Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Paso Robles Joint USD March 23, 2021 5:30PM PASO ROBLES JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT
(805) 769-1000
OPEN SESSION: 6:00 P.M. approximately
Voice of Paso:
Our mission is to deliver an exemplary education, in a safe environment, which empowers students with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for success in an ever-changing world. |
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Chris Arend |
The County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Department has determined that a school board meeting would be considered an essential government operation to assure continuity of operations and continuity of government. An in-person Board meeting for Trustees and Staff will be held with proper physical distancing, masking, and sanitation. However, in order to avoid large crowds and/or too many people in an enclosed area, it has been recommended that the public attend and participate virtually. This type of meeting is allowed under the Governor’s emergency orders. PHONE-IN PUBLIC COMMENT: Please call (805) 608-4230 to provide live public comments during the meeting, limited to an item number on the agenda in open session. You will be placed in a queue. You must call well in advance of the item you wish to comment on, public comment will not be available once the item has been discussed by the Board of Trustees. WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT: To provide written public comment on published agenda topics to be read during the meeting, please email 450 words or less to Note on the email if the comment is for a closed session item, an item number on the agenda in open session. Public Comments will be accepted via email until 3:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Public Comment is limited to three minutes per person and no more than 20 minutes total for any one item. Any documents, petitions, or information for submittal may also be emailed to the address above.
ESPAÑOL: El Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de San Luis Obispo ha determinado que una reunión de la junta escolar se consideraría una operación gubernamental esencial para asegurar la continuidad de las operaciones y la continuidad del gobierno. Se llevará a cabo una reunión de la junta en persona para la mesa directiva y el personal con el distanciamiento físico, el enmascaramiento y el saneamiento adecuados. Sin embargo, para evitar congregación y/ o demasiada gente en área encerrada, se ha recomendado que el público asista y participe de forma virtual. Este tipo de reunión está permitido bajo las órdenes de emergencia del gobernador. COMENTARIO DEL PÚBLICO POR TELÉFONO: Por favor llame al (805) 608-4230 para proporcionar comentarios públicos en vivo durante la reunión, Para esta junta Especial los comentarios seran limitados a un número de artículo en la agenda en sesión abierta. Se le colocará en línea de espera. Debe llamar con bastante anticipación al tema sobre el que desea comentar, los comentarios públicos no estarán disponibles una vez que el tema haya sido discutido por la mesa directiva. COMENTARIO PÚBLICO ESCRITO: Para proporcionar un comentario público escrito para ser leído durante la junta y por esta junta ser junta Especial, los comentarios publicos seran limitados a un número de artículo en la agenda en sesión abierta, envíe un correo electrónico de 450 palabras o menos a Los comentarios públicos se aceptarán por correo electrónico hasta las 3:00 de la tarde el dia de la reunión. Los comentarios públicos están limitados a tres minutos por persona y no más de 20 minutos en total para cualquier artículo. Cualquier documento, petición o información para enviar también puede enviarse por correo electrónico a la dirección anterior. |
Covid Protocols
Certificated personnel actions are attached for the Board's review and action. |
Classified personnel actions are attached for the Board's review and action. |
Chris Arend |
The Superintendent will bring one or two proposed goals for the Board to consider and discuss. |
Principal Sharon will share highlights from these two programs. |
The public is invited to participate in Board meetings in several ways: - To listen to the meeting, select the YouTube link at the top of the agenda to join in.
- To speak to the Board during this section (or later during a specific agenda item), call in as instructed at the top of the agenda.
- To submit written comments, prepare 450 words or less and email to no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Specify whether you are speaking about a non-agenda topic or about a specific agenda item (and give the title or number)
- Comments longer than 450 words will not be read aloud but will be presented under the "Correspondence" heading and must be received prior to publication of the agenda packet.
Public Comment Request Forms
This item on the agenda lists correspondence addressed to the "Board of Trustees," "Board of Education," or the "District." No action is required at this time; it is merely a means to maintain a record of correspondence received and distribute it to the Board. Any action resulting from correspondence will come on a future agenda. Correspondence received for this agenda includes: - 49 letters from PRHS students on school reopening (these were sent to all trustees via email on 3/6/21 but were too late to publish in the March 9, 2021, agenda packet).
- Email to PRJUSD Board from Ric Oberlink regarding Californians for Stabilization Population
PRHS Students re school reopening Ric Oberlink re Californians for Population Stabilization
Items on the Consent agenda are generally approved in a single motion. Board members may pull specific topics for individual consideration, and these will be acted upon after the remainder of the Consent agenda is considered. |
J. Gaviola |
New job description starting in 2021-22 school year: Under the supervision of the site principal, the Literacy Coach is responsible for providing collaborative, and one-on-one support with teachers; for coaching learning facilitators in balanced literacy strategies; for providing staff development related to literacy. The Coach will guide literacy assessment data collection and assist to analyze, interpret, and use the data to create an intentional response to the data. The main purpose will be to support learning loss mitigation for elementary students specifically related to K-2 grade levels.
