
Regular Board Meeting
Inglewood USD
March 06, 2019 5:30PM
Dr. Ernest Shaw Board Room 401 S. Inglewood Avenue Inglewood, CA 90301

Mission Statement:
The Inglewood Unified School District will nurture, educate, and graduate students who are self-responsible and self-disciplined; who are critical and creative thinkers; who master the core academic disciplines; and who are advocates for equity and social justice for self and their community.
Dr. Thelma Melendez de Santa Ana called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.
Miguel Toscano led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
3.a. Board Members: Margaret Turner-Evans, President (Seat #4); Dr. D'Artagnan Scorza, Vice President (Seat #5); Dr. Dionne Young Faulk, Member (Seat #1); Dr. Carliss McGhee, Member (Seat #2); Vacancy, Member (Seat #3)
The following Board members were present:
Margaret Turner-Evans
Dr. D’Artagnan Scorza
Dr. Dionne Young-Faulk
Dr. Carliss McGhee
3.b. Cabinet Members: Dr. Thelma Melendez de Santa Ana, State Administrator; Nora Roque, Executive Director of Human Resources; Dr. Carmen Beck, Chief Academic Officer; and Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
The following Cabinet members were present:
Dr. Thelma Melendez de Santa Ana
Dr. Carmen Beck
Nora Roque
Eugenio D. Villa
The agenda was approved with no modifications.
5. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDIZED AND NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS: This portion of the Agenda provides an opportunity for members of the public to directly address the State Administrator and Board of Education on agenda and non-agenda items; however, the Brown Act precludes any action being taken on any items not appearing on the posted agenda for action. A public comment card must be completed and submitted to the School Police Officer who will be stationed at the entrance of the meeting room prior to the beginning of the Public Comment period. Members of the public who wish to speak about an item on the posted agenda must indicate the item number on the Public Comment Card. Three [3] minutes will be allotted to each speaker; and a maximum of thirty [30] minutes for public comment on agenda items and [30] minutes for public comment on non-agenda items will be allotted during this section. If the public comment cards exceed [10] cards per section, the State Administrator may reduce the time allowed from one or two minutes to either two or one minute, per person to hear from more speakers.
5.a. Public Comment on Agenda Items
The following speakers addressed the State Administrator, Board of Education, and Cabinet regarding agenda items:
1. Andy Saucedo, ICEF Student
2. Cael Cross, ICEF Student
3. Treybon Taylor, ICEF Student
4. Nyla Knight, ICEF Student
5. Jamal Knight spoke in place of Nicole Wells, ICEF Student
6. Terrance Engram, ICEF Parent Liaison
7. Kenneth Wheeler, ICEF Assistant Principal
8. Natalie Kieffer, ICEF Principal
9. Jason J. Rudolph, California School Charter Schools Association (CCSA)
10. Parker Hudnut, ICEF C.E.O.
11.Aba Ngissah, IUSD ITA President

5.b. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
The following speakers addressed the State Administrator, Board of Education, and Cabinet regarding non-agenda items:
1. Dhunn May, Suggestions for promotions of well being and justice
2. Aba Ngissah, ITA President

6. CLOSED SESSION AGENDA: During the closed session agenda, the State Administrator may consider personnel matters, negotiations, collective bargaining, matters related to students, security matters, conference with real property negotiator, pending litigation, and/or JPA/self-insurance liability claims.
6.a. Conference with Legal Counsel/Pending Litigation (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 ([a) and (d)(1):
6.a.1. 010/2018-2019 - Employee ID. No. RM4606579
The State Administrator took action to approve settlement agreement number 010/2018-2019 - Employee ID No. RM4606579.
8.a. Inglewood High School
Crystal Gutierrez, ASB President provided a report on the academic programs; enrichment activities; and important events happening at Inglewood High School.

8.b. City Honors College Preparatory Academy
Miguel Toscano, Senior Representative provided a report on the academic programs; enrichment activities; and important events happening at City Honors College Preparatory Academy.
9.a. Staff Report Regarding Charter Petition Renewal for ICEF Middle School Charter
Sue Ann Evans provided a report regarding the charter petition renewal for ICEF Middle School Charter.
10.a. Approve/Deny the ICEF Inglewood Middle Charter Academy Charter Petition Renewal for the Period of July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2024, and if Denied Adopt the Staff Report as Findings in Support of Denial
Dr. Carmen Beck, Chief Academic Officer
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve/deny the ICEF Inglewood Middle Charter Academy charter petition renewal for the period of July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2024. and if denied adopt the staff report as findings in support of denial.


All charter petitions must be approved/denied by the State Administrator.  Pursuant to Education Code section 47607(a), the granting or denying of a charter school renewal petition by a local school district is governed by the standards and criteria set forth in Education Code Section 47605.

In January 2019, the petitioners delivered to the Inglewood Unified School District (“District”) a charter renewal petition (“Charter” or “Petition”) for Inner City Education Foundation (“ICEF”) Inglewood Middle Charter Academy (“IIMCA” or “Charter School”). IIMCA currently operates a charter school serving pupils in grades six (6) through eight (8) under the oversight authority of the District. The Charter School’s current term will expire on June 30, 2019.  Pursuant to Education Code section 47607, subdivision (a), IIMCA submitted a renewal petition (“Petition”) to the District’s State Administrator seeking to renew its charter for an additional five (5) year term for the period of July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2024.

In accordance with the Charter Schools Act of 1992, the Charter was brought to the District Board meeting of January 16, 2019, at which time it was received by the State Administrator, thereby commencing the timelines for the State Administrator to take action.

A public hearing on the Petition was conducted on February 20, 2019, pursuant to Education Code section 47605, at which time the State Administrator considered the level of support for the Charter School by teachers employed by the District, other employees of the District, and parents.  Representatives from the Charter School and other individuals submitted public comments during the hearing.

Financial Impact:
To be determined.
Dr. Thelma Melendez de Santa Ana denied the charter renewal petition for Inglewood Middle Charter Academy and adopted the District's Staff Report as the District's written findings to support the denial of the petition.
Staff Report ICEF Middle School
11.a. Strategic Plan: Site Level Plans
11.a.1. Hudnall Elementary School
Dr. Dawnyell Goolsby, Principal of Hudnall Elementary School provided a report to the Board of Education, Cabinet, and the Public regarding: Goals and measures of student progress; Professional practices for instructional measures of student progress; Professional practices for instructional effectiveness; and Key actions around the District's Strategic Plan.

