
Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Irvine USD
January 26, 2016 6:30PM
IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Administration Center 5050 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92604 6:15 p.m. Closed Session / 6:30 p.m. Regular Meeting

President Bokota called the meeting to order at 6:18 p.m.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Opportunities for public input occur at the beginning of each agenda item and at Oral Communication (for items not on the agenda). Persons wishing to address the Board should complete a blue request form, available on the information table, and submit it to the Board Secretary. Each topic or item is limited to 30 minutes; each speaker is limited to 3 minutes.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Conducted in accordance with applicable sections of California law, Closed Sessions are not open to the general public. If additional time is required, the Board will reconvene the Closed Session at the end of the regular meeting.

The Board adjourned to closed session at 6:19 p.m.
3.a. Student Discipline Issue (1 case) [Education Code Sections 35146 and 48918(c)]
The Board discussed one student discipline issue.
President Bokota reconvened the meeting at 6:35 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Student Member Verdegan.

Members Present:
Paul Bokota
Lauren Brooks
Ira Glasky
Michael Parham

Members Absent:
Sharon Wallin (excused)

Student Members Present:
Courtney Fassett
Samantha Kosai
Karina Sun
Sarah Verdegan

Terry L. Walker, Superintendent of Schools
John Fogarty, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Eamonn O'Donovan, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Cassie Parham, Assistant Superintendent, Education Services
Raianna Chavez, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
President Bokota reported on the discussion in Closed Session.
7.a. Case No. 02H-1516

The Board of Education has established policies and standards of behavior in order to promote learning and protect the safety and well-being of all students. When these policies and standards are violated, it may be necessary to suspend or expel a student from regular classroom instruction.

In accordance with Education Code Sections 35146 and 48918, actions of student discipline relative to expulsions are reviewed and acted upon by the Board. In addition, Board Policy, Administrative Regulation, and Administrative Procedure 5144 delineates the program and procedures to be utilized related to student conduct including the expulsion and readmission procedures for students.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Approve the staff recommendation to expel Case No. 02H-1516 through the end of the first semester of the 2015-16 school year and the second semester of the 2015-16 school year.
Approve the staff recommendation to expel Case No. 02H-1516 through the end of the first semester of the 2015-16 school year and the second semester of the 2015-16 school year. Passed with a motion by Michael Parham and a second by Lauren Brooks.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Absent Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the staff recommendation to expel Case No. 02H-1516 through the end of the first semester of the 2015-16 school year and the second semester of the 2015-16 school year.
Recommended Motion:

Approve the minutes of the following meeting(s), as presented:

January 12, 2016 - Regular Meeting


Approve the minutes of the following meeting(s), as presented:

January 12, 2016 - Regular Meeting

Passed with a motion by Michael Parham and a second by Lauren Brooks.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Absent Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Approve the minutes of the following meeting(s), as presented:

January 12, 2016 - Regular Meeting

Minutes - 011216
Recommended Motion:
Adopt agenda, as presented.

Adopt agenda, as presented.

Passed with a motion by Ira Glasky and a second by Michael Parham.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Absent Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Adopt agenda, as presented.
10.a. Irvine Unified Council PTA
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Connie Stone, President
Connie Stone, President of the Irvine Unified Council PTA...
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An opportunity to speak to a topic not on the agenda; limited to 3 minutes per person; 30 minutes per topic.
Student Board Members Fassett, Kosai, Sun and Verdegan reported on school activities.
Superintendent Walker...
Board Members Bokota, Brooks, Glasky, and Parham reported on school visits, conference attendance and meeting participation.
Passed with a motion by Lauren Brooks and a second by Michael Parham.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Absent Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
All matters of the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion, without prior discussion. At the time the Board adopts the agenda an item may be removed from the consent calendar by the Board, staff, or community for discussion.
Approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 16.a. – 19.b.
16. CONSENT CALENDAR - Business Services
16.a. Check Register Report
Commercial Check Registers are presented to the Board of Education listing checks which have been issued in accordance with the established purchasing procedures and administrative regulations of the Irvine Unified School District.

These checks represent previously approved purchase orders and contracts and are presented to the Board of Education for ratification in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Education and Government Code Statutes of the State of California. A copy of the full report is attached.

