Virtual Regular Meeting of the Board of Education Elk Grove USD January 18, 2022 5:00PM REGULAR BOARD MEETING VIA ZOOM
Closed Session - 5:00 p.m. | Open Session - 6:00 p.m.
Elk Grove Unified School District will provide a learning community that challenges ALL students to realize their greatest potential. |
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NOTICE: Information for Board Meetings Effective on January 6, 2022, under the authority of California Health and Safety Code Sections 101040, 101085, 120175, and 120220, the Health Officer of the County of Sacramento (“Health Officer”) Hereby Ordered the following: “All public boards, councils, commissions, and other similar bodies shall suspend in-person public meetings and conduct all meetings virtually. Affected bodies shall ensure opportunities for virtual public participation and compliance with the Brown Act and all other relevant statutes.”
Accordingly, consistent with the January 6, 2022 Sacramento County Public Health Order, the Governing Board shall use teleconferencing (videoconferencing through Zoom), and as a result has made the following adjustments to the public comments process and timing. Additionally, the Board of Education is providing the following notice as required by AB 361: “to give notice of the means by which members of the public may access the meeting and offer public comment.”
Join the meeting via the Zoom link below:
Public Comments
During the board meeting, the public may make public comments virtually via the Zoom platform. - In-person public comments – Are not available during the January 18, 2022 Board Meeting consistent with the January 6, 2022 County of Sacramento Public Health Order.
- Zoom audio public comments – The public may submit an online form to the District by 4:30 p.m. on the day of the board meeting requesting to speak through the Zoom platform at the designated times on the board meeting agenda.
- Access the public comment form here on the District's website:
The Board will receive Public Comments virtually via the Zoom platform in the following order:
- Approximately between 7:00 pm and 7:20 pm, Public Comments may be made On Items Not on the Board Agenda, but within the school district’s jurisdiction. Please note that “If the public comments [are] on items not appearing on the posted agenda, the board cannot take action or discuss the public comments other than the Board President briefly acknowledging the comments.” (EGUSD Governance Handbook)
- Approximately between 7:00 pm and 7:20 pm, all Public Comments may be made On All Items that are on the Board Agenda.
- The Board will close Public Comments on all items at the times designated above unless the end time for public comments is adjusted for a longer period of time by the Board.
- Please note that the Board may comment and ask clarifying questions related to public comments made on items on the agenda.
- If a member of the public wishes to address an item on the agenda that is scheduled prior to the public comment section of the meeting, the comments will be heard at the time the item is presented to the Board.
Agency designated representatives: Christopher R. Hoffman, David Reilly, Robert Pierce, Karen Rezendes Employee Organizations: All Elk Grove Unified School District Bargaining Units and Unrepresented Employees |
Student Board Representatives |
Student Board Representatives from Florin and Pleasant Grove high schools will present updates and provide the Board with information regarding ongoing academics and activities from their school sites. |
Jane Ross |
The Board of Education is asked to recognize Elk Grove Unified School District students who competed and won in Future Farmers of America (FFA) State and National events in the 2021-2022 school year. |
The Board of Education is asked to recognize Elk Grove Unified School District students who competed and won in FFA events in the fall and winter of 2021, including the State and National FFA competitions. |
Mark Cerutti, Jenifer Avey |
The Board of Education is asked to approve Resolution No. 37, 2021-2022, designating February 2022 as Black/African American History Month. |
This resolution celebrates efforts and achievements made by Black/African American individuals which have benefited all mankind. The month of February has been designated Black/African American History Month. This observance encourages the society at large, and schools in particular, to celebrate the achievements of Black/African Americans and also to re-examine society’s role in preserving the Civil Rights of all of its citizens. Although the study of the contributions and the literature about and authored by Black/African Americans is part of the curriculum throughout the year, this designation in February adds special emphasis.
Elk Grove Schools have many special events during Black/African American History Month in addition to activities and classwork that occur throughout the year in accordance with sites’ and departments’ student unity and diversity goals. At the elementary level, the Black/African American history activities are integrated into classroom discussions, art projects, social studies, and language arts. Examples from our adopted curriculum include, A Great American Teacher, a biography about how Mary McLeod helped many Black/African Americans get an education as well as Delivering Justice, a biography about how one man became a civil rights leader in his community. All elementary schools include the study of influential Black/African Americans. At the secondary level, some specific pieces of Black/African American literature include Beloved, Black Boy, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Native Son, Raisin in the Sun, and Their Eyes Were Watching God. History/social science teachers engage students in discussing and learning about the history and contributions of Black/African Americans in the United States and the world.
