Special Meeting of the Board of Education Milpitas USD August 01, 2018 4:00PM 4 p.m. Closed Session
6 p.m. Open Session
Board Room, Building 500
1331 E. Calaveras Blvd.
Milpitas, CA
President Daniel Bobay called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m. |
_____ Daniel Bobay _____ Chris Norwood _____ Hon Lien _____ Robert Jung _____ Amin Fazal
The Board may delete items from its posted agenda and may also add items to its posted agenda, pursuant to Govt. Code 54954.2, if such items to be added arise out of “emergency situations”, as defined under Govt. Code Sec. 54956.5.
Motion:_____ Second: _____ Action:______
PERSONNEL (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957) -Public employee discipline/dismissal/release
Passed with a motion by Robert Jung and a second by Amin Fazal. |
Yes Daniel Bobay. Yes Amin Fazal. Yes Robert Jung. Yes Hon Lien. Yes Chris Norwood.
Members of the public may address the Board on any subject not on tonight's agenda; however, provisions of the Brown Act (Government Code 54954.2(a) and .3) preclude any action. As an unagendized item, no response is required from the Board or District staff and no action can be taken; however, the Board may instruct the Superintendent to agendize the item for a future meeting.
If you would like to address the Board on any item on this agenda, please complete the green Request of Visitors form located near the entrance of the meeting room and hand it to the Communications Specialist. On the form, please list the agenda item(s) you would like to speak to. When your name is called, please come to the podium, state your name and address for the record, and limit your remarks to two minutes for individuals or five minutes for a group.
The meeting will adjourn to closed session to discuss and/or to take action on the following items. This part of the agenda is closed to the public.
PERSONNEL (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957) -Public employee discipline/dismissal/release |
The Board convened in Closed Session at 4:09 p.m. |
The Board reconvened in Open Session at 5:19 p.m. |
Report on action(s) taken in Closed Session, if required, pursuant to CA Govt. Code Section 54957.1, including abstentions, if any, by Board members present. |
In Closed Session, the Board took no action. They deferred the Closed Session item to the August 21 meeting.
The Board took a recess until 6:10 p.m., when they reconvened in Open Session.
Motion:_____ Second: _____ Action:______
Passed with a motion by Chris Norwood and a second by Robert Jung. |
Yes Daniel Bobay. Yes Amin Fazal. Yes Robert Jung. Yes Hon Lien. Yes Chris Norwood.
Board President Bobay amended the Board Agenda to include a report out on the upcoming Kohl’s Cares for Kids event August 5 at the end of the meeting. |
There were no comments from the public. |
Per Board Bylaw 9001, amended on April 10, 2018, Board members and the Superintendent agree to
1. Keep learning and achievement for all students as the primary focus. 2. Ask questions for our own understanding. 3. Be open and honest with each other. 4. No surprises. 5. Be aware that our behavior in the Milpitas community reflects on us as a team. 6. Communicate proactively with each other about topics, questions, and challenges in open session and in advance of public Board meetings in compliance with the Brown Act. 7. Participate in professional development and commit the time and energy necessary to be an informed and effective leader. 8. Actively support the Culture of We in action, deed, and opportunity to serve the students and parents of the Milpitas Unified School District.
Board Group Agreements are available for Board Members' ready reference. |
Cheryl Jordan, Superintendent |
Motion:_____ Second:_____ Action:_____ |
BACKGROUND: The Board of the Milpitas Unified School District (the “District”) is committed to maintaining quality education and student safety in our schools. Overcrowding and safety concerns make it challenging for us to provide students with optimum learning environments. Districtwide enrollment is expected to increase by 467 students by 2022 and potentially by nearly 800 students total by 2027, with most of the increase in the elementary grades. It is imperative that we complete the building of Mabel Mattos Elementary School and remodel and upgrade Randall Elementary School (our Dual Language school open to all MUSD residents) to accommodate the growth at the elementary level. While the high school enrollment projection forecasts an additional 40-50 students by 2030, the Milpitas High School Campus has great need for upgrades and modernization to accommodate the 3,200+ student body. Safety concerns range from the security of our students, teachers, and staff, to 60-year old pipes and leaky roofs. While our 2012 Bond served us well in providing much needed upgrades in every school such as learning centers and reliable WiFi, and providing the District with the means to purchase land and complete phase I of our tenth elementary school, Mabel Mattos, it will not fund the much needed projects outlined in the attached Board Resolution calling for a bond measure at this Board meeting. The District has been fiscally responsible and prudent in the way that it has managed its funds, and in particular those of the 2012 Bond. This is evidenced by the 2018 upgrades to AA and Aa1 in the District’s credit ratings by both Standard & Poor’s (S&P) and Moody’s, as well as our Bond Oversight Committee. The passage of a bond measure in November 2018 will provide the District with funds to address overcrowding at Milpitas High School and our elementary schools, safety concerns, and necessary infrastructure improvements that will facilitate our drive to create 22nd Century teaching and learning environments. We know from the June 2018 polling that our community stands behind us in our efforts to provide the best learning outcomes for our students. We know from this poll that our neighbors want to see additional classrooms, a modernized high school campus, safe schools, and upgraded infrastructures in our schools. We are confident that if the Board elects to place a bond measure on the November 2018 ballot, our Milpitas community will support our students.
