
Special Meeting of the Board of Education
Elk Grove USD
March 01, 2022 8:30AM
Robert L. Trigg Education Center, Board Room 9510 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624

Mission Statement:
Elk Grove Unified School District will provide a learning community that challenges ALL students to realize their greatest potential.

NOTICE: Information for Board Meetings

Unless otherwise ordered by the Sacramento County Public Health Department, the State, or by other legal mandate including AB 361 Board Resolution, the Board of Education will resume full in-person Board meetings beginning on March 1, 2022.  Live streaming of full in-person Board meetings will be available to the public via the Zoom platform.

Join the meeting via the Zoom link:


Public Comments for Items on the Agenda

Guidelines for In-Person Public Comments and Participation

During Special Board Meetings, the public may make public comments for items on the agenda in person in the Board Room or virtually via the Zoom platform. Individuals with comments on general school district issues may address those at a next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Individuals may not defer their time to another individual speaker to increase their individual total time beyond three minutes. 

The total amount of time allocated to public comments to the Board will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes, with a total of thirty (30) minutes designated for public comment on an item. Time limitations are at the discretion of the President of the Board of Trustees.

  • For in-person public comments – Blue Cards will be available outside the Board Room and will be collected at the beginning of the Special Board meeting and organized by the item on the agenda for in-person public comments. For in-person public comments you do not need to complete the online form.
  • Zoom audio public comments – The public may submit an online form, for an item on the agenda, to the district in advance of the Special Board Meeting, requesting to speak during an item on the agenda through the Zoom platform at the designated time on the agenda. Requests for public comment via Zoom audio must be received by 8:00 a.m. on March 1, 2022. Please be sure to complete the Zoom audio public comment form by using the link below indicating the agenda item you wish to address.



III.1. Government Code Section 54957.6: Conference with Labor Negotiators
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Agency designated representatives: Christopher R. Hoffman,
David Reilly, Robert Pierce, Karen Rezendes

Employee Organizations: All Elk Grove Unified School District
Bargaining Units and Unrepresented Employees 

IV. OPEN SESSION - 9:00 a.m.
IV.1. Pledge of Allegiance
IV.2. Public Comment for Items on the Agenda
IV.3. Ethnic Studies in EGUSD Update
Mark Cerutti/Dawniell Black
Recommended Motion:
The Board is requested to receive an update on Ethnic Studies in EGUSD, including how it is defined, how the course was developed, and the recommended timeline as a graduation requirement.

Beginning in 2016, the CPL department began researching requirements to meet the criteria needed for an Ethnic Studies course. A facilitated subcommittee was formed and met the following objectives:

  • Researched “Ethnic Studies” course models and provided information to the full History Social Science Steering Committee
  • Redesigned the current Cultural Studies course to better reflect the “Ethnic Studies model” 
  • Evaluated and audited current course offerings in Ethnic Studies 
  • Participated in and evaluated training for Ethnic Studies 

The 5-credit Ethnic Studies elective course and instructional materials, Our Stories in Our Voices, received Board approval on January 14, 2020. This course is designed to provide key language, historical lessons and critical analysis skills that empower students to articulate and address the social injustices they see and experience. The class cultivates an understanding necessary for social, political and educational engagement, while developing academic literacy skills. Students take an in-depth look at history through a thematic approach (as opposed to chronological), as well as theories of multicultural and gender studies. The course was made available for sites to offer during the 2020-2021 school year. The Board of Education and community will be provided an update on the progress and recommendations to support AB 101, signed by the Governor on October 8, 2021 that adds the completion of a one-semester course in ethnic studies to high school graduation requirements commencing with students graduating in the 2029-2030 school year.  

Ethnic Studies Board Presentation
V. CLOSED SESSION - 10:15 a.m.
V.1. Government Code Section 54957: Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Title: Superintendent
VI. OPEN SESSION - 1:15 p.m.
VI.1. 2021-22 LCAP Needs Analysis Survey Results
Mark Cerutti
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to receive a presentation on the results of the 2021-22 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Needs Analysis Survey.

The 2021-22 LCAP Needs Analysis Survey is a meaningful engagement of educational partners in the annual LCAP process which is a proven way of continuously improving educational services for our students and their families.

The 2021-22 LCAP Needs Analysis Survey process occurred during the months from October through December, with 43,256 educational partners participating.  Educational partners included teachers, students, parents/families, school site councils, English Learner Advisory Committee members, and leadership teams.  The presentation to the Board of Education will provide the results of the survey.

LCAP Needs Survey Presentation
VI.2. Early Childhood Education Department Update
Anne Rigali & Dr. Tabitha Thompson
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to receive a presentation detailing updates within the Early Childhood Education Department.
The Board of Education will be presented with information on the Early Childhood Education Department programs and initiatives tailored to support the overall successful outcomes of the District's youngest learners. 
ECE Update Presentation
VI.3. Consent Agenda - Action
Quick Summary / Abstract:

All items listed on the consent agenda will be acted upon by one motion, without discussion. Should any item need to be considered separately, that item will be pulled for discussion/action.

VI.3.a. Personnel Actions
Amreek Singh
Recommended Motion:
The Board is requested to approve the attached list of personnel changes as indicated in the actions below


New Hire(s) [11]






New Hire(s) [25]

Leave(s) of Absence

Probationary Release(s)






Status Change(s)

Financial Impact:
No financial impact
VI.3.b. Resolution to Eliminate Classified Positions
Amreek Singh
Recommended Motion:
The Board is asked to adopt Resolution No. 55 for school year 2021-2022, authorizing the Governing Board to eliminate classified positions.
The Board is asked to adopt the attached resolution to eliminate classified positions due to lack of work/lack of funds pursuant to Education Code Sections 45114, 45298, 45308, and 45117.

