
Board of Education Agenda 1447th Regular Meeting
Modesto City Schools
June 22, 2020 6:00PM
Board of Education - Board Room 425 Locust St

2021-22 Budget Certification All Funds
21-22 EPA Resolution
21-22 EPA Resolution
21-22 EPA Resolution
6-22-20 Board Agenda English
6-22-20 Board Agenda Spanish
A.1. Call to Order - 5:00 p.m.

In response to the Governor's Executive Order N-25-20 and Resolution 19/20-17 Delegating Authority to Take Necessary Action to Protect Students and Staff from the Spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), adopted by the Modesto City Schools (MCS) Board of Education on March 18, 2020, the MCS Board Meetings are closed to the public until further notice in accordance with state guidelines on social distancing. MCS Board Meetings are live-streamed and recorded, and available for viewing at 

New Process for Making Public Comments (as of 3/26/20) We value your comments and have created several options to ensure your voice is heard:

By Email: 
Members of the public are encouraged to submit public comments via email at Comments must be received by Noon (12:00 p.m.) on the day of the Board meeting. Only the first 250 words of your comment will be read. 

By Phone: 
If you are unable to email a public comment, please leave a phone message with your question or comment at (209) 574-1525 prior to Noon (12:00 p.m.) on the day of the Board meeting. 
Only the first 250 words of your comment will be read. 

Note: Public Comments received in Spanish will be translated. 

Public Comments may be read into the record based upon factors like the length of the agenda and the number of comments received. Public Comments via email or phone must be received by noon (12:00 p.m.) on the day of the Board meeting. All comments that are read into the record will be added to the minutes and approved at a subsequent Board meeting.

Board meeting will be translated in Spanish: Please dial 1+ (805) 324-7680 (toll free) Conference ID: 622 851 71#

A.2. Closed SessionConfidential agenda item.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Public comment regarding closed session items will be received before the Board goes into closed session.

A.2.1. Conference with District Labor Negotiator: RM regarding employee organizations: Modesto Teacher's Association and California Employee Association, Chapter No. 007; and Unrepresented Employee (Managers and Administrators)Confidential agenda item.
A.2.2. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/ReleaseConfidential agenda item.
A.2.3. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Board Representative: President Cindy Marks Unrepresented Employee: Dr. Sara NoguchiConfidential agenda item.
A.3. Moment of Silence - 6:00 p.m.
A.4. Pledge of Allegiance
A.5. Superintendent's Welcome/Announcements
A.6. Board of Education Members Reports
A.7. Approval of Consent Agenda
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Information concerning the consent items listed below has been forwarded to each Board member prior to this meeting for study and is on file at the Modesto-Stanislaus Library Reference Room, 1500 I Street; Modesto City Schools Superintendent’s Office and Receptionist’s Desk, 426 Locust Street, Modesto.

Copies of the complete agenda are available at the Board meeting, 425 Locust Street. Unless some member of the audience or Board member has a question concerning an item and asks that it be withdrawn from the consent list, the items are approved at one time by the Board.  The action taken by the Board in approving consent items is set forth in the explanation of the individual items.

A.8. Approval of Order of Discussion/Action Items
A.9. Period for Public Presentations
Quick Summary / Abstract:

In response to the Governor's Executive Order N-25-20 and Resolution 19/20-17 Delegating Authority to Take Necessary Action to Protect Students and Staff from the Spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), adopted by the Modesto City Schools (MCS) Board of Education on March 18, 2020, the MCS Board Meetings are closed to the public until further notice in accordance with state guidelines on social distancing.

New Process for Making Public Comments (as of 3/26/20)

We value your comments and have created several options to ensure your voice is heard:

By Email: 
Members of the public are encouraged to submit public comments via email at . Comments must be received by Noon (12:00 p.m.) on the day of the Board meeting. Only the first 250 words of your comment will be read. 

By Phone: If you are unable to email a public comment, please leave a phone message with your question or comment at (209) 574-1525 prior to Noon (12:00 p.m.) on the day of the Board meeting. Only the first 250 words of your comment will be read. 

Note: Public Comments received in Spanish will be translated. 

Public Comments may be read into the record based upon factors like the length of the agenda and the number of comments received. Public Comments via email or phone must be received by noon (12:00 p.m.) on the day of the Board meeting. All comments that are read into the record will be added to the minutes and approved at a subsequent Board meeting.

For Public Comment (submitted by email or phone), please provide the following:

1. Name
2. Affiliation (if any)
3. Phone number (in case we need further clarification)
4. Address – optional
5. Topic or Item on the agenda you wish to address 
     (only the first 250 words of your comment will be read)

B.1. (30 mins) Report on the Opening of Schools
Mark Herbst
Based on guidance from public health officials and local and state agencies, Modesto City Schools looks toward and plans for the safe reopening of all schools and offices. Thoughtful insight has gone into developing safeguards and protocols to be put in place to minimize health and safety risks for all students and staff. We are acutely aware of and respect the ultimate decisions of parents/guardians in choosing a learning model that will work best for their student(s).

Goal 3: Provide a safe, welcoming, and respectful learning environment for every member of the school community while ensuring effective district-wide communication for students, staff, families, and community partners.

Keeping in mind that this situation is still very fluid, we are currently planning for two primary instructional models:

• Traditional Model which will provide for safeguards and protocols including an effective transition to Distance Learning in the event of quarantines or school closure(s).
• Modesto Virtual Academy (TK-12) which will provide for independent study using Florida Virtual School Curriculum and MCS credentialed teachers.

General Guidelines – Staying home when sick (students and staff), frequent hand washing, the use of masks, and temperature checks. Each school site will be equipped with thermometers and a separate quarantine room for any student or staff member displaying symptoms of the virus. School nurses may choose to conduct random temperature checks. If any student or staff member is confirmed to have contracted the virus, the entire school community will be notified and the County Health Officer will direct next steps.

Classroom Protocols – Desks will be arranged to allow for maximum space between students and staff. Hand sanitizer will be available in instructional areas. Classroom entry/exit routines will be established to support social distancing. Shared devices will be cleaned regularly according sanitization guidelines.

Transportation Protocols – All bus routes will be continuously evaluated for maximum efficiency. In order to ride the bus, students will be required to wear a mask and sanitize their hands upon entering the vehicle. Social distancing will be utilized when possible.

Cafeteria/Lunch Protocols – Lunchtime schedules may be staggered to reduce the number of students being served at any one time. Sanitizer will be available before and after lunch. Tables will be available both inside and outside. Social distancing will be maintained to the extent possible.

Restroom Protocols – All restrooms will be routinely checked for cleanliness, sanitation, and appropriate supplies. Students will be trained and reminded to wash their hands frequently.

