Regular Meeting of the Board of Education Elk Grove USD September 07, 2021 5:00PM Robert L. Trigg Education Center, Board Room
9510 Elk Grove-Florin Road
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Closed Session - 5:00 p.m.
Open Session - 6:00 p.m.
Elk Grove Unified School District will provide a learning community that challenges ALL students to realize their greatest potential. |
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NOTICE: Information for Board Meetings
Effective beginning on August 10, 2021, unless otherwise ordered by the Sacramento County Public Health Department, the State, or by other legal mandate, the Board of Education will resume full in-person Board meetings. Live streaming of full in-person Board meetings will be available to the public via the Zoom platform. Zoom Link: Public Comment for Items on the Agenda or Not on the Agenda
NOTICE: Effective beginning August 10, 2021, unless otherwise ordered by the Sacramento County Public Health Department, the State or by other legal mandate, the following processes shall be available for public comments during Board meetings. During the Board meeting, the public may make public comments (1.) in-person in the Board Room location or (2.) virtually, via the Zoom platform, through the District’s pre-registration process located on the District’s website. The total amount of time allocated for public comments to the Board will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes, with a total of thirty (30) minutes designated for public comment on an item. Time limitations are at the discretion of the President of the Board of Trustees.
- For in-person public comments – Blue Cards will be available outside the Board Room and will be collected at the beginning of each board meeting and organized by topic for in-person public comments.
- Zoom audio public comments – The public may submit an online form to the District in advance of a Board Meeting requesting to speak during public comments through the Zoom platform at the designated time on the Board agenda. Requests for public comment via Zoom must be received by 4:30 p.m. the day of the meeting to allow for sorting and organization of speakers by Board meeting agenda topic. Additional information can be found on the District’s website:
Agency designated representatives: Christopher R. Hoffman, David Reilly, Robert Pierce, Karen Rezendes Employee Organizations: All Elk Grove Unified School District Bargaining Units and Unrepresented Employees
Mark Cerutti, Jenifer Avey |
The Board of Education is requested to adopt Resolution No. 17, that designates September 15 through October 15, 2021, as Hispanic Heritage Month. |
The Board of Education has been a strong advocate of diversity within our school district. Given that interest, members of the Board of Education have an opportunity to recognize Hispanic Heritage Month. In September 1968, Congress authorized President Lyndon B. Johnson to proclaim National Hispanic Heritage Week. The observance was expanded in 1988 to a month-long celebration (September 15 – October 15). America celebrates the culture and traditions of U.S. residents who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico, and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. September 15 was chosen as the starting point for the celebration because it is the anniversary of independence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Throughout the year, the contributions of Americans with Hispanic heritage are presented in the regular curriculum; however, this special focus for one month serves as a reminder of the combined contributions of this group. |
Hispanic Heritage Month Resolution
Mark Cerutti, Jenifer Avey |
The Board of Education is requested to adopt Resolution No. 16, that designates September 17, 2021, as Constitution Day. |
September 17, 2021, will be the 234th anniversary of the formation and signing of the Constitution of the United States of America. The finalizing of the Constitution had taken place after months of deliberation and discussion. It would be many more months before the Constitution was ratified by the states. In March 1789, the Constitution was declared to be in effect by the First U.S. Congress. The Constitution that still governs and guides our country today has had significant political influence around the world. The values and beliefs that are represented in this document are ones with which citizens of our country should be familiar. In 2004, Congress created a federal holiday, "Constitution Day," designated to be September 17. In May 2005, the U.S. Department of Education stipulated that all schools that receive federal monies must hold an educational program pertaining to the United States Constitution on September 17 of each year. Through this resolution, the Board of Education would communicate a clear message about the importance of our country’s foundational governing document as well as the importance of civic values. |
Constitution Day Resolution
Xanthi Soriano |
The Board of Education is requested to approve Resolution No.15, 2021-2022, which proclaims the period from September 13-24, 2021, as High School Voter Education Weeks. |
The California Education Code designates the last two weeks of September as High School Voter Education Weeks. We want to ensure that our students are learning to become active and engaged participants in our democracy. We strongly encourage EGUSD high schools to participate in High School Voter Education Weeks, September 13 through 24, 2021. Let's help get our students on the path to a lifetime of civic engagement and voting. |
Resolution No. 15
Public Comment for Items on the Agenda or Not on the Agenda NOTICE: Effective beginning August 10, 2021, unless otherwise ordered by the Sacramento County Public Health Department, the State or by other legal mandate, the following processes shall be available for public comments during Board meetings. During the Board meeting, the public may make public comments (1.) in-person in the Board Room location or (2.) virtually, via the Zoom platform, through the District’s pre-registration process located on the District’s website. The total amount of time allocated for public comments to the Board will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes, with a total of thirty (30) minutes designated for public comment on an item. Time limitations are at the discretion of the President of the Board of Trustees.
