
Regular Meeting
Berkeley USD
January 22, 2020 7:30PM
1231 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94702

1. Call to Order - 5:45 PM
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Presiding Officer will call the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. before the Board Recesses to Closed Session.  The Regular Meeting will convene by 7:30 p.m. 

2. Closed Session Public Testimony
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Persons wishing to address the Board should fill out a green speaker card.  Cards turned in by 5:30 p.m. will be given priority. Speakers will be randomly selected based on topic and position, with BUSD students generally given priority. Public Testimony is limited to 15 minutes with a 3-minute limit per speaker per topic although the time allotted per speaker may be reduced to 2 minutes at the discretion of the President. 

3. Closed Session
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board may recess into Closed Session before or after the public meeting under the authority of the Brown Act (including but not limited to Government Code section 54954.5, 54956.8, 54956.9, 54957, 54957.6, as well as Education Code section 35146).  Under Government Code section 54954.3, members of the public may address the board on an item on the Closed Session agenda, before Closed Session.

3.1. Collective Bargaining Government Code Section 54957.6(a) (District Negotiator:Roy Combs)
3.1.1. Berkeley Council of Classified Employees (BCCE)Confidential agenda item.
3.2. Conference with Legal Counsel—Anticipated Litigation (Gov. Code Section 54956.9(b)) – Four (4) Potential CaseConfidential agenda item.
3.2.1. 201920-02 Confidential agenda item.
3.2.2. 201920-03Confidential agenda item.
3.2.3. 201920-04Confidential agenda item.
3.2.4. 201920-05Confidential agenda item.
4. Call to Order - 7:30 PM
5. Approve Regular Meeting Agenda of January 22, 2020
6. Snapshot of Our Schools - Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School


TO: Dr. Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent

FROM:             Baje Thiara, Associate Superintendent 

PRESENTERS: Elizabeth Cornwell Vice Principal

Amy Talley, Teacher

Jillian Ross Student, Marley Pierce, Student

DATE: January 22, 2020

SUBJECT: King Middle School in the Spotlight


In this presentation King staff members and students will highlight several components of our middle school computer science program.  We are fortunate enough to have a full time computer science teacher and she will highlight the many exciting opportunities available for students in STEM.  We believe that the opportunity gap is defined by a line between producers and consumers. Students who can learn to code, create apps, make videos, design and build, and apply other skills of maker education will be better equipped for careers than those who solely consume. We want all students to have the opportunity to become producers whether in design thinking, computer coding, robotics or any other relevant field through a robust maker program.  This presentation will give you a small sampling of what is possible with a visionary teacher and a well supported program.

Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School Presentation
7. Report on Closed Session
8. Open Session Public Testimony (1st Opportunity)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Persons wishing to address the Board should fill out a green speaker card.  Cards turned in by 7:15 p.m. will be given priority.        

Speakers will be randomly selected based on topic and position, with BUSD students generally given priority.  Public Testimony is limited to 30 minutes with a 3-minute limit per speaker per topic although the time allotted per speaker may be reduced to 2 minutes at the discretion of the President. 

9. Union Comments
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Representatives from each union are given the opportunity to address the Board on any issue, 5 minutes per union. (Order rotates).
10. Committee Comments
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Representatives from District committees that include members of the public are given the opportunity to address the Board on any issue.  5 minutes per committee.
11. Board Member and Superintendent Comments
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Board members and the Superintendent are given the opportunity to address any issue.  

12. Consent Calendar - approval requested
12.1. Approval of Resolution 20-023 Fund Education Now WeekWas edited within 72 hours of the Meeting


TO: BUSD Board of Education

FROM: Brent Stephens, Superintendent

DATE: January 22, 2020

SUBJECT: Approval of a Resolution in Support of Fund Education Now Week



The state of California spends nowhere near the national average on per-pupil funding when adjusted for cost of living, with 36 of the 50 states, from Vermont to Alabama, spending more per student than California. For Berkeley educators and staff members, the cost of living, and in particular the cost of housing, creates additional pressures. The Berkeley Unified School District Board of Education resolves that having a week dedicated to raising education funding awareness in the East Bay community and advocating for increased funding for education is in the best interest of students. The resolution declares that February 3-7, 2020 will be “Fund Education Now” Week.

Fund Education Now Week Resolution 20-023
12.2. Approval of Human Resources Reports


TO:       Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent
FROM:     Samantha Tobias-Espinosa, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
DATE:       January 22, 2020
SUBJECT:    Approval of Human Resources Reports

On a regular basis, staff presents Human Resources Reports listing employment actions for the Board to approve officially. Please refer to attached reports for details.

Classified Personnel Report 01.22.20
12.3. Approval of MOU between BUSD and Universities


TO:          Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent
FROM:     Samantha Tobias-Espinosa, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
DATE:       January 22, 2020
SUBJECT:      Approval of MOU between BUSD and Universities 

BUSD has entered into agreements with the following universities to provide intern classes, supervision and other services and benefits for Special Education intern teachers.

