Regular Meeting of the Board of Education Elk Grove USD April 05, 2022 5:00PM Robert L. Trigg Education Center, Board Room
9510 Elk Grove-Florin Road
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Closed Session - 5:00 p.m.
Open Session - 6:00 p.m.
Elk Grove Unified School District will provide a learning community that challenges ALL students to realize their greatest potential. |
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NOTICE: Information for Board Meetings Unless otherwise ordered by the Sacramento County Public Health Department, the State, or by other legal mandate including AB 361 Board Resolution, the Board of Education will resume full in-person Board meetings beginning on March 1, 2022. Live streaming of full in-person Board meetings will be available to the public via the Zoom platform. Join the meeting via the Zoom link:
Public Comments Guidelines for In-Person Public Comments and Participation
The following processes, means, and timeframes shall be available for public comments during board meetings. During Regular Board Meetings, the public may make public comments for items on the agenda or for items not on the agenda in person in the Board Room or virtually via the Zoom platform. Individuals may not defer their time to another individual speaker to increase their individual total time beyond three minutes. The total amount of time allocated to public comments to the Board will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes, with a total of thirty (30) minutes designated for public comment on an item. Time limitations are at the discretion of the President of the Board of Trustees. - Approximately between 7:00 pm and 7:20 pm, Public Comments may be made On Items Not on the Board Agenda, but within the school district’s jurisdiction. Please note that “If the public comments [are] on items not appearing on the posted agenda, the board cannot take action or discuss the public comments other than the Board President briefly acknowledging the comments.” (EGUSD Governance Handbook)
- Approximately between 7:00 pm and 7:20 pm, all Public Comments may be made On All Items that are on the Board Agenda. The Board will close Public Comments on all items at the times designated above, unless the end time for public comments is adjusted for a longer period of time by the Board. Please note that the Board may comment and ask clarifying questions related to public comments made on items on the agenda.
- If a member of the public wishes to address an item on the agenda that is scheduled prior to the public comment section of the meeting, the comments will be heard at the time the item is presented to the Board.
- Requests for public comment via Zoom must be received by 4:30 p.m. the day of the board meeting. Zoom comments will be heard within the same timeframe of the in-person public comments as listed above.
The link to the Zoom audio public comment form can be found on the District’s website:
Agency designated representatives: Christopher R. Hoffman, David Reilly, Robert Pierce, Karen Rezendes Employee Organizations: All Elk Grove Unified School District Bargaining Units and Unrepresented Employees
Student Board Representatives |
Student Board Representatives from Elk Grove, Pleasant Grove and Rio Cazadero high schools will present updates and provide the Board with information regarding ongoing academics and activities from their school sites. |
Amy Besler |
The Board is asked to recognize the CyberPatriot team from Franklin High School for their achievement at the State and National CyberPatriot events. |
The CyberPatriot program was created by the Air Force Association (AFA) to inspire K-12 students toward careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. At the center of the CyberPatriot program is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition Finals. This competition puts teams of high school and middle school students in the position of newly hired IT professionals tasked with managing the network of a small company. During competition, teams are given a set of virtual images that represent operating systems and are tasked with finding cybersecurity vulnerabilities within the images and strengthening the system, all while maintaining critical services. Teams compete for top placement within their states and regions. The team advanced from the state competition round in January to the national semi-finals in February and to the national finals in March 2022 in the CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Defense Competition. At the National Competition, the team won the AT&T Component Challenge and placed second in both the Overall Network Challenge Open Division and Cisco Networking Challenge Open Division. The Board is asked to recognize Coach Chris Shuping and Franklin High School’s CyberPatriot team, “Half Dome,” for their outstanding accomplishments.
