
Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Milpitas USD
February 14, 2017 6:00PM
6 p.m. Closed Session 7 p.m. Open Session Board Room, Building 500 1331 East Calaveras Boulevard, Milpitas, CA

Dan Bobay called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

_____ Dan Bobay
_____ Danny Lau
_____ Chris Norwood
_____ Hon Lien
_____ Robert Jung
_____ Alan Pham, Student Board Representative

Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board may delete items from its posted agenda and may also add items to its posted agenda, pursuant to Govt. Code 54954.2, if such items to be added arise out of “emergency situations”, as defined under Govt. Code Sec. 54956.5.

Motion:_____   Second: _____   Action:______

Passed with a motion by Robert Jung and a second by Chris Norwood.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Absent Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Members of the public may address the Board on any subject not on tonight's agenda; however, provisions of the Brown Act (Government Code 54954.2(a) and .3) preclude any action. As an unagendized item, no response is required from the Board or District staff and not action can be taken; however, the Board may instruct the Superintendent to agendize the item for a future meeting. 

If you would like to address the Board on any item on this agenda, please complete the green Request of Visitors form located near the entrance of the meeting room and hand it to the Communications Specialist. On the form, please list the agenda item(s) you would like to speak to. When your name is called, please come to the podium, state your name and address for the record, and limit your remarks to two minutes for individuals or five minutes for a group.

There were no comments from the public.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The meeting will adjourn to closed session to discuss and/or to take action on the following items. This part of the agenda is closed to the public. 

PERSONNEL (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957)
-Resignations, Retirements, Release
-Public Employment: Superintendent
-Superintendent's evaluation

-CSEA Negotiator: Dr. Sheila Murphy-Brewer

The board adjourned to Closed Session at 6:02 p.m.
The board reconvened in Open Session at 7:12 p.m.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Report on action(s) taken in Closed Session, if required, pursuant to CA Govt. Code Section 54957.1, including abstentions, if any by Board members present.

Mr. Bobay announced that in Closed Session, the Board took no action.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

    Motion:_____   Second: _____   Action:______

Passed with a motion by Chris Norwood and a second by Hon Lien.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Absent Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Mr. Bobay introduced Brianna Nguyen, a fourth grader from Rose Elementary School, and Ari George Philip, a fourth grader from Sinnott Elementary School, as special guests at the meeting. He asked them to come up and lead the Flag Salute.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Members of the public may address the Board on any subject not on tonight's agenda; however, provisions of the Brown Act (Government Code 54954.2(a) and .3) preclude any action. As an unagendized item, no response is required from the Board or District staff and not action can be taken; however, the Board may instruct the Superintendent to agendize the item for a future meeting. 

If you would like to address the Board on any item on this agenda, please complete the green Request of Visitors form located near the entrance of the meeting room and hand it to the Communications Specialist. On the form, please list the agenda item(s) you would like to speak to. When your name is called, please come to the podium, state your name and address for the record, and limit your remarks to two minutes for individuals or five minutes for a group.

Christopher Moylan introduced himself as Congressman Ro Khanna’s new district director. He expressed the hope to work together on federal related issues. He also asked the district to let him know about future events his office should know about, to let them know if there are high school students who might be interested in service academies since they write recommendations, and if there are recent graduates who would like to be interns or work in a Congressional office. One of his goals as the district director is to make sure he knows what is going on in the district, including the school district. He shared that he was a City Councilmember in Sunnyvale for eight years, and understands the position and would like to support.

Mr. Bobay let Mr. Moylan know Milpitas High School Principal Phil Morales is in the audience; Superintendent Jordan encourages them to exchange business cards.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Per Board Bylaw 9001, amended on 1/12/16, Board members and the Superintendent agree to

1.  Ask questions for their own understanding

2.  Be open and honest with each other

3.  Be aware that their behavior in the Milpitas community reflects on them as a team.

4.  Communicate proactively with each other about topics, questions, and challenges in advance of public board meetings in compliance with the Brown Act.

Quick Summary / Abstract:

Superintendent Cheryl Jordan will hold special recognitions as part of this evening's report. Board members will be asked to take a photo in front of the dais following each presentation. Tonight's honorees include:

-Brianna Nguyen, a fourth grader from Rose Elementary School, who earned first place in the inaugural District Spelling Bee on January 17. Brianna not only spelled the winning word pertinacity
correctly, but dictated the bonus word - castellated - perfectly.

-Ari George Philip, a fourth grader from Sinnott Elementary School, who earned second place in the Spelling Bee. 

-Rancho Milpitas Middle School, which was named one of the 2017 “Schools to Watch.”

Superintendent Jordan, Cabinet members, and Board Members took pictures with the first- and second-place winners of the District's inaugural Spelling Bee.

Superintendent Jordan invited Rancho Principal Casey McMurray and staff to share information about the Schools to Watch Program. Mr. McMurray shared a few brief slides (attached here) that captured the essence of what Schools to Watch is about. He said it was his first experience being a part of the STW process, which was a valuable tool to reflect on the practice at Rancho and look at what they've accomplished, where they're going, and what they want to accomplish moving forward. He put together a team that looked at the three areas that are established as part of the STW process: academic excellence, developmental responsiveness, and social equity. He shared a few things they do in each of the categories. For example, in academic excellence, they had an ongoing and sustained focus on Common Core State Standards in terms of curriculum and student engagement. He shared his pride for the growth he has seen in Rancho's EL students and shared some of the actions that helped achieve, including using a site funds to create a full-time ELD teacher which has allowed for more classes for long-term English learners including those who are new to the country. The school has seen 113 percent growth in ELA for EL students and 63 percent growth rate for math for ELL students, looking at cohort from 2015-16 going to 2016-17.

