
Virtual Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Elk Grove USD
June 22, 2021 5:00PM

Mission Statement:
Elk Grove Unified School District will provide a learning community that challenges ALL students to realize their greatest potential.
. NOTICE: INFORMATION FOR VIRTUAL BOARD MEETINGWas edited within 72 hours of the Meeting




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Education of the Elk Grove Unified School District, at its regular Board meeting on June 22, 2021, took action consistent with California Government Code section 54955, and continued its Board meeting by adjourning the regular meeting to:

TIME:  June 25, 2021, at 1:00 PM

LOCATION: Public Participation through

9510 Elk Grove Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624

Please refer to the Board Agenda for the June 22, 2021, Board meeting and the related attachments to the June 22, 2021 agenda packet.


Quick Summary / Abstract:

June 22, 2021 Information Page:

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-29-20, which temporarily suspends provisions of the Brown Act relating to public meetings. As such, Elk Grove Unified School District Board members will be conducting this open session board meeting via Zoom video/teleconferencing.


Zoom Online Meeting Platform

Zoom is an online meeting platform that will be used by the Elk Grove Unified School District Board of Education during the current State social distancing and shelter at home order. Those who wish to view the meeting will need an internet connection and device. Zoom is compatible with Windows and Apple computers, along with iPhones, iPads, Chromebooks and Android devices. The device must have working speakers to hear the meeting.

Please note:  If Zoom is not currently installed on a computer or device, Zoom will ask to download a small app to the computer or device. Please accept the install to continue to the Zoom meeting. Zoom will only need to install the app the first time a computer or device is used with Zoom. Mobile device users can install the Zoom app prior to a meeting by visiting their app store. ZOOM Cloud Meetings is the name of the app.

Join the meeting via the Zoom link below:

.I. Government Code Section 54957: Public Employee Appointment/Employment; Principal, Harriet Eddy Middle SchoolWas edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
.II. Government Code Section 54956.9 Subdivision (d) Paragraph (1): Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation
.III. Government Code Section 54956.9 Subdivision (d) Paragraph (2): Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation Significant Exposure to Litigation
.IV. Government Code Section 54957: Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Complaint
.V. Government Code Section 54957.6: Conference with Labor Negotiators

Agency designated representatives: Christopher R. Hoffman,
David Reilly, Robert Pierce, Karen Rezendes

Employee Organizations: All Elk Grove Unified School District
Bargaining Units and Unrepresented Employees 

Quick Summary / Abstract:

.VI. Government Code Section 54957: Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Title: Superintendent
. OPEN SESSION - 6:00 p.m. Via Zoom
.I. Pledge of Allegiance
.II. Presentations/Recognitions
.III. Resolutions
.IV. Student Expulsion/Involuntary Transfer Recommendations
.V. Public Comment - Submit Electronically by 4:30 p.m.Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Public Comment on Items on the Agenda or Not on the Agenda

NOTICE: Requests for public comment must be received by 4:30 p.m. on June 22, 2021 to allow for sorting and organization of speakers by Board meeting agenda topic.  Please be sure to complete the public comment form indicating the item you wish to address and whether it will be read by a staff member or if you would like to speak live via Zoom during the board meeting.  The total amount of time allocated for public comments to the Board will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes, with a total of thirty (30) minutes designated for public comment on an item. Time limitations are at the discretion of the President of the Board of Trustees. 

For live public comment, you must be online and prepared to speak when your name is called upon. Your name will be called during the applicable agenda item, and in the Zoom session, a pop-up will open, asking you to unmute your microphone. Once you click on the unmute button, the Board will be able to hear you. At the end of your time limit, your microphone will be muted. You must be using the latest version of Zoom to make your live public comment. If you are not up-to-date with the Zoom platform client, you may be skipped during public comment periods due to technical difficulties.

The link to the public comment form can be found on the District's website:

The Zoom meeting will be recorded (video and audio) and will be made available on the Elk Grove Unified School District’s YouTube channel at

.VI. Consent Agenda - Action
All items listed on the consent agenda will be acted upon by one motion, without discussion. Should any item need to be considered separately, that item will be pulled for discussion/action.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

.VI.1. Personnel Actions
Amreek Singh
Recommended Motion:

The Board is requested to approve the attached list of personnel changes as indicated in the actions below.



