Regular Meeting of the Board of Education Milpitas USD May 23, 2017 5:30PM 5:30 p.m. Closed Session
7 p.m. Open Session
Board Room, Building 500
1331 East Calaveras Boulevard,
Milpitas, CA
Mr. Bobay called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. |
_____ Dan Bobay _____ Chris Norwood _____ Hon Lien _____ Robert Jung _____ Amin Fazal _____ Alan Pham, Student Board Representative
The Board may delete items from its posted agenda and may also add items to its posted agenda, pursuant to Govt. Code 54954.2, if such items to be added arise out of “emergency situations”, as defined under Govt. Code Sec. 54956.5.
Motion:_____ Second: _____ Action:______
Passed with a motion by Hon Lien and a second by Amin Fazal. |
Yes Dan Bobay. Yes Amin Fazal. Yes Robert Jung. Yes Hon Lien. Yes Chris Norwood.
Members of the public may address the Board on any subject not on tonight's agenda; however, provisions of the Brown Act (Government Code 54954.2(a) and .3) preclude any action. As an unagendized item, no response is required from the Board or District staff and not action can be taken; however, the Board may instruct the Superintendent to agendize the item for a future meeting.
If you would like to address the Board on any item on this agenda, please complete the green Request of Visitors form located near the entrance of the meeting room and hand it to the Communications Specialist. On the form, please list the agenda item(s) you would like to speak to. When your name is called, please come to the podium, state your name and address for the record, and limit your remarks to two minutes for individuals or five minutes for a group.
There were no comments from the public. |
The meeting will adjourn to closed session to discuss and/or to take action on the following items. This part of the agenda is closed to the public. PERSONNEL (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957) -Superintendent's evaluation -Public employee discipline/dismissal/release -Public employment: -Certificated Manager, Principal -Certificated Manager, Assistant Principal -Assistant Superintendent, Human Relations -Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development evaluation
The Board adjourned to Closed Session at 5:33 p.m. |
The meeting reconvened in Open Session at 7:06 p.m. |
Report on action(s) taken in Closed Session, if required, pursuant to CA Govt. Code Section 54957.1, including abstentions, if any by Board members present.
Board President Bobay announced that in Closed Session the Board approved the resignation of two certificated managers, principal and assistant principal. The Board also approved the Superintendent’s recommendation for a certificated manager, principal. |
Motion:_____ Second: _____ Action:______
Passed with a motion by Chris Norwood and a second by Robert Jung. |
Yes Dan Bobay. Yes Amin Fazal. Yes Robert Jung. Yes Hon Lien. Yes Chris Norwood.
Board President Bobay led the flag salute. |
Members of the public may address the Board on any subject not on tonight's agenda; however, provisions of the Brown Act (Government Code 54954.2(a) and .3) preclude any action. As an unagendized item, no response is required from the Board or District staff and not action can be taken; however, the Board may instruct the Superintendent to agendize the item for a future meeting.
If you would like to address the Board on any item on this agenda, please complete the green Request of Visitors form located near the entrance of the meeting room and hand it to the Communications Specialist. On the form, please list the agenda item(s) you would like to speak to. When your name is called, please come to the podium, state your name and address for the record, and limit your remarks to two minutes for individuals or five minutes for a group.
There were no comments from the public. |
Per Board Bylaw 9001, amended on February 28, 2017, Board members and the Superintendent agree to
1. Keep learning and achievement for all students as the primary focus.
2. Ask questions for our own understanding.
3. Be open and honest with each other.
4. No surprises.
5. Be aware that their our behavior in the Milpitas community reflects on us as a team.
6. Communicate proactively with each other about topics, questions, and challenges in open session and in advance of public Board meetings in compliance with the Brown Act. 7. Participate in professional development and commit the time and energy necessary to be an informed and effective leader.
Board Group Agreements are available for Board Member's ready reference. |
Superintendent Cheryl Jordan will hold special recognitions as part of this evening's report. Board members will be asked to take a photo in front of the dais following each presentation. Tonight's honorees include:
-Milpitas High School student Amanda Chen, for earning second place in the Lockheed Martin Leadership Association Speech Contest on March 20.
