Notice of Regular Meeting Benicia USD October 07, 2021 5:00PM Benicia Unified School District Board Room 350 East K Street Benicia, CA 94510. This meeting will be in-person and masks are mandatory. For those not in-person, we will continue to Livestream and it will be recorded via the BUSD YouTube channel.
Approval of Staff recommendation for Expulsion of student #22-001 for the 2021-2022 school year Passed with a motion by Diane Ferrucci and a second by CeCe Grubbs. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Approval of agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Diane Ferrucci. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
PLEASE NOTE: BUSD has moved to in-person Board meetings. We ask that members of the public who wish to attend, including those who wish to address the board, wear a mask at all times. COVID Executive Order N-29-20 expired on September 30th. All functions of the Board meeting, including public comments, will be done in person. Members of the public may address the Board at a regular meeting on any item within the Board's jurisdiction. Speaker cards are available at the back table. Please note the item you wish to speak to and submit a card to the Board Secretary. The Board President will call all the “open session” public comments not on the agenda (Gov. Code Section 54954.3) during the public comment item. Comments for items on the agenda will be called during the specific item. Comments are limited to no more than three minutes per speaker or the board may limit the total time to 20 minutes per item. By law, no action may be taken on any item raised during the public comment periods and matters may be referred to staff for placement on a future agenda of the Governing Board. Please be reminded to keep your comments respectful as students may be watching the board meeting, thank you. |
Approve the Consent Calendar as presented. |
Approval the Consent Calendar as presented with a separate roll call for item 11.3 Passed with a motion by Diane Ferrucci and a second by Mark Maselli. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved by the Board in one motion. There will be no discussion on these items unless members of the Board, staff or public request specific items to be pulled and discussed. |
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services |
Staff will provide an update on the District's response to accountability indicators as required by the California Department of Education. Presentation |
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services |
Staff will provide an update on the equity and opportunity work through the District. The report will provide information on recent and upcoming events and activities including a community forum to be held on Oct 14. Our ongoing work with equity and opportunity is rooted in building community and is intended to be inclusive, forward looking and optimistic. The community forum is one of many elements of this important work. Presentation |
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent HR |
On September 16, 2021, the Governing Board approved the Assistant Director of Health Services job description. The Assistant Director position did not exist in Benicia Unified School District’s previous Management Salary Schedule. Staff requests for the Governing Board to approve the revised Certificated Management Salary Schedule for the 2021-22 school year. |
Approval of the revised Certificated Management Salary Schedule for the 2021-22 school year as Presented |
Approval of the revised Certificated Management Salary Schedule for the 2021-22 school year as Presented Passed with a motion by Diane Ferrucci and a second by Mark Maselli. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
2021-2022 Certificated MGT Salary & Benefits
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent, HR |
Benicia Unified School District (BUSD) has a responsibility to provide a healthy educational environment consistent with the COVID-19 public health guidance and requirements to support the health of its students, staff and the community. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) on August 11, 2021 issued a new public health order requiring all school staff to either show proof of full vaccination or be tested at least once per week with either PCR testing or antigen testing. This new policy for school staff took effect August 12, 2021, and schools must be in full compliance by October 15, 2021. Request is to approve Benicia Unified School District Condition of Employment and Volunteer Eligibility: COVID-19 Vaccination Resolution. |
Approval of Resolution No. 21-22-10 as presented |
Approval of Amended Resolution No. 21-22-10 that has now been signed and attached Passed with a motion by Diane Ferrucci and a second by Mark Maselli. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Amended Res. No. 21-22-10 that now replaces originally attached resolution Resolution 21-22-10 COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing 10.7.21
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent Ed. Services |
Staff will provide a information and seek approval on the Federal Elementary School Emergency Relief Grant. (ESSER III). The purpose of the grant is to provide systems of support for students. Staff will outline and explain the plan and its alignment with the District Strategic/LCAP plan. Presentation |
Approve the Federal Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief Grant (ESSER III) as presented. |
Approval of the Federal Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief Grant (ESSER III)as presented Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by CeCe Grubbs. |
Yes Diane Ferrucci. Yes CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
ESSER III Expenditure Plan
Next Regular Governing Board Meeting is October 21, 2021 |
In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Georgina Martinez at 747-8300, ext. 1211. Notification 48 prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangement to ensure accessibility to this meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II). |
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Published: October 1, 2021, 2:40 PM