The Board of Education had a discussion regarding this item.
12.a.1. Approval to Assign a Teacher on the Basis of E.C. 44263 for the 2018-2019 School Year
Nora Roque, Executive Director of Human Resources Department
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve to assign a Teacher on the basis of a E.C. 44263 for the 2018-2019 School Year.


Under Ed Code 44623, holders of any California teaching credential who have 18 lower division units or 9 upper division units in a subject can be authorized, by Board Authorization, to teach that subject(s), full or part time. The Interim State Administrator must approve all assignments based on this Ed Code.

Patricia Smith, CHHS – Business

By approving these requests, the District will be able to be in compliance with California state teacher credential requirements.

Financial Impact:

This teacher will be paid based on the credentialed Teachers' Salary Schedule.

12.a.2. Approval of Resolution No 25/2018-2019 to Notify Certificated Employees of Release and Reassignment from Certificated Administrative Positions
Nora Roque, Executive Director of Human Resources
Recommended Motion:

The State Administrator to approve Resolution No. 25/2018-2019 to notify certificated employees of their  release and reassignment from their certificated administrative positions.


As a component of the District's fiscal recovery plan, the District will notify certificated employees of their  release and/or reassignment from their certificated administrative positions.  As a result, the District is submitting the attached resolution to notify certificated employees of their release and reassignment from their certificated administrative positions.

IMPLICATIONS:  By approving this resolution, the District will be able to provide notices to all certificated employees that may be affected as a result of the release and reassignment of certificated employees from their administrative certificated positions.

Financial Impact:
The release and reassignment of certificated employees from administrative positions will result in a total decrease to personnel expenditures for the 2019-2020 school year.
Resolution No. 25/2018-2019
12.a.3. Approval of Resolution No. 26/2018-2019 to Reduce or Discontinue Particular Kinds of Services
Nora Roque, Executive Director of Human Resources
Recommended Motion:
Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Resolution No. 26/2018-2019 to reduce or discontinue particular kinds of services totaling 34.0 full-time equivalent (F.T.E.) in the General Education Program, commencing in the 2019-2020 school year. 


As a component of the District’s fiscal recovery plan, the District will be reducing or discontinuing particular kinds of service. As a result, the District submits the attached Resolution to reduce or discontinue particular kinds of service.

IMPLICATION: By approving this resolution, the District will be able to provide notices to all certificated employees that may be affected as a result of the decrease in the number of certificated positions due to a reduction or discontinue in particular kinds of service.

Financial Impact:
Reduction in certificated staff will result in a decrease to personnel expenditures of approximately $1.5 Million in Unrestricted General Funds and $70,000 in Restricted Program Funds for the 2019-2020 school year.
Resolution 26-2018-2019 Reduce or Discontinue Particular Kinds of Service
12.a.4. Approval of Resolution No. 27/2018-2019 to Non-Reelect and Release from Employment Certificated Probationary Employees
Nora Roque, Executive Director of Human Resources
Recommended Motion:
The State Administrator to approve Resolution No. 27/2018-2019 to notify certificated probationary employees of their non-reelection and release from employment for the 2019-2020 school year.

Pursuant to Education Code Section 44929.21(b), the State Administrator is required to notify certificated probationary employees on or before March 15 of the employee’s second complete consecutive school year of employment of the decision to not reelect the employee for the next succeeding school year.

IMPLICATION: By approving this resolution, the District will be able to provide notices to specified probationary certificated employees that they are being non-reelected for the 2019-2020 school year.

Financial Impact:
Unknown, as it is too soon to know whether the non-reelected certificated employees will be replaced with first-year employees, or employees with greater experience and, therefore, salary placement than the individuals they replaced.
Resolution 27-2018-2019 Non-Reelection and Release of Certificated Probationary Employees
12.a.5. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between Inglewood Unified School District And Inglewood Teachers Association - Health and Welfare Benefits for Laid Off Bargaining Unit Members
Nora Roque, Executive Director of Human Resources
Recommended Motion:
Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Memorandum of Understanding between Inglewood Unified School District and Inglewood Teachers Association to provide health and welfare benefits for bargaining unit members laid off due to a reduction or discontinuance of particular kinds of service; for the unit member and their eligible dependents through August 31, 2019. 

The State Administrator must approve all memorandum of understanding.  This MOU between IUSD and ITA provides the following:

Bargaining unit members laid off due to a reduction or discontinuance of particular kinds of service during the 2018-2019 school year shall be eligible for continued enrollment in the health and welfare plans they were enrolled in at the conclusion of the 2018-2019 school year. The District shall pay its contractual share of such plans for the laid off unit member and her/his dependents through August 31, 2019, at which time such benefits shall expire. Thereafter, the laid-off unit member may, if she/he chooses, continue to pay the necessary premiums on a monthly basis as provided by COBRA. 

Without this MOU, insurance ends on June 30, 2019 for laid off certificated employees covered under the ITA collective agreement. By approving this MOU, the Inglewood Unified School District will continue to provide health and welfare benefits for bargaining unit members laid off due to a reduction or discontinuance of particular kinds of service; for the unit members and their eligible dependents through August 31, 2019. 

 FCMAT Personnel Management Standard 10.2

Financial Impact:

The approximate cost is $39,000 to $60,000, dependent upon the benefit plans of the laid off employees.  If a laid off employee is reemployed prior to the start of the 2019-2020 school year, this cost would be reduced.

MOU Between ITA-IUSD Provide Health and Welfare for PKS
12.a.6. Certificated Personnel Roster
Certificated Roster 3.6.2019
12.a.7. Classified Personnel Roster
Classified Roster 3.6.2019
12.b.1. Approval/ratification of Purchase Orders in the Amount of $1,095,030.56 Issued January 2, 2019, through January 31, 2019
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve/ratify purchase orders in the amount of $1,095,030.56 issued January 2, 2019, through January 31, 2019.


All purchase orders must be ratified/approved by the State Administrator. 