District 75, Irvine Unified School District - Numbers 00222713 through 00223420
District 50, CFD No. 01-1 - Numbers 00001712 through 00001712
District 44, CFD No. 86-1 - Numbers 00006433 through 00006460
District 41, Irvine Child Care Project - Numbers 00003161 through 00003168
Revolving Cash - Numbers 42541 through 42617

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Ratify issuance of check numbers as listed, representing Board authorized purchase orders, invoices and contracts.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Ratify issuance of check numbers as listed, representing Board authorized purchase orders, invoices and contracts.
Check Register Report 01-26-2016
16.b. Contract Services Action Report 2015-16/10
Consultant to provide and updated geotechnical report, soils testing and inspection services during construction of the Creekside Education Center Parking Lot Expansion 2016 project.

January 27, 2016 – January 28, 2017
Budget No.: 0100564485-6117
Okino/Construction & Facilities
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $11,000.00
Community Facilities District – CFD No. 86-1

Consultant to provide professional legal services related to Construction and facilities specifically regarding Heritage Fields K-8 Mitigation Agreement.
(Previously Board Approved November 15, 2011, April 20, 2012, June 26, 2012, September 11, 2012, December 11, 2012 and May 19, 2015.)

November 16, 2011 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 2500580481-5839
Fogarty/Business Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $46,500.00
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $61,500.00
Developer Fee Fund – Fund 25

Memorandum of Understanding between Irvine Unified School District and California Partnership for Achieving Student Success (Cal-Pass Plus).  Cal-Pass Plus collects, analyzes, and shares student data with educational institutions in order to track performance and improve student outcomes from pre-K through 12th grade, and through college and the workplace. Neither party is obligated to pay any monetary compensation to the other for any services provided under this MOU.

January 27, 2016 – January 26, 2021
Holmes/Education Services

Consultant to provide a browser-based, centralized system that manages both library and textbook resources. Renewal of Destiny Resource Management Solution.
(Previously Board Approved March 17, 2015.)

April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2016
Budget No.: 0100952110-5831
Schlichting/Student Support Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $58,343.91
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $59,334.43
Restricted General Fund

Consultant to provide Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) Speech and Language Assessment including records review, school site visit, written report, and IEP meetings.

December 4, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 0101755710-5811
Hertig/Special Education Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $2,600.00
Restricted General Fund

Consultant to provide design and construction survey services for the Creekside Education Center Parking Lot Expansion 2016 project.

January 27, 2016 – January 28, 2017
Budget No.: 0100564485-6114
Okino/Construction & Facilities
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $7,000.00
Community Facilities District – CFD No. 86-1

Consultant to provide geotechnical services during construction for the PA-5B Elementary School project.
(Previously Board Approved November 18, 2014.)

November 19, 2014 – December 31, 2015
November 19, 2014 – February 29, 2016
Budget No.: 3570490185-6225
Linton/Construction & Facilities
Okino/Construction & Facilities
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $18,290.00
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $19,690.00
Community Facilities District – CFD 09-1 / County School Facilities Fund – Fund 35

IUSD will provide consulting services to the K-12 Partner on the SOCCCD AB86 Adult Education Consortium Planning Grant whereby IUSD staff members will participate in the Program Advisory Groups (PAGs) as part of the planning grant. The Program Advisory members will serve as the member agency’s liaisons to the Program Advisory Groups, sharing information and perspectives, assisting in the development of programs, pathways, and services to meet the needs of adult learners.

October 29, 2015 – December 10, 2015
Budget No.: 1100514000-8699
Roberts/Creekside Education Center
Anticipated Income.................................. not to exceed $15,296.69
Unrestricted General Fund

SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT (SOCCCD)The 2015-2016 State Budget appropriated $500 million to the California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) and the California Department of Education to allocate funding for adult education. The funds will be provided to eligible consortia for the purpose of implementing regional plans for adult education. The intent of the Adult Education Block Grant (AEBG) was to expand and improve the provision of adult education via these consortia. To engage in activities that support the South Orange County Regional Consortium’s (SOCRC) state-approved plan for serving adult students in the region through the following program areas:

  • Programs in elementary and secondary basic skills, including programs leading to a high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate.
  • Programs for immigrants eligible for educational services in citizenship, English as a second language, and workforce preparation.
  • Programs for adults, including, but not limited to, older adults, that are primarily related to entry or reentry into the workforce.
  • Programs for adults, including, but not limited to, older adults, that are primarily designed to develop knowledge and skills to assist elementary and secondary school children to succeed academically in school.
  • Programs for adults with disabilities.
  • Programs in career technical education that are short term in nature and have high employment potential.
  • Programs offering pre-apprenticeship training activities conducted in coordination with one or more apprenticeship programs approved by the Division of Apprenticeship Standards for the occupation and geographic area.