Staff recommends that the Berkeley Unified Board of Education ratify the memorandums of understanding (MOU) between the District and the following universities:

  • San Francisco State University (SFSU)

SFSU MOU for SPED Interns
12.4. Approval of Resolution 20-031 Adopting Updated Prequalification Process for Prime Contractors and Subcontractors - Questionnaire and Scoring Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting


TO:                   Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent

FROM:             John Calise, Executive Director of Facilities

DATE:              January 22, 2020

SUBJECT:       Approval of Resolution 20-031 Adopting Updated Prequalification Process for Prime Contractors and Subcontractors - Questionnaire and Scoring    



On November 20, 2019, the Board approved a contract with Colbi Technologies to provide prequalification services to the Berkeley Unified School District.

To conduct pre-qualification of contractors, California requires the district school board to adopt a uniform rating system.  The application produces a score that can be used, along with financial statements, reference checks, and added district requirements, to aid and facilitate whatever uniform rating system the school board adopts.

The proposed application is a five-step questionnaire:

  1. Contractor information, certifications and qualifications
  2. General requirements (answers are scored)
  3. History and performance (answers are scored)
  4. Recently completed projects and references
  5. Additional District requirements and certification/declaration that the responses are true and correct






Approve Resolution 20-031 to Adopt Updated Prequalification Process for Prime Contractors

and Subcontractors - Questionnaire and Scoring    

Exhibit A QB Questionnaire
Exhibit B QB Scoring
Resolution 20-031
12.5. Approval of Out of State Travel Request


TO:              Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent
FROM:        John Calise, Executive Director of Facilities
DATE:         January 22, 2020

SUBJECT:   Approval of Out of State Travel Request

The following out of state travel is being requested:

Annual Green Schools Conference and Expo and School District Sustainability Leaders’ Summit, March 2-5, 2020
Approval for Facilities Maintenance Manager, Stephen Collins, and Facilities Operations Manager Raymond Young to travel to Portland, OR, to attend the annual Green Schools Conference and Expo, immediately followed by the annual School District Sustainability Leaders’ Summit. Both events are presented by the Center for Green Schools and offer some of the greatest opportunities for school sustainability leaders in the United States to learn, collaborate and network.

Education Code 35330
Board Policy 6153

All costs are contained within the Measure H Budget

Approve the out of state travel consistent with the District Policies and instructional programs.

12.6. Approval of Members for the Construction Bond Oversight Committee


TO:              Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent

FROM:        John Calise, Executive Director of Facilities        

DATE:         January 22, 2020

SUBJECT:  Approval of Members for the Construction Bond Oversight Committee


On November 2, 2010, the Berkeley Unified School District passed Measure I, a school bond that is governed by Proposition 39. One of the requirements of Proposition 39 is that the Board of Education must appoint a Citizens’ Oversight Committee within 60 days of posting election results in its meeting minutes.

The Board of Education has approved a set of Bylaws that guide the operations of the Citizens’ Construction Oversight Committee also known as the Construction Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC).  The composition of the committee is outlined in the Bylaws. Currently, there are two recent vacancies. Staff is recruiting and will bring recommendations to fill these seats as quickly as possible.

Our previous CBOC was appointed September 17, 2017. We are recommending the renewal of four new members in the following categories: 



Appointment or Renewal

Wade Skeels

Active Member in a Bona Fide Taxpayer’s

May 8, 2019

Sheryl Drinkwater

Parent of Child enrolled in the District

Renewal of Two year term




Business organization representing the business community within the District

Carla Schneiderman

Senior Citizen’s Organization

Renewal of Two year term

Alejandro Pimentel


Renewal of Two year term

Jane Logan

Parent of child and an Active Member in a Parent- Teacher Organization

Renewal of Two year term


Renew Board appointments to the Citizens’ Construction Oversight Committee. 


12.7. Approval of Alternate #1 to the Contract with On Point Construction for the Rosa Parks Roof Project and Approval of Resolution Number 20-032Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting



TO:                  Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent
FROM:            John Calise, Executive Director of Facilities    
DATE:            January 22, 2020
SUBJECT:     Approval of Alternate #1 to the Contract with On Point Construction for the Rosa Parks Roof Project and Approval of Resolution Number 20-032

The Rosa Parks Roof Project scope is to replace the roof and structural members supporting the roof at the multi-purpose room.  Due to the risk of inclement weather during the winter months, Alternate #1 was included as an add/alternate price in the original project bid documents to erect and maintain protection for the building during construction.  This project has undergone a competitive bidding process.  The project was publicly advertised two times before the bid opening as required per Public Contract Code and Alternate #1 was included as a separate line item in all Bids. 

Four bids were received.  The lowest responsible bidder with the inclusion of Alternate #1 is On Point Construction.

Approve Alternate #1 to the contract with On Point Construction as a general contractor for the Rosa Parks Roof Project and approve resolution number 20-032.

Cost award by this action: $60,000.  All costs are contained within the Project Budget to be paid from Measure I bond funds.

