
Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Elk Grove USD
August 01, 2016 8:30AM
Robert L. Trigg Education Center, Board Room 9510 Elk Grove-Florin Road Elk Grove, CA 95624 Closed Session - 8:30 a.m. Open Session - 9:30 a.m.

Mission Statement:
Elk Grove Unified School District will provide a learning community that challenges ALL students to realize their greatest potential.
B. CLOSED SESSION - 8:30 a.m.
B.I. Government Code Section 54957: Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Complaint
B.II. Government Code Section 54957.6: Conference with Labor Negotiators
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Agency designated representatives: Christopher R. Hoffman,
David Reilly, Robert Pierce, Karen Rezendes

Employee Organizations: All Elk Grove Unified School District
Bargaining Units and Unrepresented Employees 

B.III. Government Code Section 54957: Public Employee Appointment/Employment, Elementary and Secondary School Principals and Vice Principals
C. OPEN SESSION - 9:30 a.m.
C.I. Pledge of Allegiance
C.II. Presentations/Recognitions
C.III. Student Expulsion Recommendations
C.IV. Public Comment
C.V. LCAP Update
C.VI. Budget Update
C.VII. Facilities Update
C.VIII. Bargaining Units
C.IX. Reports
C.X. Public Hearing/Action Items
C.X.1. Special Education 2016-2017 Annual Service Delivery/Budget Plan
Mark Cerutti / William Tollestrup
Recommended Motion:

The Board of Education is requested to hold a public hearing for anyone who wishes to speak to the Elk Grove Unified School District's 2016-2017 Annual Service Delivery/Budget Plan for Special Education.  This item will be brought back for approval at the regular board meeting on August 16, 2016.

The Elk Grove Unified School District’s Special Education Local Planning Agency (SELPA) annually is required to develop and revise an Annual Service Delivery/Budget Plan as an additional component of the approved local plan.  The Annual Service Delivery/Budget Plan includes a description of all the special education services provided by the SELPA, the nature of those services and the physical location of those services.  The Annual Service Delivery/Budget Plan also identifies expected expenditures for all items required by the SELPA’s service delivery plan.  
Financial Impact:


Annual Budget Plan 2016-17
Annual Service Report
C.XI. Discussion Items
C.XII. Discussion/Action Items
C.XIII. Action Items
C.XIII.1. Adopt Resolution to Support Placing a Local School Bond on the November 2016 Ballot
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is requested to adopt Resolution No. 1, 2016-17 to support the placement of a local school bond on the November 2016 ballot.


The Elk Grove Unified School District serves a vast community, serving the Cities of Elk Grove, Rancho Cordova, and Sacramento as well as the County of Sacramento, with a student population of approximately 62,000 in over 60 schools, including 40 elementary schools, nine middle schools, nine high schools, three continuation schools, one independent study program, one charter school, and an adult career training center.  The District has a significant number of aging schools, the oldest of which was built in 1935, 15 are over 45 years old, and 37 are over 20 years old.  The average age of the District’s school buildings is 22 years old, which marks an age at which school buildings require significant upgrades such as learning environment improvements, building systems require long term maintenance and/or replacement, and in some cases older buildings, especially portables, require replacement.  Specifically the District has 520 portable classrooms, 385 of which are over 20 years old exceeding the life expectancy of these “temporary” buildings.  The District’s existing school facilities require significant improvements and renovation as well as long term maintenance in order to provide 21st century learning environments that will meet current and future standards.  At the same time the District faces significant growth challenges to adequately house all of its current and future students. There are nearly 90,000 new homes currently in planning stages, nearly 20,000 of which are projected to be built in the next 10 years, which will increase the District’s student population by not less than 14,000 students over the same period.  A long term solution is needed to address these issues.


The State of California requires a local match, funded primarily through local, general obligation bonds, for school districts wishing to pursue matching State funds for the upgrade or replacement of school buildings and facilities. The millions of dollars potentially available through the State match allows local taxpayers to benefit from the tax dollars they already pay to the State of California.


It is imperative that our students are housed in safe schools.  In addition, our students will benefit from complete, comprehensive, modern, and efficient schools. We need to act locally to build and provide safe and modern schools to ensure our students have the educational opportunities they deserve.


