
Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Irvine USD
April 12, 2016 6:30PM
IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Administration Center 5050 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92604 5:30 p.m. Closed Session / 6:30 p.m. Regular Meeting

President Bokota called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Opportunities for public input occur at the beginning of each agenda item and at Oral Communication (for items not on the agenda). Persons wishing to address the Board should complete a blue request form, available on the information table, and submit it to the Board Secretary. Each topic or item is limited to 30 minutes; each speaker is limited to 3 minutes.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Conducted in accordance with applicable sections of California law, Closed Sessions are not open to the general public. If additional time is required, the Board will reconvene the Closed Session at the end of the regular meeting.

The Board adjourned to closed session at 5:35 p.m.
3.a. Student Discipline Issue (1 case) [Education Code Sections 35146 and 48918(c)]
The Board discussed one student discipline issue.
3.b. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Resignation [Government Code Section 54957]Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Resolution No. 15-16-35: Placing Certificated Employee on Compulsory Leave of Absence
The Board met with staff to discuss a public employee discipline/dismissal/release/resignation.
3.c. Conference with Labor Negotiators [Government Code Section 54957.6]
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Agency Negotiator: Eamonn O'Donovan, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Employee Organizations:
  • Irvine Teachers Association
  • California School Employees Association
The Board discussed labor negotiations involving the Irvine Teachers Association and the California School Employees Association.
President Bokota reconvened the meeting at 6:33 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Student Member Alexis-Brooke LoBianco.

Members Present:
Paul Bokota
Lauren Brooks
Ira Glasky
Michael Parham
Sharon Wallin

Student Members Present:
Courtney Fassett
Samantha Kosai
Karina Sun
Alexis-Brooke LoBianco in for Sarah Verdegan

Terry L. Walker, Superintendent of Schools
John Fogarty, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Eamonn O'Donovan, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Cassie Parham, Assistant Superintendent, Education Services
Raianna Chavez, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
President Bokota reported on the discussion in Closed Session; including the approval of Item No. 3.b. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Resignation Resolution No. 15-16-35 directing to place Certificated Employee No. 19567 on unpaid leave with a 5-0 roll call vote by Members Bokota, Brooks, Glasky, Parham and Wallin.
7.a. Case No. 06H-1516

The Board of Education has established policies and standards of behavior in order to promote learning and protect the safety and well-being of all students. When these policies and standards are violated, it may be necessary to suspend or expel a student from regular classroom instruction.

In accordance with Education Code Sections 35146 and 48918, actions of student discipline relative to expulsions are reviewed and acted upon by the Board. In addition, Board Policy, Administrative Regulation, and Administrative Procedure 5144 delineates the program and procedures to be utilized related to student conduct including the expulsion and readmission procedures for students.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Approve the staff recommendation to expel Case No. 06H-1516 through the end of the second semester of the 2015-16 school year and the first semester of the 2016-17 school year.
Approve the staff recommendation to expel Case No. 06H-1516 through the end of the second semester of the 2015-16 school year and the first semester of the 2016-17 school year. Passed with a motion by Sharon Wallin and a second by Michael Parham.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the staff recommendation to expel Case No. 06H-1516 through the end of the second semester of the 2015-16 school year and the first semester of the 2016-17 school year.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the minutes of the following meeting(s), as presented:  March 15, 2016 - Regular Meeting

Approve the minutes of the following meeting(s), as presented:  March 15, 2016 - Regular Meeting

Passed with a motion by Michael Parham and a second by Lauren Brooks.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the minutes of the following meeting(s), as presented:  March 15, 2016 - Regular Meeting
Minutes - 031516
Recommended Motion:
Adopt agenda, as presented.
Adopt agenda, as revised. Passed with a motion by Lauren Brooks and a second by Sharon Wallin.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Adopt agenda, as presented.
Member Wallin pulled item 16.g. Receive Proposals/Award Contract: Web Content Management for separate approval.
10.a. Young Masters Art Show
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Cover Artist Winner: Yuka Murakami, 6th grade student at Meadow Park Elementary School Presenters: Michelle Tuchman, President - Assistance League of Irvine MaryAnn Breckenridge, Art Teacher Liaison - Young Masters Committee
Assistance League President Michelle Tuchman introduced student Yuka Murakami, who shared her artwork selected for the cover of the Young Masters Art Show program.
10.b. Irvine Public Schools Foundation
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Neda Eaton, President and Chief Executive Officer
Kellie Pendergest, Director of Marketing & Communications for IPSF updated the Board with recent IPSF activities. She shared the Parents Appreciating Teachers and Staff (PATS) Program's deadline of April 15. Donations help support the ITAP and ICAP grants, which recently awarded over $130,000 to IUSD teachers. She shared the Summer Enrichment Academy classes are filling up and, for the first time, IPSF will be offering a Young Americans Camp at Northwood High School. In closing, she invited everyone to the IPSF 2nd Annual STEAM Carnival on April 30th.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An opportunity to speak to a topic not on the agenda; limited to 3 minutes per person; 30 minutes per topic.
Harvey Liss addressed the Board regarding safety of the Portola High School site.

Speaking to the topic of Career Link:

Renee Melton
Perla Godina-Reyes
Zitlali Espinosa

Harvey Liss addressed the Board regarding consent calendar item 16.b. Contract Services Action Report
Student Board Members Fassett, Kosai, Sun and LoBianco, in for Verdegan, reported on school activities.
Superintendent Walker updated the Board on the confirmational testing at the Portola High School site, noting the original proposed by DTSC 10 testing locations is now up to 17 locations based on the District’s desire for additional tests; all of which are under the direction and oversight of DTSC. He further reported the on-site geologists have had no findings.

Walker reported that Orange County school districts will benefit from a 100 gigabyte per second internet infrastructure with thanks to the efforts of the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC). He shared IUSD was named one of the best communities for music by the NAMM Foundation and thanked IPSF, PTAs and the Irvine Company for their support of music in education. In closing, he shared IUSD was named one of the top five school districts for closing the educational gap, and contributed this success in part to the evidence based interventions the District utilizes to meet the needs of each student.
Board Members Bokota, Brooks, Glasky, Parham and Wallin reported on school visits, conference attendance and meeting participation.

