
Notice of Regular Meeting
Benicia USD
September 17, 2020 6:00PM
In Compliance with Executive Order N-29-20 and N-35-20 issued by Governor Newsom on March 12th and 21st, 2020 respectively, this meeting will be Livestreamed and recorded via the BUSD YouTube channel linked here: Meeting will be conducted via Zoom from the Benicia Unified District Board Room 350 East K Street Benicia, CA 94510

1. CALL TO ORDER - 6:00 p.m. (Procedural Item)
2. ROLL CALL (Procedural Item)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
For this meeting public comments may be submitted via a google form on this link that will be opened from 5:00pm to  6:00pm and must be submitted using the following link:
4. CLOSED SESSION - 6:00 P.M. (Procedural Item)
4.1. Public Employment/ Action/ Appointment/ Discipline/ Dismissal/ Evaluation / Release (Action Item)Confidential agenda item.
4.2. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Procedural Item)Confidential agenda item.
4.3. Individual Student Matter(s)/ Student Need(s) (Procedural Item)Confidential agenda item.Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
5. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION - 7:00 P.M. (Procedural Item)
5.1. Report on Closed Session Items (Action Item)
5.2. Announcement (Procedural Item)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This meeting is recorded for live-streaming and archiving on the District YouTube channel at for your convenience.
6. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Procedural Item)
Because of livestreaming technical difficulties the public hearing in item 13.4 was pulled to be placed on the meeting of October 1st and agenda was approved as amended. Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
The livestreaming technical difficulties were resolved and President Ferrucci paused to take action again on approval of the agenda as presented with the public hearing in item 13.4 being able to take place. Passed with a motion by Stacy Heldman-Holguin and a second by Mark Maselli.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
8. HIGHLIGHT: Maintenance, Operations & Facilities (Procedural Item)
Alfredo Romero, Director
9. REPORTS - (NO ACTION REQUIRED) (Procedural Item)
9.1. Superintendent Report (Procedural Item)
9.2. Board Reports (Procedural Item)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Public Comment – Members of the public may submit comments on items on the agenda, and any item within the jurisdiction of the school district in the following manner for meetings during the Shelter-in-Place Executive Order: Via a google form on this link: that will be opened to the public from 6:00 to 7:00 pm on the day of the meeting.

The Governing Board allows speakers to speak at regular meetings on agendized and non-agendized matters under public comment. Comments are limited to no more than three minutes per speaker. By law, no action may be taken on any item raised during the public comment periods and matters may be referred to staff for placement on a future agenda of the Governing Board.

Recommended Motion:
Approve the Consent Calendar as presented.
Approval of the Consent Calendar as presented. Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Sheri Zada.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved by the Board in one motion. There will be no discussion on these items unless members of the Board, staff or public request specific items to be pulled and discussed.
11.1. Minutes for the Meetings of: September 3, 2020 (Consent Item)
September 3, 2020 (Virtual) Regular Meeting Minutes
11.2. Approval of Personnel Action List (Consent Item)
PAL Summary
PAL Summary ADD
12. DISCUSSION ITEMS (Procedural Item)
12.1. Report and Discussion regarding Food Services (Action Item)
Tim Rahill, Chief Business Official
13.1. Consideration and Approval of the 2019/20 Unaudited Actuals with 2020/21 Budget for the Benicia Unified School District (BUSD). (Action Item)
Tim Rahill, Chief Business Official

The district provides the 2019/20 Unaudited Actuals with the 2020/21 Budget using the information from the State Adopted Budget.

Recommended Motion:

For the governing board of the BUSD to approve the 2019/20 Unaudited Actuals with 2020/21 Budget for the BUSD.


For the governing board of the BUSD to approve the 2019/20 Unaudited Actuals with 2020/21 Budget for the BUSD.

Passed with a motion by Stacy Heldman-Holguin and a second by Mark Maselli.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
1. General Information
2. Excel Spreadsheet
3. PowerPoint BUSD
4. PowerPoint SFC
5. 2019.20 Unaudited Actuals SACS
13.2. Consideration and Adoption of Savvas: Experience Chemistry in The Earth’s System Textbook for NGSS Chemistry (Action Item)
Dr, Leslie Beatson

Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent of Education Services, will present an NGSS Chemistry Textbook, Savvas :Experience Chemistry in The Earth’s System, for consideration and adoption.  