-Winners of the Santa Clara County Office of Education's 21st Annual Young Artists Showcase. Milpitas student winners include first graders Sydney Majaya from Sinnott Elementary for "Cocoa, My Neighbor's Dog" and Tristan Borja from Zanker Elementary for "My Art... Our Hearts"; second grader Katie Lee from Sinnott Elementary for "Deep in the Sea"; fifth grader Tanisha Varma from Sinnott Elementary for "Poppies in Wilderness"; and eighth graders Tiffany To from Rancho Milpitas Middle School for "My Life Matters Too" and Cariza Lugtu from Rancho Milpitas Middle School for "Drained Emotions."
Superintendent Cheryl Jordan introduced and congratulated Francis Rojas, currently schoolwide Vice Principal at James Logan High School in Union City, as the new Milpitas High School Principal, effective July 1, 2017.
After being recognized, Mr. Rojas he came forward to thank the Superintendent and Board Members during a brief speech. “Aside from the similarities between the demographics and size of James Logan and Milpitas high schools, it is the ‘Culture of We’ that really attracted me to seek out this principalship as the next chapter in my vocation as an educator,” Rojas said. “On the evening of Friday, March 24, I experienced first hand the ‘Culture of We’ at Milpitas High School’s Trojan Olympics. I saw school spirit, unity, cooperation, collaboration and so much more from the students, staff, and parents who were participating. I have never seen that level of engagement and positivity at a student led event in my life. And that’s coming from an activities director.”
He continued: “Moreover, in the interview process, the presence and participation of staff and parents in the stakeholder panels and their willingness to share their ideas with me about what makes them proud to be part of our learning community, our accomplishments, but also able to share their challenges and critiques of the past few years. That manifests the ‘Culture of We.’ In both celebration and challenge, we must be united.”
Afterward, the Board recognized winners of the Santa Clara County Office of Education’s 21st Annual Young Artists Showcase.
Milpitas student winners include first graders Sydney Majaya from Sinnott Elementary for "Cocoa, My Neighbor's Dog" and Tristan Borja from Zanker Elementary for "My Art... Our Hearts"; second grader Katie Lee from Sinnott Elementary for "Deep in the Sea"; fifth grader Tanisha Varma from Sinnott Elementary for "Poppies in Wilderness"; and eighth graders Tiffany To from Rancho Milpitas Middle School for "My Life Matters Too" and Cariza Lugtu from Rancho Milpitas Middle School for "Drained Emotions."
Earlier in the day, the students also joined together for the SCCOE’s Young Artists Showcase celebration where they were recognized along with arts leaders. From thousands of submissions, 30 pieces of art were selected from the elementary and middle school student artists, focusing on the theme “Heart,” demonstrating how art comes from the heart. 24 high school student works were selected from the ArtNow contest held in conjunction with the New Museum Los Gatos High School Art Competition; high school art focused on the theme “Choices.” Each of these winning works will become a part of the permanent collection housed at the SCCOE Ridder Park location.
Lastly, the Board recognized Milpitas High School student Amanda Chen for earning second place in the Lockheed Martin Leadership Association Speech Contest on March 20. Amanda was out ill, and Coach Charles Schletzbaum accepted the certificate on her behalf. |
Members of the Executive Cabinet will have recent significant information to present to the Governing Board on topics that are not on the agenda. Reports are limited to 3 minutes each.
-Business Services -Learning and Development -Human Relations
Wendy Zhang, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, said that on May 11 the governor released the revision to the state budget. The department is getting close to wrapping up the District’s budget development. She is excited to share that out during a study session at 5 p.m. on June 13.
Norma Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent of Learning & Development, highlighted the Celebration of Multilingualism, which recognized a total of 87 students who received the pathways and also will be receiving a seal of biliteracy on their certificates to 12th graders who are graduating this year. This represented 13 different languages for students who are bilingual or biliterate. She also recognized that in the same ceremony there was a 12 percent increase in the redesignation. Last year the goal was 10 percent and they planned to increase by 10 more percent. Norma recognized the teachers, parents, and Venus Cenizal, who has done outstanding work in recognizing all the talent and students.
Because it is Classified Employees Week, Superintendent Jordan invited Dr. Sheila Murphy-Brewer, Executive Director of Human Relations, and Machelle Kessinger, CSEA Chapter 281 President to talk about the upcoming Appreciating Classified Employees (ACE) Day on Friday. Before talking about ACE Day, Dr. Murphy-Brewer mentioned the upcoming Employee Recognition Ceremony, which she invited the Board to attend. In addition, she said last Friday employees received bagels with cards as another way to thank them for their service. Mrs. Kessinger thanked the District for ACE Day, which will be in its third year, where management walks a few hours in the shoes of a classified employee. Following the shadowing, at the end of the day, everyone will come together for a sharing out and taco fiesta. Board President Bobay said the event is a good way to connect with the District’s “Culture of We.” |
BACKGROUND: The 2017-2020 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)Draft has been completed with the support of the District Advisory Committee and Stakeholder engagement input. This agenda item provides an overview of the plan outline and its contents, the stakeholder engagement process and draft recommendations.
