
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Vista Del Mar Union SD
September 09, 2021 5:30PM
The meeting will be held Via Zoom Conference*** A link to the live meeting which can be viewed on-line will be available on the District website at

Mission Statement:
The mission of Vista de Las Cruces, a collaborative, historically rich community, is to guarantee students a safe and positive environment from which they will emerge as well-rounded, forward-thinking citizens.
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Roll Call
1.3. Establish Order of the Agenda
1.4. Pledge of Allegiance
1.5. Vista Del Mar Education Association/CTA Dedicated Board Time
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Subject to Board policy, the President of the Board will allow any individual or group representative to address the Board on any subject not covered by an item on the agenda under Public Comments/Staff Comments.

In order to efficiently manage the business of the Board, The Board President may limit the amount of time allocated for public testimony for each individual speaker to three minutes, and to limit the total time allocated on a particular issue to twenty minutes, pursuant to Board Bylaw 9323. Any materials required by law to be made available to the public prior to the meeting of the Board of Trustees can be inspected at the following address during normal business hours. 9467 San Julian Road, Gaviota.

Superintendent/Principal Report September 9, 2021
4.1. Approval of the Construction Contract with County Sanitation Services, Inc. for the Construction of the Vista De Las Cruces School Seepage Pit System Installation Project and authorization to the Superintendent to issue a Notice to Proceed to the Contractor
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will consider the approval of a contract with County Sanitation Company, Inc., for the construction of the Vista De Las Cruces School Seepage Pit System Installation Project.

This item aligns with District Management and Operations.


On August 12, 2021, the Governing Board awarded the bid for the construction of the Vista De Las Cruces School Seepage Pit System Installation Project to County Sanitation Company, Inc. in the amount of $219,000.00.  The contractor has submitted all of the required paperwork to enter into a contract with the District for the construction of the Project.   By taking action on this item, the Board will be approving the construction contract with County Sanitation Company and authorizing the Superintendent to issue a Notice to Proceed to the Contractor. 

This item aligns with Goal District Management and Operations.

Recommended Motion:
Approve the Construction Contract with County Sanitation Services, Inc. for the Construction of the Vista De Las Cruces School Seepage Pit System Installation Project and Authorize the Superintendent to issue a Notice to Proceed to the Contractor
Financial Impact:
The contract for the construction of the Vista De Las Cruces School Seepage Pit System Installation Project was publicly bid.  The lowest responsible bidder was County Sanitation Company, Inc., at $219,000.00.  The Project is being funded in part from a hardship facilities grant from the Office of Public School Construction and in part from the District's reserves.  The facilities hardship grant funds the project on a 60% State funded and 40% Locally funded formula.
Construction Contract & Supporting Documents -County Sanitation
4.2. Approval of a Contract for Division of State Architect Inspector of Record services with Tom Little Inspections for the Wastewater Seepage Pits Project
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will consider the approval of an Inspector of Record for the Wastewater Seepage Pits project.

This item aligns with District Management and Operations.

The District has submitted and has been approved for an Office of Public School Construction facilities hardship grant for the Wastewater Seepage Pits Project. In addition, this project is a public works project that must be approved by the Division of the State Architect.   As such, during construction, the District is required to employ the services of a Division of State Architect approved Inspector of Record to inspect during the construction of the project.  The role of the Inspector of Record is to ensure that the contractor is constructing the project in accordance with the DSA approved construction plans.  Tom Little Inspections is on the DSA approved list of inspectors of record.
Recommended Motion:
Approval of the contract with Tom Little Inspections for DSA Inspector of Record Services for the Wastewater Seepage Pits Project.
Financial Impact:
The Contract provides for inspection services at a rate of $110.00 per hour with an estimate of $11,000.00.  This project is being funded by an Office of Public School Construction facilities hardship grant and by District reserves.
T Little Contract DSA Inspection
4.3. Approval of Vista Del Mar Union School District's Unaudited Actuals and Certification Thereof
Quick Summary / Abstract:

In accordance with Education Code §42100, governing boards must annually review the Unaudited Actuals and approve that financial information as presented on the forms prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction prior to September 15th each year.

