
Board of Education Regular Meeting
Milpitas USD
January 10, 2017 6:00PM
6 p.m. Closed Session 7 p.m. Open Session Board Room, Building 500 1331 East Calaveras Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035

Quick Summary / Abstract:

Quick Summary / Abstract:

_____ Dan Bobay
_____ Danny Lau
_____ Chris Norwood
_____ Hon Lien
_____ Robert Jung
_____ Alan Pham, Student Board Representative

Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board may delete items from its posted agenda and may also add items to its posted agenda, pursuant to Govt. Code 54954.2, if such items to be added arise out of “emergency situations”, as defined under Govt. Code Sec. 54956.5.

Approve the January 10, 2016 Closed Session  Agenda
Motion:_____   Second: _____   Action:______

Passed with a motion by Chris Norwood and a second by Robert Jung.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Yes Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Members of the public may address the Board on any subject not on tonight's agenda; however, provisions of the Brown Act (Government Code 54954.2(a) and .3) preclude any action. As an unagendized item, no response is required from the Board or District staff and not action can be taken; however, the Board may instruct the Superintendent to agendize the item for a future meeting. 

If you would like to address the Board on any item on this agenda, please complete the green Request of Visitors form located near the entrance of the meeting room and hand it to the Communications Specialist. On the form, please list the agenda item(s) you would like to speak to. When your name is called, please come to the podium, state your name and address for the record, and limit your remarks to two minutes for individuals or five minutes for a group.

There were no comments from the public.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The meeting will adjourn to closed session to discuss and/or to take action on the following items.  This part of the agenda is closed to the public.

PERSONNEL (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957)
      - Discipline/dismissal/release
      - Public Employment:   

-Certificated Manager, Executive Director

-MTA Negotiator: Cheryl Jordan, Superintendent
-CSEA Negotiator: Cheryl Jordan, Superintendent

The meeting adjourned to closed session at 6:04 p.m.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The meeting will reconvene in open session.

The meeting reconvened to open session at 7:09 p.m.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Report on action(s) taken in Closed Session, if required, pursuant to CA Govt. Code Section 54957.1, including abstentions, if any, by Board members present.

In closed session, the Board approved the superintendent’s recommendation for the Executive Director of Human Relations.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Motion:______     Second:_____     Action:_____

Passed with a motion by Chris Norwood and a second by Danny Lau.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Yes Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Board President Daniel Bobay led the Flag Salute.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Members of the public may address the Board on any subject not on tonight's agenda; however, provisions of the Brown Act (Government Code 54954.2(a) and .3) preclude any action. As an unagendized item, no response is required from the Board or District staff and not action can be taken; however, the Board may instruct the Superintendent to agendize the item for a future meeting.

If you would like to address the Board on any item on this agenda, please complete the green Request of Visitors form located near the entrance of the meeting room and hand it to the Communications Specialist. On the form, please list the agenda item(s) you would like to speak to. When your name is called, please come to the podium, state your name and address for the record, and limit your remarks to two minutes for individuals or five minutes for a group.

There were no comments from the public.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Per Board Bylaw 9001, amended on 1/12/16, Board members and the Superintendent agree to

1.  Ask questions for their own understanding

2.  Be open and honest with each other

3.  Be aware that their behavior in the Milpitas community reflects on them as a team.

4.  Communicate proactively with each other about topics, questions, and challenges in advance of public board meetings in compliance with the Brown Act.

Mr. Bobay said the Board Group Agreements were provided for the Board's ready reference.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Superintendent Cheryl Jordan will hold special recognitions as part of this evening's report. Board members will be asked to take a photo in front of the dais following each presentation. 