- For in-person public comments – Blue Cards will be available outside the Board Room and will be collected at the beginning of each board meeting and organized by topic for in-person public comments.
- Zoom audio public comments – The public may submit an online form to the District in advance of a Board Meeting requesting to speak during public comments through the Zoom platform at the designated time on the Board agenda. Requests for public comment via Zoom must be received by 4:30 p.m. the day of the meeting to allow for sorting and organization of speakers by Board meeting agenda topic. Link to Zoom audio public comment card:
All items listed on the consent agenda will be acted upon by one motion, without discussion. Should any item need to be considered separately, that item will be pulled for discussion/action.
Christopher Hoffman |
The Board is asked to approve the minutes from the regular board meeting that was held on August 10, 2021 and the minutes from the Board Workshop/Special Board Meeting that was held on August 18, 2021.
Beth Albiani |
The Board is asked to approve the revised EGUSD Governance Handbook. |
During the Board Workshop on August 18, 2021, the Board reviewed a redlined copy that showed the updates to the document and agreed to the changes made to the EGUSD Governance Handbook. |
Revised EGUSD Governance Handbook
Beth Albiani |
The Board is asked to approve the Board Self-Evaluation Tool and Superintendent Evaluation Tool. |
The Board of Education has been working on the development of the Board Self-Evaluation Tool and the Superintendent Evaluation Tool with Mike Merchant of the Arbinger Institute since April 2021. During the Board Workshop on August 18, 2021, the Board reviewed finalized versions of the evaluation tools. |
Board Self Evaluation Tool Superintendent Evaluation Tool
Amreek Singh |
The Board is requested to approve the attached list of personnel changes as indicated in the actions below. |
CERTIFICATED: New Hire(s) [77] Administrative Transfer(s) Leave(s) of Absence Partial Resignation(s) Promotion(s) Rehire(s) Resignation(s) Retirement(s) CLASSIFIED: New Hire(s) [39] Probationary Release(s) Promotion(s) Rehire(s) Resignation(s) Retirement(s) Returning from Reemployment List |
No fiscal impact. |
Amreek Singh |
The Board is asked to approve Provisional Internship Permits for four teachers to continue in the following hard to fill assignments: Andrea Fowler, Sheldon High School, Education Specialist Mild/Moderate
Scotty Fernandes, Sheldon High School, Art Teacher Ivone Juan, T.R. Smedberg Middle School, Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Jason Elmore, Samuel Jackman Middle School Music Teacher (new assignment) |
Although a diligent search for fully credentialed teachers has been conducted, the sites were not able to fill these vacancies. Andrea Fowler and Scotty Fernandes were both contracted teachers at Sheldon High School, Ivone Juan was contracted at T.R. Smedberg Middle School, and Jason Elmore was contracted at Katherine Albiani Middle School in the 2020/21 school year and have been unable to complete the requirements to obtain either an Intern or Preliminary credential. These teachers need an additional year to finish all requirements and are currently enrolled in programs to obtain an Intern or Preliminary credential in their respective subject areas. We are requesting that Provisional Internship Permits be approved to enable them to continue in their positions until they complete the necessary testing/coursework requirements to become credential eligible. |
No fiscal impact. |
Amreek Singh |
The Board is requested to approve Variable Term Credential Waivers for CTE Teachers who require an English Learner Authorization to teach. |
We have seven teachers currently teaching in our CTE programs for Bio/Medical, Building Trades, Computers, Digital Media, Fashion Design, Fire Sciences and AFJROTC for the 2021/2022 school year who are in the process of taking coursework to clear their Designated Subjects Career Technical Education credentials. As part of their coursework, they will take SDAIE training and earn a Certificate of Completion of Staff Development (CCSD) which will complete their English Learner credential requirement. In the meantime, the teachers are required to have an approved waiver on file with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for the CCSD. We are requesting that a CCSD waiver be approved for the following teachers for the 2021/2022 school year: Hannah Dokter – Bio/Medical Teacher – Cosumnes Oaks High School
Michael Duffy – Digital Media/Building Trades Teacher – William Daylor High School Gregory Jones – AFJROTC – Valley High School Jennifer Nodora – Fashion Design Teacher – Laguna Creek High School Robert Rhodes – Computer Teacher – Sheldon High School Brandy Shearer – Digital Media Teacher – Valley High School John Vidal III – Medical Tech/Fire Sciences Teacher – Valley High School |
No fiscal impact. |
Amreek Singh |
The Board is requested to approve the Supplemental Certificated Substitute Compensation Rates Effective September 1, 2021 through December 15, 2022. |