Reported revenues, expenditures and inter-fund transfers were in accordance with the multi-year financial plan to ensure fiscal solvency for all funds.  The District has achieved unrestricted reserves which exceed the requirements for a district our size.  All funds have positive ending fund balances.

The attached information has not yet been audited and it is possible that there could be adjusting entries if any significant entries were missed in the closing process.  However, staff has made an intensive effort to make sure that this report is as accurate as possible.

This item aligns with District Management and Operations.

Recommended Motion:
Recommendation is Approval of District Unaudited Actuals as presented and certification thereof.
Unaudited Actuals Presentation to the Governing Board
Vista Del Mar Union Unaudited Actuals 2020-2021
4.4. Approval of Resolution No. 2022-03 To Establish the 2020-21 Gann Limit Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Gann Limit (named for Paul Gann, the author of Proposition 4 which amended the State Constitution to establish this limit) is designed to constrain the growth in state and local government spending by linking year-to-year changes in expenditures to changes in inflation (represented by per capita personal income) and population (represented by average daily attendance [ADA] for schools).  This provision was approved by the California voters in Proposition 4, 1979.   

Today, the Gann Limit has become a largely pro forma calculation that no longer constrains governmental expenditures. This is because the limit has grown significantly faster than appropriations subject to the limit. The GANN Amendment requires government agencies to adopt an expenditure limitation based upon their appropriation in the 1978-79 fiscal year, adjusted by the annual changes in the consumer price index (CPI) and annual changes in population. 

Each year, prior to September 15, the Governing Board of each school district must adopt a resolution to identify the estimated appropriations limit for the current fiscal year and the actual appropriations limit for the preceding fiscal year (2020-2021 Unaudited Actuals).

This item aligns with District Management and Operations.

Recommended Motion:
Recommendation is Approval of Resolution #2022-03 To Establish the 2020-21 Gann Limit for the Vista Del Mar Union School District.
Financial Impact:
Because the appropriations for the 2019-2020 and the 2020-2021 fiscal years do not exceed the GANN Limit, there is no fiscal impact to the District and no report is required to the California Department of Finance. 
Resolution No. 2022-03 Gann Limitation
SACS GANN Calculation
4.5. Public Hearing for Sufficiency of Instructional Materials
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board President will conduct a public hearing to receive comments from the public regarding instructional materials used in the Vista Del Mar Union School District.

This item aligns with Student Achievement/Performance and Learning.


Adoption of Resolution 2022-04 "Sufficiency of Instructional Materials"

A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, September 9, 2021 at a regular meeting of the Vista Del Mar Union School District Board of Trustees to receive input and/or comments from the public pertaining to the sufficiency of Pupil Textbooks and Instructional Materials.  The meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. via zoom address posted on the district board agenda website.  In order to receive funding in this area, the Vista Del Mar Union School District is to assure that each pupil of the District has sufficient textbooks and instructional materials in each subject area that are consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum frameworks adopted by the State Board of Education.

After the public testimony is heard the Board President will "close" the Public Hearing and resume to continue with the Board meeting.  

4.6. Approval of Resolution No. 2022-04 Sufficiency of Instructional Materials
Quick Summary / Abstract:

In accordance with Ed. Code 60452(b) and the Williams Lawsuit Settlement, a public hearing was conducted as to the sufficiency of our instructional materials.  Current Considerations:  Resolution No 2022-04 establishes the steps and procedures to ensure the availability of textbooks and instructional materials. 

This item aligns with Student Achievement/Performance and Learning.