Recess Protocols – Students will be reminded of social distancing practices. Use of balls and equipment will be evaluated on their use on August 10, 2020. All students will be required to sanitize hands before reentry into the classroom.

Choir/Band/Drama Protocols – Instruction in these areas will be modified to align with the safety recommendations of the County Health Officer. Performances and competitions are suspended until it is determined by the County Health Officer that participation is safe.

Physical Education Protocols – Students at the junior high and high school levels will take roll outside the locker room before dressing for the activity and will be required to sanitize their hands before entering the locker room. Showers at the junior high and high school levels will not be allowed until the County Health Officer rules them safe. Social distancing will be maintained during both indoor and outdoor activities for all students.

Athletic Sports Protocols – Effective June 15, 2020, organized team activities are being allowed with the following protocols:
• Must be conditioning and skill-based only
• No equipment may be used
• All activities must be done outside
• Social distancing will be followed where practical and possible
• Athletes are to come dressed for the activities
• No locker room will be available
• Athlete groups are no greater than 25 per coach

In the coming week, both the County Health Officer and the California Interscholastic Federation will make a determination of the sports that can be safely placed this fall.

Before and After School Program Protocols – These programs will be offered and will follow the same safety procedures as the regular school day.

Community Protocols – No outside or parent classroom volunteers will be allowed until the County Health Officer approves their participation. Use of school facilities by outside entities will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Use of outside space may be permitted. Use of indoor facilities will largely depend on the entities’ proven ability to sanitize the facility after use.
Recommended Motion:
Our priority continues to focus on the educating of our students while doing our best to protect them and our staff from the spread of the virus. Ongoing communication, analysis, and evaluation of these initial guidelines will continue. Plans will be developed in accordance with the County Public Health Officer and other Stanislaus County school districts. As a reminder, the State of California could issue mandates that may require us to make changes to this plan.
PowerPoint - Opening of Schools
B.2. (10 mins) Report on 2020 Summer Enrichment Program
Kim Newton

Each year, Modesto City Schools offers Summer enrichment classes to students.  Due to school closures because of the COVID-19 virus, a K-12 virtual program has been developed to offer enrichment opportunities for Modesto City Schools students.

 A report will be presented by Kimberly Newton to explain the program and courses to be offered. 

1.5  Ensure students have access to enrichment activities at all school sites.

Summer Enrichment
Summer Enrichment Board Report
B.3. (5 mins) Report on and Approval of New Specialized English Language Development Curriculum for Newcomers (7-8) and (9-12)
Kim Newton

As a result of AB 2735 and Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) findings, Modesto City Schools was required to restructure how specialized English Language Development was provided to our newcomers.

On May 20, 2020, a committee comprised of Language Institute teachers and Administrators met to review Program 5 curricular options and recommended the adoption of Everyday English as a specialized English Language Development program for newcomers.

Please see attached Board Report.

1.1:   Ensure Great Instruction First Time.
1.2:   Increase students being identified as “prepared” in the college/career indicators.
1.3:   Increase English Learner growth toward English proficiency.

Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education receive the report on and approve the new specialized English Language Development curriculum for newcomers (7-8) and (9-12).
Board Report LI Adoption
PPT LI Curriculum Adoption
B.4. (30 mins) Public Hearing and Conditional Approval of the 2020/21 Budget for All Funds, Certification of the 2020/21 Budget and Authorization to Transmit Copies to Local and State Agencies
Tim Zearley

The District is required to adopt its annual budget by June 30 of each year and to transmit the adopted budget to the Stanislaus County Office of Education and the California Department of Education.

Multiyear projections are required to be included with the budget by AB1200 and AB2756 and are not to be considered forecasts, but rather projections based on mathematical calculations as a result of today’s decision based on a given set of assumptions.

4.1:  Implement sustainable plan for the budget under the Local Control Funding Formula.

A budget has been prepared for Board approval that incorporates State funding levels based on the Governor’s January and revised May budget proposal.  Potential revisions will be brought to the Board when the impact of the final State budget is known.

In submitting the 2020/21 Adopted Budget, the Board understands its fiduciary responsibility to maintain fiscal solvency for the current and subsequent two fiscal years.

Financial Impact:

While the District’s proposed 2020/21 budget is in balance with sufficient reserves for economic uncertainties, it recognizes that subsequent fiscal years are dependent upon a certain level of continued Local Control Funding Formula and will need to be monitored closely to determine necessary budget reductions to ensure fiscal solvency and alignment with the proposed Local Control and Accountability Plan.

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that, following a public hearing, the Board of Education approve the 2020/21 budget for all funds, certify the 2020/21 budget, and authorize staff to transmit copies to local and state agencies.

20-21 Budget Hearing and Certification
Budget Hearing Narrative Adoption 20-21
PPT 20-21 Budget Hearing and Adoption
B.5. (10 mins) Approval of Amendment to Employment Agreement with Dr. Sara Noguchi, Superintendent
Cindy Marks, Board President
Each year the superintendent is evaluated by the Board of Education followed by the preparation of a proposed amended employment agreement for the superintendent for the next school year. The proposed contract is presented at the June Board meeting and voted on by the Board.

The superintendent’s evaluation and contract align with all Modesto City Schools’ strategic goals.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the amendment to the employment agreement with Dr. Sara Noguchi, Superintendent.
Supt Noguchi Contract 2020-21
C.1. Approval of May Revisions to the Adopted 2019/20 Budget

The Board adopted the 2019/20 budget on June 24, 2019.  Adjustments to the budget are made regularly based on known changes to revenue or the level/category of expenditures.

4.1 Implement sustainable plan for the budget under the Local Control Funding Formula.

The Education Code requires that the Board approve major changes to the adopted budget.

Budget adjustments which have been processed for the period between May 1, 2020 and May 31, 2020 are presented in the following reports.  Explanations are provided for adjustments over $25,000 for revenue and expenditure groups by fund.  This report reflects adjustments to the budget only, not a complete financial statement.  Copies of the full report are available for review in the Budget Department.

Financial Impact:

The adjusted budget retains all State and Board designated reserves.

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the May revisions to the adopted 2019/20 budget.

C.2. Approval for NorCal ReLiEF to Provide the District With Property, General Liability, Crime, Cyber Liability, Equipment Breakdown Coverage, and Excess Liability Insurances in Fiscal Year 2020/21 and for the District to Pay NorCal ReLiEF the First of Five Annual Installments to Fund a Risk Management Reserve

In September 30, 2019, the Board approved the District joining the Northern California Regional Liability Excess Fund (NorCal ReLiEF). This will be the District’s first full fiscal year of participation in the Pool.