School districts statewide have been experiencing a significant shortage of certificated substitute teachers. The Human Resources department has been monitoring substitute requests and fill rates on a daily basis. To provide context, in August of 2019, we had an average of 288 substitute requests per day and an average of 7 unfilled requests. In contrast, we have 172 substitute requests in August of 2021, with an average of 30 unfilled requests per day. Furthermore, we had 1227 substitutes in our pool in August 2019 and had about 390 substitute teachers actively working each month. Currently we have 841 substitute teachers in our pool and only 247 are actively working and picking up requests. Although the actual need for substitutes is lower than pre-pandemic numbers, there are now fewer candidates who are willing to serve as substitutes for a variety of reasons. Part of our monitoring process is to gather feedback from substitutes who are resigning or not picking up jobs and one reason appears to be the District’s low compensation rates. In an effort to understand the gravity of the situation, we have benchmarked with other neighboring districts and our research shows EGUSD has the lowest daily substitute compensation rates. We are also aware that substitutes generally work for multiple districts thus narrowing the pool we depend on daily to fill vacancies. In an effort to recruit and retain qualified individuals, we are proposing to increase our daily and long-term substitute rates to a competitive regional level. Furthermore, our interest has always been to have our own qualified, off-contract teachers, or teachers on prep periods, to cover vacancies. These current employees of EGUSD generally have established relationships with students and site personnel, making them our preferred substitutes. We are proposing an increased rate as an incentive to increase this pool. In addition to current employees, we have a pool of retired EGUSD teachers who regularly substitute for us. In an effort to recruit more of our own retired teachers, we are proposing an increased compensation rate for EGUSD retirees as well. Please see the attached draft of certificated substitute compensation rates for more detail. The Governor recently signed an executive order allowing the hiring of recent retirees and suspending the current 180 day waiting period. We are reaching out to our recent retirees, informing them of this opportunity and encouraging them to substitute for us. Salary Schedule with supplemental certificated substitute compensation rates is attached.
No financial impact |
Supplemental Certificated Substitute Compensation Rates
Amreek Singh |
The Board is asked to approve the hiring of Speech Language Pathologists, Rosemary Burke and Joshua Rucker, in alignment with the Education Code Option request for Speech and Language Pathologists. |
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) allows local school governing boards to employ individuals who hold a license issued by the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board and have earned a master’s degree in communication disorders to provide speech and language services if that individual meets the requirements of Section 44332.6 before employment or execution of the contract. Ms. Burke and Mr. Rucker have met the requirements listed above. |
No additional financial impact |
Education Code 44831
Amreek Singh |
The Board is asked to approve the updated AFSCME salary schedule. |
On August 10, 2021, the Board approved the revised title from Senior Duplicating Room Operator to Lead Print Shop Equipment Operator with updates to the job description. AFSCME #21 salary schedule has been updated to reflect this change. The Lead Print Shop Equipment Operator is placed at 21-481 on the salary schedule. |
No fiscal impact. |
AFSCME #21 Salary Schedule
Shannon Hayes |
The Board is asked to approve the selection of medical benefit carriers for the 2022 calendar year and authorize staff to execute necessary agreements. |
The Joint Health Care Coalition (JHCC) has met over the last several months regarding the 2022 medical benefit offerings. With assistance from Keenan and Associates, Sutter Health Plus and Kaiser Permanente submitted rate proposals. The JHCC voted and provides the following recommendation to the Board of Education: Kaiser Permanente and Sutter Health Plus have been recommended to continue as providers.
The proposals included the following cost changes from 2021: Sutter Health Plus (incl. EPIC hearing) | + 5.99% | Kaiser Permanente | + 5.00% | The 2022 rates for these plans will be:
| EMPLOYER MONTHLY SHARE – 80% (per mo. over 12 months)
| Health Care Provider | Plan | Employee Only | Employee +1 Dependent | Employee +2(+) Dependents | Employee Only | Employee +1 Dependent | Employee +2(+) Dependents | Employee Only | Employee +1 Dependent | Employee +2(+) Dependents | Sutter Health Plus | $30 co-pay | $640.57 | $1,280.85 | $1,812.54 | $128.11 | $256.17 | $362.51 | $512.46 | $1,024.68 | $1,450.03 | Kaiser Permanente | $30 co-pay | $665.72 | $1,331.44 | $1,883.98 | $153.26 | $306.76 | $433.95 | $512.46 | $1,024.68 | $1,450.03 | Based on the rates above, Sutter Health Plus will continue to be the low-cost plan for 2022. A summary of the impact of the rates to employees will be as follows: Employee 20% Rate Change Over Prior Year | STANDARD PLAN MONTHLY RATES | Employee Only | Employee +1 Dependent | Employee +2(+) Dependents | Sutter to Sutter | $7.15 | $14.32 | $20.28 | Sutter to Kaiser | $32.30 | $64.91 | $91.72 | Kaiser to Kaiser | $3.08 | $6.11 | $8.60 | Kaiser to Sutter | ($22.07) | ($44.48) | ($62.84) | Open Enrollment will occur October 4 – October 29, 2021, for a coverage period of January 1 – December 31, 2022. Employees will be informed of this information as part of the Open Enrollment communications.
