
Santa Monica-Malibu USD
November 01, 2018 5:30PM
Malibu City Council Chambers: 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, CA. The Board of Education will call the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. in the Zuma Room, at which time the board will move to Closed Session regarding the items listed below. The public meeting will reconvene at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

Dr. Tahvildaran-Jesswein called closed session to order at 4:35 p.m.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Persons wishing to address the Board of Education regarding an item scheduled for closed session must submit the “Request to Address” card prior to the start of closed session.
.II.A. Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION (25 min)Confidential agenda item.Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  • Name of Case: America Unites for Kids vs. Lyon (C.D. Ca. Sept., 2016), now on appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, America Unites for Kids v. Rousseau, No. 16-56390
  • Name of Case: Gina de Baca and Vivian Mahl vs. Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District; California Superior Court Case No. BC 674932
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  • 1 case 
  • DN-1010-17/18 (Special Education)
  • DN-1011-17/18 (Special Education)
.II.C. Government Code §54957 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE / DISMISSAL / RELEASE (5 min)Confidential agenda item.
.II.D. Government Code §54957.6 CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (10 min)Confidential agenda item.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  • Agency Designated Representative: Dr. Ben Drati
  • Employee Organizations: SMMCTA
  • Agency Designated Representative: Dr. Ben Drati
  • Employee Organizations: SEIU
  • Agency Designated Representative: Dr. Ben Drati
  • Employee Organizations: SMMASA
Dr. Tahvildaran-Jesswein called open session to order at 7:17 p.m.
.I.A. Roll Call
Present Oscar de la Torre – arrived at 4:40 p.m.
Present Craig Foster
Present Jon Kean
Present Maria Leon-Vazquez
Present Laurie Lieberman
Present Ralph Mechur
Present Dr. Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein
.I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
Led by Student Board Members Blain and Afshar
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the November 1, 2018, regular meeting agenda.  


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the November 1, 2018, regular meeting agenda.  

Passed with a motion by Mr. Jon Kean and a second by Mr. Ralph Mechur.
Absent Mr. Oscar de la Torre.
Yes Mr. Craig Foster.
Yes Mr. Jon Kean.
Yes Ms. Maria Leon-Vazquez.
Yes Ms. Laurie Lieberman.
Yes Mr. Ralph Mechur.
Yes Dr. Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein.
During approval of the agenda, which occurred at the opening of closed session, the board agreed, by a unanimous vote, to add an item under closed session, identified as “Gina de Baca and Vivian Mahl vs. SMMUSD” under existing litigation. Also during approval of the agenda, the board agreed to postpone approval of vendor “The Broad Stage” (listed in Item No. VI.A.1) and Purchase Order No. 190174 (listed in Item No. VI.B.1) until the November 15, 2018, board meeting.
.III.A. Approve October 18, 2018, Minutes
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the October 18, 2018, regular meeting minutes.


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the October 18, 2018, regular meeting minutes.

Passed with a motion by Mr. Craig Foster and a second by Mr. Jon Kean.
Yes Mr. Oscar de la Torre.
Yes Mr. Craig Foster.
Yes Mr. Jon Kean.
Yes Ms. Maria Leon-Vazquez.
Yes Ms. Laurie Lieberman.
Yes Mr. Ralph Mechur.
Yes Dr. Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Communications section provides an opportunity for the Board of Education to hear reports from the individuals or committee representatives listed below. All reports are limited to 5 minutes or less. However, if more time is necessary, or if a report will not be presented, please notify the Board secretary eight workdays prior to the date of the meeting.
.IV.A. Student Board Member Reports (15 min)
.IV.A.1. Santa Monica High School
Time start: 7:21 p.m. Time end: 7:23 p.m.

Mr. Blain apologized for missing the last meeting; he had a Youth and Government event that same night. He reported that he and ASB have been working to spread information about Measure SMS and get students to work the phone bank. The varsity cross country and water polo teams competed this week. Red Ribbon week was last week, and the College Fair was a couple weeks ago. Mr. Blain thanked Samohi long-term substitute teacher, Mr. Morris, who was in the audience.
.IV.A.2. Malibu High School
Time start: 7:23 p.m. Time end: 7:25 p.m.

Ms. Afshar reported that the book drive will be from November 5-9. The Mock Trial team goes to court on Monday. The winter formal will be in February. The high school will be performing Spring Awakening November 16-18. Mr. Foster asked about the MHS water polo team, which defeated Samohi recently.
.IV.A.3. Olympic High School
not present
.IV.B. SMMCTA Update (5 min)
Time start: 7:25 p.m. Time end: 7:3 p.m.

Ms. Murawski delivered the report for Ms. Braff. She shared that during the recent power outages in Malibu, teachers expressed concern about safety protocols and failures in modes of communication, especially when cell phone towers lose power. She hopes the board will adopt the recommendations from the Safety Committee. Elementary teachers at Point Dume are concerned about a private preschool on the campus. There are also concerns about the location of special education programs at the elementary schools in Malibu as part of the schools realignment process. Special education teachers have expressed concern about physically aggressive students. Some teachers are concerned about over-testing of students. Ms. Murawski reported on a major substitute teacher shortage. She thanked Ms. Roman and Ms. Mangle to discuss 1:1 roll-out, but also worried about screen time and screen reading. Regarding screen time and screen reading, teachers agree there needs to be a balance between typing and screens with pencils and writing. Ms. Murwaski thanked the teachers, community members, and board members who have phone banked in support of Measures M and SMS. The union supports both measures, Thurman for State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the four school board incumbents. Ms. Leon-Vazquez requested more information on the professional development for the 1:1 instruction.
.IV.C. SEIU Update (5 min)
not present
.IV.D. PTA Council (5 min)
not present
Time start: 7:34 p.m. Time end: 7:36 p.m.

Dr. Drati announced that FCMAT has concluded its analysis of the special education programs and processes in our district. They should be delivering their draft report to the superintendent in three or four weeks. The final report will be presented the board. Regarding Malibu unification, Dr. Drati reported that he and his team met with Malibu City staff to review the progress thus far made. Calendars are now being compared to determine when the update can be shared with the board.
Passed with a motion by Mr. Ralph Mechur and a second by Mr. Craig Foster.
Yes Mr. Oscar de la Torre.
Yes Mr. Craig Foster.
Yes Mr. Jon Kean.
Yes Ms. Maria Leon-Vazquez.
Yes Ms. Laurie Lieberman.
Yes Mr. Ralph Mechur.
Yes Dr. Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
As agreed by the President, Vice President, and Superintendent during agenda planning, consent agenda items are considered routine, require no discussion, and are normally approved all at once by the Board of Education. However, members of the Board of Education, staff, or the public may request an item be moved from the consent agenda to Section XI (Major Items) for clarification and/or discussion.
The board approved Item Nos. A.1-5, B.1-3, C.1-2, and D.1-5 listed under the Consent Calendar. During approval of the agenda, the board agreed to postpone approval of vendor “The Broad Stage” (listed in Item No. A.1) and Purchase Order No. 190174 (listed in Item No. B.1) until the November 15, 2018, board meeting. The board pulled Item No. B.1 and voted on it separately.

Time start: 7:36 p.m. Time end: 7:42 p.m.

Public Comments:
* Nick Morris addressed the board regarding Item No. VI.D.1.
.VI.A. Curriculum and Instruction
.VI.A.1. Approval of Independent Contractors
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education enter into an agreement with the following Independent Contractors. 