Below is a summary of purchase order issued from January 1, 2019, through January 31, 2019:

Fund 01.0 General FundP301141ACthroughPTR_40136=$1,027,580.73
Fund 01.2 La Tijera Sub Fund P400431 throughP400439=$       1,159.85
Fund 11.0 Adult Education FundPTR_40127through PTR_40131 =  $       1,030.00 
Fund 12.0 Child Development Fund P400426through POB_40199 $          742.00 
Fund 13.0 Cafeteria FundPCT_4158throughPTR_40124=$     54,517.98

Financial Impact:


Board PO Report January 2019
12.b.2. Approval/Ratification of Travel Expenditures/Conference Requests Pursuant to Board Policy 3350
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:
Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve/ratify the educational conferences, meetings, and/or workshops with expenses paid according to the Education Code. 
Approval of this request will provide staff development for conference attendee and foster improvement in teaching and administration. 

Approval of this item supports the following FCMAT standard:
- Personnel Management - 5.8, Operational Procedures 
- Pupil Achievement 3.13 Instructional Strategies - The district should provide instructional training to teachers so they can improve and vary their use of instructional strategies to increase student engagement and their ability to apply knowledge and skills to academic tasks as required by the Common Core State Standards and assessments. 
Financial Impact:

The estimated cost of $28,851 will be paid with Title I, II, IV Funds and General Maintenance Funds.

Convention & Travel 3.6.2019
12.b.3. Approval of Vendor and Payroll Warrant Resolution No. 28/2018-2019, in the Amount of $12.533.997.89 for the Month of January 2019
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Vendor and Payroll Warrant Resolution No. 28/2018-2019, in the Amount of $12,533,997.89 for the month of January 2019.


All warrant and payroll resolutions must be approved by the State Administrator.  The warrants, checks, and payrolls presented this date are for payment of bills with appropriations allowed and which proper orders have been issued by the State Administrator.

Financial Impact:

Vendor and payroll warrants expended in the month of January 2019 are $12,533,997.89.

Resolution No. 28/2018-2019
12.b.4. Approval/Acceptance of Donation/Gifts Listed Pursuant to Board Policy 3280
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator accept the attached donations on behalf of the students and educational programs of the District.


The State Administrator may accept any bequest or gift of money or property on behalf of the District.  All gifts, grants, and bequests shall become District property.  A letter of appreciation will be sent to the donors upon acceptance by the State Administrator on behalf of the Board of Education and Administration.

Acceptance of the donations will acquire and maximize internal and external sources.

Financial Impact:


Donations 3.6.2019
12.b.5. Approval of the Agreement with UniFirst Corporation to Provide Uniforms for Custodial, Maintenance and Transportation Staff for Three (3) Years
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the agreement with UniFirst Corporation to provide uniforms for custodial, maintenance and transportation staff for three (3) years.


All agreements must be approved by the State Administrator.  UniFirst Corporation will furnish, supply and deliver uniforms.

Approval of this item supports the following FCMAT standard: 

Facilities Management Standards 1.8 - School Safety.

Financial Impact:

The estimated cost as follows will be paid with General Maintenance Funds:

Year 1 = $14,649

Year 2 = $14,942

Year 3 = $15,241 

12.b.6. Approval of Resolution No. 30/2018-2019, Adopting California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Procedures
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Resolution No. 30/2018-2019, adopting California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Procedures.


All Board Resolutions must be approved by the State Administrator.  Public Contract Code section 22000 et seq. sets forth the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act.  

The Act provides for the implementation of uniform construction cost accounting procedures and informal bidding procedures for all public agencies electing to participate, together with instructions for their adoption and implementation by such public agencies.  

IMPLICATION:  Adoption of CUPCCAA will allow the District to benefit from an increased force account limit, use an informal bidding for projects, and will help the District expedite the completion for small projects.     

Pursuant to Public Contract Code (PCC) 22020, the State Controller’s Office issued a letter informing the participating CUPCCAA agencies that the new bid thresholds will be effective January 1, 2019.

Below are the following changes in the bid threshold:

a) The change would allow projects costing $60,000 or less to be performed by employees of a
public agency by force account, by negotiated contract, or by purchase order;
b) The change would allow projects costing up to $200,000 to be contracted by informal bidding
procedures; and
c) Projects costing over $200,000 are subject to the formal bidding process.                     

Financial Impact:


Resolution No. 30/2018-2019
12.b.7. Approval of Resolution No. 31/2018-2019, Renewal to Adopt Informal Bidding Procedures Pursuant to the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Resolution No. 31/2018-2019, renewal to adopt informal bidding procedures Pursuant to the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act.


All Board Resolutions must be approved by the State Administrator.  Pursuant to Public Contract Code section 22030, the State Administrator of the Inglewood Unified School District formally elected to become subject to the procedures set forth in the Act and to the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Commission’s Policies and Procedures Manual and cost accounting review procedures by adopting Resolution No. 30/2018-2019 on March 6, 2019.

The State Administrator of the Inglewood Unified School District hereby resolves as follows:

  1. That the above recitals are all true and correct.
  2. That public projects undertaken by the District, as defined by the Act and in accordance with the limits listed in Public Contract Code section 22032, may be let to contract by informal procedures as set forth in Public Contract Code section 22032.
  3. That the District shall develop and maintain a list of qualified contractors, identified according to categories of work, in accordance with the provisions of Public Contract Code section 22034 and criteria promulgated from time to time by the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Commission.
  4. That in the event the District undertakes a project which is subject to Public Contract Code section 22032(b), a notice inviting informal bids shall be mailed to all contractors on the qualified contractors list for the category of work being bid.If the product or service sought by the District is proprietary in nature such that it can be obtained only from a certain contractor or contractors, the notice inviting informal bids may be sent exclusively to such contractor or contractors.
  5. That the notice inviting informal bids shall describe the project in general terms and explain how to obtain more detailed information about the project, and state the time and place for the submission of informal bids.
  6. That the State Administrator or the Designee is authorized to award informal contracts pursuant to this Resolution in accordance with Education Code section 17605.
  7. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.

Financial Impact:


Resolution No. 31/2018-2019
12.b.8. Approve the Formation of a Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:
Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the formation of a Budget Advisory Committee.