Xanthi Soriano |
The Board of Education is requested to approve Resolution No.56, 2021-2022, which proclaims the period from April 18-29, 2022, as High School Voter Education Weeks. |
The California Education Code designates the last two weeks of April as High School Voter Education Weeks. We want to ensure that our students are learning to become active and engaged participants in our democracy. We strongly encourage EGUSD high schools to participate in High School Voter Education Weeks, April 18 through 29, 2022. Let's help get our students on the path to a lifetime of civic engagement and voting. |
Resolution No. 56
All items listed on the consent agenda will be acted upon by one motion, without discussion. Should any item need to be considered separately, that item will be pulled for discussion/action.
Amreek Singh |
The Board is requested to approve the attached list of personnel changes as indicated in the actions below. |
CERTIFICATED: New Hire(s) [4] Leave(s) of Absence Rehire(s) Resignation(s) Retirement(s) CLASSIFIED:
New Hire(s) [19] Leave(s) of Absence Probationary Release(s) Promotion(s) Resignation(s) Retirement(s) Status Change(s)
No Fiscal Impact |
Amreek Singh |
The Board is asked to approve the revised job description for Director of School Improvement Support (SIS), previously titled Director- Learning Support Services. |
This is an update to the Director-Learning Support Services job description.
The Department of School Improvement Support (SIS) will take a lead role in developing and implementing a comprehensive approach to continuous school improvement, providing coaching and support to school leaders who are responsible for continuous improvement processes and collaborating with other departments to ensure consistent implementation of programs.
The Director, Continuous Improvement Support Leaders and Program Specialists in SIS will coordinate with Elementary Education, Secondary Education and other Departments in Education Services to provide professional learning and professional development. This professional learning and professional development will be targeted towards principals, vice principals, teacher leaders and support staff that are critical to the improvement process. Class description, salary schedule and department org chart are attached.
No Fiscal Impact. |
Job Description - Director of School Improvement Support (SIS) Management Salary Schedule #18 and #28 Org Chart - Education Services and Schools
Amreek Singh |
Board is asked to approve the revised job description for Program Specialist- School Improvement Support (SIS); previously titled Program Specialist – Learning Support Services. |
This is an update to the Program Specialist-Learning Support Services job description.
The Department of School Improvement Support (SIS) will take a lead role in developing and implementing a comprehensive approach to continuous school improvement, providing coaching and support to school leaders who are responsible for continuous improvement processes and collaborating with other departments to ensure consistent implementation of programs.
The Director, Continuous Improvement Support Leaders ((CISL) and Program Specialists in SIS will coordinate with Elementary Education, Secondary Education and other Departments in Education Services to provide professional learning and professional development. This professional learning and professional development will be targeted towards principals, vice principals, teacher leaders and support staff that are critical to the improvement process. Class description, salary schedule and department org chart are attached.
No Fiscal Impact. |
Job Description - Program Specialist- School Improvement Support (SIS) Management Salary Schedule #18 and #28 Org Chart - Education Services and Schools
Amreek Singh |
The Board is asked to approve the new job description for Continuous Improvement Support Leader (CISL) |
The Department of School Improvement Support (SIS) will take a lead role in developing and implementing a comprehensive approach to continuous school improvement, providing coaching and support to school leaders who are responsible for continuous improvement processes and collaborating with other departments to ensure consistent implementation of programs.
The Director, Continuous Improvement Support Leaders and Program Specialists in SIS will coordinate with Elementary Education, Secondary Education and other Departments in Education Services to provide professional learning and professional development. This professional learning and professional development will be targeted towards principals, vice principals, teacher leaders and support staff that are critical to the improvement process.
This new job description is funded through ESSER. Class description, salary schedule and department org chart are attached.