New Hire(s) [ 11 ]

Administrative Transfer(s)

Leave(s) of Absence




Returning from Leave(s) of Absence



New Hire(s) [13]






.VI.2. Ratification of Grant Contracts/Agreements for Funding
Shannon Hayes
Recommended Motion:
The Board is asked to ratify grant contracts/agreements that have been signed by authorized district staff.
Financial Impact:

Name of Grant and/or Contracts/Agreements



First 5 Commission - School Readiness



PreK and Family Literacy Program (CPKS-0071)



SETA - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act - Out of School Youth - Modification for Budget Change



South Sacramento Mutual Housing - Summer Meals at various locations



State Preschool (CSPP-0402)



.VI.3. Ratification of Contracts for Services
Shannon Hayes
Recommended Motion:
The Board is asked to ratify contracts for services that have been signed by authorized district staff in accordance with Board Policy 3312-Contracts.

Under current Board Policy 3312 “contracts under the bid limits can be approved by the Designated Personnel, subject to Board ratification.  Amendments to contracts, including construction contract change orders both under and over bid limits, may be approved by the Designated Personnel, subject to Board ratification.”  Staff recommends that the Board ratify the contracts on the attached sheet, which are under the bid limit of $95,200 and have been approved by authorized district staff.

Copies of the contracts are on file with Finance & School Support should you wish to review them in detail.
Financial Impact:
Please see funding information provided on attached schedule.
Contracts List 062221
.VI.4. Field Intervention Services Contract
Shannon Hayes
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to approve the renewal of Field Intervention Services for the 2021-2022 School year.

Staff recommends the continuance of its contractual arrangement with Phil McCullough for Field Intervention Nurse (FIN) services.  By securing the contract with Mr. McCullough the District will be able to continue to provide personalized services for our employees if a work related injury or illness occurs.  Mr. McCullough has provided FIN services for EGUSD for over 10 years.
Financial Impact:
The cost associated with this contract has been the same since 2014/15 and is expected to remain the same through school year 2023/24.  Funding for the contract is generated by applying the workers' compensation rate of 1.75% to monthly and variable employee salaries.
Field Intervention Nurse - FIN Contract
.VI.5. Warrant Register No. 11
Shannon Hayes
Recommended Motion:
Approve Warrant Register No. 11 – Warrant Numbers 082439 - 083913, 415363 -416090.  All Funds:  May 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021

Education Code 42632 requires that all payments from the funds of a school district shall be made by written order of the governing board of the district.

It is also required that district orders (warrants) must be numbered and include the following per Education Code 42634:

  • The particular fund or funds of the district against which it is drawn
  • The amount of payment to be made
  • An itemized bill showing separate items and the price of each item (this information is retained in Fiscal Services)
  • The rate of salary and the period of service of any employee of the district for whom an order is issued for payment of salary or wages (this information is retained in the Payroll office)

The Board is asked to approve Warrant Register No. 11 – Warrant Numbers 082439 - 083913, 415363 - 416090.

See attached report for Warrant Register No. 11 expenditures.

Financial Impact:

Total expenditures for all funds from May 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021 are $77,847,049.32.

Warrant Register #11
.VI.6. Acceptance of Gifts
Shannon Hayes
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to accept the following donations to the District’s schools/programs.

