
Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Irvine USD
September 13, 2016 6:30PM
IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Administration Center 5050 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92604 5:30 p.m. Closed Session / 6:30 p.m. Regular Meeting

President Bokota called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Opportunities for public input occur prior to closed session (limited to closed session agenda items), at the beginning of each agenda item and at Oral Communication (for items not on the agenda). Persons wishing to address the Board should complete a blue request form, available on the information table, and submit it to the Board Secretary. Each topic or item is limited to 30 minutes; each speaker is limited to 3 minutes.

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Conducted in accordance with applicable sections of California law, Closed Sessions are not open to the general public. If additional time is required, the Board will reconvene the Closed Session at the end of the regular meeting.

The Board adjourned to closed session at 5:36 p.m.
3.a. Public Employee Performance Evaluation [Government Code Section 54957]
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  • Superintendent's Evaluation - 2015-16
  • Superintendent's Goals and Objectives 2016-17
The Board finalized the Superintendent's Evaluation for 2015-16 and continued discussion of the Superintendent's Goals and Objectives for 2016-17.
President Bokota reconvened the meeting at 6:37 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Student Member LeVasseur.

Members Present:
Paul Bokota
Lauren Brooks
Ira Glasky
Michael Parham
Sharon Wallin

Student Members Present:
Aidan Arasasingham
Allie Hunter
Cara LeVasseur
Ethan Suh

Terry L. Walker, Superintendent of Schools
John Fogarty, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Eamonn O'Donovan, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Cassie Parham, Assistant Superintendent, Education Services
Brianne Ford, Chief Technology Officer
Raianna Chavez, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
President Bokota reported on the discussion in Closed Session.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the minutes of the following meeting(s), as presented:

August 16, 2016 - Special Meeting

Approve the minutes of the following meeting(s), as presented:

August 16, 2016 - Special Meeting

Passed with a motion by Sharon Wallin and a second by Lauren Brooks.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Approve the minutes of the following meeting(s), as presented:

August 16, 2016 - Special Meeting

Minutes - 081616
Recommended Motion:
Adopt agenda, as presented.

Adopt agenda, as presented.

Passed with a motion by Lauren Brooks and a second by Sharon Wallin.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Adopt agenda, as presented.
Member Wallin pulled item No. 21.a. Receive Bids/Award Contract - IT LAN Upgrades - Phase 1 Project Bid Category No. 1 LAN Contractor for separate approval.
9.a. Irvine Public Schools Foundation
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Kellie Pendergest, Director of Marketing & Communications
Kellie Pendergest, Director of Marketing and Communications for Irvine Public Schools Foundation, reported on upcoming activities including the celebration of IPSF’s 20th anniversary. She reported, the theme of the anniversary is “20 years of impact”, with a new logo and website to be unveiled. On October 22nd IPSF will have their annual gala and will be honoring the Irvine Company with an award. She also reported the annual musical instrumental rental program was successful in providing instruments to nearly two thousand students. In closing, she reported on other upcoming events, including IPSF’s annual campaign commencing in October.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An opportunity to speak to a topic not on the agenda; limited to 3 minutes per person; 30 minutes per topic.
Hannah Hess, Representative to Congresswoman Mimi Walters, addressed the Board regarding US Service Academy event.

Mark Newgent addressed the Board regarding the budget.
Student Board Members Arasasingham, Hunter, LeVasseur, and Suh reported on school activities.
Superintendent Walker updated the Board on activities from the start of traditional school; reporting the District’s enrollment is now over 33,000 students, with nearly 200 certificated staff and over 230 classified staff recently hired. He thanked the Board for their approval of the 2015-16 Goals and Objectives and shared how he is proud to work for IUSD. He then reported on the recent CAASPP results, whereby the District was ranked, for the second year in a row, the highest performing district in California, of any large size district, and highest in Orange County; noting however, the results are only one measure of student learning. In closing, he reported on a recent trip he and other members took to San Francisco to meet with finance rating companies to share IUSD’s story to hopefully ensure a strong rating for the upcoming Measure E bond issuance.
Board Members Bokota, Brooks, Glasky, Parham and Wallin reported on school visits, conference attendance and meeting participation.

Member Wallin, with a second by member Brooks, requested a resolution in support of Prop. 51 – State Facilities Bond be agendized for the next Board Meeting.
Passed with a motion by Sharon Wallin and a second by Lauren Brooks.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
All matters of the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion, without prior discussion. At the time the Board adopts the agenda an item may be removed from the consent calendar by the Board, staff, or community for discussion.
Approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 15.a. – 19.b.
15. CONSENT CALENDAR - Business Services
15.a. Check Register Report
Commercial Check Registers are presented to the Board of Education listing checks which have been issued in accordance with the established purchasing procedures and administrative regulations of the Irvine Unified School District.

These checks represent previously approved purchase orders and contracts and are presented to the Board of Education for ratification in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Education and Government Code Statutes of the State of California. A copy of the full report is attached.

District 75, Irvine Unified School District - Numbers 00233132 through 00233987
District 50, CFD No. 01-1 - None
District 44, CFD No. 86-1 - Numbers 00007076 through 00007107
District 41, Irvine Child Care Project - None
Revolving Cash - Numbers 43634 through 43733

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Ratify issuance of check numbers as listed, representing Board authorized purchase orders, invoices and contracts.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Ratify issuance of check numbers as listed, representing Board authorized purchase orders, invoices and contracts.
09-13-16 Check Register Report
15.b. Contract Services Action Report 2016-17/03
Consultant to provide professional legal services related to the fifth high school (Portola High School) and additional testing required by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC).
(Previously Board Approved May 3, 2016 and July 12, 2016.)

