Notice of Regular Meeting Benicia USD September 02, 2021 6:00PM Benicia Unified School District Board Room 350 East K Street Benicia, CA 94510. This meeting will be in-person and masks are mandatory. For those not in-person, we will continue to Livestream and it will be recorded via the BUSD YouTube channel.
This meeting is recorded for live-streaming and archiving on the District YouTube channel at for your convenience. |
Passed with a motion by Gethsemane Moss and a second by CeCe Grubbs. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Absent Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Ally Ballinger and Marie Markus from BHS |
PLEASE NOTE: BUSD has moved to in-person Board meetings. We ask that members of the public, who wish to attend, including those who wish to address the board, wear a mask at all times. For those who do not wish to attend the meeting but would like to submit a public comment, we have opened the "Public Comment" voicemail line again. Comments can be submitted between 5:00-7:00 p.m. by calling 707-748-2787 (one comment per person, per item limited to 3 minutes) on the day of the meeting. Please remember to state your name and item you wish to address. If your comment is for “closed session,” please be sure to state that at the beginning of your message so that it can be addressed prior to “closed session.” Members of the public may address the Board at a meeting on any item within the Board's jurisdiction. Those in person are asked to fill out a speaker card, available at the back table, noting the item they wish to speak to. Please submit speaker cards to the Board Secretary. The Board President will call all the “open session” public comments not on the agenda (Gov. Code Section 54954.3) during the public comment item. The comments for items on the agenda will be called during the specific item. Comments are limited to no more than three minutes per speaker or the board may limit the total time to 20 minutes per item. By law, no action may be taken on any item raised during the public comment periods and matters may be referred to staff for placement on a future agenda of the Governing Board. Please be reminded to keep your comments respectful as students may be watching the board meeting, thank you. |
Approve the Consent Calendar as presented. |
Approval of the Consent Calendar as presented Passed with a motion by CeCe Grubbs and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Absent Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved by the Board in one motion. There will be no discussion on these items unless members of the Board, staff or public request specific items to be pulled and discussed. |
Tim Rahill, Chief Business Official |
Declaration of e-waste: These are a surplus of PCs, Laptops, Chromebooks, Projectors, and Monitors that are ready to be recycled. List is attached. |
Approval of Resolution No. 21-22.06, Declaration of Obsolete E-Waste per attached list |
Approval of Resolution No. 21-22-06, Declaration of Obsolete E-Waste per attached list Passed with a motion by CeCe Grubbs and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Absent Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
E-Waste List Resolution 21-22-06
Tim Rahill, Chief Business Official |
Tim Rahill, Chief Business Official, is asking the Governing Board to approve Resolution No. 21-22-07. Article XIII B to the California Constitution, popularly known as the Gann Initiative, placed limits on the growth of expenditures for publicly funded programs. Division 9 of Title 1, beginning with Section 7900 of the Government Code, was then added to law to specify the process for calculating state and local government appropriation limits and appropriations subject to limitation under Article XIII B of the Constitution. |
Approval of Resolution No. 21-22-07, Establishing Appropriations Limit Pursuant to Article X111-B of the California Constitution and Adopting the 2020-21 Actual Appropriations Limit and the Estimated 2021-22 Appropriations Limit (Gann Limit) Passed with a motion by CeCe Grubbs and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Absent Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
GANN resolution no. 21--22-07 2021-22 GANN.FORM.2021.08.25
Tim Rahill, Chief Business Official |
District staff will provide an update on student enrollment which is currently 88 students lower than projected. |
Mrs. Kimberly Lewis & Mrs. Julie Corona |
Staff will provide and update on the program. The purpose of the report is to provide information regarding: long-term independent study requirements, the process, current enrollment, the instructional program and monitoring.
Presentation |
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent Ed. Services & Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent H.R. |
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent of Ed. Services, and Mrs. Stephanie Rice, Director of Ed. Services will provide an update on the work the District is engaging in to forward their commitment to equity. The presentation will focus on providing information regarding: California Common Core State Standards & Frameworks, current curriculum & supplementary materials, BUSD's curriculum adoption process, professional learning, and staffing & recruitment. Presentation |
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent HR |
The Benicia Unified School District (BUSD) recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult to recruit and hire certificated substitute teachers to cover classes during a teacher’s absence. To continue providing uninterrupted education to students, certificated substitute teachers are essential. Staff is requesting for the certificated substitute teachers’ pay to be increased as an incentive to recruit and hire additional employees as explained in the attached document. The Daily and Hourly Rate increase is non-precedent setting on a one-time basis only for the 2021-2022 school year, effective from September 6, 2021-June 30, 2022, due to impacts from COVID-19. On July 1, 2022, the Daily and Hourly Rates will revert back to the previous pay rates from the 2020-21 school year pay rate. Staff recommends that the Governing Board approve the ‘Certificated Substitute Teachers’ pay increase for the 2021-22 school only. |
Approval of the ‘Certificated Substitute Teachers’ pay increase for the 2021-22 school only
Approval of the ‘Certificated Substitute Teachers’ pay increase for the 2021-22 school only as written, with the recommendation from the board that staff do a cost analysis before next year and be presented and revisited as part of the yearly budget development process to better know what can be done to support the substitute salary increase the following year Passed with a motion by Diane Ferrucci and a second by CeCe Grubbs. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Absent Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
2021-22 Certificated Substitute Pay Schedule
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent of H. R. |
In order to adhere to the updated CDPH guidelines for school districts and the increase of responsibilities and workload for the Health Services Department, staff is requesting to add an additional ‘Department Office Technician Temporary Position’ for the 2021-22 school year only. These updated requirements necessitates significant modifications and documentation to minimize the health risks associated with COVID-19 infection for students, staff, and their families while also providing equitable access to education for students. |
Approval of the Temporary Department Office Technician Position for the Health Service Department during the 2021-22 School Year as presented |
Approval of the Temporary Department Office Technician Position for the Health Service Department during the 2021-22 School Year as presented Passed with a motion by CeCe Grubbs and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Absent Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Georgina Martinez at 747-8300, ext. 1211. Notification 48 prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangement to ensure accessibility to this meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II). |
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Published: August 27, 2021, 1:03 PM