July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 1100514000-8699
Roberts/Creekside Education Center
Anticipated Income.................................. not to exceed $300,000.00
Unrestricted General Fund

Consultant to provide conducting services for the Honors Concert on April 19, 2016.

December 9, 2015 – April 19, 2016
Budget No.: 0100981110-5811
Van Patten/Visual and Performing Arts
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $1,100.00
Restricted General Fund

Consultant to provide coverage for staff out on leave and provide Behavior Intervention services to Special Education students including consultation, observations, assessments, evaluations, reports and IEP meeting attendance.

December 17, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 0101755710-5811
Hertig/Special Education Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $39,600.00
Restricted General Fund

Memorandum of Understanding between Irvine Unified School District and The Regents of the University of California on behalf of the University of California, Irvine, Department of Ophthalmology.  University of California, Irvine, Department of Ophthalmology will provide vision care to those preschool children who fail the annual vision screening provided by the School Readiness Nurses. Neither party is obligated to pay any monetary compensation to the other for any services provided under this MOU.

January 15, 2016 – June 30, 2017
Hunter/Early Childhood Learning Center

Consultant to provide coverage for staff out on leave and provide Behavior Intervention services to Special Education students including consultation, observations, assessments, evaluations, reports and IEP meeting attendance.

December 17, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 0101755710-5811
Hertig/Special Education Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $39,600.00
Restricted General Fund

Consultant to assist the District with long range IPM goal planning and communication through implementation of the Pesticide Hazard and Exposure Reduction (PHAER) Zone Program.
(Previously Board Approved June 2, 2015.)(Extend time only.)

June 3, 2015 – December 31, 2015
June 3, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 0100503781-5811
Hoffman/Maintenance & Operations
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $15,000.00
Restricted General Fund

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016

Financial Impact:
Community Facilities District – not to exceed $19,400.00
Developer Fee Fund – not to exceed $15,000.00
Restricted General Fund - not to exceed $83,890.52

Recommended Motion:
Approve and/or ratify the Contract Services Action Report 2015-16/10, as submitted.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve and/or ratify the Contract Services Action Report 2015-16/10, as submitted.

16.c. Purchase Order Detail Report
The purchase orders listed on the Purchase Order Detail Report are processed in compliance with the applicable purchasing procedures and administrative regulations of the Irvine Unified School District. A copy of the full report is attached. A purchase order cannot be initiated unless the funds necessary have been previously approved in the school or program budget by the Board of Education. Each purchase order has been approved in the form of a requisition by the school administrator or manager responsible for the respective site or program. After initial approval at the local level, each requisition is reviewed and, if appropriate, authorized for processing in the form of a purchase order by staff of the Business Department.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016

Financial Impact:
All expenditures have been made within the authorized budget.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the Purchase Order Detail Report dated January 15, 2016.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the Purchase Order Detail Report dated January 15, 2016.
Purchase Order Detail Report 01-26-2016
16.d. Notice of Completion - Oak Creek Elementary Roofing Repair Project
The following list contains the bid category, contractor, and the date the Board of Education approved the contract for the Oak Creek Elementary Roofing project.

 Bid Category Contractor Board Approval Date
Extension of Unit Cost Bid for District-wide Roofing Commercial Roofing Systems, Inc.  May 15, 2015

The project is complete, and this contract is ready for acceptance by the Board of Education.

At this time, staff requests the Board accept the project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion for the contractor listed, with the County of Orange Recorder's Office.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Accept the contract of the listed contractor for the Oak Creek Elementary Roofing Repair project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder's Office.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Accept the contract of the listed contractor for the Oak Creek Elementary Roofing Repair projects as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder's Office.
17. CONSENT CALENDAR - Education Services
17.a. Compliance with the CAL200 Settlement Agreement
The CAL200 Settlement Agreement mandates the following tasks be completed regarding PE compliance:
  • Class schedules are obtained showing days, times and duration of scheduled PE instruction.
  • Class schedules are posted on a school website or in each classroom as well as in the school's main office.
  • Reporting is done by each teacher on a monthly basis and an assigned reporting form is completed.
  • Monitoring on an ongoing basis including two unannounced classroom visits by the principal or designee per month during scheduled PE time.  
  • Reports to the governing board are given within 60 days of the end of each semester.
  • The District is to provide an annual notice of PE requirements (Ed Code 51210(g)) to all parents/guardians.
  • The District shall provide a complaint form for parents/guardians to use in filing complaints regarding the number of PE instruction minutes provided to their child.  