He added since joining the school, along with Assistant Principal Sean Anglon, they have focused on their historically underrepresented students. They are constantly looking for equitable representation in advanced classes or where you find higher achieving students.

He said they will go to Sacramento next week and Victoria and Brenda are going to present sessions about EL and the work they've done, and then in Washington DC in June for the national recognition.

Mr. Jung commended the work of Rancho staff. Having been a Rancho parent, he has seen the benefits of what is done on a daily basis.

Mr. Norwood also gave kudos to the team for expanding that .4 teacher to full-time, seeing the important needs of becoming more equitable.
Rancho Milpitas Middle School - Schools to Watch Presentation
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Members of the Executive Cabinet will have recent significant information to present to the Governing Board on topics that are not on the agenda.  Reports are limited to 3 minutes each.

-Business Services
-Learning and Development
-Human Relations

Norma Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent of Learning and Development, said she is excited about the Parent University coming up on March 1. All the workshops have been a result of parents asking for the topics, so we're addressing their asking. In addition, as of today, she said they are going over all the writing to see who qualifies for reclassification. She reported a total of 191 students are ready for reclassification. She also reported Curtner was visited last week from the County, which was very impressed with their implementation of the PBIS. So they recognized it as a model school. The Dual Immersion Task Force met and the group identified the need to add new members from the middle and high school. Last week, there was also a licensing visit from the state for our early childhood development centers, and we passed with flying colors. For personalized blended learning, we have invited and are planning a Summit. The teachers will showcase the implementation of the Summit model in terms of the personalized learning at the sites on March 2. Finally, she shared trading her high heels for tennis shoes to become a high school student last Monday.

Wendy Zhang, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, shared this is the busiest time for the Business Services Department, which is wrapping up another major budget update that they plan to present in early March. In the meantime, they already started planning for next year; working with HR on next year's staffing projections and Ed Services to finish the site allocations for next year.

Dr. Sheila Murphy-Brewer, Executive Director of Human Relations, said the team has been working with Mrs. Zhang on staffing. They are also working with teachers on leaves of absences, releases, retirements, and resignations. She said on Friday they began CSEA negotiations and are continuing work on the three-year reclassification currently in year two. They are hoping to be able to present something soon. For recruitment, they are solidifying numbers to ensure that we're being efficient with our time and resources as we recruit and retain.
14.A. Presentation analysis of Milpitas High School A-G & UC/CSU Eligibility (Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development)


Milpitas High School administration will present the findings of a three-year analysis of A-G & UC/CSU eligibility among graduates. The presentation will include overall rates, rates broken down by ethnicity, and identified sub-groups. Implications of the findings will be discussed, including current practice and charting a course for sustainability and improvement.

Recommended Motion:

Listen to the presentation and ask questions.

Financial Impact:

Norma Rodriguez
Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development

Gregory Barnes
Director of Secondary Education, Learning & Development

Phil Morales
Principal, Milpitas High School

Mrs. Rodriguez introduced the item by sharing one of the expected annual measurable LCAP goal number two is to improve our A-G completion rate by 5 percent in all of our subgroups. Tonight, Milpitas High School administration provided the findings of a three-year analysis of A-G UC and CSU eligibility among all of the graduates.

Milpitas High School Principal Phil Morales opened the presentation, which he led with Assistant Principal Skyler Draeger. He shared next steps playing part and questions from the board while Skyler spoke about the data portion of the report.

Skyler said the data is not what we hoped for. When we're recalculating for next year, we decided to look at the why behind what this is telling us and regrouping efforts. Started disaggregating data by ethnicity and UC, CSU with obvious takehows: Asian students are significantly outperforming other students. The lowest group is Hispanic students but the three lowest is Black, Hispanic, and Pacific Islander. This mimics the achievement gap that we've talked about in other areas. One of the goals at the high school has been to shorten that achievement gap; we've seen more success in other areas. They plan to keep disagreggating the data, which gives more data points including the percentage of the total population. She emphasizes redesignated English proficient students; that number is statistically a good thing. 40 percent is redesignated, meaning they came to the high school designated EL and by the time they graduated they were designated fluent English proficient. 51 percent of those students, which is our third highest meeting of the UC, at 56 percent of those students got CSU. It is something to celebrate because it speaks to the high school's efforts of having A-G requirement classes. We've made an effort that has helped our students. Not enough data about why these students aren't meeting are they not taking the classes, not getting a C or better; if they're not taking the classes, that's a different point of communication. Might want to ask when they get off the A-G pathway. With the EL students, get on late; when are they leaving the pathway. This data doesn't give us the answer to that; would have to look at the four-year pathway.

Phil emphasized that the RFEP students have a lot of support, and believe that is why they are successful. We looked at what we currently have that is working at the high school, including the Horizontes mentoring program; Dreamkeepers: EOS; Avid; individual tutoring; EL programs; counseling; academies. Emphasizes the need to pull data on these programs, how PLCs are being used as ways to look at data reflection; professional development. Looking at going to a PLC conference, taking administration and teachers, to discuss how to introduce data in our discussion and planning out the year, professional development, academic expectations. Strengthening the focus on data reflection is the biggest tool they need to focus on; more of a practice rather than a task.