Resolution 20-032
12.8. Approval of Overnight and Out-of State Field Trip Requests



TO:               Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent
FROM:         Bajé Thiara, Associate Superintendent, Ed. Services
DATE:          January 22, 2020
SUBJECT:   Approval of Overnight and Out-of-State Field Trip Requests

The following overnight and out-of-state field trips are being requested:

CIF/NIAA School Cheer Nationals, Las Vegas, NV, Feb. 20-24, 2020
Approve participation of 10 students from the BHS Cheer team, one staff member/cheer coach and 13 other adults on a four-day, three-night field trip to the CIF/NIAA School Cheer Nationals Competition.  The group will meet at Oakland airport at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, February 21st, and return at 7:45 p.m. on Monday, February 24, 2020. During the tournament cheer teams from multiple divisions will compete twice daily over the course of two days. A full competition schedule will become available 1-2 weeks prior to the competition. The team, coach and parents will travel via Southwest Airlines. The group will stay in gender-specific, supervised hotel rooms.  The $400.00 per student cost is being paid by the Berkeley Athletic Fund and parent donations.  No student will be denied access based on inability to pay. Requested by Erin Schweng, BHS Principal. (Coach: Tiffany Sutherland)

Camp Arroyo (YMCA), Livermore, CA, March 16-18, 2020
Approve participation of 105 fifth-grade students, four teachers, and 14 other adults from Malcolm X Elementary School, on a three-day, two-night field trip to Camp Arroyo in Livermore, CA. The group will depart from Malcolm X on Monday, March 16th at 10:00 a.m. and return Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Through a series of hands-on activities, students will increase their understanding of and respect for ecology and the environment. Activities will support the Life and Physical Science curriculum. Students will sleep in gender specific cabins. BUSD will provide transportation.  The total cost of $22,700.00 is being paid by fundraising, grants, PTA and parent donations. No student will be denied access based on inability to pay. Requested by: Alex Hunt, Malcolm X Principal. (Teachers: T. Easley-Fouche, R. Frederick, D. Gilman and L. Mc Daniels)

NSBE 46th Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX, March 25-29, 2020
Approve participation of 6 students from NSBE Jr. STEM chapter at Berkeley High, one staff member and 1other adult on a five-day, four-night field trip to the 46th Annual National Society of Black Engineers Convention in San Antonio, TX. The group will meet at the Oakland airport at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25th, and return at 9:50 a.m. on Sunday, March 29, 2020. The Annual Convention showcases black students and professionals who have a passion for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), who are high achievers in these fields and who are channeling their dedication to advance their communities and society at large. #NSBE46 will attract more than 14,000 aspiring and practicing engineers, educators and representatives of more than 250 academic institutions, government agencies, corporations and nonprofit organizations. The convention will feature high-profile speakers, panel discussions, dynamic workshops, networking sessions, community engagement events, technical and scientific competitions, hands-on engineering and science activities and the premier career fair geared toward African Americans in STEM. The group will stay in gender-specific, supervised hotel rooms. The $775.00 per student cost is being paid by fundraising and donations.  No student will be denied access based on inability to pay. Requested by Erin Schweng, BHS Principal. (Teacher: Dwayne Byndloss)

Exploring New Horizons, Loma Mar, CA, April 20-24, 2020
Approve participation of 70 fifth-grade students and three teachers from Thousand Oaks Elementary School, on a five-day, four-night field trip to Exploring New Horizons Camp in Loma Mar, CA. The group will depart Thousand Oaks on Monday, April 20th at 8:30 a.m. and return Friday, April 24, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. Loma Mar exposes children to a wide variety of eco-systems. Highly trained naturalists introduce students to the wonders and mysteries of the Coastal Redwoods, rich coastal oak and madrone groves, lush marshes and meadows, tide pools, organic gardening and the excitement of meeting goats and chickens for the first time. Learning social skills while hiking, working in the garden, dancing at the Barnyard Boogie, singing campfire songs, and making music together brings the magic of childhood alive while instilling a lifelong love of nature. Students will sleep in gender specific cabins. BUSD will provide transportation.  The total cost of $26,000.00 is being paid by fundraising, BPSF grant, and parent donations. No student will be denied access based on inability to pay. Requested by: Jacqueline Parker, Thousand Oaks Principal. (Teachers: B. Garrison, M. Abramson-Ward, and J. Wendel)

Exploring New Horizons, Loma Mar, CA, April 20-24, 2020
Approve participation of 64 fifth-grade students, three teachers and one other adult from Berkeley Arts Magnet (BAM) Elementary School, on a five-day, four-night field trip to Exploring New Horizons Camp in Loma Mar, CA. The group will depart BAM on Monday, April 20th at 9:30 a.m. and return Friday, April 24, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. Loma Mar exposes children to a wide variety of eco-systems. Highly trained naturalists introduce students to the wonders and mysteries of the Coastal Redwoods, rich coastal oak and madrone groves, lush marshes and meadows, tide pools, organic gardening and the excitement of meeting goats and chickens for the first time. Learning social skills while hiking, working in the garden, dancing at the Barnyard Boogie, singing campfire songs, and making music together brings the magic of childhood alive while instilling a lifelong love of nature. Students will sleep in gender specific cabins. BUSD will provide transportation.  The total cost of $22,208.00 is being paid by fundraising, BPSF grant, and parent donations. No student will be denied access based on inability to pay. Requested by: Rene Molina, Berkeley Arts Magnet Principal. (Teachers: M. Caporal, N. Stephens, and A. Weis)

II. F. – Extended Learning Opportunities:  Provide students with academic enrichment and supervised activities that complement the classroom curriculum beyond the traditional school day.

