previous board meeting including resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, reassignments, new hires, changes of contract, returns from leave, releases and short term assignments are included for Board approval.  

Recommended Motion:

Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the High School District.


Approval of all hiring, terminations, transfers, and retirements of employees in the High School District, as revised.

Passed with a motion by Rachel Kertz and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
President Tuatagaloa noted the HSD Personnel Action report was revised after the agenda was posted.
Personnel Actions HSD REV
X.4. PERSONNEL: (ESD) Approval of New Job Description for Administrative Assistant, Superintendent's Office
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board is presented with a new job description for a CSEA classified employee bargaining unit position, Administrative Assistant in the Superintendent's Office, for recommended approval.


BACKGROUND:   Currently a single confidential position, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, has responsibility for providing direct support to the Superintendent and the Governing Board, as well as all day-to-day operations within the Superintendent’s Office.  The Executive Assistant to the Superintendent has sole responsibility for the preparation of each board agenda as legally prescribed by the Brown Act, posting of the Board agenda, attendance at each board meeting for the explicit purpose of recording minutes of the Board’s actions, and preparing the minutes of each meeting for inclusion on a future board agenda for trustee approval.

CURRENT CONSIDERATIONS: It is no longer effective or efficient to have a single support position in the Superintendent's Office.    Maintaining the day to day operations in the Superintendent’s Office , recognizing that the district is comprised of two separate and legally defined school districts, it has become increasingly challenging given the Increasing student enrollments and accompanying increases in the number of district employees.

Several years ago, the Board of Education held one public board meeting each month.  Over time, occasionally a second board meeting was agendized in a given month. 

Currently the Board of Education meets twice monthly for regularly scheduled board meetings, with additional board workshops and study sessions being regularly calendared. 

The many shifts in teaching, learning, and assessment, accountability combined with the State’s new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and the Local Control Accountability Plans has significantly increased the amount of both written and electronic communications drafted, developed and distributed  (English and Spanish) that originates from the Superintendent's Office and distributed to the broader san Rafael community.  

This position had originally been proposed as an exempt confidential employee position.  Successive discussions and negotiations with the California School Employees Association led to a signed Memorandum of Understanding that the Administrative Assistant would be a classified bargaining unit position.

This new job description reflects the revision agreed to by the District and CSEA. Once the new job description has been approved, this position will be posted as an open and vacant position. 

Financial Impact:

General Fund (LCFF Base): Estimated cost $64,000

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the job description.


Approval of the job description.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Jackson asked that reference to a board meeting once a month be changed to 2 board meetings a month, as has been practice. She suggested the district also look at additional staffing needs at school sites with the enrollment growth.
Administrative Assistant, Supt's Office
X.5. FINANCE: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Disposal of Obsolete Equipment/Textbooks for the San Rafael City School District
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will review and consider approval to dispose of the obsolete equipment and textbooks.

Board Policy 3270 states:
“Sale and Disposal of Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Supplies, if the value of the property is insufficient to defray the costs of arranging a public sale, the property may be donated or disposed of in an appropriate manner."  

CURRENT CONSIDERATIONS: Terra Linda High School and the Business Services department have determined that the following equipment/textbooks are obsolete.









Galvanized Table 08708 N/A 0 Obsolete TLHS Kitchen
Wood Top table 04666 N/A 0 Obsolete TLHS Kitchen
Stainless Steel Kitchen 02856 N/A 0 Obsolete TLHS Kitchen
Fax MachineN/A U60283K3J756487
0ObsoleteDistrict Office-SPED
E-macs9 See Attached
 0ObsoleteSun Valley
Projectors5See Attached0ObsoleteDavidson

Financial Impact:
COST/FUNDING SOURCE: The equipment will be disposed of or recycled at no cost to the district.
Recommended Motion:
Approval of the disposal of obsolete equipment and textbooks.
Approval of the disposal of obsolete equipment and textbooks. Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Rachel Kertz.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Obsolete Equipment
X.6. FINANCE: (ESD) Ratification of Warrant Register for Warrants Issued July 1, 2015 through July 31, 2015 by the San Rafael Elementary School District
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review the ESD warrants for July 2015 to ratify.


