Notice of Regular Meeting Benicia USD June 09, 2022 6:00PM Benicia Unified School District Board Room 350 East K Street Benicia, CA 94510. This meeting will be in-person, mask are strongly recommended, but not required. For those not in-person, we will continue to Livestream and it will be recorded via the BUSD YouTube channel.
Approval of the agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
PLEASE NOTE: BUSD has moved to in-person Board meetings, masks are strongly recommended, but not required. All functions of the Board meeting, including public comments, will take place in person. Members of the public may address the Board at a regular meeting on any item within the Board's jurisdiction. Speaker cards are available on the entrance table. Please note the item you wish to speak to and submit a card to the Board Secretary. The Board President will call all the "open session" general comments (Gov. Code Section 54954.3) during the public comment item. Comments for items on the agenda will be called during the specific item. Comments are limited to no more than three minutes per speaker or the board may limit the total time to 20 minutes per item with the timer displayed on the monitors. By law, no action may be taken on any item raised during the public comment periods and matters may be referred to staff for placement on a future agenda of the Governing Board. Please be reminded to keep your comments respectful as students may be watching the board meeting, thank you.
Approve the Consent Calendar as presented. |
Approval of the Consent Calendar as presented with a separate roll call for item 10.3 Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved by the Board in one motion. There will be no discussion on these items unless members of the Board, staff or public request specific items to be pulled and discussed. |
Each year, the school board adopts the Resolution regarding the Education Protection Account utilized for non-administrative certificated salaries. |
Approval of Resolution No. 21-22-31 on a roll call vote Passed with a motion by Gethsemane Moss and a second by Mark Maselli. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Resolution No. 21-22-31 EPA
President Zada |
Approval of Employment Agreement for District Superintendent |
Approval of Employment Agreement for District Superintendent as recommended |
Approval of Employment Agreement for District Superintendent as recommended Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Dr. Charles Young, Superintendent |
Pursuant to Education Code (E.C.) section 5017, the terms of the following three Benicia Unified School District (BUSD) Governing Board Members will expire on December 9, 2022, and their seats will be up for election in the November 8, 2022, General Election. Each is for a four-year term. Diane Ferrucci (Area 5), Mark Maselli (Area 4) and Sheri Zada (Area 1). In accordance with E.C. section 5322, July 8, 2022, (123 days prior to November’s election) is the deadline by which BUSD’s Governing Board must deliver to the County Superintendent of Schools a resolution specifying the date and purpose of the election. Attached is the resolution specifying the election order for the consolidated board member election. |
Approval of Resolution No. 21-22-32 as presented |
Approval of Resolution No. 21-22-32 as presented on a roll call vote Passed with a motion by Gethsemane Moss and a second by Mark Maselli. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Resolution No. 21-22-32 Consolidated Board Member Election
Dr. Charles F. Young, Superintendent |
One of the major functions of the Board of Education is to determine policies of operation for the Benicia Unified School District (BUSD). BUSD has had several outdated policies that needed revision. BUSD worked in partnership with the California School Boards Association (CSBA) during this past year to develop and propose the attached revised policies which are the most current and compliant according to legal code and best practices in the state of California for public school systems. In formulating policies, the board, acting through its executive officer, the superintendent of schools, solicits the assistance of staff to develop and revise policies. Proposals or amendments of board policy are adopted only after a thorough review. They are first introduced in writing (called “first reading”) during a school board meeting as being requested during this current meeting, Thursday, 5/26. The attached policies represent a cooperative study by the Board, administration, and appropriate school personnel. The Board assumes sole responsibility and authority for the enclosed policies. These policies stand as written until proposals or amendments are approved by the Board. All of these policies have been developed in terms for the purposes of the Benicia Unified School District. It is the aim in policy development to continue the improvement of the program of instruction and school district performance toward better meeting the educational needs of our students. The goal is that these policies will serve as a guide to all the personnel of the BUSD schools. The Board will be take action and be asked to approve these revised CSBA vetted policies at the upcoming regular board meeting on Thursday, June 9, 2022 after this initial review. The Board Policies are linked below for your review Board Policies In addition, we have added the following Board Policy that was made available after the Board Policy review and is not a part of the global adoption for your consideration and adoption. | |
Staff's recommendation for approval of the Global adoption of the revised Benicia Unified School District Board Policies as presented |
Staff's recommendation for approval of the Global adoption of the revised Benicia Unified School District Board Policies as presented Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Dr. Charles F. Young, Superintendent |
Board Policy 3311.5 on Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 87 Lease Capitalization Policy is provided after consultation with the district external financial auditors. CSBA did not provide a policy for this, but it is required to be approved by 6/30/2022 in order to comply with GASB 87, which provides guidance to all school districts. |
Approval of Board Policy 3311.5 on Government Accounting Standards Board(GASB)87 Lease Capitalization Policy Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
BP_3311.5.GASB 87
Ms. Stephanie Rice, Director of Educational Services |
Ms. Stephanie Rice, Director of Education Services, will present the following new updated course proposal and outlines for the 2022-2023 school year: Geometry in Construction course.