Staff recommends that the Board of Education accept the recommendations of the JHCC and authorize the Chief Financial Officer, Shannon Hayes, to execute all related contracts. Executed contracts will be included on a future Approval of Contracts Board agenda item for ratification.
Costs are included in the 2021-22 budget. |
Shannon Hayes |
The Board of Education is asked to approve purchase order encumbrance modifications from July 20, 2021 – August 17, 2021. |
The purchase order encumbrance modification history from July 20, 2021 – August 17, 2021 is listed below. The originals are on file in Fiscal Services if you wish to review them. Modifications: Fund | Purchase Orders Modified | Purchase Order Modification Costs | 01 General Fund | 10 | $215,100.00 | 21 Building Fund | 5 | $30,000.00 | | | | Total Modifications | 15 | $245,100.00 | |
Shannon Hayes |
Approve Warrant Register No. 1 – Warrant Numbers 085418 – 086404, 417390 – 418383. All Funds: July 1, 2021 through July 31, 2021 |
Education Code 42632 requires that all payments from the funds of a school district shall be made by written order of the governing board of the district. It is also required that district orders (warrants) must be numbered and include the following per Education Code 42634:
- The particular fund or funds of the district against which it is drawn
- The amount of payment to be made
- An itemized bill showing separate items and the price of each item (this information is retained in Fiscal Services)
- The rate of salary and the period of service of any employee of the district for whom an order is issued for payment of salary or wages (this information is retained in the Payroll office)
The Board is asked to approve Warrant Register Warrant Numbers 085418 – 086404, 417390 – 418383.
See attached report for Warrant Register No. 1 expenditures.
Total expenditures for all funds from July 1, 2021 through July 31, 2021 are $74,517,782.70. |
Warrant Register
Shannon Hayes |
The Board is asked to receive a quarterly report of investments. |
Under state law, the District’s surplus funds are deposited in the County Treasury (unless the District takes special measures to become fiscally independent) with the exception of legally authorized commercial bank accounts (such as Revolving Fund) and proceeds of debt issuances, which may be placed with a trustee. All of the funds of the Elk Grove Unified School District are invested with the Treasury of the County of Sacramento. These funds are in the commingled Treasurer’s Pool with that of other public agencies. This includes all of the school districts within Sacramento County. As of June 30, 2021, the District has $381,529,051 from all funds, in addition Mello-Roos Investment proceeds of $18,365,405 and General Obligation Bond Investment proceeds of $128,419,093 for a total of $528,313,549 in the County Treasurer’s pool. This is 11.56% of the total county pooled assets of $4,571,833,284.