Financial Impact:
  • Contractor: Duryea and Associates
  • Dates: 05/28/18 – 10/31/18
  • Account not to exceed: $19,500.00
  • Description: School Facilities Improvement Districts SFID #1 and #2 Mapping
  • Site: Business Services
  • Funding: 01-00000-0-00000-73000-5802-050-1500

  • Contractor: Robert Gilliam, The Artist Collective
  • Dates: 11/19/18-12/21/18
  • Amount not to exceed: $800.00
  • Description: Provide 8 student dance workshops for 2 classrooms, grades 5 & 6
  • Site: SMASH
  • Funding: 01-90810-0-17000-10000-5802-009-4090

  • Contractor: The Broad Stage
  • Dates: 11/09/18
  • Amount not to exceed: $2,500.00
  • Description: Support of the The Broad Stage’s presentation of The Diary of Anne Frank on Friday, November 9, 2018 at Barnum Hall on Santa Monica HS.
  • Site: Superintendent’s Office
  • Funding: 01-00000-0-00000-71500-5802-020-1200

  • Contractor: CSI: California School Inspections, LLC
  • Dates: 10/10/18 – 06/30/19
  • Amount not to exceed: $9,000.00
  • Description: Facility Inspection Tool (FIT) reports
  • Site: Business Services
  • Funding: 01-00000-0-00000-73000-5802-050-1500

  • Contractor: Buck Institute for Education
  • Dates: 11/26/18-11/28/18
  • Amount not to exceed: $12,000.00
  • Description: The BIE will present a 3-day training on "Project-Based Learning 101" for 35 SMMUSD teachers/staff on November 26-28.  The training is part of the district's professional development strategy to build up project-based learning efforts throughout the district.
  • Site: Educational Services
  • Funding: 01-00000-0-19210-10000-5802-030-1300

  • Contractor: Malibu Wellness Center-Boys & Girls Club, Malibu
  • Dates: 07/01/18-06/30/19
  • Amount not to exceed: $20,000.00 ($100.00/hour)
  • Description: To cover supervision of 2 mental health interns, providing 30 hours/week of direct service to students at Malibu pathway schools.
  • Site: Student Services           
  • Funding: 01-00030-0-11100-10000-5802-030-1501

These contracts are included in the 2018-19 budget. 

Approval of The Broad Stage contract was postponed to 11/15/18.
.VI.A.2. Overnight Field Trip(s) 2018-19
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the special field trip(s) listed below for students for the 2018-2019 school year.  

Financial Impact:
  • School: Santa Monica High School
  • Grade: 9th 12th
  • # of Students: 20
  • Destination: Newport Beach, CA
  • Dates: 11/17/18–11/18/18
  • Principal/Teacher: A.Shelton/A.Chapman
  • Cost & Funding Source: $185.00 per student / Fundraising & parent donations
  • Subject: Social Studies
  • Purpose: Junior State of America (JSA) fall State convention

No child will be denied due to financial hardship. 

.VI.A.3. Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Continued Funding Application
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve for Child Development Services (CDS) to submit the FY 2019-20 Continued Funding Application with the California Department of Education for the purpose of providing subsidized services to eligible families with children in the infant, preschool, and school-age before-and-after school programs. 


Management Bulletin (MB 18-08) offers existing California Department of Education contractors the opportunity to request continued funding for FY 2019-2020.  Failure to respond within the timelines specified in the continued funding application request shall constitute notification to the Child Development Division of the contractor’s intent to discontinue services at the end of the current contract period.”  

.VI.A.4. Conference and Travel Approval/Ratification - 2018/2019
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve/ratify the attached Requests for Absence on District Business (Conference and Travel) forms.

Financial Impact:

The average cost for substitute teachers is $183/day. This figure is furnished for informational purposes and does not reflect the actual amount paid for an individual substitute.

C & T 11/01/18
.VI.A.5. Special Education Contracts
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the attached Special Education contracts for fiscal year 2018/2019.


According to the Education Code SEC.21 Section 56342, prior to recommending a new or continued placement in a non-public, non-sectarian school, the individualized Education Program (IEP) Team must submit the proposed recommendation to the local governing board for its review and recommendation regarding the cost of such placement.

 The recommendations for these severely handicapped students are made by the District IEP Teams in accordance with State and Federal laws.  The mandates of IDEA require non-public school services be provided at no expense to parents if there is not an appropriate public school program available.  Funding to come from a SELPA-wide non-public school/non-public agency reserve account.

Special Education Contracts 18/19
.VI.B. Business and Fiscal
.VI.B.1. Award of Purchasing Orders
Recommended Motion:

 It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the attached Purchase Order and Changed Purchase Orders from October 9, 2018, through October 26, 2018, for fiscal / 19. 


 It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the attached Purchase Order and Changed Purchase Orders from October 9, 2018, through October 26, 2018, for fiscal / 19. 

Passed with a motion by Mr. Jon Kean and a second by Mr. Craig Foster.
Recuse Mr. Oscar de la Torre.
Yes Mr. Craig Foster.
Yes Mr. Jon Kean.
Yes Ms. Maria Leon-Vazquez.
Yes Ms. Laurie Lieberman.
Yes Mr. Ralph Mechur.
Yes Dr. Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein.
Mr. de la Torre recused himself from this item, as his organization has received a donation from Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Rudd & Romo, a vendor listed on the PO list.
Approval of PO 190174 was postponed to 11/15/18.
PO List_100918-102618
.VI.B.2. Acceptance of Gifts - 2018/2019
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education accept, with gratitude, checks totaling $65,608.50 presented to the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District.

It is further recommended that the Fiscal/Business Services Office, in accordance with Educational Code §42602, be authorized to increase the 2018-2019 income and appropriations by $65,608.50 as described on the attached listing.


This report details only cash gifts.  It includes all contributions made by individuals or companies and some of the contributions made by our PTA’s.  Contributions made by a PTA in the form of a commitment and then billed are reported in a different resource.  A final report that compiles all gift and PTA contributions is prepared and available annually.

COMMENT:   The value of all non-cash gifts has been determined by the donors.

 NOTE:  The list of gifts is available on the District’s website,

Gift Report 11/01/18
.VI.B.3. Award of Contract for Irrigation Controller Upgrade – Bid #19.02 – Districtwide – Pierre Landscape
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education award a contract for districtwide irrigation controller upgrade, Bid #19.02, to Pierre Landscape, in an amount not to exceed $302,191 plus an additional 10% contingency to cover unforeseen scope and risk of #30,219.10, for a total of $332,410.10.


The irrigation systems throughout the district are outdated and inefficient, and thus waste water.  The district needs to upgrade to a modern controller system that will help control water waste and that can be monitored through software that regulates all the controllers remotely via a secure web application.  This will help reduce the district’s water usage, wherein an expected 20% savings is expected.  The City of Santa Monica has agreed to fund the project via a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Financial Impact:

Funding Information:

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 01
  • Source: City of Santa Monica
  • Account Number: 01-91230-0-00000-82000-5890-065-2604

The district received three (3) proposals for Bid# 19.02:

  • Aramexx Construction: $593,144.51
  • Marina Landscape: $472,700.00
  • Pierre Landscape: $302,191.00

The work is to be scheduled to start during winter break 2018 to minimize any impact to the districtwide school operations.

.VI.C. Facilities Improvement Projects
.VI.C.1. Change Order #06 to Agreement – Santa Monica High School – Discovery Building Project – Demolition of Science and Technology Buildings – Construction Contract Bid #18.13.ES - Ampco Contracting - Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Change Order #06 with Ampco Contracting for Santa Monica High School – Demolition of Science and Technology Buildings for the installation of fence screening at the Michigan gate main entrance to the campus in an amount not to exceed $6,457.95 for a total contract amount of $4,736,918.83 with 0-days impact to the schedule.


On May 3, 2018, the Board awarded to Ampco Contracting, the abatement contract for the Science and Technology Buildings as the first phase of the preparation for the construction of the new Discovery Building, in the amount of $3,954,000.00.

It was decided to install printed privacy screening on the new 8-foot high construction fencing and gates, in the ROW, outside the Michigan gates. This was done for privacy and to enhance the appearance at the school entrance as the fencing at that location will remain in place for the duration of the construction of the Discovery Building structure.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Account Number: 85-90904-0-00000-85000-6200-015-2600
  • Budget Category: Hard Costs \ Construction Contracts


  • ORIGINAL CONTRACT -  $3,954,000.00
  • CHANGE ORDER #01 - Abatement of Technology Building: $394,063.43
  • CHANGE ORDER #02 - Relocation of trees: $36,120.00
  • CHANGE ORDER #03 - Relocation of trees: $63,303.02
  • CHANGE ORDER #04 - Move trees, electrical breakers and haz waste: $225,806.00
  • CHANGE ORDER #05 - New Fencing, Sc Quad sewer MH, Michigan fence: $57,168.43
  • CHANGE ORDER #06 - Privacy Fence Screening at Michigan fence: $6,457.95 
  • TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $ 4,736,918.83      
.VI.C.2. Change Order #01 to Agreement – Santa Monica High School – Discovery Building Project - Olympic Spur – Construction Contract Bid #18.25.ES - Ampco Contracting - Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Change Order #01 with Ampco Contracting for the Santa Monica High School – Discovery Building Project - Olympic Spur, for working around a Spectrum owned fiber communications cable, in the total amount of $16,006.90 for a total contract amount $2,013,006.90 with 0-days impact to the schedule. 


On June 28, 2018, the Board awarded to Ampco Contracting, the Olympic Spur Project, in the amount of $1,997,000.00.