School principals or designees have all confirmed full compliance in the above mentioned areas. 

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016


Recommended Motion:
Approve the CAL200 Compliance Report for period of July 2015 through December 2015.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the CAL200 Compliance Report for period of July 2015 through December 2015.
Reports to the Governing Board - PE Compliance July - December 2015
17.b. Memorandum of Understanding: Joint Powers Authority for Participation in the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

The California Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG) was established as a state education, economic, and workforce development initiative with the goal of providing pupils kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, with the knowledge and skills necessary to transition to employment and post-secondary education. The purpose of the grant is to encourage new career technical education programs and maintain the delivery of current career technical education programs during implementation of the District's Local Control Funding Formula.

In consideration of the shared goals associated with this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and in recognition of the benefit to be derived from the effective implementation of the program, the parties agree that their responsibilities under this agreement shall be as indicated in the MOU.

If approved, this MOU shall become effective through June 30, 2019.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016


Recommended Motion:
Approve for signature MOU for Joint Powers Authority for participation in the CTEIG.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve for signature MOU for Joint Powers Authority for participation in the CTEIG.
Coastline ROP Memorandum of Understanding for a Joint Powers Authority
17.c. Local Agreement for Child Development Services: Amendment 01

The Early Childhood Learning Center receives a California State Preschool Program (CSPP) grant from California Department of Education. An increase to the 2015 Budget Act has allowed an increase to the Maximum Reimbursement Amount for CSPP-5312 Contract. The amendment also increases the Maximum Rate per child, per day of enrollment. 

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016


Financial Impact:
Maximum Reimbursable Amount increase from $669,874 to $717,829.

Maximum Rate per child, per day of enrollment increases from $36.10 to $38.53.

Recommended Motion:
Approve Amendment 01 of the CSPP contract #5312.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve Amendment 01 of the CSPP contract #5312.
Amendment CSPP 5312
17.d. Field Trips and Excursions

District policy states that field trips or excursions that involve out-of-state travel, overnight travel, air travel or solicitation of funds in excess of $3,500 shall be submitted to the Superintendent or designee for review and recommendation to the Board.

 District policy further states that no expenses of pupils participating in a field trip or excursion shall be paid with school district funds, unless the field trip is required as part of an approved program.  If an individual cannot raise the funds, a scholarship or other form of financial support shall be provided.  The source of this financial support shall not be from any IUSD account.

Applications for the following field trips were received for approval.  These trips fall within District overnight field trip restrictions.  District liability will apply.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016


Recommended Motion:
Approve field trips and excursions funded by donations as submitted.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve field trips and excursions funded by donations as submitted.
Field Trips
18. CONSENT CALENDAR - Human Resources
18.a. Certificated Personnel Action Report 2015-16/10
The Certificated Personnel Action Report represents proposed Employment, Resignations and/or Separations from Employment.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Approve and/or ratify the Certificated Personnel Action Report 2015-16/10 as submitted for Employment and Retirements.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve and/or ratify the Certificated Personnel Action Report 2015-16/10 as submitted for Employment and Retirements.
Certificated Personnel Action Report 2015-16/10
18.b. Classified Personnel Action Report 2015-16/10
The Classified Personnel Action Report represents proposed Employment, Resignations and/or Separations from Employment.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Approve and/or ratify the Classified Personnel Action Report 2015-16/10 as submitted for Employment.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve and/or ratify the Classified Personnel Action Report 2015-16/10 as submitted for Employment.
Classified Personnel Action Report 2015-16/10
19. CONSENT CALENDAR - Special Education
19.a. Payment for Nonpublic School/Agency Services for Special Education
The district continues to experience need for non-public school and agency (NPS/NPA) services. Provision of service is mandated by law under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for one or more of the following reasons:

• Student has been placed in one of the district’s less restrictive programs and has been found to need a more restrictive setting. The change of placement occurs through the IEP process.

• Student was placed in a NPS or NPA program by another school district prior to the student’s Irvine residency. The placement will continue until reviewed by the IEP team.

• District is unable to provide the type or amount of service required in the student’s IEP due to lack of staff with appropriate qualifications or level of expertise.

