
Notice of Regular Meeting
Benicia USD
May 27, 2021 5:30PM
In Compliance with Executive Order N-29-20 and N-35-20 issued by Governor Newsom on March 12th and 21st, 2020 respectively, this meeting will be Livestreamed and recorded via the BUSD YouTube channel linked here: Meeting will be conducted via Zoom from the Benicia Unified District Board Room 350 East K Street Benicia, CA 94510

1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 p.m. (Procedural Item)
2. ROLL CALL (Procedural Item)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
PLEASE NOTE:  In an effort for our community’s voices to be heard,  BUSD has transitioned to accepting public comments via the “Public Comment” voicemail that will now be available.  Members of the public wishing to address specific items on the Board meeting agenda are requested to call 707-748-2787 (one comment per person, per item limited to 3 minutes) on the day of the meeting from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m.  If your comment is for “closed session” please be sure to state that so that it can be addressed prior to “closed session”. The  board clerk will play the recording of all the “open session” public comments to the specific items then being discussed by the Board (Board Bylaw 9323) during the public comment item.  The Governing Board allows speakers to speak at regular meetings on agendized and non-agendized matters under public comment. Comments are limited to no more than three minutes per speaker at which time the voicemail will be cut off. By law, no action may be taken on any item raised during the public comment periods and matters may be referred to staff for placement on a future agenda of the Governing Board.  Please be reminded to keep your comments respectful and that students may be watching the board meeting.
4. CLOSED SESSION - 5:30 P.M. (Procedural Item)
4.1. Public Employment/ Action/ Appointment/ Discipline/ Dismissal/ Evaluation / Release (Action Item)Confidential agenda item.
4.1.1. Discuss superintendent evaluation for 2020-2021 (Action Item)
4.2. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Procedural Item)Confidential agenda item.
4.3. Individual Student Matter(s)/ Student Need(s) (Procedural Item)Confidential agenda item.
5. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION - 7:00 P.M. (Procedural Item)
5.1. Report on Closed Session Items (Action Item)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
5.2. Announcement (Procedural Item)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This meeting is recorded for live-streaming and archiving on the District YouTube channel at for your convenience.
6. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Procedural Item)
Approval of the Agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes CeCe Grubbs.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
8. HIGHLIGHT: Benicia Middle School (Procedural Item)
Lindsay Dalske, Principal
9. REPORTS - (NO ACTION REQUIRED) (Procedural Item)
9.1. Student Reports (Procedural Item)
9.2. Superintendent Report (Procedural Item)
9.3. Board Reports (Procedural Item)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

PLEASE NOTE:  In an effort for our community’s voices to be heard,  BUSD has transitioned to accepting public comments via the “Public Comment” voicemail that will now be available.  Members of the public wishing to address specific items on the Board meeting agenda are requested to call 707-748-2787 (one comment per person, per item limited to 3 minutes) on the day of the meeting from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m.  If your comment is for “closed session” please be sure to state that so that it can be addressed prior to “closed session”. The  board clerk will play the recording of all the “open session” public comments to the specific items then being discussed by the Board (Board Bylaw 9323) during the public comment item.  The Governing Board allows speakers to speak at regular meetings on agendized and non-agendized matters under public comment. Comments are limited to no more than three minutes per speaker at which time the voicemail will be cut off. By law, no action may be taken on any item raised during the public comment periods and matters may be referred to staff for placement on a future agenda of the Governing Board.  Please be reminded to keep your comments respectful and that students may be watching the board meeting.

For tonight's public hearings, public comments may also be submitted via the public comment voicemail line 707-748-2787. Please remember to state which "public hearing" as your item.

Recommended Motion:
Approve the Consent Calendar as presented.
Approval of the Consent Calendar as amended for item 11.2 Passed with a motion by Diane Ferrucci and a second by CeCe Grubbs.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes CeCe Grubbs.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved by the Board in one motion. There will be no discussion on these items unless members of the Board, staff or public request specific items to be pulled and discussed.
11.1. Minutes for the Meetings of: May 6, May 13, and May 20, 2021 (Consent Item)
May 13, 2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes
May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
11.2. Approval of Personnel Action List (Consent Item)
PAL Summary
PAL Summary ADD
12. DISCUSSION ITEMS (Procedural Item)
12.1. Public Hearing and Discussion of the 2021-22 Local Control and Accountability Plan (Procedural Item)
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services

Dr. Beatson, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, will provide a report on BUSD's Strategic Plan/LCAP. The purpose of this report is to provide the board and pubic with information about the data, actions and services included in the draft 2021/22 Strategic Plan/LCAP. 


BUSD 2021-22 LCAP
Notice of Public Hearing
12.2. The Governing Board provides a Public Hearing on the 2021/22 Budget using the information from the Governor's May Revise Budget. (Procedural Item)
Tim Rahill, CBO
The Governing Board provides a Public Hearing on the 2021/22 Budget using the information from the Governor's May Revise Budget.  The governing board of the BUSD will be asked to approve the 2021/22 Budget at the June 10, 2021 school board meeting.  
Recommended Motion:
None at this time.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Open the Public Hearing for comments regarding the 2021-22 BUSD budget
1-Pocket Budget
Notice of Public Hearing Budget 5.27.21
13.1. Consideration and Approval of Adult School Instruction Board Policy: BP/AR 6200 Adult School Instruction (Action Item)
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services

Dr. Beatson, Assistant Superintendent of Education Services will present the board policy and administrative regulation that supports the Adult Education Graduation Class previously approved by the Board.  The policies outline the purpose of the classes and the requirements for earning an Adult School Diploma. 