No Fiscal Impact. |
Job Description - Continuous Improvement Support Leader (CISL) Management Salary Schedule #18 and #28 Org Chart - Education Services and Schools
Shannon Hayes |
The Board of Education is asked to accept the following donations to the District’s schools/programs. |
Please see attachment |
Value of Gifts: $1,245.00 |
Acceptance of Gifts
Shannon Hayes |
The Board is asked to ratify grant contracts/agreements to receive funding for categorical programs in accordance with agency applications which have been signed by authorized district staff. |
See attached |
Grant Contracts/Agreements for Funding
Shannon Hayes |
The Board is asked to ratify contracts for services that have been signed by authorized district staff in accordance with Board Policy 3312-Contracts |
Under current Board Policy 3312 “contracts under the bid limits can be approved by the Designated Personnel, subject to Board ratification. Amendments to contracts, including construction contract change orders both under and over bid limits, may be approved by the Designated Personnel, subject to Board ratification.” Staff recommends that the Board ratify the contracts on the attached sheet, which are under the bid limit of $99,100 and have been approved by authorized district staff. Copies of the contracts are on file with Finance & School Support should you wish to review them in detail. |
Please see funding information provided on attached schedule. |
Contracts List 040522
Shannon Hayes |
The Board of Education is asked to approve purchase order encumbrance modifications from March 8, 2022 – March 21, 2022. |
The purchase order encumbrance modification history from March 8, 2022 – March 21, 2022 is listed below. The originals are on file in Fiscal Services if you wish to review them. Modifications: Fund | Purchase Orders Modified | Purchase Order Modification Costs | 01 General Fund | 32 | $503,126.46 | 11 Adult Education Fund | 1 | $2,000.00 | 13 Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund | 2 | $32,500.00 | 21 Building Fund | 1 | $2,797.00 |
| Total Modifications | 36 | $540,423.46 | |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the disposal of Obsolete/Surplus Property. |
Pursuant to Education Code Section §39521, the Board of Education is asked to authorize Bobbi Hew, Director of Purchasing & Warehouse to surplus and/or dispose of these items. All computers have been deemed uneconomical to repair by the Technology Services Department. Per Technology Services, all sensitive data and/or licenses have been removed from hard drives prior to being picked up from the department/site. To date, we have had no interest from local non-profits requesting computers that could be refurbished and redistributed to students of need. Since most usable parts are removed prior to disposal, these items are of little use. Records of these items are in the Purchasing & Warehouse Department should you need to review them. Computers | 69 | | Monitors | 15 | Audio-Visual | 7 | | Printers/Scanners | 6 | Misc. Computer Equipment | 0 | | Network Equipment | 0 | Classroom/Office Furniture & Equipment | 238 | | Misc. Appliances/Equipment | 2 | Food & Nutrition Services Equipment | 0 | | Maintenance/Custodial Equipment | 0 | Obsolete Instructional Materials | 4000 | | Safety & Security Equipment | 45 |
No income is anticipated to be received by the district for these items. However any income that is received will go into the General Fund. |
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the purchase of (19) Transit Buses, (8) Special Needs Buses and (1) Wheelchair Bus cooperatively through the Waterford Unified School District Bid #01/22. |
The Elk Grove Unified School District’s Transportation Department is requesting to purchase (19) transit buses each with (81) student capacity, A/C and air purifiers; (1) transit bus that is wheelchair capable, with A/C and air purifiers; and (8) special needs buses that are propane powered and equipped with A/C and air purifiers. These buses have been made available cooperatively through the Waterford Unified School District Bid #01/22. Documentation is located in the Purchasing Department for further review if necessary. Public Code Section §20118 provides a statutory exception to the competitive bidding requirements set forth in the Public Contract Code by allowing districts to utilize cooperative bids secured by other districts or public entities for the purchase of materials, supplies, and equipment. Vendor | Quantity | Description | Total Amount | A-Z Bus Sales | 1 | Blue Bird T3RE 3904 Transit Buses with Wheelchair Lift, A/C & Air Purifiers | $204,986.13 | A-Z Bus Sales | 19 | Blue Bird T3RE 3904 Transit Buses with A/C & Air Purifiers | $3,807,667.64 | A-Z Bus Sales | 8 | Blue Bird BBCV 2610 Propane Powered Special Needs Buses with A/C & Air Purifiers | $1,404,496.24 | |
Funding will come from COVID-19 Relief funding consistent with the Board approved ESSER Plan. This expenditure and use of the funding has been approved by California Department of Education. |
Robert Pierce |
It is recommended that (1) the Board of Education approve authorization to utilize CMAS 4-20-78-0089C/General Services Administration (GSA) Contract #47QSMA20D08P7, for Non-Information Technology Commodities, with KYA Services, LLC, and (2) authorize a District Representative to sign and approve these services. |
The District intends to install water bottle filler stations for student use. To streamline project delivery and maintain continuity and consistency of products and installation, Staff recommends water bottle fillers stations be purchased and installed using a cooperative or “piggybackable” contract. Use of these contracts meets competitive bidding requirements and allow California public agencies to achieve greater cost savings.
