Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Paso Robles Joint USD February 22, 2022 5:30PM PASO ROBLES JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT
(805) 769-1000
OPEN SESSION: 6:00 PM or after Closed Session
Zoom link:
Watch on YouTube: PRJUSD Broadcasts in English during the meeting, Spanish Closed Captioning available the following morning
Our mission is to deliver an exemplary education, in a safe environment, which empowers students with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for success in an ever-changing world. |
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C. Arend |
Para Español, desplace hacia abajo. At this time, Board meetings will be held in-person with a virtual component unless advance notice is provided on the agenda. However, any or all Board members, staff, and others presenting may attend the meeting by phone or online without advance notice. The indoor mask mandate in non-youth settings ordered as of September 1, 2021, has been lifted by the San Luis Obispo County Public Health Officer as of February 16, 2022, for all vaccinated individuals in alignment with state masking policy. The State order continues to require masking in indoor public places for those who are not vaccinated and in our schools. Virtual attendance at the board meeting is encouraged for individuals who cannot attend the in-person meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT You can provide public comment on a closed session item before the Board goes into closed session. You can provide public comment on items which are not on the agenda that fall within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board as well as any agenda item when we call for public comment after the Pledge of Allegiance. You will also have an opportunity to comment on a specific agenda item when the item is called. The Board will not take any public comment after the item has been discussed by the Board. Your public comment can be given in person at the meeting, by telephone or by email. Public comment in person or by telephone is limited to three minutes on any one item, whereby we extend that time by up to three minutes if the comment needs to be translated. All public comment on any one item is limited to 20 minutes. To comment by telephone, call (805) 608-4230. You should call well in advance of the item you wish to comment on. You will then be placed in a queue. To comment in writing, send 450 words or less to by no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting and note on the email if the comment is for closed session item, a specific item on the agenda, or an item which is not on the agenda. ESPAÑOL: En este momento, las reuniones de la Junta se llevarán a cabo en persona con un componente virtual a menos que se proporcione un aviso previo en la agenda. Sin embargo, cualquiera o todos los miembros de la Junta, el personal y otras personas que se presenten pueden asistir a la reunión por teléfono o en línea sin previo aviso. El oficial de salud publica del condado de San Luis Obispo levanto la orden de cubrebocas mientras en ambientes interiores pasada el 1 de septiembre del 2021 a partir del 16 de febrero del 2022 para todas la personas vacunadas de acuerdo con la orden estatal del uso de cubrebocas. La orden estatal continua exigiendo el uso de cubrebocas en lugares públicos interiores y en las escuelas para personas que no están vacunadas. Se recomienda la asistencia virtual a la reunión de la junta para las personas que no pueden asistir a la reunión en persona. COMENTARIO DEL PÚBLICO POR TELÉFONO: Por favor llame al (805) 608-4230 para proporcionar comentarios públicos en vivo durante la reunión, Se le colocará en línea de espera. Debe llamar con bastante anticipación al tema sobre el que desea comentar, los comentarios públicos no estarán disponibles una vez que el tema haya sido discutido por la mesa directiva. COMENTARIO PÚBLICO ESCRITO: Para proporcionar un comentario público escrito para ser leído durante la junta, envíe un correo electrónico de 450 palabras o menos a Los comentarios públicos se aceptarán por correo electrónico hasta las 3:00 de la tarde el dia de la reunión. Los comentarios públicos están limitados a tres minutos por persona y no más de 20 minutos en total para cualquier artículo. Cualquier documento, petición o información para enviar también puede enviarse por correo electrónico a la dirección anterior. |
Agency Designated Representatives | Superintendent | Employee Organization | PRPE, CSEA | | |
T. Harrington |
Student Services is putting forward Case No. 2021-22.14H, a Stipulated Expulsion |
StudentSuccess and Achievement |
The public is invited to participate in Board meetings in several ways: - To listen to the meeting, select the YouTube link at the top of the agenda to join in.
- To speak to the Board during this section (or later during a specific agenda item), call in as instructed at the top of the agenda.
- To submit written comments, prepare 450 words or less and email to no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Specify whether you are speaking about a non-agenda topic or about a specific agenda item (and give the title or number).
- Comments longer than 450 words will not be read aloud but will be presented under the "Correspondence" heading and must be received prior to publication of the agenda packet. Late arrivals will be held for publication in the next regular agenda packet.
| Se invita al público a participar en las reuniones de la Junta de varias formas: - Para escuchar la reunión, seleccione el enlace de YouTube en la parte superior de la agenda para unirse.