-Community College Extension Champion - Ron Lind

-Rose Elementary STEAM Showcase - Principal Nanci Pass with  staff and students

In addition to the agendaized items Superintendent Cheryl Jordan had on the report, she wanted to introduce the public and the board to the new Executive Assistant (from the Consent Agenda item), who will be serving both the directors of HR as well as herself, Lori Porter. The Board approved Lori Porter, currently an HR Analyst III, as the new Executive Secretary for the Human Relations’ directors and Superintendent Cheryl Jordan. Lori has been with the district for more than 10 years, beginning as a substitute teacher in 1998 before getting hired in HR in 2006.

Superintendent Jordan added that, as was mentioned from the Closed Session announcement, the Board approved her recommendation for Executive Director of HR. The Board approved Dr. Sheila Murphy-Brewer, currently Principal of Pomeroy Elementary School, as Executive Director of Human Relations. During the meeting, Superintendent Cheryl Jordan explained: “I’m really excited because we’ve had an assistant supt. position open since July 1. And while we’ve had a few people pop up as potentials, none who fit the bill. So I spoke with the Board and came up with a different strategy for recruitment. The position of Executive Director doesn’t need to know everything that an assistant supt. does; however, needs to have the acumen and interpersonal skills and the know-how as far as learning quickly to become a part of the team, and Dr. Sheila Murphy Brewer applied and stepped up to the plate, and I’m really glad to welcome her in this new role.” Afterward, Mrs. Jordan invited Sheila to share a few words.

The Board recognized Ron Lind as our Community College Extension Champion with a certificate of appreciation. Ron has been a part of the Milpitas community for many years, serving in different capacities as a volunteer, especially with the Kiwanis Club and as Board Member representing our community on the San Jose Evergreen Valley College District. The site, located next to Thomas Russell Middle School, will open for class on February 1. There will be four classes offered to the community at 6:15 p.m., and two classes offered for Milpitas High School students earlier in the afternoon.

Rose Principal Nanci Pass, fifth-graders Rachel Plummer and Annabelle Gillins, and staff Lori Nuno, Michael Sommese, Stella Rao, Peggy Bowen, Xuanthao Tran, Lisa Elizondo, and Jenny Katzen shared highlights and a project from the culminating event of their STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) Showcase.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Members of the Executive Cabinet will have recent significant information to present to the Governing Board on topics that are not on the agenda.  Reports are limited to 3 minutes each.
     Business Services
     Learning and Development
     Human Relations

Tabitha Kappeler-Hurley, Director of HR, gave a quick update that the Reclassification Committee is going well, and they decided they needed an extra session. They met last Friday and are meeting again this Friday. They completed all but two observations, were out talking with supervisors, and the committee is getting to the work of other districts and what they’re paying.
14.1. California School Employees Association and its Chapter, 281 Sunshine Proposal to Milpitas Unified School District (Superintendent)


The California School Employees Association (CSEA) and its Chapter #281 would like to open negotiations for Salary and Benefits plus two articles for public hearing at the January 24 School Board meeting. Pursuant to Article 31.1, the parties have agreed to reopen for compensation plus two articles of each party’s choosing for each year the Collective Bargaining Agreement is in effect.

CSEA is proposing the following articles be opened:

-Article 7 – Work Year, Work Week, Overtime
-Article 10 – Salary and Benefits
-Article 12 – Holidays

Recommended Motion:

Receive the request for a re-opener on the MUSD/CSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement dated July 1, 2015- June 30, 2018, and conduct a public hearing during the Board Meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24, 2017.


Receive the request for a re-opener on the MUSD/CSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement dated July 1, 2015- June 30, 2018, and conduct a public hearing during the Board Meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24, 2017.

Passed with a motion by Chris Norwood and a second by Danny Lau.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Yes Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Financial Impact:

Depends on the outcome of negotiations.

Cheryl Jordan

Tabitha Kappeler Hurley
Director, Human Relations

Superintendent Jordan shared the need to amend this item to become an Action item, in order to ask the Board that they set the hearing date for the next Board Meeting on the Sunshine proposal.
Initial Proposal for Milpitas 281 2016 2017 [DC]
14.2. Presentation of Milpitas Unified School District’s McKinney-Vento Families (Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development)


The Office of Family and Community Engagement will detail the current status of families within the Milpitas Unified School District who currently qualify under McKinney-Vento. Updates will include timelines, eligibility, identification, training, residency, resources and next steps.