The surplus funds of the District are conservatively managed by the County Treasury. We are confident that the funds are now and will continue to be available upon demand to satisfy District needs. |
Quarterly Investment Report
Shannon Hayes |
The Board of Education is asked to accept the following donations to the District’s schools/programs. |
Date Received | Item | Donor | School/Program | Requested Use | Value | 7/1/2021 | Cash | Scholarship America | Franklin HS | Principal's Discretion | $1,000.00 | 7/23/2021 | 2 Bicycles and 1 helmet | Donna McDonald | Student Support and Health Services | Principal's Discretion | $275.00 | 7/28/2021 | Diverse Books | Beth and Dennis Albiani | Educational Equity | Classroom Libraries | $4,233.62 |
Value of Gifts: $5,508.62. |
Shannon Hayes |
The Board is asked to ratify grant contracts/agreements to receive funding for categorical programs in accordance with agency applications which have been signed by authorized district staff. |
Grant Contracts/Agreements for Funding 090721
Shannon Hayes |
The Board is asked to ratify contracts for services that have been signed by authorized district staff in accordance with Board Policy 3312-Contracts. |
Under current Board Policy 3312 “contracts under the bid limits can be approved by the Designated Personnel, subject to Board ratification. Amendments to contracts, including construction contract change orders both under and over bid limits, may be approved by the Designated Personnel, subject to Board ratification.” Staff recommends that the Board ratify the contracts on the attached sheet, which are under the bid limit of $96,700 and have been approved by authorized district staff. Copies of the contracts are on file with Finance & School Support should you wish to review them in detail. |
Please see funding information provided on attached schedule. |
090721 Contracts List
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to approve purchase orders for the weeks of June 1, 2021 through July 31, 2021. |
The Purchase Order History for the weeks of June 1, 2021 through July 31, 2021 are listed below. The purchase orders are on file in the Purchasing Department if you wish to review them. Encumbrances: Fund | Purchase Orders Issued | Purchase Order Encumbrance Costs | 01 General Fund | 2,802 | $ 133,636,193.90 | 09 Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund | 20 | $ 51,224.47 | 11 Adult Education Fund | 49 | $ 505,799.67 | 12 Child Development Fund | 132 | $ 364,227.42 | 13 Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund | 130 | $ 10,982,625.25 | 14 Deferred Maintenance Fund | 2 | $ 241,122.50 | 21 Building Fund | 148 | $ 17,584,995.84 | 25 Capital Facilities Fund | 1 | $ 86,859.95 | 35 County Schools Facilities Fund | 30 | $ 47,221,434.43 | 49 Capital Project Fund for Blended Component Units | 34 | $ 953,106.82 | 67 Self-Insurance Fund | 2 | $ 257,200.00 | Total Encumbrances | 3,350 | $ 211,884,790.25 | |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the disposal of Obsolete/Surplus Property. |
Pursuant to Education Code Section §39521, the Board of Education is asked to authorize Bobbi Hew, Director of Purchasing & Warehouse to surplus and/or dispose of these items. All computers have been deemed uneconomical to repair by the Technology Services Department. Per Technology Services, all sensitive data and/or licenses have been removed from hard drives prior to being picked up from the department/site. To date, we have had no interest from local non-profits requesting computers that could be refurbished and redistributed to students of need. Since most usable parts are removed prior to disposal, these items are of little use. Records of these items are in the Purchasing & Warehouse Department should you need to review them. Computers | 116 | | Monitors | 8 | Audio-Visual | 55 | | Printers/Scanners | 26 | Misc. Computer Equipment | 33 | | Network Equipment | 0 | Classroom/Office Furniture & Equipment | 373 | | Misc. Appliances/Equipment | 24 | Food & Nutrition Services Equipment | 1 | | Maintenance/Custodial Equipment | 2 | Obsolete Instructional Materials | 15,000 | | Safety & Security Equipment | 8 |
No income is anticipated to be received by the district for these items. However any income that is received will go into the General Fund. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to authorize Elk Grove Unified School District Purchasing Department to purchase physical education supplies and team uniforms through an RFP secured by Region 4/Omnia Partners |
Public Code Section §20118 provides a statutory exception to the competitive bidding requirements set forth in the Public Contract Code by allowing districts to utilize cooperative bids secured by other districts or public entities for the purchase of materials, supplies and equipment. It is in the best interest of the Elk Grove Unified School District to utilize the contract and pricing from Region 4/OMNIA Partners for the purchase of physical education supplies and team uniforms Contract | Item | Vendor | Expiration Date | OMNIA Partners R201101 | Athletic, physical education supplies and team uniforms | BSN Sports | 09/30/2023 | |
Funding source will be budgeted through internal department operational monies. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is being asked to authorize the extension of Bid #692-20/21 for Renewable Propane for year two of a possible three year term. |
Bid #692-20/21 was issued on August 21, 2020 to five (5) firms in this market. By the closing date September 24, 2020, two (2) bids were received. The Bid results and recap are in the Purchasing Department for further review. The Purchasing Department is requesting authorization to extend Bid #692-20/21 with Kamps Propane for year two, which is the first year of the optional two, one-year extensions Vendor: Kamps Propane Anticipated Budget Second Year: $100,000.00 for 2021/2022 budget year. |
Funding source has been budgeted through the Transportation Departments general operating funds. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to authorize Elk Grove Unified School District Purchasing Department to purchase cooperatively through a bid secured by Sourcewell (Sourcewell contract #061417-SHC). |