During the demolition phase of the contract, a public utility was identified, which runs through the middle of the project, very close to the footing for the new building. The utility has nothing to do with the campus. It was decided in conjunction with Spectrum that the facility would be exposed and moved as far as is practical to allow for construction to continue while Spectrum goes through the process of relocating the service off the campus. This also required hand demolition of footings in the immediate area so as not to damage the conduit. The total cost for the work associated with this is $16,006.90.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Account Number: 85-90904-0-00000-85000-6200-015-2600
  • Budget Category: Hard Costs \ Construction Contracts


  • ORIGINAL CONTRACT -  $1,997,000.00
  • CHANGE ORDER #01 - Hand work around fiber optic facility: $16,006.90
  • TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $2,013,006.90
.VI.C.3. Change Order #11 – Santa Monica High School - Sealy Field Improvements Project - Construction Contract Bid #17.12.ES - Byrom-Davey, Inc. - Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Change Order #11 with Byrom-Davey, Inc. for the Santa Monica High School – Sealy Field Improvements Project, a credit in the amount of ($28,571.54) for a total contract amount $2,190,665.94.


On April 20, 2017, the Board awarded to Byrom-Davey, Inc. the construction contract for the Santa Monica High School Sealy Field in the amount of $1,442,121.00.  

During construction a number of modifications and additions to the project work were performed due to unforeseen conditions, changed scope and additional scope of work. 

A final settlement with the electrical subcontractor resulted in a savings of ($28,571.54) which reduced the final contract value from $ 2,219,237.48 to $2,190,665.94. The contract is now complete. 

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Account Number: 85-90904-0-00000-85000-6200-015-2600
  • Budget Category: Hard Costs \ Construction Contracts
  • DSA #: 03-118615


  • Original Contract: $1,442,121.00
  • Change Order #01: $187,539.00
  • Change Order #02: $4,938.75
  • Change Order #03: $140,455.00 $140,454.89
  • Change Order #04: $113,122.02
  • Change Order #05: $32,644.81 $32,640.93
  • Change Order #06: $143,040.00
  • Change Order #07: $22,798.09
  • Change Order #08: $46,988.07
  • Change Order #09: $82,881.00
  • Change Order #10: $2,713.73
  • Change Order #11: ($28,571.54)          
  • Total Contract amount: $2,190,665.94
.VI.C.4. Change Order #01 – Point Dume Elementary School – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors Project and HVAC & Fire Alarm Project – Construction Contract – Bid #18.07.ES– The Nazerian Group - Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Change Order #01 with The Nazerian Group for the Point Dume Elementary School – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors Project and HVAC & Fire Alarm Project in an amount of $207,891.06 for a total contract amount of $ 3,541,014.06 and 0 days of schedule impact. 


On March 01, 2018, the Board of Education awarded The Nazerian Group the construction contract for the Point Dume Elementary School – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors Project and HVAC & Fire Alarm Project in the amount of $3,333,123.00. Notice to proceed was given on March 21, 2018.

The changes for this Change Order #01 include: Perform PCB abatement in room B142 next to Library in building B, per the HAZMAT consultant report and per EPA requirements; remove trees to create room for the relocated HVAC condensing pad next to the playground and provide geological study and install new seepage pits to complete the required repairs of the campus septic system during the summer of 2018.

Change Order No. #01 includes a 0 day increase to the contract time and funding is from Measure ES Malibu allocation.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Account Number: 85-90905-0-00000-85000-6200-019-2600
  • Budget Category: Hard Costs \ Construction Contracts
  • DSA #: 03-118307


  • Original Contract: $3,333,123.00
  • Change Order #01 – PCB abatement: $207,891.06
  • TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $3,541,014.06
.VI.C.5. Award of Agreement – John Adams Middle School – HVAC and Fire Alarm Project – Inspector of Record Services - Sandy Pringle Associates Inspection Consultants – Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education award an agreement to Sandy Pringle Associates Inspection Consultants to provide inspection services for John Adams Middle School – HVAC and Fire Alarm Project in an amount not to exceed $122,536.96.


Sandy Pringle Associates Inspection Consultants proposal was reviewed and confirmed to move forward with performing the inspection services at John Adams Middle School – HVAC and Fire Alarm Project. It is recommended that Sandy Pringle Associates Inspection Consultants be awarded an agreement based on their proposal and pricing of $84.16/hour for an amount not to exceed $122,536.96.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85-90906-0-00000-85000-5802-011-2600
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Budget Category: Soft Costs / Testing & Inspection / Materials Lab
.VI.C.6. Amendment #30 to Agreement – Cabrillo Elementary School – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors Project – Sampling and Analysis of PCBs – Alta Environmental – Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Contract Amendment #30 with Alta Environmental to provide professional services for environmental testing for Cabrillo Elementary School – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors Project in an amount not to exceed $6,897.00 for a total contract amount of $1,672,751.42.


Alta Environmental will provide door bulk sampling of caulking and analysis of PCBs for 28 doors in Buildings A (14 doors), E (5 doors), and F (9 doors) at Cabrillo Elementary school for the Door Replacement Project.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: ES
  • Account Number: 85-90905-0-00000-85000-5802-017-2600
  • Budget Category: Soft Costs/Environmental Testing/Hazmat Monitoring


  • ORIGINAL CONTRACT - Juan Cabrillo ES, Grant ES & Will Rogers ES: $96,492.45
  • CA #01 - Juan Cabrillo ES Project – WPF&D: $893.30
  • CA #02 - Various Schools – WPF&D: $50,000.00
  • CA #03 - Grant ES – Windows Project – WPF&D: $12,648.80
  • CA #04 - Webster, Roosevelt – WPF&D: $6,882.34
  • CA #05 - WRES, WES, & RES & Malibu HS–WPF&D: $79,329.00
  • CA #06 - GES, MMH FIG&D, RES, WES & WRES–WPF&D: $335,861.87
  • CA #07 - SAMOHI – Ph.1 & Ph.2: $9,086.90
  • CA #08 - Franklin & Pt. Dume – HVAC: $25,287.40
  • CA #09 - Franklin & Pt. Dume – WFP: $25,287.40    Duplicate to CA#08
  • CA #10 - LMS – Athletic Field: $40,673.00
  • CA #11 - Samohi, Phase 1 & 2: $51,208.10
  • CA #12 – Webster & Will Rogers WPFD: $27,443.90
  • CA #13 – MMHS FIG&D WPFD: $7,169.95
  • CA #14 – Building D WPFD ACM/A&L Abatement Plan & PCB Sampling: $14,875.80
  • CA #15 – Building D WPFD Add Step-Out Sampling and Abatement Plan: $41,896.70
  • CA #16 – Bldg ABC Demo Survey, Sampling, Abatement Plan & Monitoring (BB): $45,986.60
  • CA #17 – FES, McKES, PDES & JAMS - ACM, LBP & PCBs survey & work plan: $156,364.90
  • CA #18 – MMHS FIG&D, H & J WPFD – ACM, LBP & PCBs survey & work plan: $269,052.86
  • CA #19 – Roosevelt ES – ACM ceiling survey & work plan: $2,223.96
  • CA #20 – Samohi – Monitoring: $24,532.75
  • CA #21 – Samohi – Abatement Survey: $33,439.60
  • CA #22 – MMHS – Hazard. Mat. Consult.: $50,000.00
  • CA #23 - Franklin & Pt. Dume – WFP and HVAC: $146,928.50
  • CA #24 – JAMS – PAC ACM & LBP Building J: $16,073.50
  • CA #25 – JAMS and McKinley ES – WFPD: $35,153.25
  • CA #26 – Samohi – oversight/Monitoring – Technology: $21,215.85
  • CA #27 – Samohi – oversight/Monitoring – Demo: $13,800.00
  • CA #28 – Samohi – UST disposal – Auto Shop: $39,012.36
  • CA #29 – Will Rogers ES – Added Abatement monitoring $12,320.78
  • CA #30 – Cabrillo ES – Sampling and analysis Cabrillo Doors $6,897.00
  • TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $1,672,751.42
.VI.C.7. Award of Contract – Malibu Middle & High School – Campus Modernization Project – EasyTurf – Measure BB
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education award a contract for Malibu Middle & High School – Campus Modernization Project to install synthetic turf adjacent to the basketball courts and adjacent to Building H (Theater) with EasyTurf, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $95,546.69. 


