BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Dr. Stephens, Superintendent FROM: Bajé Thiara, Associate Superintendent Michelle Sinclair, Director of State, Federal, and Special Projects DATE: May 19, 2021 SUBJECT: Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant PURPOSE: Request approval of BUSD’s Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan BACKGROUND: Assembly Bill 86 Provides $4.6 billion to districts to improve academic achievement by offering supplemental instruction and support to students, including $1,000 for each homeless student. The rest will be distributed in proportion to LCFF entitlement. Districts shall implement a learning recovery program that, at a minimum, provides to designated student groups supplemental instruction, support for social and emotional well-being, meals and snacks. designated student groups include low Income students, English learners, foster youth, homeless youth, students at risk of neglect/abuse, disengaged students, students below grade level, students with disabilities. Districts must use at least 85% for in-person services, and at least 10% to hire paraprofessionals. Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grants shall be expended only for any of the following purposes: extending instructional learning time, accelerating progress to close learning gaps, integrated pupil supports, community learning hubs, supports for credit deficient pupils, additional academic services, and training for school staff. LEAs are encouraged to engage, plan, and collaborate on program operation with community partners and expanded learning programs, and leverage existing behavioral health partnerships and Medi-Cal billing options, in the design and implementation of services. The Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan must be completed by LEAs as a condition for receiving an ELO Grant. The ELO Grant Plan must be adopted by the local governing board at a public meeting on or before June 1, 2021, and must be submitted to the county office of education, the California Department of Education, or the chartering authority within five days of adoption, as applicable. FISCAL IMPACT: $ 6,600,000 Attachments: ELO Slide Presentation ELO Grant Template ELO Proposed Expenditures |