All committees must be approved by the State Administrator.  Membership of the district's budget advisory committee will include representatives of each of the following groups:

1.  Board members, provided that less than a majority of the Board serves on the committee

2.  District and school site administrators

3.  Representatives of bargaining units

4.  Certificated and/or classified staff

5.  Parents/guardians

6.  Representatives of the business community and/or other community members

7.  Students

The committee's duties may include, but not necessarily be limited to:

1.  Making recommendations regarding budget priorities

2.  Recommending cost reduction strategies, such as identifying services that may be reduced, made             more efficient, or discontinued

3.  Reviewing the clarity and effectiveness of budget documents and communications

4.  Presenting progress reports on the committee's work and a final report of recommendations to the Superintendent or designee and to the Board

The committee shall submit recommendations during the budget development process and its duties shall be assigned each year based on district needs. All recommendations of the committee shall be advisory only and shall not be binding on the Board.

Approval of this item support the following FCMAT standard:
Budget Development Process, Standard 5.2 :   The district should consider expanding the budget advisory committee to include staff and community representatives.

12.c.1. Approval/Ratification of Fund 21.1 Purchase Orders in the Amount of $470,678.55 Issued January 2, 2019, through January 31, 2019
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve/ratify Fund 21.1 Purchase Orders in the amount of $470,678.55 Issued January 2, 2019, through January 31, 2019.


All purchase orders must be ratified/approved by the State Administrator. The following purchase orders are being brought forward for consideration:

Fund 21.1

Building Fund / Measure GG






Fund 40.0LAWA Funds LAWA20014 through PMGG_20199 $344,369.77 

Financial Impact:

Facility Board PO Report January 2019
12.c.2. Approval of Change Order No. 2 to Agreement No. C17/18-046 with NSA Construction for the Payne Elementary School Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) Sound Mitigation Project
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Change Order No. 2 to Agreement No. C17/18-046 with NSA Construction Group, Inc., for additional construction services needed for the Payne Elementary School Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) Sound Mitigation Project located at 215 W. 94th Street Inglewood, CA 90301.


All change orders must be approved by the State Administrator. On February 22, 2018, the State Administrator approved the bid acceptance with NSA Construction, Inc., for the Beulah Payne Elementary School Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) Sound Mitigation Project. 

Change Order No. 2 is for additional construction services needed at the site due to unforeseen conditions such as additional fencing, new domestic water lines, new network cables and furniture relocation.

Approval of this item supports the following FCMAT standard:

Facilities Management - 3.1, Facilities Improvement and Modernization 

Financial Impact:

The additional cost of $91,814.47 will be paid with Measure GG and Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) Funds.  Below is a summary of the total contract sum and all changes to date.

The Original Contract Sum was $ 5,119,000.00
Net Change Previously Authorized Requests and Changes $      34,490.07
The Contract Sum Prior to this Change Order was $ 5,153,490.07
The Contract Sum Will Be Increased $      91,814.47
The New Contract Sum Including this Change Order $ 5,245,304.54

NSA Construction Change Order No. 2
12.c.3. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. C17/18-071 with Knowland Construction for Additional Division of State Architecture (DSA) Inspection Services on the Woodworth-Monroe Temporary Relocatable Project
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. C17/18-071 with Knowland Construction for additional Division of State Architecture (DSA) inspection services on the Woodworth-Monroe Temporary Relocatable Project located at 10711 S. 10th Avenue Inglewood, CA 90303. 


All amendments to contracts must be approved by the State Administrator. This Amendment with Knowland Construction will provide additional Division of State Architecture (DSA) Inspection Services for the additional temporary modular buildings on the Woodworth-Monroe Temporary Relocatable Project. 

Financial Impact:

The additional cost of $7,200 will be paid with LAWA Funds. 

Amendment No. 1 Knowland Construction
12.c.4. Approval of Agreement No. C18/19-074 with Ninyo & Moore to Provide Geotechnical Consulting Services for the Warren Lane Elementary School K-8 Modernization Project
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Agreement No. C18/19-074 with Ninyo & Moore to provide geotechnical services for the Warren Lane Elementary School K-8 Modernization Project located at 2602 W. 79th Street Inglewood, CA 90305. 


The State Administrator must approve all agreements. This agreement with Ninyo & Moore is to provide Geotechnical Consulting Services for the Warren Lane Elementary School K-8 Modernization Project. 

Ninyo and Moore will review the project plans, specifications and complete Division of State Architecture (DSA) PR-1301 construction oversight process inspection requirement forms and submittals for the Warren Lane Elementary School K-8 Modernization Project. 

District staff sent out a formal Request for Proposals (RFP). Below are the results: 

 Inspection Firm  Price
Ninyo & Moore $15,866
California Testing & Inspection $19,843
 RMA  $20,270

Financial Impact:

The total cost of $15,866 will be paid with Measure GG Funds. 

C18/19-074 Ninyo & Moore Geotech Services Warren Lane ES
12.c.5. Approval of Agreement No. C18/19-075 with Worldwide Construction to Install Handrails at Morningside High School for Division of State Architecture (DSA) Closeout Project No. 113354
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends the State Administrator approve Agreement No. C18/19-075 with Worldwide Construction to install handrails at Morningside High School for Division of State Architecture (DSA) Closeout Project No. 113354 located at 10500 S. Yukon Avenue Inglewood, CA 90303. 


All agreements must be approved by the State Administrator.  Worldwide Construction will install handrails and signs showing ADA path of travel needed for Division of State Architecture (DSA) Closeout Project No. 113354. 

Approval of this item supports the following FCMAT standard: 

Facilities Modernization Standard - 3.1, Facilities Improvement and Modernization 

Financial Impact:

The cost of $4,995 will be paid with Measure GG Funds. 

C18/19-075 Worldwide Construction
DSA Closeout Application No. 113354
12.c.6. Approval of Agreement No. C18/19-076 with Ninyo & Moore to Provide Geotechnical Consulting Services for the Bennett-Kew Elementary School K-8 Modernization Project
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Agreement No. C18/19-076 with Ninyo & Moore to provide geotechnical services for the Bennett-Kew Elementary School K-8 Modernization Project located at 11710 S. Cherry Avenue Inglewood, CA 90303. 


The State Administrator must approve all agreements. This agreement with Ninyo & Moore will provide Geotechnical Consulting Services for the Bennett-Kew Elementary School K-8 Modernization Project. 