Education Code 35330
Board Policy 6153

As indicated above.

Approve the out of state travel and overnight field trips consistent with the District Policies and instructional programs.

12.9. Approval of Contracts/Purchase Orders for Services Contracts


TO:          Brent Stephens, Ed. D., Superintendent

FROM:        Pauline Follansbee, Asst. Superintendent of Business Services

DATE:        January 22, 2020

SUBJECT: Approval of Contracts/Purchase Orders for Services Contracts



The District contracts with consultants or independent contractors who can provide valuable and necessary specialized services not normally required on a continuing basis. The following contract services are requested. Expenditures are within budget.

  1. Michael’s Transportation to provide temporary driver staffing services to the Transportation Department for the 2019/20SY. The cost will not exceed $40,000. To be paid from General Fund. Requested by Sheila Collier.
  2. Ratification of services to Arc Document Solutions, LLC. to provide reprographic services for the Facilities Department for Measure AA and Measure I bond programs. The cost will not exceed $75,000. To be paid from Measure I. Requested by John Calise.
  3. Increase to PO 200191 for Johnson Controls, to provide fire alarm services for the Maintenance Department for the 2019/20SY. The Board originally approved $10,000 on 6/12/19. The additional amount needed is $50,000 for a total amount of $60,000. To be paid from Measure H. Requested by Steve Collins.  
  4. Increase to PO 200044 for Anderson Carpet, to provide flooring services for the Maintenance Department for the 2019/20SY.The Board originally approved $30,000 on 6/12/19. The additional amount needed is $20,000 for a total amount of $50,000. To be paid from Measure H. Requested by Steve Collins.
  5. Increase to PO 200168 for Roto Rooter, to provide plumbing services for the Maintenance Department for the 2019/20SY.The Board originally approved $20,000 on 6/12/19. The additional amount needed is $20,000 for a total amount of $40,000. To be paid from Measure H. Requested by Steve Collins.
  6. Increase to contract for Terracon, to provide environmental testing and air sampling for the Berkeley High School Theater Project. The Board originally approved $33,500 on 11/20/19. The additional amount needed is $16,500 for a total amount of $50,000. To be paid from Measure I. Requested by John Calise.
  7. Increase to PO 200587 for Child Therapy Institute of Marin, to provide mental health services at Berkeley Arts Magnet. The Board originally approved $17,000 on 8/21/19. The additional amount needed is $10,000 for a total amount of $27,000. To be paid from BSEP Funds. Requested by Natasha Beery.  


Public Contract Code: 20111

Board Policy 3310



Approve the contracts with Consultants or Independent Contractors as submitted.

12.10. Approval of Acceptance of Gifts/Donations


TO:               Brent Stephens, Ed.D, Superintendent
FROM:         Pauline Follansbee, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services
DATE:          January 22, 2020
SUBJECT:   Acceptance of Gifts/Donations

The Board may accept and utilize on behalf of the District gifts of money or property for a purpose deemed to be suited by the Board. The following donations have been presented to the District:

  1. Lifetouch donated $1,096.96 to Thousand Oaks School Principals Discretionary Fund.
  2. YourCause donated $220. to Thousand Oaks School Principals Discretionary Fund.
  3. Dorian donated $552.53 to Malcolm X School Principals Discretionary Fund.
  4. Berkeley Public Schools Fund donated $114.17 to for music teacher Shannon Houston for private music lessons.
  5. Berkeley Public Schools Fund donated $959.05 to Berkeley Certified Educator Cohort PD, Schools Fund 19-20 Strategic Impact Grant 18-735.
  6. Berkeley Public Schools Fund donated $800. to pay for hourly afterschool meetings for the Universal 9th Grade Teachers.
  7. Berkeley Public Schools Fund donated $907.52 to pay for Silicon Valley Math Initiative Professional Development Meetings, Schools Fund 19-20 Strategic Impact Grant 1-760.

Accept the donations to the District and request staff to extend letters of appreciation. 

BP 3290

The District received a total of $4,650.23 in donations

12.11. Approve Listing of Warrants issued in December 2019


TO:              Dr. Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent

FROM:        Pauline E. Follansbee, Assistant Superintendent Business Services 

DATE:        January 22, 2020

SUBJECT: Approve Listing of Warrants issued in December


Each month the District writes several checks to vendors for services provided and goods received.  The checks are written against both the Restricted and Unrestricted General Fund.  The summaries of warrants for the month of December is attached for the Board’s review.



Educational Code Section 41010 et seq.


Approve the monthly bill warrant list for the month of December 2019.


$6,619,925.49 for the month of December 2019 from various funds.  

12.12. Approve Listing of Payroll Warrants issued in December 2019


TO:              Dr. Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent

FROM:        Pauline E. Follansbee, Assistant Superintendent Business Services

DATE:   January 22, 2020

SUBJECT: Approve Listing of Payroll Warrants issued in December


Each month the District writes several checks to vendors for services provided and goods received.  The checks are written against both the Restricted and Unrestricted General Fund.  The summaries of warrants for the month of December is attached for the Board’s review.



Educational Code Section 41010 et seq.


Approve the monthly bill warrant list for the month of December 2019.


$6,619,925.49 for the month of December 2019 from various funds.  