Date Received




Requested Use




Sonja Armour

PreK-6 Education

Head Start books




Pamela Clements

PreK-6 Education

Head Start books




Roberta R. Gleeson

PreK-6 Education

Head Start books




Sandra Winter

PreK-6 Education

Head Start books




Christina L. Timmons

PreK-6 Education

Head Start books




Melanie Bobbitt

PreK-6 Education

Head Start books




Linda Patterson

PreK-6 Education

Head Start books




Nell L. Farr

PreK-6 Education

Head Start books




Benevity Community Impact Fund

Leimbach ES

Principal's Discretion




Benevity Community Impact Fund

Elk Grove HS

Technology and Digital Arts Academy




Benevity Community Impact Fund

Monterey Trail HS

Principal's Discretion




Benevity Community Impact Fund

Cosumnes River ES

Grant for Intel users




Benevity Community Impact Fund

Joseph Sims ES

Grant for Intel users




Benevity Community Impact Fund

Maeola Beitzel ES

Grant for Intel users




Benevity Community Impact Fund

Pleasant Grove ES

Grant for Intel users




Benevity Community Impact Fund

Roy Herburger ES

Grant for Intel users




Benevity Community Impact Fund

Robert McGarvey ES

Grant for Intel users




Benevity Community Impact Fund

Samuel Kennedy ES

Grant for Intel users




Benevity Community Impact Fund

Sunrise ES

Grant for Intel users


Financial Impact:
Value of Gifts: $18,244.08
.VI.7. Approval of Purchase Order Encumbrance Modification History
Shannon Hayes
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to approve purchase order encumbrance modifications from May 25, 2021 – May 28, 2021.

The purchase order encumbrance modification history from May 25, 2021 – May 28, 2021 is listed below.  The originals are on file in Fiscal Services if you wish to review them.



Purchase Orders Modified

Purchase Order Modification Costs

01 General Fund



13 Cafeteria Fund






Total Modifications



.VI.8. Approval of Purchase Order History
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to approve purchase orders for the weeks of May 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021.

The Purchase Order History for the weeks of May 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021 are listed below.  The purchase orders are on file in the Purchasing Department if you wish to review them.





Purchase Orders Issued

Purchase Order Encumbrance Costs

01 General Fund


$ 7,768,284.49

09 Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund


$ 5,510.88

11 Adult Education Fund


$ 84,457.05

12 Child Development Fund


$ 55,750.55

13 Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund


$ 633.44

21 Building Fund


$ 2,244,293.66

49 Capital Project Fund for Blended Component Units


$ 6,013.29

Total Encumbrances


$ 10,164,943.36

.VI.9. Approval to Award RFP #705-20/21 - Translation Services
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:

The Board of Education is asked to authorize the award of RFP #705-20/21 Translation Services to LaGuardia Translation, Excel Interpreting, and International Effectiveness Centers for a total contract term of three (3) years and total contract amount not to exceed $1,290,000.00.


RFP #705-20/21 was issued on April 9, 2021 to seventy-eight (78) firms in this market. By the closing date, May 6, 2021, twenty-eight (28) proposals were received.


The RFP results and recap are in the Purchasing Department for further review. The District recommends the award of a three (3) year contract, with optional two (2), one (1) year terms, not to exceed five (5) years total. This contract will commence on July 1, 2021.


Pursuant to Education Code Section §17604, the Board of Education is asked to authorize the Director of Purchasing or designee to execute renewals, terminations (if deemed necessary), and to take other actions as necessary to uphold the contract in the best interest of the District.


Contract to be awarded to the following vendors:

1. LaGuardia Translations

2. Excel Interpreting

3. International Effectiveness Centers


Total three year contracts not to exceed $1,290,000.00

Financial Impact:
Funding source has been budgeted through the English Learner Services and Special Education general operating funds.
.VI.10. Approval to Award Bid #703-20/21 – Tires
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the award of Bid #703-20/21 Tires to North State Tire for a contract term of one (1) year and total contract amount of $91,136.46

Bid #703-20/21 was issued on April 02, 2021 to four (4) firms in this market. By the closing date, April 29, 2021, two (2) proposals were received.


The Bid results and recap are in the Purchasing Department for further review. The District recommends the award of a one (1) year contract. This contract will commence on July 1, 2021.


Pursuant to Education Code Section §17604, the Board of Education is asked to authorize the Director of Purchasing or designee to execute renewals, terminations (if deemed necessary), and to take other actions as necessary to uphold the contract in the best interest of the District.



Award Total

North State Tire



Contract Award: North State Tire

Annual Cost: $91,136.46

Financial Impact:

Funding source has been budgeted through the Transportation Department’s general operating funds.

.VI.11. Approval to Award RFP #707-21/22 After School Program Providers at James A. McKee and Mary Tsukamoto Elementary Schools
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the award of RFP #707-21/22 After School Program Providers (ASES) at James A. McKee Elementary and Mary Tsukamoto Elementary schools to Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center.

RFP #707-21/22 was issued on May 14, 2021 to eleven (11) firms in this market. By the closing date, June 3, 2021, three (3) packages were received.