On July 12, 2016, Administration presented a detailed report outlining the development of the District’s Facilities Master Plan and identified needs of nearly $1.7 billion, potential bond size and structuring to help meet the identified needs over the next decade, and the ongoing development and outreach regarding a proposed bond.  The Board is requested to adopt Resolution No. 1, 2016-17 to support the placement of a local school bond on the November 2016 ballot.

Financial Impact:
Upon adoption Staff will immediately deliver the resolution to the Sacramento County Voter Registration and Elections Department.

Resolution No. 1
C.XIII.2. Mello-Roos Tax Foreclosure Resolution
Shannon Hayes
Recommended Motion:
The Board is asked to approve the attached Resolution #8, 2016-17, ordering that the delinquent taxes as defined in Exhibit A of the resolution be collected through judicial foreclosure, and that the County Tax Collector be relieved of further duty to collect them.  The Board is also asked to authorize Administration to finalize the resolution upon receipt of updated delinquency information as provided by the County Tax Collector’s Office through August 2016.

On October 14, 1987, the Board adopted Resolution #18, 1987-88, which specified the guidelines for Foreclosure of Special Tax Liens in Section 7.10.  This was modified on October 19, 1998, when the Board adopted Resolution #20, 1998-99, in which the guidelines for Foreclosure of Special Tax Liens became Section 6.10.

The guidelines require a foreclosure (1) on individual property owners whose delinquencies exceed $25,000.00, and (2) on all property owners if more than 10% of the total taxes are delinquent.

On June 14, 2016, the District received information from the Sacramento County Tax Collector’s office regarding delinquent special tax levies for 2015-16 as of June 1, 2016.  The delinquency rate calculated from that information is 1.56% of the total taxes.

The County Tax Collector’s office has stipulated a deadline of August 12, 2016, for the District to file the Notice of Intent to foreclose, provide a copy to their office, and advise the Sacramento County Tax Collector to remove those parcels from the redemption roll.  The County reserves “the right not to process the Notices of Intent and strip the related special assessments from the redemption system after the deadline.” 

Pursuant to Resolution #20, 1998-99, and Government Code Section 53311 et seq, the District intends to institute foreclosure proceedings against the owners of delinquent parcels (to be identified and provided at future board meeting) as required by the bond covenants.
Financial Impact:
This action will aid in the collection of up to $38,336.00 from property owners with taxes due to the District of $25,000.00 or more. All legal fees and court costs of foreclosure are ordinarily paid by the owners of the delinquent parcels.
Mello-Roos Tax Foreclosure Resolution/Exhibit A
C.XIV. Board Member and Superintendent Reports
C.XV. Consent Agenda - Action
C.XV.1. Approval of Minutes
Christopher Hoffman
Recommended Motion:

The Board is asked to approve the minutes from the regular board meeting that was held on July 12, 2016.

7-12-16, Adopted Board Mtg Minutes
C.XV.2. Resolution Regarding Board Member Absence
Christopher Hoffman
Recommended Motion:

The Board is asked to approve Resolution No. 9, 2016-17 authorizing payment of the monthly compensation to Nancy Chaires Espinoza for a meeting missed on July 12, 2016, due to illness.

Education Code Section 35120 authorizes payment to board members for missed meetings due to illness, hardship, or performance of services outside the District for the district when the board, by resolution, finds that they were absent because of illness, hardship, or service to the district.

Resolution 9 - Board Member Absence
C.XV.3. Personnel Actions
David E. Reilly
Recommended Motion:

Recommend the Board of Education approve the personnel actions as attached.




  1. New Hire(s) [50]
  2. Classified to Certificated
  3. Leave(s) of Absence
  4. Rehire(s)
  5. Resignation(s)
  6. Retirement(s)
  7. Returning from Leave(s)



  1. New Hire(s) [16]
  2. Leave(s) of Absence
  3. Promotion(s)
  4. Resignation(s)
  5. Retirement(s)

C.XV.4. Williams Act Quarterly Report Notification
David E. Reilly
Recommended Motion:

The Board is asked to receive a report on the Williams Act Quarterly Report Uniform Complaint Process for the period of April 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016.


Pursuant to the legislation embodied in Education Code section 35186(d), specifically as it relates to the Williams Case legislation, each school district is required by law to report to the County Superintendent of Schools, on a quarterly basis, summarized data on the nature and resolution of all Williams-type complaints filed with the district.  Williams-type complaints relate to the sufficiency of textbooks, emergency school facility issues, and the vacancy or misassignment of teachers.