Goal Four:  Ensure the District is fiscally and operationally sound.

The District will purchase property, general liability, crime, cyber liability, equipment breakdown coverage, and excess liability insurance and pay the first of five equal annual installments into a Risk Management Reserve Fund administered by NorCal ReLiEF.  The Risk Management Reserve Fund accumulates funds to pay for the appraisal of the District’s property every five years. The new policy year is from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

The premium proposal is attached, and the summarized 2020/21 program costs are listed below:

                      Property, General Liability, Crime,
                      Cyber Liability, Equipment Breakdown          $1,573,084     

                      Excess Liability Insurance (2 Layers from
                      SAFER JPA, a Keenan Entity)                       $   196,214                                                  

                       Risk Management Reserve
                       (1st of 5 annual payments)                             $     54,078

                                                                            TOTAL:      $1,823,376

Financial Impact:

Payment of the above cost of $1,823,376 for fiscal year 2020/21 will be paid from Risk Management’s Self-Insurance Fund.

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve NorCal ReLiEF to provide property, general liability, crime, cyber liability, equipment breakdown coverage, and excess liability insurances in Fiscal Year 2020/21 and for the District to pay NorCal ReLiEF the first of five annual installments to fund a Risk Management Reserve.

C.3. Approval of Authorization to Utilize Omnia Partners Contract #R191815 for the Purchase of Furniture from School Specialty, Inc.

Purchases are required for various supplies, commodities or services during the course of each year.

Goal Four: Ensure the District is fiscally and operationally sound.

The cost to purchase various supplies, commodities or services each year exceeds the current bid threshold and competitive bids must be sought or identified to meet formal bid requirements per Public Contract Code Section 20111(a).

Existing contracts are in place for the purchase of certain supplies, commodities or services for each fiscal year. On May 18, 2020, the Board of Education approved authorization to renew specific contracts with specific vendors for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Throughout the year, additional cooperative or “piggy-backable” contracts are made available and require Board approval to utilize. Cooperative or “piggy-backable” contracts meet bidding requirements and are utilized to achieve greater cost savings. 

Omnia Partners awarded a public bid contract (Bid # R191815) to School Specialty, Inc.  The bid was competitively solicited and publicly awarded to allow for multiple public agency use as required by provision 20118 of the Public Contract Code. The contract is valid until April 30, 2023 with an option to renew two (2) additional years.

Upon review, it is staff’s determination that the District would derive more benefit by utilizing this cooperative contract to purchase and install various classroom furniture, supplies, furnishings and equipment than to seek separate bids.

Financial Impact:
On May 18, 2020, the Governing Board approved the estimated annual expenditure of $500,000 utilizing the noted contracts to purchase classroom furniture, school supplies, furnishings and equipment from School Specialty, Inc. There is no additional financial impact with approving this cooperative contract.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve authorization to utilize Omnia Partners Contract #R191815 for the purchase of furniture from School Specialty, Inc.
C.4. Approval of Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Contract with Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. for 2020/21

Each school year, as required by the Education Code, the District makes available to parents and guardians a Student Accident Insurance Policy issued by a leading insurer.  If a major injury occurs to a student–athlete who has purchased student accident insurance, policy limits would be reached very quickly.  This could have two possible effects:

(1)    A parent or guardian without other medical insurance would incur a significant personal expense.

(2)    The District may be sued and have to defend itself against a bodily injury claim that has no legal  merit, but which may generate significant defense costs.

Goal Four:  Ensure the District is fiscally and operationally sound.

The District needs to purchase a catastrophic student accident insurance policy for the 2020/21 school year.

The District received a quote from Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc.  The quoted cost for 2020/21 will be $6.26 per student with 3,000 students participating.  The premium cost is the same amount paid by the District in 2019/20.  Major benefits of this policy include:

(1)    Accident Medical Expense (excess) with a 10-year benefit period of up to a $5,000,000 paid maximum, subject to a $25,000 deductible if the first expense is incurred within 180 days of the covered accident.

(2)    Catastrophic Cash Benefit of up to $1,000,000, where “as a result of a covered Injury, an Insured Person suffers Paralysis, Coma, or Brain death,” which “must occur within 180 days from the date of the Accident and continue for 6 consecutive months and have a prognosis that such loss will be permanent.”

(3)    Accidental Death & Dismemberment of $50,000 payable in the event of death resulting from a covered accident to an insured.

Financial Impact:

The total cost of $18,780 will be paid from the District’s Self-Insurance Fund.

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Contract with Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. for 2020/21.

C.5. Approval of Resolution No. 19/20-21, Resolution Supporting Award of Lease-Leaseback Agreements, to Acme Construction Company, Inc. for the Bret Harte 50s Wing Fire Reconstruction and Wilson Cafeteria Construction Project and Authorization to Negotiate a Guaranteed Maximum Price

Staff has identified a couple of projects that need to be addressed. 
• A fire destroyed the 50s Wing of Bret Harte Elementary School.  Plans for a replacement building have been approved by the Division of State Architect (DSA).
• Wilson Elementary School is in need of a new multi-purpose building to replace the existing cafeteria.

Because of timing and coordination issues, it has been determined that bringing these projects together under one contract would be most beneficial to the District.  The best construction method to accomplish this is lease-leaseback.

Goal 4.3 Invest in school facilities and infrastructure for safe and clean facilities.

Education Code section 17406 requires the District to award lease-leaseback contracts based on a competitive selection process to the developer providing the best value to the District.  According to the Board adopted best value procedures and guidelines, the District needs to issue a request for qualification and proposal (RFQ/P) for the construction and sitework services at various sites project.

On March 20, 2020, the District released RFQ/P No. 20-4732, Lease-Leaseback Preconstruction and Construction Services for the Bret Harte 50s Wing Fire Reconstruction and Wilson Cafeteria Construction Project with a due date of April 30, 2020.  The District received proposals from Acme Construction Company, Inc. and Robert E. Boyer Construction, Inc.  Interviews of both developers were conducted on May 19, 2020.

Based on the proposals and interviews, Acme Construction Company, Inc. was ranked as the best value to the District.  The Board of Education needs to approve the attached resolution to support the award of lease-leaseback agreements to Acme Construction Company, Inc. and authorize staff to negotiate a guaranteed maximum price for the Bret Harte 50s wing fire reconstruction and Wilson cafeteria construction project.