The RFP results and recap are in the Purchasing Department for further review. The District recommends the award of a one (1) year contract with the option to renew up to four (4) additional years for After School Program Providers (ASES/21st CCLC) for James A. McKee Elementary and Mary Tsukamoto Elementary schools to Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center. This contract will commence on July 1, 2021.


Anticipated Annual Cost:

McKee - $121,685/year

Tsukamoto - $122,173/year


Pursuant to Education Code Section §17604, the Board of Education is asked to authorize the Director of Purchasing or designee to execute terminations (if deemed necessary) and to take other actions as necessary to uphold the contract in the best interest of the District.
Financial Impact:
Funding source has been budgeted through the ASES grant.
.VI.12. Approval of an Extension of Request for Proposal (RFP) #667-18/19 After School Provider (ASES) for Edward Harris Jr. Middle School
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the extension of RFP #667-18/19 After School Provider (ASES) for Edward Harris Jr. Middle School for an additional year.

On June 25, 2019, the Purchasing Department on behalf of Learning Support Services issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Edward Harris Jr. Middle School for the After School Education and Safety (ASES) grant. At the June 25, 2019 Board meeting, the RFP #667-18/19 was awarded to the S.T.O.R.M Program for an initial one year term with four optional one-year extensions for a period of up to five years.


The Purchasing Department is requesting authorization to extend RFP #667-18/19 with the S.T.O.R.M Program for the second year of the optional four year extensions for a period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

Financial Impact:
To be paid out of the ASES/21st CCLC grant.
.VI.13. Approval of an Extension of Request for Proposal (RFP) #685-19/20 After School Program Providers (ASES/21st CCLC) Barbara Comstock Morse Elementary
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the extension of RFP #685-19/20 After School Program Providers (ASES/21st CCLC) Barbara Comstock Morse Elementary

On April 29, 2020, the Purchasing Department on behalf of Learning Support Services issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for After School Provider (ASES/21ST CCLC) for Barbara Comstock Morse Elementary School. At the June 30, 2020 Board meeting, the RFP #685-19/20 was awarded to the Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center for an initial one year term with four (4) optional one-year extensions for a period of up to five years.


The Purchasing Department is requesting authorization to extend RFP 685-19/20 with the Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center for the first year of the optional four year extensions for a period of

July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
Financial Impact:
To be paid out of the ASES/21st CCLC grant.
.VI.14. Approval of an Extension of Request for Proposal (RFP) #684-19/20 After School Program Providers (ASES) at Franklin Elementary, Irene B. West and Roy Herburger Elementary Schools
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the extension of RFP #684-19/20 After School Program Providers (ASES) at Franklin Elementary, Irene B. West Elementary, and Roy Herburger Elementary schools.

On April 29, 2020, the Purchasing Department on behalf of Learning Support Services issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Franklin Elementary, Irene B. West Elementary, and Roy Herburger Elementary schools for the After School Education and Safety (ASES) grant. At the June 30, 2020 Board meeting, the RFP #684-19/20 was awarded to the below vendors for an initial one year term with four optional one-year extensions for a period of up to five years.


Franklin Elementary: Sacramento Chinese Community Center

Roy Herburger Elementary: Edupreneur Program

Irene B. West Elementary: Sacramento Chinese Community Center


The Purchasing Department is requesting authorization to extend RFP #684-19/20 with the above listed vendors for the second year of the optional four year extensions for a period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

Financial Impact:
To be paid out of the ASES/21st CCLC grant.
.VI.15. Approval of an Extension of Request for Proposal (RFP) #628-17/18 After School Provider (ASES/21ST CCLC) for John Reith and Sierra Enterprise Elementary Schools
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the extension of RFP #628-17/18 After School Provider for (ASES/21ST CCLC) for John Reith Elementary School and Sierra Enterprise Elementary School for an additional year.

On April 20, 2018, the Purchasing Department on behalf of Learning Support Services issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for After School Provider (ASES/21ST CCLC) for John Reith Elementary School and Sierra Enterprise Elementary School. At the June 26, 2018 Board meeting, the RFP #628-17/18 was awarded to the Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center for an initial one year term with four (4) optional one-year extensions for a period of up to five years.