The summary reports are required to be publicly reported on a quarterly basis at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing board of the school district and both the complaint and written responses are public records available to the public.  A copy of the electronically submitted report is attached.

During the period of April 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016, there were no complaints filed.


Williams UCP Form Submission
C.XV.5. New Student Teacher Internship Agreement between Alliant University and Elk Grove Unified School District
David Reilly
Recommended Motion:
Approval of the new Student Teacher Internship Agreement between Alliant University and Elk Grove Unified School District


Approval is needed for a new Student Teacher Internship Agreement between Alliant University and Elk Grove Unified School District. 

The credentials covered in this agreement are:



The contract will be in effect as follows:                                               July 1, 2016-June 30, 2021

Financial Impact:
New Student Teacher Agreement-Alliant University and EGUSD
C.XV.6. Acceptance of Gifts
Shannon Hayes
Recommended Motion:
The Board is asked to accept the following donations to the District’s schools/programs.





Requested Use


Date Received

Cash Donation

Sacramento Legal Video Center LLC

Florin High School

White boards for classroom K-4



Cash Donation

Wells Fargo Matching Gift Program

Franklin High School

Principal's discretion



C.XV.7. Ratification of Contracts
Shannon Hayes
Recommended Motion:
The Board is asked to ratify contracts which have been signed by authorized district staff in accordance with Board Policy 3312-Contracts.

Under current Board Policy 3312 “contracts under the bid limits can be approved by the Designated Personnel, subject to Board ratification.”  Staff recommends that the Board ratify the contracts on the attached sheet, which are under the bid limit of $87,800 and have been approved by authorized district staff. 

Copies of the contracts are on file with Fiscal Services should you wish to review them in detail.
Financial Impact:
Please see funding information provided on attached schedule.
Contract List
C.XV.8. 2016-17 Mandated Block Grant – Application for Funding
Shannon Hayes
Recommended Motion:
The Board is asked to authorize participation in the 2016-17 Mandated Block Grant (MBG) program.

The Mandated Block Grant program provides per ADA funding as opposed to claim reimbursement for mandated cost programs.  Similar to the prior year, the block grant program for 2016-17 provides $28.42 per ADA for grades K-8, and $56 per ADA for grades 9-12.  The funding rate for Elk Grove Charter School is $14.21 per ADA in grades 7-8, and $42 per ADA for grades 9-12.

The benefit of the Mandated Block Grant is that those districts participating will receive funds in the current fiscal year as opposed completing claims that are unfunded with an unknown date of payment.  Staff recommends that authorization be given to submit the 2016-17 Mandated Block Grant Application Funding for both Elk Grove USD and Elk Grove Charter School when they become available from California Department of Education.
Financial Impact:

The estimated revenue for the 2016-17 Mandated Block Grant is $2,188,424 and is included in the 2016-17 budget.  The 2016-17 estimated revenue for Elk Grove Charter School is $13,559 and is included in the 2016-17 budget.

C.XV.9. Approval of Purchase Order History
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to approve purchase orders for the weeks of June 6, 2016 through July 18, 2016.

The Purchase Order History and Cost Modifications for the month of June 6, 2016 through July 18, 2016 are listed below.  The purchase orders are on file in the Purchasing Department if you wish to review them.



Purchase Orders Issued

Purchase Order Encumbrance Costs

01 General


$ 14,427,421.82

09 Charter School Funds


$ 66,576.34

11 Adult Education Fund


$ 56,454.77

12 Child Development Fund


$ 39,221.01

13 Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund


$ 11,783,285.96

14 Deferred Maintenance Fund


$ 79,857.00

25 Capital Facilities Fund


$ 96,770.69

35 State School Facilities Fund


$ 22,777,923.85

49 Special Projects Fund


$ 158,482.67

67 Self Insurance Fund


$ 267,100.00

Total Encumbrances

$ 49,752,824.11




Purchase Orders Modified

Purchase Order Modification Costs

01 General


$ 486,991.28

11 Adult Education Fund


$ 9,500.00

13 Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund


$ 177,000.00

47 Acquisition & Construction #6


$ 2,800.00

49 Special Projects Fund


$ 276,005.00

Total Modifications

$ 952,296.28

Financial Summary Grand Total

$ 50,705,120.39

C.XV.10. Disposal of Obsolete/Surplus Property
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:

The Board of Education is asked to authorize the disposal of Obsolete/Surplus Property


Pursuant to Section 39521 of the Education Code, the Board of Education is asked to authorize Ruth Dew, Director of Purchasing & Warehouse to surplus and/or dispose of these items.