Financial Impact:
The estimated cost for these projects is $10,055,000 and will be funded from the insurance proceeds and Elementary general obligation bond fund.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Resolution No. 19/20-21, Resolution Supporting Award of Lease-Leaseback Agreements, to Acme Construction Company, Inc. for the Bret Harte 50s wing fire reconstruction and Wilson cafeteria construction project and authorization to negotiate a guaranteed maximum price. 
C.6. Approval of Resolution No. 19/20-23 Adopting the Education Protection Account for Fiscal Year 2020-21

Pursuant to Article XIII, Section 36 of the California Constitution, Local Education Agencies are required to determine how the monies received from the Education Protection Account are spent in the school, or schools, within its jurisdiction, provided that the Governing Board makes the spending determinations in an open session of a public meeting.  The language in the constitutional amendment requires that the funds shall not be used for the salaries and benefits of administrators or any other administrative costs.

4.1 Implement sustainable plan for the budget under the Local Control Funding Formula.

Financial Impact:
There is no fiscal impact.
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Resolution No. 19/20-23 adopting the Education Protection Account for fiscal year 2020-21.

C.7. Approval of School Crossing Guard Insurance Contract with Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. for 2020/21

The District’s Student School Crossing Guard Program is a well-established one in which   traffic safety and personal responsibility are emphasized to elementary school students.  Approximately 900 students participate in this program.

The District first purchased an excess medical insurance policy for students in the program in June 2003.

Goal Four:  Ensure the District is fiscally and operationally sound.

The District needs to purchase a new excess medical insurance policy for the 2020/21 school year.

For 2019/20, Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. has quoted the District its rate of $2.46 per student for an excess policy that would provide these benefits: $25,000 maximum medical expense per accident; $10,000 in the event of accidental death; and $0 deductible subject to 80% of usual, customary and reasonable charges.   

Since this is an excess policy, it will not duplicate primary benefits if an injured student is already covered by medical insurance.  If an injured student has no medical insurance, then this policy will pay subject to its policy limits and terms.

A copy of the agreement is available for review in the Risk Management Department.

Financial Impact:

The total cost of $2,214.00 for the 2020/21 policy year is the same amount paid by the District in 2019/20 and will be paid from the District’s Self-Insurance Fund.

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the School Crossing Guard Insurance Contract with Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. for 2020/21.

C.8. Approval of Service Agreement with Electronic Waste Recovery Center for Electronic Waste Removal for the 2020-21 School Year

Each site in the District generates electronic waste (fluorescent and incandescent bulbs, batteries, mercury thermostats, etc.).  This electronic waste needs to be removed from each site on a monthly basis and disposed of legally and safely.

Goal Four:  Ensure the District is fiscally and operationally sound.

Electronic waste needs to be removed from each District site and disposed of legally and safely by a company certified to do so.

Electronic Waste Recovery Center is certified to legally and safely remove and dispose of the District’s electronic waste and has agreed to provide its services to all District sites. 

 A copy of the services agreement is available in the Risk Management Department for review.

Financial Impact:

The estimated total cost is not to exceed $30,000 and will be funded by Risk Management.

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the Service Agreement with Electronic Waste Recovery Center for electronic waste removal for the 2020-21 school year.

C.9. Approval of Technology Purchases

As we begin processing requisitions for 2020/21 school year and due to COVID-19 remote work, transparency of purchases has become instrumental in the success of the K12 Distance Learning Environment and the districts goal of fiscal responsibility. The following purchases will continue the levels of existing service and new demands of service. These purchases will either replace existing antiquated tools or bridge necessary technology gaps in the District.

3.5 Improve operational efficiencies through the use of technology and improved network infrastructure.
Goal Four: Ensure the District is fiscally and operationally sound.
4.3 Invest in school facilities and infrastructure for safe and clean facilities.
4.4 Plan and implement short and long-term strategies to decrease declining enrollment

Financial Impact:
See attached summary. The total cost for the technology purchase is funded by the ETS General Fund not to exceed $555,167.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve technology purchases as outlined in the attached list.
Technology Purchases for 2020/21
C.10. Ratification of Purchase Orders and VISA Payments for the Month of May 2020

Purchase orders and VISA payments are tracked each month.  

Goal Four: Ensure the District is fiscally and operationally sound.

Board Policy 3300 requires Board review of all individual purchase orders issued in excess of $1,000 and all purchase orders less than $1,000 by fund total.  All purchases are done in accordance with Board Policy, Education Code, Public Contract Code, and/or other applicable regulatory requirements.

Board of Education approval will allow the District to meet Board Policy 3300 requirements.  A copy of the report is available for review in the Purchasing Department.

Financial Impact:
Funds have been budgeted to cover all expenses for the month of May 2020.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the purchase orders and VISA payments for the month of May 2020.
C.11. Ratification of Warrants Drawn for the Months of March, April and May 2020


Goal Four:  Ensure the District is fiscally and operationally sound.

The Business Services Division draws warrants on a weekly basis to pay the bills of the District.  Payroll warrants are drawn on the 15th of the month for claims, and on the last working day of the month for monthly employees.

The California Education Code section 42631 requires the Board of Education to approve all expenditures of the District.

Board of Education approval will allow the District to meet Education Code and Annual Audit requirements.

The expenditures are included in the District’s budget for fiscal year 2019/20.

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify warrants drawn for the months of
March, April and May 2020.

D.1. Approval for Head Start Non-Federal Share (NFS) Waiver Request

Modesto City Schools is requesting a Non-Federal Share (NFS) waiver for program year 2019-2020 from Stanislaus County Office of Education which requires approval from the Board of Education.  The current approved NFS Required amount is $972,215.  The amount of reduction requested is $50,000.  This reduction is due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The justification is aligned to Head Start Act Section 640(b)(1-5):  Community affected by a major disaster. 

Goal One: Increase academic achievement and ensure equitable access to enable all students to attain college and career readiness.
Goal Three: Provide a safe, welcoming, and respectful learning environment for every member of the school community while ensuring effective district-wide communication for students, staff, families, and community partners.

Financial Impact:

There is no financial impact to the District.

Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Modesto City Schools Board of Education approve this request.
D.2. Approval of Adoption of Operations Written Report COVID-19
Executive Order N-56-20 calls for a school closure plan to be developed and adopted by July, 2020, at the same meeting that the district budget is adopted.

Goal 1.4: Develop a Multi-Tiered System of Support for all students.
Goal 3: Provide a safe, welcoming, and respectful learning environment for every member of the school community while ensuring effective district-wide communication for students, staff, families, and community partners.

The written report explains to the community the changes to program offerings that the LEA has made in response to school closures to address the COVID-19 emergency and the major impacts of such closures on students and families.