Black/African American History Month Resolution
Craig Murray/Jane Ross |
The Board of Education is asked to approve Resolution No. 38, designating February 2022 as Career Technical Education Month. |
The month of February has been designated as Career Technical Education Month. This observance allows us to celebrate the contribution of Career Technical Education (CTE) as a vehicle to provide our students with high quality college, career and life preparation. The Elk Grove Unified School District offers its students a broad spectrum of CTE opportunities, beginning with middle school exploratory programs that lead to high school introductory, intermediate, and advanced courses. Students also receive CTE training through the district’s Explore Satellite CTE (former Regional Occupational Program) Program. Elk Grove Unified School District’s CTE programs are considered exemplary throughout the region and state. This resolution affirms the work of district staff in continuing to provide students with educational and workplace opportunities beyond those found in traditional instructional models. |
Resolution No. 38
All items listed on the consent agenda will be acted upon by one motion, without discussion. Should any item need to be considered separately, that item will be pulled for discussion/action. |
Christopher Hoffman |
The Board is asked to approve the minutes from the special board meetings that were held on November 2, 2021 and on December 7, 2021.
David Reilly |
Board of Education is requested to review and approve 2022-2023 School Year Calendar.
The attached 2022-2023 calendar has been negotiated with the Elk Grove Educators Association (EGEA), as stipulated in the EGUSD/EGEA collective bargaining agreement. It has also been reviewed by the District calendar committee which includes representatives of the Transportation Department, Food & Nutrition Services, Special Education, Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Human Resources, Curriculum and Professional Learning (CPL) and representatives from all employee labor groups. The 2022-2023 calendar is presented to the Board for their consideration and approval. |
2022-23 School Calendar
Amreek Singh |
The Board is requested to approve the attached list of personnel changes as indicated in the actions below. |
CERTIFICATED: New Hire(s) [9] Promotion(s) Rehire(s) Resignation(s) Retirement(s) CLASSIFIED: New Hire(s) [55] Leave(s) of Absence Probationary Release(s) Promotion(s) Rehire(s) Resignation(s) Retirement(s) Status Change(s)
No financial impact |
Amreek Singh |
The Board of Education is requested to grant Certification of Administrator’s Competence to Evaluate for the newly-hired district administrators who have successfully completed the District’s training process. |
The District provides training to all newly-hired administrators to certify their competence to evaluate employees. Following Education Code 44662, Requirement of District Policies for Competency of Personnel Assigned to Evaluate and Board Policy 4115.1, Certification of Administrator’s Competence to Evaluate, the District uses the following process to certify each administrator’s competence to evaluate: - Individual instruction or attendance at a series of workshops on evaluation processes and procedures;
- Demonstration of effective evaluation skills as certified by a trained observer who is a certificated manager.