March 1, 2016 – June 30, 2016
March 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016
Budget No.: 3570290185-5839
Fogarty/Business Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $40,000.00
Community Facilities District 09-1 / County School Facilities Fund – Fund 35

Consultant to provide educational consult services to student with special needs per student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) during the 2016-17 school year.

July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017
Budget No.: 0101755710-5811
Hertig/Special Education Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $2,000.00
Restricted General Fund

As part of the IRVINE 01 CubeSat STEM Program, contractor to provide Irvine Unified School District Radio Relay and Support Services at Woodbridge High School.  The team at Woodbridge High School is responsible for team communication: command, control, and download.

September 1, 2016 – August 31, 2017
Krebs/Woodbridge High School
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $34,564.00*
*Amount to be reimbursed by IPSF

Consultant to provide professional legal consulting services construction of Portola High School.
(Previously Board Approved June 24, 2014 and September 15, 2015.)

January 1, 2014 – June 30, 2016
January 1, 2014 – June 30, 2017
Budget No.: 3570290185-5839
Fogarty/Business Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $10,000.00
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $15,000.00
Community Facilities District 09-1 / County School Facilities Fund – Fund 35

Consultant to provide programmatic support for the Irvine Family Resource Center.

July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017
Budget No.: 0102562320-5811
DiScala/Mental Health and Wellness
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $125,000.00
Restricted General Fund

Consultant to provide online reading intervention for at-risk students grades 6-12.  The Read 180 Universal Program is a transition solution including curriculum for 631 students and 16 teachers/classrooms.
(Previously Board Approved April 12, 2016.)

July 1, 2016June 30, 2017
August 15, 2016 – August 14, 2019
Budget No.: 0100904210-5831
Budget No.: 0100949410-5810
Schlichting/Student Support Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $120,000.00
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $314,014.65
Unrestricted General Fund

Memorandum of Understanding between Irvine Unified School District, Irvine Public Schools Foundation, Brent Freeze and Kain Sosa for the Irvine CubeSat STEM Program – Irvine 01.  The Irvine CubeSat STEM Program (ICSP)(IRVINE01) is a joint project between Irvine public schools and industry partners to assemble, test and launch a CubeSat (Nano-Satellite) into low Earth Orbit.  Funding for the ICSP IRVINE01 program by Irvine Public Schools Foundation was board approved on February 16, 2016 (Item 24.b. Irvine Public Schools Foundation Funding Priorities 2016-17).

February 16, 2016 – June 30, 2018
Tuominen/Secondary Education

Consultant to provide no-cost parenting classes to assist families with strengthening positive interactions between parent and child, reducing conflict, encouraging cooperative transitions, and working with school and community resources to encourage ongoing supports for both children and families.  Classes to be held at Greentree Elementary School and Stonegate Elementary School.

September 19, 2016 – December 1, 2016
Brown/Greentree Elementary School
Briscoe/Gibbs/Stonegate Elementary School

Consultant to assist the district with obtaining site clearance from the Department of Toxic Substance Control and California Department of Education for the second K-8 school in the Heritage Fields development.
(Previously Board Approved June 28, 2016.)

June 29, 2016 – December 31, 2017
Budget No.: 3570690185-6117
Okino/Construction & Facilities
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $186,990.00*
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $225,000.00*
County School Facilities Fund – Fund 35
*Amount to be reimbursed by Five Point Communities

Consultant to provide individual math tutoring services per student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) during the 2016-17 school year.

July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017
Budget No.: 0101755710-5811
Hertig/Special Education Services
Fee....................................................... not to exceed $6,320.00
Restricted General Fund

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016
Financial Impact:
Community Facilities District - not to exceed $5,000.00

County School Facilities Fund - not to exceed $38,010.00*
*Amount to be reimbursed by Five Point Communities

Restricted General Fund - not to exceed $133,320.00

Restricted General Fund - not to exceed $34,564.00*
*Amount to be reimbursed by Irvine Public Schools Foundation

Unrestricted General Fund - not to exceed $194,014.65
Recommended Motion:
Approve and/or ratify the Contract Services Action Report 2016-17/03, as submitted.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve and/or ratify the Contract Services Action Report 2016-17/03, as submitted.
15.c. Purchase Order Detail Report
The purchase orders listed on the Purchase Order Detail Report are processed in compliance with the applicable purchasing procedures and administrative regulations of the Irvine Unified School District. A copy of the full report is attached. A purchase order cannot be initiated unless the funds necessary have been previously approved in the school or program budget by the Board of Education. Each purchase order has been approved in the form of a requisition by the school administrator or manager responsible for the respective site or program. After initial approval at the local level, each requisition is reviewed and, if appropriate, authorized for processing in the form of a purchase order by staff of the Business Department.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Financial Impact:
All expenditures have been made within the authorized budget.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the Purchase Order Detail Report dated September 2, 2016.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the Purchase Order Detail Report dated September 2, 2016.
09-13-16 Purchase Order Detail Report
15.d. Notice of Completion - District Office Roofing Project
The following list contains the bid category, contractor, and the date the Board of Education approved the contract for the District Office Roofing Project.

Bid Category


Board Approval Date

Extension of Unit-Cost Bid for District-wide Roofing

Commercial Roofing Systems, Inc.

May 24, 2016

The project is complete, and this contract is ready for acceptance by the Board of Education.

At this time, staff requests the Board to accept the project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion for the contractor listed, with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Accept the contract of the listed contractor for the District Office Roofing Repair Project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Accept the contract of the listed contractor for the District Office Roofing Repair Project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
15.e. Notice of Completion - Prop 39 HVAC Retrofit Design-Build Services at University High School and Westpark Elementary School
The following list contains the bid category, contractor, and the date the Board of Education approved the contract for the Prop 39 HVAC Retrofit Design-Build Services at University High School and Westpark Elementary School Project.

