
Notice of Regular Meeting
Benicia USD
November 05, 2020 6:00PM
In Compliance with Executive Order N-29-20 and N-35-20 issued by Governor Newsom on March 12th and 21st, 2020 respectively, this meeting will be Livestreamed and recorded via the BUSD YouTube channel linked here: Meeting will be conducted via Zoom from the Benicia Unified District Board Room 350 East K Street Benicia, CA 94510

1. CALL TO ORDER - 6:00 p.m. (Procedural Item)
2. ROLL CALL (Procedural Item)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
For this meeting public comments may be submitted via a google form on this link that will be opened from 5:00pm to  6:00pm and must be submitted using the following link:
4. CLOSED SESSION - 6:00 P.M. (Procedural Item)
4.1. Public Employment/ Action/ Appointment/ Discipline/ Dismissal/ Evaluation / Release (Action Item)Confidential agenda item.
4.2. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Procedural Item)Confidential agenda item.
4.3. Individual Student Matter(s)/ Student Need(s) (Procedural Item)Confidential agenda item.
5. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION - 7:00 P.M. (Procedural Item)
5.1. Report on Closed Session Items (Action Item)
5.2. Announcement (Procedural Item)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This meeting is recorded for live-streaming and archiving on the District YouTube channel at for your convenience.
6. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Procedural Item)
Approval of the agenda as written Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Sheri Zada.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
8. HIGHLIGHT: Technology (Procedural Item)
Sebatiano Padoan, Director of Technology
9. REPORTS - (NO ACTION REQUIRED) (Procedural Item)
9.1. Superintendent Report (Procedural Item)
9.2. Board Reports (Procedural Item)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Public Comment – Members of the public may submit comments on items on the agenda, and any item within the jurisdiction of the school district in the following manner for meetings during the Shelter-in-Place Executive Order: Via a google form on this link: that will be opened to the public from 6:00 to 7:00 pm on the day of the meeting.

The Governing Board allows speakers to speak at regular meetings on agendized and non-agendized matters under public comment. Comments are limited to no more than three minutes per speaker. By law, no action may be taken on any item raised during the public comment periods and matters may be referred to staff for placement on a future agenda of the Governing Board.

Recommended Motion:
Approve the Consent Calendar as presented.
Approve the Consent Calendar as presented. Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved by the Board in one motion. There will be no discussion on these items unless members of the Board, staff or public request specific items to be pulled and discussed.
11.1. Minutes for the Meetings of: October 15, 2020, Regular (Virtual) Meeting Minutes (Consent Item)
October 15, 2020 Regular (Virtual) Meeting Minutes
11.2. Approval of Personnel Action List (Consent Item)
PAL Summary
PAL Summary ADD
11.3. Consideration and Approval of Resolution No. 20-21-07, Declaration of Obsolete E-Waste (Action Item)
Tim Rahill, Chief Business Official

These are surplus PC Towers that are ready for recycling. List is attached.

Recommended Motion:
Approval of Resolution No. 20-21-07, Declaration of Obsolete E-Waste by roll call vote
Approval of Resolution No. 20-21-07, Declaration of Obsolete E-Waste by roll call vote of 5-0. Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
Resolution No. 20-21-07 Declaration of Obsolete E-Waste
11.4. Consideration and Approval of Resolution No. 20-21-08, Obsolete Property (Action Item)
The attached list consists of maintenance and custodial equipment currently stored at the maintenance and warehouse location. All equipment listed is either beyond economical repair, or a danger to use or is of no use to current operations.
Recommended Motion:
Approval of Resolution No. 20-21-08, Declaration of Obsolete Property by roll call vote
Approval of Resolution No. 20-21-08, Declaration of Obsolete Property by roll call vote of 5-0 Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
1-Resolution No. 20-21-08 Declaration of Obsolete Property
2-Obsolete Items 10.20.2020
12. DISCUSSION ITEMS (Procedural Item)
12.1. Information and Discussion on BUSD's Equity Journey (Action Item)
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services

Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent of Education Services, will provide an update regarding the District's work around equity.  The purpose of this report is to provide information about:

  • the call for equity work
  • the history of equity work in BUSD
  • our equity work in action
  • our ongoing commitment and future plans
BUSD's Equity Journey
12.2. First Reading of the Following Board Policy: BP/AR/E(3)(4) 1312.3 Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures, AR 3231 Impact Aid, BP/E 4112.9/4212.9/4312.9 - Employee Notifications, BP/AR4113 - Assignment, BP/AR 4119.43/4219.43/4319.43 - Universal Precautions, BP 4151/4251/4351 - Employee Compensation, BP/AR 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment, BP/AR 6020 - Parent Involvement, AR 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment (Discussion Item)
Dr. Charles Young, Superintendent

Administrative Regulation 1312.4 - Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures - Regulation updated to delete material related to complaints regarding noncompliance with health and safety requirements in a license-exempt CSPP program as such complaints have been moved to BP/AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures, consistent with CDE's Federal Program Monitoring instrument.

Exhibit (3) 1312.3 - Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures - Exhibit presenting example of classroom notice for CSPP health and safety complaints moved to E(1) 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures, consistent with CDE's Federal Program Monitoring instrument.

Exhibit (4) 1312.3 - Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures - Exhibit presenting a sample complaint form for CSPP health and safety complaints moved to E(2) 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures, consistent with CDE's Federal Program Monitoring instrument.

Administrative Regulation 3231 - Impact Aid- New regulation addresses requirements of Title VII Impact Aid, which provides assistance to districts with concentrations of children residing on lands owned by the federal government, including Indian lands.  Districts with children residing on Indian lands are mandated to adopt policy and procedures with specified components, including, but not limited to, consultation with Indian tribes and parents/guardians of students living on Indian lands in the planning and development of programs and activities supported by Impact Aid.

Board Policy 4112.9/4212.9/4312.9 - Employee Notifications - Policy updated to make change for gender neutrality and to revise legal references to reflect corresponding revisions in the Exhibit.

Exhibit 4112.9/4212.9/4312.9 - Employee Notifications - Exhibit updates Section I (All Employees) to (1) delete cite to 2 CCR 11024 which does not directly include a sexual harassment notice requirement; (2) indicate that the notification regarding a public hearing on an alternative schedule for secondary grades is addressed in BP 6112 rather than the AR; (3) delete an item regarding the oath or affirmation for disaster service workers since law does not specifically require an employee notification; (4) indicate that the notification regarding AIDS and hepatitis B was moved from AR 4119.43/4219.43/4319.43 to the BP; (5) indicate that the notification of workers' compensation benefits is addressed in AR 4157.1/4257.1/4357.1 rather than the BP; and (6) indicate that the notification regarding the district's nondiscrimination policy and complaint procedures are addressed in AR 4030 rather than the BP. Section II (Certificated Employees) updated to expand legal cites for the reelection notice for probationary employees and broaden the item to apply to districts with less than 250 average daily attendance. Section III (Classified Employees) updated to (1) delete the dismissal notice for merit system districts since the personnel commission establishes dismissal procedures for such districts and the notice is not reflected in policy; (2) add another legal cite pertaining to the notice of employee drug testing requirements and indicate that the notification is addressed in AR 4112.42/4212.42/4312.42 rather than the BP; and (3) add a requirement to provide school bus drivers with information regarding post-accident procedures. Section V (Individual Employees Under Special Circumstances) updated to indicate that the notice on potential eligibility for workers' compensation benefits is addressed in AR 4157.1/4257.1/4357.1 rather than the BP.

Board Policy 4113 - Assignment - Policy updated to reflect NEW LAW (AB 1219, 2019) which requires annual monitoring of the assignment of certificated employees at all schools, and requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to administer a statewide system that produces an annual data file of vacancies and misassignments and provides districts an opportunity to submit additional evidence that an employee is legally authorized for the assignment.  Policy also adds legal requirements to report misassignments in the school accountability report card and to use Williams uniform complaint procedures to address any complaint alleging teacher misassignment or vacancy.

Administrative Regulation 4113 - Assignment - Regulation updated to make minor corrections for gender neutrality.

Board Policy 4119.43/4219.43/4319.43 - Universal Precautions - Policy updated to include material formerly in the AR on the provision of information to employees regarding acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), AIDS-related conditions, and hepatitis B and appropriate methods to prevent exposure.  Policy also adds optional paragraph regarding the inclusion of related information in employee handbooks.