12.13. Request for Course Approval - World Mythologies (This item will be postponed for an upcoming meeting) Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting


TO:     Dr. Brent Stephens, Superintendent

FROM:       Baje Thiara, Associate Superintendent

Juan Raygoza, Vice-Principal BHS

DATE: January 22, 2020

SUBJECT: New Course: World Mythologies



 Berkeley High School is requesting Board approval for a year-long course titled World Mythologies. This course will be submitted to UCOP as a English (b) credit course offering in February 2020 for all Academic Choice (AC) juniors and seniors.

The purpose of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to approach academic English from a global perspective. Using AC’s world history and the Universal 9th Grade’s ethnic studies courses as roots of their understanding of other cultures, juniors and seniors both can develop college level literature skills while learning more about the cultures that make up the world we live in today and how ancient myth persists in our modern, globalized world.

Using various theoretical lenses (psychological, feminist, colonialist, formalist - to name a few) students will examine mythological literature from various cultures and time periods as they work through the cycle of the hero/heroine. Students will connect motifs from myth to their modern day context in art, film, literature, and current events. Students will develop an appreciation for other cultures' spiritual history, customs and art.

A sample of some course units include: Archetypes in Myth and Life, The Cycle of the Hero (including all stages for example: “The Call”, “Road of Trials” as they manifest in different religious texts), Breaking from the Cycle of the Hero Myth, World Building Myths, flood/catastrophe myths, creating a class myth final project, etc. The compounding nature of these units will allow students to develop critical thinking and writing skills, and connect the history of these different cultural myths with their present day culture and how much these cultures share in common. 



Ed Code 51054

Board Policy 6141





Approve World Mythologies to be offered as a course for 2020-2021. It was offered in the course catalog as pending for the 2020-21 school year.


12.14. Request for Course Approval - Latin American Film (This item will be postponed for an upcoming meeting) Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting


TO:     Dr. Brent Stephens, Superintendent

FROM:       Baje Thiara, Associate Superintendent

Juan Raygoza, Vice-Principal BHS

DATE: January 22, 2020

SUBJECT: New Course: Latin American Film


Berkeley High School is requesting Board approval for a year-long course titled Latin American Film. This course will be submitted to UCOP as a English (b) credit course offering in February 2020.

Latin American Film is a course that explores the diversity of experiences and struggles in Latin America, using films, film analysis and readings. Critical to the course is the analysis of power relations within film, and the diversity and truths of Latin America, particularly in regard to race, gender, class, sexuality and nation.  The class will also focus attention on the politics of filmmaking, asking: Who made the film? Under what circumstances was the film made? What does the filmmaker want to convey? How is that done? We will also pay attention to filmmaking as an art form. Thus, questions of narrative, plot and character development as well as use of the camera and the role of music will be examined to uncover the nuanced way film communicates culture and experiences.

This course is an important addition to the academic offerings at Berkeley High School because it allows students to apply critical thinking skills to the media of film. As students live in a media saturated world, engaging critically with these forms of media becomes more important.  Additionally, this course would allow for more varied and expanded Chicanx/Latinx courses to be offered at BHS, and would cover more of the Latin American diaspora. 

Lastly, because the films from the course cover a large part of the Latin American diaspora, more Latinx students at BHS will have the opportunity to see their experiences and backgrounds reflected in the curriculum, as well as to expand the understanding of the Latin American identity as rich and diverse.

Currently, films from the following countries are part of the curriculum: Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Peru. 



Ed Code 51054

Board Policy 6141






Approve Latin American Film to be offered as a course for 2020-2021. It was offered in the course catalog as pending for the 2020-21 school year.

12.15. Request for Course Approval - Sports Leadership (This item will be postponed for an upcoming meeting) Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting


TO:     Dr. Brent Stephens, Superintendent

FROM:       Baje Thiara, Associate Superintendent

Juan Raygoza, Vice-Principal BHS

DATE: January 22, 2020

SUBJECT: New Course: Sports Leadership


Berkeley High School is requesting Board approval for a year-long course titled Sports Leadership. This course will be submitted to UCOP as an Elective (g) credit course offering in February 2020.

Sports Leadership is designed to give students practical skills to work in the field of athletics. This course may interest those who have an interest in sports participation and is designed to train individuals to work in high school, college, and professional athletic departments in ways that promote critical thinking and problem solving skills. In so doing, students will develop skills including (but not limited to):

•       Design and set up facilities to ensure safety of athletic participants and spectators

•       Learn how to maintain equipment and how to manage budgets for such equipment

•       Understand the proper ways to maintain athletic facilities

•       Develop effective press releases as well as digital and paper programs for community members

•       Learn the foundations of high school athletics and the general history of high school sports

•       Incorporate use of technology to produce radio play by play and videos for webcast

•       Coordinate website design and maintenance

•       Prepare public address documents for announcers and deliver announcements when appropriate

•   Journalistic post game recaps, reports and articles

•   Review basic sports medicine techniques

•   Analyze national trends in student athletics, secondary and post-secondary

Completion of this course will lead to a better understanding of the athletic industry and prepare students for work in the event management field.