The written report includes:
• An overview explaining the changes to program offerings that the LEA has made in response to school closures to address the COVID-19 emergency and the major impacts of the closures on students and families.
• A description of how the LEA is meeting the needs of its English learners, foster youth, and low-income students.
• A description of the steps that have been taken by the LEA to continue delivering high-quality distance learning opportunities.
• A description of the steps that have been taken by the LEA to provide school meals while maintaining social distancing practices.
• A description of the steps that have been taken by the LEA to arrange for supervision of students during ordinary school hours.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education adopt the Operations Written Report
MCS COVID-19 Operations Written Report
D.3. Approval of Instructional Agreement with Modesto Engineering Industrial Technical School

Modesto Junior College has provided selected course options to Modesto City Schools’ high school students as part of various program offerings over the last 20 years.  Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, Modesto City Schools and Modesto Junior College will partner to provide a structured transition pathway for college course options via the Modesto Engineering Industrial Technical School Program (MEITS).  Elliott Alternative Education junior students have been identified through a pre-acceptance process and will continue their high school education through the MEITS program pathway. 

1.2:    Increase students being identified as “prepared” in the college/career indicators.

An agreement between Modesto City Schools and Modesto Junior College has been drafted and requires approval for the MEITS program for the 2020-21 school year.

Yosemite Community College District will provide closed-to-the public and open-to-the public college courses to support the Career Guidance Pathway goals for student course options during the 2020-21 academic year as well as provide MJC-qualified instructors or professional experts.  Modesto City Schools will provide qualified teachers for delivery of “high school classes” for Elliott students enrolled in the MEITS program.  Services will be rendered between August 10, 2020 and June 30, 2021.  Copies of the agreement are available upon request in the  Educational Options office.

Financial Impact:
The agreement will not exceed $130,000.  The funding source has been identified as supplemental and concentration grant funds. 
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the instructional agreement to provide course options at Modesto Junior College as the Modesto Engineering and Technical Program, 2020-21.
D.4. Approval of Instructional Agreement with Modesto Technical School

Modesto Junior College has offered selected course options to Modesto City Schools’ high school students as the Modesto Technical School for over 20 years.  

1.2 Increase students being identified as "prepared" in the college/career indicators.

An agreement is needed to extend this program for the 2020-21 school year.

Yosemite Community College District will provide qualified community college staff for courses and on-campus classrooms during college and designated high school days of operation in a calendar year.  Copies of the agreement are available upon request in the Educational Options office.

Financial Impact:
The agreement will not exceed $89,093.  The funding source has been identified in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the instructional agreement with Modesto Technical School.

D.5. Approval of Annual Services Agreement with Stanislaus County Police Activities League (PAL)
The District operates After School Education and Safety Programs (ASES) at Bret Harte, Burbank, Fairview, Franklin, Fremont, Kirschen, Marshall, Martone, Muir, Orville Wright, Robertson Road, Rose Avenue, Shackelford, and Tuolumne Elementary Schools, Hanshaw Middle School, and Roosevelt Junior High School. For the past several years, the District has contracted with the Stanislaus County Police Activities League for additional staff to implement educational and enrichment programs.

For the past several years, there has been an additional need to provide structured recreational lunchtime activities at Beard, Burbank, Fairview, Muir, Orville Wright, Rose Avenue, and Tuolumne. Stanislaus County Police Activities League (PAL) has developed recreational activities for the students at these schools.

1.5 Ensure students have access to enrichment activities at all school sites.

As part of the After School Education and Safety grant and the 21st Century Community Learning Center grant requirements, the District must partner with community-based organizations to provide program components.

To support the Positive Behavior and Intervention Support (PBIS) programs, schools have identified the need to provide structured lunchtime activities for students.

After School Education and Safety (ASES)
The Stanislaus County Police Activities League (PAL) will provide additional staff to implement educational and enrichment activities for the students participating in the After School Education and Safety Programs (ASES) at Bret Harte, Burbank, Fairview, Franklin, Fremont, Kirschen, Marshall, Martone, Muir, Orville Wright, Robertson Road, Rose Avenue, Shackelford and Tuolumne Elementary Schools, Hanshaw Middle School, and Roosevelt Junior High School.

Structured Lunchtime Activities
Stanislaus County Police Activities League (PAL) will provide additional staff to implement structured lunchtime activities for students at Beard, Burbank, Fairview, Muir, Orville Wright, Rose Avenue, and Tuolumne.

Copies of the service agreements are available for review in the Student Support Services/Intervention Programs office.
Financial Impact:
Stanislaus County PAL will provide services to ASES and for structured lunchtime activities for a total cost not to exceed $2,995,000. The funding sources have been identified as After School Education and Safety (ASES) grant, 21st Century Community Learning Center grant, Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), and categorical.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the services agreement with Stanislaus County Police Activities League (PAL).
D.6. Approval of New Junior High School Course Outlines: English Language Arts
Course outlines are developed for each junior high and high school class by a committee of representative teachers and administrators.  The outlines include instructional texts and materials, expectations for student learning, units of study, unit credit, grading, and other course elements.  The course outlines and texts are then submitted to Associate Principals, Principals, and the Senior Director(s), Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Development, for review and recommendation.

1.1 Ensure Great Instruction First Time.
1.2 Increase students being identified as “prepared” in the college/career indicators.

The following new course outline, including texts, have been approved by representative teachers, the High School Associate Principals, Principals, and the Senior Director(s), Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Development.

New Courses:

ELA 7 Support
ELA 8 Support
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the new junior high school course outlines:  English Language Arts.

D.7. Approval of New High School Course Outline: English Language Arts

Course outlines are developed for each junior high and high school class by a committee of representative teachers and administrators.  The outlines include instructional texts and materials, expectations for student learning, units of study, unit credit, grading, and other course elements.  The course outlines and texts are then submitted to Associate Principals, Principals, and the Senior Director(s), Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Development, for review and recommendation.

1.1 Ensure Great Instruction First Time.
1.2 Increase students being identified as “prepared” in the college/career indicators.

The following revised course outline, including texts, have been approved by representative teachers, the High School Associate Principals, Principals, and the Senior Director(s), Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Development.

New Course:

ELA 9 Support

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the new high school course outline:  English Language Arts.

D.8. Approval of New High School Course Outlines: Science

Course outlines are developed for each junior high and high school class by a committee of representative teachers and administrators.  The outlines include instructional texts and materials, expectations for student learning, units of study, unit credit, grading, and other course elements.  The course outlines and texts are then submitted to Associate Principals, Principals, and the Senior Director(s), Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Development, for review and recommendation.

1.1 Ensure Great Instruction First Time.
1.2 Increase students being identified as “prepared” in the college/career indicators.

The following new course outline, including texts, have been approved by representative teachers, the High School Associate Principals, Principals, and the Senior Director(s), Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Development.

New Course:

Biology:  The Living Earth

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the new high school course outlines:  Science.