Administrative Regulation 4119.43/4219.43/4319.43 - Universal Precautions - Regulation updated to add a definition of occupational exposure and delete other unnecessary definitions.  Section on "Employee Information" moved to BP.  Section on "Infection Control Practices" revised to delete detailed requirements that are specifically applicable to employees identified as having occupational exposure, which are addressed in BP/AR 4119.42 - Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne Pathogens, and to delete items with limited applicability in school settings.

Board Policy 4151/4251/4351 - Employee Compensation - Policy updated to delete Labor Code citation that is not applicable to public agencies and instead reflect Education Code provisions related to overtime compensation for classified employees.

Board Policy 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment - Policy updated to reflect law prohibiting discrimination based on medical condition and to reflect NEW LAW (AB 34, 2019) which requires the district, starting in the 2020-21 school year, to post its nondiscrimination policies, and specified state and federal laws regarding discrimination, bullying, and harassment, in a prominent location on the district's web site in a manner that is easily accessible to parents/guardians and students.

Administrative Regulation 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment - Regulation updated to reflect NEW LAW (AB 34, 2019) which requires the district, starting in the 2020-21 school year, to post its nondiscrimination policies, specified state and federal laws regarding discrimination, bullying, and harassment, and a link to CDE resources in a prominent location on the district's web site in a manner that is easily accessible to parents/guardians and students.  Regulation also reflects NEW LAW (AB 711, 2019) which requires the district to update a former student's records upon receiving government-issued documentation or a written request for a name and/or gender change.

Board Policy 6020 - Parent Involvement - Policy updated to reflect the requirements to work with parents/guardians and family members to jointly develop the district's parent involvement policy and to include strategies for family engagement in the local control and accountability plan (LCAP). For districts that receive federal Title IV funding for family engagement programs, policy adds the requirement to inform parents/guardians and organizations of the existence of the program. Policy also contains material formerly in the AR regarding the inclusion of the Title I local educational agency plan into the LCAP and the distribution of the district and school-level parent involvement policies.

Administrative Regulation 6020 - Parent Involvement - Regulation updated to revise the section on "District Strategies for Title I Schools," including moving and adding strategies under item #2 to reflect means by which the district may provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support to build school capacity for parent involvement activities, and adding strategies under item #5 to reflect means by which the district may use evaluation findings to design evidence-based strategies for more effective parent/guardian and family involvement.  Section on "School-Level Strategies for Title I Schools" revises item #7 to include strategies formerly in section on "District Strategies for Title I Schools."  Minor changes made throughout section on "District Strategies for Non-Title I Schools" to more directly reflect law.

Administrative Regulation 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment - Regulation updated to reflect NEW FEDERAL REGULATIONS (85 Fed. Reg. 30026) which require that allegations of sexual harassment that meet the federal definition be investigated through Title IX complaint procedures, as described in AR 4119.12/4219.12/4319.12 - Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures, rather than the complaint procedures detailed in this regulation.

1-AR 1312.4 Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures
2- AR 3231 Impact Aid
3- BP/E 4112.9, 4212.9, 4312.9 Employee Notifications
4 - BP, AR 4113 Assignment
5 - BP 4119.43, 4219.43, 4319.43 Universal Precaustions
6 - BP 4151, 4251, 4351 Employee Compensation
7 - BP 5145.3 Nondiscrimation_Harrasment
8 - BP, AR 6020 Parent Involvement
9 - AR 4030 Nondiscrimination in Employment
13.1. Consideration and Approval of Request for BHS Student-Athletics to Begin Conditioning; CIF Schedule for 2020-2021 Athletics (Action Item)
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources & Staff
The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), which governs high school sports in our state, postponed the start of high school athletics to begin on December 7th and has changed the sporting seasons to accommodate changes and challenges of COVID-19 to schools. In preparation to meet the anticipated start dates for high school sports, Benicia High School is presenting, for Board considerable and possible approval, the request to allow small group conditioning to begin as soon as allowable, using outdoor facilities with cohorts and proper safety precautions, and then to move towards the published practice and competition schedule for high school sports based on CIF guidelines and County Safety Guidelines. This presentation will explain those items and how they provide guidance to decision making regarding athletics so that the BUSD Governing Board may take action in deciding whether or not to allow conditioning to begin. 