The Purchasing Department is requesting authorization to extend RFP #628-17/18 with the Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center for the fourth, and final, year of the optional four year extensions for a period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

Financial Impact:
To be paid out of the ASES/21st CCLC grant.
.VI.16. Approval to Purchase Healthcare/Science Supplies
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to authorize Elk Grove Unified School District Purchasing Department to purchase healthcare/science supplies cooperatively through an RFP secured by OMNIA Partners.

Public Code Section §20118 provides a statutory exception to the competitive bidding requirements set forth in the Public Contract Code by allowing districts to utilize cooperative bids secured by other districts or public entities for the purchase of materials, supplies and equipment.


It is in the best interest of the Elk Grove Unified School District to utilize the contract and pricing from OMNIA Partners for the purchase of healthcare/science supplies.





Expiration Date

OMNIA Partners


Healthcare/Science Supplies

Pocket Nurse


Financial Impact:
Funding source will be budgeted through internal department operational monies.
.VI.17. Monterey Trail High School, CTE Program: Information Communication Technology, and Health Science and Medical Technology Medical Assisting Award of Contract
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:

The Board of Education is asked to (1) review the tabulation of bids, (2) award a contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, (3) authorize the Administration to sign all documents and contracts pertaining to this work, and (4) authorize the Administration to proceed with the next lowest responsible bidder should a fully endorsed contract with the low bidder, accompanied by certification of the necessary bonds, not be obtained.


This project consists of two (2) individual projects combined into a single construction project, at Monterey Trail High School, located at 8661 Power Inn Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624.  The work consists of the following:

1) Information Communication Technology. This is a renovation of the computer lab in HF2. The remodel will re-orient student seating, and add collaboration and hands-on project areas.  The project will upgrade the room’s audio-visual capabilities and make teaching and learning more aligned with 21st Century teaching and learning practices.

2) Medical Assisting Relocation and Expansion. This project will relocate a Medical Assisting After School Class from Valley High School and establish it at Monterey Trail High School in the Library Community Room.  The renovated room will consist of an area for direct instruction and a set up as a mock clinic.  The facilities work is limited.  It will add sinks, power and data and medical equipment to the room.

Anticipating that the project cost was likely under $200,000, the District notified and solicited bids from contractors interested in bidding on EGUSD CUPCCAA projects. On May 28, 2021, the District received three (3) bids, the lowest being RBH Construction, with a responsive bid of $174,826.00 (see Attachment A for tabulation of bids).

The Administration recommends the award of contract to RBH Construction, for the total base bid of $174,826.00.
Financial Impact:

Funded with State Career Technical Education and Measure M funds.

Attachment A
.VI.18. Laguna Creek High School, Green Energy Technology Academy - Change Order No. 2
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:

The Board of Education is asked to (1) approve Change Order No. 2 with Kaler/Dobler Construction, Inc., and (2) authorize a District Representative to sign the approved change order. 


On June 30, 2020, the Board of Education awarded a contract to Kaler/Dobler Construction, Inc., for the Laguna Creek High School, Green Energy Technology Academy project.  Change Order No. 2 consists of fourteen (14) items.  The complete change order with backup is on file in the Facilities and Planning Department for review.

(See Attachment 1)

Attachment 2 provides detailed information on distribution of change order requests between Contractor and District.  Change Order No. 2 changes the contract amount of $4,020,359.00 by $66,521.00 to $4,086,880.00.

Financial Impact:

Funded with State Career Technical Education Facilities and Measure M funds.

Attachment 1
Attachment 2
.VI.19. Laguna Ridge East Elementary School – Soils Remediation Acceptance and Notice of Completion
Robert Pierce
Recommended Motion:

The Board of Education is asked to (1) accept the construction of the Laguna Ridge East Elementary School – Soils Remediation project, and (2) authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion.


On February 23, 2021, the Board of Education awarded a contract to Pacific States Environmental Contractors, Inc. for Laguna Ridge East Elementary School – Soils Remediation project. The work has been completed and is recommended for acceptance by the Consultant.


The Administration will file the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder within the statutory ten-day period.

Financial Impact:
Not applicable.
.VI.20. Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Funding Application
Jane Ross
Recommended Motion:

The Board is asked to approve Elk Grove Unified School District’s annual applications for Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Funding for the 2021-2022 program year.


The Board is asked to approve Elk Grove Unified School District’s annual applications for Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Funding for the 2021-2022 school year.

The Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant provides Elk Grove, Florin, Pleasant Grove and Sheldon high schools with funds to improve the quality of their agricultural career technical education programs. The goal is to maintain a high-quality, comprehensive agricultural career technical program in California's public school system to ensure a constant source of employable, trained, and skilled individuals.

In the 2021-2022 school year, Elk Grove High School will receive $46,436, Florin High School will receive $31,452, Pleasant Grove High School will receive $18,576, and Sheldon High School will receive $14,420.

Financial Impact:
Funding allocation:  $110,884 from the California Department of Education
.VI.21. Memorandum of Understanding between Bartholomew & Associates and Elk Grove Unified School District
Jane Ross
Recommended Motion:

The Board of Education is asked to approve the renewal of the agreement between Bartholomew & Associates and EGUSD authorizing Elk Grove Adult and Community Education to rent instructional space from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.


Elk Grove Adult and Community Education desires to renew its agreement with Bartholomew & Associates for the purpose of providing a training facility in Elk Grove that can accommodate EGACE’s growing Career Technical Education (CTE) program and to better serve the community of Elk Grove by providing training opportunities closer to home.

Financial Impact:

Please refer to:

  • Attachment 1— Equipment provided by Bartholomew & Associates at no cost to the district
  • Attachment 2—Rent, TMI, and Utilities
Rent, TMI, Utilities
.VI.22. College Board Contract Renewal
Craig Murray
Recommended Motion:

The Board is asked to approve a contract with College Board in the amount of $123,780 to fund the PSAT Early Participation Program (PSAT for All) for students in grades 8 and 10.


It is a primary goal of the District to continue preparing students for a robust college and career profile for both in and out of the state of California for college admissions in 2024-25 and beyond.  One objective of this work continues as the early identification of students with potential for success in Honors, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate courses and to encourage their early enrollment into these programs and classes.  A related objective is to provide all students in grades 8 and 10 an opportunity to experience the format, content, and rigor of a college-entrance examination prior to their formal PSAT/NMSQT scholarship opportunity and assessment in 11th grade. A more recent objective of this program is to ensure students are not reliant solely upon GPA/subject grades and AP/IB scores for accurate placement in college courses.  Accurate placement in college positively impacts college persistence, attendance, as well as financial aid outcomes.

The PSAT Early Participation Program meets both objectives.  For a number of years, the District has offered the opportunity for all 10th graders to take the PSAT free of charge through the PSAT for All program.  Not only did this allow students a chance to better understand the types of questions and levels of difficulty of the PSAT in preparation for taking the actual SAT or ACT in their junior or senior year, but the results of the test were used by College Board to generate a district-specific report entitled AP Potential.  This report identified students from each of our nine comprehensive high schools who, based on their PSAT performance, demonstrated the potential for success in one or more Advanced Placement courses.  These AP Potential reports were used by the District and individual schools to recruit students into these classes, particularly those students who otherwise may not have considered enrolling in these rigorous courses.

Beginning in the 2015-16 school year, the PSAT for All opportunity was extended to 8th graders.  Offered free of charge to all 8th grade students, the test serves as an access point into a formal online Khan Academy student account and digital tutoring opportunities with Khan Academy. The test serves as a foundational element in students’ college and career preparation and can contribute to a strong college application profile.  The results will be used as one means of recruitment into high school Honors/AP/IB classes.

The total 2021-22 cost for both the 8th and 10th grade programs, $123,780, is being funded from Title IV-Student Support and Academic Enrichment. 2021-22 dates have been adjusted to flexible testing windows in order to accommodate any potential date changes due to county health guidelines and/or requirements.

A copy of the College Board contract is attached for review.

