Special Meeting Berkeley USD April 14, 2021 5:30PM ZOOM Webinar
The Presiding Officer will call the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. before the Board Recesses to Closed Session. The Regular Meeting will convene by 7:00 p.m. |
The Board may recess into Closed Session before or after the public meeting under the authority of the Brown Act (including but not limited to Government Code section 54954.5, 54956.8, 54956.9, 54957, 54957.6, as well as Education Code section 35146). Under Government Code section 54954.3, members of the public may address the board on an item on the Closed Session agenda, before Closed Session. |
Representatives from each union are given the opportunity to address the Board on any issue, 5 minutes per union. (Order rotates).
Representatives from District committees that include members of the public are given the opportunity to address the Board on any issue. 5 minutes per committee.
Board members and the Superintendent are given the opportunity to address any issue. |
BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Brent Stephens, Ed. D., Superintendent FROM: Shawn Mansager, Executive Director of Special Education DATE: April 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Ratify of Master Contract for Residential Treatment Center for 2020-2021 School Year BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The District contracts with residential nonpublic and private schools, when necessary to provide an appropriate placement, special education, residential treatment and/or related services if no appropriate public education program is available. For students requiring residential treatment, the cost is for tuition for the educational program and services, room and board, and mental health treatment. An individual service agreement (ISA) is developed for each student to whom the service provider is to provide special education or related services. A Residential Treatment Center (RTC) provides students with a high-quality of care to support student’s mental health needs that require a full continuum of care. A student may require residential treatment when available school and community-based resources have been exhausted and have not successfully addressed the student's needs. From time to time the District seeks placement in a setting that is not certified by the California Department of Education due to the unavailability of an appropriate setting. There is a history this placement has provided FAPE to previous students from other LEAs. Services are provided pursuant to Ed. Code Section 56034 and 56366. Students enrolled in residential nonpublic schools are deemed enrolled in public schools. Residential Treatment Center | # of Students | Estimated Total Cost | Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georigia | 1 | $54,550.00 | Total | 1 | $54,550.00 | IEP placement started on 3/15/2021. SPED was able to release $143,000 from Mountain Valley RTC contract (PO#211131, student stepped down to NPS). The released funds will be used toward this new placement, not additional contribution required. POLICY/CODE: Education Code 56034, 56366 FISCAL IMPACT: Not to exceed $54,550.00 from the Special Education Budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Ratify the Master Contracts for the Residential Treatment Center listed above. |
BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Brent Stephens, Ed. D., Superintendent FROM: Shawn Mansager, Executive Director of Special Education DATE: April 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Ratify of Master Contract for Residential Treatment Center for 2020-2021 School Year BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The District contracts with residential nonpublic and private schools, when necessary to provide an appropriate placement, special education, residential treatment and/or related services if no appropriate public education program is available. For students requiring residential treatment, the cost is for tuition for the educational program and services, room and board, and mental health treatment. An individual service agreement (ISA) is developed for each student to whom the service provider is to provide special education or related services. A Residential Treatment Center (RTC) provides students with a high-quality of care to support student’s mental health needs that require a full continuum of care. A student may require residential treatment when available school and community-based resources have been exhausted and have not successfully addressed the student's needs. From time to time the District seeks placement in a setting that is not certified by the California Department of Education due to the unavailability of an appropriate setting. There is a history this placement has provided FAPE to previous students from other LEAs. Services are provided pursuant to Ed. Code Section 56034 and 56366. Students enrolled in residential nonpublic schools are deemed enrolled in public schools. Residential Treatment Center | # of Students | Estimated Total Cost | Journey Academy/TLC Child & Family Services | 1 | $96,400.00 | Total | 1 | $96,400.00 | The student was discharged from Clarinda Academy on 2/25/2021 and transported to the new placement the same day. The released funds from Clarinda Academy will be used towards the contract with Journey Academy/TLC Child & Family Services. No additional contribution from general funds required. POLICY/CODE: Education Code 56034, 56366 FISCAL IMPACT: Not to exceed $96,400.00 from the Special Education Budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Ratify the Master Contracts for the Residential Treatment Center listed above. |
BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent FROM: John Calise, Executive Director of Facilities DATE: April 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approval to Purchase Furniture from Campbell Keller and JHA Techspace for Multiple Career Technical Education Programs BACKGROUND INFORMATION: On November 14, 2018, the Board approved the Career Technical Education Funding Implementation Plan. The plan was to allocate the remaining balance of an estimated $1.5M from the Berkeley High School CTE project into multiple budgets for projects related to career technical education to support the programs at Berkeley High School and to assist in creating future plans for our middle schools. The furniture being purchased with this authorization will provide a Makerspace for Willard, additional tables for BHS Robotics, and provide some additional funding for King Makerspace due to an updated estimate from its last board approval. Staff recommends the use of an existing “piggyback” contract awarded to Campbell Keller after a public bid under project bid 19017 with Los Rios Community College District on August 14, 2019, for the classroom and office furniture. Public Contract Code 20118 allows other districts throughout the state to award contracts based upon these bid prices for a period of five years. The fiscal impact of the furniture being procured through JHA Techspace does not exceed the threshold needed to award under a “piggyback” agreement. POLICY/CODE: Public Contract Code 20118 and 20652 FISCAL IMPACT: Award by this action: Furniture costs through this allocation not to exceed $105,000. All costs are contained in the remaining Berkeley High School Career Technical Education Project budget within Measure I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the purchase of furniture from Campbell Keller in the amount of $ 95,000. Approve the purchase from JHA Techspace in the amount of $10,000. |
BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent FROM: John Calise, Executive Director of Facilities DATE: April 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approval of the Pre-Qualified Environmental Consulting Services Pool for Selection on Measure G Projects BACKGROUND INFORMATION With the passage of Measure G, it is required to qualify environmental consultants. On September 21, 2020, a Request for Qualification (RFQ) was issued. Proposals were due on October 15, 2020. Eight proposals were received from firms who specialize in environmental consulting. Staff screened the proposals and interviewed firms. The interview team included the Executive Director of Facilities, the Facilities Planning Analyst and a Facilities Consultant. The group selected the environmental consultant pool to include: 1. Rincon; 2. Placeworks; 3. Skewes-Cox; 4. EcoTierra; 5. Dudek; 6. MIG The six teams represent a variety of strengths the District will need as we initiate new projects. POLICY/CODE California Government Code 4529.10 and 4529.12 FISCAL IMPACT None RECOMMENDATION Approve the Pre-Qualified Environmental Consultant Pool for Selection on Measure G Projects.
BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Brent Stephens, Ed. D, Superintendent FROM: John Calise, Executive Director of Facilities DATE: April 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Authorization to Hire Carducci Associates and Authorize a Preschool Playgrounds Upgrade Project – Measure G
BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Early Childhood Education program was recently awarded a $350,000 Inclusive Early Education Program from Alameda County of Education as a part of a larger pool of funds from the California Department of Education. This grant provides funding to the program to provide playstructure elements that are inclusive and provide some nature play elements. Facilities must match the grant amount in order to receive the funds. We are requesting to the Board that we create a $700,000 project in Measure G for the Early Childhood Education Preschools Project. Carducci Associates is a part of our Landscape Architect pool that was approved by the Board on December 10, 2020, and has done six of our elementary schools in the past. Carducci will study Hopkins, King CDC, and Franklin to: analyze the needs of each site assist the District in community engagement, create a priority list of the project(s) with budgets, and prepare drawings for the Division of the State Architect
We are requesting authorization to hire Carducci Associates in the amount of $140,000. FISCAL IMPACT Total project cost for design, engineering, construction, and all soft costs is estimated at $700,000. All costs for the new project will be split funded Measure G and an IEEEP Grant from Alameda County Office of Education/California Department of Education STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve Carducci and Associates for the total amount of $140,000 and create a new project budget within Measure G. Split funded between Measure G and IEEEP
Measure G Program Budget Summary Worksheet
BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent FROM: John Calise, Executive Director of Facilities DATE: April 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approval of Contract Modification 1 with Gould Evans for Modernization of Longfellow Project
BACKGROUND INFORMATION On January 25, 2021, the Board approved a contract for Gould Evans to provide architectural services for the Longfellow programming effort. In order to make scope recommendations to the Board of Education, estimating was added to the project so that we could determine the value of the proposed scope of work. 
Facilities staff is requesting approval of contract modification #1 with Gould Evans to provide cost estimating for scope recommendation to the Board of Education. POLICY/CODE Public Contract Code 10510.4 – 10510.9 FISCAL IMPACT Contract award by this action: $29,920 to be paid from Measure G Bond Funds for a total contract amount of $149,820. RECOMMENDATION Approve Contract Modification #1 with Gould Evans for estimating services for the Longfellow Project.
BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent FROM: John Calise, Executive Director of Facilities DATE: April 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approval to Purchase Audio/Visual Equipment from BH Photo and Trox for BHS Stagecraft Career Technical Education Program
BACKGROUND INFORMATION On November 14, 2018, the Board approved the Career Technical Education Funding Implementation Plan. The plan was to allocate the remaining balance of an estimated $1.5M from the Berkeley High School CTE project into multiple budgets for projects related to career technical education to support the programs at Berkeley High School and to assist in creating future plans for our middle schools. The audiovisual equipment purchased with this authorization will provide audio/visual equipment to support the Stagecraft Career Technical Education Program. Staff recommends the use of an existing “piggyback” contract for BH Photo ( Contract number: R160901) and Troxell (Contract number: R160903) that were awarded after a public bid will be purchased through the OMNIA Partners network. Public Contract Code 20118 allows other districts throughout the state to award contracts based upon these bid prices for a period of five years. POLICY/CODE Public Contract Code 20118 and 20652 FISCAL IMPACT Award by this action: Audio visual equipment costs through this allocation not to exceed $460, 000. All costs are contained in the remaining Berkeley High School Career Technical Education Project budget within Measure I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the purchase of audiovisual equipment from BH Photo not to exceed the amount of $ 410,000. Approve the purchase from Trox not to exceed the amount of $50,000.
Berkeley Unified School District TO: Brent Stephens., Superintendent FROM: Baje Thiara, Associate Superintendent DATE: April 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approval of Contract For Four Additional Nurses provided by Aya Healthcare during the 2020-2021 School Year BACKGROUND INFORMATION Aya Healthcare is currently providing nurses for staff COVID-19 testing. Due to reopening schools, four nurses are required to provide COVID-19 testing for students. The total cost is $118,755 for four additional nurses. Additional cost will come from COVID Relief Funds. FISCAL IMPACT: As indicated above. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the additional cost for four nurses.
BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent FROM: Bajé Thiara, Associate Superintendent Dr. Phillip Shelley, Director DATE: April 2, 2021 SUBJECT: Sport for Learning Contract amendment
BACKGROUND: Sports for Learning was founded in 2012 to support improved student outcomes through STEAM-themed sports and physical activities. In this work, Sports for Learning has helped their partner districts improve attendance, academic, and social outcomes including an increased sense of belonging and community. Sports for Learning coaches run their programs during lunch, recess, PLC, afterschool, and Saturday remediation opportunities. In the subsequent years, Sports for Learning saw indications that social-emotional learning and whole-child education were emerging as a priority for holistic student success. Sports for Learning has partnered with CASEL as part of their SEL Provider's Council, and aligned their programs to California PE and Health Standards. In this last year, as Sports for Learning began to support distance-learning modalities, their partners also began requesting their support to return to in-person instruction. With a combination of our SEL-Based Physical Activities adapted for social distancing, "safe-play" socialization protocols, tutoring/homework help, check-in/check-out, and lunch distribution Sports for Learning has created dozens of customized in-person return programs across California. Sports for Learning currently has 33 staff assigned to the eleven BUSD elementary schools, with 33 more staff being added on April 12, 2021. Sports for Learning will add 18 staff, distributed evenly between the 3 middle school campuses. Sports for Learning will provide support for 8 weeks.