All computers have been deemed uneconomical to repair by the Technology Services Department. Per Technology Services, all sensitive data and/or licenses have been removed form hard drives prior to being picked up from the department/site.


We have engaged local non-profits in an effort to determine their interest in refurbishing these computers to be redistributed to students of need.  To date, we have seen no interest since most usable parts are removed prior to disposal.


Records of these items are in the Purchasing & Warehouse Department should you need to review them.


Desktop Computers



Laptop Computers





Office Furniture/Equipment


Industrial Technology Equipment



Food & Nutrition Services


Classroom Furniture/Equipment



Maintenance/Transportation/Police Services


Keyboards/Mouse/CD Rom/Floppy Drives



Audio Visual





Obsolete Instructional Materials


Nursing Equipment





Financial Impact:

No income is anticipated to be received by the district for these items.  However, any income that is received will go into the General Fund.

C.XV.11. Ratification of Non Public School/Non Public Agency (NPS/NPA) Contracts
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:
The Board is asked to ratify NPA/NPS contracts which have been signed by authorized district staff, in accordance with Board Policy 3312-Contracts.

On June 23, 2015, the Board of Education approved the 2015-16 Master Contract for Non Public Schools and Non Public Agencies.  These contracts are not predetermined, fixed amounts, but rather for hourly or daily rates for services as approved by a students’ Individualized Education Plan (IEP).  The rates are set by the District.  The following agreements were signed by authorized district staff and staff is requesting Board ratification:


Provider Name


Estimated Amount

Carolyn Sakkis


$ 4,000.00

Financial Impact:
Costs are funded from Special Education.
C.XV.12. After School Education and Safety (ASES) Contract Addendum, Edward Harris, Jr. Middle School
Mark Cerutti / Sonjhia Lowery
Recommended Motion:

The Board of Education is requested to approve the Addendum to the Master Contract with the City of Sacramento – Parks & Recreation to be provided after school at Edward Harris, Jr. Middle School.


The Elk Grove Unified School District wishes to add an addendum to the existing one year Master Contract with the City of Sacramento – Parks and Recreation to provide after school services that will be paid for through the After School Education and Safety (ASES) grant.  The addendum will provide staffing and resources to serve an additional 20 seventh grade students who would like to participate in the existing afterschool program. We are requesting that the Board of Education approve this addendum to the contract between Elk Grove Unified School District and City of Sacramento – Parks and Recreation in the amount of $9,800 to serve Edward Harris, Jr. Middle School during the 2016-2017 school year.

School:  Edward Harris, Jr. Middle School

Selected Provider:  City of Sacramento - Parks & Recreation

Original Contract Amount:  $122,381

Addendum:  $9,800

Total for 2016-17:  $132, 181 to be paid using ASES grant funding

Original number of students served daily:  111

Additional number of students to be served daily:  20

Total students to be served daily:  131

Financial Impact:

$9,800 out of ASES grant funds

Amendment to ASES Grant
C.XV.13. Adoption of Board Policy 6152.1, Placement in Mathematics Courses
Mark Cerutti/Anna Trunnell
Recommended Motion:

The Board of Education is requested to adopt Board Policy 6152.1 Placement in Mathematics Courses as aligned with the California School Board Association (CSBA).


“Senate Bill 359 (Chapter 508, Statutes of 2015), known as the California Mathematics Placement Act of 2015, was signed by Governor Jerry Brown on October 5, 2015, and took effect on January 1, 2016.  This legislation requires school districts that serve incoming 9th grade students to adopt, in a regularly scheduled public meeting,  “a fair, objective, and transparent mathematics placement policy before the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year.” 

Per language provided by the California Department of Education, the mathematics placement policy for incoming 9th grade students must meet the following requirements: 

  • Includes at least one placement checkpoint within the first month of the school year to ensure accurate placement and to permit reevaluation of individual student progress; 
  • Requires an annual examination of pupil placement data to ensure that students are not held back in a disproportionate manner on the basis of their race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic background; 
  • Requires a report on the results of the annual examination by the local educational agency to its governing board or body; 
  • Offers clear and timely recourse for each pupil and his or her parent or legal guardian who questions the student’s placement; and 
  • For non-unified school districts, addresses the consistency of placement policies between elementary and high school districts.