Bid Category Contractor Board Approval Date

Public Hearing: Resolution No. 15-16-29
Approval of Energy Conservation Services
Contract for Design, Installation and
Commissioning of HVAC at University High
and Westpark Elementary Schools

 EMCOR Services - 
Mesa Energy Systems, Inc.
 March 15, 2016

The project is complete, and this contract is ready for acceptance by the Board of Education. 

At this time, staff requests the Board to accept the project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion for the contractor listed with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Recommended Motion:

Accept the contract of the listed contractor for the Prop 39 HVAC Retrofit Design-Build Services at two school sites as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Accept the contract of the listed contractor for the Prop 39 HVAC Retrofit Design-Build Services at two school sites as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
15.f. Notice of Completion - Springbrook Elementary Roofing Project

The following list contains the bid category, contractor, and the date the Board of Education approved the contract for the Springbrook Elementary Roofing Project.

Bid Category


Board Approval Date

Extension of Unit-Cost Bid for District-wide Roofing

Commercial Roofing Systems, Inc.

May 24, 2016

The project is complete, and this contract is ready for acceptance by the Board of Education.

 At this time, staff requests the Board to accept the project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion for the contractor listed, with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Accept the contract of the listed contractor for the Springbrook Elementary Roofing Repair Project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Accept the contract of the listed contractor for the Springbrook Elementary Roofing Repair Project as complete and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
16. CONSENT CALENDAR - Education Services
16.a. Participation in Outdoor Education Science Camps for the 2016-17 School Year

Camp High Trails, Thousand Pines, Pali Institute, Catalina Island Marine Institute, Emerald Cove Outdoor Science Institute and Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center Outdoor Science School provide students with an outdoor education program focusing on instruction in biology, geology, and environmental issues. Sixth, seventh and eighth grade students experience hands-on instruction in the flora and fauna of California’s mountain, high desert, and island regions with emphasis on individual learning in small group settings. Camp High Trails, Thousand Pines, Pali Institute, Catalina Island Marine Institute, Emerald Cove Outdoor Science Institute, and Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center are privately owned facilities prepared to meet the needs of sixth, seventh and eighth grade students. All outdoor schools blend science and nature activities with social growth where students will be hiking, exploring, and learning about the environment. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn cooperative and leadership skills. Students are challenged to think about the world around them. 

The following schools are scheduled to attend:


# of Days

Cost Per Student

Vista Verde



Oak Creek



Santiago Hills



Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Financial Impact:


Recommended Motion:
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent, Business Services to enter into contracts with Camp High Trails Outdoor Science School, Thousand Pines Outdoor Science School, Pali Institute Outdoor Science School, Catalina Island Marine Institute, Emerald Cove Outdoor Science Institute and Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center Outdoor Science School for the 2016-17 school year on behalf of the following schools:

Vista Verde, Oak Creek and Santiago Hills
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent, Business Services to enter into contracts with Camp High Trails Outdoor Science School, Thousand Pines Outdoor Science School, Pali Institute Outdoor Science School, Catalina Island Marine Institute, Emerald Cove Outdoor Science Institute and Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center Outdoor Science School for the 2016-17 school year on behalf of the following schools:

Vista Verde, Oak Creek and Santiago Hills
16.b. Field Trips and Excursions

District policy states that field trips or excursions that involve out-of-state travel, overnight travel, air travel or solicitation of funds in excess of $3,500 shall be submitted to the Superintendent or designee for review and recommendation to the Board.

District policy further states that no expenses of pupils participating in a field trip or excursion shall be paid with school district funds, unless the field trip is required as part of an approved program.  If an individual cannot raise the funds, a scholarship or other form of financial support shall be provided.  The source of this financial support shall not be from any IUSD account.

Applications for the attached field trips were received for approval.  These trips fall within district overnight field trip restrictions.  District liability will apply.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016


Recommended Motion:
Approve field trips and excursions funded by donations as submitted.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve field trips and excursions funded by donations as submitted.
Field Trips
17. CONSENT CALENDAR - Human Resources
17.a. Certificated Personnel Action Report 2016-17/03
The Certificated Personnel Action Report represents proposed Employment, Resignations and/or Separations from Employment.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016


Recommended Motion:
Approve and /or ratify the Certificated Personnel Action Report 2016-17/03 as submitted for Employment, Leaves of Absences and Resignations.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve and /or ratify the Certificated Personnel Action Report 2016-17/03 as submitted for Employment, Leaves of Absences and Resignations.
Certificated Personnel Action Report 2016-17/03
17.b. Classified Personnel Action Report 2016-17/03
The Classified Personnel Action Report represents proposed Employment, Resignations and/or Separation from Employment.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Approve and/or ratify the Classified Personnel Action Report 2016-17/03 as submitted for Employment and Resignations.

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve and/or ratify the Classified Personnel Action Report 2016-17/03 as submitted for Employment and Resignations.
Classified Personnel Action Report 2016-17/03
17.c. Student Teacher/Intern Agreements for 2016-17
For several years, the District has established formal student teacher/intern placement agreements with the following colleges/universities: 
  • Adelphi University
  • Alliant University
  • Azusa Pacific University
  • Biola University
  • Brandman University
  • California State University, Fullerton, CalState TEACH
  • California State University, Chico
  • California State University, Fullerton
  • California State University, Long Beach
  • California State University, San Diego
  • Chapman University
  • Concordia University
  • Grand Canyon University
  • Loyola Marymount University
  • Luther College
  • National University
  • Northern Arizona University
  • Northern Iowa University
  • Orange County Department of Education
  • Pepperdine University
  • Rancho Santiago Community College, Santa Ana
  • Regis University
  • University of California, Irvine
  • University of Idaho
  • University of Iowa
  • University of Michigan, Flint
  • University of Northern Iowa
  • University of Phoenix
  • University of Redlands
  • University of Southern California
  • University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
  • Vanguard University
  • West Coast University
  • Western Governors University

In order to continue the Irvine Unified School District’s participation with selected teacher preparation programs, it is desirable to continue agreements with the above teacher preparation institutions.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Recommended Motion:

Approve the Student Teacher/Intern Placement Agreements between the named institutions and the Irvine Unified School District.