The construction of campus improvements at MMHS has impacted several outdoor areas that the middle and high school students formerly used to congregate during breaks between classes. The Malibu FDAC suggested to FIP staff that there were not enough outdoor spaces available to students during construction and that other areas should be improved to address this issue.

FIP staff has identified two areas that can be improved for this purpose. The first area to be improved is between the outdoor basketball courts and the slope up to the track and field. This area is proposed to be improved by installing Easy Turf Premium Synthetic Turf and 5 medium size shade trees. The second area to be improved is between Building H (Theater) and the sidewalk on Morning View Drive. This area will be improved by installing Easy Turf Premium Synthetic Turf.

The District will contract for the procurement and installation of the artificial turf surface in accordance with EasyTurf, Inc’s., proposals dated July 25, 2018, in the amount of $44,442.15 for Area 1 and October 1, 2018, in the amount of $51,104.54 for Area 2 per the CMAS contract No: 4-13-78-0068A, GSA Schedule No: GS-03F-0117Y, with an expiration of 8/13/2022, the use of which was authorized by the Board during the October 5, 2017, meeting.                               

It is recommended that the Board of Education award a contract in the amount of $95,546.69.

Funding from Program Reserve Shortfall.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: No
  • Fund: 83
  • Source: Measure BB
  • Account Number: 83-90500-0-00000-85000-6200-010-2600
  • Budget Category: Building and Building Improvement
.VI.C.8. Project Assignment #02 –John Adams Middle School – HVAC and Fire Alarm – Construction Management Consulting Services – Cumming Corporation – Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education award Project Assignment #02 to Cumming Corporation to provide Construction Management Consulting Services for John Adams Middle School – HVAC and Fire Alarm Projects in an amount not to exceed $163,200.00 for a total contract amount of $325,200.00.


On March 15, 2018, the Board of Education approved the issuance of Project Assignment 01 for Construction Management services to Cumming Corporation at John Adams Middle School –Field Replacement and Performing Arts Center project, in the amount of $162,000.00.

The District requested a proposal from Cumming Corporation on September 03, 2018, to extend the Construction Management Consulting services from October 15, 2018, to April 30, 2019, for John Adams Middle School - HVAC and Fire Alarm Project. Cumming submitted a proposal on October 09, 2018 in the amount of $163,200.00 based upon hourly billing rates for the services required throughout the expected duration of the work.

John Adams Middle School - HVAC and Fire Alarm has been bid out and is in award. Cumming will provide the Construction Management services during the construction of this project.

It is recommended that Cumming Corporation be awarded a project assignment in an amount not to exceed $163,200.00.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 86
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Account Number: 86-90906-0-00000-85000-5802-011-2600
  • Budget Category: Professional Services


  • Master Services Agreement Awarded:  04/20/2017
  • ORIGINAL PA #01 - JAMS – Gym and Field: $162,000.00
  • PA #02 - JAMS – HVAC & FA Project: $163,200.00
  • TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $325,200.00
.VI.C.9. Project Assignment #3 – Washington West Child Development Center – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors Project and HVAC & Fire Alarm Project – Architectural Design Services - dsk Architects – Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education award project assignment #3 to dsk Architects to provide Architectural Design Services for Washington Child Development Center – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors Project, HVAC & Fire Alarm Project in an amount not to exceed $7,275.00 for a total contract amount of $167,040.00. 


Additional architectural and engineering fees are required for structural engineering in order to relocate existing bearing walls in the kitchen area to allow for new restrooms required by DSA at the Washington West CDS campus. 

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: ES  
  • Account Number: 85-90905-0-00000-85000-5802-070-2600
  • Description: Architectural Design Services


  • Project Assignment #1 – Washington West $88,685.00
  • Project Assignment #2 – Washington West $71,080.00
  • Project Assignment #3 – Washington West $  7,275.00
.VI.C.10. Amendment #31 to Agreement – John Adams Middle School – HVAC and Fire Alarm Project – ACM and LBP Abatements Monitoring – Alta Environmental – Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Contract Amendment #31 with Alta Environmental to provide professional services for ACM and LBP abatement monitoring services for John Adams Middle School – HVAC and Fire Alarm Project in an amount not to exceed $60,039.00 for a total contract amount of $1,732,790.42.


Alta Environmental have been requested to perform Asbestos and Lead abatement monitoring and clearance services during the construction of the John Adams Middle School – HVAC and Fire Alarm project.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: ES
  • Account Number: 85-90906-0-00000-85000-5802-011-2600
  • Budget Category: Soft Costs/Environmental Testing/Hazmat Monitoring


  • ORIGINAL CONTRACT - Juan Cabrillo ES, Grant ES & Will Rogers ES: $96,492.45
  • CA #01 - Juan Cabrillo ES Project – WPF&D: $893.30
  • CA #02 - Various Schools – WPF&D: $50,000.00
  • CA #03 - Grant ES – Windows Project – WPF&D: $12,648.80
  • CA #04 - Webster, Roosevelt – WPF&D: $6,882.34
  • CA #05 - WRES, WES, & RES & Malibu HS–WPF&D: $79,329.00
  • CA #06 - GES, MMH FIG&D, RES, WES & WRES–WPF&D: $335,861.87
  • CA #07 - SAMOHI – Ph.1 & Ph.2: $9,086.90
  • CA #08 - Franklin & Pt. Dume – HVAC: $25,287.40
  • CA #09 - Franklin & Pt. Dume – WFP: $25,287.40    Duplicate to CA#08
  • CA #10 - LMS – Athletic Field: $40,673.00
  • CA #11 - Samohi, Phase 1 & 2: $51,208.10
  • CA #12 – Webster & Will Rogers WPFD: $27,443.90
  • CA #13 – MMHS FIG&D WPFD: $7,169.95
  • CA #14 – Building D WPFD ACM/A&L Abatement Plan & PCB Sampling: $14,875.80
  • CA #15 – Building D WPFD Add Step-Out Sampling and Abatement Plan: $41,896.70
  • CA #16 – Bldg ABC Demo Survey, Sampling, Abatement Plan & Monitoring (BB): $45,986.60
  • CA #17 – FES, McKES, PDES & JAMS - ACM, LBP & PCBs survey & work plan: $156,364.90
  • CA #18 – MMHS FIG&D, H & J WPFD – ACM, LBP & PCBs survey & work plan: $269,052.86
  • CA #19 – Roosevelt ES – ACM ceiling survey & work plan: $2,223.96
  • CA #20 – Samohi – Monitoring: $24,532.75
  • CA #21 – Samohi – Abatement Survey: $33,439.60
  • CA #22 – MMHS – Hazard. Mat. Consult.: $50,000.00
  • CA #23 - Franklin & Pt. Dume – WFP and HVAC: $146,928.50
  • CA #24 – JAMS – PAC ACM & LBP Building J: $16,073.50
  • CA #25 – JAMS and McKinley ES – WFPD: $35,153.25
  • CA #26 – Samohi – oversight/Monitoring – Technology: $21,215.85
  • CA #27 – Samohi – oversight/Monitoring – Demo: $13,800.00
  • CA #28 – Samohi – UST disposal – Auto Shop: $39,012.36
  • CA #29 – Will Rogers ES – Added Abatement monitoring $12,320.78
  • CA #30 – Cabrillo ES – Sampling and analysis Cabrillo Doors $6,897.00
  • CA #31 – JAMS – HVAC +FA – ACM and LPB Monitoring $60,039.00
  • TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $1,732,790.42
.VI.C.11. Contract Amendment #25 – Santa Monica High School – Discovery Building Project - Olympic Spur – Professional Geotechnical Services – Leighton Consulting, Inc. - Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Contract Amendment #25 to Leighton Consulting Inc. for Santa Monica High School – Discovery Building Project - Olympic Spur to provide percolation, geotechnical and materials testing services in an amount not to exceed $9,551.00 for total contract amount of $563,673.00. 