The warrant register reflects the vendor name, date paid, amount of warrant, and budgetary account charged.


A copy of the summary of the warrant register of all funds for warrants issued from July 1, 2015 - July 31, 2015, is attached.

Financial Impact:

Warrants are paid in accordance with the Board-adopted budget and generally accepted accounting methods.

A detailed listing of the monthly warrants are available for viewing in the Business Office, Room 505.
Recommended Motion:

Ratify the Elementary District warrants for July 2015.


Ratify the Elementary District warrants for July 2015.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Batch Reconciliation
X.7. FINANCE: (HSD): Ratification of Warrant Register for Warrants Issued July 1, 2015 through July 31, 2015 by the San Rafael High School District
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will review the HSD warrants for July 2015 to ratify.


The warrant register reflects the vendor name, date paid, amount of warrant, and budgetary account charged.


A copy of the summary of the warrant register of all funds for warrants issued from July 1, 2015 - July 31, 2015, is attached.

Financial Impact:

Warrants are paid in accordance with the Board-adopted budget and generally accepted accounting methods.

A detailed listing of the monthly warrants are available for viewing in the Business Office, Room 505.
Recommended Motion:

Ratify the High School District warrants for July 2015.

Trustee Llorens Gulati pointed out that there was no HSD warrant report attached to the item. CBO Thomas pulled the item from this agenda, noting it will be brought back to the next agenda with the backup report attached. No action was taken at this time.
X.8. FINANCE: (ESD/HSD) Approval of SubFinder Customer Agreement for Absence Management and Substitute Placement Services (Subfinder) between San Rafael City Schools and Frontline Technologies from August 1, 2015 through July 31, 2016
Quick Summary / Abstract:

That the Board reviews the renewal agreement.


Frontline Technologies recently purchased Canopy Road Software, Inc (CRS Incorporated).  CRS Incorporated was originally established in 1985 and initially provided telephone reservation software used by school systems to manage media supplies.  In 1987 CRS released Substitute Finder, which became the company’s flagship product.  

The SubFinder Application Service Provider (ASP) system is equipped with advanced Interactive Voice Response (IVR) capabilities as well as internet link, thus guaranteeing access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  The system shall provide secure access on the internet with 2 identifiers for logging on.  Internet access shall be in a secure data environment.

The system fully automates employee absence report, substitute placement, and data analysis processes.  It is designed for both certificated and classified employees and enables employees to track their own absence history over multiple years.  Site administration and support staff have the ability to easily track and manage all absence information via phone or computer and even receive proactive e-mail communication on status of an opening being filled.  Another key advantage of the SubFinder system is its ability to exchange data with the Marin City Fiscal/HR data base Quintessential School Systems (QSS) and integration with the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) enabling the district to save significant staff time.  

The SubFinder System was implemented fully in 2008-09 as an efficiency and cost-saving measure and it has become an important tool for our staff.

Under this annual renewal for 2015-16, CRS, Incorporated will continue to provide the following services:
• APS software services
• Ongoing telephone assistance

Financial Impact:

The cost for the services 2015-16 fiscal year will be split between the elementary and high school districts. The employee rate structure for San Rafael City Schools, if approved by the Board, will take effect on August 1, 2015 and are as follows:

• Sub Required - $1.68
• Non Required - $0.87

SACS Code: 01-0000-0-5860.00-0000-7400-700-000-000

Recommended Motion:
Approval of the renewal agreement.

Approval of the renewal agreement.

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Rachel Kertz.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
In response to Trustee Llorens Gulati’s request for more information, CBO Thomas provided background that this agreement has been renewed each year since 2008 for fully automated employee absence reporting, substitute placement, and data analysis processes. In the past the agreement has been with CRS Inc. which has been bought by Frontline Technologies. President Tuatagaloa suggested staff confirm version control with Frontline, and to keep on an eye on pricing changes that Frontline may try to introduce.
SubFinder Customer Agreement
X.9. EDUCATION SERVICES:(ESD/HSD) Approval of School Instructional Minutes and Bell Schedules for 2015-2016
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This item presents for Board approval of School Instructional Minutes and Bell Schedules for 2015-16 school year.