Quick Summary / Abstract:

Approve the Student Teacher/Intern Placement Agreements between the named institutions and the Irvine Unified School District.

18. CONSENT CALENDAR - Special Education
18.a. Payment for Nonpublic School/Agency Services for Special Education
The district continues to experience need for non-public school and agency (NPS/NPA) services. Provision of service is mandated by law under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for one or more of the following reasons:

• Student has been placed in one of the district's less restrictive programs and has been found to need a more restrictive setting. The change of placement occurs through the IEP process.

• Student was placed in a NPS or NPA program by another school district prior to the student's Irvine residency. The placement will continue until reviewed by the IEP team.

• District is unable to provide the type or amount of service required in the student's IEP due to lack of staff with appropriate qualifications or level of expertise.

• Students, with extreme mental health needs, who are in danger of harming themselves or others and have not been successful in less restrictive placements, may be placed in residential NPS schools in California or out-of-state placements.

Each year the district prepares a master agreement for special education services with nonpublic schools and nonpublic agencies. In addition to the general agreement, individual service agreements for each identified special education student are negotiated at each IEP meeting. NPS/NPA providers work cooperatively with the district to provide services unattainable within the district or other local public schools.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016
Financial Impact:

$155,700.10 for the 2016-17 school year in special education related services.

Recommended Motion:
Authorize the Executive Director of Special Education to contract with and approve the individual pupil service contract(s) for disabled student(s) negotiated between the Irvine Unified School District and State Certified Nonpublic Schools/Agencies.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize the Executive Director of Special Education to contract with and approve the individual pupil service contract(s) for disabled student(s) negotiated between the Irvine Unified School District and State Certified Nonpublic Schools/Agencies.
18.b. Payment in Accordance with the Terms of the Settlement Agreement(s)
Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement(s), the negotiated agreement(s) has/have been reached.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016
Financial Impact:
$9,000.00 special education related services.
Recommended Motion:
Approve agreement to settle six case(s) in accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement(s) and authorize the Executive Director of Special Education to enter into the negotiated agreements.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve agreement to settle six case(s) in accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement(s) and authorize the Executive Director of Special Education to enter into the negotiated agreements.
18.c. Contract for Special Education Related Services
On occasion, it is appropriate for the District to enter into a contract arrangement with parents of students with special education needs. A small percentage of more severely involved special education students have very unique needs that cannot be met entirely by special education employees of IUSD who normally support our school-based programs. It is frequently financially advantageous to the district to have the flexibility to provide these specialized services without the usual employment restrictions associated with education code procedures. All services are provided as required by federal and state mandates or the IEP.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016
Financial Impact:
$73,240.00 in special education related services.
Recommended Motion:
Authorize payment for special education related services in an amount not to exceed $73,240.00 for ongoing educational services to four families.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize payment for special education related services in an amount not to exceed $73,240.00 for ongoing educational services to four families.
19. CONSENT CALENDAR - Superintendent
19.a. Gifts
The site listed has been offered the following gift:

School: Irvine High School
Donation: Used Industrial Diesel Engine valued at $5,341.00
Donor: Jorge Daniel Dell' Aquilla

School: Canyon View Elementary School
Donation: $5,000.00
Donor: Rich Roeske

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016
Recommended Motion:
Accept gift(s) to the District, as listed.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Accept gift(s) to the District, as listed.
19.b. Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Superintendent of Schools
Government Code 53262, paragraph a) states “All contracts of employment with a superintendent, deputy superintendent, assistant superintendent, etc. shall be ratified in an open session of the governing body which shall be reflected in the governing body’s minutes.” As such, any change must be accomplished in the form of a mutually agreed contract and adopted by the Board of Education in a duly noticed, regular meeting.

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the renewal agreement between the Board of Education of the Irvine Unified School District and Terry L. Walker for employment as Superintendent for the term of July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019.

Changes to the employment contract include:

  • Extension of employment agreement term three years to June 30, 2019
  • Updating contractual language and adding language required by Government Code 53260
  • Consolidation of current contractual salary increases

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Accept the recommendation to approve the contract extension and set the salary for Superintendent of Schools, Terry L. Walker, effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2019.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Accept the recommendation to approve the contract extension and set the salary for Superintendent of Schools, Terry L. Walker, effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2019.
Passed with a motion by Michael Parham and a second by Sharon Wallin.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
All Resolutions on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion, without prior discussion. At the time the Board adopts the agenda, an item may be removed from the Consent Calendar by the Board, staff, or community for discussion.
Approve Consent Calendar Resolution Item Nos. 20.a. – 20.b.
20.a. Resolution No. 16-17-17: 2016-17 Budget Revisions to Adjust 2015-16 Actual Fund Balance
School districts are required to adopt their final budgets by July 1 each year and are required to make adjustments to their budgets for the difference between the budget year estimated beginning fund balances and the actual ending fund balances of the prior fiscal year.

The budget year beginning fund balances reported in the adopted budget are estimates that need to be revised to reflect actual information after fiscal year end closing is complete and actual balances are available.