Mr. Jung opened up Board questions. One of the pieces of data he wanted to see is how many incoming freshmen are in that grouping that are a year behind and how many were two or more years.
Phil shared that tracking method for four-year plans is by counselors; there is no tool, but it can be done.

Mr. Norwood said that based on the title of the presentation, he was surprised by what he felt was incomplete data. Thought it would share the story about data for ninth- through 12th-grade students.

Mr. Jung asked about efforts for freshman.

Phil said if he can present near the end of the year, he can add more grade levels and subgroups.

Mr. Bobay suggested Superintendent Jordan determine whether or not they come back to answer some of the questions that have come up, if she feels this is a direction she feels it should go. She says she will discuss this in Cabinet.
MHS A-G Requirements Board Presentation
14.B. Update on budget priorities stakeholders input (Superintendent)
Cheryl Jordan, Superintendent


During its September 29, 2016 meeting, the Board heard a report on stakeholders' input regarding budget priorities for the Board to consider as the budget for the new three-year cycle is developed. At that time, the Board requested that staff continue to promote and hold open the online survey in order to capture a wider body of input in prioritizing themes that emerged through the in person discussions with parents, staff, and students. Staff enlisted the assistance of Milpitas High School volunteers in promoting the survey during school and community events.

Summary of survey findings:

752 English responses (68% parents, 31% staff), 23 Spanish responses (100% parents)

Top priority for each category:


  • Technology Devices for students and teachers, 659 (89.3%)
  • Spanish 19 (82.6%) Same

Materials & Supplies

  • Supplies that support STEAM, 567 (77.9%)
  • Supplies that support experiential learning and Project Based Learning, 18 (78.3%)


  • Safety, 696 (94.3%)
  • Spanish 21 (91.3%) Same

Support Services and Personnel

  • Support personnel for students needing additional academic guidance 315 (42.6%)
  • Spanish 11 (50%) Same

Instructional Program

  • Pathways to career and college, 379 (51.4%)
  • Spanish 16 (72.7%) Additional electives and world languages, dual immersion support

In addition to the attached PDF of the survey results, the live survey can be accessed at these links:

Budget Priorities Three-Year Budget Cycle 2016-19


Recommended Motion:

Discuss the findings and provide staff with direction on its budget priority areas.  

Financial Impact:

Depends on implementation  (note: ensure alignment in LCAP)

Superintendent Jordan explained last June, during the Budget Study Session, they were talking about the importance of engaging stakeholders in determining budget priorities and in the Fall, she held several stakeholder meetings. From those meetings, she came up with common themes that emerged from the discussions and put the themes out to all parents and staff and ultimately students so they could rate them per each category of budget expenditures. When she presented that in November, the Board asked for more survey responses.

Mrs. Jordan recruited a couple MHS students to volunteer hours and take the survey by phone and postcard to parents at events, which they did. She shared the 775 responses, 23 of which are Spanish. 68 percent of the English responses were parents and 100 percent were Spanish, and 30 percent were staff, and none were students except those who demonstrated on how to share the survey.

Mrs. Jordan wanted to bring it to the Board's attention since Business is in the process of budget revisions soon. This data will serve to help the Board where the District should prioritize expenditures, which should also align with LCAP. The top three for each category, five categories total. She said it wasn't surprising the number one for facilities is safety. For technology, she was surprised devices for students and teachers was number one. She was happy to see pathways to career and college was one of the top priorities, especially because it was something that has prioritized with the Board and management.
English Budget Survey Results
Spanish Survey Results
Stakeholders Input on Budget Priorities Board Meeting Summary 9.27.16
14.C. Discussion of Board Group Agreements (Superintendent)
Superintendent Cheryl Jordan


The Board requested "Board Group Agreements" be placed on the agenda for discussion. 

Per Board Bylaw 9001, amended on 1/12/16, Board members and the Superintendent agree to

1.  Ask questions for their own understanding

2.  Be open and honest with each other

3.  Be aware that their behavior in the Milpitas community reflects on them as a team.

4.  Communicate proactively with each other about topics, questions, and challenges in advance of public board meetings in compliance with the Brown Act.

Mr. Bobay opened by sharing Board Group Agreements have been developed over past years, which he mentioned were set up to control errant boards on occasion. The last time they were reviewed was January 12, 2016. Dan shared his desire to update the four bullet points so they are more aligned with the Board. So he asked Superintendent Jordan to put this on the agenda, to have an opportunity to discuss the Board Group Agreements and what modifications, if any, they wanted.

The California School Boards Association sample of Board Bylaws was provided, which contains some things he believes they should consider adding.

Mr. Bobay said he only disagrees with the last current bylaw, because it mixes a couple of things. The intent is Board Members need to work proactively with each other, however there’s a limit to how much we can do that. We threw in the Brown Act. He said the caveat to this would be during Open Session meetings, we need to communicate proactively with each other. So he would like the statement rephrased so it is more clear.