Learning Loss Mitigation |
Learning Loss Mitigation Funds: approximately $450,000 |
TOSA-Literacy Coach-Job Description
B. Pawlowski |
1. Frank L. Johnson wishes to donate to PRHS Drama Class $200 in support of future theatre performances. 2. Paso Robles FFA Boosters wish to donate to PRHS Ag Department a C&N tractor valued at $31,772.23 to replace/retire currently aged tractor. |
Kim Holmes |
Staff continues to deal with the backlog of Minutes along with other duties. Minutes presented for action tonight include: - March 9, 2021
- March 12-13, 2021
(These minutes are attached but can also be viewed in this Google folder.)
Pending minutes still outstanding include the following meetings: - December 15, 2020 - Organizational Meeting
(adopted in January but need revision to reflect names of trustees and their respective committee appointments as those were not noted in the minutes adopted) - January 4, 2021 - Special Board Meeting
- January 9, 2021 - Special Board Meeting
- January 12, 2021 - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes 03-09-21 Minutes 03-12_13-21
B. Pawlowski |
This fiber is the physical transport mechanism that connects Marie Bauer to the District Data Center located at the Teacher Center. We received two bids for fiber transport services. Staff recommends to award the bid to Spectrum, the lowest cost bidder. This is a 3-year contract which will take effect July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2024. The pre-discount cost of the service is $436 per month, $5,232 annually. After the District’s e-rate discount of 80%, the annual cost is $1,046.40. |
$1,046.40 per year - Information Technology General Fund |
Marie Bauer Bid Evaluation Matrix Spectrum Proposal
B. Pawlowski |
Staff is recommending the purchase of CISCO wireless and network electronics from, utilizing the SPURR master contract*, of which our District is a member. The cost of the equipment is $108,740.13 with an estimated 80% E-rate reimbursement of $86,992.10. Non-E-rate eligible costs estimated to be $8,048. The total cost to our District is estimated to be $29,796.03 * To ensure E-rate compliance we conducted a mini-bid to ALL SPURR network/wireless vendors. was the only vendor that responded with a bid. |
$29,796.03 Measure M Bond Funds |
E-rate Sales Order Agreement Marie Bauer & Flamson Quotes Project Cost Summary - Marie Bauer & Flamson
B. Pawlowski |
In July 2020, the Child Nutrition department implemented the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) also known as the supper program. This program began as a result of the impact of COVID-19 on the community and has successfully completed the initial review from the California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division. As this program has continued to have success, staff has increased the production of meals provided daily. As a result, the department will need to upgrade the existing production line machine. Staff solicited for quotes from three vendors for a machine that would accommodate the growth of this program. Included are the quotes and the solicitation information. |
ESSER II Federal Funding |
All American Brokerage Quote AmeriPak Product Description AmeriPak Quote Economy Quote
Erin Haley |
With the transition to digital learning and the purchase of 1:1 devices for all students in the district, students were provided a device for use in their home setting. Now that students are returning to school and bringing these devices back to the classroom, we will need a corresponding storage and charging station for each classroom allocation. Our Chromebook charging stations also include mice which are included in the attached quotes. |
$36,979.80 Chromebook charging carts and mice $104,284.92 iPad charging carts and install $22,110.30 Thinkwrite Headsets for 2nd grade Chromebook charging carts Total Impact: $163,375.02 funded through ESSER funds (CARES) |
Chromebook Cart Quote Headset Quote iPad Cart Quote
Erin Haley |
The Science adoption committee reviewed and piloted two NGSS-aligned science curricula over the course of the past year. After each pilot, the participating science teachers completed an evaluation of their perceived strengths/weaknesses of each program. After the second adoption, the team convened to evaluate both programs and make a recommendation for adoption moving forward. The science adoption committee unanimously recommended FOSS Next Generation science curriculum. Attachments include the adoption quote as well as the summary of teachers’ feedback and evaluation. The science curriculum has been on public display in our District Office since March 9. Notification of the public display is posted at the District Office, both middle schools, and the Paso Robles Daily News. Additionally, the notice of public display was emailed to all PRJUSD families. |
$174, 257.65 funded through the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) |
Adoption Process Foss Quote Foss Refill Quote
Erin Haley |