Upon passage of Assembly Bill 438, effective January 1 2022, a new classified layoff process was established, which requires classified employees be given a preliminary notice of layoff by March 15th. 

It must be noted that most, if not all, of these employees have their layoff notices rescinded as funding is secured for their positions for the upcoming school year.

Board Resolution 55, 2021-2022
VI.3.c. Approval to Award RFP #724-21-22-Wireless Equipment and Installation
Steve Mate
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the award of RFP (REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL) #724-21-22 for Wireless Equipment and Installation to NetXPerts (E-Rate Eligible). 

RFP #724-21/22 was issued on December 17, 2021, to 48 firms in this market. By the closing date, February 4, 2022, five (5) proposals were received. 

The RFP and recap are in the Purchasing Department for further review. 

Technology Services recommends the award of the contract for E-Rate Wireless Equipment and Installation to the following vendor: 

Vendor: NetXPerts 

The RFP will be used to purchase and install wireless equipment at five school sites: 

Laguna Creek HS 

Sheldon HS 

Samuel Jackman MS 

James Rutter MS 

Prairie Elementary.  


These sites need updated wireless devices and supporting equipment to continue to provide internet access to students. The need is more critical now with every student assigned and expected to use a Chromebook for digital curriculum. 

Financial Impact:

The cost of the equipment and installation is eligible for E-rate discounts, which will reduce the effective cost by approximately 80%. The equipment will be purchased with monies already budgeted. 

Amount: $343,023.57 ($68,604.71 after E-Rate discounts) 

VI.3.d. Approval to Award RFP #722-21-22-Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment and Installation
Steve Mate
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the award of RFP (Request for Proposal) #722-21-22 for Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment and Installation to ConvergeOne (E-Rate Eligible). 

RFP #722-21/22 was issued on December 17, 2021, to 50 firms in this market. By the closing date, February 4, 2022, two proposals were received. 

The RFP results and recap are in the Purchasing Department for further review. 

Technology Services recommends the award of a one-year contract for E-Rate Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment and Installation to the following vendor: 

Vendor: ConvergeOne 


The RFP will be used to purchase and install uninterruptible power supply equipment at five school sites: 

Laguna Creek HS 

Sheldon HS 

Samuel Jackman MS 

James Rutter MS 

Prairie Elementary


These sites need updated uninterruptible power supply systems to avoid damage to network equipment in the event of a power outage and will allow longer uptimes as well. The equipment protected by these uninterruptible power systems is network equipment that is used to provide access to students including internet access. 

Financial Impact:

The cost of the equipment and installation is eligible for E-rate discounts, which will reduce the effective cost by approximately 80%. The equipment will be purchased with monies already budgeted. 

Amount: $217,417.19 ($43,483.44 after E-Rate discounts) 

VI.3.e. Approval to Award RFP #721-21-22-Infrastructure Hardware and Installation
Steve Mate
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the award of RFP #721-21-22 for Infrastructure Hardware and Installation to KS Telecom (E-Rate Eligible). 

On December 17, 2021, RFP #721-21/22, was posted soliciting proposals for the purchase and installation of Infrastructure Hardware. By the closing date, February 11, 2022, Four (4) vendors responded. The RFP results and recap are in the Facilities Department for further review.  

Technology Services recommends the award of the contract for E-Rate Infrastructure Hardware and Installation to the following vendor:  KS Telecom 

As a result of the RFP, Infrastructure and hardware will be purchased at the following five (5) school sites: 

Laguna Creek HS

Sheldon HS  

Samuel Jackman MS

James Rutter MS

Prairie Elementary 


With the increased use of technology that needs to be available on the network, there is much need for increased network services and to refresh infrastructure that is reaching end of life.  These infrastructure installations will allow for more availability and better performance for many years to come. 

Financial Impact:

The cost of the equipment and installation is eligible for E-rate discounts, which will reduce the effective cost by approximately 80%. The equipment will be purchased with monies already budgeted. 

Amount: $3,822,170.00 ($764,434.00 after E-Rate discounts) 

VI.3.f. Approval to Award RFP #723-21-22-Network Equipment and Installation
Steve Mate
Recommended Motion:
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the award of RFP (Request for Proposal) #723-21-22 for Network Equipment and Installation to CDW-G (E-Rate Eligible). 

RFP #723-21/22 was issued on December 17, 2021, to 41 firms in this market. By the closing date, February 4, 2022, three (3) proposals were received.

The RFP results and recap are in the Purchasing Department for further review.  

Technology Services recommends the award of a one-year contract for E-Rate Network Equipment and Installation to the following vendor: 

Vendor: CDW-G 

The RFP will be used to purchase and install network equipment at five school sites. 

Laguna Creek HS 

Sheldon HS 

Samuel Jackman MS 

James Rutter MS 

Prairie Elementary.  


These sites need updated network equipment and connector cables to continue to provide reliable device access to students including access to the internet. 

Financial Impact:

The cost of the equipment and installation is eligible for E-rate discounts, which will reduce the effective cost by approximately 80%. The equipment will be purchased with monies already budgeted. 

Amount: $801,500.98 ($160,300.20 after E-Rate discounts) 

VI.4. Adjournment
Quick Summary / Abstract:

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability requiring special assistance to access the Zoom board meeting, access and complete the Google Public Comments Cards, or to access written documents discussed at the Board meeting that are available on the District’s website, please contact Ludi Avalos at (916) 686-7700. Notification of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Zoom board meeting and to provide disability-related accommodation, auxiliary aids or services.

Quick Summary / Abstract:

Documents provided to a majority of the Governing Board regarding an open session item on this agenda will be posted online attached to the board agenda for public inspection.

Published: February 25, 2022, 2:48 PM

The resubmit was successful.