BACKGROUND:  The California Education Code requires that school districts comply with the following instructional minutes time requirements or the number of instructional minutes offered by the districts in 1982-83, whichever is greater, as well as the number of school days each year. 


Grade Level




Annual Minutes




Minimum Day Minutes




Absolute Minimum Day Minutes and Method of Averaging


Minimum Schooldays of Year



Minimum Longer year Incentive Funding Schooldays




180 (240 max)60 (10-day)

180 days

180 days




170 (10-day)

180 days

180 days




180 (10-day)

180 days

180 days




180 (2-day)

180 days

180 days

Education Code

46201 (a) (3)

46111, 46112, 46113, 46115, 46117, 46141

46,114, 46142



CURRENT CONSIDERATIONS:   Before the start of each fiscal year, the governing board is asked to approve both the school calendar and the bell (class) schedules. District staff has calculated the instructional days and minutes for each school to ensure compliance with the statutory instructional time and school day requirements. Instructional minutes and bell schedules for each school are attached:

Elementary District:

Bahia Vista (Exhibit A)

Coleman (Exhibit B

Davidson (Exhibit C)

Glenwood (Exhibit D)

Laurel Dell (Exhibit E)

San Pedro (Exhibit F)

Short School (Exhibit G)

Sun Valley (Exhibit H)

Venetia Valley (Exhibit I)

High School District

Madrone (Exhibit J)

San Rafael High (Exhibit K)

Terra Linda High (Exhibit L)

Financial Impact:
The district expects no negative impact to the budget as all school bell schedules are compliant with instructional minutes time requirements.
Recommended Motion:

Approval of School Instructional Minutes and Bell Schedules for 2015-16 school year.


Approval of School Instructional Minutes and Bell Schedules for 2015-16 school year.

Passed with a motion by Rachel Kertz and a second by Greg Knell.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Kertz noted that Columbus Day and Thanksgiving break are not aligned with the Dixie calendar which may raise some questions from parents. In response to her questions regarding changes from year to year and union approval of instructional minutes, staff noted that bell schedules and instructional minutes have stayed consistent over the years, and that per teacher contracts, changes in the instructional minutes require an approval by membership vote. Molly O’Donoghue of SRTA responded that the union is okay with the minutes as they are presented. CBO Thomas responded to questions from Trustee Llorens Gulati regarding the average minutes by grades and school. President Tuatgaloa praised the collaboration between the districts to develop the calendar each year. Trustee Jackson noted her concern with 1/3 fewer excess instructional minutes at some sites as compared to others; a question of equity. She suggested this topic be raised with the ILLT teams for review.
District Summary
Exhibit A - Bahia Vista
Exhibit B - Coleman
Exhibit C - Davidson
Exhibit D - Glenwood
Exhibit E - Laurel Dell
Exhibit F - San Pedro
Exhibit G - Short
Exhibit H - Sun Valley
Exhibit I - Venetia Valley
Exhibit J - Madrone HS
Exhibit K - San Rafael HS
Exhibit L - Terra Linda HS
X.10. EDUCATION SERVICES: (HSD) Approval of Overnight Trip for Terra Linda High School Students to Attend The Climate Reality Leadership Corps Training in Miami, Florida on September 27-30, 2015.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This item presents for Board approval of overnight trip for Terra Linda High School students to attend The Climate Reality Leadership Corps Training in Miami, Florida on September 27-30, 2015.
Background: The Board of Education recognizes that school-sponsored trips are an important component of a student's development and supplement and enrich the classroom learning experience.  School-sponsored trips may be conducted in connection with the district's course of study or school-related social, educational, cultural, athletic, school band activities, or other extracurricular or co-curricular activities. 