Members Parham and Wallin requested the topic of continuing student support and services, as provided by Career Link, absent the expiring grant funds, be agendize or an update provided to the Board.
Passed with a motion by Lauren Brooks and a second by Ira Glasky.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
All matters of the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion, without prior discussion. At the time the Board adopts the agenda an item may be removed from the consent calendar by the Board, staff, or community for discussion.
Approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 16.a. – 20.b. Item 16.g. was pulled for discussion and separate approval.
16. CONSENT CALENDAR - Business Services
16.a. Check Register Report
Commercial Check Registers are presented to the Board of Education listing checks which have been issued in accordance with the established purchasing procedures and administrative regulations of the Irvine Unified School District.

These checks represent previously approved purchase orders and contracts and are presented to the Board of Education for ratification in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Education and Government Code Statutes of the State of California. A copy of the full report is attached.

District 75, Irvine Unified School District - Numbers 00225925 through 00227162
District 50, CFD No. 01-1 - Numbers 00001718 through 00001718
District 44, CFD No. 86-1 - Numbers 00006675 through 00006717
District 41, Irvine Child Care Project - Numbers 00003177 through 00003184
Revolving Cash - Numbers 42856 through 43002

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Ratify issuance of check numbers as listed, representing Board authorized purchase orders, invoices and contracts.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Ratify issuance of check numbers as listed, representing Board authorized purchase orders, invoices and contracts.
Check Register Report 04-12-2016
16.b. Contract Services Action Report 2015-16/14
Consultant to provide all required Labor Compliance monitoring with regard to the Compliance Monitoring Unit requirements as designated by Assembly Bill (AB 436) for the Central Kitchen and Culinary Arts Facility project.
(Previously Board Approved January 13, 2015.)

January 14, 2015 – March 31, 2016
January 14, 2015 – October 31, 2016
Budget No.: 0170390385-6229
Linton/Construction & Facilities
Okino/Construction & Facilities
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $12,000.00
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $14,000.00
Community Facilities District – CFD 86-1 / County School Facilities Fund – Fund 35

Consultant to provide DSA in-plant inspection services for one (1) 72’ x 60’ Classroom Relocatable Building for Cypress Village Elementary School Relocatable 2016 project.

April 13, 2016 – October 31, 2016
Budget No.: 3511899785-6280
Okino/Construction & Facilities
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $5,580.00
Community Facilities District – CFD 09-1 / County School Facilities Fund – Fund 35

Consultant to provide DSA in-plant inspection services for one (1) 72’ x 60’ Classroom Relocatable Building for Portola Springs Elementary School Relocatable 2016 project.

April 13, 2016 – October 31, 2016
Budget No.: 3514799785-6280
Okino/Construction & Facilities
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $5,580.00
Community Facilities District – CFD 09-1 / County School Facilities Fund – Fund 35

Consultant to provide professional legal and consulting services related to general facilities for the 2015-16 school year.
(Previously Board Approved June 23, 2015.)

July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 3500553581-5839
Fogarty/Business Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $20,000.00
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $40,000.00
County School Facilities Fund – Fund 35

Consultant to provide Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) including neuropsychological, psychoeducational, academic and behavior assessments and ERMHS assessments.

March 3, 2016 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 0101755710-5811
Hertig/Special Education Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $10,500.00
Restricted General Fund

Consultant to provide Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) including psychoeducational, auditory processing and behavioral/functional behavior assessments.

March 16, 2016 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 0101755710-5811
Hertig/Special Education Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $6,000.00
Restricted General Fund

Consultant to provide legal services to Irvine Unified School District including representation, advisement and counsel.

March 10, 2016 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 0101755220-5839
Hertig/Special Education Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $20,000.00
Restricted General Fund

Consultant to provide consulting and programming services to support the automation of IUSD staff and student account changes and access to technology services and files.

April 13, 2016 – December 31, 2017
Budget No.: 0100910477-5810
Ford/Information Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $30,000.00
Unrestricted General Fund

Consultant to provide legal and consulting services to general facilities.

February 1, 2016 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 3500553581-5839
Fogarty/Business Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $20,000.00
County School Facilities Fund – Fund 35

Consultant to provide Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) Speech and Language Assessment including records review, school site visit, written report, and IEP meetings.
(Previously Board Approved January 26, 2016.)

December 4, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 0101755710-5811
Hertig/Special Education Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $2,600.00
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $5,200.00
Restricted General Fund

Consultant to provide HMH Read 180 online reading intervention for at-risk students grades 6-12.

July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017
Budget No.: 0100904210-5831
Schlichting/Student Support Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $120,000.00
Unrestricted General Fund

Consultant to provide on-call issues and crisis communications counseling service including strategic public relations guidance, media and speaker training, and related services.

March 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016
Budget No.: 0100100271-5811
Walker/Superintendent’s Office
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $40,000.00
Unrestricted General Fund

Consultant to provide Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) for a special education student
(Previously Board Approved March 15, 2016.  Consultant name change only.)

February 29, 2016 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 0101755710-5811
Hertig/Special Education Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $3,000.00
Restricted General Fund

Consultant to provide Common Core aligned online non-fiction texts and resources for students participating in Extended Learning Summer School.
(Previously Board Approved March 1, 2016.)

May 1, 2016 – April 30, 2017
July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017
Budget No.: 0100901510-5831
Schlichting/Student Support Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $5,233.35
Unrestricted General Fund

Consultant to provide HMH Read 180 online reading intervention for at-risk students grades 6-12.

July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017
Budget No.: 0100904210-5831
Schlichting/Student Support Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $60,000.00
Unrestricted General Fund

Consultant to provide lighting design for the Irvine High School musical, HONK!

January 5, 2016 – February 9, 2016
Budget No.: 0160070010-5811
Colunga/Irvine High School
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $1,100.00
Restricted General Fund

Consultant to provide individual vision services and assessments for special education students.
(Previously Board Approved October 20, 2015.)

October 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Budget No.: 0101755710-5811
Hertig/Special Education Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $5,600.00
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $7,100.00
Restricted General Fund

Consultant to provide assistance with the response to the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) request for sampling at Portola High School.

April 13, 2016 – December 31, 2016
Budget No.: 3570290185-6117
Okino/Construction & Facilities
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $70,160.00
Community Facilities District – CFD 09-1 / County School Facilities Fund – Fund 35

Consultant to provide accompanist services for the Middle School Honors Chorus.

February 25, 2016 – April 19, 2016
Budget No.: 0100981110-5811
Van Patten/Visual and Performing Arts
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $700.00
Restricted General Fund

Consultant will conduct needs assessments and provide recommendations to support video broadcast studios in terms of capture and set equipment, live-editing capabilities/work flow, and online streaming of school video broadcasts.