The following administrator(s) successfully completed the administrative training process and are being recommended to obtain their Certification of Administrator’s Competence to Evaluate: Gustavo Espindola, Samuel Jackman Middle School Sara Zettel, Robert J. Fite Elementary School |
Shannon Hayes |
The Board of Education is asked to approve the Laguna Creek High School – ACT/SAT Scholarship. |
In accordance with Education Code 48930, the Board of Education is asked to approve the following Laguna Creek High School – ACT/SAT Scholarship • Name of scholarship: Laguna Creek High School - ACT/SAT Scholarship • Number of scholarships and amount: One ACT Scholarship for $200 • Brief description of scholarship and selection process: This scholarship is for the student with the highest ACT/SAT score for the Class of 2020/ Reports were obtained from the College Board to select the recipient(s). • The selection is based on reports obtained from the College Board • Source of funds: Laguna Creek High School Associated Study Body PSAT Account |
One scholarship for $200 paid from Laguna Creek High School Associated Study Body PSAT account |
Shannon Hayes |
The Board of Education is asked to approve the Valley High School – Matthew Goodwin Celebration of Life Art Scholarship |
In accordance with Education Code 48930, the Board of Education is asked to approve the following Valley High School – Matthew Goodwin Celebration of Life Art Scholarship request. - Name of scholarship(s): Valley High School – Matthew Goodwin Celebration of Life Art Scholarship
- Number of scholarship(s) and amount(s): Up to four scholarships for $2,500.00 for the school year made payable to the institution of higher learning that the student enrolls after graduation from Valley High School
- Brief description of scholarship and selection process: The scholarship(s) will be awarded to no more than four students that meet the following criteria:
- 2.0 Weighted GPA
- Proof of enrollment in an institution for the Fall semester after graduation as a part-time or full-time student (6 Units Minimum)
- Majoring or Minoring in one of the following areas of study: Photography, Animation, Graphic Design, Fine Arts, Film & Media Studies
- Graduating Senior from Valley High School
- The selection panel will consist of no more than five members and will be comprised of Classified and Certificated Valley High School Faculty such as Counselors/Admin, and Donor; Kim Goodwin. The panel will review the applicant submissions and award the scholarship(s) prior to the end of the school year. Once students are chosen, an award letter will be sent to the four selected applicants, rejection letters to all other applicants. The school will also be informed of the students that are awarded the scholarship(s), so they can prepare the certificates as well as have that information added to the graduation program
Source of funds to provide the scholarship: Crowd Funding – Community Donations |
Up to four $2,500.00 scholarships paid from Valley High School Associated Student Body Funds made possible by donations from community members. If scholarship donations exceed then funds can roll over for the following year. |
Shannon Hayes |
The Board of Education is asked to approve the Valley High School – Associated Student Body Viking Dreamer Foundation Scholarship |
In accordance with Education Code 48930, the Board of Education is asked to approve the following Valley High School – Associated Student Body Viking Dreamer Foundation Scholarship expenditure request. - Name of scholarship(s): Viking Dreamer Foundation Scholarship
- Number of scholarship(s) and amount(s): Up to two scholarships for $1,000.00; 2021-22 school year made payable to the Dreamer’s institution of higher learning made possible by Viking Dreamer Foundation.
- Brief description of scholarship and selection process: The Viking Dreamer Foundation Scholarship will be awarded to three graduating Dreamer seniors who are AB 540 eligible, demonstrate academic achievement and will enroll to a post-secondary education institution in the Fall of 2022. This includes trade school, vocational school or college. VHS faculty will oversee the selection process. Applicants create a packet including an application form, résumé, proof of completion of the CA Dream Act Application, transcripts, and proof of enrollment in an institution of higher learning, all of which must be submitted by the due date. The packet will consist of the following:
- Completed application form;
- Résumé
- Letter of Recommendation
- Printed unofficial transcript verifying a GPA of 2.0 or higher (unofficial is acceptable)
- Proof of enrollment at an institution of higher learning for Fall 2022. This enrollment proof must come from admissions and records office.
- Proof of completion of CA Dream Act Application.
- Short Essay Response.
- The selection panel is comprised of Valley High School Faculty. The panel will review the applications and score them according to a rubric. The scholarship winners will be announced by May 1st. All AB 540 eligible 12th graders may apply for the scholarship.