The attached Resolution No. 16-17-17 revises the beginning fund balances and is submitted for the Board's approval.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 16-17-17: 2016-17 Budget Revisions to Adjust 2015-16 Actual Fund Balance.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Adopt Resolution No. 16-17-17: 2016-17 Budget Revisions to Adjust 2015-16 Actual Fund Balance.
Res No 16-17-17 Budget Revisions 2016-17
20.b. Resolution No. 16-17-18: Adopting the Gann Appropriations Limit
School districts are required each year to adopt calculations indicating their budget does not exceed limitations imposed by Proposition 4 of the 1979 election (Gann Limitation).  The purpose of this resolution is to establish the District’s appropriations limit for 2016-17 fiscal year and verify it does not exceed the limitations of Proposition 4.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 16-17-18 and declare that the appropriations in the budget for the 2016-17 fiscal year do not exceed the limitations imposed by Proposition 4.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Adopt Resolution No. 16-17-18 and declare that the appropriations in the budget for the 2016-17 fiscal year do not exceed the limitations imposed by Proposition 4.
Res No 16-17-18 Adopting the Gann Limit
Gann Report Fiscal Year 2015-16
Passed with a motion by Lauren Brooks and a second by Michael Parham.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
All matters of the Community Facilities District Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion, without prior discussion. At the time the Board adopts the agenda, an item may be removed from the Consent Calendar by the Board, staff, or community for discussion.
Approve Facilities Consent Calendar Item Nos. 21.b. – 21.c.; Item No. 21.a. pulled for separate approval.
21.a. Receive Bids/Award Contract – IT LAN Upgrades – Phase 1 Project Bid Category No. 1 LAN Contractor
The following list contains the numbered bid category, along with a brief description of the scope of work contained in the category.

Bid Category

Number of Bids

Range of Bids

No. 1 LAN Contractor


$4,999,995.00 - $11,945,000.00

The following contractor has been determined to be the lowest qualified and responsive bidder and is within the amount budgeted for this category.  Staff has verified references and bid documentation.

Bid Category


Bid Amount

No. 1 LAN Contractor

Telenet VoIP, Inc.


Board Agenda
September 13, 2016
Financial Impact:
$4,999,995.00 CFD 86-1
Recommended Motion:
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to award the contract for the IT LAN Upgrades – Phase 1 project, to Telenet VoIP, Inc. for Bid Category No. 1.

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to award the contract for the IT LAN Upgrades – Phase 1 project, to Telenet VoIP, Inc. for Bid Category No. 1.
21.b. Change Order Requests – Maintenance and Operations Modernization Project
Certain modifications were required during the construction phase of the Maintenance and Operations Modernization project, which require a change order.  A list of each item, the requesting party, a brief explanation of the reason for the change, and the cost of the change are available in the Facilities office upon request.

The following list contains the bid category, contractor, change order amount, and brief description.  The cumulative total of the change orders to the contractors listed below is within the 10% allowance allowed by the Public Contract Code.

Change Order

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package No. 1 Site Utilities
Contractor:  G.C.I. Construction
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Electrical, Grading, and Asphalt for Relocated Trailer; Credit for Unused Allowance
Amount:  $76,446.82

Description:  Change Order No. 1
Bid Package No. 2 Site Electrical and Low Voltage
Contractor:  RDM Electric Co., Inc.
Requested by:  District
Reason:  Credit for Unused Allowance
Amount:  < $3,235.15 >

The original total contract amount for this project is $5,870,537.20.  The total of all change orders is $73,211.67, or 1.25% of the project.  The new total contract amount shall be $5,943,748.87.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016
Financial Impact:
$73,211.67 CFD 86-1
Recommended Motion:
Approve the listed change orders in the amount of $73,211.67 for the Maintenance and Operations Modernization project.  No change to the completion date.

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve the listed change orders in the amount of $73,211.67 for the Maintenance and Operations Modernization project.  No change to the completion date.
21.c. Notices of Completion – Maintenance and Operations Modernization Project
The following list contains the bid category, contractor, and the date the Board of Education approved the listed contracts for the Maintenance and Operations Modernization project.

Bid Category


Board Approval Date

Bid Pkg. No. 1 Site Utilities

G.C.I. Construction

October 20, 2015

Bid Pkg. No. 2 Site Electrical and Low Voltage

RDM Electric Co., Inc.

October 20, 2015

These contracts are substantially complete and ready for acceptance by the Board of Education.

At this time, staff requests the Board accept these contracts as complete and authorize staff to file Notices of Completion for the contractors listed with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016
Recommended Motion:
Accept the contracts of the listed contractors for the Maintenance and Operations Modernization project as complete and authorize staff to file Notices of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Accept the contracts of the listed contractors for the Maintenance and Operations Modernization project as complete and authorize staff to file Notices of Completion with the County of Orange Recorder’s Office.
Approve Item No. 21.a. Receive Bids/Award Contract – IT LAN Upgrades – Phase 1 Project Bid Category No. 1 LAN Contractor Passed with a motion by Sharon Wallin and a second by Ira Glasky.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Member Wallin requested clarification on the LAN Upgrade Project phasing; Chief Technology Officer Brianne Ford provided an overview of the project phasing.
23.a. Course-based Certification for IUSD Online/Independent Study Courses Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting

Course-based certification is an independent study option for students within Irvine Unified School District. Per SB-858, courses in this program are to be annually certified by the governing board that courses are of the same rigor and educational quality as classroom-based courses, and are aligned to all relevant state and local content standards. Online coursework is delivered through Edgenuity, an online course provider, and from IUSD's own teacher-created courses.

Courses from Edgenuity are aligned to the standards for each state. Edgenuity provides detailed documentation for each course regarding the scope and sequence, syllabi, state standards alignment, and total number of hours per course. Courses are designed using the Standards for Quality Online Courses provided by the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNacol) and contain a balance of videos, interactive lessons, assignments, quizzes, unit assessments and a final exam.  Hour requirements are met through a combination of mandatory weekly in-person meetings and online coursework. Appropriate courses are A-G approved through the University of California and through NCAA for use at San Joaquin Schools.