April 13, 2016 – December 31, 2017
Budget No.: 0100949426-5810
Ford/Information Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $2,000.00
Unrestricted General Fund

Consultant to provide all required Labor Compliance monitoring with regard to the Compliance Monitoring Unit requirements as designated by Assembly Bill 436 (AB436) for the Cypress Village Elementary School Relocatable 2016 project.

April 13, 2016 – October 31, 2016
Budget No.: 3511899785-6229
Okino/Construction & Facilities
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $1,200.00
Community Facilities District – CFD 09-1 / County School Facilities Fund – Fund 35

Consultant to provide all required Labor Compliance monitoring with regard to the Compliance Monitoring Unit requirements as designated by Assembly Bill 436 (AB436) for the Portola Springs Elementary School Relocatable 2016 project.

April 13, 2016 – October 31, 2016
Budget No.: 3514799785-6229
Okino/Construction & Facilities
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $1,200.00
Community Facilities District – CFD 09-1 / County School Facilities Fund – Fund 35

Consultant to provide individual speech/language therapy services for a special education student.
(Previously Board Approved October 6, 2016.) September 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016

Budget No.: 0101755710-5811
Hertig/Special Education Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $12,000.00
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $13,800.00
Restricted General Fund

Consultant to provide assistance with developing a bond measure for the ballot and implementing a public outreach and communications program with respect to the G.O. Bond.
(Previously Board Approved September 1, 2016. Increase to include additional print and mail expenses.)

August 16, 2015 – March 15, 2015
Budget No.: 2500565081-5811
Fogarty/Business Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $89,500.00 
(plus applicable reimbursable expenses)
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $124,062.00
(plus applicable reimbursable expenses)
Developer Fee Fund – Fund 25

Consultant to provide web-based writing assessment services that gives students immediate, actionable feedback on all aspects of their writing.  Trial service to be provided at no cost through the Early Adopter Program.

April 1, 2016 – June 30, 2016
Schlichting/Student Support Services

Consultant to provide 2016-17 Engineer’s Report and Administration of Recreation Improvement Maintenance District (RIMD).

March 1, 2016 – February 28, 2017
Budget No.: 0100503781-5811
Fogarty/Business Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $32,563.00
Restricted General Fund

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016
Financial Impact:
Community Facilities District – not to exceed $85,720.00
County School Facilities Fund – not to exceed $40,000.00
Developer Fee Fund – not to exceed $34,562.00
Restricted General Fund – not to exceed $76,763.00
Unrestricted General Fund – not to exceed $252,000.00

Recommended Motion:
Approve and/or ratify the Contract Services Action Report 2015-16/14, as submitted.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve and/or ratify the Contract Services Action Report 2015-16/14, as submitted.
16.c. Purchase Order Detail Report
The purchase orders listed on the Purchase Order Detail Report are processed in compliance with the applicable purchasing procedures and administrative regulations of the Irvine Unified School District. A copy of the full report is attached. A purchase order cannot be initiated unless the funds necessary have been previously approved in the school or program budget by the Board of Education. Each purchase order has been approved in the form of a requisition by the school administrator or manager responsible for the respective site or program. After initial approval at the local level, each requisition is reviewed and, if appropriate, authorized for processing in the form of a purchase order by staff of the Business Department.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Financial Impact:
All expenditures have been made within the authorized budget.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the Purchase Order Detail Report dated March 28, 2016.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the Purchase Order Detail Report dated March 28, 2016.
Purchase Order Detail Report 04-12-2016
16.d. Notice of Completion - Alderwood Elementary Roofing Repair Project
The following list contains the bid category, contractor, and the date the Board of Education approved the contract for the Alderwood Elementary Roofing Project.

Bid Category


Board Approval Date

Extension of Unit-Cost Bid for District-wide Roofing

Commercial Roofing Systems, Inc.

May 15, 2015

The project is complete, and this contract is ready for acceptance by the Board of Education. At this time, staff requests the Board to accept the project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion for the contractor listed, with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Accept the contract of the listed contractor for the Alderwood Elementary Roofing Repair Project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Accept the contract of the listed contractor for the Alderwood Elementary Roofing Repair Project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
16.e. Piggyback Authorization - Purchase of Supplies from Office Depot
School, office, arts and crafts supplies are necessary items needed to keep schools functioning properly.  The District Warehouse maintains a variety of supplies that are readily available to school sites, such as folders, paperclips, pencils, pens and other instructional items.

Pursuant to Public Contract Code section 20118, school districts may purchase under another school districts contract when purchasing the same price and terms.  This procedure is often referred to as "piggybacking".

Newport-Mesa Unified School District awarded Bid # 114-15, Office & School Supplies and Equipment District Wide to Office Depot on March 24, 2015 for up to three years, renewable annually.  At their regularly scheduled Board meeting on March 22, 2016, Newport-Mesa USD renewed the above referenced bid, year two (2) of three (3), March 24, 2016 through March 23, 2017, with a rate increase of 2% on construction paper only, which adheres to the bid terms.

Staff has reviewed the bid prices and finds these prices to be extremely competitive, therefore, recommends that authorization be granted to acquire supplies using the Newport-Mesa Unified School District bid.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016
Financial Impact:
School sites and programs make purchases within budget allocation amounts. Savings is anticipated due to the reduced pricing of the piggyback bid.
Recommended Motion:
Authorize the utilization of Newport-Mesa Unified School District Bid # 114-15, Office & School Supplies and Equipment District Wide awarded to Office Depot through March 23, 2017.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize the utilization of Newport-Mesa Unified School District Bid # 114-15, Office & School Supplies and Equipment District Wide awarded to Office Depot through March 23, 2017.
16.f. Piggyback Authorization - Purchase of Web Filtering Systems
Sites and programs have an ongoing need to purchase technology equipment and peripherals.

Pursuant to Public Contract Code section 20118, school districts may purchase under another entity's contract when using the same terms and conditions. This procedure is often referred to as "piggybacking".

Redlands Unified School District awarded Bid No. 14-15, Web Filtering System on July 14, 2015 to BorderLAN, Inc. The bid was awarded with prices quoted to remain in effect for a minimum period of 360 days after bid award; with an option to extend upon mutual agreement within the conditions of the bid, but not to exceed three (3) years, pursuant to Education Code Section 17596.

Staff has reviewed the terms, conditions, and pricing and finds them to be extremely competitive; therefore, recommends authorization to be granted to contract with BorderLAN, Inc.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Financial Impact:
General Fund and Restricted Funding Sources - amount of expenditure undetermined. School sites and programs make purchases within budget allocation amounts. Savings are anticipated, due to reduced pricing of piggyback bid.