Recommended Motion:
Approval of request as presented
Approval of the Athletics teams moving forward with conditioning as outlined by the BHS team Passed with a motion by Stacy Heldman-Holguin and a second by Mark Maselli.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
13.2. Consideration and Approval of the Course Outline for BHS and Adult Education (Action Item)
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services
The course outline of record plays a critical educational role. It is the primary vehicle for course planning. When a course is revised or updated, it is the course outline that records the changes. As such, it forms the basis for a contract among the student, instructor, and institution identifying the expectations which will serve as the basis of the student's grade and give the fundamental required components of the course which the student is guaranteed to receive from the instructor and institution. More than just specifying the required components of the course, the outline of record states the content and level of rigor for which students—across all sections of the course—will be held accountable.  Maintaining academic standards means providing consistent, quality instruction in the classroom. As our courses are taught by various instructors, both full and part-­time, it is by reviewing the course outline that they may clearly identify the standards and content of the course they are to teach.  When new programs are designed, it is through the selection of courses and construction of new course outlines that the program design is evaluated for its ability to meet the newly identified needs of students.

Tonight the following High School course outlines for Benicia High School will be presented for your consideration and approval:

CTE Marketing: This course will be an addition to the CTE pathways currently offered.  This course will train students in competencies necessary for preparation for entry-level professional work or college level study within the marketing industry. BHS would like to implement CTE Marketing during the Spring 2021 semester.

CTE Careers in Education I & II: These courses create an additional pathway at BHS.  These courses would be a revision and expansion of the former Teaching Career Paths class that has been offered at BHS.  Careers in Education is a year-long course designed to prepare students for careers in the field of education through both the integration and development of core academic content and field experience. Careers in Education II is a CTE completer level course and is designed to provide junior and senior students with a deeper understanding of human development and effective educational practices by incorporating a work-based learning component.

BUSD's Adult Education Program, under the direction of Ms. June Regis, is the recipient of a Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) grant.  A requirement of that grant is to have robust classes that are approved by the Governing Board. These classes have already been approved by CDE. Tonight we are presenting three courses for your consideration and approval.

Adult Education High School Diploma: This program is for students 18 years and older completing High School Graduation requirements for their High School Diploma. Students will need to complete 180 credits to earn this Adult Education High School Diploma. 

Adult Education ESL: This Adult Education course is designed for students 18 years and older that are working to improve their English language skills.

Adult Education GED: This program is designed for students 18 years and older who are interested in acquiring their Graduation Equivalency Diploma.  Obtaining the GED requires that students pass four GED tests:  Math, Social Studies, Science and Reasoning through Language Arts (RLA.)

CTE Marketing

Careers in Education 1

Careers in Education II

Adult Education: High School Diploma Course

Adult Education: ESL

Adult Education: GED

Recommendation: Approve the course outlines for Benicia High School and Adult Education as presented. 

Recommended Motion:

Approval of New Course Outline as Presented.


Approval of New Course Outline as Presented.

Passed with a motion by Sheri Zada and a second by Mark Maselli.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
13.3. Consideration and Approval of the Resolution No. 20-21-09 to start the Request for Proposal process for a new Student Information System (Action Item)Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Stephanie Rice, Director of Education Services and Sebastiano Padoan, Director of Technology

For approximately the last 17 years, Benicia Unified School District (BUSD) has used PowerSchool as its Student Information System (SIS). BUSD is currently the only unified district in Solano County to still use PowerSchool. BUSD continues to experience problems with the existing SIS including online registration, duplicate/missing student contacts, Performance Matters, and PowerTeacher Pro. The district has not been successful in its repeated requests to get solutions to these problems. 

BUSD would like to consider other SIS’s through the Request for Proposal (RFP) process. BUSD wants to have one database that meets our SIS needs. With fewer data exports from one database to another, we will minimize problems which in turn provides staff more time to focus on our students. 

If the board approves the RFP for the SIS system, then that RFP process will be followed, and a recommendation will be brought back to the school board for approval before any changes are made. The board is asked to approve the resolution for the RFP on the SIS.



Recommended Motion:
Approval of Resolution No. 20-21-09 as presented a roll call vote
Approval of Resolution No. 20-21-09 as presented a roll call vote of 5-0 Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Stacy Heldman-Holguin.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
Resolution 20-21-09 Online Student Information System
14. ADJOURNMENT (Procedural Item)
Disability Information:
In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Georgina Martinez at 747-8300, ext. 1211. Notification 48 prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangement to ensure accessibility to this meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II).

Published: October 30, 2020, 2:13 PM

The resubmit was successful.