D.9. Approval of New High School Course Outlines: US Army JROTC 1-2, Cybersecurity 1-2, Cybersecurity 3-4, Web Application Development

Course outlines are developed for each junior high and high school class by a committee of representative teachers and administrators. The outlines include instructional texts and material, expectations for student learning, units of study, unit credit, grading, and other course elements. The course outlines and texts are then submitted to Associate Principals, and the Senior Director, Educational Options, for review and recommendation.

1.1 Ensure Great Instruction First Time
1.2 Increase students being identified as “prepared” in the college/career indicators

The following course outlines, including texts, have been approved by representative teachers, the High School Associate Principals and the Senior Director, Educational Options.

New Courses:
US Army JROTC 1-2
Cybersecurity 1-2
Cybersecurity 3-4
Web Application Development

Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the new high school course outlines:US Army JROTC 1-2, Cybersecurity 1-2, Cybersecurity 3-4, Web Application Development.
D.10. Approval of Revised High School Course Outlines: Academic Language Development

The revisioned course outlines have been revised to meet UC Doorways A- G criteria.  The revisions enable English learner students enrolled in ALD to receive a “G” elective credit for an ALD course.

Course outlines are developed for each junior high and high school class by a committee of representative teachers and administrators.  The outlines include instructional texts and materials, expectations for student learning, units of study, unit credit, grading, and other course elements.  The course outlines and texts are then submitted to Associate Principals, Principals, and the Senior Director(s), Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Development, for review and recommendation.

1.1 Ensure Great Instruction First Time.
1.2 Increase students being identified as “prepared” in the college/career indicators.

The following revised course outline, including texts, have been approved by representative teachers, the High School Associate Principals, Principals, and the Senior Director(s), Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Development.

Revised Courses:

Academic Language Development A
Academic Language Development B
Academic Language Development C

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the revised high school course outlines:  Academic Language Development.

D.11. Approval of Revised and New High School Course Outlines: Mathematics

The revised course outlines are being updated to reflect the most recent adoption as well as the course sequencing change from an integrated sequence.

Course outlines are developed for each junior high and high school class by a committee of representative teachers and administrators.  The outlines include instructional texts and materials, expectations for student learning, units of study, unit credit, grading, and other course elements.  The course outlines and texts are then submitted to Associate Principals, Principals, and the Senior Director(s), Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Development, for review and recommendation.

1.1 Ensure Great Instruction First Time.
1.2 Increase students being identified as “prepared” in the college/career indicators.

The following revised and new course outlines, including texts, have been approved by representative teachers, the High School Associate Principals, Principals, and the Senior Director(s), Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Development.

Revised Courses:

Algebra I
Algebra 2

New Courses:

Honors Algebra I
Honors Geometry
Honors Algebra 2

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the revised and new high school course outlines:  Mathematics.

D.12. Approval of Revised High School Course Outlines: IB (International Baccalaureate)

Revisions are due to changes made to the IB Math curriculum to match current IB guidelines and course sequences.

Course outlines are developed for each junior high and high school class by a committee of representative teachers and administrators.  The outlines include instructional texts and materials, expectations for student learning, units of study, unit credit, grading, and other course elements.  The course outlines and texts are then submitted to Associate Principals, Principals, and the Senior Director(s), Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Development, for review and recommendation.

1.1 Ensure Great Instruction First Time.
1.2 Increase students being identified as “prepared” in the college/career indicators.

The following revised course outlines, including texts, have been approved by representative teachers, the High School Associate Principals, Principals, and the Senior Director(s), Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Development.

Revised Courses:

IBSL Mathematics:  Applications and Interpretations I
IBHL Mathematics:  Applications and Interpretations II
IBSL Mathematics:  Analysis and Approaches I
IBHL Mathematics:  Analysis and Approaches II
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the revised high school course outlines:  IB (International Baccalaureate).

D.13. Approval of Migrant Education Program District Services Agreement (DSA) and Partnership Agreement

The Migrant Education Program provides a variety of supplemental services to the children of migrant agriculture workers to help meet their unique educational needs. In addition to the assistance provided in the instructional program, this federally-funded program provides help in the areas of support services.

Annually, the Board of Education must approve the partnership agreements between Modesto Elementary and Modesto High School Districts and the Merced County Office of Education, which operates the Region III Migrant Education Program.

The Merced County Office of Education, Migrant Education Program, will provide a variety of supplemental support services to Migrant students through home visitations, Saturday tutoring and after-school tutoring at selected sites. The counselor assistant/tutors will provide supplementary tutoring in study skills, English as a Second Language (ESL), credit accrual, and core academic subjects based on an extended-day setting. In addition, supportive services liaisons will be assigned the task of identification, recruitment, and enrollment of eligible students. They will also facilitate supportive services including emergency health referrals, dental, medical, and social services necessary for the students’ academic progress.

1:  Increase academic achievement and ensure equitable access to enable all students to attain college and career readiness.

A copy of the services agreement is available in the Curriculum & Instruction Professional Development Department for review.

Financial Impact:

The total cost for the program is funded by the Region III Migrant Education Program.

Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the Migrant Education Program District Services Agreement (DSA) and Partnership Agreement.
D.14. Approval of Modesto City Schools Services Agreement for 2020-2021 with United Cab, LLC.

Modesto City Schools contracts with outside service providers, when necessary, to provide services that are unable to be provided by the District. State and Federal law indicates transportation must be provided to Foster and Homeless Youth who meet specific criteria. In most all cases, transportation for Foster and Homeless youth is provided by Modesto City Schools staff. Service Agreements for transportation are generated to provide services the District is otherwise unable to provide.

1.4:  Develop a Multi-Tiered System of Support for all students.

Modesto City Schools has identified United Cab, LLC as a service provider for the 2020-2021 school year to assist the District with meeting the unique transportation needs of Foster and Homeless students.

Modesto City Schools proposes to contract with United Cab, LLC to provide transportation to Foster and Homeless youth when the District is otherwise unable to provide such transportation.

Copies of the services agreement is available in Modesto City Schools’ Student Support Services Office for review.

Financial Impact:

The fiscal impact of the services agreement will not exceed $20,000. The funding source has been identified as Categorical – Title I funds.

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the Modesto City Schools 2020-2021 service agreement with United Cab LLC.

D.15. Approval of Resolution No. 19/20-24 Authorizing the California State Preschool Program Contract, CSPP-0634, with the California Department of Education for Fiscal Year 2020-2021
The State Preschool Program is funded by the California Department of Education, Child Development Division, providing preschool services for subsidized eligible children.

Goal One: Increase academic achievement and ensure equitable access to enable all students to attain college and career readiness.