IUSD teacher-created courses are designed using the Standards for Quality Online Courses from iNacol and contain a balance of videos, interactive lessons, assignments, quizzes, unit assessments, and a final exam. Courses are aligned to all relevant standards, and are designed to run parallel with the corresponding in-person course, using District approved textbooks or eBooks, similar assignments and assessments as the in-person courses and, when available, common school or District assessments. Hour requirements are met through a combination of mandatory weekly in-person meetings and online coursework. Teachers estimate total time online as determined by requirements for lesson content, assignments, and assessments for each unit. Teachers can confirm time online using the data points in Canvas (learning management system).  Appropriate courses are A-G approved through the University of California and NCAA approved for use at San Joaquin Schools.

Data collection and analysis from the blended learning program is designed to compare rigor and quality to the in-person course equivalents. Data points include comparison of common school or District assessments, when available, grade distribution by course, final exam data, and student surveys.  

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016


Financial Impact:
No additional General Fund costs.
Recommended Motion:
Certify online/independent study courses provided through San Joaquin Schools are equivalent in hours and rigor to the corresponding in-person district courses, and are aligned to the same local and state standards.

Certify online/independent study courses provided through San Joaquin Schools are equivalent in hours and rigor to the corresponding in-person district courses, and are aligned to the same local and state standards.

Passed with a motion by Lauren Brooks and a second by Sharon Wallin.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Certify online/independent study courses provided through San Joaquin Schools are equivalent in hours and rigor to the corresponding in-person district courses, and are aligned to the same local and state standards.
2016-2017 SJHS Edgenuity Course List
Fall 2016 Blended Learning Options
Fall 2016 SJHS Schedule
23.b. Measure E Appointment of Citizens' Oversight Committee Members

General Obligation Bond Measure E was approved by the voters on June 7, 2016. Measure E was approved and authorized subject to provisions of Section 1 of Article XIII A of the California Constitution. As such, California Education Code Section 15278 requires the establishment of an Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee within 60 days of the date that the results from the Bond Election are entered into the minutes of the District.  Resolution No. 16-17-09 was adopted by the Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) Governing Board at the August 23, 2016 Board Meeting, officially acknowledging the election results in the board minutes and certifying that all proceedings in the June 7, 2016 General Obligation Bond Election were conducted in accordance with California State law.

Resolution No. 16-17-10 was adopted by the IUSD Governing Board at the August 23, 2016 Board Meeting, officially establishing an Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee and approving the Committee Bylaws. The purpose of the Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee is to inform the public concerning the expenditure of the proceeds from the Bonds. The Committee shall have specific purposes and be operated in the manner required by the Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee Bylaws.

In early July the District issued a press release seeking applicants interested in participating on the Measure E Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee.

Appointment to the Citizens' Oversight Committee requires members to commit to a two-year term and reside within the School Facilities Improvement District (SFID). The Education Code requires a minimum of seven (7) members representing the following categories:

  • one (1) member who is a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District within the boundaries of the SFID;
  • one (1) member who is both a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District within the boundaries of the SFID and active in a parent-teacher organization, such as the PTA or school site council;
  • one (1) member who is active in a business organization representing the business community residing in the District within the boundaries of the SFID;
  • one (1) member who is active in a senior citizens organization residing in the District within the boundaries of the SFID;
  • one (1) member who is active in a bona-fide taxpayers association residing in the District within the boundaries of the SFID and
  • two (2) members of the community at-large residing in the District within the boundaries of the SFID.

After careful consideration and based on their respective qualifications and interview, staff is recommending eleven (11) candidates for appointment to the Measure E Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee.  Below is a list of the recommended candidates along with the required category they fulfill.

Name Required Category Fulfilled

Roza Mansouri  Parent/Guardian
Jeffrey Schmehr Parent/Guardian
Todd Cope Parent active in Parent-Teacher Organization
Ryan Larson Parent active in Parent-Teacher Organization
Connie Stone Parent active in Parent-Teacher Organization
Kristi Smemoe Parent active in Parent-Teacher Organization
Margie Wakeham Business Organization Representative
Betty Jo Woollett Senior Citizen Organization Representative
Patti Ragland Bona-fide Taxpayers Association Representative
Kenric Stone Member of Community At-large
Terri Elia Member of Community At-large

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Appoint members of the Measure E Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee as presented.
Appoint members of the Measure E Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee as revised. Passed with a motion by Ira Glasky and a second by Michael Parham.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Appoint members of the Measure E Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee as presented.
Assistant Superintendent John Fogarty amended the Citizens' Oversight Committee Members list of appointees as follows:

Name Required Category Fulfilled
Roza Mansouri Parent/Guardian
Jeffrey Schmehr Parent/Guardian
Todd Cope Parent active in Parent-Teacher Organization
Ryan Larson Parent active in Parent-Teacher Organization
Connie Stone Parent active in Parent-Teacher Organization
Kristi Smemoe Parent active in Parent-Teacher Organization
Terri Elia Business Organization Representative
Betty Jo Woollett Senior Citizen Organization Representative
Patti Ragland Bona-fide Taxpayers Association Representative
Kenric Stone Member of Community At-large
Adele Heuer Member of Community At-large
23.c. Resolution No. 16-17-19: Authorizing the Issuance of School Facilities Improvement District No. 1 of IUSD General Obligation Bonds, 2016 Election, Series 2016A - Roll Call
On March 1, 2016, the Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) Board of Education adopted Resolution No. 15-16-26 ordering the formation of School Facilities Improvement District No. 1 (SFID No. 1), a portion of the territory within IUSD boundaries, for the purpose of presenting a bond authorization to the voters within SFID No. 1 at the June 7, 2016 election. In addition, on March 1, 2016, the IUSD Board of Education adopted Resolution No. 15-16-27 ordering an election within SFID No. 1 be held on June 7, 2016, on the question of authorizing the issuance of IUSD general obligation bonds to be issued on behalf of SFID No. 1, in one or more series in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $319,000,000 (the Bonds).

