Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Santa Clara USD March 12, 2019 6:30PM Agnews K-12 Campus
Construction Office -
3500 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134
- All meetings of the Governing Board are open to the general public with the exception of Closed Sessions, which are held to consider those items specifically exempt under the Ralph M. Brown Act.
- In compliance with the American With Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to access the Board meeting room or to otherwise participate at this meeting, including auxiliary aides or services, please contact the Superintendent's Office at (408) 423-2006. Notification at least three (3) days prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangement to ensure accessibility to the Board meeting.
- Agenda materials distributed less than 72 hours before a Board meeting can be inspected at the Superintendent' Office, 1889 Lawrence Rd., Santa Clara.
- Be advised that the Board may act upon and discuss any item on the agenda, including items which are not specifically identified as action items, except Items from the Public, Reports from Student Board Representatives, Union Presidents, and Superintendent, and Items from the Board and Staff.”
Staff will present minutes of the previous two Committee Meetings on January 22 and January 29, 2019 for review, comment and revision. |
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Staff will present the actions of the Board of Trustees on March 7, 2019 to: a) establish a consolidated Independent Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee for the new Measure BB-2018 General Obligation Bond as well as the Measures J-2004, H-2010 and H2014 General Obligation Bonds; b) authorize sale of the initial series of Measure BB-2018 bonds, the final series of Measure H-2014 bonds, and refunding bonds to refinance a portion of Measure B-1997 to reduce costs to taxpayers; and c) approve an initial Master Plan for the Measure BB-2018 Bond Program.
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Staff will present reports on Bond Program revenue, expenditures, budgets and project schedule updates. |
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Staff will present a report on the current and planned improvements to the Bond pages of the District web site and public information efforts regarding bond funded capital improvement projects. |
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Receive input from members of the public who wish to address the Committee.
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Persons requiring auxiliary aides, who plan on attending the Board meeting, must notify the District Office 24 hours before the meeting at 408-423-2005. |
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