Source of funds to provide the scholarship: Deisy Padilla, Regina Leo and additional Donors. |
Up to two $1,000.00 scholarships paid from Valley High School Associated Student Body Funds made possible by a donation from Deisy Padilla, Regina Leo and additional donors. If scholarship donations exceed then funds can roll over for the following year. |
Shannon Hayes |
The Board of Education is asked to accept the following donations to the District’s schools/programs. |
Date Received | Item | Donor | School/Program | Requested Use | Value | 11/15/21 | Cash | Songan Wu | Elizabeth Pinkerton Middle School | Science Department | $50.00 | 11/15/21 | Cash | Ainhi Dong | Elizabeth Pinkerton Middle School | Science Department | $25.00 | 11/15/21 | Cash | Asad Chaudhary | Elizabeth Pinkerton Middle School | Science Department | $50.00 | 11/15/21 | Cash | Anonymous | Elizabeth Pinkerton Middle School | Science Department | $15.00 | 11/15/21 | Cash | Anonymous | Elizabeth Pinkerton Middle School | Science Department | $20.00 | 11/15/21 | Cash | Anonymous | Elizabeth Pinkerton Middle School | Science Department | $25.00 |
Value of Gifts: $185.00. |
Shannon Hayes |
Approve Warrant Register No. 6 – Warrant Numbers 091666 – 092843, 421921 – 422611. All Funds: December 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 |
Education Code 42632 requires that all payments from the funds of a school district shall be made by written order of the governing board of the district. It is also required that district orders (warrants) must be numbered and include the following per Education Code 42634: - The particular fund or funds of the district against which it is drawn
- The amount of payment to be made
- An itemized bill showing separate items and the price of each item (this information is retained in Fiscal Services)
- The rate of salary and the period of service of any employee of the district for whom an order is issued for payment of salary or wages (this information is retained in the Payroll office)
The Board is asked to approve Warrant Register Warrant Numbers 091666 – 092843, 421921 – 422611. See attached report for Warrant Register No. 6 expenditures. |
Total expenditures for all funds from December 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 are $30,270,011.69 |
Warrant Register #6
Shannon Hayes |
The Board is asked to ratify grant contracts/agreements to receive funding for categorical programs in accordance with agency applications which have been signed by authorized district staff. |
Please see attached. |
Grant Contracts/Agreements for Funding 011822
Shannon Hayes |
The Board is asked to ratify contracts for services that have been signed by authorized district staff in accordance with Board Policy 3312-Contracts. |
Under current Board Policy 3312 “contracts under the bid limits can be approved by the Designated Personnel, subject to Board ratification. Amendments to contracts, including construction contract change orders both under and over bid limits, may be approved by the Designated Personnel, subject to Board ratification.” Staff recommends that the Board ratify the contracts on the attached sheet, which are under the bid limit of $99,100 and have been approved by authorized district staff. Copies of the contracts are on file with Finance & School Support should you wish to review them in detail. |
Please see funding information provided on attached schedule. |
Contracts List 011822
Shannon Hayes |
The Board is asked to review and approve revisions made to the Bond Interest and Redemption Fund 51 for the 2020-21 fiscal year.
As part of the review of information provided by the County Treasury specific to the collection of taxes for our General Obligation Bonds Staff found it necessary to revise the unaudited actuals for 2020-21 to reflect the ending balance based on taxes collected. This is purely a correction of accounting entries that has no financial impact for the District.
Not applicable. |
REV 2020-21 FUND 51 UA
Shannon Hayes |
The Board of Education is asked to approve purchase order encumbrance modifications from November 30, 2021 – January 4, 2022. |
The purchase order encumbrance modification history from November 30, 2021 – January 4, 2022 is listed below. The originals are on file in Fiscal Services if you wish to review them. Modifications: Fund | Purchase Orders Modified | Purchase Order Modification Costs | 01 General Fund | 48 | $1,538,206.60 | 11 Adult Education Fund | 7 | $10,929.00 | 13 Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund | 8 | $355,000.00 |
| Total Modifications | 63 | $1,904,135.60 | |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to approve purchase orders for the weeks of December 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. |
The Purchase Order History for the weeks of December 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 are listed below. The purchase orders are on file in the Purchasing Department if you wish to review them. Encumbrances: Fund | Purchase Orders Issued | Purchase Order Encumbrance Costs | 01 General Fund | 270 | $ 703,094.89 | 11 Adult Education Fund | 8 | $ 14,629.18 | 12 Child Development Fund | 7 | $ 6,491.04 | 13 Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund | 2 | $ 33,033.38 | Total Encumbrances | 287 | $ 757,248.49 | |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the award of RFP #717-21/22 – Recess Support Providers for its School Improvement Support Department. |