Financial Impact:

$123,780 is being funded from Title IV-Student Support and Academic Enrichment

College Board 2021-2022 MOU
.VI.23. 2021-2022 Annual Contract for Nonpublic Agencies and Nonpublic Schools
Anne Rigali/ David Reilly
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to approve the Elk Grove Unified School District's 2021-2022 Annual Master Contract for Nonpublic Agencies (NPA) and Nonpublic Schools (NPS).
The Board of Education is requested to approve the master contracts of the Nonpublic Agency (NPA) and Nonpublic School (NPS) for the 2021-2022 school year. Each year the district meets with representatives from NPS/NPA to negotiate hourly or daily rates. This negotiation begins each March for the ensuing school year. The master contract does not specify a predetermined, fixed amount. Rather it indicates the hourly or daily rate for each NPS/NPA. It is the district that sets the rate. It is important to note the annual NPS/NPA expenditures paid to a given provider may vary considerably from year to year. This is due to needs of the students which are legally defined in Student's Individualized Education Plans (IEP). All services rendered to date are required to meet our current students needs. 
2021-2022 Master Contract
.VII. LCAP Update
.VII.1. LCAP Local Indicators for Elk Grove Unified School District
Mark Cerutti
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to receive a summary of the District’s LCAP local indicators that were considered, in conjunction with other LCAP metrics and stakeholder feedback, in the development of the District’s 2021-22 to 2023-24 LCAP.
The Board of Education will be presented a summary of the District’s LCAP local indicators and assessments performance on meeting local indicator standards, which will be publicly posted in the California School Dashboard.
Local Indicators Presentation - District
.VII.2. LCAP Local Indicators for Elk Grove Charter School
Marc Lavine / Craig Murray
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to receive a summary of the Elk Grove Charter School’s LCAP local indicators that were considered, in conjunction with other LCAP metrics and stakeholder feedback, in the development of the Elk Grove Charter School’s 2021-22 to 2023-24 LCAPs.
The Board of Education will be presented a summary of the Elk Grove Charter School’s LCAP local indicators and assessments of each’s performance on meeting local indicator standards, which will be publicly posted in the California School Dashboard.
EG Charter LCAP Local Indicators
.VIII. Race and Educational Equity
.IX. Budget Update
.X. Facilities Update
.XI. Bargaining Units
.XII. Reports
.XII.1. Improving, Expanding and Fully Integrating Supports and Services for Students Who Identify as Black/African American Using a Targeted Universalism ApproachWas edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Mark Cerutti
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to receive information on a plan to provide universal and targeted supports to students who identify as Black/African American for the 2021-22 school year and beyond.

The Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD) is committed to the success of all students in the District. As part of this commitment there is a need to provide improved, increased, and fully integrated supports to students who identify as Black/African American.

Historically, EGUSD has implemented universal strategies to support all students. These efforts have resulted in improved academic, social emotional, and behavioral outcomes but disproportionately less so for students who identify as Black/African American.

EGUSD is employing a methodology of support to specific student subgroups termed targeted universalism. Targeted universalism means setting universal goals pursued by targeted processes to achieve those goals. Within a targeted universalism framework, universal goals are established for all students and student subgroups. The strategies developed to achieve those goals are targeted, based upon the unique needs of different subgroups of students within the District. Targeted universalism is goal oriented, and the processes are directed in service of the explicit, universal goal.

  • The definition is adapted from the work of Powell, Menendian, and Ake; May 2019, Targeted Universalism Policy and Practice

The universal goals in EGUSD include:

  • High-Quality Curriculum and Instruction: All students will receive high quality classroom instruction and curriculum to promote college and career readiness and close the achievement gap.
  • Student Assessment and Program Evaluation: All students will benefit from instruction guided by assessment results (formative, interim and summative) and continuous programmatic evaluation.
  • Wellness: All students will have an equitable opportunity to learn in a culturally responsive, physically, and emotionally healthy and safe environment.
  • Family and Community Engagement: All students will benefit from programs and services designed to inform and involve family and community partners.
Financial Impact:
To be determined through the ESSER fund planning process.
Targeted Universal Services Presentation
.XIII. Public Hearing/Action Items
.XIV. Discussion Items
.XIV.1. Community Business Proposals to Support Black/African American Students
Mark Cerutti
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to identify any proposals or components of proposals that may be of interest, and if applicable, direct staff to partner with the identified community organization/s in order to ensure the scope of services and related budget is in alignment with District contractual requirements and identified student needs, and bring formalized contract recommendations to the Board of Education.

In order to most successfully educate all students, the Elk Grove Unified School District partners directly with families and community organizations. This foundation principle was essential during the pandemic condition and as we move to a full return to school. The Elementary and Secondary School Relief (ESSER) Funds necessitate broad stakeholder engagement in determining student needs and identifying priorities.

