
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Vista Del Mar Union SD
June 14, 2022 5:30PM
The meeting will be held at Vista de las Cruces School 9467 San Julian Road Gaviota, CA 93117

Mission Statement:
The mission of Vista de Las Cruces, a collaborative, historically rich community, is to guarantee students a safe and positive environment from which they will emerge as well-rounded, forward-thinking citizens.
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Roll Call
1.3. Establish Order of the Agenda
1.4. Pledge of Allegiance
1.5. Vista Del Mar Education Association/CTA Dedicated Board Time
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Subject to Board policy, the President of the Board will allow any individual or group representative to address the Board on any subject not covered by an item on the agenda under Public Comments/Staff Comments.

In order to efficiently manage the business of the Board, The Board President may limit the amount of time allocated for public testimony for each individual speaker to three minutes, and to limit the total time allocated on a particular issue to twenty minutes, pursuant to Board Bylaw 9323. Any materials required by law to be made available to the public prior to the meeting of the Board of Trustees can be inspected at the following address during normal business hours. 9467 San Julian Road, Gaviota.

4.1. Services of Julie Avnit as Facilities Consultant
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Julie Avnit has served as Vista Del Mar Union School District Facilities Consultant over an extended period of time guiding and providing direction to support the Board of Trustees on major infrastructure projects.  Her knowledge of process combined with her connection with resources at the state and regional level has been instrumental. 
Superintendent Principal Report June 14, 2022
6. Consent Agenda
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This item aligns to Board Goal District Management and Operations.
Recommended Motion:

Approval of consent items as presented.

6.1. Regular Board Meeting Minutes June 9, 2022
Recommended Motion:
Recommend approval of minutes as presented.
Regular Board Meeting Minutes June 9, 2022
6.2. Commercial Warrants
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Commercial warrants as presented.

This item aligns to Board District Management and Operations.

Recommended Motion:
 Recommend approval of Commercial Warrants as presented.
Commerical Warrants June 2 to June 10, 2022
7.1. Approval of Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

As part of the requirements under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), each district must develop a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) to show how it is meeting eight state priorities. As a community funded or “Basic Aid” school district, we will not receive additional funding under the LCFF, but we still must complete an LCAP.

The eight areas of state priority are listed below, with guiding questions (paraphrased from the LCAP template) included for each.

· Priority One, Basic Services: Do all students have access to fully credentialed teachers, instructional materials that align with state standards, and safe facilities?

· Priority Two, Implementation of Common Core State Standards: Are California’s academic standards being implemented?

· Priority Three, Parental Involvement: Is the school community engaged and does it have input in both the decision-making process and the educational programs of students? (Includes all subgroups)

· Priority Four, Pupil Achievement: What do multiple measures, including test scores, accountability reports, English proficiency reclassification rates, and other data points indicate about student achievement?

· Priority Five, People Engagement: What are the attendance rates and absenteeism rates of our students?

· Priority Six, School Climate: What do suspension rates, expulsion rates, and other local measures assessing safety at school show?

· Priority Seven, Course Access: Do all students have access to and participate in a broad course of study that includes core subject areas (i.e., ELA, math, social science, science, visual and performing arts, health, physical education, etc.) and classes that prepare them for college and careers?

· Priority Eight, Other Student Outcomes: What are other important student outcomes related to required areas of study, and how are they measured?

The LCAP must have the following elements:

· Stakeholder engagement

· Needs analysis

· Goals

· Performance

· Services

· Budget information

· Special populations addressed in the goals

A public hearing was held on June 9, 2002 on the LCAP. Members of the Board and public had an additional opportunity to ask questions and or give feedback. 

Recommended Motion:
Approval of Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Budget Overview for Parents
LCAP 2022-2023
LCAP Presentation June, 2022
7.2. Approval of 2022-2023 Original Budget
Mr. Yuri Calderon, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The California Education Code requires that a school district make available for public inspection its proposed budget prior to its adoption.  This public hearing is part of the adoption process for the Original Budget for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year.  In addition to the original budget, the public may inspect the Balances in Excess of the Reserves containing the reasons for the District maintaining reserves in excess of that required by law.