- Para hablar con la Junta durante esta sección (o más tarde durante un tema específico de la agenda), llame como se indica en la parte superior de la agenda.
- Para enviar comentarios escritos, prepare 450 palabras o menos y envíe un correo electrónico a a más tardar a las 3:00 p.m. el día de la reunión. Especifique si está hablando sobre un tema que no pertenece a la agenda o sobre un tema específico de la agenda (y proporcione el título o el número)
- Los comentarios de más de 450 palabras no se leerán en voz alta, sino que se presentarán bajo el título "Correspondencia" y deben recibirse antes de la publicación del paquete de la agenda. Las llegadas tardías se retendrán para su publicación en el próximo paquete de agenda regular.
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Public Comments for non-agenda and agenda items
This item on the agenda lists correspondence addressed to the "Board of Trustees," "Board of Education," or the "District." No action is required at this time; it is merely a means to maintain a record of correspondence received and distribute it to the Board. Any action resulting from correspondence will come on a future agenda. Correspondence received for this agenda includes: - Correspondence received February 14, 2022, regarding a Williams Act complaint. The Board understands this is a pending investigation.
Items on the Consent agenda are generally approved in a single motion. Board members may pull specific topics for individual consideration, and these will be acted upon after the remainder of the Consent agenda is considered. |
B. Pawlowski |
Purchase Order Nos.: 221086-221133 with a total amount of $126,400.54 are attached for the Board's review and approval. |
$126,400.54 |
Purchase Order Listing 02-14-22
B. Pawlowski |
Payment Listing for batch numbers 122-126 in the amount of $426,717.71 are attached for the Board's review and approval. |
$426,717.71. |
Payment Listing Batch 0122-0126
1. California Future Farmers is donating $2,500 in support of Paso Robles FFA. 2. The Giving Foundation is donating $1,000 in support of Paso Robles High School. 3. Paso Robles Main Street Inc. in donating $25.00 in support of Georgia Brown Elementary School. 4. LifeTouch is donating $258.88 in support of Winifred Pifer Elementary School. 5. LifeTouch is donating $ 161.96 in support of Kermit King Elementary School. |
B. Pawlowski |
Under Sections 17545 of the Education Code, in certain circumstances, if the governing Board of any school district finds that one or more items of District personal property is not required for school purposes, should be disposed of for the purpose of replacement, or is unsatisfactory or not suitable for school use, the Governing Board may sell such property for cash, provided that the notice of the sale is given by posting in at least three public places in the District for not less than two weeks, or by publication for at least once a week for a period of not less than two weeks in a newspaper published in the District and having a general circulation there. If there is no such newspaper, then in a newspaper having a general circulation in a county in which the District or any part thereof is situated. The Governing Board may choose to conduct the public auction either by employees of the District or other public agencies or by contract with a private auction firm. After a properly noticed sale has been conducted, the Governing Board shall sell the property to the highest responsible bidder or shall reject all bids. The Governing Board may delegate to a District employee the responsibility for conducting the auction and the authority to transfer the personal property to the highest responsible bidder upon completion of the auction and after payment has been received by the District.
Attached for Board review and approval is a listing of obsolete equipment that District staff has identified as not required for school purposes, to be disposed of for the purpose of replacement, or as being unsatisfactory or not suitable for school use. |
25-Yard Pool Packing List Original Piggy Back Agreement & Purchase Price
B. Pawlowski |
Educational Employees Credit Union (EECU) was founded in 1934, focused on providing low-cost financial services to the educational community. The non-profit organization approached the District in November 2021, to explore the potential of the installation of an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) at the District Office. This would provide a convenience for members and the community of Paso Robles. While EECU has its roots in Central California, they have expanded to the Central Coast. Recently, they have purchased a building and expect to open a branch in 2023. Staff has reviewed this agreement, along with legal counsel and it is recommended that the District pursue this opportunity.