Recommended Motion:

The Board will listen to the presentation for clarification and understanding of the current status of families within the Milpitas Unified School District who currently qualify under McKinney-Vento. 

Financial Impact:

No Budget Impact


Norma Rodriguez
Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development

Gregory Barnes
Director of Secondary Education, Learning & Development

Nicole Steward
Family/Community Engagement Manager, Learning & Development

Nicole Steward, our Family and Community Engagement Manager, was very excited to be here tonight to present for you. Unfortunately, she fell ill, so Greg Barnes, the Director of Secondary Education, who works closely work with her, to provide the report for the Board.

Greg started the presentation by going over the brief efforts of the office. With respect to Mckinney-Vento noticing their needs of services, a lot of their efforts have focused on identification of need among MUSD families. This goes beyond self reporting to working with school sites and training clerical staff on what to look for in terms of identifying families in need. We took the need this year to distinguish our families who indicated they currently live with other families. Those efforts started in November, and we are continuing to see those residency questionaires coming in.

On a really happy note, the office secured a $200,000 grant to help with any and all needs our Mckinney-Vento families will need. Greg gave a quick refresher on who is eligible: sharing housing, live in motels, shelters, RVs, parks and other places.

One of the things he focused on is this idea of
doubling up – Roughly 2.6 million homeless people in the country, 75 percent of them have been identified as doubling up, ie. Living with other families. In MUSD, we have 357 as noted by this report, however looking at CalPADS as recently today, this number should be accurately reflected as 399. Shared the need to distinguish those families “doubling up,” the nature as to why they are doing that, due to loss of housing or hardship. Received 72 questionaires back to date, breakdown by category. 29 percent will be able to receive assistance. What services are available under McKinney-Vento? All students are eligible; we need to develop the need. Some get extra support such as uniform, supplies and very few get physical and mental health. Next steps – continue to receive questionaires, and identify families. Greg reiterates this is just snapshot, and he can relay information for Nicole if further information is needed.
McKinney-Vento Families in Transition 2016-17
McKinney-Vento Intake Form
McKinney-Vento Notification & Referral Process
Residency Declaration Form 2017-2018
14.3. Quarterly Report - Williams Settlement Compliance (Superintendent)

As required by law, at this meeting, the Superintendent will report on the number and nature of complaints received under the Valenzuela/CAHSEE and Williams Lawsuit Settlement.  The report will cover the quarter from October 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.

Recommended Motion:
No action needed.  This for the Board's information only.
Financial Impact:


Cheryl Jordan, Superintendent

Superintendent Jordan said every quarter complaints must be brought to the Board's attention regarding the Williams Settlement. She shared the history behind the compliance, about having a clean classroom and books and materials for every student. She said the District had no complaints for the last quarter.

15.1. Approve the bidding process for the district's network equipment (Assistant Superintendent, Business Services)
Chin Song
Quick Summary / Abstract:

    Motion:______     Second:_____     Action:_____



This item was pulled from the December 13, 2016 Regular Board Agenda, and is being brought back for consideration.

Our current network infrastructure will be nine years old next year. To keep the network up to current standards, we need to replace many of the switches and equipment that were bought when we switched to the Cisco phone system more than seven years ago. The Cisco phone system has since been replaced with Jive and Polycom phones, but the switches that supported it have not been replaced. We can get an ERATE discount of more than $750,000 (depending on student enrollment numbers) for the replacement switches if we go out to bid for the new equipment. Technology Services would like the Board to allow the bidding process so we can take advantage of the ERATE funding.

Recommended Motion:

Approve the bidding process for the district's network equipment through our ERATE consultant.