Leighton’s proposal includes the providing supplemental professional infiltration testing services and materials testing required for the project.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 87
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Account Number: 87-90904-0-00000-85000-5802-015-2600
  • Budget Category: Soft Costs \ Environmental Tests \ Geo Engineering and Material Testing
  • DSA #: 03-118774


  • ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT - Campus Plan Project: $16,335
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #01 - Sealy Field & Stairway & Sidewalk: $8,190
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #02 - Stairway & Sidewalk Geotech and LOR: $12,370
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #03 - SCP Phs 1&2 Geotechnical Report: $32,722
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #04 - Stockpile and Tennis Courts: $23,317
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #05 - Sealy Field Pjt.: $21,039
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #06 – Lincoln Track and Field: $47,356
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #07 – Stair and Ramp: $16,740
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #08 – Sealy Field: $19,410
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #09 - Business Bld. Stairway welding/Inspect: $2,693
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #10 – Archeological Assessment for CEQA: $26,202
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #11 - Samohi New Ph 1 & 2 subter. pkg: $19,168.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #12 – Native American Monitoring Services for CEQA: $5,160.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #13 – Supplemental Earthworks Testing- Sealy Field: $15,280.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #14 – Pico Gate Welding Inspection: $2,813.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #15 – MHS FIG&D WPFD- Geotech, Inspect, Mat. Test Services: $20,937
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #16 – Samohi Paleo Report – CEQA: $6,000.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #17 – Lincoln Geotech: $20,395.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #18 – Lincoln MS Geotech Added work: $18,441.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #19 – Samohi Discovery Investigation: $61,332.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #20 – Lincoln MS Geotech Added Work: $45,220.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #21 – Olympic Spur Plan Review: $4,250.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #22 – LMS Geotech: $8,384.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #23 – Samohi: Demo and Utility Bldg: $21,305.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #24 – Samohi: Olympic Spur – Materials: $79,063.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #25 – Samohi: Olympic Spur – Perc Tests: $9,551.00
  • TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $563,673.00
.VI.C.12. Contract Amendment #26 – Santa Monica High School – Interim Repairs and Upgrades Project – Professional Inspection Services – Leighton Consulting, Inc. - Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Contract Amendment #26 to Leighton Consulting Inc. for Santa Monica High School – Interim Repairs and Upgrades Project to provide additional welding inspection services in an amount not to exceed $8,365.00 for total contract amount of $572,038.00.


Leighton’s proposal includes providing supplemental professional inspection services for shop welding, post-installed anchor and pull testing of anchors. These inspection services, requested by the IOR, exceeded the services originally planned.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 87
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Account Number: 87-90904-0-00000-85000-5802-015-2600
  • Budget Category: Soft Costs \ Environmental Tests \ Geo Engineering and Material Testing
  • DSA #: 03-118774


  • ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT - Campus Plan Project: $16,335
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #01 - Sealy Field & Stairway & Sidewalk: $8,190
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #02 - Stairway & Sidewalk Geotech and LOR: $12,370
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #03 - SCP Phs 1&2 Geotechnical Report: $32,722
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #04 - Stockpile and Tennis Courts: $23,317
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #05 - Sealy Field Pjt.: $21,039
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #06 – Lincoln Track and Field: $47,356
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #07 – Stair and Ramp: $16,740
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #08 – Sealy Field: $19,410
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #09 - Business Bld. Stairway welding/Inspect: $2,693
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #10 – Archeological Assessment for CEQA: $26,202
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #11 - Samohi New Ph 1 & 2 subter. pkg: $19,168.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #12 – Native American Monitoring Services for CEQA: $5,160.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #13 – Supplemental Earthworks Testing- Sealy Field: $15,280.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #14 – Pico Gate Welding Inspection: $2,813.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #15 – MHS FIG&D WPFD- Geotech, Inspect, Mat. Test Services: $20,937
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #16 – Samohi Paleo Report – CEQA: $6,000.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #17 – Lincoln Geotech: $ 20,395.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #18 – Lincoln MS Geotech Added work: $18,441.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #19 – Samohi Discovery Investigation: $61,332.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #20 – Lincoln MS Geotech Added Work: $45,220.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #21 – Olympic Spur Plan Review: $4,250.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #22 – LMS Geotech: $8,384.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #23 – Samohi: Demo and Utility Bldg: $21,305.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #24 – Samohi: Olympic Spur – Materials: $79,063.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #25 – Samohi: Olympic Spur – Perc Tests: $9,551.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #26 – Samohi: Interim Repairs – Welding Inspect. Services: $8,365.00
  • TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $572,038.00
.VI.C.13. Amendment #17 to Agreement – Franklin Elementary School – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors Project and HVAC Project and Pt. Dume Elementary School – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors Project - Architectural Design Services – dsk Architects – Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Contract Amendment #17 with dsk Architects to provide additional architectural and engineering design services for Franklin Elementary School – Window, Paint, Floors and Doors Project & HVAC Project and Pt. Dume Elementary School - Window, Paint, Floors and Doors Project in an amount not to exceed $72,900.00 for a total contract amount of $1,333,373.00.


Franklin ES

When the contract with dsk for the WPFD, HVAC and Fire Alarm at Franklin ES was originally awarded, the project was scheduled to be completed during summer 2018 and was not anticipated to extend over two summers and after hours during the school year. Once the design was completed, it was clear that there was a significant amount of work to be accomplished and therefore the project duration was extended to complete at the end of summer 2019.  Dsk has requested additional services to extend work to provide construction administration through August 2019 in the amount of $59,925.00.

Pt. Dume ES

The Pt. Dume ES PFD project has also been extended past the duration awarded in the original contract and requires additional architectural and engineering services for construction administration through November 2018 in the amount of $12,975.00.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budget: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: ES
  • Account Number85-90905-0-00000-85000-5802-002-2600 (Franklin) - WPFD& HVAC: $59,925.00; 85-90905-0-00000-85000-5802-019-2600 (Pt. Dume - PFD): $12,975.00
  • Budget Category: Soft Costs/AE Design Services 


  • ORIGINAL CONTRACT – Webster – WPF: $192,235.00
  • CA #01 – Webster ES – WPF:  $27,470.00
  • CA #02 – Webster ES – WPF:  $N/A
  • CA #03 – Webster ES – WPF:  $10,000.00
  • CA #04 – Webster ES, Pt. Dume ES – PFD addl services:  $34,762.00
  • CA #05 – Webster ES – WPFD:  $58,480.00
  • CA #06 – Olympic HS – WPFD and HVAC Project:  $379,828.00
  • CA #07 – Olympic HS – HVAC Project addl services landscape:  $18,364.00
  • CA #08 – Olympic HS – WPFD and HVAC Project Reimbursable Exp:  $18,950.00
  • CA #09 – Webster ES – WPF additional services construction mgmt:  $9,555.00
  • CA #10 – Olympic HS – WPFD additional design services:  $44,611.00
  • CA #11 – Malibu Realignment – Pt. Dume ES Interim Housing:  $66,910.00
  • CA #12 – Pt. Dume ES – PFD additional design services:  $26,361.00
  • CA #13 – Pt. Dume ES PFD, Franklin ES, WPFD & HVAC addl design services:  $107,139.00
  • CA #14 – Pt. Dume ES, Olympic HS – WPFD & HVAC additional design services:  $89,947.00
  • CA #15 – Malibu Realignment – Webster ES, Play Yards:  $57,534.00
  • CA #16 – Malibu Realignment – Pt. Dume ES Wastewater Treatment: $118,327.00
  • CA #17 – Pt. Dume ES PFD, Franklin ES WPFD & HVAC – additional design services $72,900.00
  • TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $1,333,373.00
.VI.C.14. Amendment #05 to Agreement – Olympic High School – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors and HVAC Project – Materials Testing Specialty Inspection Services and Environmental Consulting Services - Ninyo & Moore – Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Contract Amendment #05 with Ninyo & Moore for Olympic High School – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors and HVAC Project in an amount not to exceed $68,890.00 for a total contract amount of $290,605.


The monitoring and testing services will include verification of proper certification of workers, implementation of best practices, air testing, laboratory services and similar services required to ensure the safety of the students and staff at the project site. The consultant shall also ensure that all work, transportation and disposal of hazardous materials is done in compliance with state and federal regulations.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Account Number: 85-90905-0-00000-85000-5802-014-2600
  • Budget Category: Soft Costs/Materials Lab


  • ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT - Olympic – Inspection Services: $55,583
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #1 - Olympic – Removal Monitoring Services: $72,552
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #2 - Olympic – Removal Monitoring Services: $31,370
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #3 - Olympic – Removal Monitoring Services: $8,482
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #4 - Olympic - Removal Monitoring Services: $53,728
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #5 - Olympic – Removal Monitoring Services: $68,890
.VI.C.15. Amendment #10 to Agreement – Olympic High School - Window, Paint, Floors & Doors and HVAC Project - Roller Shades – Heritage Window Coverings Inc. – Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Contract Amendment #10 with Heritage Window Coverings Inc. to supply and install interior roller shades at Olympic High School – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors and HVAC Project in an amount not to exceed $4,534.87 for a total contract amount of $386,098.62. 


