Special Meeting of the Board of Education Irvine USD May 11, 2016 3:30PM IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT
IUSD Learning Center, Room 1
3387 Barranca Parkway
Irvine, CA 92604
3:30 p.m. Special Meeting
President Bokota called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Member Wallin and was followed by a moment of silence in memory of Irvine High School 9th Grader Giovanni Cooper, who passed away.
Members Present: Paul Bokota Lauren Brooks Ira Glasky Sharon Wallin
Members Absent: Michael Parham (excused)
Staff: Terry L. Walker, Superintendent of Schools John Fogarty, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Raianna Chavez, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent |
Adopt the agenda, as presented. |
Adopt the agenda, as presented. Passed with a motion by Sharon Wallin and a second by Lauren Brooks. |
Yes Paul Bokota. Yes Lauren Brooks. Yes Ira Glasky. Absent Michael Parham. Yes Sharon Wallin.
Adopt the agenda, as presented. |
An opportunity to speak to a topic not on the agenda; limited to 3 minutes per person; 30 minutes per topic. |
An opportunity to speak to a topic not on the agenda; limited to 3 minutes per person; 30 minutes per topic. |
None. |
Passed with a motion by Sharon Wallin and a second by Lauren Brooks. |
Yes Paul Bokota. Yes Lauren Brooks. Yes Ira Glasky. Absent Michael Parham. Yes Sharon Wallin.
All matters of the Community Facilities District Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion, without prior discussion. At the time the Board adopts the agenda, an item may be removed from the Consent Calendar by the Board, staff, or community for discussion. |
Approve Facilities Consent Calendar Item No. 4.a. |
Bids were opened and publicly read aloud at 2:00 p.m. on April 28, 2016.
The following list contains the numbered bid category, along with a brief description of the scope of work contained in the category.
Bid Category
Number of Bids
Range of Bids
No. 01 General Building Contractor
$1,201,148.00 - $1,317,000.00
The following contractor has been determined to be the lowest qualified and responsive bidder and is within the amount budgeted for this category. Staff has verified references and bid documentation.
Bid Category
Bid Amount
No. 01 General Building Contractor
JRH Construction Company, Inc.
Cypress Village Elementary School $567,839.00
Portola Springs Elementary School $633,309.00
Total - $1,201,148.00
Board Agenda
May 11, 2016
$567,839.00 Cypress Village Elementary School CFD 09-1
$633,309.00 Portola Springs Elementary School CFD 09-1
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to award the contract for the Cypress Village and Portola Springs Elementary School Relocatable 2016 projects to JRH Construction Company for Bid Category No. 01.
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to award the contract for the Cypress Village and Portola Springs Elementary School Relocatable 2016 projects to JRH Construction Company for Bid Category No. 01.
- Enrollment Projection
- Project Updates
Assistant Superintendent John Fogarty introduced district staff and consultants.
Enrollment Projections Lorrie Ruiz, Director of Planning, commenced the presentation by defining capacity, stating capacity is calculated based on how the classroom is utilized and noted when projecting capacity, staff strive to maintain the capacity and utilization outlined in the 2012 Education Specification. She reviewed the formation and use of the different enrollment projection rates: Moderate, Developer, Conservative and Geographic Projection. Dean Waldfogel, Senior Vice President of DecisionInsight, shared potential reasons for the projected enrollment decline, noting a lower geographic kindergarten enrollment in recent years.
Kelvin Okino, Executive Director of Facilities, Construction and Planning provided some considerations for housing the projected peak secondary student enrollment currently forecasted in five to ten years; noting, a decision or action by the Board could be needed in a few years. He then reviewed the location for the second Portola Springs school site, with a projected opening of August 2019. Kelvin then reviewed the two proposed locations for the second school in Heritage Fields, noting the different considerations for each site. He informed the Board of the need to select the location of the school site by fall 2016, for a scheduled opening of August 2019.
Community Option Update Kelvin reviewed the updated Community Option plan noting the expansion projects for Alderwood and Oak Creek elementary schools have been abandoned given the updated enrollment projections and the recent Mitigation Agreement amendment. He stated staff are reviewing options for housing students, if needed, including re-opening a vacated school and watching the enrollment projections should a new school in the Los Olivos development be needed.
Member Glasky requested updated enrollment counts in the fall for Alderwood, Oak Creek and the Spectrum development.
Project Updates An update on the following projects was provided: • Proposed Measure E and project list • Completed projects: o Irvine High School Classroom Building o Central Kitchen / Culinary Arts Center • Construction projects: o Portola High School o Beacon Park K-8 School o Eastwood Elementary School o M&O Modernization • Planned future construction projects
Board Members thanked the Facilities staff for their hard work and requested construction site visits be scheduled for the summer.
Passed with a motion by Ira Glasky and a second by Lauren Brooks. |
Yes Paul Bokota. Yes Lauren Brooks. Yes Ira Glasky. Absent Michael Parham. Yes Sharon Wallin.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m. |
FUTURE MEETINGS: May 24, 2016 June 14, 2016
The District will make every attempt to accommodate any attendee or participant at this meeting who needs special assistance, when notice is given to the Superintendent's Office 949.936.5000 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Regular Board Meetings are broadcast live on Cox channel 39 and AT&T U-verse channel 99. The board meeting agenda and support materials are accessible from the District's web site (www.iusd.org/board/) prior to the close of business on the Friday preceding the meeting. Any written materials distributed to the Board after the 72 hour posting period will also be made available for public review at the time of distribution. Copies may also be obtained at the District Administration Center or at the meeting. * Opportunities for public input occur at the beginning of each agenda item. Persons wishing to address the Board should complete a blue request form, available on the information table, and submit it to the Board Secretary. Each topic or item is limited to 30 minutes; each speaker is limited to 3 minutes.
The District will make every attempt to accommodate any attendee or participant at this meeting who needs special assistance, when notice is given to the Superintendent's Office 949.936.5000 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. |
| |
Present | Paul Bokota |
Present | Lauren Brooks |
Present | Ira Glasky |
Absent | Michael Parham |
Present | Sharon Wallin |