Approve the bidding process for the district's network equipment through our ERATE consultant.

Passed with a motion by Danny Lau and a second by Robert Jung.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Yes Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Financial Impact:

$2,745,055.48 (depending on our submitted student enrollment numbers). See the PDF attachment “What is ERATE" for calculations.

Wendy Zhang
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services

Chin Song
Director, Technology Services

Chin Song, Director of Technology Services, shared that MUSD's current network infrastructure will be nine years old next year. To keep the network up to current standards, we need to replace many of the switches and equipment that were bought when we switched to the Cisco phone system more than seven years ago. We can get an ERATE discount of more than $750,000 (depending on student enrollment numbers) for the replacement switches if we go out to bid for the new equipment.
RFP Proposal for Network Equipment
What is ERATE
15.2. Appoint school board members' school site assignments and assignments on internal and external committees (Board President)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

    Motion:______     Second:_____     Action:_____



Two Board Members left and their vacancies have since been filled, with the last appointment occurring during the Special Board Meeting on Tuesday, January 3. These changes have prompted the need to reassign board members' school site assignments for the remainder of the year and the 2018-19 school year, in addition to setting assignments on internal and external committees. The different assignments that need to be filled have been attached here.

Recommended Motion:

Appoint school board members' school site assignments and assignments on internal and external committees for the remainder of the 2016-17 school year, in addition to the 2017-18 school year.


Appoint school board members' school site assignments and assignments on internal and external committees for the remainder of the 2016-17 school year, in addition to the 2017-18 school year.

Passed with a motion by Danny Lau and a second by Hon Lien.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Yes Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Financial Impact:

There is no financial impact.

School Board assignments
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Consent items are considered routine and will be acted upon by the Board in one motion. There is no discussion on these items prior to the motion unless members of the Board, staff, or public request that specific items be tabled, or removed for discussion or correction.

    Motion:______     Second:_____     Action:_____

Approve the consent agenda with the exception of items 2, 5, and 10, which were tabled for discussion. Passed with a motion by Danny Lau and a second by Robert Jung.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Yes Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
16.1. Approve the Personnel Report of January 10, 2016 (Superintendent's Office)
Recommended Motion:

Approve the Personnel Report of January 10, 2016.

Personnel Report of January 10, 2017
16.2. Approve the Purchase Order Report of January 10, 2016 (Assistant Superintendent, Business Services)
Recommended Motion:
Approve the Purchase Order Report of January 10, 2016.
Approve the Purchase Order Report of January 10, 2016.
Passed with a motion by Robert Jung and a second by Chris Norwood.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Yes Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Mr. Jung questioned Account 60, PO 721337 to N2y for more than $10,000.

Carla Crenshaw, Director of Special Education, spoke about News to You, which is what the purchase order reflects. She said this is an interactive set of tools for students who have moderate to severe disabilities; California common core aligned. It provides digital capabilities for output and to express what the child is learning. They can adapt the lessons and provide it in a way that is meaningful and attainable to students.

Mr. Norwood asked for the website to be pulled out, and a video was played for further explanation.

Dr. Sheila Murphy-Brewer said Pomeroy has used the program for three years and shared her excitement about the unique system that is really geared to nonverbal students.
Purchase Order Report - 1.10.17
16.3. Approve the CSEA Memo of Understanding – Human Relations Analyst, CSEA Unit Members (Superintendent)


CSEA has challenged the District’s designation of this position as one that fits within the Government Code 3540.1 definition of a confidential employee. It is commonly thought that the definition refers to those employees who have access to confidential information such as employee social security numbers; however, the definition refers to the classification’s involvement in management’s position for negotiations, and not to private personnel or student information. The District lacks a clear justification to classify this position as a confidential employee under GC 3540.1 as it does not have access to nor are holders of this position involved in discussions with supporting management in defining proposals for negotiations. 