Attached is a Letter of Introduction describing the financial institution and renderings of other ATM kiosks. |
ATM Sample 1 ATM Sample 2 EECU Letter Paso Robles EECU ATM Lease with EECU
J. Gaviola |
The indoor mask mandate in non-youth settings ordered as of September 1, 2021, has been lifted by the San Luis Obispo County Public Health Officer as of February 16, 2022, for all vaccinated individuals in alignment with state masking policy. At this time, the State order continues to require masking in indoor public places for those who are not vaccinated and in youth settings. Staff will present four possible actions for the Board to consider: 1) Adopt Resolution No. 22-13 Regarding Mask Mandates for Students 2) A member of the public has requested that the District create a new exemption policy regarding mask mandates and future COVID-19 related policies. The request states that all requests for exemption from a student, employee, contractor, subcontractor, volunteer, parent, or visitor be presumed legitimate until proven otherwise. 3) Stay the course aligned with state requirements. PRJUSD has a mask exemption process aligned to CDPH. Additionally, for a student with a disability, if the disability impedes them from either being able to wear a mask for medical reasons, or due to their disability, an IEP team must meet and determine what, if any, accommodations or modifications are necessary for the student to access their special education and related services. This would require an IEP team review and in many cases may need to include a team member from the district's nursing services. 4) Table this discussion until the March 8, 2022 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees due to anticipated state announcement February 28, 2022 regarding updated mask mandate in youth settings.
Public Agenda Request #1 for 02-22-2022 Resolution 22-13: Regarding Mask Mandates for Students
C. Arend |
A member of the public has asked the Board to exonerate any student involved in the protest against the mask mandate on 15 February. |
Agenda Request #4 for 2-22-2022
C. Arend |
A member of the public has asked the Board to (i) "censure" both Mr. Arend and Superintendent Dubost, and (ii) to immediately remove Mr. Arend from the office of Board president and terminate the employment of Dr. Dubost. |
Agenda Request #5 for 02-22-2022
B. Pawlowski/ Anne Collins (Lozano Smith) |
A major capital improvements program involves important decisions regarding the method by which the projects will be designed and constructed - the project delivery method. This decision has become more complex as a variety of alternative delivery methods have been developed to address weaknesses in the "traditional" design-bid-build process. The district's legal counsel will review and compare the design-bid-build method versus LLB and address amendments to the Education Code and statutes, which authorizes LLB as a construction delivery method. |
Lease Leaseback Presentation
C. Dubost |
A member of the public has requested that the Board revisit Board Policy 1250: Visitors/Outsiders to reflect a new rule that members of the Board of Trustees may, without notice, and at any time, enter all school district properties without notice. On September, 28, 2021, an information item was presented to the Board to discuss current policies and the protocols in place for the review of instructional materials, grading practices, and classroom visitation by members of the Board of Trustees, parents of students enrolled in classes, and community members at large. This item is presented to discuss possible changes to these protocols and a possible update to BP 1250. |
Agenda Request #3 for 02-22-2022 BP 1250 - Visitors/Outsiders PRJUSD Draft Visitation Protocols
J. Gaviola |
A member of the public has requested that the District "reinstate the Glen Speck Arts Academy for school year 2022-23". Staff is working on bringing back a Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) plan to an upcoming Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees as the Board previously requested. |
The Chair will call for a motion to adjourn the meeting at the conclusion of all business. |
If you wish to address the Board, please fill out a request form, provided on the table near the entrance, and submit it to the Clerk of the Board prior to the meeting. If you wish to speak on an item on the Agenda, please do so when that item is called. If you wish to speak on an item not on the Agenda, you may speak during the Public Comments section of the Agenda. The Board is governed by the Brown Act and may briefly respond to public comments but take no action except on items scheduled on the agenda. A maximum of 3 minutes per speaker may be allowed, and there is a 20-minute maximum limit for public input on any one subject/item. Speakers are requested to state their name and to address comments to the Board of Trustees. Items requiring lengthy discussion may, at the Board’s discretion, be scheduled as a specific agenda item at future meetings.
Please notify the Superintendent’s Office if you plan to attend this meeting and need an interpreter or, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting. In order to assist staff in assuring that reasonable accommodations can be made, notifications should be made by noon on the Friday preceding the meeting, or at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting, by calling (805) 769-1000, x.30104.
Any materials required by law to be made available to the public prior to a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Paso Robles Joint Unified School District can be inspected at the following address during normal business hours: Paso Robles Public Schools, 800 Niblick Road, Paso Robles, CA 93446.
If you have questions on school district issues, please submit them in writing. The appropriate staff member will contact you to answer your questions and provide you with information.
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Published: February 17, 2022, 4:47 PM