• Students, with extreme mental health needs, who are in danger of harming themselves or others and have not been successful in less restrictive placements, may be placed in residential NPS schools in California or out-of-state placements.

Each year the district prepares a master agreement for special education services with nonpublic schools and nonpublic agencies. In addition to the general agreement, individual service agreements for each identified special education student are negotiated at each IEP meeting. NPS/NPA providers work cooperatively with the district to provide services unattainable within the district or other local public schools.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016
Financial Impact:
$62,621.44 for the 2015-16 school year in special education related services.
Recommended Motion:
Authorize the Executive Director of Special Education to contract with and approve the individual pupil service contract(s) for disabled student(s) negotiated between the Irvine Unified School District and State Certified Nonpublic Schools/Agencies.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize the Executive Director of Special Education to contract with and approve the individual pupil service contract(s) for disabled student(s) negotiated between the Irvine Unified School District and State Certified Nonpublic Schools/Agencies.
19.b. Contract for Special Education Related Services
On occasion, it is appropriate for the District to enter into a contract arrangement with parents of students with special education needs. A small percentage of more severely involved special education students have very unique needs that cannot be met entirely by special education employees of IUSD who normally support our school-based programs. It is frequently financially advantageous to the district to have the flexibility to provide these specialized services without the usual employment restrictions associated with education code procedures. All services are provided as required by federal and state mandates or the IEP.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016
Financial Impact:
$2,500.00 in Special Education Related Services
Recommended Motion:
Authorize payment for special education related services in an amount not to exceed $2,500.00 for ongoing educational services to one family.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize payment for special education related services in an amount not to exceed $2,500.00 for ongoing educational services to one family.
Passed with a motion by Michael Parham and a second by Ira Glasky.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Absent Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
All matters of the Community Facilities District Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion, without prior discussion. At the time the Board adopts the agenda, an item may be removed from the Consent Calendar by the Board, staff, or community for discussion.
Approve Facilities Consent Calendar Item Nos. 20.a. – 20.g.
20.a. Annual Renewal/Award Contract for Construction Security Services at Various District Sites, Bid No. 2014/15-2
On February 3, 2015, the Board of Education authorized the Assistant Superintendent to enter into a contract with Kingdom Services, to provide construction security services for all Facilities and Construction projects for a five (5) year period, renewable annually.  As a growing District, the Irvine Unified School District has a continual need to provide security services for new and ongoing construction projects.

As the first (1) year period is set to expire, District staff would like to recommend an additional one (1) year renewal.

Kingdom Security has agreed to continue to provide construction security services for an additional year.

At each renewal period the vendor has the option to negotiate a price increase, Kingdom Security waives their right to negotiate price increases for the next year and their prices will remain the same.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016
Financial Impact:
Funding may be provided by various categories, including, but not limited to:  County School Facilities Fund, Developer Fees and Special Reserves.
Recommended Motion:
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to enter into a contract with Kingdom Security, for the renewal of Construction Security Services at various District Sites as needs are identified for a time period of up to one (1) additional year, renewable on an annual basis.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to enter into a contract with Kingdom Security, for the renewal of Construction Security Services at various District Sites as needs are identified for a time period of up to one (1) additional year, renewable on an annual basis.
20.b. Architectural Services for the Creekside Education Center Parking Lot Expansion Project
Pending approval from the Board of Education, staff would like to begin preparing the required plans for the implementation of expanded parking at the Creekside Education Center to provide necessary parking for the IUSD Learning Center and various other programs at the site.  The existing parking lot has approximately 214 parking stalls.  When the Learning Center is fully occupied, the quantity of parking stalls is not sufficient and impacts the available parking for other programs.

The original CEQA report, completed in 2006 for Creekside High School, includes additional parking as part of the Phase 2 development of the site.  The recommendation to expand parking is a result of the parking needs of the Learning Center as well as in anticipation of the parking needs for the Culinary Arts Lab.

In order to obtain the required approvals, staff will need to begin working with an architectural firm to prepare drawings for submission to the Division of State Architect (DSA).