A sample of some of the course units are as follows;  Current Issues in Athletics, Game Management & Event Production, Game Marketing, Middle School Outreach, Facility Management, Sports Medicine, Legal Issues, Sports Reporting, and Website Management. Together, these units allow the students to learn real-life, post-graduation skills as well as support themselves and their classmates in athletics participation at BHS.


Ed Code 51054

Board Policy 6141






Approve Sports Leadership to be offered as a course for 2020-2021. It was offered in the course catalog as pending for the 2020-21 school year.

12.16. Request for Course Approval - IB Film HL (This item will be postponed for an upcoming meeting) Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting


TO:     Dr. Brent Stephens, Superintendent

FROM:       Baje Thiara, Associate Superintendent

Juan Raygoza, Vice-Principal BHS

DATE: January 22, 2020

SUBJECT: New Course: IB Film HL


Berkeley High School is requesting Board approval for a year-long course titled IB Film HL. This course will be submitted to UCOP as a Visual and Performing Arts (f) credit course offering in February 2020.

The purpose of this course is to offer an advanced, rigorous, and detailed study of both how films are created and understood by the world at large. This Higher Level course requires students to have already taken IB Film SL, and has students build on the initial concepts in film theory and production. This course would open to all 12th grade students at BHS, including those outside of Berkeley International High School. Additionally, this course would also provide access to the IB Diploma as it would be the only Higher Level elective course available to students on campus with no pre-requisite other than taking IB Film SL.

This course is essential for students to both create and critique non-traditional texts, and it can lead to more advanced study in either film production or critique. This course would be taught by an instructor trained in film techniques and would require students to understand the ways in which film creates meaning in addition to the technical skills necessary to produce these films. Students in this course gain the ability to critically understand film in a wide variety of contexts as well, and a significant amount of time is spent understanding historical, theoretical, socio cultural, economic and institutional contexts of film.

Students in this course focus on four major syllabus components: reading film, contextualizing film, exploring film production roles, and collaborative film production. Film screenings allow for units as wide ranging as “The Western”, “Film Noir”, “Bollywood”, and others allow for case studies to be used to study each of these syllabus components. In addition, this course would require all students enrolled in it to collaborate to produce a short film wherein each student reflects and analyzes their role in the filmmaking process and the nature of film collaboration. In this way the class prepares students for the realities of rigorous team work and film design beyond high school.



Ed Code 51054

Board Policy 6141






Approve IB Film HL to be offered as a course for 2020-2021. It was offered in the course catalog as pending for the 2020-21 school year.


12.17. Request for Course Approval - IB Film SL (This item will be postponed for an upcoming meeting) Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting


TO:     Dr. Brent Stephens, Superintendent

FROM:       Baje Thiara, Associate Superintendent

Juan Raygoza, Vice-Principal BHS

DATE: January 22, 2020

SUBJECT: New Course: IB Film SL


Berkeley High School is requesting Board approval for a year-long course titled IB Film SL. This course will be submitted to UCOP as a Visual and Performing Arts (f) credit course offering in February 2020.

The purpose of this course is to offer a rigorous and broad study of both how films are created and understood by the world at large. This Standard Level course would be open to all 11th and 12th grade students at Berkeley High, allowing for students to complete the IB Diploma with an arts course as all other IB arts course have course pre-requisites that not all students can meet. The course could be followed by taking Higher Level IB Film or another arts course in 12th grade, such as video production or studio art.

This course is essential for students to both create and critique non-traditional texts, and it can lead to more advanced study in either film production or critique. This course would be taught by an instructor trained in film techniques and would require students to understand the ways in which film creates meaning in addition to the technical skills necessary to produce these films. Students in this course gain the ability to critically understand film in a wide variety of contexts as well, and a significant amount of time is spent understanding historical, theoretical, socio cultural, economic and institutional contexts of film.

Students in this course focus on three major syllabus components: reading film, contextualizing film, and exploring film production roles. Film screenings allow for units as wide ranging as “The Western”, “Film Noir”, “Bollywood”, and others allow for case studies to be used to study each of these syllabus components. All students in this course will be required to complete an independent film study based on the ideas presented in the course and a recorded oral presentation analyzing a film from a prescribed list. In these ways, students are expected to actively engage in the film critique process.


Ed Code 51054

Board Policy 6141






Approve IB Film SL to be offered as a course for 2020-2021. It was offered in the course catalog as pending for the 2020-21 school year.


12.18. Approval of Berkeley High School Graduation Venue


TO:             Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent
FROM:        Tammy Rose 
DATE:      January 22, 2020
SUBJECT:  Approval of Berkeley High School Graduation Venue


Contract to Hass Pavillion, Intercollegiate Athletics/The Regents of the University of California to provide graduation venue for Berkeley High School graduation ceremony.


The cost will not exceed $148,895.00 to be paid from General Fund. Requested by Erin Schweng

Approve the contract as submitted

13. Action Items
13.1. Approval of 2019-2020 Athletic Coach Stipend Schedule & Increase to BudgetWas edited within 72 hours of the Meeting


TO:  Brent Stephens, Ed. D., Superintendent
FROM:  Samantha Tobias-Espinosa, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
DATE:  January 22, 2020
SUBJECT: Berkeley High School Athletic Stipends

The District and the Athletic Directors of Berkeley High School have worked to develop a competitive stipend schedule for Athletic Coaches for the 2019-2020 school year and beyond. This new schedule takes into account the separation of six Athletic Coaches from the prior stipend schedule in the Berkeley Federation of Teachers (BFT) collective bargaining agreement in February 2019. The schedule has been created based on comparative data to create a schedule that will help us to recruit and retain qualified coaches. 