On June 7, 2016 the Bond Election was duly held and conducted for the purpose of voting on a measure for the issuance of the Bonds in one or more series in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $319,000,000 (Measure E). On June 27, 2016 IUSD received from the Orange County Registrar of Voters, the Canvass Certificate and the Official Statement of Results of the Bond Election certifying that more than fifty-five percent (55%) of the votes cast on Measure E were in favor of issuing the Bonds. Resolution No. 16-17-09 was adopted by the Board of Education at the August 23, 2016 Board Meeting, officially acknowledging the election results in the board minutes and certifying that all proceedings in the June 7, 2016 General Obligation Bond Election were conducted in accordance with California State law.

At the August 23, 2016 Board Meeting, staff presented a draft Measure E Project Implementation plan which identifies project planning to begin in fall 2016. Resolution 16-17-19 authorizes the first issuance of General Obligation Bonds (GO Bonds) for SFID No. 1, Series 2016A, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $95,000,000. Approval of Resolution 16-17-19 will further authorize IUSD staff to execute the financing documents required for the marketing, sale and issuance of the Series 2016A Bonds.

Adam Bauer, Chief Executive Officer of Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates, will be at the Board Meeting with a brief presentation and available to answer questions.  In addition, Brad Neal, bond counsel with Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, will also be available to answer questions.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Financial Impact:
$95,000,000 to Fund 21
Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 16-17-19 Authorizing the issuance of the School Facilities Improvement District (SFID) No. 1 of the Irvine Unified School District General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016A, in a principal amount not to exceed $95,000,000.
Adopt Resolution No. 16-17-19 Authorizing the issuance of the School Facilities Improvement District (SFID) No. 1 of the Irvine Unified School District General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016A, in a principal amount not to exceed $95,000,000. Passed with a motion by Michael Parham and a second by Sharon Wallin.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Adopt Resolution No. 16-17-19 Authorizing the issuance of the School Facilities Improvement District (SFID) No. 1 of the Irvine Unified School District General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016A, in a principal amount not to exceed $95,000,000.
Adam Bauer, President of Fieldman Rolapp and Associates presented market information, historical assessed valuation, and the proposed financing schedule related to the Measure E, Series 1, bond issuance of $95 million expected in October, 2016. In closing, Adam reported the benefit of a favorable or high credit rating which would allow the District to borrow at a lower interest rate and possibly receive more funds sooner, within the voter approved amount, which would benefit voters.
Res No 16-17-19 Authorizing SFID No. 1 GO Bond Series 2016A
23.d. Public Hearing: Resolution No. 16-17-16: Statement of Assurance for the 2016-17 TK-12 Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Program for Year Round and Traditional Schools - Roll Call
California Education Code 60119 and 60422(b) specifies that in order to receive funding in the Pupil Textbook and/or Instructional Materials Incentive Program and/or funding for instructional materials from any state source, the governing board shall hold a public hearing which encourages participation by teachers, members of the community, and bargaining unit leaders. A notice was printed in the Orange County Register on August 10, 2016, and August 17, 2016, and in the Irvine World News on August 18, 2016, and August 25, 2016, announcing the public hearing. The public hearing notice was also posted ten days prior to the actual date in at least three public places at the district office.

The governing board shall make a determination, through a resolution, as to whether each pupil in each school in the district has, or will have prior to the end of the 2016-17 fiscal year, sufficient textbooks or instructional materials, or both, in each subject that are consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum framework adopted by the State Board of Education. In the context of the changes to Education Code 60119, the following definitions apply: Sufficient textbooks or instructional materials means that each pupil, including English Learners, has a standards-aligned textbook or instructional materials, or both, to use in class and to take home to complete required homework assignments. It does not require two sets of textbooks or instructional materials for each pupil. Sufficient textbooks or instructional materials does not include photocopied sheets from only a portion of a textbook or instructional materials copied to address a shortage.

Utilizing the Textbook Management System, district staff determined that all schools had sufficient textbooks and/or instructional materials that are aligned to the content standards adopted pursuant to Education Code Section 60605 and are consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum framework adopted by the State Board in the core areas of Mathematics, Science, Science Laboratory equipment (9-12 inclusive), History/Social Science, English/Language Arts (including the English Language Development component of an adopted program), Foreign Language, Health, and Visual and Performing Arts.

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Recommended Motion:
After holding a public hearing and considering all public input, adopt Resolution No. 16-17-16: Statement of Assurance for TK-12 Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Program for 2016-17.
After holding a public hearing and considering all public input, adopt Resolution No. 16-17-16: Statement of Assurance for TK-12 Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Program for 2016-17. Passed with a motion by Sharon Wallin and a second by Lauren Brooks.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
After holding a public hearing and considering all public input, adopt Resolution No. 16-17-16: Statement of Assurance for TK-12 Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Program for 2016-17.
President Bokota opened the public hearing at 8:12 p.m., received no comments and closed the public hearing at 8:13 p.m.
Stmt of Assurance for the 2016-17 TK-12 Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Program
23.e. First Reading - Proposed Revisions to Board Policies 5140: Bicycle Use; 6146: Physical Education and Fitness; and 6153: Field Trips and Excursions
The proposed revisions to the board policies listed below modify language to ensure compliance with changes in law and the most current and comprehensive terms and definitions.

Board Policy 5140: Bicycle Use
Board Policy 6146: Physical Education and Fitness
Board Policy 6153: Field Trips and Excursions

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016


Recommended Motion:

Approve for first reading proposed revisions to Board Policies: 5140 Bicycle Use; 6146 Physical Education and Fitness; and 6153 Field Trips and Excursions.


Approve for first reading proposed revisions to Board Policies: 5140 Bicycle Use; 6146 Physical Education and Fitness; and 6153 Field Trips and Excursions.