Mr. Bobay would like Board Meeting agenda questions to make their way to the Superintendent, so she can prepare ahead of time to address those questions during open session. The questions should go to the Superintendent in advance so she can prepare accordingly or have the right people at the meeting. So he mentioned his interest in having "No surprises" added. Mr. Jung agreed it would make the meeting more efficient.

Mr. Norwood wanted CSBA’s items number 1 and 6 to be added: "Keep learning and achievement for all students as the primary focus" and "Participate in professional development and commit the time and energy necessary to be an informed and effective leader."

Mr. Bobay asked the updated Board Group Agreements be prepared for ratification at the February 28 Board Meeting.
CSBA Sample - Board Bylaw Governance Standards
14.D. Discussion of Board Meeting venue at Milpitas High School (Superintendent)
Superintendent Cheryl Jordan


The Board requested a meeting venue at Milpitas High School be placed on the agenda for discussion. 

Superintendent Jordan explained Mr. Norwood shared with her and President Bobay about the idea of having Board Meetings periodically at Milpitas High School. She brought it forward for discussion in Open Session, and asked Shannon Carr to discuss what it would take to have video at Milpitas High School. One estimate from Chin Song, Director of Technology, is $3,000 for one-camera operation and $5,000 for multi-camera. Mrs. Jordan said Shannon is also checking with the SCCOE, and hasn’t heard from them yet. She mentions it wouldn’t be televised if at Milpitas High School.

Mr. Jung shared that it is worth doing at Milpitas High School to encourage our high school students and families to get involved. He added the tricky part about Milpitas High is since there are so many events, we would need to find the time and facilities. My suggestion to do it twice, and then we can make a decision.

Superintendent Jordan added if it’s successful, they might want to do at other sites as well.

Mr. Norwood asked Rancho Assistant Principal Sean Anglon on his thoughts. Mr. Anglon responded he has seen other districts have their school board meetings have them at schools, such as Santa Clara. He believes it might get more parents, because it’s within their neighborhood.

Mr. Bobay added that considering 35 percent of the school district population is at the high school and another 20 percent is in the middle schools, why don’t we work on three?

Superintendent Jordan responded we’ll try for one this Spring.
15.A. Public Hearing - Milpitas Unified School District proposal to California School Employees Association, Chapter #281 (Superintendent's Office)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

    Motion:____ Second:____ Action:____



Milpitas Unified School District has proposed to open negotiations with CSEA, Chapter 281 on Article 10 Salary and Benefits, Article 13 Leaves, and Article 18 Transfer/Promotions.

 In accordance with Board Policy 4143.1, Public Notice Policy for Collective Bargaining and State Bargaining Law, a public hearing on the MUSD “sunshine proposal” to open collective bargaining with CSEA, Chapter 281 will be held at this meeting at 7 p.m. in the Board Room of the District Office.

A notice of public hearing on the MUSD “sunshine proposal” to open negotiations with CSEA,Chapter 281 has been posted on bulletin boards at all school sites and the District Office.

Recommended Motion:

To conduct a public hearing on the MUSD, “sunshine proposal” for a reopener with CSEA, and its Chapter 281.


To conduct a public hearing on the MUSD, “sunshine proposal” for a reopener with CSEA, and its Chapter 281.

Passed with a motion by Robert Jung and a second by Hon Lien.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Absent Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Financial Impact:

Dependent upon negotiations


Cheryl E. Jordan

Sheila Murphy-Brewer
Executive Director, Human Relations

Tabitha Kappeler-Hurley
Director, Human Relations

Superintendent Jordan explained this was the proposal sunshined at the last meeting, and at this meeting the public hearing has to be opened. There were no comments during the public hearing.
MUSD to CSEA Reopener
Public Hearing Notice
15.B. Disclosure of Milpitas Teachers Association (MTA) Collective Bargaining Agreement (Assistant Superintendent, Business Services)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Conduct a public hearing at 7 p.m. on the Disclosure of the MTA Collective Bargaining Agreement.

     Open the public hearing

     Motion:____     Second: ____     Action: ____  (Roll Call Vote)

     Close the public hearing

     Motion:___      Second: ____     Action: ____  (Roll Call Vote)

Certify the Disclosure of MTA Collective Bargaining Agreement

     Motion:____     Second: ____    Action: ____   (Roll Call Vote)



Assembly Bill (AB) 1200 requires local education agencies to publicly disclose provisions of all collective bargaining agreements. The provisions are applicable to both single and multi-year agreements where the contract has been reopened to determine compensation adjustments in a subsequent year. It is intended to ensure that the public is aware of the known costs associated with a proposed collective bargaining agreement before it becomes binding on the district.

This information is to be certified by the Superintendent, the Chief Business Officer, and the Governing Board of the Milpitas Unified School District. The proposed agreement will be taken to the Governing Board on February 14, 2017 for approval. The certification needs to show that the costs incurred by the School District under this agreement can be met by the District for the fiscal year from 2016-2017 to 2018-2019. 

Recommended Motion:

1) Conduct a public hearing on the Disclosure of MTA Collective Bargaining Agreement.

2) Certify the attached Disclosure of MTA Collective Bargaining Agreement.


1) Open the public hearing on the Disclosure of the MTA Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Passed with a motion by Robert Jung and a second by Hon Lien.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Absent Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.

1) Close the public hearing on the Disclosure of the MTA Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Passed with a motion by Chris Norwood and a second by Hon Lien.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Absent Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.