Listen to the presentation, ask questions, and provide feedback on the draft
There is no financial impact.
STAFF: Norma Rodriguez Assistant Superintendent, Learning and Development
Norma Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent of Learning & Development, presented a report about the 2017-2010 District Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Draft Review. The draft has been completed with the support of the District Advisory Committee and Stakeholder engagement input. The agenda item provided an overview of the plan outline and its contents, the stakeholder engagement process and draft recommendations.
“I want to really recognize that the development I am about to share with you has been a really, truly and I’m proud to say shared development, in that we established (based on direction from the Board) an LCAP Advisory Commitee,” she said, noting the 11 volunteers, including Student Board Representative Alan Pham, Machelle Kessinger, President of CSEA Chapter 281, and alternate Suzette Bromagem, Administrative Secretary for Student Services, in attendance that evening.
Norma mentioned that the engagement process has been integral in producing the plan, with actions linked to goals, priorities, and also budget. For example, Goal 2 speaks to the social aspect of students and the dire need to look at chronic absenteeism and establishing local indicators for parent engagement. She detailed the different goals and some of the aligned actions shared out in the report.
Trustees shared out many thoughts and questions about the draft. Trustee Norwood asked whether learning to read versus reading to learn was a part of the report and asked for more details about reading for academics versus fun would come forward in the future. Trustee Jung asked Norma to detail Goal 1, and referred to the 18 actions aligned with the goal and the data that drew up those actions. Trustee Bobay said summer slide and a focus on reading should be brought forward to the legislature in the future, along with connecting with the local library system, in order to keep students achieving at a higher rate.
Student Board Representative Alan Pham was a part of the committee, and thanked Norma for being able to share out his opinions, which he felt were really heard, along with other students and parents.
Suzette Bromagan, CSEA Chapter 281 Vice President, gave a public comment about the report. She said it is nice to see all the hard work come to fruition, and then asked about where the new data analyst position would fall in line with which department. Superintendent Jordan said it will be a classified position in Technology Services. |
LCAP Draft Local Control Accountability Plan Draft Review
BACKGROUND: In accordance with the accountability requirements of the Local School Construction Bonds Act, an independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee was appointed. The committee ensures that the bond funds are expended only for the purposes set forth in the Measure E. The committee will present an annual report to the Board as stated in their bylaws.
Accept the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Annual Report.
There is no financial impact.
Wendy Zhang Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Joe Flatley Director, Facilities and Modernization
This report was moved to the first presentation item, as requested by Wendy Zhang, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services. She said that in 2012 the Measure E bond was approved by Milpitas residents for $95 million. As part of the bond program is a bond oversight committee. According to the bylaws, a committee representative must provide an annual report to the Board. Tonight, chair Nancy Mendizabal attended to represent the committee and give the report to the Board.
Nancy said they were meeting quarterly, and are now meeting twice a year because there aren’t many projects remaining. She listed the members, even though only one was in attendance, to thank them for their time serving on the committee. They met October 19, and they meet at other sites (for example, the last meeting was at Pearl Zanker Elementary) to get a walkaround of the new things that are being worked. She said the report details the projects that have been worked through and are coming up.
Trustee Norwood asked about the process of getting members on the committee. |
CBOC Annual Report 2017
BACKGROUND: The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB 45) requires the District to perform an Actuarial Study to estimate the cost of the Post-Employment Health benefits. Due to new requirements for the GASB 45 and the time needed to gather the data, the completion of the report was delayed. Currently, the “pay-as-you-go” amount for 2016-17 is estimated at $677,150. The new actuarial accrued liability for past services is now at $18,123,252. This amount is $8,205,651 more than the 2014-15 study, which was at $9,917,595. The difference is due to new Actuarial Standards of Practice to include the value of subsidized premiums, which recognize that the true cost of health care increase with age. Although the accounting rules require us to include the value of subsidized premiums in the GASB 45 calculations, these are not cash obligations of the District. The cumulative unpaid liability was $3,802,895 at June 30, 2016, and is expected to be approximately $4,380,687 at June 30, 2017. This information is required for disclosure in the District audit report. |
Accept the Actuarial Study Report prepared by North Bay Pensions for Valuation of the District’s Retiree Health Benefit as of July 1, 2016. |
There is no financial impact.