Goal Three: Provide a safe, welcoming, and respectful learning environment for every member of the school community while ensuring effective district-wide communication for students, staff, families, and community partners.

The California Department of Education requires a Board Resolution authorizing the State Preschool Program Contract for 2020/2021. 

The Board of Education must approve the State Preschool Program Contract, CSPP-0634, with the California Department of Education. A copy of the contract is available in the Early Childhood Education  Office.

Financial Impact:
This contract provides $4,868,722 to the Early Childhood Education Programs fund.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve California State Preschool Program Contract, CSPP-0634, with the California Department of Education for fiscal year 2020-2021.
D.16. Approval of Resolution No. 19/20-25 Authorizing the General Child Care Contract, CCTR-0296, with the California Department of Education for Fiscal Year 2020-2021

The General Child Care Program is funded by the California Department of Education, Child Development Division, providing childcare services for subsidized eligible children.

Goal One: Increase academic achievement and ensure equitable access to enable all students to attain college and career readiness.
Goal Three: Provide a safe, welcoming, and respectful learning environment for every member of the school community while ensuring effective district-wide communication for students, staff, families, and community partners.

The California Department of Education requires a Board Resolution authorizing the General Child Care Contract for 2020-2021.

The Board of Education will approve the General Child Care Contract, CCTR-0296, with the California Department of Education. A copy of the contract is available in the Early Childhood Education office.

Financial Impact:
This contract provides $2,463,608 to the Early Childhood Education Programs fund.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the  Board of Education approve General Child Care Contract, CCTR-0296, with the California Department of Education for fiscal year 2020-2021.
D.17. Approval of Resolution No. 19/20-26 Authorizing the Prekindergarten and Family Literacy Support Contract, CPKS-0102, with the California Department of Education for Fiscal Year 2020-2021
Modesto City Schools has been awarded a Prekindergarten and Family Literacy Support Contract by the California Department of Education to provide support and promote interactive literacy activities for children and families enrolled in the Prekindergarten and Family Literacy Program.

Goal One: Increase academic achievement and ensure equitable access to enable all students to attain college and career readiness.
Goal Three: Provide a safe, welcoming, and respectful learning environment for every member of the school community while ensuring effective district-wide communication for students, staff, families, and community partners.

The California Department of Education requires a Board Resolution authorizing the Prekindergarten and Family Literacy Support Contract for 2020-2021.

The Board of Education will approve the Prekindergarten and Family Literacy Support Contract, CPKS-0102, with the California Department of Education. A copy of the contract is available in the Early Childhood Education office.
Financial Impact:
This contract provides $25,000 to the Early Childhood Education Programs fund.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the Prekindergarten and Family Literacy Support Contract, CPKS-0102, with the California Department of Education for 2020-2021.
D.18. Approval of Services Agreement Between Modesto City Schools and Michael Elium, for the 2020-2021 School Year
Quick Summary / Abstract:


The District would like to establish an agreement for services with Michael Elium to provide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) Training and Consultation/Technical Assistance  for Modesto City Schools personnel at targeted school sites for the 2020-2021 school year. 

1.4: Develop a Multi-Tiered System of Support for all students.

Modesto City Schools has identified Michael Elium for the 2020-2021 school year to provide professional development to our teaching staff.

A copy of the services agreement is available for review in the Child Welfare and Attendance Office.

Financial Impact:
The contracted amount with Michael Elium will not exceed $11,000. The funding source for this agreement has been identified as LCFF supplemental concentration dollars.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the services agreement between Modesto City Schools and Michael Elium for the 2020-2021 school year.
D.19. Approval of Services Agreement with Bay Valley Foundation for Adult Coding Classes

Modesto City Schools Educational Options department is wanting to partner with Bay Valley Foundation to offer coding classes to our adult students at Pearson Education Center. This will be a seven-month program of instruction with materials related to the computer skills necessary to prepare students for entry-level coding positions. Students will receive 20 hours of instruction through a combination of online self-study, peer-based mentorship, and in-person instruction each week.

Goal 1.5:  Ensure students have access to enrichment activities at all school sites.
Goal 5.2:  Strengthen partnerships with local teaching, training, and employment programs.

Through this program, students will not only learn computer coding skills, but will also have the opportunity to build connections with prospective employers that have partnered with Bay Valley Foundation. 

A copy of the services agreement between Modesto City Schools and Bay Valley Foundation is available in the Educational Options office.

Financial Impact:
This agreement will not exceed $50,000. The funding source has been identified as California Adult Education Program (CAEP).
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the services agreement with Bay Valley Foundation for adult coding classes. 

D.20. Approval of Services Agreement with School Translations

California State Education Code §48985 requires, “If 15 percent or more of the pupils enrolled in a public school that provides instruction in kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, speak a single primary language other than English, as determined from the census data submitted to the department pursuant to §52164 in the preceding year, all notices, reports, statements, or records sent to the parent or guardian of any such pupil by the school or school district shall, in addition to being written in English, be written in the primary language, and may be responded to either in English or the primary language.”

There are over 25 primary languages spoken within Modesto City Schools. To meet Education Code §48985, Modesto City Schools has been contracting with School Translations to provide translation services since 2004-2005.

School Translations will provide written translations from English to Spanish or Spanish to English and other languages as needed during the 2020-2021 school year when bargaining members are not available or at times when we are unable to find a District translator in the needed language.
Goal 3.3: Increase regular two-way communication with stakeholders regarding student progress and other important issues.

Goal 3.3: Increase regular two-way communication with stakeholders regarding student progress and other important issues.

A copy of the services agreement is available in the Curriculum & Instruction Professional Development Department for review.

Financial Impact:
The total cost of the agreement is $35,000. The funding sources have been identified as Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and categorical funds.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the Services Agreement with School Translations.
E.1. Approval of Designated Personnel Action Items:
The following designated personnel action items are attached for approval by the Board of Education:
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the attached designated personnel action items.
06-22-20 Personnel Action Line Items Report
E.1.1. Approval of Certificated Personnel Terminations - 4 Items
E.1.2. Approval of Certificated Personnel Leaves of Absence - 7 Items
E.1.3. Approval of Certificated Personnel Employment - 25 Items
E.1.4. Approval of Certificated Personnel Other Appointments - 1 Item
E.1.5. Approval of Certificated Personnel Stipend Appointments - 198 Items
E.1.6. Approval of Certificated Personnel Stipend Deletions - 2 Items
E.1.7. Approval of Certificated Personnel Substitute Appointments - 38 Items
E.1.8. Approval of Classified Personnel Terminations - 8 Items
E.1.9. Approval of Classified Personnel Leaves of Absence - 9 Items
E.1.10. Approval of Classified Personnel Employment - 7 Items
E.1.11. Approval of Classified Personnel Other Appointments - 83 Items
E.1.12. Approval of Classified Personnel Substitute Appointments - 169 Items
E.2. Approval of "Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators" for the 2020-21 School Year

For the 2020/21 school year, the District has employed teachers to teach with emergency credentials certain subject/classes in our schools. Of the 1,500 teachers in the District, approximately 60 must teach classes for which they are not credentialed. The District has advertised for teacher vacancies needed; credentialed and qualified teachers for those assignments did not apply.