1) Certify the Disclosure of the MTA Collective Bargaining Agreement

Passed with a motion by Dan Bobay and a second by Chris Norwood.

Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Absent Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Financial Impact:

See attached information.


Wendy Zhang
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services

Linh Le
Director, Business Services

Mrs. Zhang explained Assembly Bill AB1200 requires the District publicly disclose financial impact once we have reached an agreement with the bargaining unit. So first they conducted the public hearing, and then she explained going over the financial impact.

Before certifying the disclosure of the MTA Collective Bargaining Agreement, Mrs. Zhang shared information about the two item attachments. The first letter, from the County Office, is an approved tentative agreement. The second document is the actual financial disclosure document. The tentative agreement for teachers is a 2 percent ongoing salary agreement so the cost is about $1 million in the current year, and there is a 1 percent off-schedule payment which is about a half million for teachers. In addition, there is a $100 medical cap increase, so the estimated cost is about $99,000. So those are the settlements. They also changed the language on the master stipend and the longevity steps, so that was listed. The total cost for the current year is about $1.8 million in year one and $1.7 million in year two, 2017-18. The one-percent off-schedule is only this year. The District's current financial statement can support this settlement.
CB Letter for MTA Unit
Collective Bargaining Disclosure - MTA
15.C. Approve the tentative agreement between MUSD and the Milpitas Teachers Association (Superintendent/Human Relations)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

    Motion:_____ Second:_____ Action:_____



On January 20, 2017 negotiations were concluded between the District and the Milpitas Teachers Association (MTA) on compensation for the 2016-2017.  On February 10, 2017 MTA unit members ratified the Tentative Agreement (TA) between MUSD and the Association.  The TAs include:

- The salary schedule (Appendix A) shall be increased by two percent (2%) across the board, retroactive to July 1, 2016.

- Unit members shall receive a one-time, off the schedule payment equal to one percent (1%) of their salary as reflected in their cell placement on the 2016-2017 salary schedule  prior to application of the two percent (2%) increase.   

-Unit Members will receive a $100 per month increase in the cap for the District’s share of medical benefits as defined in the TA.

The TA is being presented to the Board for its consideration and approval. The language of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement remains the same except for changes as indicated in the TAs dated January 20, 2017

Recommended Motion:

Approve the proposed changes to Article 5.3 Fringe Benefits as noted on the attached Tentative Agreements between the Milpitas Unified School District and the Milpitas Teachers Association, for the September 1, 2014 – August 31, 2017 Collective Bargaining Agreement.


Approve the proposed changes to Article 5.3 Fringe Benefits as noted on the attached Tentative Agreements between the Milpitas Unified School District and the Milpitas Teachers Association, for the September 1, 2014 – August 31, 2017 Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Passed with a motion by Chris Norwood and a second by Hon Lien.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Absent Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Financial Impact:

$1,852,474.00 in the 2016-17 School Year

Sheila Murphy-Brewer
Executive Director, Human Relations

Tabitha Kappeler-Hurley
Director, Human Relations

Superintendent Jordan explained this is the second part to what Mrs. Zhang began. On Friday, MTA ratified the tentative agreement between the district and MTA for compensation, which is 2 percent on salary schedule and 1 percent off plus $100 per month in the District’s share of medical benefits. MTA approved it by 94 percent of the MTA unit members.
Compensation Article
15.D. Approve the tentative agreement between MUSD and the Milpitas Teachers Association for Milpitas Adult Education teachers (Superintendent/Human Relations)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
    Motion:_____ Second:_____ Action:_____



On January 20, 2017 negotiations were concluded between the District and the Milpitas Teachers Association (MTA) on compensation for the 2016-2017 school year. On February 10, 2017 MTA unit members ratified the Tentative Agreement (TA) between MUSD and the Association for the Adult Education Teachers of MUSD.  The TAs include:

- The salary schedule (Appendix A) shall be increased by two percent (2%) across the board, retroactive to July 1, 2016.

- Unit members shall receive a one-time, off the schedule payment equal to one percent (1%) of their salary as reflected in their cell placement on the 2016-2017 salary schedule  prior to application of the two percent (2%) increase. 

-Eligible unit members will receive a $100 per month increase in the cap for the District’s share of medical benefits as defined in the TA.

The TA is being presented to the Board for its consideration and approval. The language of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement remains the same except for changes as indicated in the TAs dated January 20, 2017

Recommended Motion:

Approve the proposed changes to Article 5.3 Fringe Benefits as noted on the attached Tentative Agreements between the Milpitas Unified School District and the Milpitas Teachers Association, for the September 1, 2014 – August 31, 2017 Collective Bargaining Agreement.



Approve the proposed changes to Article 5.3 Fringe Benefits as noted on the attached Tentative Agreements between the Milpitas Unified School District and the Milpitas Teachers Association, for the September 1, 2014 – August 31, 2017 Collective Bargaining Agreement.