A public hearing was held on June 9, 2022. 

This agenda item aligns with Board Goal Operations and Management.

Recommended Motion:
Approval of 2022-2023 Original Budget for the Vista Del Mar Union School District.
Board Presentation on the Proposed Original Budget 22-23
Vista Del Mar Union Original Budget 2022-2023
7.3. Approval of Balances in Excess of Minimum Reserve
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Education Code Section 42127(a)(2)(B) requires that a school district justify assigned and unassigned ending fund balances that exceed the statutory minimum ending fund balances held by a district for economic uncertainties.  The attached form developed by the Santa Barbara County Education Office identifies the reasons the Vista Del Mar Union School District maintains reserves in excess of the State minimums.  The attached complies with Education Code Section 42127(a)(2)(B).

Recommended Motion:
Approve the Vista Del Mar Union School District's Reasons for Assigned and Unassigned Ending Fund Balances in Excess of the Minimum Reserves
Balances in Excess of Minimum Reserves Requirement
7.4. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-17 Approving the District's Education Protection Account (EPA) Expenditure Plan
Mr. Yuri Calderon, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The passage of Proposition 30 during the November 2012 general election created the Education Protection Account (EPA) to collect the temporary increase in taxes.  The District in 2021-2022 collected and spent approximately $5,530.00, and in 2020-2021 collected and spent $5,360.00 in Proposition 30 EPA Funds.  The District is estimating that the EPA will generate approximately $8,008.00 for the Vista Del Mar Union School District in 2022-2023.  The District, as is required by Proposition 30, has developed and is recommending the adoption of the attached plan for the expenditure of these funds. 

While Proposition provides that the local education agency has the sole authority and discretion for the expenditure of these EPA funds, the legislation requires the following:

  • The spending plan must be approved by the governing board during a public meeting;
  • EPA funds cannot be used for the salaries or benefits of administrators or any other administrative costs (as determined through the account code structure);
  • Each year, the local agency must publish on its website an accounting of how much money was received from the EPA and how the funds were expended; and,
  • The annual financial audit must include a verification that the EPA funds were expended consistent with the District EPA Plan and the requirements of Proposition 30.

Included in your packet is a Resolution for the adoption for the EPA expenditure plan for Vista Del Mar Union School District.

Recommended Motion:

The Board adopt Resolution No. 2022-17 approving the District’s EPA expenditure plan and direct staff post the Resolution and plan on the District website.

EPA Expenditure Plan 2022-2023
Resolution Adopting EPA Expenditure Plan for 2022-2023
7.5. Approval of Change Order - County Sanitation Company
Change Order #2 County Sanitation Company
7.6. Consider Informational Technology ("IT") Support Contract for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year
Quick Summary / Abstract:
District staff are recommending the approval of a new Information Technology ("IT") contract to provide network support and IT help desk support to the Vista Del Mar Union School District and the Vista De Las Cruces School.  The Contract will include monitoring our Internet connection and our wireless access points to insure an operational wireless Internet service.
Recommended Motion:
Recommend approval of the Professional Informational Technology Support Services Contract.
Managed Services Agreement
7.7. Transitional Kindergarten Plan
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The state of California requires a formalized plan for transitional kindergarten.  The Santa Barbara County Education Office has produced a plan for the county to comply with these regulations.  Each district must then "self-certify" the program by answering a series of questions.  As you will see, the template is written primarily for the state to understand what state services and programs will be utilized by the school.  For instance, the template asks if the school has a Head Start program or an on-site preschool.  We have followed the template and present this self-certification plan for your acceptance and approval.

Recommended Motion:
Approve the Vista Del Mar Union Transitional Kindergarten Plan
Vista Del Mar Union TK Plan for Board Certification
Disability Information:
For information regarding how, to whom, and when a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation to participate in the public meeting, please contact Dr. Lois M. Peterson, Superintendent at (805) 686-1880.

Published: June 10, 2022, 3:17 PM

The resubmit was successful.