STAFF: Wendy Zhang Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Linh Le Director, Business Services
Wendy Zhang, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, said this is not a new report but she decided to walk Trustees through it since there are three new members. She said the report is given every two years, so next time it won’t be a surprise. She introduced the item by giving a history about GASB 45, which stands for the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The purpose is for the District to recognize the liability of post-employment benefits other than the pension plan.
This actuarial study is to calculate what that liability looks like for the District. She said the most important number, on page 2, under the summary of results. The $3.8 million is the balance sheet liability as of June 30, 2016. This money represents currently we have 398 employees are eligible for the program, and in reality the District pays for 65 retirees. She added this obligation is nothing compared to STRS/PERS which is at $85 million plus. She added that GASB 75 will replace GASB 45 next year (July 1, 2018). |
2016 GASB 45 Report
Cheryl Jordan |
BACKGROUND: At the Board Meeting on February 28, 2017, Trustees directed staff to pursue a course of action that would result in a summary of facilities needs to be presented to the Board at its meeting in August or early September. Staff wishes to provide an update to the Board on that progress as follows:
Communication and Stakeholders Input Activities: - March/April 2017- MUSD collaborated with the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) to produce a Public Service Announcement regarding successful completion of Bond 2012 projects
- April 4, 2017- Superintendent Cheryl Jordan presented high school facilities needs to the Milpitas City Council based on the enrollment projections report provided by Tom Williams of Enrollment Projection Consultants
- May 3, 2017- Superintendent Jordan and Board Support and Communications Specialist, Shannon Carr, met with Charles Heath of TBWB Strategies to plan for public messaging and a timeline leading to recommendation to the Board for taking action on a decision to initiate a bond measure for 2018
- The Superintendent is currently sharing information about the need for facilities planning with community leaders informally and will present needs formally to Milpitas community groups such as Rotary, Kiwanis, and the Chamber of Commerce through June and July 2017
- Small group stakeholders’ meetings with site principals, CSEA and MTA representatives are underway and will be complete by June 2, 2017
- Staff, student, and parent surveys regarding priority needs areas such as safety, maintenance, and new facilities initiated and available through June 16, 2017. (Facilities related data from the ThoughtExchange online discussion to be included as well in the final report)
- A Town Hall Meeting for staff and the community is scheduled for June 5, 2017 from 7-8:30 p.m.
Logistical Planning:
- June 2017- The Superintendent will present to the Board a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for TBWB Strategies consulting work effective August 1, 2017 ($6,500/month)
- June 2017 - Provide Board with Bond planning study session
- Update facility plans with cost estimates by August 15, 2017
- Work with financial advisor (Blake Boehm, KNN Public Finance) to determine bond amount, financing plan, and tax rates
- Revise bond facilities webpage
Preparation Strategies for Polling and Messaging:
- Develop internal public information messages and materials for outreach to staff and parents during Back to School activities
- Superintendent and staff to conduct internal stakeholders’ presentations regarding district facility needs and plan for bond measure (such as CBAC, PTA, Employee Associations, MCEE, and Latino Parent Group - Padres Unidos de MUSD)
- Send out a community update with positive messages about MUSD and updates on facility needs and the potential bond measure
- September-October 2017 - Work with EMC Research on a polling draft
- Late October 2017 - Conduct a bond feasibility survey
- November/December 2017 - Analyze poll results and present to the Board in December
- January 2018 - Continue outreach to internal and external stakeholders regarding input on future bond measure along with update including more specific needs for facilities
- January 2018 - Work with bond counsel to draft language for potential bond resolution
- February 2018 - Board determines action on resolution to place measure on ballot (deadline is March 9, 2018 for June 2018 election)
March 2018 Campaign Begins - transition to independent advocacy campaign work
Listen to the report and ask questions.
There is no financial impact.
STAFF: Cheryl Jordan Superintendent
Superintendent Jordan presented an update about Facilities Planning across the district. The report detailed a schedule of three main areas: completed and upcoming communication and stakeholders input activities; logistical planning; and preparation strategies for polling and messaging before a potential March 2018 campaign begins for a District bond.
“One of those key pieces in messaging is we need people to understand how we’ve spent Bond 2012 funds and that we delivered on what we said we would do, and that we did it in a timely way within budget,” Jordan said.