CMAS Contract #4-20-78-0089C (valid 02/26/2020-02/10/2025)/General Services Administration (GSA) Contract #47QSMA20D08P7 (valid through February 10, 2025), was awarded to KYA Services, LLC, for Non-Information Technology Commodities. The contracts, also known as a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS), are cooperative or "piggybackable" contracts which contain cooperative purchase language that allows other public agencies to utilize it as required by provision 20118 of the Public Contract Code.
KYA Services, LLC is a solutions-driven company specializing in sports fields, athletic courts, resilient surfacing, classroom beautification and sustainable plantscapes supported by project management, design, general contracting, and maintenance services.
It is staff’s determination that the District would derive more benefit by utilizing this cooperative contract than to seek separate bids for each of the District’s school sites where water bottle fillers are needed.
Staff recommends approval to utilize KYA’s GSA contract for water bottle fillers and specifically recommends approval to issue a contract to KYA Services, LLC in the amount of $454,177.46 at the following school sites: (attached) |
Funded with Covid-19 Relief funds. |
Water Bottle Filling Stations - School Sites
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to (1) approve Change Order No. 1 with ICU Technologies, Inc., and (2) authorize a District Representative to sign the approved change order. |
On August 10, 2021, the Board of Education awarded a contract to ICU Technologies, Inc., for the Security System Upgrade Project – Group 5 project. Change Order No. 1 consists of one (1) item and changes the contract amount of $14,422,549.38 by $23,430.27.00 to $14,445,979.65. The complete change order with backup is on file in the Facilities and Planning Department for review. (See Attachment 1) Attachment 2 provides detailed information on distribution of change order requests between Contractor and District. |
Funded with Measure M funds. |
Attachment 1 Attachment 2
Craig Murray |
The Board is asked to review and approve the contract in the amount of $180,000 with the Golden 1 Center for the 2022 comprehensive high school graduations. |
The attached contract covers the facility use of the Golden 1 Center for the 2022 graduations for the nine comprehensive high schools. The base fee for use of the facility will be $180,000 plus additional fees. Additional fees for Golden 1 Center will include: International Alliance of the Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSA) staffing, lighting, and catering. The final amount will be outlined in a final invoice and paid by the District in addition to this $180,000 base fee. Per this agreement, the Elk Grove Unified School District will have use of Golden 1 Center from Sunday, May 22 through Wednesday, May 25, 2022 for initial set-up, graduation, and break-down of District-owned equipment and supplies. The 2022 schedule for high school graduations is: Date | School | Time | Monday, May 23, 2022 | Monterey Trail High School | 11:00 a.m. | Monday, May 23, 2022 | Cosumnes Oaks High School | 3:00 p.m. | Monday, May 23, 2022 | Laguna Creek High School | 7:00 p.m. | Tuesday, May 24, 2022 | Florin High School | 11:00 a.m. | Tuesday, May 24, 2022 | Valley High School | 3:00 p.m. | Tuesday, May 24, 2022 | Pleasant Grove High School | 7:00 p.m. | Wednesday, May 25, 2022 | Sheldon High School | 11:00 a.m. | Wednesday, May 25, 2022 | Elk Grove High School | 3:00 p.m. | Wednesday, May 25, 2022 | Franklin High School | 7:00 p.m. | |
- $180,000 for use of Golden 1 Center Facility
- Additional cost, based on final invoice, tentatively $22, 000
Golden 1 Center Contract for 2022 High School Graduations
Craig Murray |
The Board of Education is asked to approve the out-of-state field trip listed below. |
As part of its consent agenda, the Board is asked to approve the following out-of-state field trip: School | Field Trip Destination | Field Trip Purpose | Dates of Trip | Franklin High School | University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon | Track & Field Invitational | 04/21-24/22 |
Steve Mate |
The Board of Education is asked to authorize staff to purchase 17,200 Chromebooks cases and installation services utilizing the Sourcewell contract #081419 awarded to CDW-G. |