We have completed discussions in Labor Management with CSEA regarding the position of human relations specialist III. This Memo of Understanding affords the incumbents their compensation schedule, vacation, and life insurance coverage. The vacation schedule and life insurance coverage are grandfathered in for the four employees currently holding this position.  

Financial Impact:

There is no additional cost to the District budget as these four employees will maintain their current compensation, vacation, and life insurance coverage.

Cheryl Jordan

HR Analyst 281 MOU 610
PERB864 Confidential Employee Definition
16.4. Approve a consultant contract with Infinity Communications and Consulting for the district's network equipment ERATE process (Assistant Superintendent, Business Services)
Chin Song
Quick Summary / Abstract:



ERATE requires a detailed process and paperwork. With a potential discount of more than $750,000 for the networking equipment, it is essential that we get the process and paperwork right with the time constraints.  Technology Services would like the Board to agree to the consultant contract so that our district can take advantage of the ERATE funding.

Recommended Motion:

Approve a consultant contract with Infinity Communications and Consulting for the district's network equipment ERATE process.

Financial Impact:

$18,500 (Network RFP Procurement and Federal ERATE Paperwork)


Wendy Zhang
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services

Chin Song
Director, Technology Services

Infinity Contract
What is ERATE
16.5. Adopt resolutions approving Child Development Contract CSPP-6542-01 and Child Development Contract CCTR-6274-01 with the California Department of Education for the 2016-17 school year (Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development)


The resolutions for the following contracts were previously approved at the June 14, 2016 Board Meeting:

1. CSPP-6542-01, $633,642 - California State Preschool Program (Amount previously encumbered - $602.686)
2. CCTR-6274-01, $452,091- General Child Care & Development Programs (Amount previously encumbered - $430,004)    

Total Program Days: 240 

The California Department of Education is requesting new resolutions for these contracts to be signed by the current Superintendent, who was appointed at the November 15, 2016 Board Meeting. The names of the Coordinator for the Child Development Centers, the Board President, and the Board Clerk have also been updated on the revised resolutions. The encumbered amounts have also been increased.

Recommended Motion:

Adopt resolutions 2017. 25 and 2017.26, approving Child Development Contract CSPP-6542-01 and Child Development Contract CCTR-6274-01 with the California Department of Education for the 2016-17 school year.


Adopt resolutions 2017. 25 and 2017.26, approving Child Development Contract CSPP-6542-01 and Child Development Contract CCTR-6274-01 with the California Department of Education for the 2016-17 school year.

Passed with a motion by Hon Lien and a second by Chris Norwood.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Yes Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Financial Impact:

Amounts encumbered by the State of California:

CSPP-6542-01, State Preschool                  $633,642

CCTR-6274-01, General Child Care            $452,091                             

Total for two Contracts                               $1,085,733

These funds shall not be used for any purpose considered non-reimbursable pursuant to the 2016-17 “Funding Terms and Conditions” (FT&C)



Norma Rodriguez
Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development

Wendy Zhang
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services

Gerry Lopez
Coordinator, Child Development Centers

Mrs. Lien questioned whether this was a formality to apply for the fund or is it finished and this is to accept the fund?

Superintendent Jordan introduced newly doctored Gerry Lopez to share information. He said the resolution was signed off on June 14. Since then, they have carried out a revision of the budget, which increased the funding more than $50,000 for both contracts. Since Superintendent Jordan wasn’t on the original resolution, new resolutions needed to be signed.
Resolution 2017.25 - CSPP-6542-01 CA State Preschool Program
Resolution 2017.26 - CCTR-6274-01 General Child Care & Dev Programs
16.6. Approve the revised contractor pre-qualification questionnaire (Assistant Superintendent, Business Services)


For the District to receive future state school bond funds, Public Contract Code (PCC) 20111.6 requires prospective bidders pre-qualify for any projects over one million dollars. The District’s Governing Board must approve these documents prior to use. A previous version was approved in January 2016. The questionnaire has been updated to allow vendors to complete the year’s date, therefore eliminating the need for annual board approval.