Recommended Motion:
Authorize the utilization of Redlands Unified School District Bid No. 14-15, Web Filtering System with BorderLAN, Inc.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize the utilization of Redlands Unified School District Bid No. 14-15, Web Filtering System with BorderLAN, Inc.
16.g. Receive Proposals/Award Contract: Web Content Management Solution
In response to Request for Proposals No. 15/16-0002IT, issued January 18, 2016, IUSD received and reviewed fifteen (15) proposals to provide a web content management solution to replace, school websites and the IUSD intranet.  Proposals were due on February 18, 2016 at 2:00 p.m.

Proposals were reviewed and scored based on the following evaluation components: (1) Cost - 30%, (2) Functionality and Usability – 40%, (3) Technology Requirements – 10%, and (4) Vendor Support and Ability to Perform – 20%. Criteria were approved at the January 12, 2016 Board Meeting.

Number of Proposals

Score Range

One-Time Costs

Recurring/Annual Costs


Round 1: 33-88
Round 2: 47-67



Costs generally include implementation, custom development, project management, high-availability website hosting and ongoing support. In addition, cost includes some content migration from IUSD’s existing website environment. 

The following provider has been determined to have the highest scoring proposal and is within the amount budgeted for this project.  Staff has verified references and proposal contents. 



Proposal Cost

KWALL (Implementation)

Round 1: 75
Round 2: 67

One-Time: $157,927
Recurring: $31,027


Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Financial Impact:
Approximately $160,000 One-Time, $32,000 Ongoing to 0100910477-5810 (Project funded in the 2015-16 LCAP)
Recommended Motion:
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to award the contract for the Web Content Management Solution, resulting from RFP No. 15/16-0002IT, to KWALL and ACQUIA (Joint Proposal), pursuant to Public Contracts Code section 20118.2.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to award the contract for the Web Content Management Solution, resulting from RFP No. 15/16-0002IT, to KWALL and ACQUIA (Joint Proposal), pursuant to Public Contracts Code section 20118.2.
17. CONSENT CALENDAR - Education Services
17.a. Submission of the 2014-15 State Testing Apportionment Waiver Request for the California High School Exit Examination
Annually, each LEA submits to the California Department of Education (CDE) the California High School Exit Examination Apportionment Information Report.  This report is compiled from information taken from the California High School Exit Examination answer documents for scoring examinations administered during each fiscal year.  This apportionment report allows the LEA to receive apportionment funds when postmarked by the annual deadline. 

Any report postmarked later than the annual deadline, must be accompanied by a waiver request as provided for by California Education Code Section 33050. Therefore, the IUSD Data and Assessment Department is requesting an approval to submit a waiver for the apportionment funds.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Financial Impact:
$8,489.32 apportionment funds to the Irvine Unified School District for California High School Exit Examinations administered during the fiscal year July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the submission of the State Testing Apportionment Report Waiver Request for the California High School Exit Examination.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the submission of the State Testing Apportionment Report Waiver Request for the California High School Exit Examination.
17.b. Quarterly Report on Complaints Pursuant to Ed. Code 35186(d)
As a result of the Williams Settlement, Ed. Code 35186(d) requires "A school district shall report summarized data on the nature and resolution of all complaints on a quarterly basis to the county superintendent of schools and the governing board of the school district.  The summaries shall be publicly reported on a quarterly basis at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing board of the school district. The report shall include the number of complaints by general subject area with the number of resolved and unresolved complaints.  The complaints and written responses shall be available as public records." 

Quarter 3 Report (January 1 - March 31, 2016) 
  • Deficiency of instructional materials: zero complaints
  • Emergency or urgent facilities conditions: zero complaints
  • Teacher vacancy or misassignment: zero complaints

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Recommended Motion:
For information.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
For information.
17.c. Field Trips and Excursions
District policy states that field trips or excursions that involve out-of-state travel, overnight travel, air travel or solicitation of funds in excess of $3,500 shall be submitted to the Superintendent or designee for review and recommendation to the Board.

District policy further states that no expenses of pupils participating in a field trip or excursion shall be paid with school district funds, unless the field trip is required as part of an approved program. If an individual cannot raise the funds, a scholarship or other form of financial support shall be provided. The source of this financial support shall not be from any IUSD account.

Applications for the following field trips were received for approval. These trips fall within District overnight field trip restrictions. District liability will apply.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Approve and/or ratify field trips and excursions funded by donations as submitted.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve and/or ratify field trips and excursions funded by donations as submitted.
Field Trips
18. CONSENT CALENDAR - Human Resources
18.a. Certificated Personnel Action Report 2015-16/14
The Certificated Personnel Action Report represents proposed Employment, Resignations and/or Separations from Employment.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016


Recommended Motion:
Approve and/or ratify the Certificated Personnel Action Report 2015-16/14 as submitted for Employment and Retirements.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve and/or ratify the Certificated Personnel Action Report 2015-16/14 as submitted for Employment and Retirements.
Certificated Personnel Action Report 2015-16/14
18.b. Classified Personnel Action Report 2015-16/14
The Classified Personnel Action Report represents proposed Employment, Resignations and/or Separation from Employment.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Approve and/or ratify the Classified Personnel Action Report 2015-16/14 as submitted for Employment and Separations.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve and/or ratify the Classified Personnel Action Report 2015-16/14 as submitted for Employment and Separations.
Classified Personnel Action Report 2015-16/14
18.c. Interagency Agreement Between IUSD and TUSD for Reimbursement for ROP Services Through Coastline ROP
A shortage of qualified teaching candidates exists for Auto Shop programs in the County. Tustin Unified has a highly qualified instructor that is under-utilized. This agreement will allow Woodbridge High School to assign up to three periods of Auto Shop, two in the Coastline ROP program, to the Tustin Unified School District employee under this interagency agreement. This Interagency Agreement will permit IUSD to reimburse TUSD for Staffing Costs and Reimbursements (mileage and substitute).

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Financial Impact:
Financial Implications: $60,000 in Staffing Costs
Recommended Motion:
Approval of the Interagency agreement between IUSD and TUSD for reimbursement for ROP services through the Coastline ROP.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approval of the Interagency agreement between IUSD and TUSD for reimbursement for ROP services through the Coastline ROP.
Interagency Agreement Between IUSD and TUSD For ROP Services
19. CONSENT CALENDAR - Special Education
19.a. Payment for Nonpublic School/Agency Services for Special Education
The district continues to experience need for non-public school and agency (NPS/NPA) services. Provision of service is mandated by law under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for one or more of the following reasons:

• Student has been placed in one of the district’s less restrictive programs and has been found to need a more restrictive setting. The change of placement occurs through the IEP process.