The history department at PRHS has designed an ethnic studies course which would be an elective offering to students who select to enroll in it for the 2021-2022 school year. The course outline is attached and aligns with the model curriculum guidelines outlined by the CDE and accessible through the link below. This course was reviewed by department chairs at PRHS and was also reviewed in our district Curriculum Council on March 2. The primary purpose of Ethnic Studies: Multicultural America is to educate students to be politically, socially, and economically conscious about their personal and cultural connections to local and national history. The course focuses on themes of social justice, empathy, social responsibility, and social change. The course spans from past to present, from politics to social reform, allowing students to identify similar social patterns and universal qualities present in other societies, including their own. This course focuses on the experiences of African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino Americans, Native Americans, and other marginalized peoples in the United States. This course will actively seek out local speakers (state legislators, council members, community leaders) to provide valuable insight into these issues as they play out in the community. The course includes an Identity section where students will consider concepts related to their own personal, group, and/or national identity. CDE Model Curriculum Guidelines Recommended Course Outline: Multicultural America at PRHS |
Approximately $550 per class section of 32 students for the core test: A Different Mirror for Young People: A History of Multicultural America (for Young people series) - $16.99 per student. |
3/23/21 Article from EdSource : State Board takes final vote, after many rewrites, for California's controversial ethnic studies curriculum |
Public Comment Request Forms Written Public Comment re Ethnic Studies Course
Babette Decou |
The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Federal Addendum identifies district LCAP goals and how federal funds authorized under ESSA (Title I, II, III, IV) align to these goals as well as how the district supplemental dollars support the provisions of federal ESSA requirements. The Board of Trustees approved the 2019-20 LCAP Federal Addendum on June 25, 2019; and it was aligned with the 2019-20 LCAP; and the LCAP Federal Addendum was subsequently approved at the California State Board of Education at their September 2020 meeting, The district was notified on November 17, 2020, of this approval along with guidelines for revisions. The LCAP Federal Addendum must be revised as needed to align with the current district LCAP with revisions approved at the local level. CDE suspended the development of the three-year LCAP by one year and instead put into place the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP) which was approved by the Board of Trustees on September 22, 2020. The proposed revision of the LCAP Federal Addendum aligns to the approved LCP and still references the LCAP goals that have been in place. Once the new three-year LCAP plan is approved, the LCAP ESSA Federal Addendum will be revised again and presented to the Board of Trustees for approval. |
The revised Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Federal Addendum will be submitted as part of our Federal Program Monitoring (FPM). |
PRJUSD Revised ESSA Federal Addendum
Because of the District's financial situation, the aquatics project was placed on hold, with already purchased equipment stored away. The 2020 Grand Jury Report cited the expenditure for that equipment as one of the decisions that negatively affected the district because there were not sufficient funds to actually install the new pool. The Grand Jury advised the Board to make a determination on whether the project is or is not still viable. Staff recommends the development of a donation agreement with the Swim Paso Association (SPA). This agreement will outline the relationship between the district and SPA, intended uses for donations, and conditions for each party to perform. Staff is working with legal counsel to develop a draft agreement for review at a future meeting. |
Public Comment Request Forms SwimPaso Request Written Public Comment re Aquatics Complex
If additional time is needed to address items posted for Closed Session on this agenda, the Board may adjourn to Closed Session at the conclusion of Open Session business for that purpose. |
The Chair will call for a motion to adjourn the meeting at the conclusion of all business. |
If you wish to address the Board, please fill out a request form, provided on the table near the entrance, and submit it to the Clerk of the Board prior to the meeting. If you wish to speak on an item on the Agenda, please do so when that item is called. If you wish to speak on an item not on the Agenda, you may speak during the Public Comments section of the Agenda. The Board is governed by the Brown Act and may briefly respond to public comments but take no action except on items scheduled on the agenda. A maximum of 3 minutes per speaker may be allowed, and there is a 20-minute maximum limit for public input on any one subject/item. Speakers are requested to state their name and to address comments to the Board of Trustees. Items requiring lengthy discussion may, at the Board’s discretion, be scheduled as a specific agenda item at future meetings.
Please notify the Superintendent’s Office if you plan to attend this meeting and need an interpreter or, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting. In order to assist staff in assuring that reasonable accommodations can be made, notifications should be made by noon on the Friday preceding the meeting, or at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting, by calling (805) 769-1000, x.30104.
Any materials required by law to be made available to the public prior to a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Paso Robles Joint Unified School District can be inspected at the following address during normal business hours: Paso Robles Public Schools, 800 Niblick Road, Paso Robles, CA 93446.
If you have questions on school district issues, please submit them in writing. The appropriate staff member will contact you to answer your questions and provide you with information.
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Published: March 18, 2021, 5:04 PM