| Hourly Rate | Additional staff requested | Cost for Services | Sport for Learning | $36.00 | 18 Staff | $240,345 |
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the amendment to the contract agreement between the Berkeley Unified School District and Sport for Learning. FISCAL IMPACT: This contract is in the amount of $240,345. It will be funded through one-time COVID funds. |
BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Brent Stephens, Ed. D., Superintendent FROM: Pauline Follansbee, Asst. Superintendent of Business Services DATE: April 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approval of Contracts/Purchase Orders for Services Contracts BACKGROUND INFORMATION The District contracts with consultants or independent contractors who can provide valuable and necessary specialized services not normally required on a continuing basis. The following contract services are requested. Expenditures are within budget. 1.Greenfield Learning, to provide Lexia Core5 Reading Lexia PowerUp Literacy Program for a three year term.The cost will not exceed $19,900.To be paid from ESSER II funds.Requested by Shawn Mansager. 2.Lifelong Medical Care/Rosa Parks Collective, to provide staff and support for Rosa Parks' Afterschool Program for the period from 4/19/21 to 6/8/21.The cost will not exceed $50,265.42.To be paid from ESSER II funds.Requested by Michelle Sinclair. 3.Success for All, to provide Kinder and FastTrack License Package for all K-5 schools for the 2021-22 SY. The cost will not exceed $22,000. To be paid from Instructional Materials Fund. Requested by Baje Thiara. 4.Campbell Keller, to provide furniture for the Early Childhood Education Program. The cost will not exceed $36,000. To be paid from Measure I. Requested by John Calise. 5.Increase in contract, PO#211452 to Berkeley Public Schools Fund to provide additional services for Summer School curriculum development consulting.The additional amount needed is $14,350 for a total of $23,450.To be paid from COVID -19 relief funds.Requested by Baje Thiara. 6.Increase in contract, PO#210681 to Powerschool (formerly known as DecisionInsite) to provide demographic studies for a three-year period. The Board originally approved $17,500 on 7/15/20. The additional amount needed is $4,000 for a total amount of $21,500. To be paid from Measure I.Requested by John Calise. 7.Increase in contract, PO#210902 to Safeguard Inc., to provide additional transportation needs at student’s residential treatment center. The Board originally approved $20,000 on 3/24/21. The additional amount needed is $9,500 for a total amount of $29,500. To be paid from Special Ed Funds. Requested by Shawn Mansager. 8.Increase in contract to PO # 210429 with Ryland School Business Consulting who is providing general financial planning and business services consulting also to include services for Fiscal Director to help with general analysis needed for 2021 audit. The additional amount will bring to total contract to amount not to exceed 50K.To be paid from the General Fund requested by Pauline Follansbee.
POLICY/CODE: Public Contract Code: 20111 Board Policy 3310 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the contracts with Consultants or Independent Contractors as submitted.
BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Brent Stephens, Ed.D , Superintendent FROM: Pauline Follansbee, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services DATE: April 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approval of Agents and Authorized Signers for Signature Card and Official Documents and Reports for the Berkeley Unified School District BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Education Code Section 42632 for K-12 and Section 85232 for community colleges requires that signatures of all governing board members and signatures of persons authorized by the governing board to sign orders must be filed with the County Superintendent of Schools. Staff is submitting Resolution 21-027 -Authorized Agents and Authorized Signers for BUSD for approval to be submitted to the Alameda County Office of Education as required. POLICY/CODE: Educational Code Section 42632 FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve Resolutions 21-027 by unanimous vote as required by the Education Code. |
Resolution 21-027
Date: April 14, 2021 To: BUSD Board of Education From: Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent Re: Phased Plan for School Reopening
On February 16, 2021, BUSD and the Berkeley Federation of Teachers were able to reach an important agreement with the Berkeley Federation of Teachers about vaccinations through the City of Berkeley. The agreement established a timeline for school re-openings: School Re-Opening Target Dates (Hybrid Model) Monday, March 29: | Reopen Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten, and K-2 | April 5-9: | Spring Recess | Monday, April 12: | Reopen Grades 3-5; Grades 6-8; Term 7 Support: U9 Program at Berkeley High; Berkeley Technology Academy; Berkeley Independent Study | Monday, April 19: | Term 7 Support: Reopen Grades 10-12 | Monday, April 26 | Term 8: At least two in-person classes for each student who chooses to return to campus |
In this presentation, the Superintendent will update the Board of Education on reopening for Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, and High Schools. This presentation will also share updates about elementary distance learning; student COVID-19 testing; and in-person and virtual graduation events. |
| BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Board of Education FROM: Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent DATE: April 14, 2021 SUBJECT: 2021-22 Budget Update and Discussion of Priorities BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The Budget Development process, includes identifying additional funding based on the Governor’s Budget, less operational cost increases which include step and column increases for staff and increase in retirement benefits for CalSTRS and CalPERS less one-time expenditures from the prior year. The district then identifies and considers staff recommended efficiencies, to determine available new revenue which will be used as the initial step in determining budget reduction targets. The District is at the continuing to develop the budget and will provide updated budget priorities for the Unrestricted General Fund, BSEP, LCAP and COVID funds. At the last meeting of the School Board, staff presented updated projections for the Unrestricted General Fund based on reductions in the Unduplicated Pupil Percentage (UPP) and begin to examine Multi-Year Projections. Staff will also present high level priorities for the Board’s consideration. Cabinet members are also reaching out to staff and stakeholders to identify budget priorities which will be shared with the Board. These priorities are in two categories, those that represent ongoing commitments and expenditures, and those that are proposed for funding on a one-time or limited term basis. NEXT STEPS: Regular Board updates and action items during the budget development process. Continue to collaborate with Advisory Committees: Superintendent’s Budget Advisory Committee, Educator Advisory Committee, Parent Advisory Committee and District English Learner Advisory Committee. Staff will continue to consult with key partners, including our labor partners and the City of Berkeley, and engage with parent and community groups and affinity-based meetings. FISCAL IMPACT This set of budget priorities proposals total $3,219,000 of which $72,000 will be paid for by the General Fund, $98,000 will be paid from BSEP funds and $2,341,000 will be paid from one-time COVID funds. LCAP will be saving $125,000 by using other funding sources to pay for these expenses. | | | |
To: BUSD Board of Education From: Brent Stephens, Superintendent Date: April 14, 2021 Re: LCAP Community Engagement Process
In this presentation to the Board, the Superintendent and staff will update the Board on the community engagement process related to the writing of the 21-24 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Background Information
In the coming three months, Berkeley Unified will finalize a number of important plans for the coming school year. This includes: Developing a budget for the 2021-2022 school year for the district’s General and Supplemental Funds, for the Berkeley School Excellence Program (BSEP), and for one-time funding from the state and federal government meant to support students’ return to in-person school. Developing a new three-year Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), the state’s strategic planning document for all California districts.
BUSD already has a number of committees for families to be engaged in important district-level decisions: Superintendent’s Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC) Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) Educator Advisory Committee (selected by our labor partners) BSEP/BERRA Program and Oversight Committee (P&O)
This year, in order to make this process more accessible, BUSD is adding to our calendar of committee dates several special meetings for parents. LCAP Workshops in English and Spanish Joint LCAP Feedback Group LCAP Family Survey
This presentation will provide information about this expanded set of family engagement opportunities. |
BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent FROM: Bajé Thiara, Associate Superintendent DATE: April 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding with LifeLong Medical for Rosa Parks Afterschool Program BACKGROUND INFORMATION: LifeLong Medical Care has been the contracted fiscal agent for the Rosa Parks Collaborative, including the Rosa Parks Kids’ Village Afterschool Program since 2001. LifeLong Medical manages all finances for the program, including all costs for the staff, supplies, equipment, and independent contractors. The Rosa Parks School Collaborative oversees the Afterschool Program as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Collaborative. Funding for Rosa Parks Kids’ Village Afterschool Program comes from two sources: After School Education and Safety (ASES) grant and parent fees. The grant amount is based on meeting student attendance figures. Rosa Parks Kids’ Village Afterschool Program will generate a total of $211,588.18 from grant allocations this school year. Board approval is needed to pay LifeLong Medical/Rosa Parks Collaborative up to this amount of $211,588.18 for the 2020-2021 school year. POLICY/CODE: None FISCAL IMPACT: There is no impact on the General Fund. The proceeds of $211,588.18 will be generated through the ASES grant. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve payment to Rosa Parks Collaborative/LifeLong Medical Center for the Rosa Parks Afterschool Program for school year 2020-2021. |
BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Board of Education, FROM: Brent Stephens, Ed.D., Superintendent DATE: April 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Williams Quarterly Report BACKGROUND INFORMATION: As a result of the Williams Case Settlement, every district in California is publicly accountable to ensure that the following conditions are met. 1) There should be sufficient textbooks and instructional materials for all students, including English learners. 2) School facilities should be clean, safe and maintained in good repair. 3) All classes should be taught by properly credentialed teachers. Information about the standards is posted in every classroom along with the complaints procedure to follow if there is a concern that any one of them is not being met. There were no complaints filed between January and March 2021. POLICY/CODE: Ed Code 35186 Board Policy 1312 FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive the Williams Third Quarterly Report as information. |
BUSD Williams Reports (3rd Quarter)
Board members and the Superintendent are given the opportunity to address any issue.
Published: April 9, 2021, 8:07 PM