• Student was placed in a NPS or NPA program by another school district prior to the student’s Irvine residency. The placement will continue until reviewed by the IEP team.

• District is unable to provide the type or amount of service required in the student’s IEP due to lack of staff with appropriate qualifications or level of expertise.

• Students, with extreme mental health needs, who are in danger of harming themselves or others and have not been successful in less restrictive placements, may be placed in residential NPS schools in California or out-of-state placements.

Each year the district prepares a master agreement for special education services with nonpublic schools and nonpublic agencies. In addition to the general agreement, individual service agreements for each identified special education student are negotiated at each IEP meeting. NPS/NPA providers work cooperatively with the district to provide services unattainable within the district or other local public schools.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016
Financial Impact:
$73,817.00 for the 2015-16 school year in special education related services.
Recommended Motion:
Authorize the Executive Director of Special Education to contract with and approve the individual pupil service contract(s) for disabled student(s) negotiated between the Irvine Unified School District and State Certified Nonpublic Schools/Agencies.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize the Executive Director of Special Education to contract with and approve the individual pupil service contract(s) for disabled student(s) negotiated between the Irvine Unified School District and State Certified Nonpublic Schools/Agencies.
19.b. Payment in Accordance with the Terms of the Settlement Agreement(s)
Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement(s), the negotiated agreement(s) has/have been reached.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016
Financial Impact:
$10,000.00 special education related services.
Recommended Motion:
Approve agreement to settle one case(s) in accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement(s) and authorize the Executive Director of Special Education to enter into the negotiated agreements.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve agreement to settle one case(s) in accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement(s) and authorize the Executive Director of Special Education to enter into the negotiated agreements.
19.c. Contract for Special Education Related Services
On occasion, it is appropriate for the District to enter into a contract arrangement with parents of students with special education needs. A small percentage of more severely involved special education students have very unique needs that cannot be met entirely by special education employees of IUSD who normally support our school-based programs. It is frequently financially advantageous to the district to have the flexibility to provide these specialized services without the usual employment restrictions associated with education code procedures. All services are provided as required by federal and state mandates or the IEP.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016
Financial Impact:
$15,000.00 in special education related services.

Recommended Motion:
Authorize payment for special education related services in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 for ongoing educational services to one family.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize payment for special education related services in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 for ongoing educational services to one family.
20. CONSENT CALENDAR - Superintendent
20.a. Conference Attendance
Board approval and/or ratification is required for the attendance of staff at the following out-of-state event:

Event: ASTA
Location: Tampa Bay, FL
Dates: March 2-5, 2016
Attendees: Johanna Krosen
Cost: $315.00
Budget: 0100913410-5210

Event:  Residential Treatment Center Visits
Location:  Draper, UT
Dates:  April 28-29, 2016
Attendee:  Amil Alzubaidi
Cost: $1,190.00
Budget:  0101757620-5210

Event: RTI at Work Institute
Location:  Syracuse, NY
Dates:  June 28-30, 2016
Attendees:  Alex Leonard, Marci Wallin and Lindsay Weiss
Cost:  $5,807.00
Budget:  0100904224-5210

Event: Institutecon
Location:  Keystone, CO
Dates:  July 19-21, 2016
Attendees:  Janine Jones
Cost:  $1,655.00
Budget:  0100949426-5210

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016
Recommended Motion:
Approve/ratify out-of-state conference attendance for staff, as follows:

1) Johanna Krosen to Tampa Bay, FL March 2-5, 2016 at a cost of $315.00; 2) Amil Alzubaidi to Draper, UT April 28-29, 2016 at a cost of $1,190.00; 3) Alex Leonard, Marci Wallin, Lindsay Weiss to Syracuse, NY June 28-30, 2016 at a cost of $5,807.00; 4) Janine Jones to Keystone, CO July 19-21, 2016 at a cost of $1,655.00.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve/ratify out-of-state conference attendance for staff, as follows:

1) Johanna Krosen to Tampa Bay, FL March 2-5, 2016 at a cost of $315.00;
2) Amil Alzubaidi to Draper, UT April 28-29, 2016 at a cost of $1,190.00;
3) Alex Leonard, Marci Wallin, Lindsay Weiss to Syracuse, NY June 28-30, 2016 at a cost of $5,807.00;
4) Janine Jones to Keystone, CO July 19-21, 2016 at a cost of $1,655.00.
20.b. Reschedule Regular Board of Education Meeting

Pursuant to Board Policy 9320.1 Regular Meetings:  the date and time of regular Board of Education meetings are set at the annual Organizational Meeting in December.  A change in date and/or time of a Regular Meeting may be made during the school year by formal action of the Board of Education.

A need to reschedule the May 17, 2016 Regular Board of Education meeting has been presented.  Staff requests approval to reschedule the May 17, 2016 Regular Board of Education meeting to May 24, 2016. 

Notification of the date change will be posted on the District website and emailed to the Board Meeting agenda distribution group.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Approve the rescheduling of the May 17, 2016 Board of Education Regular Meeting to May 24, 2016.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the rescheduling of the May 17, 2016 Board of Education Regular Meeting to May 24, 2016.
Passed with a motion by Ira Glasky and a second by Lauren Brooks.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
All Resolutions on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion, without prior discussion. At the time the Board adopts the agenda, an item may be removed from the Consent Calendar by the Board, staff, or community for discussion.
Approve Consent Calendar Resolutions Item Nos. 21.a. – 21.c.
21.a. Resolution No. 15-16-32: Non-Reelection of Temporary Certificated Employees
Financial constraints resulting from potential insufficient revenue to maintain the current levels of programs, uncertain funding, and required program changes resulting therefrom, make it necessary to reduce or eliminate certain certificated services and to release temporary certificated employees.  The reduction in particular kinds of services is related to the potential for loss of funding of certain categorical or specially-funded programs, the possibility of probationary and permanent employees returning from leaves of absence, and other considerations that relate directly to the justifications for employment of temporary certificated employees.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Financial Impact:
Reduction to the District salary profile pending finalization of allocation for 2015-16.
Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 15-16-32: Non-reelection of temporary certificated employees as identified in order to effectuate the reduction in particular services.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Adopt Resolution No. 15-16-32: Non-reelection of temporary certificated employees as identified in order to effectuate the reduction in particular services.
Temp Res 15-16-32
21.b. Resolution No. 15-16-33: Proclaiming May 2-6, 2016 "Teacher Appreciation Week"
"Teacher Appreciation Week" celebrates and recognizes the teacher's essential role in the student's educational development.