Approve the Bond Measure Resolution for the November 2018 ballot
Approve the Bond Measure Resolution for the November 2018 ballot
Passed with a motion by Robert Jung and a second by Amin Fazal. |
Yes Daniel Bobay. Yes Amin Fazal. Yes Robert Jung. Yes Hon Lien. Yes Chris Norwood.
Approximately $284M additional funds for classrooms, safety, modernization, and infrastructure as outlined in the attached Resolution.
STAFF: Cheryl Jordan Superintendent |
Superintendent Cheryl Jordan introduced the item, which she said came forward after a great amount of input and discussion with community groups and staff members in addition to two polls, the latest one being in June 2018. According to the June results, 60 percent of the public would be in favor of a $284 million bond measure, levying $60 per $100,000 of assessed value. Additionally, polling revealed that residents want to see additional classrooms, a modernized high school campus, safe schools, and upgraded infrastructures. The bond will need 55 percent voter approval in order to pass.
She recommended that the Board place resolution 2019.5 as approved ordering an election for a bond in November 2018.
After the agenda item was approved, Jordan thanked the public, Board, and staff for supporting the effort.
The passage of a bond will provide the District with funds to address the top priorities that were mentioned, including safety concerns, necessary infrastructure improvements that will facilitate the drive to create 22nd Century teaching and learning environments, and overcrowding at Milpitas High School and the District’s elementary schools
Districtwide enrollment is expected to increase by 467 students by 2022 and potentially by nearly 800 students total by 2027, with most of the increase in the elementary grades. It is imperative that the District completes the building of Mabel Mattos Elementary School and remodels and upgrades Randall Elementary School (the District’s Dual Language school open to all MUSD residents) to accommodate the growth at the elementary level. While the high school enrollment projection forecasts an additional 40 to 50 students by 2030, the Milpitas High School Campus has great need for upgrades and modernization to accommodate the 3,200+ student body.
Bobay thanked in advance those people who have volunteered to serve on the committee, the Board for being diligent, and staff for putting together the necessary facilities lists. He also thanked Mayor Rich Tran, seated in the audience, for his support. |
Resolution Calling for Election Ballot Bond Measure
Bobay said he received a letter from the Kiwanis Club, which was a formal invitation to the Kiwanis Club of Milpitas and Kohl's Cares for Kids event on Sunday, August 5. The event, at the Great Mall in Milpitas, sponsors 130 local children in need to a back to school shopping spree, a backpack filled with school supplies, and a light complimentary breakfast.
The Board Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. |
Individuals who require special accommodation should contact the Superintendent’s Office at (408) 635-2600 ext 6013 at least two business days before the meeting date.
All disclosable public records related to an agenda item for discussion in open session of a regular meeting of the Board of Education and distributed to all or majority of the Board members less than 72 hours prior to that meeting, shall be made available for public inspection at the same time the writing is distributed to all or majority of the Board members. Any such writings will be made available for public inspection during business hours in the Superintendent’s Office Bldg. 100, 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Barring technical difficulties, such writings will also be posted on the District’s web site at www.musd.org. |
| |
Present | Daniel Bobay |
Present | Amin Fazal |
Present | Robert Jung |
Present | Hon Lien |
Absent | Chris Norwood |