Recommended Motion:
Recommendation of approval of Resolution No. 2022-04 Sufficiency of Instructional Materials
Resolution for Sufficiency of Instructional Materials 2022-04
4.7. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Santa Barbara County Office of Education (SBCOE) and Vista Del Mar Union School District Teacher Induction Program
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Teacher Induction Program (TIP) is a two year, state-accredited induction program intended to ease new teachers’ transition into the profession, accelerate teacher effectiveness and enhance teacher retention. The Santa Barbara County Office of Education offers to both general education and special education teachers who hold a Preliminary Multiple Subjects, Preliminary Single Subject, or Preliminary Education Specialist Credentials the opportunity to fulfill the requirements for the California Clear Credential.  

The SBCEO Teacher Induction Program supports candidate and mentor development in the teaching profession by providing a relevant and robust system of contextual inquiry grounded in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP). 

This item aligns with Student Achievement/Performance and Learning.


Statutory Purposes of Induction Programs Effective August 20, 2004, California Education Code 44279.1 establishes the following statutory purposes of the statewide Induction Program:

• Provide an effective transition into teaching for first-year and second-year teachers in California;

• Improve the education performance of pupils through improved training, information, and assistance for new teachers;

• Enable beginning teachers to be effective in teaching pupils who are culturally, linguistically, and academically diverse;

• Ensure the professional success and retention of new teachers;

• Ensure that a support provider provides intensive individualized support and assistance for each participating beginning teacher;

• Improve the rigor and consistency of individual teacher performance assessment results and the usefulness of assessment results to teachers and decision makers;

• Establish an effective, coherent system of performance assessments that is based on the CSTP adopted by the Commission in 1997;

• Examine alternative ways in which the general public and the educational profession may be assured that new teachers who remain in teaching have attained acceptable levels of professional competence;

• Ensure that an individual induction plan is in place for each participating new teacher and is based on an ongoing assessment of the development of the beginning teacher; and

• Ensure continuous, ongoing program improvement through research, development, and evaluation. 

Recommended Motion:
Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Santa Barbara County Office of Education (SBCOE) and Vista Del Mar Union School District Teacher Induction Program
MOU Teacher Induction Program
4.8. Approval of Educational Fieldwork Agreement University of Redlands School of Education and Vista Del Mar Union School DistrictWas edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The purpose of the Educational Fieldwork Agreement is to provide an opportunity for students enrolled in the School of Education at the University of Redlands to complete their educational fieldwork experiences within classrooms on the campus of Vista de Las Cruces School.  Students will be under the direct supervision of assigned certificated classroom teachers.   Students will hold a baccalaureate degree and meet all conditions as defined within in the Agreement between the University and Vista Del Mar Union School District.

This item aligns with Student Achievement/Performance and Learning and Whole Child Approach.

Recommended Motion:
Approval of Educational Fieldwork Agreement University of Redlands School of Education and Vista Del Mar Union School District.
University of Redlands - Educational Fieldwork Agreement
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Regular Board Meeting Minutes August 12, 2021
Recommended Motion:
Recommend approval of minutes as presented.
Regular Board Meeting Minutes, August 12, 2021
5.2. Commercial Warrants
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Commercial warrants as presented.

This item aligns to Board District Management and Operations.

Recommended Motion:
 Recommend approval of Commercial Warrants as presented.
Commercial Warrants August 7, 2021 to September 2, 2021
5.3. Personnel
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Approval of personnel item as presented.

This item aligns with Board Goal Whole Child Approach and Board Goal Student Achievement/Performance and Learning.

Recommended Motion:
Approval of personnel items as presented.
Personnel Appointment September 2021
6.1. Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE
6.2. PENDING LITIGATION Pursuant to Section 54956.9(d)(1) of the California Government Code: Claim No. 19 SBS 0111
Mr. Yuri Calderon, Chief Business Officer
6.3. ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Pursuant to Section 54956.9(d)(2) and 54956.9(e)(5) of the California Government Code: One Potential Case
Mr. Yuri Calderon, Chief Business Officer
7.1. Report of Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any Action.
Disability Information:
For information regarding how, to whom, and when a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation to participate in the public meeting, please contact Dr. Lois M. Peterson, Superintendent at (805) 686-1880.

Published: September 3, 2021, 6:50 PM

The resubmit was successful.