To that end, she premiered a Public Service Announcement (PSA) focused on the successful completion of Bond 2012 projects. The PSA, featuring Jordan and Joe Flatley, Director of Facilities and Modernization, was created by the Santa Clara County Office of Education in collaboration with MUSD. This will be folded into a larger communication plan that will be rolled out to internal and external audiences.
While it is early, Superintendent Jordan said work should begin for an advocacy committee, including which Board Members would like to lead the group, which will also including keeping track of the bank account.
There will be a Town Hall meeting for input on future facilities needs from 7-8:30 p.m. Monday, June 5 at the Community College Extension on Escuela Parkway. All are invited to attend.
Trustee Norwood suggested posting the report of completed bond work on the District website, front and center. He also shared the need for a video which could give a virtual tour to those who would like to see the work done, but can’t attend physical tours, which he suggested also be planned for the future. Trustee Jung asked when the advocacy group needed to be in place, and Superintendent Jordan suggested January to March, at the latest. She also asked that Trustees tap into their spheres of influence early, including local government and business leaders, and continue networking to work toward the shared vision. |
Presentation - Future Facilities Measure Update
Motion:_____ Second:_____ Action:_____ |
BACKGROUND: In 2013, Milpitas Unified School District and the San Jose Evergreen Community College (SJECC) signed a ground lease and joint use agreement for a Joint 21st Century Post-Secondary Education Center at Russell Middle School. This center would be an extension campus for SJECC and during the day host classes for MUSD high school students. The 1st amendment reduced the size of the leased property from four acres to three acres. This 2nd amendment is to clarify the operation process between the two agencies. Each agency will participate in the three committees: - Educational Program Committee: provide educational program recommendations
- Operations Committee: administer the day-to-day operations
- Joint Use Committee: executive committee that will receive reports from the Educational Program & Operations Committees and to provide information to the governing bodies of both parties
In addition, this amendment clarifies:
- Furniture, fixture, equipment ownership
- Process of use of facilities by third parties
- Maintenance and repair responsibilities
- Operating expense definition
Approve the 2nd amendment to the ground lease and joint use agreement with San Jose Evergreen Community College. |
Approve the 2nd amendment to the ground lease and joint use agreement with San Jose Evergreen Community College. Passed with a motion by Robert Jung and a second by Amin Fazal. |
Yes Dan Bobay. Yes Amin Fazal. Yes Robert Jung. Yes Hon Lien. Yes Chris Norwood.
There is no financial impact.
STAFF: Wendy Zhang Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Staff: Wendy Zhang, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Staff: Wendy Zhang, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services |
Wendy Zhang, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, explained that this is a collaborative process with both organizations. As background, she said that in 2013, the District and SJECC signed a ground lease and joint use agreement for a Joint 21st Century Post-Secondary Education Center at Russell Middle School. The ground lease is really vague, so since the facility is ready to operate, both organizations pulled together to see how it could be worked out. While there is the ground lease, there are also day-to-day operations that need to be implemented. So this second amendment details those changes, with some of the main components being they decided to set up three tiers of committee: joint use committee, which will make the decisions and interpret the ground lease; operations committee, which handles day-to-day operations; and the educational program committee. These two committees will report to the joint use committee. Wendy said that with these layers of structure set up, they don’t constantly have to go to both boards to amend the contract.
Other changes detail furniture, fixture, and equipment, with MUSD originally having to pay 40 percent of the cost. Now the District will pay all the original startup costs, and costs will be shared with repairs. The other changes define the items and ask the operations committee to work it out on a day-to-day basis. If the amendment is approved, Wendy said they will start to establish how many members will make up the committees moving forward. |
Amendment #2 SJECC MUSD
Cheryl Jordan, Superintendent |
Motion:_____ Second:_____ Action:_____ |
BACKGROUND: The Milpitas Unified School District and San Jose Evergreen Community College District have entered into a partnership resulting in a community college extension that will serve both the students of Milpitas Unified and our great Milpitas community. A key point in this partnership is the opportunity for MUSD high school students to take college level and career technical courses concurrently as they pursue a high school diploma from Milpitas High School or Calaveras Hills High School. The students participating in the concurrent enrollment, also known as "dual enrollment", will be afforded credits in both institutions that can be applied towards high school graduation requirements and towards college advancement, as well as career advancement through professional certifications. Attached is an agreement that specifies the logistics in providing this opportunity to our students. Because Ed Code provides that high school students have free access to education and resources, any textbook costs would be borne by MUSD. However, SJEVCCD is dedicated to using open source materials in an effort to minimize textbook expenses.