Public Code Section §20118 provides a statutory exception to the competitive bidding requirements set forth in the Public Contract Code by allowing districts to utilize cooperative bids secured by other districts or public entities for the purchase of health & safety, medical, surgical, and first aid related equipment, supplies, and accessories.. It is in the best interest of the Elk Grove Unified School District to utilize the contract and pricing from a bid secured by Sourcewell (Sourcewell contract #061417-SHC). Contract # | Item | Vendor | Expiration Date | #061417-SHC | Health & Safety, Medical, Surgical, and First Aid Related Equipment, Supplies, and Accessories | School Health Corporation | 07/25/2022 | |
Funding source will be budgeted through internal department operational monies. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) review the tabulation of bids, (2) award a contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, (3) authorize the Administration to sign all documents and contracts pertaining to this work, and (4) authorize the Administration to proceed with the next lowest responsible bidder should a fully endorsed contract with the low bidder, accompanied by certification of the necessary bonds, not be obtained. |
This project includes removal of old and installation of new cooler and blast chiller at the Food and Nutrition Services Department’s Central Kitchen, located at 8389 Gerber Road, Sacramento, CA 95828. The Administration received and opened three (3) bids on August 17, 2021, at 2:30 p.m. Mesa Energy Systems, Inc., submitted the lowest base bid. (see Attachment A for tabulation of bids). The Administration recommends the award of contract to Mesa Energy Systems, Inc., for the total base bid of $217,661.00. |
Funded with the Cafeteria Special Revenue funds. |
Attachment A
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) review the tabulation of bids, (2) award a contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, (3) authorize the Administration to sign all documents and contracts pertaining to this work, and (4) authorize the Administration to proceed with the next lowest responsible bidder should a fully endorsed contract with the low bidder, accompanied by certification of the necessary bonds, not be obtained. |
This project includes installation and electrical infrastructure for the operation of fifteen (15) new Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) at the Transportation Department, located at 8421 Gerber Road, Sacramento, CA 95828. The Administration received and opened four (4) bids on August 17, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. Lords Electric, Inc., submitted the lowest base bid (see Attachment A for tabulation of bids). The Administration recommends the award of contract to Lords Electric, Inc., for the total base bid of $422,000.00. |
Funded with the SMAQMD Grant funds. |
Attachment A
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) approve Change Order No. 1 with California Single Ply, Inc., and (2) authorize a District Representative to sign the approved change order |
On May 18, 2021, the Board of Education awarded a contract to California Single Ply, Inc., for the Florence Markofer Elementary School, Roofing 2021 project. Change Order No. 1 consists of one (1) item. The complete change order with backup is on file in the Facilities and Planning Department for review. (See Attachment 1) Attachment 2 provides detailed information on distribution of change order requests between Contractor and District. Change Order No. 1 changes the contract amount of $386,900.00 by ($6,796.00) to $380,104.00. |
Funded with Measure M funds. |
Attachment 1 Attachment 2
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) accept the construction of the Florence Markofer Elementary School, Roofing 2021 project, and (2) authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. |
On May 18, 2021, the Board of Education awarded a contract with California Single Ply, Inc., for Florence Markofer Elementary School, Roofing 2021 project. The work has been completed and is recommended for acceptance by the District. The Administration will file the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder within the statutory ten-day period. |
Not applicable. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) approve Change Order No. 2 with TJR Resources, Inc., and (2) authorize a District Representative to sign the approved change order. |
On March 23, 2021, the Board of Education awarded a contract to TJR Resources, Inc., for the William Daylor High School, Voluntary Accessibility Improvements project. Change Order No. 2 consists of one (1) item. The complete change order with backup is on file in the Facilities and Planning Department for review. (See Attachment 1) Attachment 2 provides detailed information on distribution of change order requests between Contractor and District. Change Order No. 2 changes the contract amount of $129,156.00 by $2,964.38 to $132,120.38. |
Funded with Mello Roos (Fund 49) revenue. |
Attachment 1 Attachment 2
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) accept the construction of the William Daylor High School, Voluntary Accessibility Improvements project, and (2) authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. |
On March 23, 2021, the Board of Education authorized Administration to award a contract with TJR Resources, Inc., for William Daylor High School, Voluntary Accessibility Improvements project. The work has been completed and is recommended for acceptance by the Architect. The Administration will file the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder within the statutory ten-day period. |
Not applicable. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) approve Change Order No. 1 with Madsen Roofing & Waterproofing, Inc., and (2) authorize a District Representative to sign the approved change order. |
On May 18, 2021, the Board of Education awarded a contract to Madsen Roofing & Waterproofing, Inc., for the James A. McKee Elementary School, Roofing 2021 project. Change Order No. 1 consists of one (1) item. The complete change order with backup is on file in the Facilities and Planning Department for review. (See Attachment 1) Attachment 2 provides detailed information on distribution of change order requests between Contractor and District. Change Order No. 1 changes the contract amount of $417,698.00 by ($8,460.00) to $409,238.00. |
Funded with Measure M funds. |
Attachment 1 Attachment 2