The Parent and Teacher Association (PTA) established Teacher Appreciation Week in 1984 to honor the dedicated men and women who lend their passion and skills to educating our children. Each year, during May, communities across the country celebrate the contributions of teachers through school assemblies, special breakfasts, press releases, and other events and presentations.

By adopting this resolution, the Board will join PTA and our community on behalf of more than 1,400 teachers in this recognition.


Board Agenda
April 12, 2016


Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 15-16-33 proclaiming May 2-6 2016 “Teacher Appreciation Week.”
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Adopt Resolution No. 15-16-33 proclaiming May 2-6 2016 “Teacher Appreciation Week.”
Teacher Week Proc Res 15-16-33
21.c. Resolution No. 15-16-34: Proclaiming May 16-20, 2016 "Classified School Employee Week"
"Classified School Employee Week” celebrates and recognizes the many contributions classified professionals make to the education community.

The third full week in May of each year was adopted by the California Legislature as Classified School Employee Week, by passage of SB 1552 (Campbell) in 1986.

Classified professionals include secretaries, custodians, paraeducators, bus drivers, maintenance technicians, clerks, nutrition services, and many other workers in the Irvine Unified School District.

By adopting this resolution, the Board will join the State Legislature and hundreds of school boards on behalf of more than 230,000 classified employees in this recognition.


Board Agenda
April 12, 2016


Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 15-16-34 proclaiming May 16-20, 2016 "Classified School Employee Week."
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Adopt Resolution No. 15-16-34 proclaiming May 16-20, 2016 "Classified School Employee Week."
Classified Proclamation Res 15-16-34
Passed with a motion by Ira Glasky and a second by Sharon Wallin.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
All matters of the Community Facilities District Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion, without prior discussion. At the time the Board adopts the agenda, an item may be removed from the Consent Calendar by the Board, staff, or community for discussion.
Approve Facilities Consent Calendar Item Nos. 22.a. – 22.h.
22.a. Change Order Request – Beacon Park School Project
Certain modifications were required during the construction phase of the Beacon Park School project, which require a change order.  A list of each item, the requesting party, a brief explanation of the reason for the change, and the cost of the change are available in the Facilities office upon request.

The following list contains the bid category, contractor, change order amount, and brief description.  The cumulative total of the change order to the contractor listed below is within the 10% allowance allowed by the Public Contract Code.

Change Order

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package:  No. 23 Landscape and Irrigation
Contractor:  Park West Landscape, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Add Bubblers at Trees and Revise Landscape at Gymnasium; Relocate Silt Fence At Project Perimeter; Revise Liquidambar Tree Box Size From 36" to 24"
Amount:  $92,224.00

The original total contract amount for this project is $29,801,317.00.  The total of all change orders is $253,470.00, or 0.85% of the project.  The new total contract amount shall be $30,054,787.00.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Financial Impact:
$92,224.00  County School Facilities Fund/Developer Fees (to be reimbursed by Heritage Fields El Toro, LLC)
Recommended Motion:
Approve the listed change order in the amount of $92,224.00 at the Beacon Park School project.  No change to the completion date.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the listed change order in the amount of $92,224.00 at the Beacon Park School project.  No change to the completion date.
22.b. Change Order Requests – Central Kitchen and Culinary Arts Facility Project
Certain modifications were required during the construction phase of the Central Kitchen and Culinary Arts Facility project, which require a change order.  A list of each item, the requesting party, a brief explanation of the reason for the change, and the cost of the change are available in the Facilities office upon request.

The following list contains the bid category, contractor, change order amount, and brief description.  The cumulative total of the change orders to the contractors listed below is within the 10% allowance allowed by the Public Contract Code.

Change Order

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package No. 11 Floor Covering and Tile
Contractor:  Continental Flooring, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Change the Flooring from Epoxy Coating to Resinous Flooring; Additional Floor Prep Due to Low Spots and Scarifying; Credit to Delete Epoxy Coating
Amount: $16,912.00

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package No. 12 Specialties
Contractor:  Inland Building Construction Companies, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Ceiling Damage Repair
Amount:  $4,572.00

The original total contract amount for this project is $8,218,821.00.  The total of all change orders is $65,135.00, or 0.79% of the project.  The new total contract amount shall be $8,283,956.00.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Financial Impact:
$21,484.00  CFD 86-1/Fund 40
Recommended Motion:
Approve the listed change orders in the amount of $21,484.00 at the Central Kitchen and Culinary Arts Facility project.  No change to the completion date.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the listed change orders in the amount of $21,484.00 at the Central Kitchen and Culinary Arts Facility project.  No change to the completion date.
22.c. Change Order Request – Irvine High School Classroom Addition Project
Certain modifications were required during the construction phase of the Irvine High School Classroom Addition project, which require a change order.  A list of each item, the requesting party, a brief explanation of the reason for the change, and the cost of the change are available in the Facilities office upon request.

The following list contains the bid category, contractor, change order amount, and brief description.  The cumulative total of the change order to the contractor listed below is within the 10% allowance allowed by the Public Contract Code.

Change Order

Description:  Change Order No. 2
Bid Package No.:  7 Glass and Glazing
Contractor:  E&R Glass Contractors, Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Remove and Replace Damaged Fire Rated Glass
Amount:  $3,296.00

The original total contract amount for this project is $7,502,469.00.  The total of all change orders is $293,944.00, or 3.92% of the project.  The new total contract amount shall be $7,796,413.00.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Financial Impact:
$3,296.00 County School Facilities Fund/Fund 35/CFD 09-1
Recommended Motion:
Approve the listed change order in the amount of $3,296.00 at the Irvine High School Classroom Addition project.  No change to the completion date.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the listed change order in the amount of $3,296.00 at the Irvine High School Classroom Addition project.  No change to the completion date.
22.d. Notice of Completion – Central Kitchen and Culinary Arts Facility Project
The following list contains the bid category, contractor, and the date the Board of Education approved the listed contracts for the Central Kitchen and Culinary Arts Facility project.

Bid Category


Board Approval Date

Bid Pkg. 8 Metal Stud Framing, Drywall, Plaster, Firestopping, Insulation, Paint

Sierra Lathing Company, Inc.