RFP #717-21/22 was issued on October 8, 2021 to four (4) firms in this market. By the closing date, November 2, 2021, one (1) proposal was received. The RFP results and recap are in the Purchasing Department for further review. The District recommends the award of a one (1) year contract, with the option to renew for four (4) additional one (1) year terms. This contract will commence on January 19, 2022. Pursuant to Education Code Section §17604, the Board of Education is asked to authorize the Director of Purchasing or designee to execute renewals, terminations (if deemed necessary), and to take other actions as necessary to uphold the contract in the best interest of the District. Vendor | Year 1 Hourly Rate | Year 2 Hourly Rate | Year 3 Hourly Rate | Year 4 Hourly Rate | Year 5 Hourly Rate | Assist Team LLC | $54.50 | $57.23 | $60.09 | $63.09 | $66.25 | The total contract amount will fluctuate depending on the total number of schools that request the service and the total number of hours the service is needed. |
Funding source has been budgeted through the district’s ESSR plan. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is being asked to authorize the award of BID #718-21/22 – Warehouse/Print Shop Material Handling Equipment. |
Bid #718-21/22 was issued on October 19, 2021 to eighteen (18) firms in this market. By the closing date, November 4, 2021, two (2) bids were received. The Bid results and recap are in the Purchasing Department for further review. The District recommends the award to Raymond Handling Concepts Corporation for the one time purchase of the equipment listed below for its warehouse: Vendor | Quantity | Item | Unit Cost | Extended Cost* | Raymond Handling | 2 | End rider pallet truck, model 8410 | $8,441.60 | $18,771.65 | Raymond Handling | 1 | Universal reach fork truck, model 7300 | $33,052.80 | $37,589.39 | Raymond Handling | 1 | Walkie straddle truck, model 6210 | $10,468.50 | $23,214.62 | Raymond Handling | 1 | Order picker, model 5300 | $22,585.00 | $26,280.34 | Raymond Handling | Lot | Batteries and chargers for equipment | | $20,687.70 | *price includes tax and freight Pursuant to Education Code Section §17604, the Board of Education is asked to authorize the Director of Purchasing or designee to execute terminations (if deemed necessary) and to take other actions as necessary to uphold the contract in the best interest of the District. |
ESSER III funds – Plan ID #15 |
Robert Peirce |
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the disposal of Obsolete/Surplus Property. |
Pursuant to Education Code Section §39521, the Board of Education is asked to authorize Bobbi Hew, Director of Purchasing & Warehouse to surplus and/or dispose of these items. All computers have been deemed uneconomical to repair by the Technology Services Department. Per Technology Services, all sensitive data and/or licenses have been removed from hard drives prior to being picked up from the department/site. To date, we have had no interest from local non-profits requesting computers that could be refurbished and redistributed to students of need. Since most usable parts are removed prior to disposal, these items are of little use. Records of these items are in the Purchasing & Warehouse Department should you need to review them. Computers | 1 | | Monitors | 0 | Audio-Visual | 65 | | Printers/Scanners | 8 | Misc. Computer Equipment | 7 | | Network Equipment | 0 | Classroom/Office Furniture & Equipment | 237 | | Misc. Appliances/Equipment | 227 | Food & Nutrition Services Equipment | 1 | | Maintenance/Custodial Equipment | 0 | Obsolete Instructional Materials | 0 | | Safety & Security Equipment | 0 |
No income is anticipated to be received by the district for these items. However any income that is received will go into the General Fund. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the disposal of Various Obsolete/Surplus Property including vehicles and equipment. |
The Transportation department has been asked to surplus the following vehicles.
ID #: 161B (school bus) Year/Make: 2002 Bluebird VIN: 1BABNBMA52F205333 License: 1123601 Mileage: 154267 This bus was in an accident on 9/30/2020, when it was rear ended by a pickup. SIA determined it was a total loss.
ID #: 558SUP (Safety and Security SUV) Year/Make: 2016 Ford Explorer VIN: 1FM5K8AR0GGC42263 License: 1552545 Mileage: 91300 This vehicle was in an accident on 9/30/2020 when it was hit broadside by another vehicle. SIA determined it was a total loss.
The following vehicle was Board approved for surplus on 11/16/2021. Administration is requesting that the Board rescind the surplus designation for the subject vehicle, as Staff later determined that necessary repairs could be made with available parts, thus allowing it to be resourced for an alternative and necessary purpose at the Transportation Department.