Board Policy 6152.1 reflects EGUSD’s practice of utilizing multiple measures for mathematics placement for incoming 9th graders and provides additional opportunities for open communication and transparency with our families and community.

BP 6152.1 Placement in Mathematics Courses
C.XV.14. Award of the Request for Proposals (RFP) and Approval of Contracts for Athletic Trainer Services
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:

Staff is requesting the Board of Education to award the Athletic Trainer Services RFP #585-15/16 and approve the contract to the following vendor: ATvantage Athletic Training


On Tuesday, May 17, 2016, District Athletics & Facility Usage Department and the Purchasing Department initiated an RFP for Athletic Trainer Services. RFP’s were sent to three (3) vendors and advertised in the Elk Grove Citizen. On Thursday, June 9, 2016, RFP’s were opened. One (1) vendor responded. The administration recommends the award of the Athletic Trainer Services RFP effective August 2, 2016, for three years with the possibility of an additional two year extension for a total of five years.


                                                                     ATvantage Athletic Training

Financial Impact:

Cost is $25,000.00 per site with up to nine (9) sites. Not to exceed $225,000.00 each year.

Funding source is the unrestricted general as approved by the Board on March 10, 2016, through the funding priority process.

C.XV.15. Charles Mack Elementary School, Parking Lot Expansion Change Order No. 1
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to (1) approve Change Order No. 1 with Roebbelen Contracting, Inc., and (2) authorize a District Representative to sign the approved change order.


On May 17, 2016, the Board of Education awarded a contract to Roebbelen Contracting, Inc., for the Charles Mack Elementary School, Parking Lot Expansion project.  Change Order No. 1 consists of two (2) items.  The complete change order with backup is on file in the Facilities and Planning Department for review.


(See Attachment 1)


Attachment 2 provides detailed information on distribution of change order requests between Contractor and District.  Change Order No. 1 changes the contract amount of $1,511,000.00 by $10,484.00 to $1,521,484.00. 

Financial Impact:
Funded with Special Project Funds.

Attachment 1-Change Order
Attachment 2-Summary
C.XV.16. James McKee Elementary School, Courtyard Asphalt Change Order No. 2
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:

The Board of Education is asked to (1) approve Change Order No. 2 with Farris Construction, and (2) authorize a District Representative to sign the approved change order.  


On June 14, 2016, the Board of Education awarded a contract to Farris Construction, for the James McKee Elementary School, Courtyard Asphalt project.  Change Order No. 2 consists of two (2) items.  The complete change order with backup is on file in the Facilities and Planning Department for review.


(See Attachment 1)


Attachment 2 provides detailed information on distribution of change order requests between Contractor and District.  Change Order No. 2 changes the contract amount of $242,300.00 by $3,700.00 to $246,000.00. 

Financial Impact:

Funded with Routine Restricted Maintenance.

Attachment 1-Change Order
Attachment 2-Summary
C.XVI. Other Action Items
C.XVI.1. Discussion and Action on Items Removed from the Consent Agenda
C.XVII. Information Items
C.XVII.1. Other Items from the Floor
C.XVIII. Adjournment
D. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA OR NOT ON THE AGENDA - Notice Cards are available at the table outside of the Board Room for anyone who wishes to address the Board. If you wish to address the Board, complete a card and hand it to a staff member at the table to the left as you enter the Board Room. Please be sure to complete the card indicating whether the matter you wish to address is on the agenda or not on the agenda. If the matter is on the agenda, we will assume you wish to speak when it comes time to address that item on the agenda and we will hold your card until then. Presentations will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes, with a total of thirty (30) minutes designated for public comment on an item. Time limitations are at the discretion of the President of the Board of Trustees. The meeting is recorded on video and audio. Videos are available on the Elk Grove Unified School District’s YouTube channel at
E. AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES COMPLIANCE NOTICE - In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring special assistance to access the Board meeting room, to access written documents being discussed at the Board meeting, or to otherwise participate at Board meetings, please contact the Board Secretary, Ludi Avalos, at (916) 686-7700. Notification of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Board meeting and to provide any required accommodation, auxiliary aids or services.
F. DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY - Documents provided to a majority of the Governing Board regarding an open session item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the District Office located at 9510 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA during normal business hours.

Published: July 22, 2016, 2:21 PM

The resubmit was successful.