Requests for school-sponsored trips involving out-of-state, out-of-country, or overnight travel shall be submitted to the Superintendent or designee.  The Superintendent or designee shall review the request and make a recommendation to the Board as to whether the request should be approved by the Board. All other school-sponsored trips shall be approved in advance first by the principal and then by the Assistant Superintendent or designee. 

Current Consideration:  The Climate Reality Leadership Corps training in Miami, Florida is geared towards building climate science knowledge and leadership skills in students ages 13-18. The conference will be both informative and participatory, as students engage in activities with other students from across the world after listening to guest lecture presentations. Students will learn information and skills that will be relevant to the following subjects:

  • Science: Climate science, climate chemistry, physics of climate change

  • English: Interpersonal communication skills, persuasive and informative writing, expository reading, developing theses based on evidence and analysis

  • Math: Statistics and projection analysis

  • Social Science: Political implications of climate change, economic and social impacts of climate projections, potential international security threats due to climate change, international relations and climate change

  • Health: Health risks associated with climate predictions

In addition, students will engage in many activities that will supplement Common Core objectives, such as critical thinking, evaluating and analyzing evidence, collaboration, and literacy.

Students will have deliverables set by the Climate Reality Leadership Corps and will also write a daily journal as part of their Terra Linda High requirements. Journals will be shared by students at the end of the trip and used as a reference when presenting to other students after returning home. Students will also make a presentation to the San Rafael City School Board upon return if requested.

At no point will the students be swimming or entering water. All students will have their own bed and close adult supervision throughout the entire trip. After returning from the conference in the evening, students and chaperones will reflect on the day and spend some time together writing in their daily journals before returning to their rooms. All students will be back to their rooms by 10:00pm. Students will stay in their rooms from 10:00pm until 7:00am, when they come down to the hotel lobby for breakfast before returning to the conference by 8:00am via hotel shuttle. Both chaperones will supervise students to be sure these expectations are adhered to throughout the trip.

From the Climate Reality Leadership Corps website (

The Climate Reality Leadership Corps training in Miami, Florida, which will be held September 28-30, will bring together a select group of individuals committed to addressing the impacts of climate change and implementing the solutions that will define us to future generations. This training is an opportunity to join a global network of leaders committed to solving the climate crisis.

Over the course of three days, you’ll have the opportunity to hear from experts who will share information about the science behind the climate crisis as well as their experiences educating and engaging diverse networks and communities. You will also have the chance to connect with a group of extraordinary leaders from a variety of sectors and countries around the world.

"Life changing," "re-affirming," and "empowering" are just some of the ways past participants have described their experience. Come as a leader, leave as a Climate Reality Leader…

The event will convene activists, social influencers, and decision makers from civil society, local government, and media sectors to learn how they can play an instrumental role in building support for climate action in Florida in beyond. Attendees will join leading scientists, entrepreneurs, and communications professionals for workshops highlighting what climate change means for Florida and the US, breakthroughs in clean energy and other solutions, and best practices in organizing and outreach. In addition, attendees will also spend a day learning how to tell the story of climate change and solutions from former US Vice President Al Gore and other experts, using the presentation that became the award-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth.

During the training, you’ll hear from The Climate Reality Project Chairman and founder, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, as well as world-class scientists, strategists, communicators, and technical specialists about the science of climate change and the direct cost impacts are having on communities around the world. Most importantly, you’ll learn about the solutions that are available today. You will also learn a twenty-first-century skillset in storytelling, public speaking, social media networking, and media engagement from successful grassroots organizers who will share best practices for positive impact.

The Climate Reality Leadership Corps training will bring together scientists, non-profits, civil servants, and policy-makers to craft strategies and action plans towards a sustainable future for the U.S., the North American continent, and around the world.