March 3, 2015

Bid Pkg. 11 Floor Covering and Tile

Continental Flooring, Inc.

May 5, 2015

Bid Pkg. 18 Electrical & Low Voltage

Gilbert & Stearns, Inc.

March 3, 2015

These contracts are substantially complete and ready for acceptance by the Board of Education.

At this time, staff requests the Board accept these contracts as complete and authorize staff to file Notices of Completion for the contractors listed with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016
Recommended Motion:
Accept the contracts of the listed contractors for the Central Kitchen and Culinary Arts Facility project as complete and authorize staff to file Notices of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Accept the contracts of the listed contractors for the Central Kitchen and Culinary Arts Facility project as complete and authorize staff to file Notices of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
22.e. Notice of Completion – Irvine High School Classroom Addition Project
The following list contains the bid category, contractor and the date the Board of Education approved the listed contract for the Irvine High School Classroom Addition project.

Bid Category


Board Approval Date

No. 7 Glass and Glazing

E&R Glass Contractors, Inc.

June 24, 2014

This contract is substantially complete and ready for acceptance by the Board of Education.

At this time, staff requests the Board accept this contract as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion for the contractor listed, with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Accept the contract of the listed contractor for the Irvine High School Classroom Addition project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Accept the contract of the listed contractor for the Irvine High School Classroom Addition project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
22.f. Annual Renewal/Award Contract for Furniture and Equipment, Bid No. 13/14-01FA
On April 8, 2014, the Board of Education awarded the contract for Furniture and Equipment to the following vendors: 2010 Office Furniture, Concepts School & Office Furnishings, Culver-Newlin and Virco Inc., for a one year term with four (4) one (1) year extension options.  As a growing district, the Irvine Unified School District has a continual need to provide classroom and office furniture and equipment to school sites and various programs.

As the second year of the five (5) year period is set to expire, District staff would like to recommend an additional one (1) year renewal of contract.

At each renewal period the vendor has the option to negotiate a price increase.  The following vendors have agreed to continue to provide furniture and equipment at the prices established for the awarded line items and waives their right to negotiate price increases for the next year:  2010 Office Furniture, Concepts School & Office Furnishings and Virco, Inc.

Culver-Newlin has indicated that not all their manufacturers where able to hold their prices for the awarded line items due to the cost increase of raw materials and is requesting a price increase in the range of 2% - 10% for the following manufacturers:


Percentage Increase

     1.  Artco Bell


     2.  ECD


     3.  Fireking


     4.  Fleetwood


      5.  Hon


      6.  Maverick


      7.  Midwest


      8.  NPS


      9.  Oklahoma Sound


    10.  Safeco


    11.  Shain Solutions


    12.  Sisneros


    13.  Webcoat


The remaining manufacturers have agreed to provide furniture and equipment at the prices established for the awarded line items and waives their right to negotiate price increases for the next year: 9 to 5 Seating and Faustinos.

The following manufacturers will be removed from the bid due to discontinued items and/or excessive high price increases:  Balt, Bestrite, La-Z-Boy and Vanerum Stelter.

The following bid line item numbers will be removed from the bid due to excessive high price increases:

1. Fleetwood: Item Numbers 427 – 436
2. SCM:  Item Number 869

Catalog discount percentages (for all vendors) will remain the same.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Financial Impact:
Funding may be provided from several categories, including, but not limited to:  General Fund, Categorical Programs, County School Facilities Fund, Developer Fees, CFD and Special Reserves.
Recommended Motion:
  1. Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to enter into a contract with vendors: 2010 Office Furniture, Concepts School & Office Furnishings, Culver-Newlin, Inc. and Virco Inc., for the renewal of the Furniture and Equipment Bid for an additional one (1) year term, effective April 15, 2016.
  2. Authorize the price increase for Culver-Newlin, Inc., for manufacturers: Artco Bell, ECD, Fireking, Fleetwood, Hon, Maverick, Midwest, NPS, Oklahoma Sound, Safeco, Shain and Webcoat.
  3. Authorize the removal of manufacturers from the bid: Balt, Bestrite, La-Z-Boy and Vanerum Stelter.
  4. Authorize the removal of bid line item numbers: 427– 436 and 869.

Quick Summary / Abstract:
  1. Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to enter into a contract with vendors: 2010 Office Furniture, Concepts School & Office Furnishings, Culver-Newlin, Inc. and Virco Inc., for the renewal of the Furniture and Equipment Bid for an additional one (1) year term, effective April 15, 2016.
  2. Authorize the price increase for Culver-Newlin, Inc., for manufacturers: Artco Bell, ECD, Fireking, Fleetwood, Hon, Maverick, Midwest, NPS, Oklahoma Sound, Safeco, Shain and Webcoat.
  3. Authorize the removal of manufacturers from the bid: Balt, Bestrite, La-Z-Boy and Vanerum Stelter.
  4. Authorize the removal of bid line item numbers: 427– 436 and 869.
22.g. Authorization to Award the Contract for Waste Diversion Services, RFP No. 2015/16-4FA
On March 9 and 14, 2016, the District advertised Request for Proposal, (RFP) No. 2015/16-4FA to seek a qualified disposal company to provide Waste Diversion Services for Facilities & Construction which will consist of various size yard containers for the purpose of collecting, separating and disposing of construction debris generated from the different construction projects.

Timeline of Events  

The below summarizes the timeline of events associated with issuing and reviewing each firms statement of qualifications related to the RFP.  
  1. Issue Request for Proposal – March 10, 2016
  2. Due date for RFP – March 24, 2016

Grading, Criteria and Results

The Facilities Planning & Construction department received and reviewed (4) four individual firm submissions.  A standard scorecard was developed that was representative of the criteria identified in the RFP, which placed emphasis on efficient processes, quality control and value.   The below summarizes the individual sections upon which each firm was graded: 


Score Range

  1. Responsive of the Proposal

0 - 10

  1. Project Experience

0 - 20

  1. Cost Effectiveness

0 - 50

  1. Ability to Provide Services Required for the Project

0 - 20

The highest possible score achievable was 100 points.  Scores were tallied for each firm and then averaged for the final score given to each submitting firm.  The highest graded firm was Ware Disposal Co. Inc.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016
Financial Impact:
To be determined – Based on Scope of Project
Funding may be provided by various categories, including, but not limited to:  County School Facilities Fund, Developer Fee’s, CFD and Special Reserves.
Recommended Motion:
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to award the contract for Waste Diversion Services, RFP No. 2015/16-4FA, to Ware Disposal Co. Inc.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to award the contract for Waste Diversion Services, RFP No. 2015/16-4FA, to Ware Disposal Co. Inc.
22.h. Authorization for the Planning, Design, and Installation of Two (2) Leased Relocatable Classrooms at Westpark Elementary School
Based on the current and projected enrollment at Westpark Elementary School, there is a need to increase capacity to accommodate additional future students.  Staff is recommending the addition of two (2) leased relocatable classrooms in anticipation of the projected enrollment needs.  The leased relocatables would be placed this summer.  Staff is recommending the use of leased relocatables to maximize flexibility given the potential of future state and local bonds in the next year.