Approve the College and Career Access Pathways Partnership Agreement - A Dual Enrollment Partnership 2017-18
Approve the College and Career Access Pathways Partnership Agreement - A Dual Enrollment Partnership 2017-18 Passed with a motion by Amin Fazal and a second by Robert Jung. |
Yes Dan Bobay. Yes Amin Fazal. Yes Robert Jung. Yes Hon Lien. Yes Chris Norwood.
Depends on cost of textbooks STAFF Cheryl Jordan Superintendent
Superintendent Jordan said this is in relation to the joint use agreement that Wendy just presented, specifically about programming. It specifies how the personnel who are employed to teach the classes that will be offered for dual enrollment at the college receives their evaluation. But then Ed Code specifies that high school have a free education and need to be afforded free textbooks, which is the District’s responsibility. So what SJCC is trying to do is use open source text because it will help to decrease costs.
Currently, the classes offered this spring were at 3:30 in Fall they will also be at 3:30 and potentially during the school day. So the end of the MOU has addendum pages that are used to fill in what happens during the school day in terms of who is teaching it, with how many classes, etc.
Not related to enrollment, Superintendent Jordan said SJCC would like to create a summer bridge program in partnership with Beth Harke, a counselor at MHS, to help students get in the mindset of owning their academics to prepare them for their future. |
Dual Enrollment MOU MUSD and SJEVCCD
Consent items are considered routine and will be acted upon by the Board in one motion. There is no discussion on these items prior to the motion unless members of the Board, staff, or public request that specific items be tabled, or removed for discussion or correction.
Motion:______ Second:_____ Action:_____
Approve all Consent Items, with the exception of 16B, 16F, and 16G. Passed with a motion by Chris Norwood and a second by Robert Jung. |
Yes Dan Bobay. Yes Amin Fazal. Yes Robert Jung. Yes Hon Lien. Yes Chris Norwood.
Approve the Purchase Order Report of May 23, 2017 Passed with a motion by Hon Lien and a second by Robert Jung. |
Yes Dan Bobay. Yes Amin Fazal. Yes Robert Jung. Yes Hon Lien. Yes Chris Norwood.
Trustee Lien questioned an invoice for Buckeye. Wendy said this vendor is for summer cleaning supplies since MOT staff does a deep clean of all classrooms.
She also questioned an invoice for Milpitas Cab. Norma said that open PO is to pay for a special ed cab to transport students for many different reasons. Suzette Bromagen from Student Services spoke about the service. The department keeps a log due to a responsibility to transport students. Some students go to a nonpublic school, and are enrolled there because we can’t serve those students. Some of the students in cab services are at nonpublic schools, attend schools in Milpitas schools but have behavioral or physical limitations. So this is to finish paying through June 30 to the cab company. Trustee Norwood asked how we go through the selection process for outside companies. Suzette said this is decided through a student’s IEP, where the discussion comes up.
Trustee Jung questioned an invoice for the YMCA. Norma said this is a grant, which we received from the state to run the program, which is contracted through the YMCA. She said the grant covers the whole cost. |
5.23.17 Purchase Order Report
BACKGROUND: On behalf of the District, Blach Construction advertised bid package #3, underground utilities at the new elementary school. But no bids were received. Blach then negotiated with the company that had shown the most interest in the project, MK Pipelines, Inc. They agreed to contract with the District for the amount of $1,111,670. A portion of this work occurs in joint-use areas that the City has agreed to reimburse the District. The value of this joint-use related work equals approximately $437,500. The District’s target budget for the entire bid package was $610,900. If the City reimburses the District for the full $437,500, then the net cost to the District for this work will be $674,170. Attached is the negotiated bid form from MK Pipelines for your review.
Approve MK Pipelines, Inc. for underground utilities bid package #3 at the new elementary school.