5.0 Recruit, hire, train, and retain high quality staff.

In order to be compliant with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing guidelines, the District must submit a "Declaration of Need for fully Qualified Educators" to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for those teachers teaching outside their credentialed area. The "Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators" must be approved by the Board of Education.

It is proposed that the Board of Education review and approve the "Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators."

Financial Impact:
There will be no cost to the District.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the "Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators" for the 2020-21 school year.
E.3. Approval of Proposed Job Description: JC 413 Assistant Principal, 9-12

The Assistant Principal, 9-12 position will provide leadership and assume responsibility for assisting with the administration and supervision of a comprehensive high school at the assigned building site.  The Assistant Principal, 9-12 job description is being proposed to replace the Associate/Assistant Principal positions at the 9-12 school sites.

Goal Alignment 1.0:  Increase academic achievement and ensure equitable access to enable all students to attain college and career readiness.

Goal Alignment 5.3:  Expand recruiting and hiring processes to provide support, maximize retention, and increase diversity in the certificated, classified, and management workforce.

Financial Impact:

The Assistant Principal, 9-12 position will be paid from the Management Salary Schedule.

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board approve the proposed job description.

Assistant Principal, 9-12 Proposed Job Description
E.4. Approval of Amendments to Existing Employment Agreements for Associate Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and Chief Officer Contracts Effective June 30, 2020, and Approval of New Associate Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and Chief Officer Contracts Effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting

Currently the Associate Superintendent, Chief Business Official, Business Services, the Associate Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction/Professional Development, the Associate Superintendent, Educational Services, the Associate Superintendent Human Resources, the Associate Superintendent, Student Support Services, the Assistant Superintendent, School Leadership, the Chief Communications Officer, and the Chief Technology Office have Contracts through June 30, 2021.

5.1: Create a District culture of valuing all employees to facilitate hiring and maximizing retention.

The Associate Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and Chief Officer Contracts are valid for a period of two years.  The current Contracts are due to expire June 30, 2021. The proposed revisions would change the contract dates as listed below:

• Associate Superintendent, Chief Business Official, Business Services
July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022
• Associate Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction/Professional Development
July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022
• Associate Superintendent, Educational Services
July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022
• Associate Superintendent, Human Resources
July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022
• Associate Superintendent, Student Support Services
July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022
• Assistant Superintendent, School Leadership
July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022
• Chief Communications Officer
July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022
• Chief Technology Officer
July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022

Attached is a copy of the new contract for each Associate Superintendent, for the Assistant Superintendent, and each of the Chief Officers.

Financial Impact:
There is not an increase to the annual cost as a result of this agreement.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve of amendments to existing employment agreements for Associate Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and Chief Officer Contracts effective June 30, 2020, and approval of new Associate Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and Chief Officer Contracts Effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022.
2020-22 Contract Contreras 06-22-20
2020-22 Contract Goudeau 06-22-20
2020-22 Contract Henderson 06-22-20
2020-22 Contract Herbst 06-22-20
2020-22 Contract Noonan 06-22-20
2020-22 Contract Odell 06-22-20
2020-22 Contract Selken 06-22-20
2020-22 Contract Zearley 06-22-20
F.1. Approval of Designated Student Expulsions: None
F.2. Approval of Student Information Handbook & Conduct Code for 2020-21

The annual Information Handbook and Conduct Code publication provides staff and family important information and updates for the school year, including the conduct code and state mandated notices.

Goal One: Increase academic achievement and ensure equitable access to enable all students to attain college and career readiness.
Goal Three: Provide a safe, welcoming, and respectful learning environment for every member of the school community while ensuring effective district-wide communication for students, staff, families, and community partners.

Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve of the Student Information Handbook & Conduct Code for 2020-21.
2020-21 Student Info Handbook & Conduct Code
F.3. Approval of Revised Schedule for Board of Education Meetings for the Two School Year Period Starting July 27, 2020 through June 20, 2022

The Board of Education approves the schedule for Board of Education meetings. On April 15, 2019, the Board approved meeting dates through June 22, 2020.  On March 9, 2020, the Board approved a scheduled for the next two schools years.  Due to a schedule conflict it was necessary to change one of the proposed dates, March 1, 2021 instead to March 8, 2021. Listed below are the revised dates proposed for the two school year period beginning July 27, 2020 through June 20, 2022.

3.3 Increase regular two-way communication with stakeholders regarding student progress and other important issues.
3.4 Improve customer service for students, families, staff, and community to support welcoming school environments.

                             Modesto City Schools Proposed
                                        Board Meeting Dates

2020-2021 2021-2022
Monday, 7/27/20 Monday, 7/26/21
Monday, 8/17/20 Monday, 8/16/21
Tuesday, 9/8/20 Monday 9/13/21
Monday, 9/28/20 Monday, 10/18/21
Monday, 10/19/20 Monday, 11/8/21
Monday, 11/9/20 Monday, 11/29/21
Monday, 11/30/20 Monday, 12/13/21
Monday, 12/14/20 Tuesday, 1/18/22
Tuesday, 1/19/21 Monday, 2/7/22
Tuesday, 2/9/21 Monday, 3/7/22
Monday, 3/1/21   3/8/20 Monday, 3/28/22
Monday, 3/29/21 Monday, 4/18/22
Monday, 4/19/21 Monday, 5/16/22
Monday, 5/10/21 Monday, 6/6/22
Monday, 6/7/21 Monday, 6/20/22
Monday, 6/21/21

 Regular meetings will start at 6:00 p.m.

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the revised schedule for Board of Education meetings for the two school year period starting July 27, 2020 through June 20, 2022.

REVISED Schedule for Board of Education Meetings 2020-2022
F.4. Approval of Minutes for the June 8, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
G.1. Progress Payments
Financial Impact:
                            Previously Paid      Current Payment    Balance Due

Golden Bay Fence
Rob Rd Fencing
Contract Price: $297,541 $167,141.76 $115,522.19 $14,877.05
Certificate No: 2

G.2. Items to be Placed on Future Board of Education Agendas
Disability Information:
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent's office, 209-574-1616. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.

Published: June 19, 2020, 11:53 AM

The resubmit was successful.