Passed with a motion by Lauren Brooks and a second by Michael Parham.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Approve for first reading proposed revisions to Board Policies: 5140 Bicycle Use; 6146 Physical Education and Fitness; and 6153 Field Trips and Excursions.

The Board waived the second reading and approved the proposed revisions to Board Policies 5140: Bicycle Use; 6146: Physical Education and Fitness; and 6153: Field Trips and Excursions.
BP 5140 Bicycle Use
BP 6146 Physical Education and Fitness
BP 6153 Field Trips and Excursions
23.f. Approval of Unaudited Actuals Financial Report - 2015-16
Ed Code Section 42100 requires that on or before September 15th of each year, the governing board shall approve an annual statement of all receipts and expenditures for the preceding fiscal year.  This statement, referred to as “Unaudited Actuals,” is then filed with the Orange County Department of Education for review and submission to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction on or before October 15th each year.

The Statement of Unaudited Actuals contains the financial activity for the fiscal year.  Remaining fund balances can be reserved, held for specific program expenditures in the next fiscal year, or can be reallocated for other purposes according to budget priorities.

Projecting the Ending Fund Balance

When the 2016-17 IUSD budget was adopted in July 2016, the ending balances were projected for all funds using estimates of financial data available in early May.  Actual activity is always different from projections for many reasons which may include:

  • Revenues received too late in the year to be expended
  • Schools and departments save for multi-year spending plans
  • Savings due to vacant/unfilled positions
  • Overlapping budget years (Federal and State governments operate on different fiscal years)

General Fund

The General Fund includes both unrestricted and restricted funds.  The following summarizes the General Fund activity.  Attachment A details General Fund Activity.

General Fund 2015-2016 (Unrestricted and Restricted)

Revenue/Transfers $330.3 million
Expense/Transfers $312.3 million
Change in Fund $  18.0 million

2015-2016 Fund Balance

Beginning Fund Balance $46.3 million
Change in Fund Balance $18.0 million
Ending Fund Balance $64.3 million

Ending Fund Balance Components

The ending fund balance is comprised of both unrestricted and restricted funds.  IUSD is required to maintain a reserve for economic uncertainties.  The current reserve level is 2 percent of total expenditures and transfers out.

Much of the $64.3 million ending fund balance has been designated for program allocations as directed by the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) process or restricted for specific purposes.  It must be emphasized that ending balances are one-time dollars and should not be allocated for ongoing expenditures.

These are the major ending balance categories:

Unrestricted – Reserve for Economic Uncertainties $6.2 million
Unrestricted – Assigned $28.9 million
Restricted – Assigned $15.1 million

The following is a breakdown of the ending balance reserves:

Mandated Reserve

IUSD is mandated to have a Reserve for Economic Uncertainties as well as Revolving Cash and Stores Reserves.  This category represents $6.8 million of the total ending balance.

Unrestricted Assigned Reserves

These funds are assigned for specific purposes including site and program carryover.  The total amount in this category is $28.9 million. A portion of the assigned reserve has been designated to fund future allocations as adopted in the 2015-16 and 2016-17 Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP).

Restricted Designated Reserves

The restricted reserve balance of $15.1 million belongs to specific programs and will be reappropriated to those programs in the new budget year.  These funds are associated with categorical programs and serve students and programs with specific needs.

Other Funds

Attachment B outlines other fund activity. 

Board Agenda
September 13, 2016

Recommended Motion:
Approve 2015-16 Unaudited Actuals Financial Report.
Approve 2015-16 Unaudited Actuals Financial Report. Passed with a motion by Ira Glasky and a second by Lauren Brooks.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve 2015-16 Unaudited Actuals Financial Report.
Assistant Superintendent Fogarty presented the 2015-16 Year End Financial Report, outlining revenues, expenses and final ending fund balances. The Financial Report is provided to the State and visible on the State's website. He advised that the Unrestricted ending fund balance increased by $4.1 million; while the Restricted ending fund balance increased by $1.7 million. He also provided a pie chart depicting 87% of the District’s total general funding, by function, goes toward student support services.
Unaudited Actuals 2015-16 - Attachment A
Unaudited Actuals 2015-16 - Attachment B
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An opportunity to speak to a topic not on the agenda; limited to 3 minutes per person, 30 minutes per topic.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Conducted in accordance with applicable sections of California law, Closed Sessions are not open to the general public.
Passed with a motion by Michael Parham and a second by Sharon Wallin.
Yes Paul Bokota.
Yes Lauren Brooks.
Yes Ira Glasky.
Yes Michael Parham.
Yes Sharon Wallin.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
27. Board Meeting Information
Quick Summary / Abstract:

October 4, 2016
October 18, 2016

 The District will make every attempt to accommodate any attendee or participant at this meeting who needs special assistance, when notice is given to the Superintendent's Office 949.936.5000 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Regular Board Meetings are broadcast live on Cox channel 39 and AT&T U-verse channel 99.

The board meeting agenda and support materials are accessible from the District's web site ( prior to the close of business on the Friday preceding the meeting. Any written materials distributed to the Board after the 72 hour posting period will also be made available for public review at the time of distribution. Copies may also be obtained at the District Administration Center or at the meeting.

* Opportunities for public input occur at the beginning of each agenda item.  Persons wishing to address the Board should complete a blue request form, available on the information table, and submit it to the Board Secretary. Each topic or item is limited to 30 minutes; each speaker is limited to 3 minutes

Disability Information:
The District will make every attempt to accommodate any attendee or participant at this meeting who needs special assistance, when notice is given to the Superintendent's Office 949.936.5000 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
9/13/2016 5:35:00 PM ( Original )
PresentPaul Bokota
PresentLauren Brooks
PresentIra Glasky
PresentMichael Parham
PresentSharon Wallin

The resubmit was successful.