Passed with a motion by Chris Norwood and a second by Hon Lien.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Absent Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Financial Impact:

$58,870 in 2016-17 including benefits

Sheila Murphy-Brewer
Executive Director, Human Relations

Tabitha Kappeler-Hurley
Director, Human Relations                

Superintendent Jordan explained this is the same tentative agreement, but it is separate because within our collective bargaining agreement, we have indicated we will negotiate compensation separately for Adult Ed since that is in a different budget than K-12 and they can’t always sustain the same competition. In this case, fortunately, they are.
MTA - Adult Education
15.E. Review and approve the Superintendent's contract for Cheryl Jordan (Board President)
Daniel Bobay, Board President
Quick Summary / Abstract:
    Motion:____ Second:____ Action:____



The Superintendent’s Contract is presented to the Board for its approval and public ratification. The contract term is January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 (18 months). The term of the contract may be extended by two years providing the Superintendent, Cheryl Jordan, earns a satisfactory evaluation by the Board within six months, at which time the term shall be extended to June 30, 2020. The Superintendent’s salary will continue at $215,929 for the 2016-17 school year and may be increased at the same rate as that of other managers.  

Recommended Motion:

Review and approve the Superintendent's contract for Cheryl Jordan.


Review and approve the Superintendent's contract for Cheryl Jordan.

Passed with a motion by Robert Jung and a second by Hon Lien.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Absent Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Financial Impact:

Savings of $24,215 

Mr. Bobay explained the Superintendent's contract is presented to the Board for its approval in public raification. Contract terms are January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018, 18 months. The term of the contract may be extended by two years providing the Superintendent, Cheryl Jordan, earns a satisfactory evaluation by the Board within six months at which time the term can be extended to June 30, 2020. The Superintendent’s salary will continue at $215,929 for the 2016-17 school year and may be increased at the same rate as that of other managers.
Superintendent Contract Cheryl Jordan
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Consent items are considered routine and will be acted upon by the Board in one motion.  There is no discussion on these items prior to the motion unless members of the Board, staff, or public request that specific items be tabled, or removed for discussion or correction.

    Motion:______     Second:_____     Action:_____

Approve the consent items, with the exception of 16C and 16F, which were pulled for discussion and their own votes. Passed with a motion by Robert Jung and a second by Hon Lien.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Absent Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
16.A. Adopt the minutes of the January 3, 2017 Special Board Meeting, January 10, 2017 Regular Board Meeting, and January 24, 2017 Regular Board Meeting (Superintendent's Office)
UNADOPTED_MUSD Minutes-1.10.17
UNADOPTED_MUSD Minutes-1.24.17
UNADOPTED_MUSD Minutes-1.3.17
16.B. Approve the Personnel Report of February 14, 2017 (Superintendent's Office)
Personnel Report 1.24.17
16.C. Approve the Purchase Order Report of February 14, 2017 (Assistant Superintendent, Business Services)
Approve the Purchase Order Report of February 14, 2017 Passed with a motion by Robert Jung and a second by Chris Norwood.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Absent Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Yes Chris Norwood.
Mr. Jung asked about PO 721470 through 721478 as well as 721480 through 81 and 721483. The description indicated the MetroEd conference room; he was uncertain what that really means.

Mrs. Zhang explains this is a system glitch. She pulled each of the POs, which each clearly describe what it is for. When Business Services ran the Board PO report somehow the description didn’t turn out correctly. She reported this to the County, since the District used their QSS system. She has each of the POs that she shared.
Purchase Order Report - 2.14.17
16.D. Approve the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Memorandum of Understanding with the Santa Clara County Office of Education (Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development)


As per the LCAP Goal 3, MUSD is in year two of implementing the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program at Randall and Curtner elementary schools with the direct support and guidance from the Santa Clara County Office of Education.

This agreement will cover Year 2 training for site PBIS leadership teams at both elementary schools, training for PBIS Coaches, District Leadership Team Training, access to PBIS evaluations and ongoing technical support as needed. 

Recommended Motion:

Approve the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Memorandum of Understanding with the Santa Clara County Office of Education.

Financial Impact:

Cost not to exceed $6,000


Norma Rodriguez
Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development

Carla Crenshaw
Director, Student Services

Amy Sanidad
Coordinator, Student Services

Milpitas MOU 2016-17 - SCCOE PBIS
16.E. Approve the Pilot Participation Agreement between the Early Education Planning Council (LPC) of Santa Clara County and Participating Santa Clara County CDE-EESD Contractors (Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development)


Assembly Bill 2368 authorizes the Santa Clara County Child Care Subsidy Pilot Project. This pilot addresses two concerns: 1) families barely earning enough to meet the high costs of housing in the county nevertheless are considered too high income to qualify for child care subsidies; and 2) the state reimbursement rates are so low that child care contractors cannot cover their costs, and are unable to utilize their full allocation of state and federal child care and child development funds. As a result, fewer children are subsidized through these providers and county child care spaces are being lost.

The pilot will allow: 1) contractors to be reimbursed at a higher rate, 2) families will be certified for two years instead of one, and 3) more families will qualify under a new fee schedule.

Recommended Motion:
Approve the Pilot Participation Agreement between the Early Education Planning Council (LPC) of Santa Clara County and Participating Santa Clara County CDE-EESD Contractors.

Financial Impact:

Possible increase in our reimbursement rate. Unused contract funds may be transferred to other contractors participating in the pilot.  


Norma Rodriguez
Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development

Wendy Zhang
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services

Gerry Lopez, Ed. D.
Coordinator, Child Development Centers

SCC Child Care Pilot Participating Agency Agreement
16.F. Approve the MUSD application for the City of Milpitas Community Development Block Grant (Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development)


Milpitas Unified School District is applying for the City of Milpitas Community Development Block Grant. We seek board approval of the attached application.