TOPICS: The Florida training will cover topics such as:

  • Climate Science

  • Solutions for the climate crisis

  • Effective communications skills

  • And more

Names of Student Participants: Mina Anderson, Audrey Barth, Taren Bouwman, Michael Kessell, Michaela O’Brien, Samantha Remedios, Paloma Siegel, Evann Schultz, Ian Swallow, Ana Paula Kitos, Monica Zeidan

Names of Adult Chaperones: Sara Frack, Cyane Dandridge, and John Stein

Hyatt Regency Miami
400 Se 2nd Ave.
Miami, FL 33131 

Transportation: Students will take private cars and/or carpool to and from San Francisco International Airport. Sara Frack will make sure all students have a ride to SFO on 9/27 and home from SFO on 9/30, and will meet students at Terra Linda High on the morning of 9/27 to depart for SFO together.

  • 9/27/15 ~ San Francisco to Miami: American Airlines Flight #208

            -Depart from SFO: 7:00am

            -Arrive at MIA: 3:29pm                                

  • 9/30/15 ~ Miami to San Francisco: American Airlines Flight #2411 

            -Depart from MIA: 7:45pm

            -Arrive at SFO: 10:52pm                                                      

  • While in Miami, students and chaperones will use the following reserved shuttle service to and from Miami International airport: Airport Super Express Shuttle. 

Tentative Itinerary: A detailed itinerary has not been released at this date due to security precautions in regards to the attendance of former Vice President Al Gore. Students will be attending the conference from approximately 8:00am-8:00pm each day. Further details on the itinerary can be provided by request closer to the date of the trip.

Financial Impact:

Financial Implication: Total cost for roundtrip flight, hotel accommodations, transportation to and from MIA airport, breakfasts (provided by the hotel), and lunches (provided by the conference): $591.76 per person, including taxes and fees. There is no fee to attend the conference. Students are required to pay for their own dinner each day (not included in the above cost).


Roundtrip Flight:   $400.20
Hotel for three nights: $170.49
Shuttle to and from MIA airport:   $21.07
Total per person:  591.76

Students have either already paid the fee themselves or have fundraised to pay for the trip. Fundraising help and merit-based scholarships for travel costs are available for students through the conference website. Besides fundraising and scholarships, flexible payment-plan options have also been offered to any student requesting financial assistance. No proof of financial need is required to enter a payment plan. If any student is in need of money for dinners while on the trip, the chaperones will assist that student in acquiring meals.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the overnight trip for Terra Linda High School students to attend The Climate Reality Leadership Corps Training in Miami, Florida on September 27-30, 2015.


Approval of the overnight trip for Terra Linda High School students to attend The Climate Reality Leadership Corps Training in Miami, Florida on September 27-30, 2015.

Passed with a motion by Linda Jackson and a second by Rachel Kertz.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
Trustee Jackson clarified that this was a trip of Marin School of Environmental Leadership students.
X.11. FACILITIES: (HSD) Approval of Change Order #001 to the Contract with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for the Relocation of Modular Buildings at the San Rafael High School
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will review the Change Order #001


The District has been experiencing significant growth over the past eight (8) years. Current enrollment projections show that this growth will continue over the next several years. In order to temporarily address the projected growth at San Rafael High School, it is necessary to add three (3) additional temporary classrooms for instruction in 2015-2016. The contract with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for the Installation and lease of Mobile Classrooms at San Rafael High School was approved by the Board of Education on May 26, 2015.


During the past several weeks, issues were identified in the Change Order Process. 

 This Change Order #001 is the final change order as follows:

ITEM#1:     Trip Charge to set ramps

                                                                                                                                 ADD: $472

                REASON: Ramps needed to be added so it was required that the company come out

                                  a perform the work.

                REQUESTED BY: School District

                                                                                             Total Change Order #001: $472

Financial Impact:

This Change Order #001 will increase the original contract of $18,402 with Mobile Modular Management Corporation by $472 for a total contract amount of $18,874 and is within budget for the scope of this work. 

SACS CODE: 25-0000-0-6230-00-0000-8500-410-000-000

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the Change Order #001


Approval of the Change Order #001

Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
SRHS Modular Change Order #001
X.12. FACILITIES: (HSD) Approval of Change Order #001 to the Contract with Wildcat Engineering for the Fire Hydrant at the San Rafael High School
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will review the Change Order #001


The District has been experiencing significant growth over the past eight (8) years. Current enrollment projections show that this growth will continue over the next several years.