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) accept the construction of the James A. McKee Elementary School, Roofing 2021 project, and (2) authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion |
On May 18, 2021, the Board of Education awarded a contract with Madsen Roofing & Waterproofing, Inc., for James A. McKee Elementary School, Roofing 2021 project. The work has been completed and is recommended for acceptance by the District. The Administration will file the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder within the statutory ten-day period. |
Not applicable. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) approve Change Order No. 1 with Flint Builders, Inc., and (2) authorize a District Representative to sign the approved change order. |
On April 20, 2021, the Board of Education awarded a Lease-Leaseback (LLB) agreement with Flint Builders, Inc., for the Elk Grove High School, Phase 2 – Inc. #1 – Site Utilities project. Change Order No. 1 consists of one (1) item. The complete change order with backup is on file in the Facilities and Planning Department for review. (See Attachment 1) Attachment 2 provides detailed information on distribution of change order requests between Contractor and District. Change Order No. 1 changes the contract amount of $3,936,801.00 by $355,814.00 to $4,292,615.00. |
Funded with State School Facilities and Measure M funds. |
Attachment 1 Attachment 2
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) accept the construction of the Cosumnes Oaks High School, Booster Pump Repair project, and (2) authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. |
Not applicable. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) accept the construction of the Security Cameras Group 4 project, and (2) authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. |
On July 20, 2021, the Board of Education authorized Administration to utilize CMAS Contract 3-18-84-0054D/General Services Administration (GSA) Contract #37QSWA18D003K with ICU Technologies, Inc., for Security System Upgrade - Group 4 project. The work has been completed and is recommended for acceptance by the District. The Administration will file the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder within the statutory ten-day period. |
Not applicable. |
Jane Ross |
The Board of Education is asked to approve EGACE's designated member of CAERC from Jane Ross to Angela Rodriguez. |
Angela Rodriguez was hired as Principal, Adult Education, August 25, 2021. We are requesting the Board approve Angela Rodriguez as the EGACE designated member of Capital Adult Education Regional Consortium. |
Bindy Grewal |
The Board of Education is requested to approve the Resolution No.14 authorizing the execution of the 2021-2023 delegate agency agreement #21C225S0ARP-CR by and between Elk Grove Unified School District and Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA). |
The Head Start Resolution No. 14, Authorizing Execution of Delegate Agency Agreement with Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA), for the period April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2023 is required to enter into an agreement for the utilization of allocated American Rescue Plan (ARP) and Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act funding towards COVID related costs. The Governing Board of Elk Grove Unified School District is required to authorize the execution of Agreement #21C225S0ARP-CR between the District and SETA. |
There is no cost to the District. |
ARP Funding Allocation CRRSA Act Head Start Funding Allocation Delegate Agency Resolution No. 14
Amreek Singh |
The Board of Education is asked to receive a presentation on the Elk Grove Unified School District COVID-19 Vaccination Verification and Diagnostic Screening Order Overview
The purpose of this presentation is to inform the Board of the plan we are establishing to bring the District into compliance with the State Public Health Order of August 11, 2021. This Public Health Order, which requires verification of vaccination status among K-12 school workers and establishes diagnostic screening of unvaccinated workers, notes the following:
- All schools must verify vaccination status of all workers
- Schools must have a plan to track verified worker vaccination status
- Workers who are not fully vaccinated, or for whom vaccine status is unknown or documentation is not provided, must be considered unvaccinated
EGUSD COVID-19 Vaccination Verification Report
Shannon Hayes |
The Board of Education is requested to hold a public hearing to allow the public an opportunity to provide feedback on the District’s draft American Recovery Plan Act – Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Plan. |
School districts that receive Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds under the American Rescue Plan Act, referred to as ESSER III funds, are required to develop a plan for how they will use their ESSER III funds. In the plan, the District must explain how it intends to use ESSER III funds to address students’ academic, social emotional, and mental health needs, as well as opportunity gaps that existed before, and were worsened by, the COVID-19 pandemic. There are three sections to the ESSER III Plan: - Strategies for continuous and safe in-person learning
- Addressing lost instructional time
- Use of any remaining funds
In each section of the plan the District must describe the action, identify the amount of funding specific to each action, note how the actions will be monitored, and the frequency of monitoring. There also is a requirement to note if and where any action aligns to other District plans including the Local Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP) and the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Stakeholder engagement is a required component of the plan development process. The plan must include descriptions of how the District meaningfully consulted with stakeholders including students, parents/guardians, staff, labor groups, community members, and advocacy groups.
The public hearing is an extension of the stakeholder engagement process affording the public an opportunity to share openly with the Board of Education their feedback on the draft plan prior to a recommendation for approval that will take place during the September 21, 2021 Board Meeting.
