Notice of Regular Meeting Benicia USD February 04, 2021 6:00PM In Compliance with Executive Order N-29-20 and N-35-20 issued by Governor Newsom on March 12th and 21st, 2020 respectively, this meeting will be Livestreamed and recorded via the BUSD YouTube channel linked here:
Meeting will be conducted via Zoom from the
Benicia Unified District Board Room
350 East K Street
Benicia, CA 94510
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort for our community’s voices to be heard, BUSD has transitioned to accepting public comments via the “Public Comment” voicemail that will now be available. Members of the public wishing to address specific items on the Board meeting agenda are requested to call 707-748-2787 (one comment per person, per item limited to 3 minutes) on the day of the meeting between 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. Please note that no anonymous messages will be played. If your comment is for “closed session” please be sure to state that so that it can be addressed prior to “closed session.” The board clerk will play the recording of all the “open session” public comments to the specific items then being discussed by the Board (Board Bylaw 9323) during the public comment item. The Governing Board allows speakers to speak at regular meetings on agendized and non-agendized matters under public comment. Comments are limited to no more than three minutes per speaker at which time the voicemail will be cut off. By law, no action may be taken on any item raised during the public comment periods and matters may be referred to staff for placement on a future agenda of the Governing Board. Please be reminded to keep your comments respectful and that students may be watching the board meeting.
Approval of the agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources |
The Board and Staff will honor and recognize the Employees of the Year.
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort for our community’s voices to be heard, BUSD has transitioned to accepting public comments via the “Public Comment” voicemail that will now be available. Members of the public wishing to address specific items on the Board meeting agenda are requested to call 707-748-2787 (one comment per person, per item limited to 3 minutes) on the day of the meeting between 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. Please note that no anonymous messages will be played. If your comment is for “closed session” please be sure to state that so that it can be addressed prior to “closed session”. The board clerk will play the recording of all the “open session” public comments to the specific items then being discussed by the Board (Board Bylaw 9323) during the public comment item. The Governing Board allows speakers to speak at regular meetings on agendized and non-agendized matters under public comment. Comments are limited to no more than three minutes per speaker at which time the voicemail will be cut off. By law, no action may be taken on any item raised during the public comment periods and matters may be referred to staff for placement on a future agenda of the Governing Board. Please be reminded to keep your comments respectful and that students may be watching the board meeting. |
Approve the Consent Calendar as presented. |
Approval of the Consent Calendar as presented Passed with a motion by Diane Ferrucci and a second by Mark Maselli. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved by the Board in one motion. There will be no discussion on these items unless members of the Board, staff or public request specific items to be pulled and discussed. |
The district would like to procure and implement the installation and lease of data circuits through a competitive negotiation process in compliance with Public Contract Code section 20118.2. Following the bid process, the Superintendent, or designee, shall recommend to the Board a qualified bidder for award of a contract for the installation and lease of data circuits, which contract(s) will be the most advantageous to the District with price and all other factors being considered. |
Approval of referenced Board Resolution AUTHORIZING COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATION FOR E-RATE PRIORITY ONE DATA CIRCUITS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECTION 20118.2) on a roll call vote of 5-0 Passed with a motion by Diane Ferrucci and a second by Mark Maselli. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Resolution No. 20-21-12
Dr. Matyas, Solano County Health Office/Deputy Director |
Dr. Matyas will be providing a COVID-19 and related data update to the district. |
Approval for our meeting to go past 10 p.m. was requested by President Zada Passed with a motion by Diane Ferrucci and a second by CeCe Grubbs. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services |
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent of Education Services, will provide an update on the equity and opportunity work happening in the District. The report will focus on a review of data that underscores a need to continue to focus on equity and opportunity, a summary of the activities engaged in since the last Board meeting, and upcoming plans for furthering the work. PRESENTATION |
The CSEA Chapter #1096 2020-2021 salary schedule has been amended to be in compliance with the California Minimum Wage requirement of $14.00 per hour effective January 1, 2021.The changes are in Range 20, Step 1 on both the hourly and monthly schedules. Currently, no employees are placed in Range 20, Step 1, therefore it does not impact any employee's actual salary. CSEA and BUSD agreed to discuss and alter rest of the salary schedule as needed during regular negotiations. |
Approval of CSEA Chapter #1096 2020-2021 Salary Schedule as presented |
Approval of CSEA Chapter #1096 2020-2021 Salary Schedule as presented Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Diane Ferrucci. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Classified 2020-21 Salary Schedule
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services |
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent of Education, will report on options for returning for in-person small group instruction in the purple tier. The report will focus on the possible structures for in-person small group instruction and a review of current data.
PRESENTATION Recommendation: The Board engage in a discussion with a possible consideration of returning for small group instruction. |
The Board the engage in a discussion with a possible consideration of returning for small group instruction. |
The request for the board to engage in a discussion with a possible consideration of returning for small group instruction Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
No Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Next Regular (Virtual) Meeting will be Thursday, February 18th |
In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Georgina Martinez at 747-8300, ext. 1211. Notification 48 prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangement to ensure accessibility to this meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II). |
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Published: January 29, 2021, 2:15 PM