Recommended Motion:

Approve the revised contractor pre-qualification questionnaire.

Financial Impact:


Wendy Zhang
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services

Joe Flatley
Director, Facilities Modernization

Kelly Ng
Purchasing/Contracts/Bond Budget Manager

16.7. Appoint Dan Manassau as a member on the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee (Assistant Superintendent, Business Services)


On August 23, 2016, the board approved extending the third term for three out of four of the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee members, whose positions were set to expire in December 2016. At that time, Mr. Dan Manassau expressed a desire not to serve an additional term.

His position was advertised in several different local publications from September 2016 to November 2016, however, no applications were received. Following this, Mr. Dan Manassau reconsidered serving a third term, which is scheduled to expire December 2018. 

Recommended Motion:

Appoint Dan Manassau as a member on the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee, for a third term through December 2018.

Financial Impact:


Wendy Zhang
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services 

Joe Flatley
Director, Facilities Modernization


16.8. Review and approve the contract with KNN Public Finance to provide financial advisory services (Assistant Superintendent, Business Services)


For many years, KNN Public Finance has provided continuing disclosure services to our District for all General Obligation Bonds and other financing obligations, subject to Rule 15c2-12 adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission. We would like to continue using their services.

Recommended Motion:

Review and approve the contract with KNN Public Finance to provide financial advisory services.

Financial Impact:

Base fee of $3,000 for a series of bonds or certificates of participation, with $500 per additional series with a cap of $5,000, and $500 per event notice filing from the General Fund, plus reimbursable expenses.


Wendy Zhang
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services

KNN Contract for Continuing Disclosure Services
16.9. Accept donations to the Milpitas Unified School District
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The following donations were made to the Milpitas Unified School District: 

Date: November 29, 2016
Site: Thomas Russell Middle School
Donor: Bob Nichols, Silicon Valley Education Foundation
Donation: SVEF field trip grant
Estimated current value: $1,500

Date: November 22, 2016
Site: Milpitas High School / Home Economics (fashion design)
Donor: Margaret Hall, River Place Quilt & Sew LLC
Donation: Approximately 500 yards of cotton fabric
Estimated current value: $5,923

Date: November 16, 2016
Site: Student Services/Special Education
Donor: Dugoni Family Trust / Marianna Dugoni
Donation: Personal check for Speech Language Pathologist expenses
Estimated current value: $3,000

Recommended Motion:

Accept the listed donations to the Milpitas Unified School District, for the respective sites.

Financial Impact:

The above donations will be deposited in respective school accounts.

1.10.16 MUSD Donations
16.10. Classify the list of items as obsolete (Assistant Superintendent, Business Services)


Attached is a list of items which have been identified by sites and departments as non-operable, stolen, broken, damaged, or beyond repair.

            Total items listed as obsolete: 18

            Total dollar amount to obsolete items: $54,135

Recommended Motion:

Classify the attached list of items as obsolete.


Classify the attached list of items as obsolete.

Passed with a motion by Robert Jung and a second by Chris Norwood.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Yes Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Financial Impact:


Wendy Zhang
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services

Kelly Ng
Purchasing/Contracts/Bond Budget Manager

Mr. Bobay questioned the plan to replace equipment that is being obsolete.

Superintendent Jordan called Brian Shreve, Director of MOT, to talk about the replacement of vehicles, which are the big ticket items. Back in November, Chin talked about the need for replacement for IT of replacement cycle.

Mr. Shreve said the replacement plan for four vehicles for the next five-plus years. Some of the vehicles are 20-plus years old.
Obsolete Inventory
16.11. Approve the following field trip requests:
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Milpitas High School - 37 students and two to three adults from Milpitas High School will visit art galleries on Geary Street and the Art Academy in San Francisco, leaving on Tuesday, January 31, 2017, and returning that same day. The group will use a public bus. 