On February 5, 2011, the Board of Education approved a shortlist of architectural firms established from a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) issued by the Facilities and Construction Services Department for small projects of $1.5 million or less.  Staff is recommending Webb Cleff Architecture and Engineering to provide architectural services for the parking expansion needs at the site due to their past work performance and overall value.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016
Financial Impact:
Not to exceed $25,900    CFD. No. 86-1
Recommended Motion:
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to negotiate and enter into a contract with Webb Cleff Architecture and Engineering to provide architectural services for expanded parking at the Creekside Education Center.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to negotiate and enter into a contract with Webb Cleff Architecture and Engineering to provide architectural services for expanded parking at the Creekside Education Center.
20.c. Change Order Requests - Beacon Park School
Certain modifications were required during the construction phase of the Beacon Park School project, which require a change order. A list of each item, the requesting party, a brief explanation of the reason for the change, and the cost of the change are available in the Facilities office upon request.

The following list contains the bid category, contractor, change order amount, and brief description. The cumulative total of the change orders to the contractors listed below is within the 10% allowance allowed by the Public Contract Code.

Change Orders

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package:  No. 1 General Construction
Contractor:  JRH Construction Company, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Provide Additional Clock for Clock Tower
Amount:  $3,910.00

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package:  No. 7 Wood Framing, Rough Carpentry
Contractor:  NEFF Construction, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Framing Revisions for Clock Tower
Amount:  $17,216.00

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package:  No. 8 Insulation, Drywall, Lath & Plaster, Caulking & Sealing
Contractor:  Platinum Construction, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Plaster Revisions for Clock Tower
Amount:  $2,640.00

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package:  No. 11 Sheet Metal and Louvers
Contractor:  Danny Letner Inc. dba Letner Roofing Co.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Sheet Metal Revisions for Clock Tower
Amount:  $20,493.00

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package:  No. 15 Carpet and Resilient Flooring
Contractor:  Continental Flooring, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Revisions to Material Color
Amount:  $14,566.00

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package:  No. 19 Plumbing
Contractor:  JPI Development Group, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Place Required Gas Line for Gymnasium
Amount:  $14,975.00

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package:  No. 21 Electrical-Building, Site and Low Voltage
Contractor:  Gilbert & Stearns, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Electrical Revisions
Amount:  $49,788.00

The original total contract amount for this project is $29,801,317.00. The total of all change orders is $123,588.00, or 0.41% of the project. The new total contract amount shall be $29,924,905.00.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016
Financial Impact:
$123,588.00  County School Facilities Fund/Developer Fees (to be reimbursed by Heritage Fields El Toro, LLC)
Recommended Motion:
Approve the listed change orders in the amount of $123,588.00 for the Beacon Park School project as listed.  No change to the completion date.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the listed change orders in the amount of $123,588.00 for the Beacon Park School project as listed.  No change to the completion date.

20.d. Change Order Requests - Irvine High School Classroom Addition
Certain modifications were required during the construction phase of the Irvine High School Classroom Addition project, which require a change order.  A list of each item, the requesting party, a brief explanation of the reason for the change, and the cost of the change are available in the Facilities office upon request.

The following list contains the bid category, contractor, change order amount, and brief description.  The cumulative total of the change orders to the contractors listed below is within the 10% allowance allowed by the Public Contract Code.

Change Order

Description:  Change Order No. 2
Bid Package No.:  2 Earthwork, Grading and Asphalt
Contractor:  Amtek Construction
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Add for SWPPPS Protection, Remove Asphalt Slurry Coat
Amount:  $1,297.00

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package No.:  10 Painting and Wall Covering
Contractor:  Bithell, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Credit for Unused Allowance
Amount:  < $5,778.00 >

The original total contract amount for this project is $7,502,469.00.  The total of all change orders is $184,061.00, or 2.44% of the project.  The new total contract amount shall be $7,686,530.00.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016

Financial Impact:
< $4,481.00 >  County School Facilities Fund/Fund 35/CFD 09-1
Recommended Motion:
Approve the listed change orders in the deductive amount of < $4,481.00 > for the Irvine High School Classroom Addition project as listed.  No change to the completion date.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the listed change orders in the deductive amount of < $4,481.00 > for the Irvine High School Classroom Addition project as listed.  No change to the completion date.
20.e. Change Order Requests - Portola High School
Certain modifications were required during the construction phase of the Portola High School project, which require a change order.  A list of each item, the requesting party, a brief explanation of the reason for the change, and the cost of the change are available in the Facilities office upon request.

The following list contains the bid category contractor, change order amount, and brief description.  The cumulative total of the change orders to the contractors listed below is within the 10% allowed by the Public Contract Code.