$1,111,670 from Bond 211
STAFF:Wendy Zhang Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Joe Flatley Director, Facilities and Modernization
MK Pipelines, Inc. Bid Forms, Bid Pkg #3 New Elementary
BACKGROUND: During installation of the fire hydrant at Rose Elementary School, the City of Milpitas requested a new type of connection detail to be used on their water main on Temple Drive, delaying the work on this project. The contractor performing the work, Ciari Plumbing and Heating, did not feel qualified to make the type of new connection required by the City; the requested connection would require shutting off the water to the entire street. Ciari reached out to underground utility contractors for help with the connection. MK Pipelines is available to perform this work for the District at a reasonable cost. The attached proposal from MK Pipelines, Inc. reflects the work the City is requesting. According to the District's construction manager, the proposed work is reasonably priced. Ciari is offering a credit of $13,087 for their uncompleted work. The City has offered to pay for increased costs related to the new connection. Staff will be meeting with City staff in the near future to review these construction costs. The District will request compensation of $39,837, the difference between MK Pipelines proposal and Ciari’s credit. |
Approve MK Pipelines’ proposal for fire hydrant-related work on Temple Drive.
$52,924 from Bond Fund 211
STAFF:Wendy Zhang Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Joe Flatley Director, Facilities and Modernization |
Ciari Plumbing and Heating Credit MK Pipeline Rose Proposal MK Pipelines Cost Breakdown
BACKGROUND: Annually, the academies at Milpitas High School must notify the California Department of Education of their intent to apply for continued funding for their academy programs. At this time they also provide their budget for how the funds will be spent.
Approve the continued funding from the Californian Department of Education for the MHS California Partnership Academies by accepting the Letters of Intent for 2017-18.
Positive grant funding: $75,000 Digital Business Academy $75,000 Engineering & Technology Academy $75,000 Travel & Tourism Academy
STAFF: Norma Rodriguez Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development Phil Morales Principal, Milpitas High School Andrea Hutchison California Partnership Academies Lead
Funding for MHS Engineering & Technology Academy 2017-18 Funding for MHS Travel & Tourism Academy 2017-18 Funding for MHS Digital Business Academy 2017-18
BACKGROUND: Milpitas Unified School District first entered into a partnership with Summit Public Schools during the 2015-2016 school year. Attached is the 2017-18 Summit Learning Program Participation Agreement between MUSD and Summit Public Schools. The attached agreement outlines opportunity of partnership, roles and responsibilities, and changes to the platform among other standard agreements. The schools in partnership are Weller Elementary, Pomeroy Elementary, Rose Elementary, and Russell Middle School. |
Approve the 2017-2018 Summit Learning Program Participation Agreement between Milpitas Unified School District and Summit Public Schools.
Approve the 2017-2018 Summit Learning Program Participation Agreement between Milpitas Unified School District and Summit Public Schools.
Passed with a motion by Robert Jung and a second by Amin Fazal. |
Yes Dan Bobay. Yes Amin Fazal. Yes Robert Jung. Yes Hon Lien. Yes Chris Norwood.
There is no financial impact.
STAFF: Norma Rodriguez Assistant Superintendent, Learning & Development Gregory Barnes Director of Secondary Education, Learning & Development
Trustee Jung asked for details about whether there was interest from MHS teachers to consider Summit. Norma said there were a lot of efforts in trying to entice and include Milpitas to participate in Summit. Early in the fall, a team visited some of the Summit schools. At that time, there was no interest. Also, in March, Amanda Gross was invited to a Summit conference. There were lots of discussions, and Amanda and Greg Barnes were tasked with continuing the conversations about exploring possibilities. At that time, it was reported that only one teacher was interested and went to Russell for observation. Afterward, they decided if there wasn’t a strain, it wasn’t necessary. Norma said there is a renewed commitment to continue this conversation. Superintendent Jordan said there is interest at Cal Hills from one math and one science teacher.
Trustee Norwood said he would like to learn more about this platform from the high school perspective for the future, and requested to meet with Norma. Norma said because they are welcoming a new principal, there are plans, and he will be tied into the conversation. |
Rancho Milpitas Middle School - 10 students and two adults from Rancho Milpitas Middle School will visit Greece, Italy, and Spain June 14-June 28 through EF Educational Tours. The group will take planes, trains, and boats to arrive at their various destinations. Pomeroy Elementary School - 115 students, four teachers, and 16 counselors from Pomeroy Elementary School will attend Semperviren's Outdoor School in Boulder Creek, California October 23-27, 2017. The group will take a chartered bus from East Side Union High School District.
Approve the following field trip requests Passed with a motion by Dan Bobay and a second by Hon Lien. |
Yes Dan Bobay. Yes Amin Fazal. Yes Robert Jung. Yes Hon Lien. Yes Chris Norwood.
Board President Bobay pulled this item to highlight the awesome opportunity for the Rancho Middle School students who are going to Greece, Italy, and Spain.