Planning for the use of ESSER funds for the end of the 2019-2020 school year was guided by three questions:

  • How do we best conclude the 2019-2020 school year to celebrate the successes of students and staff?
  • What is needed to provide a robust, high quality K-12 summer learning program supporting academic, social emotional, and recreational needs of students?
  • What is needed to ensure the 2021-2022 school year is successful for all students?

Staff, students, and parents provided input that is supporting programmatic and budgetary decision making. As part of the COVID relief needs analysis process community organizations submitted business proposals to support students. In order to make determinations of the optimal match of student need with community organization, the EGUSD Board of Education and staff require a full understanding of the organizations’ scope of service and budget proposal.

Community Program Proposals Presentation
.XV. Action Items
.XV.1. Adoption of Elk Grove Unified School District's Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Mark Cerutti
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is requested to adopt Elk Grove Unified School District's Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for the 2021-22 year.
The Board of Education is asked to adopt Elk Grove Unified School District's Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).  The LCAP is being adopted after the public hearing, held on June 15, 2021, pursuant to Education Code 52062(b)(2), and during the same meeting that the Board of Education adopts the budget pursuant to Education Code 42127.
Financial Impact:
A listing and description of expenditures for 2021-22 are included in the LCAP.
2021-2024 LCAP Draft - For Adoption
.XV.2. Adoption of Elk Grove Charter School's Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Marc Lavine
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is requested to adopt Elk Grove Charter School's Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for the 2021-22 year.
The Board of Education is asked to adopt Elk Grove Charter School's Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).  The LCAP is being adopted after the public hearing, held on June 15, 2021, pursuant to Education Code 52062(b)(2), and during the same meeting that the Board of Education adopts the budget pursuant to Education Code 42127.
Financial Impact:
A listing and description of expenditures for 2021-22 are included in the LCAP.
EG Charter LCAP Adoption
.XV.3. 2021-22 Adopted Budget
Shannon Hayes
Recommended Motion:

The Board is asked to approve the 2021-22 Adopted Budget as presented on June 15, 2021.


The Education Code requires that each school district submit a Board approved Adopted Budget to their respective county office of education by July 1 of each year.

The 2021-22 Budget for all funds is consistent with the June 15, 2021, public hearing.

Staff is continuing to monitor actions at the state level, evaluate new information as it is known and will provide reports recommending adjustments to the budget accordingly.

2021-22 Adopted Budget
.XV.4. COVID-19 Relief Funding – Remaining Round I – Funding Approval
Shannon Hayes
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to approve a spending plan for the remaining Round I COVID-19 Relief funds.  
The Round I funds articulated in the District’s Local Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP), approved by the Board of Education on September 28, 2020, focused on improving distance learning, assessment and learning gaps, social-emotional and mental health, student engagement, and meal service. Plan development was informed through extensive stakeholder input from students, staff and families. The District is being strategic in its approach to planning for the use of all COVID-19 Relief Funds, focusing first on the portion of the funds with the shortest spending timeline. The Board approved the District’s Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant plan on June 1, 2021 and the District is now focusing on the unspent funds from Round 1 (as noted above referenced in the Local Continuity and Attendance Plan) totaling $4.64 million. Areas of focus for the spending plan remain in alignment with and build upon the actions and services from the LCP and include technology support staff, health staff, social emotional/multi-tiered System of Support staff, Educational Equity staff, Food and Nutrition support to ensure accessibility to meals and resources for schools to support the successful return of students to fulltime, in-person instruction.
COVID-19 Relf Fund Rnd I Approval
.XVI. Board Member and Superintendent Reports
.XVII. Information Items
.XVII.1. Other Items from the Floor
.XVIII. Adjournment
Quick Summary / Abstract:

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and California Executive Order N-29-20, those requiring special assistance to access the Zoom Board meeting, access and complete the Google Electronic Public Comment Form, or to access written documents discussed at the Board meeting that are available on the District’s website, please contact Ludi Avalos at (916) 686-7700.  Notification of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Zoom board meeting and to provide any required accommodation, auxiliary aids or services.

Quick Summary / Abstract:

Documents provided to a majority of the Governing Board regarding an open session item on this agenda will be posted online attached to the board agenda for public inspection.

Published: June 18, 2021, 4:09 PM

The resubmit was successful.