The Board of Education approved the award of Bid #16.09R during the December 10, 2015, meeting to Heritage Window Coverings Inc., for interior window roller shades Districtwide and established Mecho Shades Systems as the District’s window covering standard.  

This Amendment #10 is for the interior window roller shades in the Main office, Principal office, Adult Ed Office, Computer Lab & Art Classroom to be provided and installed.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source:  Measure ES
  • Account Number: 85-90905-0-00000-85000-6200-014-2600


  • ORIGINAL CONTRACT – Cabrillo ES, Grant ES, & WRLC: $107,540.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #01 - Cabrillo, Rogers, Grant - WF&P: $11,865.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #02 - MMHS – Bungalows: $9,790.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #03 - Rogers/Grant/Roosevelt/Webster: $101,225.00­­­­
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #04 - Malibu High School: $1,855.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #05 - Webster E.S. $38,470.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #06 - Rogers E.S. $3,790.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #07 - Point Dume E.S, Franklin E.S, McKinley E.S. $103,610.92
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #08 - Webster E.S. $1,925.85
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #09 - McKinley E.S. $1,491.98
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #10 - Olympic HS E.S. $4,534.87
  • TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $386,098.62
.VI.C.16. Amendment #32 to Agreement – Santa Monica High School – Discovery Building Project – Science Building and Tech Building Demolition – Abatement Monitoring – Alta Environmental – Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Contract Amendment #32 with Alta Environmental to provide professional services for air sampling during the abatement prior to the demolition of the Technology Building and for the removal of asbestos pipes under procedure 5 for the Santa Monica High School – Discovery Building Project – Science Building and Tech Building Demolition – in an amount not to exceed $11,836.00 for a total contract amount of $1,744,626.42.


During the demolition of the Science and Technology buildings, numerous unforeseen abatement requirements were found, which required additional air sampling and abatement monitoring, Alta Environmental were requested to provide those services.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 87
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Account Number: 87-90904-0-00000-85000-5802-015-2600
  • Budget Category: Soft Costs/Environmental Testing/Hazmat Monitoring


  • ORIGINAL CONTRACT - Juan Cabrillo ES, Grant ES & Will Rogers ES: $96,492.45
  • CA #01 - Juan Cabrillo ES Project – WPF&D: $893.30
  • CA #02 - Various Schools – WPF&D: $50,000.00
  • CA #03 - Grant ES – Windows Project – WPF&D: $12,648.80
  • CA #04 - Webster, Roosevelt – WPF&D: $6,882.34
  • CA #05 - WRES, WES, & RES & Malibu HS–WPF&D: $79,329.00
  • CA #06 - GES, MMH FIG&D, RES, WES & WRES–WPF&D: $335,861.87
  • CA #07 - SAMOHI – Ph.1 & Ph.2: $9,086.90
  • CA #08 - Franklin & Pt. Dume – HVAC: $25,287.40
  • CA #09 - Franklin & Pt. Dume – WFP: $25,287.40    Duplicate to CA#08
  • CA #10 - LMS – Athletic Field: $40,673.00
  • CA #11 - Samohi, Phase 1 & 2: $51,208.10
  • CA #12 – Webster & Will Rogers WPFD: $27,443.90
  • CA #13 – MMHS FIG&D WPFD: $7,169.95
  • CA #14 – Building D WPFD ACM/A&L Abatement Plan & PCB Sampling: $14,875.80
  • CA #15 – Building D WPFD Add Step-Out Sampling and Abatement Plan: $41,896.70
  • CA #16 – Bldg ABC Demo Survey, Sampling, Abatement Plan & Monitoring (BB): $45,986.60
  • CA #17 – FES, McKES, PDES & JAMS - ACM, LBP & PCBs survey & work plan: $156,364.90
  • CA #18 – MMHS FIG&D, H & J WPFD – ACM, LBP & PCBs survey & work plan: $269,052.86
  • CA #19 – Roosevelt ES – ACM ceiling survey & work plan: $2,223.96
  • CA #20 – Samohi – Monitoring: $24,532.75
  • CA #21 – Samohi – Abatement Survey: $33,439.60
  • CA #22 – MMHS – Hazard. Mat. Consult.: $50,000.00
  • CA #23 - Franklin & Pt. Dume – WFP and HVAC: $146,928.50
  • CA #24 – JAMS – PAC ACM & LBP Building J: $16,073.50
  • CA #25 – JAMS and McKinley ES – WFPD: $35,153.25
  • CA #26 – Samohi – oversight/Monitoring – Technology: $21,215.85
  • CA #27 – Samohi – oversight/Monitoring – Demo: $13,800.00
  • CA #28 – Samohi – UST disposal – Auto Shop: $39,012.36
  • CA #29 – Will Rogers ES – Added Abatement monitoring $12,320.78
  • CA #30 – Cabrillo ES – Sampling and analysis Cabrillo Doors $6,897.00
  • CA #31 – JAMS – HVAC +FA – ACM and LPB Monitoring $60,039.00
  • CA #32 – Samohi – Air Sampling for Procedure 5 asbestos: $11,836.00
  • TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $1,744,626.42
.VI.C.17. Amendment #01 to Agreement – Point Dume Elementary School - Window, Paint, Floors & Doors Project and Webster Elementary School – Drop-off and Parking Lot Reconfiguration Project – Inspector of Record Services – Independent Construction Inspection – Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Amendment #01 with Independent Construction Inspection to provide additional inspection services for the extended construction schedule at Point Dume Elementary School – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors Project and Webster Elementary School – Drop-off and Parking Lot Reconfiguration Project in an amount not to exceed $28,872.00 for a total contract amount of $93,960.00.


Inspection services are required by code to ensure that school facilities are built to the District requirements. This amendment #01 is to provide additional inspection services for the work that was not completed in the summer 2018 recess up to December 31, 2018, at Point Dume Elementary School – Window, Paint, Floors & Doors Project and Webster Elementary School – Drop-off and Parking Lot Reconfiguration Project.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85 & 83
  • Source: Measure ES and BB
  • Account Number85-90905-0-00000-85000-5802-019-2600 (Point Dume ES - $18,144.00 – Measure ES); 83-90500-0-00000-85000-5802-008-2600 (Webster ES - $10,728.00 – Measure BB – Program Reserve Shortage)
  • Budget Category: Soft Costs \ Testing & Inspection / Materials Lab
  • DSA #: 03-118307 and 03-118507


  • ORIGINAL CONTRACT: $65,088.00
  • CONTRACT AMENDMENT #01 -  (Pt.Dume – WPFD and Webster Pkg Lot): $28,872.00
.VI.C.18. Accept Work as Completed – Santa Monica High School – Sealy Field Lighting Project – Construction Contract Bid #18.02.ES – Byrom-Davey - Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education accept as completed all construction under the contract issued to Byrom-Davey, for the Santa Monica High School – Sealy Field Lighting Project for all work associated with the Sealy Field Musco Lighting Installation Project and amendments for a final contract amount of $979,354.84. 


On October 3, 2017, the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District’s Board of Educationawarded to Byrom-Davey Inc. the contract for the Santa Monica High School - Sealy Field Lighting Project in the amount not to exceed $ 918,027.00. A total of 3 change orders to the contract were approved by the Board, which increased the overall contract cost by $61,327.84 to $979,354.84

All scope of work has now been completed.  A Certificate of Substantial Completion was issued to Byrom-Davey.  All correction items have been successfully addressed and no further correction items remain.  In compliance with statutory requirements, a Notice of Completion has been filed with the County of Los Angeles.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Account Number: 85-90904-0-00000-85000-6200-015-2600
  • Budget Category: Construction Contracts
.VI.C.19. Accept Work as Completed – Santa Monica High School – Sealy Field Improvements Project – Construction Contract Bid #17.12.ES– Byrom-Davey - Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education accept as completed all construction under the contract issued to Byrom-Davey, for the Santa Monica High School – Sealy Field Project - for all work associated with the Sealy Field Improvements Project and amendments for a final contract amount of $2,190,665.94. 


On April 20, 2017, the Board of Education awarded to Byrom-Davey Inc. the contract for the Santa Monica High School - Sealy Field Improvements Project in the amount not to exceed $1,442,121.00. A total of 11 change orders to the contract were approved by the Board, which increased the overall contract cost by $748,544.94 to $2,190,665.94.