Using rigorous, standards-based materials is integral to providing 21st Century learning opportunities and preparing students for college and career.

Departments/classes wishing to adopt new material engage in a thorough process of reviewing, piloting, and evaluating available materials. Materials for consideration are on display at the District office and parents are notified of the opportunity to come view and provide feedback. 

Each piloted material is evaluated for standards alignment, program overview, assessment, universal access, and inclusivity. 

Tonight I am bringing forth a curriculum for your consideration and approval.

Both Chemistry and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Chemistry are offered at BHS to 10th graders. This textbook is the for NGSS Chemistry sections.  NGSS standards were published by the state of California in 2013, prior to any materials being released.   Textbook companies are now publishing NGSS aligned materials.  The other science course at BHS are still piloting a variety of textbooks.  However, this particular textbook was piloted at the end of last school year for use in NGSS Chemistry. 

Recommendation: Approve the adoption of the Savvas :Experience Chemistry in The Earth’s System as the NGSS Chemistry textbook.

Recommended Motion:

Approval of the Savvas: Experience Chemistry in The Earth’s System texbook for NGSS Chemistry.


Approval of the Savvas: Experience Chemistry in The Earth’s System texbook for NGSS Chemistry.

Passed with a motion by Sheri Zada and a second by Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
13.3. Consideration and Approval of the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP) (Action Item)
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services

Each District is required to write a Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP)  EC Section 43509 for the 2020-2021 school year.  The purpose of the plan is to:

  • Seek to address funding stability for schools while (LCFF, Supplemental, One Time Learning Loss Mitigation Funds)

  • Provide information at the District level for how student learning continuity will be addressed during the COVID-19 crisis in the 2020–21 school year 

  • Take the place of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for the 2020-2021 school year

BUSD staff has consulted with teachers, principals, school personnel, students, parents and local bargaining units to gather input regarding the update of the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP).  

Staff presented the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP) for Public Hearing on September 3, 2020 at a meeting of the Governing Board.  The LCP is being presented for final approval at the September 17, 2020 meeting of the Governing Board.

Recommendation: Approve the Learning Continuity Plan as presented.

Approval of the Learning Continuity Plan as presented. Passed with a motion by Sheri Zada and a second by Mark Maselli.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Approval of the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP) as presented.

BUSD 2020-2021 Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
13.4. Public Hearing: Resolution No 20-21-03, Regarding Sufficiency or Insufficiency of Instructional Materials (Action Item)
Dr. Leslie Beatson

Ed Code Section 60119 requires the Governing Board to approve an annual resolution stating that each student is provided the materials needed to support this year's course instruction.



To ensure that each student is provided the necessary textbooks and instructional materials to support this year’s course instruction, the following has occurred:

  1. New and replacement textbooks were ordered, and received, to support course outlines.

  2. New and replacement books were ordered, and received, to accommodate increased student enrollment.

  3. Curriculum and Instruction has solicited communication from sites relative to any potential textbook or instructional materials deficiency.

  4. District administration have not been able to conduct classroom walkthroughs to ensure compliance with this resolution due to COVID-19 at this time, however, appropriate instructional materials are being provided to all students.

Public Comments

Close the Public Hearing

Recommended Motion:

Approval of  Resolution No. 20-21-03 with a roll call vote.


Approval of  Resolution No. 20-21-03 on a roll call vote of 5-0 Passed with a motion by Stacy Heldman-Holguin and a second by Mark Maselli.

Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
Materials Comp Resolution 20-21-03
Notice of Public Hearing 9.17.20
Proof of Service of Ten Day Notice Materials
14. ADJOURNMENT (Procedural Item)
Disability Information:
In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Georgina Martinez at 747-8300, ext. 1211. Notification 48 prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangement to ensure accessibility to this meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II).

Published: September 11, 2020, 11:28 AM

The resubmit was successful.