BUSD believes that education is a lifelong process and that it is important for individuals to continuously develop new skills. The eligible adults shall be offered opportunities to enroll in programs and courses that develop academic and workforce skills and, as appropriate, lead to completion of requirements for high school graduation.

An adult school diploma may be granted to adults, 18 years of age or older who have completed the following minimum requirements: 1. A student must be enrolled and attending at least one or two classes during the semester in which he/she will graduate. 2. A student must earn 180 units in the following subject areas: English 40 units Math including Algebra 1/Integrated 1(10 credits) 20 units Science Biology/Life Science 10 units Physical Science 10 units Social Studies World History 10 units U.S. History 10 units Economics 5 units American Government 5 units Fine Arts or Foreign Lang or CTE class. 10 units Career Explorations 5 units Electives 55 units 

Recommendation: Approve the Adult Education - Adult School Instruction Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6200 as presented

Recommended Motion:
Approval of Adult Education Graduation Board Policy and Article Regulation 6200 as presented
Approval of Adult Education Graduation Board Policy and Article Regulation 6200 as presented Passed with a motion by Diane Ferrucci and a second by Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes CeCe Grubbs.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
BP 6200 Adult School Instruction DRAFT
BUSD AR 6200 Adult School Instruction DRAFT
13.2. Consideration and Approval of the Updated Job Description for Instructional Intervention Aides (Action Item)
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent of HR
Reading Tutors job description needs to be updated to 'Instructional Intervention Aides' to meet students' mathematics and language arts academics.  For the past two years, we have been fortunate to have reading tutors to support our K-2 students who struggle with reading. 

We have updated the job description to expand services to K-8 and support students in mathematics as well.  The revision and expansion of these positions are necessary to support our students and accelerate any learning needs that arose due to COVID-19. The Instructional Intervention Aides will be trained, supported and supervised through the Education Services department.

These positions were approved in the Expanded Learning and Opportunity Grant at the last regular board meeting. 

Recommended Motion:
Approval of the Updated Job Description for Instructional Intervention Aides as presented
Approval of the Updated Job Description for Instructional Intervention Aides as presented Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Diane Ferrucci.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes CeCe Grubbs.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
Updated Instructional Intervention Aide Job Description
13.3. Consideration and Approval of the Updated Job Description for Psychologist Clinical Supervisor (Action Item)Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent of HR
BUSD benefits from having a clinical supervisor in order to continue to offer a robust amount of mental health support to students and families. A clinical supervisor requires specific certification to provide supervision to interns who are pursuing licensing as MFT (marriage and family therapist) and CSW (clinical social worker).  These roles are the only roles that can provide counseling that is not school based at school.  Those interns needing supervision require 1 hour per week of individual supervision and 1 hour per week of group supervision per their licensing program requirements. A clinical supervisor would coordinate this supervision, assist in referrals and assign interns to students, families, and wellness centers for support. The supervisor will also be overseeing the appropriateness of referrals as numerous resources are available for counseling. A clinical supervisor can delineate between referrals for a mental health clinician, school psychologist, school counselor, agency referrals such as ABW, or interns with SCOE.  Interns are free resources with supervision, otherwise interns require paid positions so that they can pay for their supervision. We will be provided from our SCOE grant 1 intern for Wellness Centers. With a clinical supervisor we can offer 1 intern for every 3 hours/week of the supervisor's time. 
Recommended Motion:
Approval of the Job Description for Psychologist Clinical Supervisor as presented
Approval of the Job Description for Psychologist Clinical Supervisor as presented Passed with a motion by Diane Ferrucci and a second by Mark Maselli.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes CeCe Grubbs.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
Psychologist Clinical Supervisor Job Description
13.4. Consideration and Approval of the Updated Job Description for Mental Health Coordinator (Action Item)
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent of HR
Duties under number 2 and number 3 are direct services that an administrator would not provide. Adding "Non-Public Schools" to number 5 addresses our students in NPS that transition back to the District. Adding number 7 is addressing the transition meetings that must happen when a student is hospitalized and a meeting needs to be conducted to develop a plan of action to support the student after he/she has been hospitalized due to Mental Health issues. Duties under numbers 11 & 12 are under the duties of our school behaviorist and not the mental health coordinator. Language added to number 19th is to address the work the Mental Health Coordinator does working on suicide prevention and Mental Wellness. The addition of numbers 20 through 28 are duties that are currently under the responsibility of the Mental Health Coordinator and are an important component of this position. 
Recommended Motion:
Approval of the Updated Job Description for Mental Health Coordinator as presented
Approval of the Updated Job Description for Mental Health Coordinator as presented Passed with a motion by Gethsemane Moss and a second by CeCe Grubbs.
Yes Diane Ferrucci.
Yes CeCe Grubbs.
Yes Mark Maselli.
Yes Gethsemane Moss.
Yes Sheri Zada.
Mental Health Coordinator Revised
14. ADJOURNMENT (Procedural Item)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Then next Regular Governing Board meeting is scheduled for June 10, 2021.
Disability Information:
In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Georgina Martinez at 747-8300, ext. 1211. Notification 48 prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangement to ensure accessibility to this meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II).

Published: April 15, 2021, 3:44 PM

The resubmit was successful.