All scope of work has now been completed.  A Certificate of Substantial Completion was issued to Byrom-Davey.  All correction items have been successfully addressed and no further correction items remain.  In compliance with statutory requirements, a Notice of Completion has been filed with the County of Los Angeles.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Account Number: 85-90904-0-00000-85000-6200-015-2600
  • Budget Category: Construction Contracts
.VI.C.20. Accept the work as Completed – John Adams Middle School – Athletic Field Replacement Project – FieldTurf USA, Inc. – Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education accept as completed all work as applicable to John Adams Middle School – Athletic Field Replacement Project (Contract 1) to FieldTurf USA, Inc. with a final contract amount of $1,777,849.87.


On February 15, 2018, the Board of Education awarded to FieldTurf USA, Inc. the contract for the John Adams Middle School – Athletic Field Replacement Project in the amount of $1,802,599.87. Change Orders to the credit amount of ($24,750.00) were required to address unforeseen site conditions and District directed changes.

In order to facilitate the release of final payment, a Notice of Completion must be filed 35 days after Substantial Completion with the County of Los Angeles pending approval by the Board of Education.

John Adams Middle School – Athletic Field Replacement Project final total contract amount was $1,777,849.87. The contract duration was 66 days.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Account Number: 85-90905-0-00000-85000-6200-011-2600
  • Budget Category: Construction
.VI.C.21. Accept the work as Completed – John Adams Middle School – Athletic Field Replacement Project – Softball Field – FieldTurf USA, Inc. – Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education accept as completed all work as applicable to John Adams Middle School – Athletic Field Replacement Project – Softball Field to FieldTurf USA, Inc. with a final contract amount of $272,654.06.


On May 17, 2018, the Board of Education awarded to FieldTurf USA, Inc. the contract for the John Adams Middle School – Athletic Field Replacement Project – Softball Field in the amount of $259,841.18. Change Orders to the amount of $12,812.88 were required to address unforeseen site conditions and District directed changes.

In order to facilitate the release of final payment, a Notice of Completion must be filed 35 days after Substantial Completion with the County of Los Angeles pending approval by the Board of Education.

John Adams Middle School – Athletic Field Replacement Project – Softball Field final total contract amount was $272,654.06. The contract duration was 66 days.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: Measure ES
  • Account Number: 85-90905-0-00000-85000-6200-011-2600
  • Budget Category: Construction
.VI.C.22. Approval of Project Assignment for Construction Management Services – Santa Monica High School – Discovery Building – Kitchell – Measure ES
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve issuance of a Project Assignment under the CM MSA for Construction Management Services to Kitchell for Santa Monica High School Discovery Building New Construction Project in the amount of $3,499,815.


On April 20, 2017, the Board of Education approved issuance of a Master Services Agreement (MSA) to 9 construction management firms.  On September 13, 2018, the District issued a project-specific Request for Proposals to all current CM MSA firms for full service construction management services for the Samohi Discovery Building New Construction Project (Phases I and II of the Samohi Campus Plan).  Proposals were due on September 27, 2018.  Six proposals were received from the following consultants:

  • Cumming Corporation
  • Kitchell
  • Vanir Construction Management
  • California Construction Management
  • Gafcon
  • Del Terra

All six proposing firms had been deemed qualified through the MSA review process, so all proposals were reviewed.  The proposals included proposed construction management teams, project-specific approaches and capabilities, and cost proposals, as requested.  Facility Improvement Projects staff, along with the Chief Operating Officer, the Samohi Dean of Students, and a member of the FDAC-SM reviewed the proposals and developed a shortlist of the three top-ranked firms to interview.  The three firms invited to be interviewed were Gafcon, Kitchell, and Vanir.

Interviews were held October 19, 2018.  Interviewers were the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services/CFO, Chief Operations Officer, Samohi Dean of Students, a member of the Facilities District Advisory Committee, Deputy Bond Program Manager Consultant, and Samohi Director of Projects Consultant.  Upon completion of the interviews, the interview panel unanimously recommended selection of the Kitchell team for award of the project assignment for this project.  In its proposal, Kitchell affirmatively stated that there is no known conflict of interest or any potential conflict of interest involving any District employee, consultant, or member of the Board of Education.  Kitchell’s proposal of $3,499,815 is based upon hourly billing rates for the services required throughout the expected duration of the work, and monthly invoicing will be submitted for actual hours worked in the previous month.  Funding for construction management services will be from Measure ES, Samohi allocation.

Financial Impact:

Funding Information

  • Budgeted: Yes
  • Fund: 85
  • Source: ES  
  • Account Number85-90904-0-00000-85000-5802-015-2600
  • Description: Construction Management
.VI.D. Personnel
.VI.D.1. Certificated Personnel - Elections, Separations
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the attached certificated appointments, separations and assignments.

Financial Impact:

Unless otherwise noted, all items are included in the 2018-2019 approved budget.

Certificated Personnel
.VI.D.2. Classified Personnel - Merit
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the attached appointments for Classified Personnel (merit system) be approved and/or ratified. 


All personnel will be properly elected in accordance with District policies and salary schedules. 

Classified Personnel - Merit
.VI.D.3. Classified Personnel - Non-Merit
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the attached appointments for Classified Personnel (merit system) be approved and/or ratified. 


All personnel will be properly elected in accordance with District policies and salary schedules. 

Classified Personnel - Non-Merit
.VI.D.4. Increase in Staffing (FTE) - Special Education
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve an increase in FTEs (1.625 total FTE), as indicated below in order to meet IEP requirements and student needs for the 2018-2019 school year.

Financial Impact:

The 2018-2019 budget will be adjusted $76,189 for salary and benefits.

  • ParaEducator 2 - new position/6 hours (0.75 FTE) - Lincoln Middle School
  • ParaEducator 3 - new position/6 hours (0.75 FTE) - Franklin Elementary
  • ParaEducator 1 - from 5 hours (0.625 FTE) to 6 hours (0.75 FTE) - Roosevelt Elementary
.VI.D.5. Adopt Resolution No. 18-13 - Board Member Absence on October 4, 2018
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education adopt Resolution No. 18-13 – Board Member Absence on October 4, 2018.


Board Member Oscar de la Torre was absent from the October 4, 2018, regular board meeting. 

Board Bylaw 9250 and Education Code 35120 provide that a member of the Board of Education may be paid for any meeting when absent if the board adopts a resolution excusing the absence due to performance of district-related duties during the time of a meeting, illness, jury duty, or hardship.

Resolution: Excuse Board Member Absence
Quick Summary / Abstract:
These items are considered to be of major interest and/or importance and are presented for action at this time. Some may have been discussed by the Board at a previous meeting.
.VIII.A. Adopt Resolution No. 18-14 - National Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Month (5 min)
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education adopt Resolution No. 18-14 – National Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Month. 


It is recommended that the Board of Education adopt Resolution No. 18-14 – National Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Month. 

Passed with a motion by Ms. Laurie Lieberman and a second by Ms. Maria Leon-Vazquez.
Yes Mr. Oscar de la Torre.
Yes Mr. Craig Foster.
Yes Mr. Jon Kean.
Yes Ms. Maria Leon-Vazquez.
Yes Ms. Laurie Lieberman.
Yes Mr. Ralph Mechur.
Yes Dr. Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein.

The signed resolution will be shared with the school sites to increase awareness and encourage participation in the celebration of the Native American and Native Alaskan cultures and teachings. 

Time start: 7:42 p.m. Time end: 7:43 p.m.
Resolution: National Native American Month
.VIII.B. Adopt Resolution No. 18-15 – Findings, Adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program, and Approval of the Malibu Schools Alignment Project (30 min)Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education (“Board”) adopt Resolution No. 18-15 to adopt findings, the Mitigated Negative Declaration (“MND”), and the Mitigation Monitoring Program (“MMP”), approve the Malibu Schools Alignment Project (“Proposed Project”), and direct staff to file a Notice of Determination with the County Clerk.


It is recommended that the Board of Education (“Board”) adopt Resolution No. 18-15 to adopt findings, the Mitigated Negative Declaration (“MND”), and the Mitigation Monitoring Program (“MMP”), approve the Malibu Schools Alignment Project (“Proposed Project”), and direct staff to file a Notice of Determination with the County Clerk.

Passed with a motion by Mr. Craig Foster and a second by Mr. Ralph Mechur.
Yes Mr. Oscar de la Torre.
Yes Mr. Craig Foster.
Yes Mr. Jon Kean.
Yes Ms. Maria Leon-Vazquez.
Yes Ms. Laurie Lieberman.
Yes Mr. Ralph Mechur.
Yes Dr. Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein.