Ninyo & Moore will review the project plans, specifications and complete Division of State Architecture (DSA) PR-1301 construction oversight process inspection requirement forms and submittals for this project. 

District staff sent out a formal Request for Proposals (RFP) for this project.  Ninyo & Moore submitted a proposal of $15,326.  Below is a summary of the proposal that were submitted in response to the RFP.

 Inspection Firm Price 
 Ninyo & Moore $15,326
 RMA Group $18,660
 California Testing & Inspection $19,843

Financial Impact:

The total cost of $15,326 will be paid with Measure GG Funds. 

C18/19-076 Ninyo & Moore Geotech Services Bennett-Kew ES
12.c.7. Approval of Agreement No. C18/19-077 with Alta Environmental to Provide Hazardous Material Testing for the Warren Lane Elementary School K-8 Modernization Project
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Agreement No. C18/19-077 with Alta Environmental to provide hazardous material testing for the Warren Lane Elementary School K-8 Modernization Project located at 2602 W. 79th Street Inglewood, CA 90305. 


All agreements must be approved by the State Administrator. Alta Environmental will provide hazardous material testing and reporting for the Warren Lane K-8 Modernization Project. 

District staff sent out a formal Request for Proposals for this project.  Alta Environmental submitted a proposal of $13,762.75.  Below is a summary of the proposals that were submitted:   

 Vendor Proposal Price 
 Alta Environmental $10,057.25
 Ellis Environmental $11,513.80
 ACT Environmental $     20,433

Financial Impact:

The cost of $10,057.25 will be paid with Measure GG Funds. 

C18/19-077 Alta Environmental Warren Lane Hazmat Testing
12.c.8. Approval of Agreement No. C18/19-078 with Alta Environmental to Provide Hazardous Material Testing for the Bennett-Kew Elementary School K-8 Modernization Project
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Agreement No. C18/19-078 with Alta Environmental to provide hazardous material testing for the Bennett-Kew Elementary School K-8 Modernization Project located at 11710 S. Cherry Avenue Inglewood, CA 90303. 


All agreements must be approved by the State Administrator. Alta Environmental will provide hazardous material testing and reporting for the Bennett-Kew Elementary School K-8 Modernization Project. 

District staff sent out a formal Request for Proposals for this project.  The proposals were due on January 30, 2019, with three responsive proposals.  Alta Environmental submitted a proposal of $13,762.75. Below is a summary of the proposals that were submitted.  

 Vendor Proposal Price 
 Alta Environmental $13,762.75
 ACT Environmental $23,359.00
 Ellis Environmental $31,318.60

Financial Impact:

The cost of $13,762.75 will be paid with Measure GG Funds. 

C18/19-078 Alta Environmental Hazmat Testing Bennett-Kew
12.c.9. Approval of the Utilization of the California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) Contract Number 4-01-56-0006A with The Garland Company, Inc., to Purchase Roof Replacement Material for the Woodworth-Monroe Academy of Excellence Canopy Roof Replacement Project
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the utilization of The California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) Contract Number 4-01-56-0006A with The Garland Company, Inc., to purchase roofing materials for the Woodworth-Monroe Academy of Excellence Canopy Roof Replacement Project located at 10711 S. 10th Avenue, Inglewood CA 90303. 


The State Administrator must approve all CMAS purchases. Public Contract Code Sections 10290 et seq. and 12101.5 include approval for local government agencies to use CMAS for products. The District may utilize CMAS bid pursuant to the specification set forth herein to purchase roofing materials with the Garland Company, Inc., for the Woodworth-Monroe Academy of Excellence Canopy Roof Replacement Project. 

Financial Impact:

The total cost of the material purchase is $32,078.52 and will be paid with Measure GG Funds. 

CMAS Contract No. 4-01-56-0006A Garland Company
Garland Company Monroe Canopy Roof Material Proposal
12.c.10. Approval to Bid Oak Street Elementary School Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) Sound Mitigation Project
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the solicitation of bids for the Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) Sound Mitigation Project at Oak Street Elementary School located at 633 S. Oak Street Inglewood, CA 90301.


All Facilities Capital Improvement Projects must be approved by the State Administrator. The District has been awarded $4,818,985 for Oak Street Elementary School by the LAWA Sound Insulation Grant Program. This program is intended to decrease noise levels in instructional spaces through the installation of solid-core doors, insulated windows, and insulated heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. 

The Oak Street Elementary School LAWA Project is scheduled to bid in April 2019. 

Financial Impact:

The total estimated cost for this project is $7,500,000 and will be paid with LAWA and Measure GG Funds. 

12.c.11. Approval to Bid Morningside High School Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) Sound Mitigation Project
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the solicitation of bids for the Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) Sound Insulation Project at Morningside High School located at 10500 S. Yukon Avenue Inglewood, CA 90302. 


All Facilities Capital Improvement Projects must be approved by the State Administrator. The District has been awarded $17,425,753 for Morningside High School by LAWA Sound Insulation Grant Program. This program is intended to decrease noise levels in instructional spaces through the installation of solid-core doors, insulated windows, and insulated heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. 

This project is scheduled to bid in April 2019 with a project start date of Summer 2019. 

Financial Impact:

The total estimated cost for this project is $17,500,000 and will be paid with Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) Funds and Measure GG Funds.

12.c.12. Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Agreement C18/19-010 with NSA Construction for the Woodworth-Monroe Academy of Excellence Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) Sound Mitigation Project
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Change Order No.1 to Agreement No. C18/19-010 with NSA Construction for the Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) Sound Mitigation Project. 


All change orders must be approved by the State Administrator. On August 3, 2019, the State Administrator approved the bid acceptance with NSA Construction Inc., for the Woodworth-Monroe Academy of Excellence LAWA Sound Mitigation Project. 

Change Order No. 1 is for moving services provided to the school site for phase one on the project. 


Financial Impact:

The additional cost of $7,585.35 will be paid with Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) Funds. 

The Original Contract Sum Was $8,269,000.00
Net Change Previously Authorized Requests and Changes $0.00
The Contract Sum Prior to This Change Order was $8,269,000.00
The Contract Sum Will Be Increased $7,585.35
The New Contract Sum Including This Change Order $8,276,585.35

P18/19-010 NSA Construction Monroe LAWA Change Order No. 1
12.c.13. Approval of Agreement C18/19-072 with Lawrence Roll Up Doors, Inc., for the Installation of two Electric Motor Rolling Doors for the Pool Room Project at Morningside High School
Eugenio D. Villa, Chief Business Official
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Agreement C18/19-072 with Lawrence Roll Up Doors, Inc., for the installation of two electric motor rolling doors for the Pool Room Project at Morningside High School. 