The goal for the Love 4 Literacy project is to create academically equitable communities. The project will bring together community agencies within Milpitas to establish a network of educational resources and services for families with non-school aged children. In doing so, the district hopes to reduce the opportunity gap by extending its mission and vision to the families of our youngest members of the community.

Recommended Motion:

Approve the MUSD application for the City of Milpitas Community Development Block Grant.


Approve the MUSD application for the City of Milpitas Community Development Block Grant.

Passed with a motion by Hon Lien and a second by Robert Jung.
Yes Dan Bobay.
Yes Robert Jung.
Absent Danny Lau.
Yes Hon Lien.
Recuse Chris Norwood.
Financial Impact:

The application budget details the financial plan for the project. District facilities and personnel will be asked to participate in the project. There will be no direct cost to the district.

Norma Rodriguez
Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development

Gregory Barnes
Director, Secondary Education

Mrs. Rodriguez invited Mr. Norwood to share the application for funding in an effort to preventing the gap and focusing on literacy.

Mr. Norwood shared information about the City block grant, which has a short turnaround for submission. He worked with Greg Barnes to ask for $33,000 from the City of Milpitas to support a literacy project that would be for children before they reach kindergarten. The goal of the project is that block funding will be 1/3 of the funding to support early literacy with the District being at the forefront of working with the community to be ready before they get to school. As part of the block grant, the Board has to approve a resolution to submit the application to the City of Milpitas. If funded, it would start in the summer.

Superintendent Jordan explained because Mr. Norwood might use his nonprofit group for support of this grant, for proprietary reasons he was recusing himself from voting.
City of Milpitas Community Development Block Grant application
16.G. Approve the Notice of Completion for Sound & Signal, Inc. for the Randall Elementary School portable project (Assistant Superintendent, Business Services)


The final completion date for the Randall Elementary School portable project was on December 6, 2016. The work is in accordance with the plans and specifications adopted by the Board and upon the terms and conditions set and identified by said written contract approved on November 15, 2016. Once the Notice of Completion is approved, it will be submitted to the Santa Clara County Recorder’s office and the Division of State Architect. 

Recommended Motion:
Approve the Notice of Completion for Sound & Signal, Inc. for the Randall Elementary School portable project.


Joe Flatley
Director, Facilities Modernization

Notice of Completion - Sound & Signal Randall Portable
16.H. Approve the job description and salary schedule for a bilingual (English/Spanish) secretary principal at Randall Elementary School (Superintendent/Human Relations)


Due to the immediate needs of Randall Elementary’s Dual Immersion program and a continuing focus to provide access to parents in as many ways as possible, Human Relations and CSEA have agreed upon the new job description for a Bilingual Principal Secretary. 

Having this new job description available, benefits the Dual Immersion program as they have a current opening.

Recommended Motion:

Approve the recommended job description as indicated on the attached draft. 

Financial Impact:

Approximately $2,354.00 plus benefits

Tabitha Kappeler-Hurley
Director, Human Relations

Sheila Murphy-Brewer
Executive Director, Human Relations

Job Description
Salary Schedule
16.I. Approve the settlement agreement between the District and the Milpitas Teachers Association regarding the computation of the master’s degree stipend and length of service credit (Superintendent/Human Relations)


On January 20, 2017 the District and the Milpitas Teachers Association (MTA) reached a settlement agreement regarding the computation of the master’s degree stipend and length of service credit provided under the parties’ Collective Bargaining Agreement. The full agreement is attached.


Recommended Motion:
Approve the proposed terms in the settlement agreement regarding the computation of the master’s degree stipend and length of service credit.

Financial Impact:

$327,776 for the 2017-18 school year


Sheila Murphy-Brewer
Executive Director, Human Relations

Tabitha Kappeler-Hurley
Director, Human Relations    

Computation of Master's Degree Stipend and Length of Service Credits
16.J. Appoint Parcel Tax Oversight Committee members to continue for a second term through March 2019 (Assistant Superintendent, Business Services)


In Article III, “Membership”, of the Parcel Tax Oversight Committee (PTOC) bylaws, the committee shall consist of at least five members who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees to serve a term of two or three years, without compensation, and for no more than two consecutive terms. Three of the initial members of the Committee shall be appointed to serve three year terms, and two of the initial members shall be appointed to serve two year terms. Thereafter, all terms shall be for two years or until a member’s successor is appointed and takes office.

The following three members’ term will expire in March 2017:

  • Jean Baker
  • William Lam
  • Yinzhi (Angie) Yuan

The members expressed their interest to continue serving on the committee. Staff recommends the Board to reappoint the members.

Recommended Motion:

Appoint Parcel Tax Oversight Committee members Jean Baker, William Lam, and Yinzhi (Angie) Yuan to continue for a second term through March 2019.

Financial Impact:

Wendy Zhang
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services

16.K. Approve the list of obsolete equipment (Assistant Superintendent, Business Services)


Attached is a list of items which have been identified by sites and departments as non-operable, stolen, broken, damaged, or are beyond repair.

            Total Items to Obsolete:  20

            Total Dollar Amount to Obsolete:  $69,874

Recommended Motion:

Classify the attached list of items as obsolete.