Weller Elementary School - 48 students and 20 adults from Weller Elementary School will visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium, leaving on Tuesday, February 7, 2017 and returning that same day. The group will use a charted bus. 

Milpitas High School - 55 students and two adults from Milpitas High School will visit California State University at Monterey, leaving on Thursday, February 9. 2017, and returning that same day. The group will use a chartered bus.

Recommended Motion:

Approve the field trip requests listed above, and attached.

1.10.16 Field Trips
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This part of the agenda provides School Board members the opportunity to report on their activities as elected representatives.  School Board members may request the placement of items in future Board agenda, relay information from the community, or request information from staff.  The student Board representative reports on school and student activities.

-Student Board Representative Alan Pham said MHS reached their Jack Emery goals: reach 10,000 cans and 13,000 cans. We reached our goal for both of them. Students went to an open house for all the clubs. Shared beginning election for officers in ASB next year.

-Mr. Jung attended the Sunnyhills Neighborhood Association morning breakfast the last Saturday.

-Mrs. Lien shared going to juvenile hall to serve lunch to the kids and dinner to the homeless in December.

-Mr. Norwood said in December, he went to Elmwood and spoke to a group of young men during the Holiday season to encourage them to prepare for further opportunities. On January 21, he will host a workshop the Sixth District PTA at Peterson Junior High School. He will do a TedEX at Cupertino High School.

-Mr. Lau attended a School Site Council meeting at Burnett and the Sunnyhills breakfast.

-Mr. Bobay attended a tour of facilities at Silicon Valley Career Tech, where a MetroED administrators meeting was held, last Thursday. He also had a dinner with Superintendent Jordan, Mayor Rich Tran, Vice President Marsha Grilli, and Councilmember Bob Nunez. He shared his excitement working with the new mayor and counterparts for the school, city meeting.

-Superintendent Jordan said this morning she attended the Chamber breakfast meeting and the new Mayor Richard Tran was the main speaker. He focused on working with the school district to support MUSD students. She shared her excitement about a partnership with Nextflex and Evergreen Valley College, where students at Cal Hills will do a four-week project based learning where they’ll be working with mentors from Flex, which detects various data looking at gaslines to counting how many steps you take in a day. They will work on developing an idea for a new flex product.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

January 24 , 2016 - Closed Session: TBD   Open Session: 7 p.m.
Regular Board Meeting - 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., Board Room, Bldg. 500

February 14, 2017 - Closed Session: TBD   Open Session: 7 p.m.
Regular Board Meeting - 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., Board Room, Bldg. 500

February 28, 2017 - Closed Session: TBD Open Session: 7 p.m.
Regular Board Meeting - 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., Board Room, Bldg. 500

March 14, 2017 - Closed Session: TBD Open Session: 7 p.m.
Regular Board Meeting - 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., Board Room, Bldg. 500

-The Board moved into closed session at 9:06 p.m.; convened into open session at 9:21 p.m. (no action was taken)

-Superintendent Jordan mentioned the District Crab Feed, happening in conjunction with Kiwanis, happening on February 10.
The meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.
Disability Information:
Individuals who require special accommodation should contact the Superintendent’s Office at (408) 635-2600 ext 6013 at least two business days before the meeting date. All disclosable public records related to an agenda item for discussion in open session of a regular meeting of the Board of Education and distributed to all or majority of the Board members less than 72 hours prior to that meeting, shall be made available for public inspection at the same time the writing is distributed to all or majority of the Board members. Any such writings will be made available for public inspection during business hours in the Superintendent’s Office Bldg. 100, 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Barring technical difficulties, such writings will also be posted on the District’s web site at
1/10/2017 6:02:00 PM ( Original )
PresentDan Bobay
PresentRobert Jung
PresentDanny Lau
PresentHon Lien
PresentChris Norwood

The resubmit was successful.