All agreements must be approved by the State Administrator. Lawrence Doors will furnish and install two double steel rolling electric doors in the pool room at Morningside High School. Once the rolling doors are installed the Pool Room Project will be complete. 

Financial Impact:

The total cost of $27,587.52 will be paid with Measure GG Funds.

C18/19-072 Lawrence Doors MHS Rolling Doors
12.d.1. Approval of Agreement for Consultant Services with the Parent Engagement Academy to Provide Educational Workshops to Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) Parents for F/Y 2018-2019
Lourdes Hale, Executive Director of State and Federal Programs
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the Agreement for Consultant Services with the Parent Engagement Academy to provide educational workshops to IUSD parents effective, March 6, 2019 thru June 30, 2019.


All consultant agreements must be approved by the State Administrator.  Parent Engagement Academy will provide a parent engagement course, Families Acting Towards Results (FACTOR), focusing on social, emotional and physical development of children.  This course incorporates useful academic information and 21st century skills. Their research-based curriculum aims to improve students’ academic achievement and parent engagement in K-12 schools. A list of the topics that will be taught is provided in Exhibit A of the Consultant agreement. 

Workshops will be held in various school sites from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Approval of this item supports: IUSD Strategic Plan Pillar B: Strong Relationships with Families and Community

LCAP Goal 3 Action 22

Financial Impact:
The estimated cost of $3,600 per participating school will be paid with site Categorical Title I Parent Involvement Funds.
Parent Engagement Academy 18-19
12.d.2. Ratification of Contract No. 128341:18:19 with the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) to Reimburse IUSD for Substitute Teachers in Order for Teachers to be Released to Participate in Transitional and Kindergarten Professional Development on March 5, 6, 19, and 20, 2019
Dr. Renee Rosas, Director of K-12 English Learner Services and District Professional Development
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator ratify Contract No. 128341:18:19 with the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) to reimburse IUSD for substitute teachers in order for teachers to be released to participate in transitional and kindergarten professional development on March 5, 6, 19, and 20, 2019.


All contracts must be approved by the State Administrators.  LACOE will provide professional development for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten teachers in the following area:

Reading Foundations: Language and Literacy-Phonological Awareness, Social-Emotional Development - Self-Regulation, Language and Literacy-Reading Comprehension, English Language Development- Listening and Speaking

This Item Supports:

Preschool Learning Foundations & Reading Foundational Skills which align to IUSD’s Strategic Plan: Pillar A - Aligned Instructional Systems, Pillar C - Collaborative Learning and FCMAT Pupil Achievement Standard 3.13, Professional Standard Instructional Strategies. 

Financial Impact:

LACOE will reimburse the District the cost for substitute teachers as well as provide a facilitator for the training.

LACOE Contract No. 128341:18:19
Training Schedule
12.d.3. Approval of Additional Rosetta Stone licenses for the Inglewood Adult School ESL Program
Debbie Tate, Principal of the Career Technical Education, Adult Education, Inglewood High School
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve additional Rosetta Stone licenses for the Inglewood Adult School ESL Program.


All licenses must be approved by the State Administrator.   Administration is requesting approval to purchase 60 additional Rosetta Stone licenses via online program as a resource for the Inglewood Adult School ESL classes. The Inglewood Adult School originally purchased 120 licenses for the ESL program. Due to the growth of the program there is a need to acquire an additional 60 licenses to serve the ESL students.  Rosetta Stone will allow the Inglewood Adult School ESL students to have online access to language lessons and solo activities.

Financial Impact:

The cost of $4,024.80 will be paid with Adult Education Block Grant Funds.

Rosetta Stone amendment contract #1 FY 18-19
12.d.4. Approval of Consultant Agreement between Performance Fact, Inc., and Worthington Elementary School
Dr. Carmen Beck, Chief Academic Officer
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the consultant agreement between Performance Fact, Inc., and Worthington Elementary School effective, April 2, 2019 - May 21, 2019.


All consultant agreements must be approved by the State Administrator.  Performance Fact, Inc., will provide professional development to teachers.  This process will help assist teachers in analyzing student performance data as well as teacher professional practices and to build leadership capacity at the site level.

Financial Impact:

The cost not to exceed $12,220 and will be paid with Title I, Part A, Teacher Professional Development Funds.

Performance Fact Inc. Worthington ES 18-19
12.d.5. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., to Provide Free Flu Vaccinations to Students and to Provide Flu Educational Workshops to Parents in Four IUSD Schools (Crozier, Woodworth-Monroe, Worthington, and Kelso Schools), Effective June 1, 2019, through December 31, 2023
Dr. Carmen Beck, Chief Academic Officer
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., to provide free flu vaccinations to students and to provide flu educational workshops to parents in four IUSD schools (Crozier, Woodworth-Monroe, Worthington, and Kelso Schools), effective June 1, 2019, through December 31, 2023.


All memorandum of understandings must be approved by the State Administrator.  Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., will provide free flu vaccinations to students and provide flu educational workshops to parents at four elementary schools selected in the district. 

Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact to the District.
Inglewood Unified School District Vaccination 5 yrs MOU 2019
12.d.6. Approval of Consultant Agreement with Los Angeles South Bay F. C., LLC to Provide Structured Sports Activities for the After School Educational and Safety Program at Centinela, Highland and Parent Schools for F/Y 2018-2019
Lourdes Hale, Executive Director - State and Federal Programs
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the consultant agreement with Los Angeles South Bay F. C., LLC to provide after school structured sports activities for the After School Educational Safety Program at Centinela, Highland and Parent Schools, effective March 7, 2019 through May 31, 2019.


All agreements must be approved by the State Administrator.  Los Angeles South Bay F.C., LLC will provide students with STEM aligned structured sport games through soccer teams (boys-girls) to students in grades fifth through eighth grade.  The consultant’s mission is to see every child develop improved health and wellness through a variety of physical fitness options in a structured supervised environment.  In addition, the consultant will provide ongoing student support to prepare them for school site tournaments/games.