Trustee Jung said it is an awesome experience. His daughter did this when she was at Rancho, and gave kudos to Mr. Coulson, who runs the program. He added a donor supported this trip, with a donation of almost $9,000 to support this trip through the Milpitas Community Educational Endowment. |
5.23.17 Field Trips
This part of the agenda provides School Board members the opportunity to report on their activities as elected representatives. School Board members may request the placement of items in future Board agenda, relay information from the community, or request information from staff. The student Board representative reports on school and student activities.
Alan Pham, Student Board Representative, said all the clubs have been selected for next year at Milpitas High School, the end-of-year dance was last week with a better turnout than last year, senior awards night was last Wednesday, leadership awards was yesterday, and music awards is tomorrow. He said the senior citizens prom is also this Thursday and upcoming graduation. He thanked the Board and all those at the dais for his support and guidance during his last official meeting, and during his time on the Board. He also remembered late Vice President Danny Lau and former Board Members Gunawan Alisantosa and Bob Nunez. He recalled Mr. Lau as someone who cared and led with a big heart throughout his time working with Alan.
Trustee Fazal attended local PTA meetings for the unit in addition to the Sixth District PTA meeting. He also attended senior awards night at MHS, crediting event organizer Marissa Canez for her first time putting on the amazing event, and the jazz band event on Sunday.
Trustee Jung attended several elementary school concerts and the high school band concert, as well as the jazz band on Sunday at the International BBQ. He also attended the Asian Pacific Heritage Month, Celebration of Multilingualism, Senior Awards Night, Sinnott’s Tiny Home ribbon cutting, open houses at Randall and Sinnott, and attended the Taiwanese festival of dance and the UOP graduation.
Trustee Lien attended the elementary music concert, town hall meeting, API heritage leadership awards, Senior Awards Night, which she said made her proud to see such promising youth moving forward, the ribbon cutting for the Tiny Home at Sinnott, and the Taiwanese festival, saying the dancing was wonderful. She also graduated from Masters in Governance courses.
Trustee Norwood attended the celebration of multilingualism, Silicon Valley Community Foundation as they look at the after-school space, and also graduated from the Masters in Governance program.
Board President Bobay attended the MetroED meeting, where they looked at many items including SVCTE enrollment numbers. He also attended many open houses, the Curtner Barn Dance on Saturday, Celebration of Multilingualism, Taiwanese dance festival, judged student presentations at Pomeroy, and the art commission meeting yesterday. |
June 13, 2017 - Closed Session: 6 p.m. Open Session: 7 p.m. Regular Board Meeting - Milpitas High School theater, 1285 Escuela Parkway June 27, 2017 - Closed Session: 6 p.m. Open Session: 7 p.m. Regular Board Meeting - 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., Board Room, Bldg. 500 August 22, 2017 - Closed Session: 6 p.m. Open Session: 7 p.m. Regular Board Meeting - 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., Board Room, Bldg. 500 September 12, 2017 - Closed Session: 6 p.m. Open Session: 7 p.m.
Regular Board Meeting - 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., Board Room, Bldg. 500
Superintendent Jordan reminded the Board that MHS Varsity Baseball Coach, Jesus "Chuy" Zamudio has been selected as this year's CCS Honor Coach in Baseball. Chuy will receive his award at the CCS Baseball Championships on Saturday, May 27, 2017 at San Jose Municipal Stadium. She also reminded attendees of the upcoming Employee Recognition Celebration tomorrow and Josephine Guerrero Family Resource Center Open House tomorrow evening as well.
Trustee Lien thanked staff, Superintendent Jordan, and the community for those who were able to attend the Rotary fundraising dinner on May 13.
Board President Bobay closed the meeting with a moment of silence in respect for those who lost their lives and were injured in the Monday night bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, which killed at least 22 people. |
The Board Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. |
Individuals who require special accommodation should contact the Superintendent’s Office at (408) 635-2600 ext 6013 at least two business days before the meeting date.
All disclosable public records related to an agenda item for discussion in open session of a regular meeting of the Board of Education and distributed to all or majority of the Board members less than 72 hours prior to that meeting, shall be made available for public inspection at the same time the writing is distributed to all or majority of the Board members. Any such writings will be made available for public inspection during business hours in the Superintendent’s Office Bldg. 100, 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Barring technical difficulties, such writings will also be posted on the District’s web site at |
| |
Present | Dan Bobay |
Present | Amin Fazal |
Present | Robert Jung |
Present | Hon Lien |
Present | Chris Norwood |