The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (“District”) has been operating three small elementary schools in Malibu, two of which - Juan Cabrillo Elementary School and Point Dume Marine Science School - have fewer than 200 students each. These small schools face certain challenges, such as reduced collaboration for teachers within and among grade levels, limited program offerings, less efficient budgets, and reduced opportunities. 

While both Juan Cabrillo and Point Dume Elementary Schools are successful, the staff believe that combining the schools into one campus will improve instruction and learning.  Combining the schools will also allow the facilities to grow and adapt to support more inquiry- and project-based learning.  As the new school community blends and evolves, the facilities can be shifted to better support 21st Century learning, with the addition of permanent classrooms and lab/maker spaces, adjustable furniture to support varying modes of learning, breakout and small-group learning spaces, and expanded outdoor learning areas.

Over time, the new combined elementary school campus and Webster Elementary School can balance their enrollment to both serve equivalent numbers of students. 

This also gives MMHS and the middle school more autonomy and identity. Transferring the students from Juan Cabrillo Elementary School to the Point Dume Elementary School allows for the creation of a separate middle school.  While such a move creates more options for the high school and middle school, the main driver behind the Proposed Project is to create a robust 21st Century teaching and learning environment for all elementary school students in Malibu.

The anticipated specific benefits from combining the two elementary schools, include:

  • Fewer grade combination classes, where two grades are taught in the same classroom due to limited enrollment.
  • More course offerings, such as foreign languages, due to the increased population.
  • Greater interaction and collaboration among teachers and students as a result of a larger school community
  • Increased efficiency in support services.
  • Decreased expenditures by reducing redundancy of running two very small schools.

The mechanics of the Proposed Project are to move middle school students (Grades 6-8) out of MMHS and into Juan Cabrillo, to move elementary students (Grades K-5) from Juan Cabrillo to Point Dume.  This would be accomplished in two phases—one temporary, and the second, permanent.  Phase 1 would install ten portables (7 Classrooms [24' x 40'], 1 Kindergarten [36’ x 40’], 1 Administration [36' x 40'], and 1 Restroom [12' x 40']) to the existing Point Dume Elementary School grounds for operations at the start of the 2019-20 school year.  Phase 2 would replace the portables with two permanent buildings—a two-story Classroom Building and a single-story Administration Building at a later time, depending on obtaining funding.

To effectuate these transfers, the attendance boundary of Point Dume Elementary School would need to be expanded to include the entirety of Juan Cabrillo’s existing attendance boundary.  Juan Cabrillo’s attendance boundary would be changed to the entirety of Malibu for middle school students.  MMHS’ boundary for middle school students would be eliminated, even though the Juan Cabrillo and MMHS campus will have some shared facilities. 

The Superintendent and staff have held discussions and public meetings with members of the community for ideas and concerns regarding the Proposed Project. Community engagement included, the formation of a Visioning Committee for Malibu Schools, a blue-ribbon stakeholder group formed by the Superintendent, discussions with faculty and staff at the affected schools, meetings with the parents at the affected schools, a meeting with community residents near Point Dume Elementary School, discussions with civic leaders, and a discussion and action item before the Malibu Facility District Advisory Committee. Support for the Proposed Project has been nearly unanimous.

Consolidating the two elementary schools at the Point Dume Elementary campus by the start of the 2018-19 school year will be challenging. The Superintendent and many in the community support moving forward this year, rather than delaying.  Getting the two schools on the same campus will deliver the benefits of the larger school more quickly and will foster the integration of the two communities.

Over time, combining the support services and staffing of two very small elementary schools will result in a savings to the General Fund.  Staff is still developing the budget for the Proposed Project.

Once the Proposed Project was developed, the District engaged Placeworks to conduct environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (”CEQA”).  Placeworks determined that the Proposed Project could potentially cause significant environmental impacts, but with implementation of certain mitigation measures, there would be no remaining significant environmental impacts.  As a result, Placeworks prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration (“MND”) that discloses the components of the Proposed Project, analyzes the potential environmental impacts, and includes feasible mitigation measures to reduce those significant environmental impacts to less than significant.

On September 28, 2018, the District published the Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Proposed Project and released its MND for public review and comment. The comment period ended October 18, 2018, 20 days later.  Staff held a public hearing on the MND and Proposed Project on October 9, 2018, at the Point Dume Elementary school.  In all, nine comments were received.  Placeworks prepared responses to the comments and an Errata to the MND.  None of the comments disclose the potential that the mitigated Proposed Project would create a significant environmental impact.  Similarly, the Errata does not substantially change the MND and would not cause the Proposed Project to create a significant environmental impact.  Thus, no recirculation of the MND is required.

Placeworks prepared a proposed MMP for the Proposed Project, as required by CEQA, that incorporates all the mitigation measures identified in the MND as revised by the Errata. 

Based upon the MND and MMP, there is no substantial evidence or fair argument that the mitigated Proposed Project will potentially have a significant effect on the environment and the MND is the appropriate CEQA document to adopt in order to approve the Project.

Should the Board adopt the Resolution, the Proposed Project will be approved, and District staff will file a Notice of Determination with the Los Angeles County Clerk.


Staff anticipates that this item will require a total of 30 minutes, with 15 minutes for the staff report and 15 minutes for board member questions/ comments.

Time start: 7:43 p.m. Time end: 8:15 p.m.

Staff answered board members’ questions regarding the CEQA timeline process, placement and rental of the portables, components of the design, and current bus-ridership.
Malibu Alignment MND Resolution
Point Dume MND presentation
Quick Summary / Abstract:
These items are submitted by individual board members for information or discussion, as per Board Policy 9322.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A member of the public may request that a matter within the jurisdiction of the board be placed on the agenda of a regular meeting, as per Board Policy 9322. The request shall be in writing and be submitted to the superintendent or designee with supporting documents and information, if any, at least one week before the scheduled meeting date. Items submitted less than a week before the scheduled meeting date may be postponed to a later meeting in order to allow sufficient time for consideration and research of the issue. The board president and superintendent shall decide whether a request is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board. Items not within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board may not be placed on the agenda. In addition, the board president and superintendent shall determine if the item is merely a request for information or whether the issue is covered by an existing policy or administrative regulation before placing the item on the agenda.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A continuation of Section VIII, as needed. (If the number of persons wishing to address the Board of Education exceeds the time limit in section VIII, additional time will be provided in Section XVI, CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS.)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A Board member may make a brief announcement or report on his/her own activities relative to Board business. There can be no discussion under “BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS.”
* Ms. Leon-Vazquez requested that staff encourage the principals to remind their staff and students of safety precaution steps.
* Mr. de la Torre requested that the district consider postponing distribution of Police Activity League (PAL) flyers to families until they have assured the district that they are taking steps to address the allegations.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Items for future consideration will be listed with the projected date of consideration. The Board of Education will be given any backup information available at this time.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This meeting will adjourn to a regular meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 15, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. in the district office board room: 1651 16th St., Santa Monica, CA.   

It was moved by Mr. Kean, seconded by Mr. Mechur, and voted 7/0 to adjourn to closed session at 8:20 p.m. in memory of the victims of the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and the victims of the shooting in Louisville, and in honor of Dia de los Muertos, the board recognized each other’s loved ones who have passed. Closed session adjourned at 8:46 p.m. The next meeting is a regular meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 15, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. in the district office board room: 1651 16th St., Santa Monica, CA.
Disability Information:
The live stream of regular board meetings in progress are available online. Meetings in Malibu City Hall: Meetings at the district office: Meetings held at the District Office and in Malibu are taped and rebroadcast in Santa Monica on CityTV2, Cable Channel 20 – Check TV listing. Meetings are rebroadcast in Malibu on Government Access Ch. 3 every Saturday at 8pm. ---------------- In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, for those requiring special assistance to access the board meeting room, to access written documents being discussed at the board meeting, or to otherwise participate at board meetings, please contact the superintendent’s office at 310.450.8338 for assistance. Notification at least 48 hours before the meeting will enable the district to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the board meeting and to provide required accommodations, auxiliary aids or services.
11/1/2018 4:35:00 PM ( Original )
AbsentMr. Oscar de la Torre
PresentMr. Craig Foster
PresentMr. Jon Kean
PresentMs. Maria Leon-Vazquez
PresentMs. Laurie Lieberman
PresentMr. Ralph Mechur
PresentDr. Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein
11/1/2018 4:40:00 PM
PresentMr. Oscar de la Torre

The resubmit was successful.