This new stipend schedule is effective July 1, 2019.

The stipend schedule is funded for the 2019-2020 school year 60% from general fund and 40% from outside funding including BSEP Site Funds.

The impact of the increase in the stipends will require an additional $20,016 to increase the general fund budgeted amount to $139,950. This amount may increase if the outside funding decreases in future years.

California Government Code Section 3547 and Board Policy 4143.1 and 4243.1


The General Fund will have an increase in expenses of $20,016 for for 2019-20.These increases will be paid for by budget reductions and transfers.


Approve the updated Athletic Coach Stipend Schedule as presented and 

Approve the additional Budget in the amount of $20,016 ($139,950 total) for 2019-2020

Athletic Coach Stipend Presentation
BHS Athletic Stipend Schedule 19-20
14. Discussion Items
14.1. Staff Description and Analysis of the Governor's January 2020 Budget ProposalWas edited within 72 hours of the Meeting


TO:                      Brent Stephens ED.d, Superintendent
FROM:                Pauline Follansbee, Assistant Superintendent
DATE:                 January 22, 2020
SUBJECT:          Governor’s January Budget Proposal

The State Budget is a document of policy, priorities, and competition for resources. While the 2020–21 State Budget will be Governor Gavin Newsom’s second opportunity to demonstrate his education priorities, it is his first with sufficient planning time to unveil significant changes.

State revenues continue to grow at a moderate pace, but there is growing concern that the current economic recovery may be coming to an end. At the same time, local educational agencies (LEAs) are coping with ever rising costs for employee compensation, retirement, and general operating expenses.

The release of the Governor’s State Budget proposal begins the process for legislative consideration of the State Budget, but it also provides critical information for development of school agency budgets.

With moderate funding growth, the Governor provides just enough ongoing resources to keep the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) at full implementation.

The State Budget proposes $1.2 billion towards the LCFF to fund the 2.29% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), which is lower than the 3% COLA projected at budget adoption.  The budget also proposed a reduction in COLA for 2021-22 from 2.8% to 2.71%.

The 2020-21 State Budget proposes $645 million in an ongoing manner to increase special education base rates and $250 million in one-time funding to school districts based on preschoolers with disabilities.  Most Districts will see an increase in base funding, which will be based on a three year rolling average of District’s ADA.  This funding will be allocated to SELPAs, and the impact in funding to each District is unknown at this time and will be determined by the SELPA.

Other significant proposals in the budget include $900 million in one-time investment in educator workforce, increased funding for School Nutrition in the amount of $60 million, and the establishment of the Department of Early Childhood Development for childcare and Preschool Programs.  The governor also proposes investment in preschool facilities and a 2.29% increase in state reimbursement rates for child care. 

Notably absent from the proposed budget are increased LCFF targets, payments to reduce CalSTRS and CalPERs costs and One-time Discretionary Grants.

Attached is the slide presentation of the fiscal impact of the Governor’s January.

The fiscal impact on the District is a reduction of $618,718 in LCFF funding for FY 2020-21 and $712,931 for FY 2021-22. The fiscal impact of other proposals in the January budget will be determined when additional information is received from the State and the SELPA.

The Board receives this report as information.

Governor's Budget Proposal, Staff Analysis January 22, 2020
14.2. District LCAP Planning Process 2020-2023, January-June Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting


TO:  Berkeley Unified School District Board of Education

FROM: Brent Stephens, Ed.D, Superintendent

             Baje Thiara, Associate Superintendent

DATE: January 22, 2020

SUBJECT: Update on 2020-2021 Budget and LCAP


This presentation will provide a preview for the Board of Education and members of the public on the process to take place from January 2020- June 2020 that will lead to the final approval of the District’s Local Control Accountability Plan. As in previous years, District staff seeks to solicit the Board’s feedback on aspects of this planning process, including a draft of the Superintendent’s equity framework for the coming year, a draft LCAP and budget planning and community engagement process

LCAP Board Presentation
14.3. Draft Schematic Design of the West Campus Parking Lot Improvement Project Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting


TO:             Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent

FROM:        John Calise, Executive Director of Facilities

DATE:         January 22, 2020

SUBJECT:  Approval of the Schematic Design of the West Campus Parking Lot Improvement Project     



The Facilities Department is requesting Board of the schematic design for the project to improve the parking lot at West Campus.  The goal of the project is to ensure parking is provided to Berkeley Unified School District staff and made available for tenants located on the same property.  The lot is currently used by District personnel as well as members within the community.  It is important the parking lot is dedicated to BUSD staff during normal business hours.  With the future move of Oxford Elementary to the West Campus in August 2020, the lot will no longer be able to accommodate open/public parking.