In order to add the addititonal three portables, the Fire Department required the District install a new fire hydrant at San Rafael High School. After the installation of the Fire Hydrant, the three (3)  portables were be installed. The addition of these portables will continue to provide flexibility to address incoming new students and enable the district to matriculate the current student population over the short-term as well.

The contract with Wildcat Engineering for the fire hydrant at San Rafael High School was approved by the Board of Education on June 8, 2015.


During the past several weeks, issues were identified in the Change Order Process. 

 This Change Order #001 is the final change order as follows:

ITEM#1:     To provide and install 2-6" steel bollards painted yellow

                                                                                                                                 ADD: $1,875

                REASON: This is a preventative measure to protect backflow valves

                REQUESTED BY: School District

                                                                                             Total Change Order #001: $1,875

Financial Impact:

This Change Order #001 will increase the original contract of $93.600 with Wildcat Engineering by $1,875 for a total contract amount of $95,475 and is within budget for the scope of this work. 

SACS CODE: 14-0000-0-6171-00-0000-8500-410-000-470

Recommended Motion:
That the Board approves Change Order #001
That the Board approves Change Order #001 Passed with a motion by Greg Knell and a second by Linda Jackson.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
SRHS Fire Hydrant Change Order 001
XI.1. FINANCE: (ESD/HSD) Approval of Receipt of Donation to San Rafael City Schools District
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will review the donations for approval.


Board Policy 3290 Section 1.1 states:

“The Board of Education may accept on behalf of, and in the name of the District, such gifts, donations, bequests and devices as are offered.  Such gifts, cash contributions, donations, bequests and devices may be made subject to conditions or restrictions as the Board of Education may prescribe and/or accept.”  (Education Code 41030-41032)

The following donation(s) was received for the San Rafael City Schools District, as follows:





Arizmendi Bakery Pastries DO- i-Teams $300


This agenda item presents the donation(s) from the sources listed above, for Board acceptance.

Financial Impact:

COST/FUNDING SOURCE: Total of donation(s): $300

Recommended Motion:
Acceptance of the donations.
Acceptance of the donations. Passed with a motion by Rachel Kertz and a second by Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Linda Jackson.
Yes Rachel Kertz.
Yes Greg Knell.
Yes Ms. Maika Llorens Gulati.
Yes Natu Tuatagaloa.
XII.1. Report Out Action from Closed Session
No reportable action was taken.
XII.2. Agenda Items for Future Meetings
President Tuatagaloa requested a report on instructional minutes: how they work and how it affects students and staff.
Trustee Knell requested staff look at site administrative support needs in the Elementary District due to increased enrollment. He also requested reports on where the district is with PE instructional minutes and long term English language learners.
XII.3. Board Member Reports
Maika Llorens Gulati:
- She met with CSEA president Carmen Puga and will be meeting with other leaders around the district.
- She joined the PG&E tour of the downtown site that is designated for toxic cleanup, along with DMS parent Rachel Street who addressed the board at the last meeting. She noted a recommendation will be made to PG&E to avoid having dump trucks running one half hour before and one half hour after school times when students are coming and going and are more exposed.
- She reported on a recent meeting regarding second electives with Assistant Superintendent Dr. Harriet MacLean.
- On August 17 she attended the TL pilot Compass program Kick-off and was impressed with the level of commitment, with everyone involved signing contracts.
- She attended the SRHS Parent Welcome Orientation. She is officially a Bulldawg!
- She visited SRHS on the first day of school and was impressed with Glenn Dennis’ handling of the master schedule.
- SchoolsRule will be holding their annual funds distribution event on October 15.
- She expressed concern about the area behind DMS that is being used as a dumping ground for mattresses and other garbage. Superintendent Watenpaugh noted that a meeting will be coordinated with the commercial neighbors so all parties can work together on solutions.

Greg Knell:
- He attended the School Law Enforcement Partnership meeting at MCOE.
- He attended a recent meeting of the RX Safe committee where a poll around prescription drug misuse and abuse was discussed.