ID #: 420CC (Elizabeth Pinkerton MS cart) Year/Make: 2008 GEM VIN: 5ASAJ27458F048135 License: 1314390 Mileage: unknown |
Unknown source of income to the District. Any proceeds would go into the General Fund. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) accept the construction of the Water Bottle Filler Stations project, and (2) authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. |
On July 20, 2021, the Board of Education authorized a CMAS contract to KYA Services, LLC., for the Water Bottle Filler Stations project. The work has been completed and is recommended for acceptance by the District. The Administration will file the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder within the statutory ten-day period. |
Not applicable. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) approve Change Order No. 1 with KYA Services, LLC., and (2) authorize a District Representative to sign the approved change order. |
On July 20, 2021, the Board of Education authorized a CMAS contract to KYA Services, LLC., for the Water Bottle Filler Stations project. Change Order No. 1 consists of one (1) item and changes the contract amount of $91,689.80 by ($10,186.91) to $81,502.89. The complete change order with backup is on file in the Facilities and Planning Department for review. (See Attachment 1) Attachment 2 provides detailed information on distribution of change order requests between Contractor and District. |
Funded with General Fund, SB 117 Covid-19 and LEA Response funds. |
Attachment 1 Attachment 2
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) Authorize Administration to negotiate with A M Stephens Construction Co., Inc. to determine a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Tennis Courts Replacement at Various Sites project. |
On November 12, 2021 and November 19, 2021, the District released a Request for Qualifications and sealed general condition cost proposals to perform pre-construction and/or LLB construction services for the Tennis Court Replacement at Various Sites project at the following sites: - Cosumnes Oaks High School, 8350 Lotz Parkway, Elk Grove, CA 95757
- Elk Grove High School, 9800 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624
- Franklin High School, 6400 Whitelock Parkway, Elk Grove, CA 95757
- Laguna Creek High School, 9050 Vicino Drive, Elk Grove, CA 95758
- Monterey Trail High School, 8661 Power Inn Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624
- Pleasant Grove High School, 9531 Bond Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624
- Sheldon High School, 8333 Kingsbridge Drive, Sacramento, CA 95829
- Valley High School, 6300 Ehrhardt Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95823
On December 10, 2021, the District received three (3) responsive qualifications. Contractors submitted Qualifications statements and sealed proposals that will form the basis of negotiations for a GMP in an LLB agreement. District staff reviewed and scored the proposals to determine the contractors’ ability to deliver the project on time and to assure the best value to the District would be achieved. Based upon the results, A M Stephens Construction Co., Inc., was determined to be the contractor who would provide the best value to the District for the project. With the Board’s authorization, administration seeks authorization to negotiate a GMP with A M Stephens Construction, Inc. Upon determination of the GMP, Administration will present it to the Board for review and acceptance. |
Funded with Ongoing and Major Maintenance Account (RMA). |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) Authorize Administration to negotiate with XL Construction to perform the Classroom Upgrades at Four (4) Sites project to determine a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). |
On November 19, 2021 and November 26, 2021, the District released a Request for Qualifications and sealed general condition cost proposals to perform pre-construction and/or LLB construction services for the Classroom Upgrades at Four (4) Sites project. On December 13, 2021, the District received four (4) responsive qualifications. Contractors submitted Qualifications statements and sealed proposals that will form the basis of negotiations for a GMP in an LLB agreement. District staff reviewed and scored the proposals to determine the contractors’ ability to deliver the project on time and to assure the best value to the District would be achieved. Based upon the results, XL Construction was determined to be the contractor who would provide the best value to the District for the construction of the Classroom Upgrades at Four (4) Sites project. With the Board’s authorization, administration seeks authorizations to negotiate a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the project with XL Construction. Upon determination of the GMP, Administration will present it to the Board for review and acceptance. |
Funded with Measure M funds. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) Authorize Administration to negotiate with C T Brayton and Sons, Inc. to perform the Classroom Upgrades at Five (5) Sites project to determine a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). |