Approval of this request supports IUSD Strategic Plan Pillar B: Strong Relationships with Families and Community

Financial Impact:
The cost will not exceed $3,000 and will be paid with funds from the After School Education and Safety Grant funds. There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund.
Los Angeles Southbay F.C. LLC 18-19
12.d.7. Approval of Consultant Agreement Between iMusic United Foundation and Miho Nomura to Provide Music Classes at Centinela and Highland Schools for the After School Educational and Safety Program (ASES) for Fiscal Year 2018 - 2019
Lourdes Hale, Executive Director of Federal and State Programs
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the consultant agreement with iMusic United Foundation and Miho Nomura to provide music classes at Centinela and Highland Schools for the After School Educational and Safety Program (ASES), effective March 7, 2019 through May 31, 2019. 


All Consultant Agreements must be approved by the State Administrator.  iMusic United Foundation will provide students with after school teaching of musical activities.  The consultant’s mission is to see every child develop music appreciation and move toward proficiency in their math skills through the use of organizing structured musical opportunities.  It will be conducted within a well supervised environment at (2) IUSD - ASES school sites.  This program will allow children to connect through music and engage in performing arts.  

In addition, the consultant will provide ongoing student support to prepare them for their musical concerts at their school site. The services will be awarded to Centinela, and Highland Schools.

Approval of plan supports IUSD Strategic Plan Pillar B: Strong Relationships with the family and community.

Financial Impact:
The cost not to exceed $5,500 will be paid with After School Education and Safety (ASES) Grant Funds.
iMusic United Foundation 18-19
12.d.8. Approval of Consultant Agreement with Voyager Sopris Learning to Provide On-Site Professional Development to Teachers at Centinela Elementary School, Effective March 7, 2019, through June 7, 2019
Dr. Carmen Beck, Chief Academic Officer
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the consultant agreement with Voyager Sopris Learning to provide on-site professional development to teachers at Centinela Elementary School, effective March 7, 2019, through June 7, 2019.


All consultant agreements must be approved by the State Administrator.  Voyager Sopris Learning will provide on-site professional development for 2 full day (6 hours) in small grouped sessions to teachers at Centinela Elementary School.  Training will be focused on culturally and linguistically responsive teaching and learning. 

Approval of this request supports: IUSD Strategic Plan Pillar A: Rigorous, Culturally-Responsive Teaching & Learning (Positive and Caring Relationships, Aligned Instructional System and Responsive Personalized Supports).

SPSA GOAL 1 & 2: ELA and Mathematics

Financial Impact:

The cost not to exceed $5,000 and will be paid with Title I Professional Development Funds.

  • Centinela Elementary School $5,000
voyager agreement Centinela Elementary School 1-19
12.d.9. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Pacific Battleship Center (dba Battleship IOWA Museum) and Inglewood Unified School District to Enter into a Partnership to Provide Students with a STEM Programming on Board the Battleship IOWA for F/Y 2018-2019 and 2019-2020
Lourdes Hale, Executive Director of State and Federal Programs
Recommended Motion:
Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the Memorandum of Understating with Pacific Battleship Center (dba Battleship IOWA Museum) and Inglewood Unified School District to enter into a partnership and provide students with STEM programming on board the Battleship IOWA, effective February 21, 2019 thru June 30, 2020.

All agreements must be approved by the State Administrator. Pacific Battleship Center will provide “STEAM at Sea” a program designed for 4th-6th grade students for a Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) curriculum utilizing hands-on interactive labs for the students on board Battleship IOWA.  These STEM labs will address STEM concepts such as: critical and creative thinking, communication skills, problem solving, risk and reward and innovation. A small segment of students’ time will be spent touring the ship to help provide context to what they will be exploring during their lab sessions.

By approving this request, students will engage in science exploration and inspire the pursuit of STEM-based field of study.

Approval of this request supports LCAP Goal  2 Action 1 and IUSD Strategic Plan Pillar B
Financial Impact:
The STEAM at Sea program for IUSD students has been underwritten by the Norris Foundation, 382 students are expected to be served under this grant.  PBC will provide all the supplies and materials needed to conduct the STEAM at Sea labs on board the ship.  IUSD will be responsible for providing transportation for students and ensuring participating students have a sack lunch or school provided lunch.  The cost of each bus utilized at a rate of $360 will be paid with Supplemental and Concentration grant funds
MOU Inglewood School District PBC Signed 2-12-19
12.d.10. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Child Care Careers to Increase the Amount of Funding to Pay for Daily Substitutes for the Child Development Program
Linda Anderson, Director of Child Development
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Child Care Careers  to increase the amount of funding to pay for daily substitutes for the child development program.  


All amendments to contracts must be approved by the State Administrator. On November 7, 2018, the State Administrator approved the service agreement with ChildCare Careers, LLC., to provide temporary instructional aides and teacher substitutes, as needed for the Child Development Program.   

The Preschool Program has an urgent need to hire substitutes as needed in order to meet California State mandated adult to child staffing ratios of 1:8 until sufficient permanent staff can be hired to fill vacancies. Until the substitute vacancies are filled the program remains in need of Instructional Aide substitutes in the classrooms to meet staffing ratios. 

Financial Impact:

There is no cost or impact to the General Fund.  The additional cost not to exceed $5,000 will be paid with Child Development Funds.

12.d.11. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Inglewood Unified School District and growURpotential to Provide a Resilient Teacher Program to Identified Staff Effective, March 7, 2019 - December 31st, 2019
Dr. Carmen Beck, Chief Academic Officer
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the memorandum of understanding between the Inglewood Unified School District and growURpotential to provide a resilient teacher program to identified staff effective, March 7, 2019 - December 31, 2019.


All Memorandum of Understanding must be approved by the State Administrator.  The Resilient Teacher Program is intended to help staff build resiliency, engagement, increase collaboration skills, and enhance emotional intelligence.  

By approving this request staff will become better equipped to remain focused on achieving and implementing IUSD’s strategic plan by learning tools in the areas of conflict resolution, mediation and self-development strategies.

This item supports:  IUSD Strategic Plan Pillar A:  Rigorous, Culturally-Responsive Teaching & Learning (Positive and Caring Relationships, Aligned Instructional System and Responsive Personalized Supports) 

Financial Impact:

The cost not to exceed $22,500 will be paid with Categorical Title IV Funds.