To help with accidental damage with students bringing Chromebooks to and from school daily, cases will be installed on every new Chromebook in the 2022/2023 school year for grades 1, 5, and 9 prior to being assigned. Approximately 10-15% of Chromebooks of EGUSD Chromebooks suffer some type of damage. The cases should help prevent accidental damage, keeping the device working longer and reducing staff time for repairs. |
Funded with board approved state/federal funding targeting integrated services that support teaching and learning including student and staff technology needs. Cost of services and equipment approximately: $460,000 |
Mathew Espinosa/Mark Cerutti |
The Board of Education is requested to receive information on existing parent groups at District and site levels. |
The following Race and Educational Equity Progress Report is part of a series of reports aiming to regularly inform the public of the ongoing work in EGUSD to advance racial justice and educational equity. The focus of this report is on existing opportunities for families, students, and community members to engage in advocacy for educational equity at our schools and across the District. The report will detail District-wide opportunities for engagement as well as provide examples of school-specific programs. |
Race & Educational Equity Update
Robert Pierce |
The Board of Education is asked to authorize the District to enter into Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District Lower Emission Vehicle Incentive Program Agreement to purchase 7 (seven) all electric school buses; and, authorize Robert Pierce, Deputy Superintendent, Business Services and Facilities and Kenneth Black, Director of Transportation to execute all necessary documents to implement and complete the grant project including the Bus Order Contract with Creative Bus Sales. |
The Elk Grove Unified School District operates one of the cleanest quality fleets in California, with a continued goal and commitment of improving air quality for our students and the community. The fleet includes buses powered by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Propane fuels as well as Electric buses. The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD) established the Lower Emission Vehicle Incentive Program (LEVIP), which provides incentives to fleet operators for the purchase of low-emission on-road motor vehicles. District administration has been working with SMAQMD Staff regarding significant LEVIP grant opportunities available to the District. Based on this work Administration is recommending that the District once again participate in the LEVIP for the purchase of additional electric school buses. As a part of this continued grant program opportunity and the District’s eligibility, the District is now able to receive/purchase 7 (seven) new zero-emission, battery-electric school buses. These buses will provide improved air quality and state of the art equipment to our students and staff while also modernizing our bus fleet. If authorized by the Board, the District would receive approximately $1,910,000 in LEVIP grant funds towards the purchase of 7 additional electric buses. The District’s financial commitment to satisfy and receive the grant funding opportunity is approximately $576,817 from budgeted and available non-general fund dollars for the purposes of enhancing or repairing transportation vehicles. |
Approximately $1,910,000 in grant funding from the SMAQMD LEVIP and approximately $576,817 from budgeted and available non-general fund dollars for the purposes of enhancing or repairing transportation vehicles. |
2022 Grant Contract Complete BOC
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability requiring special assistance to access the Zoom board meeting, access and complete the Google Public Comments Cards, or to access written documents discussed at the Board meeting that are available on the District’s website, please contact Ludi Avalos at (916) 686-7700. Notification of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Zoom board meeting and to provide disability-related accommodation, auxiliary aids or services.
Documents provided to a majority of the Governing Board regarding an open session item on this agenda will be posted online attached to the board agenda for public inspection. |
Published: April 1, 2022, 2:23 PM