On November 19, 2021 and November 26, 2021, the District released a Request for Qualifications and sealed general condition cost proposals to perform pre-construction and/or LLB construction services for the Classroom Upgrades at Five (5) Sites project. On December 13, 2021, the District received three (3) responsive qualifications. Contractors submitted Qualifications statements and sealed proposals that will form the basis of negotiations for a GMP in an LLB agreement. District staff reviewed and scored the proposals to determine the contractors’ ability to deliver the project on time and to assure the best value to the District would be achieved. Based upon the results, CT Brayton was determined to be the contractor who would provide the best value to the District for the construction of the Classroom Upgrades at Five (5) Sites project. With the Board’s authorization, administration seeks authorizations to negotiate a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the project with CT Brayton. Upon determination of the GMP, Administration will present it to the Board for review and acceptance. |
Funded with Measure M funds. |
Craig Murray |
The Board of Education is asked to approve the Out-of-State Field Trip listed below. |
As part of its consent agenda, the Board is asked to approve the following out-of-state field trip: School | Field Trip Destination | Field Trip Purpose | Dates of Trip | Laguna Creek High School | Dayton, OH | Participate in WGI National Competition Winter Guard (Music/VAPA) | April 5-10, 2022 |
Mark Cerutti, Jerrilyn Ewing |
The Board of Education is requested to adopt the following instructional materials. |
In accordance with BP 6161.1, the following instructional materials have been reviewed and approved by the appropriate subject-area steering committee(s), the EGUSD Curriculum Council, and have the support of principals. Basic Genki II, Second Edition; Copyright 2011, The Japan Times, Ltd. (IB Japanese SL1, Grades 11-12) [This basic instructional material will be paid for using EGUSD Instructional Materials funds.] Supplemental Journey for Justice, The Life of Larry Itliong; Copyright 2018, Bridge and Delta Publishing (ELA, History/Social Science, SEL, Grade 4) [This supplemental instructional material will be paid for using site and/or non-public funds.] Sheet Metal, Second Edition; Copyright 2006, American Technical Publishers, Inc. (Engineering Technology, Grades 9-10) [This supplemental instructional material will be paid for using CA Partnership Academy funds.] Guided Readers (ELA, Grades K-6) [This supplemental digital instructional material will be paid for using site funds.] Xtra Math (Mathematics, GradesK-6) [This supplemental digital instructional material will be paid for using site funds.] Imaginez Student Activities Manual (French IV, Grades 11-12) [This supplemental digital instructional material will be paid for using site funds.] AP French Language and Culture Exam Prep (AP French Language and Culture, Grades 11-12) [This supplemental digital instructional material will be paid for using site funds.] |
Instructional materials are materials that are paid for using the EGUSD Instructional Materials budget, Lottery (Prop 20) funds, Academy/CTE funds, and/or site funds, when applicable. |
Mark Cerutti, Jerrilyn Ewing |
The Board of Education is requested to approve revisions to the high school courses below. |
The following Requests for Revision to an Existing Board-Adopted Course have undergone review and approval by the appropriate subject-area steering committee(s), the EGUSD Curriculum Council, and have the support of principals. Baking & Patisserie (Course #12424) (CTE Culinary Arts, Grades 9-12) It is requested that the pre-requisites of “Introduction to Culinary Arts (#12425)” and “Foods & Nutrition (12423)” be removed so this course has no pre-requisite. Rationale: Baking & Patisserie is no longer part of the sequence of classes required in the Culinary Arts Program. By removing the pre-requisites for this elective course, sites can best meet the needs and interests of students. Elements and Principles of Floral Design (Course #12218) (CTE Agriculture, Grades 9-11) It is requested to add the pre-requisite “Biology and Sustainable Agriculture (#12220)” to this course. Rationale: This revision is necessary to enforce CTE pathway coherence (three courses taken in order building upon one another). |
Jennifer Wilbanks |
The Board is requested to approve a three-year agreement between EGUSD and Studios for the Performing Arts Operating Company at a cost of $110,500. This agreement is for District access to the CLARA Classroom platform. This access will provide students and teachers with standards-aligned modules in dance, music, and theatre for grades TK-6. |
The CA Arts Standards consist of 11 anchor standards in each artistic discipline and are based on the artistic processes of creating, performing/producing/presenting, responding, and connecting. Performing Arts includes the artistic disciplines of Dance, Music, and Theatre. CLARA Classroom is an educational technology that provides standards-aligned Performing Arts learning and promotes meaningful educational interactions between students and their classroom teachers. CLARA Classroom uses an online video format to deliver instructional videos that bring a virtual teaching artist into the classroom. Teacher guides and lesson plans accompany the videos and provide the teacher with the resources and tools needed to actively engage students in their learning. Content in each course module celebrates the diverse cultural backgrounds of racial and ethnic minority students. The platform includes opportunities for students to perform and share highlights of their experience with fellow classmates as they progress through the lessons. |
$110,500 – ESSER III Funding, ID No. 40 |
Agreement with Studios for the Performing Arts Operating Company
Steve Mate |
The Board of Education is asked to authorize staff to purchase 17000 Chromebooks, and configuration services utilizing the Sourcewell contract #081419 awarded to CDW-G. |