A listing and description of expenditures are included in the attachment. |
ESSER III Financial Details ESSER III Plan
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) Open a public hearing and receive comments on the granting of a permanent electrical facilities easement; (2) Close the public hearing; and if no comments are received, (3) Adopt Resolution No. 13, 2021-22 Granting Electrical Facilities Easement to the Sacramento Municipal Utility District for the Elk Grove High School Project. |
The Sacramento Municipal Utility District has requested that the District convey, without cost, an Electrical Facilities Easement on the Elk Grove High School site at 9800 Elk Grove-Florin Rd., Elk Grove, California. The final configuration of the easement will be determined, at SMUD’s expense, upon the completion of the installation of the electrical facilities, recording the easement accurately in relation to the facilities. The purpose of this easement is to allow the Sacramento Municipal Utility District to access, construct and maintain electrical facilities serving the Elk Grove High School campus. Staff recommends acceptance of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s request that the easement be conveyed since it will be of public benefit and cause no inconvenience to the District. The Board of Education adopted Resolution No. 5, 2021-22, Resolution of Intention to Convey an Electrical Facilities Easement on August 10, 2021, and notice was duly posted and published for the public hearing as noted below. As required for the granting of such easements, the notice of this public hearing was published in the Sacramento Bee on Monday, August 30, 2021, and posted for at least 5 days in three public locations: Elk Grove High School, the Robert L. Trigg Education Center, and the Elk Grove Post Office (8850 Williamson Drive). The Resolution Granting Permanent and Temporary Easements must be adopted by a 2/3 vote by the Board. |
Not applicable. |
Resolution No. 13, 2021-2022
Jerrilyn Ewing |
In accordance with state law, the Board of Education is requested to declare a public hearing and address the accompanying resolution that will certify the Elk Grove Unified School District is in compliance with Education Code Section (EC) 60119, ensuring that each pupil has sufficient instructional materials. After opening and closing the public hearing, the Board is requested to approve Resolution No. 11 certifying that the Elk Grove School District is in compliance with Education Code Section (EC) 60119, ensuring that each pupil has sufficient instructional materials.
In accordance with Williams legislation, EC 60119 requires that the governing board of a school district hold an annual instructional materials public hearing to determine whether the district has sufficient textbooks and instructional materials. Under EC 60119 the Board of Education shall make a determination through a resolution as to whether each pupil, including each English learner, in each school in the district has sufficient textbooks or instructional materials in each subject (English/language arts, mathematics, history/social science, and science) that are aligned with the academic content standards and consistent with the cycles of the curriculum framework adopted by the California State Board of Education. EC 60119 also requires that the Board of Education make a written determination as to whether each pupil enrolled in foreign language or health has sufficient textbooks or instructional materials. Similarly, the Board of Education must determine the availability of laboratory science equipment as applicable to science laboratory courses offered in grades 9-12. The attached resolution will certify that, in fact, each Elk Grove Unified School District student has textbooks and instructional materials consistent with these guidelines. |
Instructional Materials Resolution
Shannon Hayes |
The Board is requested to engage in discussion regarding supplemental information for ratification of contracts, MOUs and MOA's. |
During a regularly scheduled Board meeting the Board of Education requested additional information be provided regarding contracts, MOUs and MOA's for services. Staff has reviewed the process and has developed a supplemental form for the Board to review and discuss to see if the proposed supplemental information meets the Board needs.
Contracts Process
Beth Albiani |
The Board is asked to nominate a representative to run for California School Boards Association (CSBA) Director-at-Large, American Indian. |
Dr. Crystal Martinez-Alire was appointed to serve as a Director-at-Large on CSBA’s Board of Directors representing the Native American Community in early 2019. Dr. Martinez-Alire has consented to being nominated to continue representing the Native American Community in this position. Information from the California School Boards Association regarding the Call for Nominations for CSBA Directors-at-Large: African American, American Indian, and County is attached.
The election for this two-year seat will take place at the Delegate Assembly meeting to be held in San Diego, on Wednesday, December 1, 2021. Directors-at-Large serve two-year terms and take office immediately upon close of the Association's Annual Education Conference, December 4, 2021.
n/a |
2021 CSBA Nomination Packet
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and California Executive Order N-29-20, those requiring special assistance to access the Zoom Board meeting, access and complete the Google Electronic Public Comment Form, or to access written documents discussed at the Board meeting that are available on the District’s website, please contact Ludi Avalos at (916) 686-7700. Notification of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Zoom board meeting and to provide any required accommodation, auxiliary aids or services.
Documents provided to a majority of the Governing Board regarding an open session item on this agenda will be posted online attached to the board agenda for public inspection. |
Published: September 3, 2021, 3:52 PM