Propose to update course to align more with Integrated II math so students may transition to taking Integrated III math if they choose, following Geometry in Construction. |
Approval of the updated courses as presented for BHS
Approval of the updated courses as presented for BHS Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Geometry in Construction Course Outline
Ms. Stephanie Rice, Director of Educational Services |
Ms. Stephanie Rice, Director of Educational Services, will present the TCI “Government Alive! Power, Politics, and You” curriculum for U.S. Government as a recommendation to adopt for High school. TCI is a strong curriculum that covers the CA state standards while also incorporating Universal Design for Learning strategies to meet all learners. The curriculum is easily accessible and well organized for both student and teacher use. The curriculum covers multiple topics from different perspectives and promotes critical thinking and inquiry based problem solving. |
Approval of the adoption of the TCI curriculum for the U.S. Government course as presented |
Approval of the adoption of the TCI curriculum for the U.S. Government course as presented Passed with a motion by Gethsemane Moss and a second by Mark Maselli. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Ms. Stephanie Rice, Director of Educational Services |
Ms. Stephanie Rice, Director of Educational Services, will present the Frog Street curriculum as a recommendation to adopt for our UTK classrooms. Frog Street is a comprehensive, research based curriculum that focuses on the standards and the early learning foundations through: literacy, motor development, math, social emotional learning, STEAM, social studies, science, learning classroom routines, technology, music and movement, and developing listening and speaking skills. It promotes play based learning and incorporates Universal Design for Learning strategies to meet the needs of all learners. The curriculum’s literacy foundation is representative of may cultures and backgrounds. Frog Street is easily accessible and well organized for teacher use. |
Approval of the adoption of the Frog Street curriculum for use in Universal Transitional Kindergarten as presented |
Approval of the adoption of the Frog Street curriculum for use in Universal Transitional Kindergarten as presented Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent HR |
The program "Program Specialist/Behaviorist position" is being recommended to replace the current position of "Behaviorist." The purpose of the proposed change is so that this new position is not limited to behavior only but to support special education staff with IEPs, modifications of curriculum, as well as behaviors. The current Behaviorist focused on all behavior related concerns, however, the need of the special education department has increased and this position could support the department in a broader range including the case management of students in nonpublic schools. |
Approval of Program Specialist/Behaviorist position as presented |
Approval of Program Specialist/Behaviorist position as presented Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Program_Behaviorist Job Description
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent HR |
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources will present a new job description for a temporary certificated position. This position is to service elementary students who qualify for English language development services and to support teachers in the instructional practices and pedagogy with the adopted elementary literacy curriculum. This position is temporary as it is funded with one-time state grants. Recommendation: Approve the job description as presented |
Approval of New Temp Position-ELD and Literacy Teacher Support Passed with a motion by Gethsemane Moss and a second by Mark Maselli. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Elementary ELD Specialist and Literacy Teacher Support
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent HR |
The District and the BTA bargaining teams met at the bargaining table for one (1) negotiating session. These negotiations have produced the attached tentative agreement including a 6.56% salary schedule increase and $73 applied to medical benefits, effective for the 2022-23 school year, which has been ratified by the BTA unit members. In accordance with AB 1200, the District will publicly disclose the costs of the tentative agreement with the BTA. Following any applicable public comment, staff recommends that the Governing Board approve the tentative agreement for the school years as presented. |