The District recognizes that Chromebooks have become vital for student learning here at EGUSD and in K-12 education as a whole. The 17000 Chromebooks will be used to ensure there are enough devices for students to conduct state testing along with the concurrent model of instruction due to COVID-19. Public Code Section §20118 provides a statutory exception to the competitive bidding requirements set forth in the Public Contract Code by allowing districts to utilize cooperative bids secured by other districts or public entities for the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, and services. It is in the best interest of Elk Grove Unified School District to utilize the contract and pricing from Sourcewell for the purpose of Chromebooks and configuration services. |
Funded with board approved state/federal funding targeting integrated services that support teaching and learning including student and staff technology needs. Cost of services and equipment approximately: $6,200,000 |
Steve Mate |
The Board of Education is asked to authorize staff to purchase 60000 student headsets utilizing the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance contract #NCPA 01-48 awarded to Troxell Communications. |
The District needs to purchase student headsets for State mandated online testing. The headsets will be used for the testing and other online instructional activities. |
Funded with existing technology utility and instructional materials budgets and/or state/federal funding targeting integrated services that support teaching and learning including student and staff technology needs. Cost of equipment not to exceed: $355,000 |
Michelle Drake |
The Board of Education is asked to receive a report on the operations of the Food & Nutrition Services program. |
The purpose of the presentation is to update the Board and provide an annual overview of the Food & Nutrition Services program. |
Food & Nutrition Services Annual Report
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to receive a report regarding the trustee area redistricting process, draft maps and public feedback. |
The Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD) completed the process to transition from at-large to by-trustee area elections earlier this year. In a by-trustee area election system, each trustee is required to reside within a defined trustee area and is elected only by voters in that trustee area. Upon the release of U.S. Decennial Census Data, school districts that use by-trustee area elections are required to evaluate whether the current trustee areas have approximately equal populations using the new census data. The variation in total population among trustee areas must not exceed 10%. If the total peak variation is less than 10%, no changes are needed. If the total peak variation exceeds 10%, trustee area boundaries need to be adjusted. This process is referred to as redistricting. EGUSD has hired professional demographers, National Demographics Corporation (NDC), to conduct a study of the 2020 Census data to determine whether the current trustee areas are population balanced. NDC has determined the total peak variation between trustee areas exceeds 10% and trustee area boundaries will need to be adjusted. Adhering to the established timeline Staff has held two community meetings (January 6, 2022 and January 13, 2022) to share information and receive public feedback. Staff will update the Board of Education on the feedback received to date as well as the timeline to complete the redistricting process. The Board will adopt a resolution establishing trustee area boundaries no later than February 28, 2022, the deadline established by law. |
Not applicable. |
PowerPoint Presentation
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) adopt Resolution No. 36, 2021-22 of Intention to Convey Electric Distribution Facilities Easement to the Sacramento Municipal Utility District for the R-16 EV Infrastructure Expansion Phase 1 at 8421 Gerber Rd. Sacramento, California, Transportation Department project; and (2) to set a public hearing on February 1, 2022 at 9510 Elk Grove-Florin Road, in the Board Room at 6:00 p.m. |
The Sacramento Municipal Utility District has requested that the District convey, without cost, an Electrical Facilities Easement on the Transportation Department site at 8421 Gerber Rd. Sacramento, California 95828. The final configuration of the easement will be determined, at SMUD’s expense, upon the completion of the installation of the electrical facilities, recording the easement accurately in relation to the facilities. The purpose of the easements is to allow the Sacramento Municipal Utility District to access, construct and maintain electrical facilities serving the Transportation Department. The Resolution of Intention must be adopted by a 2/3 vote by the Board. As prescribed, notice of this intention will be published in the Elk Grove Citizen, and posted at the Transportation Department (8421 Gerber Rd.), the Robert L. Trigg Education Center, and the Elk Grove Public Library (8900 Elk Grove Blvd.). |
Not applicable. |
Resolution No. 36, 2021-2022
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability requiring special assistance to access the Zoom board meeting, access and complete the Google Public Comments Cards, or to access written documents discussed at the Board meeting that are available on the District’s website, please contact Ludi Avalos at (916) 686-7700. Notification of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Zoom board meeting and to provide disability-related accommodation, auxiliary aids or services.
Documents provided to a majority of the Governing Board regarding an open session item on this agenda will be posted online attached to the board agenda for public inspection. |
Published: January 14, 2022, 2:57 PM