Change Orders

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package No.:  03-2 Irvine Blvd. Retaining Wall
Contractor:  K.A.R. Construction, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Removal and Disposal of Stockpile Soil
Amount:  $132,436.00

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package No.:  10-1 Specialties
Contractor:  Inland Building Construction Companies, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Relocate Elevator Control Room Conduit and Wire, Add Exterior Metal Building Signage
Amount:  $49,176.00

Description:  Change Order No. 2
Bid Package No.:  26-1 Electrical
Contractor:  RDM Electric, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Add Combination Motor Starter and Switch for Exhaust Fans, Add Conduit and Manholes for Low Voltage, Add Additional Cable Tray for Bldgs. D, F, H and J
Amount:  $161,610.00

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package No.:  27-1 Low Voltage
Contractor:  Digital Networks Group, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Upgrade to CAT 6A Cabling
Amount:  $51,075.00

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package No.:  32-2 Site Work
Contractor:  K.A.R. Construction, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Remove Exterior Metal Building Signage
Amount:  < $26,826.00 >

The total contract amount awarded for the project to date is $121,243,315.75.  The total of all change orders is $1,803,766.00 or 1.49% of the project.   The new total of all contract amounts shall be $123,047,081.75.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016

Financial Impact:
$367,471.00  CFD 09-1
Recommended Motion:
Approve the listed change order in the amount of $367,471.00 for the Portola High School project as listed. No change to the completion date.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the listed change order in the amount of $367,471.00 for the Portola High School project as listed. No change to the completion date.
20.f. Change Order Requests - Portola Springs Elementary School
Certain modifications were required during the construction phase of the Portola Springs Elementary School project, which require a change order.  A list of each item, the requesting party, a brief explanation of the reason for the change, and the cost of the change are available in the Facilities office upon request.

The following list contains the bid category, contractor, change order amount, and brief description of the change orders.  The cumulative total of the change orders to the contractors listed below is within the 10% allowed by the Public Contract Code.

Change Orders

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package No.:  02-1 Demolition, Earthwork/Grading
Contractor:  FM & Sons, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Credit for Unused Allowance
Amount:  < $5,500.00 >

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package No.:  02-2 Site Utilities
Contractor:  JPI Development Group, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Additional Storm Drain Changes, Catch Base Size Change, Repair Damaged Sewer and Storm Drain Line, Install Final Site Utility Items, Manhole Size Change, Add for Revised IRWD Drawings
Amount:  $91,262.00

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package No.:  06-2 Architectural Woodwork
Contractor:  Stolo Cabinets, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Credit for Unused Allowance
Amount:  < $8,373.00 >

The total contract amount awarded for the project to date is $25,360,187.00.  The total of all change orders is $85,446.00 or .34% of the project.   The new total of all contract amounts shall be $25,445,633.00.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016

Financial Impact:
$77,389.00  CFD 09-1
Recommended Motion:
Approve the listed change orders in the amount of $77,389.00 for the Portola Springs Elementary School project as listed.  No change to the completion date.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the listed change orders in the amount of $77,389.00 for the Portola Springs Elementary School project as listed.  No change to the completion date.
20.g. Notices of Completion - Portola Springs Elementary School
The following list contains the bid category, contractor and the date the Board of Education approved the listed contracts for the Portola Springs Elementary School project.

Bid Category


Board Approval Date

No. 02-1 Demolition, Earthwork/Grading

FM & Sons, Inc.

May 6, 2014

No. 02-2 Site Utilities

JPI Development Group, Inc.

May 6, 2014

No. 06-2 Architectural Woodwork

Stolo Cabinets, Inc.

July 22, 2014

These contracts are substantially complete and ready for acceptance by the Board of Education.

At this time, staff requests the Board accept these contracts as complete and authorize staff to file Notices of Completion for the contractors listed, with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Accept the contracts of the listed contractors for the Portola Springs Elementary School project as complete and authorize staff to file Notices of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Accept the contracts of the listed contractors for the Portola Springs Elementary School project as complete and authorize staff to file Notices of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
22.a. Resolution No. 15-16-24: Intention to Form a School Facilities Improvement District - Roll Call
During the spring of 2015, the Board requested staff to explore the feasibility of a Proposition 39 General Obligation (G.O.) Bond. Subsequently, the Board approved authorization to enter into contracts with TBWB Strategies and True North Research to conduct a feasibility study for a Facilities G.O. Bond.

In June 2015, True North Research conducted a comprehensive poll of registered voters, within a designated potential School Facilities Improvement District inside IUSD boundaries, to assess support for a Facilities G.O. Bond.  Specifically, the survey was designed to gauge support for a local bond measure and identify the types of facilities projects voters are most interested in funding.