Approval of the BUSD and BTA Tentative Agreement as Presented |
Approval of the BUSD and BTA Tentative Agreement as Presented Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
BTA BUSD Tentative Agreement for 2022-23
Dr. Khushwinder Gill, Assistant Superintendent HR |
The District and the CSEA #1096 bargaining teams met at the bargaining table for one (1) negotiating session. These negotiations have produced the attached tentative agreement including a 6.56% salary schedule increase and $73 applied to medical benefits, effective for the 2022-23 school year, which has been ratified by the CSEA #1096 unit members. In accordance with AB 1200, the District will publicly disclose the costs of the tentative agreement with the CSEA #1096. Following any applicable public comment, staff recommends that the Governing Board approve the tentative agreement for the school years as presented. |
Approval of the BUSD and CSEA Ch#1096 Tentative Agreement as presented |
Approval of the BUSD and CSEA Ch#1096 Tentative Agreement as presented Passed with a motion by Gethsemane Moss and a second by Mark Maselli. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
CSEA BUSD Tentative Agreement for 2022-23
Dr. Charles F. Young, Superintendent |
The Team submitted a proposal to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources for consideration. After consideration, the Assistant Superintendent is bringing forth this tentative agreement 6.56% salary schedule increase and $73 applied to medical benefits, effective for the 2022-23 school year In accordance with AB 1200, the District will publicly disclose the costs of the tentative agreement with the Management Team. Following any applicable public comment, staff recommends that the Board approve the proposal for the school years as presented. |
Approval of the Proposal for the 2022-23 School Years as presented |
Approval of the Proposal for the 2022-23 School Years as presented Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services |
Dr. Leslie Beatson, Assistant Superintendent of Education Services will report on the 2022-2023 Strategic Plan-LCAP. This plan was brought to the Board for Public Hearing on May 26, 2022 and is being brought tonight for consideration and adoption. Tonight's presentation will review the purpose and requirements of the Strategic Plan-LCAP, an overview of the goals and expenditures. PRESENTATION Recommendation: Adopt the 2022-23 Strategic Plan-LCAP as presented.
Adoption of the 2022-23 Strategic Plan-LCAP as presented. |
Adoption of the 2022-23 Strategic Plan-LCAP as presented. Passed with a motion by Gethsemane Moss and a second by Mark Maselli. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
BUSD 2022-23 Strategic Plan LCAP
Timothy Rahill, Chief Business Official |
Each year, the school board adopts the budget for the school district. The 22/23 BUSD Budget is prepared with information provided by the Governor’s May Revise Budget, the State of California and other governing agencies. The 22/23 BUSD Budget provides for the State’s 3% Reserve for Economic Uncertainties and the additional Board Policy Reserve, and provides a positive certification for the 22/23 BUSD Budget. |
Adoption of the 2022/23 Budget for the Benicia Unified School District as presented |
Adoption of the 2022/23 Budget for the Benicia Unified School District as presented Passed with a motion by Mark Maselli and a second by Gethsemane Moss. |
Absent Diane Ferrucci. Absent CeCe Grubbs. Yes Mark Maselli. Yes Gethsemane Moss. Yes Sheri Zada.
1-Budget Adoption 6.9.2022 2-2022.6.9.Budget.22.23 3-2022.23.SACS.Budget.Adoption
The first Regular Meeting of the 2022-23 School Year will be Thursday, August 11, 2022 |
In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Georgina Martinez at 747-8300, ext. 1211. Notification 48 prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangement to ensure accessibility to this meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II). |
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Published: June 3, 2022, 11:34 AM