MOU Resilient Teacher Program 2019
12.d.12. Approval of the Williams Lawsuit Settlement Second Quarterly Report on Uniform Complaints for F/Y 2018-2019
Dr. Carmen Beck, Chief Academic Officer
Recommended Motion:
Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the Williams Lawsuit Settlement second Quarterly Report on Uniform Complaints for F/Y 2018-2019.

All quarterly reports on Williams Complaints must be approved by the State Administrator.  No Williams Complaints were filed during the second quarter reporting period.

By approving this request, the District will be in compliance with all reporting requirements with the Los Angeles County Office of Education and the State of California. 

This item supports FCMAT in the following:  Facilities Management Standard 1.8 School Safety

Financial Impact:
There is no impact to the General Fund.
IUSD Williams Report 2nd Quarter
12.e.1. Approval of Candidates for Election to 2019 Delegate Assembly, Region 24
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the selection of candidates for the 2019  Delegate Assembly, Region 24.


All Assembly election nominations must be approved by the State Administrator.  Attached is the ballot material for election of representative to the CSBA Delegate Assembly for Region 24 (Los Angeles County).  The District is required to include the ballot on the Board agenda. 

The Board may vote for up to the number of vacancies in the region or subregion as indicated on the ballot.  For example, if there are three vacancies, the Board may vote for up to three candidates.  However, the Board cast no more than one vote for any one candidate.  The ballot also contains a provision for write-in candidates, their name and district must be provided in the space provided.

If there is a tie vote, a run-off election will be held.  All re-elected and newly elected Delegates will serve two-year terms beginning April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2019.  The next meeting of the Delegate Assembly takes place on Saturday, May 18th and Sunday, May 19 at the Hyatt Regency in Sacramento.  The names of all Delegate will be available on CSBA’s website no later than Monday, April 1. 

The number of vacancies is 6 (Vote for no more than 6 candidates).

*denotes incumbent

___Darryl R. Adams (Norwalk-La Mirada USD)*
___Jan Baird (South Whittier ESD)*
___Margie Garrett (Compton USD)
___Harunobu Ernie Nishii (ABC USD) 
___Dora Sandoval (Little Lake City ESD)
___Christine Chacon Sullivan (East Whittier City SD) 
___Jorge A. Tirado (Norwalk La Mirada USD)
___Satra Zurita (Compton USD)* 

Financial Impact:


The following CSBA Candidates for the 2019 Delegate Assembly, Region 24 were selected by the Board of Education and approved by the State Administrator:

___ Darryl R. Adams (Norwalk-La Mirada USD)*
___ Margie Garrett (Compton USD)
___ Satra Zurita (Compton USD)*
2019 Delegate Assembly Ballot
12.e.2. Approval of Resolution No. 32/2018-2019, Funding for Children with Disabilities
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve Resolution No. 32/2018-2019, funding for children with disabilities.  


All Board resolutions must be approved by the State Administrator.  Special Education is a federal and state mandated education program that entitles children with disabilities to receive a free appropriate public education.

The Governor’s 2019-20 State Budget proposal attempts to address the needs for students with disabilities for a small subset of LEAs, but does not propose any additional funding for these critical special education funding issues statewide.

The Inglewood Unified School District supports increased funding for special education equalization, the creation of a preschool funding mechanism for children with disabilities, and additional resources for students with high-cost disabilities as proposed in AB 428 (Medina).  The State Administrator of the Inglewood Unified School District urges Governor Gavin Newsom and the California State Legislature to support and fund AB 428 (Medina).

Financial Impact:


Resolution No. 32/2018-2019
12.e.3. Approval of the 2019-2020 State Administrator's Board of Education Meeting Schedule
Dr. Thelma Melendez de Santa Ana, State Administrator
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the Board meeting schedule for F/Y 2019-2020.  


All Board meeting schedules must be approved by the State Administrator.

Approval of this item supports the following FCMAT standard:
Community Relations and Governance Standard 6.6 - Board members prepare for board meetings by becoming familiar with the agenda and support materials prior to the meeting.

2019-20 Board Meeting Schedule
12.e.4. Approval of the State Administrator / Board of Education Board Meeting Workshop Schedule for F/Y 2019-2020
Dr. Thelma Melendez de Santa Ana, State Administrator
Recommended Motion:

Administration recommends that the State Administrator approve the State Administrator / Board of Education Board Meeting Workshop Schedule for F/Y 2019-2020.


Board workshop meetings will be held on Wednesdays as noted on the attached schedule at 401 S. Inglewood Avenue in Inglewood, California 90301. 

2019-20 Board Workshop Schedule
12.e.5. Interview of Finalist for Appointment to Board of Education, Seat 3 and Tentative Oath of Office
Recommended Motion:
That the State Administrator conduct an interview of the candidate whose application has been screened by the advisory subcommittee and selected by the State Administrator as a finalist for appointment to the vacancy on the Board of Trustees, Seat 3, and that the State Administrator administer the oath of office in the event the candidate is selected for appointment and subsequently post all notices required by law.


Board of Education Trustee Area 3 Member, Melody Ngaue-Tu’uholoaki, submitted her resignation from the Board, effective January 16, 2019. Pursuant to Education Code section 5091(a)(1), an appointment must be made to fill the Board vacancy within 60 days of the resignation. No specific appointment process is mandated by statute.

Financial Impact:


13.a. Minutes of the State Administrator's Regular Board of Education Meeting held on February 20, 2019
Minutes - February 20, 2019
14. BOARD MEMBER REMARKS - Board members may report on visits to schools, conferences and meetings attended and items of interest to the public.
16. NEXT MEETING - April 17, 2019
The meeting was adjourned by Dr. Thelma Melendez de Santa Ana, State Administrator at 7:53 p.m.
Disability Information:
Pursuant to the Americans with Disability Act, persons with a disability who require a disability-related modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting, may request such modification or accommodation from the County Administrator’s Office at 310.419.2793 or by fax 310.680.4809. A notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the district staff to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to the meeting. Spanish interpretation is available during all Board meetings. [Se ofrecen servicios de interpretación al español durante todas las juntas de la Mesa Directiva del Distrito.]

The resubmit was successful.