Representatives from True North Research, TBWB Strategies, and Fieldman Rolapp & Associates provided comprehensive analysis of the survey results along with financial projections at the August 18, 2015 board meeting.

In October, 2015, staff directed True North Research to conduct an additional comprehensive poll of registered voters within an alternate potential School Facilities Improvement District. The area identified for the alternate potential School Facilities Improvement District targeted areas within the District with older schools and the greatest facilities needs.

The Board of Education of the Irvine Unified School District desires to form a School Facilities Improvement District in a portion of the territory within the School District boundaries for the purpose of financing the school facilities improvement project consisting of the construction, reconstruction, improvement, rehabilitation, or replacement of school facilities, including the furnishing and equipping of such school facilities, and the acquisition or lease of real property for such school facilities, for the benefit of the area of land proposed to be included within the School Facilities Improvement District.

The Irvine Unified School District will hold a public hearing on March 1, 2016 at a regularly scheduled board meeting on the formation of the School Facilities Improvement District.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 15-16-24 notifying the intention of the Irvine Unified School District to form a School Facilities Improvement District (SFID).
Adopt Resolution No. 15-16-24 notifying the intention of the Irvine Unified School District to form a School Facilities Improvement District (SFID). Passed with a motion by Michael Parham and a second by Lauren Brooks.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Absent Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Adopt Resolution No. 15-16-24 notifying the intention of the Irvine Unified School District to form a School Facilities Improvement District (SFID).
Assistant Superintendent Fogarty provided an overview of the District's recent activity in the exploration of a Facilities G.O. Bond.

After an initial poll a second poll was completed of a targeted area of the District's older schools and schools with the greatest facilities needs, creating a School Facilities Improvement District.

The purpose of the resolution is to set and notify the public of the Public Hearing on March 1st.

Members Bokota, Brooks and Parham requested additional notification of residence by contacting the effected Homeowners Associations and apartment communities regarding notice of the Public Hearing, in addition to the required newspaper notification.

Speaking to the topic: Stephen Miller.
Irvine SFID Metes and Bounds Listing
Irvine SFID Metes and Bounds Map
Resolution No. 15-16-24 Intent to Form SFID
22.b. District Committees Update
At the December 8, 2015 School Board Meeting, the Board requested an update of the District Committees, consisting of the Education Advisory Committee, Finance Committee and Health Advisory Committee.

Education Advisory Committee:
The Education Advisory Committee is designed to serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Education.  The Education Advisory Committee is charged with reviewing and discussing critical educational issues and initiatives, and their congruence with the District’s Strategic Initiatives while providing input and feedback to the Board.

Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee is designed to act as an independent advisory committee to the Board of Education regarding the District's financial affairs and operations.  The goal of the Finance Committee is to enhance public confidence in the District's ability to effectively handle its financial affairs by communicating the results of its work and projects-in-process to the Board, and by educating the public regarding the financial position and outlook for the District.

Additionally, at the March 3, 2015 Board Meeting, the Finance Committee was charged with investigating and researching financial matters such as equity and LCAP issues and to provide recommendations to the Board.

Health Advisory Committee:
In keeping with the California State Department of Education’s Guidelines for Family Life/Sex Education (1987) that “all [family life/sex education] curriculum and materials to be used should be studied by a community advisory committee…" (, the charge of the Health Advisory Committee is to review sensitive topics and instructional materials and make recommendations to the Board regarding their approval.

The Committees' facilitators have prepared updates on the District Committees.

Board Agenda
January 26, 2016


Recommended Motion:
For discussion and direction.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
For discussion and direction.
Superintendent Walker
Finance Committee Mission Statement
Health Advisory Committee Purpose Statement
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An opportunity to speak to a topic not on the agenda; limited to 3 minutes per person, 30 minutes per topic.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Conducted in accordance with applicable sections of California law, Closed Sessions are not open to the general public.
Passed with a motion by Michael Parham and a second by Lauren Brooks.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Absent Sharon Wallin.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
Disability Information:
The District will make every attempt to accommodate any attendee or participant at this meeting who needs special assistance, when notice is given to the Superintendent's Office 949.936.5000 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
1/26/2016 6:18:00 PM ( Original )
PresentPaul Bokota
PresentLauren Brooks
PresentIra Glasky
PresentMichael Parham
AbsentSharon Wallin

The resubmit was successful.