On March 1, 2016, the Board of Education authorized the retention of Ruhnau Ruhnau Clarke Architects and Planners (RRC) to provide architectural services for the placement of two (2) relocatable classrooms at Westpark Elementary School.

On March 9, 2016 in accordance with Board Policy, staff mailed notices advising adjacent residents of Westpark Elementary School of the proposal to place two (2) relocatable classrooms and a public information meeting would be held to receive comments.


On March 23, 2016, staff conducted a public information meeting at Westpark Elementary School to hear comments regarding the proposed placement of relocatable classrooms.  No residents were present at the meeting for the project as proposed.

At this time, staff is requesting Board approval to continue the planning, design, and installation of the leased relocatable classrooms at Westpark Elementary School.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016
Recommended Motion:
After consideration of the results of the public information meeting, authorize staff to continue the planning, design, and installation of two (2) leased relocatable classrooms at Westpark Elementary School.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
After consideration of the results of the public information meeting, authorize staff to continue the planning, design, and installation of two (2) leased relocatable classrooms at Westpark Elementary School.
16.g. Receive Proposals/Award Contract: Web Content Management Solution Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to award the contract for the Web Content Management Solution, resulting from RFP No. 15/16-0002IT, to KWALL and ACQUIA (Joint Proposal), pursuant to Public Contracts Code section 20118.2. Passed with a motion by Sharon Wallin and a second by Michael Parham.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Item 16.g. Receive Proposals/Award Contract: Web Content Management. Board Members asked questions regarding the sustainability of the awarded company. Chief Technology Officer, Brianne Ford provided information regarding the bid and awarded company.
24.a. Secondary Course of Study Grades 7-12 for 2016-17
The California Education Code requires the Governing Board of each school district to approve annually the curriculum for secondary schools under its jurisdiction.

The Course of Study Report contains a listing of course titles by curricular area by school, along with indications of new and deleted courses.

The curriculum improvement process allows each school the flexibility needed to develop and implement curriculum changes to reflect the immediate needs of the students in the community served.  Each school has parent, student, and faculty participation in curriculum improvement through department groups, subcommittees, and / or School Site Councils.

The Program of Studies and Course Description Catalogues prepared by each school are available to parents and students.  High school and middle school course descriptions are accessible from each school’s website.

IUSD high school graduation requirements can be reviewed at

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016


Financial Impact:
No additional General Fund costs.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the Secondary Course of Study Grades 7-12 for the 2016-17 school year.
Approve the Secondary Course of Study Grades 7-12 for the 2016-17 school year. Passed with a motion by Sharon Wallin and a second by Michael Parham.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the Secondary Course of Study Grades 7-12 for the 2016-17 school year.
Assistant Superintendent Parham presented the Secondary Course of Study and introduced secondary administrators present.

Board Members inquired regarding the implementation of math course title changes.

Member Glasky expressed his appreciation for the Principals’ efforts in customizing the course offerings based on their community’s desires.

Principals Pehrson and Roach provided further details on their site course offerings.
High School Course of Study
Middle School Course of Study Grades 7-8 for 2016-17
24.b. First Reading - Proposed Revisions to Board Policy 6158: Independent Study and Administrative Regulation 6158: Independent Study
In order to bring Irvine Unified's Independent Study Board Policy and Administrative Regulations into compliance with the Education Code and California Code of Regulations, staff has revised and added new language defining eligibility, duration, work product, and course certification.  These revisions are intended to ensure that Independent Study programs are legally compliant and that the mechanisms for implementing the programs are clearly defined.

Board Agenda
April 12, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Approve for first reading proposed revisions to Board Policy 6158: Independent Study and accompanying Administrative Regulation.
The Board waived the second reading, and approved proposed Administrative Regulation and Board Policy 6158: Independent Study. Passed with a motion by Lauren Brooks and a second by Sharon Wallin.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve for first reading proposed revisions to Board Policy 6158: Independent Study and accompanying Administrative Regulation.
Assistant Superintendent Parham introduced Rebecca Roberts, Director of Alternative Education and Racquel Nedden, Coordinator of Online Education who reviewed the proposed changes to the Board Policy to remain compliant with recent changes in law related to funding of Independent Study students.
AR 6158 Independent Study
BP 6158 Independent Study
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An opportunity to speak to a topic not on the agenda; limited to 3 minutes per person, 30 minutes per topic.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Conducted in accordance with applicable sections of California law, Closed Sessions are not open to the general public.
Passed with a motion by Lauren Brooks and a second by Ira Glasky.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m.
28. Board Meeting Information
Quick Summary / Abstract:

May 3, 2016
May 17, 2016

The District will make every attempt to accommodate any attendee or participant at this meeting who needs special assistance, when notice is given to the Superintendent's Office 949.936.5000 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Regular Board Meetings are broadcast live on Cox channel 39 and AT&T U-verse channel 99.

The board meeting agenda and support materials are accessible from the District's web site ( prior to the close of business on the Friday preceding the meeting. Any written materials distributed to the Board after the 72 hour posting period will also be made available for public review at the time of distribution. Copies may also be obtained at the District Administration Center or at the meeting.

* Opportunities for public input occur at the beginning of each agenda item.  Persons wishing to address the Board should complete a blue request form, available on the information table, and submit it to the Board Secretary.  Each topic or item is limited to 30 minutes; each speaker is limited to 3 minutes.

Disability Information:
The District will make every attempt to accommodate any attendee or participant at this meeting who needs special assistance, when notice is given to the Superintendent's Office 949.936.5000 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
4/12/2016 5:34:00 PM ( Original )
PresentPaul Bokota
PresentLauren Brooks
PresentIra Glasky
AbsentMichael Parham
PresentSharon Wallin
4/12/2016 5:38:00 PM
PresentMichael Parham

The resubmit was successful.