Linda M. Jackson:
- She is a Board member of the League of Women Voters in Marin. She reported they endorsed Measures A and B at their August 12th meeting.
- On August 13 she attended a First 5 meeting for planning of a workshop to be held in November for Latino families regarding safety and human trafficking issues.
- On the 13th she attended the Youth Court peer training at Juvenile Hall. She encouraged involvement of SRCS students as there were none at the event.
- On the 17th she attended the Terra Linda HS orientation where interim principal Katy Dunlap ‘rocked’ the crowd.
- She attended the TLHS pilot Compass program kick-off. She cited special thanks to Johnathan Eldridge from the College of Marin for working on this program.
- She attended the All Staff Welcome Back on the morning of Aug. 19 where an impressive video was shown about SRCS alumni who are district employees.
- She visited San Rafael and Madrone high schools on the first day of school. She noted that the counselor’s office at MHS was filled with newcomer students who only spoke Spanish. She encouraged parent leaders to make efforts to coordinate Spanish speaking parent volunteers in the future to help communicate with students. Principal Songer welcomed all MHS students that morning.
- She wrote a recent ‘Marin Voice’ piece in the Marin IJ regarding the reserve cap. Nine districts have passed resolutions in favor of eliminating it.
- She reminded fellow trustees and superintendent that the MCSBA kick-off will be held this Thursday at Rancho Nicasio.

Rachel Kertz:
- She welcomed new staff at the orientation held on Aug. 14.
- She attended the All Staff Welcome Back morning event on the 19th.
- She attended a recent Marin Promise meeting
- She joined a recent labor-management meeting. Monthly meetings will be scheduled for the year.

Natu Tuatagaloa:
- He attended a meeting for new Freshmen parents at San Rafael HS; he has 2 children now attending the school.
- He attended a meeting of the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce regarding Measures A and B. The Chamber endorsed the measures.
- He spoke at a youth football event about the importance of academics and being a student athlete.
XII.4. Superintendent's Activity Report
Superintendent Watenpaugh:
- He is meeting with Novato superintendent Jim Hogeboom to identify and discuss commonalities and potential collaboration between San Rafael City Schools and Novato districts.
- The SRCS Leadership Team attended the Back to School kick-off at county superintendent Mary Jane Burke’s house. Bob Marcucci is now president of the Marin County School Administrators Association.
- The new employee orientation was held on Aug. 14; 40 new employees were welcomed to the district. He made a personal phone call to 25 new employees so far, to lend support and check in on their first few days of school.
- On the 15th he attended the Beyond Differences annual reorganizational meeting. He will serve as Chair for this coming year. Beyond Differences is looking at expansion to the national and/or international level this year.
- He attended a farewell assembly where former TLHS principal Lars Christensen said good-bye to Terra Linda HS staff.
- He welcomed all SRCS staff at the Back to School event on Aug. 19 and shared the video highlighting district staff who are alumni that was shown that morning. Dr. Watenpaugh noted his pride in seeing how many SRCS alumni joined their colleagues when they were invited onto the stage. Mission Pictures produced the alumni film and will be working on 2 to 3 more films for SRCS as there is movement toward rebranding of the district sometime in the next year.
- He recently met with county superintendent Mary Jane Burke and Marin Community Foundation program director Marcia Quinones regarding SRCS being considered for a pilot of a new college access and success program that will focus on a ten year plan beginning in middle school.
XIII. READJOURNMENT to Closed Session (if necessary)
XIV. NEXT REGULAR MEETING - September 8, 2015 (TUES)
XV. ADJOURNMENT (and Closed Session Report Out, if necessary): 9:00 P.M. (approximate time)
There being no further business, President Tuatagaloa adjourned the meeting at 7:35 PM.
8/24/2015 5:05:00 PM ( Original )
PresentLinda Jackson
PresentRachel Kertz
PresentGreg Knell
PresentMs. Maika Llorens Gulati
PresentNatu Tuatagaloa

The resubmit was successful.