Kelly Ng
Purchasing/Contracts/Bond Budget Manager

Wendy Zhang
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services

Obsolete Inventory
16.L. Approve the following field trip requests
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Milpitas High School - Two students and one adult from the Speech and Debate team will attend the Seventh Annual College Preparatory School California Public Forum Round Robin Tournament on February 16, 2017, returning February 17, 2017. They will take a public bus and stay at the Walnut Creek Marriott. 

Randall Elementary School - 59 students and 10 adults will visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium on March 1, 2017, returning that same day. They will take a chartered bus from Fremont Unified School District.

Marshall Pomeroy Elementary School - 108 students and 22 adults will visit Pier 33 (Alcatraz Tours) in San Francisco on March 14, 2017, returning that same day. They will take a chartered bus from Michael's Transportation. 

Milpitas High School - 38 students and two adults from AOp will visit AT&T Park and Fisherman's Wharf in San Francosci on March 21, 2017, returning that same day. They will take a chartered bus from First Student. 

Spangler Elementary School - 87 students and 23 adults will visit Columbia State Historic Park in Columbia, California on March 28, 2017, returning that same day. They will take a chartered bus from Fremont Unified School District. 

Thomas Russell Middle School - 152 students and 14 adults will attend a Workshop with the San Francisco Symphony on May 10, 2017, returning that same day. They will take a district bus. 

Alexander Rose Elementary School - 66 students and 9 adults will visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium for a hands on science lab where they'll explore animals' adaptations May 16, 2017, returning that same day. They will take a chartered bus from First Student. 

Marshall Pomeroy Elementary School - 99 students and 29 adults will visit Columbia State Park in Columbia, California to analyze the effects of the Gold Rush on settlements, daily life, politics, and the physical environment on May 25, 2017, returning that same day. They will take a chartered bus from Royal Coach Tours.

Field Trips - 2.14.17
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This part of the agenda provides School Board members the opportunity to report on their activities as elected representatives.  School Board members may request the placement of items in future Board agenda, relay information from the community, or request information from staff.  The student Board representative reports on school and student activities.
Mr. Bobay allowed Alan Pham to give his report earlier in the meeting, since he had to leave before 9 p.m. He reported on many activities at Milpitas High School. They included ASB packets to become an officer are due soon and candidate meetings will begin shortly after. In addition, a care for yourself initiative is moving forward, along with club forming workshops and senior nights next month. MHS held Winter Spirit Week and a rally recently.

Mr. Jung shared his happiness attending the African American Awards Ceremony, Milpitas Values Youth collaborative, Weller Principal breakfast, a visit with Comcast about the Milpitas Comcast Cares event that will happen and his visits to Rancho, Spangler, and CDC. He also stopped by the Sinnott School Site Council as well as Russell School Site Council.

Mrs. Lien said she also visited sites, including Elmwood, and attended the MetroEd Board Meeting and MUSD Crab Feed.

Mr. Norwood said he attended the Lunar New Year celebration at Curtner, the African American Student Achievement Awards, hosted an AVID workshop for 70 students at Russell, and also attended the Crab Feed.

Mr. Bobay said he attended a lot of the same things. He recognized Danny Lau who is in the hospital and extend the Board’s thoughts and prayers to Danny and his family.

In closing the meeting, Mr. Bobay dedicated the meeting to Coach Pete Pete Michaletos, 77, who passed away this week. Coach Mich, as he was known, was Kennedy High School’s coach for 46 regular seasons. Mr. Bobay shared the celebration of life will be held February 25 at 10 a.m. in the Kennedy High gym. In the words of Coach Mich, who touched so many lives, “You can’t be great if you are late.” Mr. Bobay said Coach Mich will be missed a lot, and the Board’s thoughts are with Jan and the kids, and the thousands of other kids mourning him.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

February 28, 2017 - Closed Session: TBD Open Session: 7 p.m.
Regular Board Meeting - 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., Board Room, Bldg. 500

March 14, 2017 - Closed Session: TBD Open Session: 7 p.m.
Regular Board Meeting - 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., Board Room, Bldg. 500

March 28, 2017 - Closed Session: TBD Open Session: 7 p.m.
Regular Board Meeting - 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., Board Room, Bldg. 500

April 18, 2017 - Closed Session: TBD Open Session: 7 p.m.
Regular Board Meeting - 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., Board Room, Bldg. 500

Superintendent Jordan added they may need to add a Special Board Meeting on March 7. She also thanked everyone who attended the Crab Feed, stating preliminary numbers from Kiwanis is $30,000. She added this is the most that has been raised in eight or nine years.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Disability Information:
Individuals who require special accommodation should contact the Superintendent’s Office at (408) 635-2600 ext 6013 at least two business days before the meeting date. All disclosable public records related to an agenda item for discussion in open session of a regular meeting of the Board of Education and distributed to all or majority of the Board members less than 72 hours prior to that meeting, shall be made available for public inspection at the same time the writing is distributed to all or majority of the Board members. Any such writings will be made available for public inspection during business hours in the Superintendent’s Office Bldg. 100, 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Barring technical difficulties, such writings will also be posted on the District’s web site at
2/14/2017 6:00:00 PM ( Original )
PresentDan Bobay
PresentRobert Jung
AbsentDanny Lau
PresentHon Lien
PresentChris Norwood

The resubmit was successful.