On November 21, 2019, the Board approved Byrens Kim Design Works to design the project.  Since then, there has been one Site Committee Meeting, which included Administration staff, Facilities, VAPA staff and CDC representatives.   Attached to this cover memo is the project plan.  The project includes:

  1. Parking gate with card key operation;
  2. Parking Spaces - 149;
  3. Drop-off Spaces - 13;
  4. Accessible Parking - 5;
  5. Bike Racks;
  6. Signage;
  7. Bollards

The construction project is estimated to cost $225,000.  The project budget is $355,000.

The Site Committee supports the project plan.


California Public Resources Code 21000 et seq.


The recommended project is within budget.  The project is funded in Measure I. 



Approve the schematic design of the Bonar Parking Lot Improvement Project.

West Campus Parking Lot Design, Revised After Community Feedback
15. Information Items
15.1. P-1 School Average Daily Attendance and October Enrollment Summaries


TO: Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent

FROM: Pauline Follansbee, Assistant Superintendent

DATE: January 22, 2020

SUBJECT: P-1 School Average Daily Attendance and October Enrollment Summaries 


The District submits three attendance reports to the California Department of Education each year. The first attendance report is referred to as P-1 and includes average daily attendance (ADA) calculated from September to December.  The second attendance report is referred to as P-2 and includes ADA calculated from September to April. With the exception of Special Education ADA, the District receives it General Fund revenue based on P-2. The final attendance report is referred to as P-annual and includes ADA calculated until the end of the year.  The District receives its General Fund revenue for Special Education based on the P-annual.

Based on information provided from each school site and program, we are presenting a report on the P-1 reporting period and providing a comparison of the following information:

  • Current and prior year average daily attendance (ADA) for the P-1 attendance reporting period.

  • Current and prior year school enrollment reports as reported in October of each year.

The report reflects the variance between FY 2019-20 and FY 2018-19 for enrollment and ADA for General Education, Special Day Class (SDC), Independent Study (ISP) by school site, and Non-Public School (NPS), Home and Hospital and Extended School Year (ESY).  

The analysis focuses on General Education Enrollment and ADA.  

Enrollment and Attendance Analysis

Enrollment increased from 2018-19 to 2019-20 by 33 students, with Berkeley High increasing by 84 and Jefferson increasing by 42. The largest decrease in enrollment was at Washington, where enrollment decreased by 76 students.

Two days contributed to lower than expected ADA in the fall of 2019: The Climate Action on Friday September 20 and the Teacher Work Action on  Monday, October 28. On September 20 the district-wide ADA was 81.4% (BHS 56.45%) and on October 28 the district-wide ADA was 83.7% (66.4% at BHS). 

These days of substantially decreased ADA were due to political actions on behalf of school staff and students, therefore we do not qualify to apply for a J-13A ADA Loss Waiver pursuant to EC § 41422.


Board Policy: 5113


Funding is based on P-2 and P-Annual attendance.

The District will evaluate attendance at P-2 and P-Annual and adjust as necessary.


Receive this October enrollment and P-1 average daily attendance summary reports for information. 

P1 Variance Report
15.2. Williams Quarterly Report


TO:               Brent Stepehns, Ed.D., Superintendent
FROM:         Baje Thiara, Associate Superintendent
DATE:          January  22, 2019
SUBJECT:   Williams Quarterly Report Q4

As a result of the Williams Case Settlement, every district in California is publicly accountable to ensure that the following conditions are met.

1)      There should be sufficient textbooks and instructional materials for all students, including English learners.

2)      School facilities should be clean, safe and maintained in good repair.

3)      All classes should be taught by properly credentialed teachers.

Information about the standards is posted in every classroom along with the complaints procedure to follow if there is a concern that any one of them is not being met. 

Staff is now reporting that  there were no Williams Complaints filed in quarter 4

Ed Code 35186
Board Policy 1312


Receive the Williams Case Settlement Quarterly Report for information.

Williams Quarterly Report (Q4 2019)
15.3. Independent Audit Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2019


TO:                Brent Stephens, Ed. D., Superintendent
FROM:          Pauline Follansbee, Assistant Superintendent Business Services
DATE:           January 22, 2020    
SUBJECT:    Independent Audit Report for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2019

The District’s annual Independent Audit for the Fiscal Year 2018-19 has been completed. The audit is now being presented to the Board for review under separate cover. Copies are available for public review in the Superintendent’s office.

The District received an unqualified opinion on its financial statements. An unqualified opinion from our auditor indicates that the District financial statements for year ended June 30, 2019, present fairly (are fairly stated) in all material respects, its financial position in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.  Therefore, the Auditor noted no material financial, accounting errors. There were no audit findings for state compliance or student body funds.

Education Code Section 14500, 14502, and 14504 et seq


Review and accept the Audit Report and Financial Statements as presented by Crowe.

BUSD Audit Report 06.30.19
16. Open Session Public Testimony (2nd Opportunity)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Persons wishing to address the Board should fill out a green speaker card.  Cards turned in for the earlier open session public testimony will be given priority.  Speakers will be randomly selected based on topic and position, with BUSD students generally given priority.  Public Testimony is limited to 15 minutes with a 3-minute limit per speaker per topic although the time allotted per speaker may be reduced to 2 minutes at the discretion of the President.

17. Extended Board Member and Superintendent Comments
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Board members and the Superintendent are given the opportunity to address any issue.  
18. Adjournment

Published: January 17, 2020, 5:17 PM

The resubmit was successful.